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深圳福田无瓣海桑+海桑-秋茄人工林结构的研究   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6       下载免费PDF全文
深圳福田自然保护区天然林前缘种植无瓣海桑、海桑、秋茄的试验表明,7a后,群落明显分为乔木层、幼树层和幼苗层3层。乔木层的无瓣海桑、海桑、秋茄的平均高分别为9.1、8.06、2.89m。在群落形成过程中,物种多样性先下降,后上升,并超过种植时的多样性;无瓣海桑和海桑的死亡率第1年最高,后趋于稳定,秋茄的死亡率最高是第4年,后趋于降低;7年生时无瓣海桑、海桑、秋茄的存活率分别为56.3%、51%、39%。无瓣海桑和海桑的高度和地径的生长速度明显比秋茄快。  相似文献   

无瓣海桑对乡土红树植物的化感作用   总被引:19,自引:0,他引:19       下载免费PDF全文
以外来种无瓣海桑为供体,通过室内栽培实验探讨了无瓣海桑各器官水浸液的不同浓度(即0 1、0 2、0 3、0 4、0 5g·mL-1)对我国4个乡土红树植物的化感作用。结果表明:无瓣海桑对各乡土红树植物均存在化感作用,对胚轴萌发的影响大于对幼苗生长的影响;除最低浓度外,不同浓度的各器官水浸液均能明显抑制各乡土红树植物的萌发,且随着浓度增大抑制作用增强;所有水浸液均表现出高浓度下抑制幼苗生长,随着浓度的降低抑制作用减弱,甚至转为促进的规律;各器官的水浸液对各乡土红树植物的萌发和幼苗生长的抑制作用为:果>根>凋落叶;高浓度时,无瓣海桑的各器官水浸液对不同受体红树植物的幼苗生长抑制强度不同。  相似文献   

深水裸滩红树植物与落羽杉生长适应性研究   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
对深水裸滩几种红树植物及沼生植物落羽杉的生长适应性研究结果表明:(1)红树植物无瓣海桑与落羽杉的成活率和生长速度较接近,远超过桐花树、秋茄和木榄,证明无瓣海桑和落羽杉对于深水裸滩的生长适应能力较强,具有速生特性;(2)随滩面高度的降低,海水淹浸时间的增加,红树植物和落羽杉的成活率及生长速度有下降的趋势。在滩面高度低于-0.9m时,落羽杉成活和生长极差,各种红树植物则无法成活和生长。落羽杉的耐淹浸能力最强,其次为无瓣海桑,桐花树较差,秋茄和木榄最差;(3)在同一生长地红树植物与落羽杉的生长指标间存在一定的相关性。无瓣海桑与落羽杉之间的生长相关性最为明显,各生长指标间基本上都表现出极显著的相关性,而桐花树、秋茄、木榄与落羽杉的毕长相关性较差。  相似文献   

红树林是热带、亚热带海岸潮间带的木本植物群落,它是海湾河口地区生态系统最重要的生产者,对保护海湾河口地区的生态平衡起着十分重要的作用。湿地植物生物量是衡量湿地生态系统健康状况的重要标志。红树林生物量的研究,对于了  相似文献   

我国最北缘秋茄红树林引种试验调查   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
通过对秋茄红树林引种试验调查,结果表明:秋茄红树林的成活生长与造林地的地被物、潮汐、造林技术、地理纬度、气候因子及种苗的质量资源有关。通过引种,秋茄红树林对盐度的适应范围扩大,对适应的纬度有提高31°01′33″,可耐最低气温-5.1℃。  相似文献   

珠海淇澳岛主要红树林树种抗寒性研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为比较珠海淇澳岛红树林自然保护区13个红树林树种的抗寒能力,采用低温胁迫处理后测算树种叶片相对电导率和低温半致死温度(LT50)。结果表明:抗寒性由低到高顺序依次为海桑(Sonneratia caseolaris)、木榄(Bruguiera gymnorrhiza)、无瓣海桑(海南)(S. apetala(Hainan))、老鼠簕(Acanthus ilicifolius)、水黄皮(Pongamia pinnata)、杨叶肖槿(Thespesia populnea)、无瓣海桑(珠海)(S. apetala(Zhuhai))、卤蕨(Acrostichum aureum,)、桐花树(Aegiceras corniculatum)、银叶树(Heritiera littoralis)、海漆(Excoecariat agallocha)、黄槿(Hibiscus tiliaceus)、海芒果(Cerbera manghas)、秋茄(Kandelia candel)。  相似文献   

雷州半岛无瓣海桑适生土壤调查研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在雷州半岛红树林设置样地,调查无瓣海桑等5种群落林木生长及土壤性状。结果表明:土壤性状是影响无瓣海桑生长的重要因素,含盐量低的酸性泥质滩涂更利于无瓣海桑的生长,无瓣海桑对土壤具有一定的改良作用。  相似文献   

This study aims to establish allometric models and estimate aboveground biomass (AGB) of mangroves Rhizophoraceae in the Southeast Sulawesi, Indonesia. Allometric models of the AGB of mangroves Rhizophora apiculata, R. mucronata, and Ceriops tagal were established using independent variables consisting stem diameter at 30 cm from the ground (D30), diameter at breast height (DBH), D302H and DBH2H. The AGB of mangroves was estimated by applying allometric model and tree census. The results showed that the best fitting allometric models of AGB for R. apiculata is based on variable DBH, while DBH2H is the best variable for R. mucronata trees. Conversely, the D30 is the best variable for estimating AGB of C. tagal trees. Thus, there is some variation of independent variables on allometric models for the estimation of AGB for Rhizophoraceae mangroves. The AGB (ton ha?1) of R. apiculata, R. mucronata, and C. tagal was estimated respective 651.60, 232.11 and 154.56 in the protected area, and respective 137.59, 189.35 and 39.06 ton ha?1 in the unprotected area. Higher AGB of mangroves growing in the protected area indicated the suitable condition and undisturbed by human activities. The conservation of mangroves is necessary for the sustainability of mangroves and coastal ecosystems in the Coral Triangle ecoregion.  相似文献   

2008年初,广东深圳福田红树植物遭受了近五十年来最为严重的低温寒害,引种红树及本地红树物种都受到了不同程度的影响,主要表现在叶片枯萎、树干折断,植物种群相对多度及密度改变。文章在2008年度冻害调查的基础上,2009、2010年对该片红树植物开展了恢复状况和生长现状调查,结果表明:(1)引种树种恢复的状况在不同物种之间有所差异,引种海桑、无瓣海桑在冻害后一度得到良好恢复;木榄生长良好,也有新枝萌发,受冻害影响较小;海莲大多数死亡,从原有的47株减少到目前的12株;澳洲白骨壤生长良好;(2)乡土树种恢复良好,秋茄、桐花树和白骨壤都可正常生长;(3)由于海桑、无瓣海桑受害严重,管理人员对其大树和幼苗进行了人工清理,目前保护区内海桑、无瓣海桑数目急剧减少。  相似文献   

番禺地区引种种植红树林的研究   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:4       下载免费PDF全文
试图从理论和实践上解决6广东翻禺地区人们一直关心的“可否利用当地滩涂构建多用途的生态公益红树林体系”的问题,提出了在构建过程中的合理化建议,首先从多个理论角度论证在广东番禺地区引种种植红树林可以取得成功,然后通过在3个地点营造4个树种、遍布14.2km长的潮滩带、总面积达13.7hm^2的试验林进行实际检验,结果表明:实际试种检验结果与理论分析结论基本吻合,几个树种的保存率和生长情况与我国其它红树林主要分布地区相同树种的情况相当;适宜当地发展红树林的较佳树种为无瓣海桑、秋茄和木榄,适合它们生存的滩面高程分别为相对于海平面-0.8m,-0.74m和-0.43m以上。本文可作为当地有关政府部门发展红树林的一个决策依据,同时,也可为珠江三角洲沿岸抗议红树林提供参考。  相似文献   

漳江口红树林国家级自然保护区无瓣海桑的扩散现状研究   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
通过对漳江口红树林自然保护区无瓣海桑分布现状进行研究,结果表明:(1)漳江口红树林国家级自然保护区内的无瓣海桑尚处于扩散的早期阶段,个体数量呈逐年增长趋势;(2)中游咸淡水交汇区是无瓣海桑分布较集中的区域,且多沿潮沟生长分布;(3)无瓣海桑和乡土红树植物的生态位重叠;(4)保护区内无瓣海桑幼苗主要来源于自然扩散。  相似文献   

通过对互花米草切割试验,以及在互花米草切割迹地上进行红树恢复试验研究,结果表明:切割对互花米草的萌生株数影响不明显;腋芽数随活根生物量的增加而增加;在互花米草迹地立地条件下造林,1年生木榄裸根苗比1年生的秋茄、桐花树裸根苗更适合;秋茄1年生裸根苗造林最适密度为100 cm×100 cm;秋茄胚轴造林最佳密度为50 cm×50 cm,其次为75 cm×75 cm。  相似文献   

In 1987–89 the CATIE-GTZ Agroforestry Project set up experiments with five timber tree species planted in single lines on twelve farm boundaries in cooperation with local farmers. When the trees were five years old, their height, diameter and total stem volume were: Acacia mangium 17 m, 19 cm and 67 m3 km–1, Cordia alliodora 14 m, 20 cm and 46 m3 km–1, Eucalyptus deglupta 22 m, 24 cm and 85 m3 km–1, Tectona grandis 17 m, 20 m and 64 m3 km–1, Terminalia ivorensis 18 m, 23 cm and 104 m3 km–1. Considering these excellent growth rates, planting of Cordia alliodora, Eucalyptus deglupta and Tectona grandis in lines on farm boundaries should be promoted. T. ivorensis and A. mangium are not recommendable for sites with impeded drainage because of mortality caused by root rot, mostly due to Rosellinia sp.  相似文献   

Mangroves offer a number of ecosystem goods and services, including carbon (C) storage. As a carbon pool, mangroves could be a source of CO2 emissions as a result of human activities such as deforestation and forest degradation. Conversely, mangroves may act as a CO2 sink through biomass accumulation. This study aimed to determine carbon stocks, harvest removals and productivity of mangrove forests of mainland Tanzania. Nine species were recorded in mainland Tanzania, among them Avicennia marina (Forssk.) Vierh., Rhizophora mucronata Lam. (31%) and Ceriops tagal (Perr.) C.B.Rob. (20%) were dominant. The aboveground, dead wood, belowground and total carbon were 33.5 ± 5.8 Mg C ha?1, 1.2 ± 1.1 (2% of total carbon), 30.0 ± 4.5 Mg C ha?1 (46% of total carbon) and 64.7 ± 8.4 Mg C ha?1 at 95% confidence level, respectively. Carbon harvest removals accounted for loss of about 4% of standing total carbon stocks annually. Results on the productivity of mangrove forests (using data from permanent sample plots monitored for four years [1995-1998]) showed an overall carbon increment of 5.6 Mg C ha?1 y?1 (aboveground carbon), 4.1 C ha?1 y?1 (belowground carbon) and 9.7 C ha?1 y?1 (total carbon) at 23%, 32% and 27% levels of uncertainty, respectively. Both natural death and tree cutting/harvest removals resulted in significant decline of annual carbon productivity. Findings from this study demonstrate that mangroves store large quantities of carbon and are more productive than other dominant forest formations in southern Africa. Both their deforestation and forest degradation, therefore, is likely to contribute to large quantities of emission and loss of carbon sink functionality. Therefore, mangroves need to be managed sustainably.  相似文献   

绿黄枯叶蛾Trabala vishnou Lefebure是红树林植物无瓣海桑Sonneratia apetala Buch-Ham的重要害虫,为制定科学的防治指标和防治策略,对该虫的取食行为和取食量进行了初步的研究。结果表明:绿黄枯叶蛾幼虫喜食无瓣海桑、尾巨桉,拒食秋茄、桐花树;幼虫5龄,1~3龄幼虫具有聚集性,4龄幼虫开始分散取食;1~2龄幼虫取食量少,3~5龄取食量占整个幼虫期取食量的98.12%,其中5龄幼虫的取食量占整个幼虫期取食量的74.52%;幼虫期平均取食无辨海桑叶片178.94 cm2/头,确定防治指标为9.8头/千叶。  相似文献   


The distribution of Phyllostachys pubescens, introduced to Japan from China in 1736, has been expanding. The expansion was studied in Tanabe Town, Kyoto Pref., Central Japan. Long term expansion was traced using a topographic map, a land-use map and aerial photographs. Within the research region (21.35 km2), the number and total area of bamboo sites increased from 24 and 0.16 km2 in 1953 to 174 and 3.04 km2 in 1985. By contrast, the total area of tree sites decreased from 12.2 km2 in 1953 to 8.5 km2 in 1985. The average area of bamboo sites also increased from 0.67 ha in 1953 to 1.75 ha in 1985. The average rates of the current expansion, measured by censusing current and old culms in the front of 10 unmanaged bamboo sites, were 2.1 m yr-1. Stand structure was detailed in a transitional area from a pure stand of P. pubescensto a mixed broadleaved forest. Stand structure was simpler in the area dominated by P. pubescens.Culms off! pubescenswere larger in the pure stand, and variations in DBH and height were smaller for the bamboo than for the trees in each sample site. P. pubescenshad a greater average crown length and higher canopy position. These traits allow P. pubescensto invade adjacent forests, form a uniform monolayer of foliage, and dominate competing vegetation. There was no evidence of seedling regeneration under the bamboo. More than two-thirds of the Japanese forest is secondary growth or young plantations of conifers, and in most of these, canopy height is lower than that of P. pubescens.The continuous area increment in bamboo from 1953 to 1985, positive current expansion rate in the front of unmanaged bamboo stands and the advantageous stand structure of bamboo suggest that the range expansion of P. pubescensin the secondary forest will continue in the future.  相似文献   

Mangroves as a coastal protection from waves in the Tong King delta,Vietnam   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
The wave reduction (wave period; 5–8 sec.) was investigated in amangrove reforestation area (Kandelia candel) close toaquaculture ponds in the Tong King delta, Vietnam.On one site where only young mangrove trees grew, the wavereduction due to the drag force on the trees was hardlyeffective. On the other site where mangrove trees weresufficiently tall, the rate of wave reduction per 100 m was aslarge as 20%. Due to the high density of vegetation distributedthroughout the whole water depth, the effect of wave reductionwas large even when the water depth increased. These resultsdemonstrate the usefulness of mangrove reforestation for coastalprotection.  相似文献   

This research reports the major results from an evaluation of the first Nordic operational stand-based forest inventory using airborne laser scanner data. Laser data from a forest area of 250 km2 were used to predict six biophysical stand variables used in forest planning. The predictions were based on regression equations estimated from 250 m2 field training plots distributed systematically throughout the forest area. Test plots with an approximate size of 0.1–0.4 ha were used for validation. The testing revealed standard deviations between ground-truth values and predicted values of 0.36–1.37 m (1.9–7.6%) for mean height, 0.70–1.55 m (3.0–7.6%) for dominant height, 2.38–4.88 m2 ha?1 (7.8–14.2%) for basal area and 13.9–45.9 m3 ha?1 (6.5–13.4%) for stand volume. No serious bias was detected.  相似文献   

This study examined riparian forest and instream large wood characteristics in a 2.7 km reach of the West Branch of the Sheepscot River in Maine in order to increase our basic knowledge of these components in a system that is known to have undergone multiple land conversion. The West Branch is approximately 40 km long, drains a 132 km2 watershed and is vitally important to the remnant population of Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) and other native species. The riparian forest is comprised of relatively small trees with a mean DBH of 21 cm (SD ± 10.92) with 56% of the trees having a DBH <20 cm. Balsam fir (Abies balsamea) and red maple (Acer rubrum) are the most common species (54%), and 75% of all trees are short-lived, small diameter species. These data suggest the riparian forest in the West Branch Sheepscot River is dominated by young forest stands, a legacy of land use. During a survey conducted in 2005, 210 pieces of large woody debris (LWD) were identified in the study reach; an average of 78 pieces km−1. The total volume of pieces was 8.5 m3 or 3.2 m3 km−1 (LWD in this study is defined as pieces ≥10 cm in diameter and >2 m in length). The mean diameter of LWD was 17 cm with 75% of all pieces having a diameter <20 cm. Most pieces were oriented parallel or nearly parallel to the channel and did not appear to influence channel morphology. In contrast, larger pieces were more often in perpendicular or nearly perpendicular orientations, and were more likely to have a pool-forming function. Overall, the reach has low levels of stable large wood, which do not have a major influence on stream habitats.  相似文献   

The geographical distribution and the abundance of Moose(Alces alces)popula-tion were studied in Northeastern China between 1985 and 1987,309 trails on the snow crossingthe 2,446km sampling lines were counted.The Moose range had been shrunked to northwest for100-200 km since 1976,and at present they covered an area about 190,000 km~2.The densitiesvaried from 0.0187 Mooses/km~2 to 0.1226 Mooses/km~2 and the average was 0.0519Mooses/km~2.The Moose population size was 9,955±397 Mooses(α=0.2,P=84.5%),about7000 of them was distributed in Daxinganling Mountains and the others were in XiaoxinganlingMountains.The present population had decreased to 53.4%in 1976,and the annual decreaserate was 6.27%.At present,Moose population is likely rare in China and should be strictly pro-tected.  相似文献   

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