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采用微波辅助法提取厚朴叶中厚朴酚及和厚朴酚,研究结果表明,微波功率中低火,酒精度50%,提取时间8min,料液比1∶40的提取条件最好。提取厚朴叶中的厚朴酚及和厚朴酚。厚朴酚、和厚朴酚以及总酚的提取率分别为91.31%、71.41%和86.53%;RP-HPLC方法较好,结果理想。  相似文献   

响应面法优化厚朴酚及和厚朴酚的闪式提取工艺的研究   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:5  
探索了闪式提取厚朴中厚朴酚及和厚朴酚的工艺。在单因素试验的基础上,选取对提取工艺影响较大的乙醇体积分数、提取时间和液料比3个因素进行Box-Benhnken中心组合设计,利用响应面分析法对工艺参数进行优化。结果表明:闪式提取法是一种快速有效提取厚朴中厚朴酚与和厚朴酚的方法,其最佳工艺条件为:乙醇体积分数92%,提取时间71s,液料比35∶1(mL∶g),样品厚朴粒径1.7mm。在此提取工艺条件下,厚朴总酚的得率为20.10mg/g(厚朴酚得率13.96mg/g,和厚朴酚得率6.14mg/g),与预测值20.32mg/g基本相符。  相似文献   

从10个省、自治区收集了我国天然分布的15个厚朴种源3个类型,即:分布在云南的长喙厚朴,四川、重庆、湖北北部、贵州北部等地区的厚朴(川朴、紫油厚朴、油朴)以及分布在福建、浙江、安徽南部、湖南南部等地的凹叶厚朴,在福建省光泽县进行不同地理种源高厚朴酚厚朴的筛选。经过5 a的观察测试结果表明,凹叶厚朴在福建省光泽县表现最好,其中又以湖南道县、江西庐山、福建光泽种源表现更佳,具体表现在生长量大、厚朴酚含量较高。适宜在福建光泽等闽北地区种植。  相似文献   

厚朴酚与和厚朴酚类化合物药效的分子机制   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
厚朴中的主要活性成分厚朴酚与和厚朴酚表现出高效低毒的药理活性,具有开发分子药物的潜力。为给此类成分分子药理的深入研究提供参考和依据,综述了近20年来国内外关于厚朴酚、和厚朴酚类化合物药效分子机制方面的研究情况和研究进展;并在分析分子几何构象、电子结构、电化学反应行为及比较药理活性差异的基础上,对厚朴酚、和厚朴酚类化合物的构效关系和作用的生物靶分子进行了探讨。  相似文献   

不同种源厚朴酚类物质含量变异与遗传的初步研究   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10       下载免费PDF全文
采集厚朴 5年生种源试验林共 13个种源 39个树皮样品 ,用高效液相色谱分析法 (HPL C)测定厚朴酚、和厚朴酚的含量。结果表明 :厚朴酚、和厚朴酚、厚朴酚类总量、厚朴酚 /和厚朴酚比例等品质性状在种源间均有显著或极显著的差异。叶先端小凸尖型的鄂西种源酚类含量最高 ,凹叶型的庐山种源最低 ,总含量前者是后者的 10 .34倍。以上 4个厚朴品质性状均受较强的遗传控制 ,其种源遗传力为 0 .7585~ 0 .94 6 5,且呈经向为主 ,经、纬双向地理变异  相似文献   

厚朴为我国特产,其树皮、根皮、花、果均可入药。树皮含有朴酚、四氢厚朴酚、异厚朴酚、木兰醇、生物碱、挥发油等成分,是重要的中药材,能治胸腹胀痛、血淤气滞、呕吐泻痢、宿食不消、咳嗽气喘、退热利尿等症状。芽可作妇科用药,种子含油率约35.5%,出油率25%,油可制作肥皂。  相似文献   

厚朴药理作用及综合利用研究进展   总被引:26,自引:2,他引:26  
王承南  夏传格 《经济林研究》2003,21(3):80-81,84
文章对厚朴的药理作用及我国目前厚朴的综合利用进行了全面的综述,并根据现状提出了厚朴发展的建议,为厚朴发展生产提供科学依据。  相似文献   

构建一种基于Ru(bpy)3^2+掺杂SiO2/漆酚复合物修饰电极的电化学发光传感器。利用厚朴酚对修饰电极电化学发光的增敏作用对厚朴酚进行检测。对影响修饰电极电化学发光的各因素进行了实验研究,优化了反应条件和各项测定参数。在最佳实验条件下,在8×10^-8~8×10^-5 g/L的质量浓度范围内,发光强度增量与其浓度呈良好的线性关系,检出限3.7×10^-8 g/L;对浓度为8×10^-6 g/L厚朴酚进行8次平行测定的RSD为3.5%。对合成样品中厚朴酚测定的回收率为99.8%~103%,表明传感器表现出良好的重现性和稳定性。  相似文献   

以9年生凹叶厚朴林为研究对象,通过分析凹叶厚朴树高、胸径、树皮厚度和厚朴酚、和厚朴酚及厚朴总酚等主要活性成分含量,经过优良单株初选、复选和优良无性系决选,选育出高产、高含量活性成分的洪塘营10号和洪塘营7号优良无性系。2个优良无性系的11年生试验林,667 m2产厚朴皮鲜质量平均3 404 kg、3 729.6 kg,分别比普通凹叶厚朴高79.68%、96.84%;筒朴皮的厚朴酚含量为2.40%、3.44%,和厚朴酚含量为4.38%、4.48%,总酚含量为6.78%、7.92%,分别比普通凹叶厚朴的筒朴皮高51.90%、117.72%,57.55%、61.15%和55.50%、81.65%。  相似文献   

采集厚朴5年生种源试验林共13个种源39个树皮样品,用高效液相色谱分析法(HPLC)测定厚朴酚、和厚朴酚的含量。结果表明:厚朴酚、和厚朴酚、厚朴酚类总量、厚朴酚/和厚朴酚比例等品质性状在种源间均有显著或极显著的差异。叶先端小凸尖型的鄂西原酚类含量最高,凹叶型的庐山种源最低,总含量前者是后者的10.34倍。以上4个厚朴品质性状均受较强的遗传控制,其种源遗传力为0.7585~0.9465,且呈经向为主  相似文献   

IntroductionMaskedciVet(Paguma18vata),Mammalia,Viverridae,ismainlydiStributedinShanxi,Sichuan,Tibet,Yunnanprovinces,etc..Itsmeatisdeliciousandhasspecialflavor.Itiseasytoberaisedartificially,withhighproduCtivity.Nutria(MyocasterCOypus),Rodentia,Capromyidae,originatedinArgentina,Chili,etc.insouthAmerica.Itisakindofherbivoresfur-bearer.itsartificialraisinghassuchmeritsasdurablefurandlowcostandhighproduCtivity.MaskedcivetandnutriahavehigheconomicvalueandwideprospeCtofutilization.Atpresen…  相似文献   


Mean age, mean and top heights and yield were studied in 20 mixed stands of birch ( Betula pubescens Ehrh. and B. pendula Roth) and Picea abies (L.) Karst. and nine mixed stands of birch and Pinus sylvestris L. in south-eastern Norway. Each mixed stand and the adjacent pure coniferous stand (control) were growing under the same site conditions and had not been commercially thinned. There were no significant differences in mean age at breast height or in top heights between birch and conifers in the mixed stands, while mean height was significantly higher for birch than for spruce. A growth index was calculated based on total volume and age at breast height. For the spruce sites the growth in young mixed stands (birch < 17 m) was superior to that of pure spruce, while the difference was insignificant in older stands. The growth index correlated positively with the ratio between generatively and vegetatively regenerated birch trees, and negatively with the age of the oldest species in the mixture and with site quality. For the pine sites there was no significant difference in the growth index between mixed birch-pine and pure pine stands. A mixture effect of birch on the volume yield of spruce or pine could not be demonstrated.  相似文献   

This research aims to study the feasibility of repair and strengthening of timber cantilever beams used in historic buildings. It is conducted to investigate the feasibility of using different valid materials and techniques to repair and strengthen timber cantilever beams in new and historic timber buildings. The study is performed in terms of structural performance as well as historic and architectural values. An experimental program of several different materials and techniques is executed. The results are driven in terms of initial cracking load, crack propagation for the tested samples at different loading stages, deflection values, and failure load for each repaired or strengthened material and technique. The main variables are timber types (new and historic), repair and strengthening materials (steel plates, Glass Fiber Reinforced Polymer wrap, and Carbon Fiber Reinforced Polymer laminates), repair or strengthening techniques (near surface mounted and externally bonded system), and cantilever length (1000 and 1250?mm). Test results indicated that using steel plates, glass fiber wrap, and carbon fiber laminates increases the value of failure loads and decreases the deflection at both; repaired and strengthened timber cantilever beams compared to control beams.  相似文献   

Intr0ducti0nKupicllal1asll1adearevisiol1ofFlciaL.i11tI1ettorldsincel976.Sect.Hcillai11cludcsaboutfiftcensPCcics.Tllel1losttaxaintl1issectionbelOI1gtoAsiansPCcics,wllichdistfibuteinSibcriainRussia,N0rtl1east,NortI1andWestofChina,Mongolia,Japa11andKorca,sucI1asVamoena,VamurensisandV.laI,onicaetc..Tl1rcetaxaal110ngtl1en1,VpiSghrlnis,V'hIm0It)ruInal1dVmpIicamainIydistributeinEuroPe.Vsyh,aIic0aIsodistributesintI1eNortl1ofAsia.Climmosol11enul11bersandkaryotyPes0fAsial1scct.Vicilla…  相似文献   

森林采伐是森林经营中的一个关键环节。采伐对树木天然更新的影响直接关系到森林的结构、组成及森林的可持续经营。本文以长白山阔叶红松林为研究对象,对择伐5 年后不同作业迹地(集材道、楞场和采伐后林窗)的幼苗更新及灌木、草本的多样性进行研究,并以没有进行采伐干扰的林地作为对照。共设计样地23 块,在各个小样地内调查幼树的种类、树木、高度;灌木和草本植物的种类、树木、高度和盖度,应用SPSS 软件进行一元方差分析。结果表明,择伐作业影响幼苗的更新,灌木和草本的多样性在作业迹地增加,尤其在林隙处的多样性最高。适当采伐能促进幼苗的更新,特别是阔叶树种的更新。集材道对幼苗密度的影响比对幼苗高度的影响大,幼苗密度在集材道上密度最高;采伐作业对针叶树种有严重的影响,在三种作业迹地上针叶树种的密度都比对照低。为了维持森林的结构和组成,在森林收获和楞场的建立时,必须采取科学措施保护针叶树种。此外,采伐林窗和楞场的面积都应该减小。为了确保采伐迹地建群树种的更新,经营中应该在保护生物多样性的前提下,适当控制过于旺盛的灌木和草本层的生长。本研究结果将为采伐后作业迹地的恢复和森林的可持续经营提供科学的依据。图1 表4 参14。  相似文献   

This paper summarises the results from 35 years-observed thinning experiments on 256 permanent sample plots in 10–60 year-old stands of ash, aspen, birch, oak, pine and spruce in Lithuania. Thinning enhanced crown projection area increment of residual trees. The largest effect was observed in stands of aspen and birch (growth increase by 200%), followed by ash and oak (over 100%), and spruce and pine (about 80%). Thinning also promoted dbh increment, especially in younger stands, and the increase of dbh increment was positively correlated with the thinning intensity. The strongest reaction was exhibited by oak and aspen, while ash, birch and conifers reacted to a lower extent. Low and moderate intensities of thinning stimulated volume production in younger stands while the opposite was observed in older stands with increasing removals. Spruce stands exhibited relatively strongest increase of volume increment and pine, –the weakest, while the effect on deciduous species was intermediate. The results demonstrate that significant increase in volume increment is achievable with thinning of only young forest stands, e.g. 10–20 year-old pine, birch and ash, or 10–30 year-old oak, aspen and spruce.  相似文献   

Otsamo  Rikka 《New Forests》2000,19(1):51-68
Early performance of two dipterocarp species Anisoptera marginata and Shorea parvifolia, and a long-living pioneer species Peronema canescens (Verbenaceae) planted in artificial gaps (size 260 m2) and surrounding untreated stands was studied in a fast-growing plantation of Acacia mangium on an Imperata cylindrica grassland site in South Kalimantan, Indonesia. Forty seedlings of each species were planted at one-meter intervals in lines across each of the five gaps, starting and ending under closed stand. Survival, height and diameter (d0.05) increments were measured, and the effect of gap opening on the composition and abundance of understorey vegetation (grass, shrub and native tree seedlings and saplings) was studied. 19 months after planting, average survival rates were 97% for A. marginata, 94% for P. canescens and 71% for S. parvifolia, with no statistical differences between gap and closed stand. Substantial mortality and damage of dipterocarps were caused by wild boars; minor damage by dieback (for S. parvifolia) and insect pests (for A. marginata). Early growth was clearly influenced by distance from gap centre and light conditions; the growth of seedlings was greater the nearer the seedlings were situated to centre and the higher the level of daily photosynthetic photon flux density (PPFD) was. Gap opening increased the growth of shrub species Chromolaena odorata, but not that of Imperata grass. It also increased the density and height growth of saplings of native pioneer and secondary tree species. Seedling density increased both in closed stand and actual gaps, but was higher inside gaps.Results indicate good prospects for diversifying the composition of fast-growing forest plantations on severely degraded former forest lands and integrating slow-growing valuable species in plantation programs. Both in-depth ecophysiological studies on species-specific growth requirements, and practical oriented research on silvicultural options and economics need further studies.  相似文献   

PtLFY, a LEAFY (LFY) gene, was cloned from Populus tomentosa (LM50) by PCR. Sequencing analysis indicated that PtLFY was 2629 bp long, composed of three exons and two introns and encoded 378 amino acids. The splice donor sites and the splice acceptor sites were in identical positions to the LFY and its homologues. The amino acid sequence inferred was 68%-99% homologous to those of LFY and its homologues by blast analysis in GenBank. The Southern blot analysis indicated that there was a single copy of the PtLFY gene in genomic DNA of male and female P. tomentosa (LM50 and 5082). The pBI121-Ptalfy (reverse)-intron-Ptlfy-GUS-nos was constructed using RNA interference (RNAi) technique and verified by PCR and digestion identification and transformed into tobacco. Some transgenic tobacco plants were obtained by PCR and PCR-Southern identification. The growth was generally repressed in transgenic tobacco plants compared with wild-type ones and some phenotypic differences were observed.  相似文献   

耐寒桉树永州引种栽培技术研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
通过引种栽培试验表明:永州是桉树的适宜引种区,可大量发展桉树。以栽培邓恩桉、边沁桉表现最佳,它们不仅生长快、材质好,而且抗逆性强,既耐严寒又耐高温耐瘠薄。柳桉也可发展,史密斯桉、多枝桉在土层深厚、气候温和的地方可少量发展。赤桉在前1~2年表现较佳,生长快,但到以后几年生长趋缓,必须选出优良家系,才能大量种植。  相似文献   

Direct seeding is a less expensive practice than planting and has the potential to become a viable alternative to transplanting for afforestation and regeneration purposes. As an effective and a less costly regeneration method, aerial seeding has been applied with several tree species. As early as 1956, Chinese people engaged in aerial seeding and stands with a total of 2.97×107 hm2 have been developed up to 2004. Our study tested whether the growth of planted Chinese pine (Pinus tabulaeformis Carr.) seedlings and its undergrowth development in northwest aspects differ from that of aerially sown seedlings on the northern and northwestern aspects of slopes. In 2007, we collected data such as height, diameter at breast height (DBH), clear bole height and canopy widths of trees, abundance, coverage, and frequency of shrubs and herbs from 21-year-old planted Chinese pine stands on a northwestern aspect (PNW), aerially sown stands in a northwest aspect (ANW) and aerially sown stands in a northern aspect (AN). Results showed that the relation of crown area and mean DBH was best fitted by a double inverse model for the ANW and AN forests and by a quadratic model for the PNW forest. There was no difference in the growth between ANW and AN forests, while growth was significantly higher in the PNW forest than in the ANW and AN forests. That was consistent with the Sorenson diversity indices in the shrub and herb layers, indicating that there was a large number of the same species in both aerially seeded stands, although their locations were different. Both the number of species in the undergrowth and the Shannon-Wiener index in the shrub layer were higher in the PNW stands than in the ANW and AN stands. Dominant families for all three stands were Rosaceae and Compositae in the shrub and herb layer, respectively. The dominant species for all three stands was Spiraea pubescens in the shrub layer, while the dominant species was different from each other in the three stands. The discrepancy in diversity and composition of species in the herb layer show that herbs are sensitive to shrubs in the three forests. High mortality and skewed diameter distributions reflect severe competition and too high a density in the aerially seeded forests. Thus, aerial seeding is a viable and effective regeneration technique, but management practices, such as thinning, should be applied to these forests.  相似文献   

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