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以棉秆为原料,采用喷蒸热压法研制无胶碎料板,探讨板的密度、蒸汽压力及喷蒸时间对棉秆无胶碎料板的物理力学性能的影响.结果表明:在试验范围内,随着板密度增大,无胶碎料板的静曲强度、弹性模量与内结合强度明显提高;提高蒸汽压力及延长喷蒸时间,能明显降低无胶碎料板的吸水厚度膨胀率.  相似文献   

喷蒸真空热压水溶性酚醛胶杨木大片刨花板   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
我国防水人造板生产目前普遍采用酚醛树脂胶(PF),热压周期长,生产效率低。笔者采用南京林业大学饱和蒸汽喷蒸试验压机,压制水溶性PF胶杨木大片刨花板。结果表明,采用喷蒸真空热压(SIVP)技术,热压时间可缩短到传统热压的35%左右;板的吸水厚度膨胀率(TS)缩小33%;在相同施胶量下,板的内结合强度(IB)提高的15%,同时甲醛释放量降低约24%;但板的抗弯性能有较大幅度的下降;此外,板材芯层最低密度值比传统热压的板增高,断面密度分布趋于均匀。  相似文献   

该研究采用传统热压和喷蒸热压两种方法来生产杨木刨花板.刨花板内施加10%的脲醛树脂胶(UF),目标厚度分别取10,15,20,和25mm,热压温度均为180℃.喷蒸热压时饱和蒸汽的压力为0.3~0.5MPa,每种厚度下喷汽时间一定,取两个热压时间;传统热压时每种厚度下各取4个热压时间.然后测定试件的吸水厚度膨胀率、吸水率、密度、含水率及力学性能.本文重点讨论了喷蒸热压对杨木刨花板尺寸稳定性的影响.结论认为:喷蒸热压相对于传统热压,在保证刨花板的强度、缩短热压时间的条件下,明显改善了杨木刨花板的尺寸稳定性.  相似文献   

不同热压方法对无胶竹碎料板力学性能影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
分别采用普通热压和喷蒸热压两种热压方法制备了无胶竹碎料板,对它们的物理力学性能进行了对比研究与分析.结果表明,与普通热压法相比,喷蒸热压法制备的无胶竹碎料板的静曲强度、弹性模量与内结合强度明显提高,吸水厚度膨胀率显著减小,这可能是因为两种热压法热压过程中竹碎料发生的化学变化不同所致.  相似文献   

该研究以杂种毛白杨无性系(PopulustomentosaBL)4年生幼龄格为原料,应用喷蒸坟和传统热压两种方法来生产杨木刨花板.刨花板内施胶量为10%的脲醛树脂胶(UF),目标厚度分别取10,15,20,25mm,热压温度固定在180℃.喷蒸热压时所用饱和蒸汽的压力为03~05MPa,每种厚度下喷时间一定,取两个压时间;传统热压时每种厚度下各取4个热压时间.然后测定刨花板试件的力学强度和物理性能.在这部分里,主要讨论了责任中热压法生产的刨花板的静曲强度和内结合强度.结论为:相对于传统热压法,喷蒸热压可以明显缩短杨木刨花板生产所需的热压时间,而且使刨花板具有优异的内结合强度;但是,它对饱花板的静曲强度并没有显著影响  相似文献   

单板层积材喷蒸热压的初步探讨   总被引:7,自引:1,他引:6  
探讨了喷蒸热压制作杉木单板层积材的工艺。研究了热压温度、热压时间、喷蒸时间和涂胶量对单板层积材性能 的影响。结果表明,喷蒸热压可有效缩短杉木单板层积材的热压时间,且制品性能较好。  相似文献   

喷蒸热压刨花板断面密度分布的研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
通过喷蒸热压工艺与常规热压工艺压制刨花板的试验结果,分析了刨花板断面密度分布情况与刨花板性能的关系,验证了喷蒸热压工艺的优点。  相似文献   

蒸汽喷蒸热压是近年来研究开发的一种热压新技术,它可以提高中密度纤维板和刨花板的生产效率,保证产品质量,减少能耗,降低成本,在中密度纤维板和刨花板生产中具有广阔的应用前景.1蒸汽喷蒸方法简介 运用蒸汽喷蒸技术的热压机具有较特殊的结构,即热压机的压板表面上钻有直径为3mm左右且按一定规律排列的蒸汽喷射孔.为防止细小纤维和刨花堵塞蒸汽喷射孔,压板上垫有防腐蚀、防氧化的金属网垫.网垫的边部用橡皮密封,以防止蒸汽泄漏(见图1). 当压机闭合且板坯被压缩后,通过压板上的蒸汽喷射孔向板坯内喷射具有一定温度和压力的水蒸汽,水蒸汽从板坯表面冲向芯层,对纤维和刨花加  相似文献   

纤维板喷蒸热压传热传质规律研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
采用喷蒸热压方式对中低密度纤维板坯进行热压,测定并记录热压过程中板坯中心层开始升温的时间、达到100℃的时间、稳定温度及达到稳定温度的时间、热压结束后板坯的含水率;分析蒸汽压力、目标厚度、目标密度、热压温度及板坯含水率对其影响,得出了中低密度纤维板喷蒸热压传热传质的基本规律.  相似文献   

何泽龙 《林产工业》2005,32(1):10-12
喷蒸热压技术是近10余年来国际上发展起来的一种人造板生产新工艺,是当代热传导技术、计算机控制技术综合应用于人造板工业的高新技术成果。国外已有利用这种技术压制刨花板、定向结构板、中密度纤维板和一些非木质人造板的成功范例;国内也有一些厂家和院校正在研究和试制喷蒸热压机,并取得了初步的成绩。它的推广应用必将对我国人造板工业的发展起到积极的作用。  相似文献   

The effects of molecular weight of PF resin on the deformation behaviour of NaClO2 treated resin-impregnated wood during compression were investigated. Blocks of Japanese cedar were subjected to 2% NaClO2 aqueous solution. This was repeated up to four times resulting in a weight loss of 28%. Treated and untreated samples were impregnated with PF resin having different molecular weight. With increasing molecular weight, weight gain and volume gain decreased for untreated PF resin-impregnated wood, while NaClO2 treated wood impregnated with high molecular weight PF resin showed almost double the weight gain compared to untreated condition. NaClO2 treatment has shown considerable potential for high compression of PF resin-impregnated wood at lower pressing pressure regardless of the molecular weight of the resin. Low to high molecular weight resin was shown to penetrate into NaClO2 treated wood as estimated by weight gain contributing to the plasticization of cell wall considerably and thus resulting in cell wall collapse at low pressing pressure. The density of NaClO2 treated wood impregnated with high molecular weight resin attained a value of over 0.8 g/cm3 which is close to the density of untreated wood impregnated with low molecular weight resin. Such compressed wood exhibited high dimensional stability after boiling for 3 h. Thus, the penetration of resin into wood contributes to highly compressed dimensional stable resin-impregnated wood at low pressing pressure.  相似文献   

刨花板用快速固化酚醛树脂胶的研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
艾军  濮安彬 《木材工业》1997,11(1):15-17
本研究采用不同于传统合成工艺的方法研制成低毒,高分子量的刨花板用快速固化酚醛树脂胶,试验结果表明,该胶的固人速度较普通酚醛树脂胶提高了40%左右,用此胶压制成的刨花板,其胶合性能达到了德国DIN 68763V100耐水刨花板标准,且热压时间较普通酚醛树脂刨花板可缩短25%左右。  相似文献   

To produce a highly stable wood-based product with increased mechanical properties, phenol formaldehyde (PF) resin impregnation was combined with the viscoelastic thermal compression (VTC) process. Dimensional stability and bending stiffness were evaluated. Two PF resins with weight average molecular weights of 172 and 780 were studied at three different concentrations, 5, 10 and 20%. After 24-h room temperature water soak and 2-h boil, both PF treatments at all concentration levels showed high levels of dimensional stability compared to non-impregnated VTC processed controls. The higher molecular weight PF provided greater stability with an average thickness swell value of 12% compared to 20 and 37% for the lower molecular weight PF resin treatment and control, respectively. High anti-swelling efficiency values were recorded for both low and high molecular weight resins, implying these modifications were effective at reducing the volumetric swelling which occurred in the unmodified control. PF treatments were also extremely effective at reducing irreversible swelling. The low and high molecular weight resin treatments had 1/5th and 1/7th the irreversible swelling than the unmodified VTC processed controls, respectively. All dimensional stability values improved as resin concentrations increased. Both resin types at all concentration levels reduced Young’s modulus.  相似文献   

重组竹制造工艺的研究   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  
本文是作者在施胶量、热压温度和热压时间三个主要因子对重组竹性能影响的初步研究基础上又进一步探讨了施胶方式、竹纤维束水洗、胶种以及胶的浓度等因素对产品性能的作用。研究结果表明:竹纤维束水洗有较显著的作用;水溶性酚醛胶比醇溶性酚醛胶更适用于重组竹的制造,胶液浓度过稀不仅自身性能差,而且还会使重组竹性能降低;采用浸胶方法虽有利于胶液的均勻分布,但对IB未产生明显的作用。  相似文献   

 This study was conducted to optimize hot pressing time and adhesive content for the manufacture of three-layer medium density fiberboard (MDF) through the cure acceleration of phenol-formaldehyde (PF) adhesives by adding three carbonates (propylene carbonate, sodium carbonate, and potassium carbonate) in the core layer. Carbonate type, carbonate level, PF resin content, and hot pressing time were evaluated on the basis of the performance of MDF panels prepared. The application of cure-accelerated PF adhesives by the addition of propylene carbonate reduced both PF resin content and total hot pressing time by 38% and 29%, respectively, for the manufacture of quality three-layer MDF panels (19.1 mm thickness) under the hot-pressing temperature of 205 °C. The optimum concentration of propylene carbonate for cure acceleration of PF resin was found to be 3 wt% by weight based on the resin solids. Bending properties, on one hand, were independent of carbonate type and level, and complied with the minimum requirements by ANSI. Internal bond (IB) strength, on the other hand, was closely related with carbonate types and level used. Received 13 March 1999  相似文献   

This study evaluated the potential of steam pre-treatment for making highly compressed phenol-formaldehyde (PF) resin-impregnated wood at a low pressing pressure. Sawn veneers of Japanese cedar (Cryptomeria japonica) were first subjected to saturated steam at different steaming temperatures (140°-200°C), followed by impregnation with a 20% low molecular weight PF resin aqueous solution resulting in a weight gain of around 50%-55%. Four oven-dried treated veneers were laminated and compressed up to a pressing pressure of 1 MPa at a pressing temperature of 150°C and pressing speed of 5 mm/min, and the pressure was held for 30 min. Steam treatment, causing partial hydrolysis of hemicellulose, accelerated the compressibility of Japanese cedar in the PF resin-swollen condition. As a consequence, a discernible increment in density was achieved at a pressing pressure of 1 MPa due to steam pretreatment between 140° and 200°C for 10 min. It was also found that even a short steaming time such as 2 min at 160°C is sufficient for obtaining appreciable compression of PF resin-impregnated wood. The density, Young’s modulus, and bending strength of steam-treated (200°C for 10 min) PF resin-impregnated wood composite reached 1.09 g/cm3, 20 GPa, and 207MPa, respectively. In contrast, the values of untreated PF resin-impregnated wood composite were 0.87 g/cm3, 13 GPa, and 170MPa, respectively.  相似文献   

三聚氰胺脲醛树脂改性酚醛树脂胶粘剂的研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
时君友 《木材工业》2003,17(6):9-12
采用常规合成的脲醛(UF)或酚醛(PF)树脂胶对多层胶合板贴面时,很容易出现开胶或透胶现象。本研究采用三聚氰胺脲醛(MUF)树脂对PF树脂进行改性,生产浅色改性PF胶粘剂,探讨了MUF与PF树脂摩尔比、混合比、热压条件等对胶液的粘度、缩合度、稳定性、胶层颜色及胶合质量的影响。结果表明,改性后的浅色酚醛树脂胶粘剂筘存性好、固化后胶层近似木材本色、高强耐水、耐候,用来压制的多层实木复合地板可达到GB9846.1~12-88Ⅰ类胶合板要求。  相似文献   

To obtain high-strength phenol formaldehyde (PF) resin-impregnated compressed wood at low pressing pressure, the effects of resin content, preheating temperature, pressing temperature, and pressing speed on the compressive deformation of oven-dried low molecular weight PF resin-impregnated wood was investigated. With an increase of PF resin content, the Youngs modulus of the cell wall perpendicular to the fiber direction decreases, and collapse-initiating pressure decreases linearly with the Youngs modulus. This indicates that the occurrence of cell wall collapse is strain-dependent. By increasing preheating temperatures, the collapse-initiating pressure increases due to the increment of the Youngs modulus of the cell wall. An increase in pressing temperature results in the thermal softening of the cell wall and causes collapse at a lower pressure. The wood is compressed effectively despite accelerated resin curing. The pressing speed significantly affects the viscoelastic deformation of the cell wall and the wood is well deformed with decreasing pressing speed, although the differences in density and mechanical properties are relatively small after a pressure-holding period of 30min. In all the parameters examined in this study, the Youngs modulus and bending strength increase with increasing density.  相似文献   

PF预聚物改性杨木的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
采用低分子量酚醛树脂对杨木进行浸渍处理、干燥定型,使树脂固化制得改性材。PF预聚物对杨木具有较好的浸注性;对其密度进行检测和分析的结果表明:杨木改性材的密度可达到0.6~0.8 kg/m3。  相似文献   

To enhance dimensional stability and biological properties, low molecular weight phenolic resins of a conventional alkaline type and neutralized type were impregnated into Japanese cedar wood (Cryptomeria japonica D. Don) and heat-cured. The treatment with the neutralized type resin retained the original wood color, whereas the alkaline treatment changed the color of wood to red-brown. The concentrations of the resin solutions and the weight gains due to the resin loading of wood after treatment were highly correlated, and the target resin loading could be assessed from the solution concentration. A high dimensional stability of 60% antiswelling efficiency was attained when both types of resins were impregnated at about 30% resin loading and no significant difference was recognized between the two. To suppress decay attack from brown-rot and white-rot fungi, 15% and 10% resin loading due to treatment was required for the neutralized and alkaline types of phenolic resins, respectively. The penetration of resin into wood cell walls was investigated by means of light microscopy, Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM), and Electron Probe X-ray Microanalysis (EPMA). A m-Bromophenol-formaldehyde resin of three levels of an average molecular weight was used to detect the presence of resin by bromine signals. The phenolic resins with low and medium molecular weights (290 and 470) were shown to penetrate into the cell walls the furthest, thereby contributing to the enhancement of dimensional stability and decay resistance in the resin-impregnated wood. Also, for phenolic resin with a high molecular weight (820), only the resin components of low molecular weight appeared to be present in the walls, making very little contribution to the dimensional stability.  相似文献   

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