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面向市场木材销售跃上新台阶栗文涛,陈文阳克一河林业局木材销售工作已形成生产跟着销售走,销售围着市场转,价格随着市场变,以市场为小心,以销售为龙头的木材营销新格局。今年上半年在木材市场极度下滑的情况卜销售木材12.9万立方米,比上年同期多销售1.7万立...  相似文献   

绰尔林业局木材销售态势良好岳龙光绰尔局在木材销售中形成了以市场为中心,以销售为龙头的木材营销新格局,去年1~11月份共销售木材20余万立方米。去年初,这个局通过公开招标的方式对林产品经销公司进行承包,公司人员全部缴纳了风险抵押金。这一作法增强了职工的...  相似文献   

2011年,派阳山林场通过采取公开竞标销售、加大宣传力度、积极协调外部关系等有力措施,加强对木材生产、销售的管理,全场2011年木材销售创“五个历年之最”。一是年度木材销售量创历年之最。累计完成木材销售14.4万立方米,比2010ff多9000立方米,  相似文献   

近几年来,木材销售形势每况愈下,然而,洪江市林业局却在激烈的市场竞争大潮中勇立鳖头,连年取胜,在连续两年超额完成销售任务的基础上,去年又稳住了销售大局。全市已完成木材采伐43000立方米,占年计划的100%,所采伐的木材已销售一空。分析近两年抓木材销售的实践过程,其根本的措施是改革了运行机制,启动了内部活力。——用活了“两种职能”。众所周知,县市林业局工作的主要落脚点是乡镇林业站。过来,由于木材不愁销路,林业站的总体职能客观上是对林业工作全面管理。就木材销售而言,林业站一般只行使开办出口、收取林业规费等…  相似文献   

指出了木材销售是与企业利益和用户体验密切相关的工作,其工作质量和效率直接影响着企业销售资源和渠道的健全以及用户购买的便利性和使用体验。受新时期我国关于林业资源管控以及木材行业实际经营效果的影响,做好销售工作成为行业内部急需要面对和解决的问题。基于此,从加强林木资源管护、木材产品销售和行业管控、供应链的构建等方面进行了探讨思考,提出了相关的建议,旨在完善销售体系,促进木材销售的规范化  相似文献   

木材销售与市场、价格、运输———关于内蒙古大兴安岭林区木材销售情况的调查文/胡明华张良张小平销量连年增加,售价连年下跌,这是内蒙古大兴安岭林区近3年来木材销售中出现的一个怪现象。市场问题?运输问题?还是管理问题?近日,我们在林区中线、东线、北线各选了...  相似文献   

本文介绍了木材生产、销售微机管理系统的主要功能和实际操作运用技术,将微机运用于木材进出仓材积、价格、金额的计算、码单和销售表的打印,比人工借助简单计算器计算提高工作效率5~10倍,完全避免了木材进出仓计算的差错和损失。  相似文献   

美国:在通常的季节性木材销售淡季,建筑业的恢复和飓风灾害推高了木材的价格。  相似文献   

楚雄彝族自治州自1985年2月以来,认真贯彻中共中央关于“集体林区取消木材统购、开放木材市场、允许林农和集体的木材自由上市,实行议购议销”的决定,放手让林农自主议价销售术材,林农收益有了较大提高。据统计,开放前林农销售木材收入,1984年为620多万元,林农销售一立方米木材平均收入37元;开放后,1985年达1.600万元,林农议销一立方米木材平均收入80元,比开放前增长了1.58倍。1986年1—7月。林农收入944.4万元,比去年同期又有所提高。木材开放后,他们的主要做法是:  相似文献   

木材销售部门是林业企业的一个重要部门。销售工作直接影响到企业的经济效益。根据目前林业企业的实际情况,我认为木材销售应抓好五大环节:  相似文献   

根据闽北地区杉木销售平均价格扣除整地造林管护费用和木材生产成本及应上交的木材税金费 ,推算出营造杉木的经济效益。  相似文献   

顺昌县木材生产与销售统计系统软件的设计和应用   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
根据福建省闽北林区木材生产与销售的业务流程,研究开发相应的系统软件,完成大量、繁锁的统计工作,快速、准确生成报表,有效加强单位的生产管理。同时给出应用实例。  相似文献   

The consumption of energy wood in Finland has increased dramatically since the early 2000s, and the region of South Savo is a bellwether for its usage across the country. This increase is partly due to the national policy of sustainable energy, region's wealth of forests but is also dependent on non-industrial private forest owners (NIPF) deciding to sell energy wood. In this study, a survey with a structured questionnaire was conducted among the NIPFs in the region of South Savo to enlarge the understanding of their willingness to sell energy wood in the future and adopt new approaches to forestry that involves energy wood thinning as well as their current production of energy wood. Moreover, the factors influencing forest owner's motivations relating to energy wood thinning as well as information needs were analysed with multivariate techniques. The results show that almost half of the forest owners in the South Savo region had not sold energy wood. However, forest owners within the region generally had positive attitudes towards selling small-sized energy wood and forestry methods that involve energy wood thinning. Moreover, forest owners' willingness to sell different types of energy wood varied, depending on their background. The study suggests that the increase in supply of energy wood presumes both intensified extension services for forest owners and markets that are better organised than at the moment. The results may also prove beneficial in informing policy-makers regarding which specific target group(s) to focus on when promoting energy wood sales among NIPFs and which aspects of energy wood harvesting and sales to promote.  相似文献   


Consumers in today's world can perceive an additional benefit associated with responsible business practices and the sustainability of purchased products. However, in Scandinavian context, there is a lack of knowledge of consumer perceptions toward environmental and social sustainability of wood products. Our data on adult Finnish consumers (private end-users) (N=227) were collected during 2004–2007 as interview exit data from home retail centers selling building materials. The perceived environmental and social sustainability of wood products was investigated using exploratory factor analysis, and the phenomenon was observed to be a two-dimensional construct consisting of “General environmental and social sustainability” and “Specific social sustainability” reflecting strong consumer need for product safety. Logistic regression analysis revealed that the “General” dimension also explains the consumer's self-declared willingness to pay for sustainable wood products. The results also indicate that the respondents may be segmented based on their perceptions on product level environmental and social sustainability: the most environmentally and socially conscious group can be profiled by gender (female), older age, and summer cottage ownership.  相似文献   

Yusuhara Forest Owners’ Cooperative (YFOC) in Kochi Prefecture in Japan received its forest management certification from the Forest Stewardship Council (FSC) in 2000. YFOC is recognised as the resource manager of its members’ forests, and they were the first organisation to gain such certification in Japan. With the continuous efforts of selling FSC certified wood in the domestic housing construction market, YFOC has substantially increased their timber sales in recent years. It is a noteworthy event in Japanese small-scale forestry, which has been struggling with declining economic performance for many years. This paper analyses the detail of forestry activities and changes which occurred in YFOC after certification by FSC. An interesting effect of increasing economic performance is found to have come from an unexpected direction. It is concluded that the FSC certification system is a possible tool to revitalise Japanese small-scale forestry as well as obtain favourable environmental outcomes.  相似文献   

国内竹材人造板构成及生产和市场现状   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
由于竹材具有密度适中、纹理美观、强度高、硬度大和耐磨性好等优点,因此竹材人造板被广泛的应用于交通、建筑、造船、以及家具和装饰材料领域,在国内的一些领域已逐步的取代了木材、钢铁和橡胶等。本文简要介绍了竹材人造板的构成单元:竹片、竹篾和竹刨花,同时指出竹材人造板设计应遵循的构成原则和方法,即对称原则、表面构成方式、以及等应力原则。依据构成单元的形成和处理方法,作者把国内竹材人造板划分为13种类型,同时详细介绍了竹材人造板的制造工艺及其产品的利用,如竹材胶合板、竹材地板及竹木复合产品。文章最后介绍了各种竹材人造板的生产、市场现状及销售状况。图7参21。  相似文献   

In order to study the influence of wood microstructure on wood dyeing, eleven parameters of wood microstructure and 5 parameters of wood dyeing effects for 34 pieces of wood boards from 5 trees of Chinese white poplar (Populus tomentosa) were determined and the multiple regression analysis between the factors of wood microstructures and the parameters of wood dyeing effects were made. The regression results show that each variable of wood dyeing effects has higher relationship with wood microstructures, and multiple correlation coefficients between each variable of wood dyeing effects and wood microstructures are 0.483 6~0.799 8. The main factors of wood microstructures influencing wood dyeing of Chinese white poplar are proportion of wood ray, proportion of vessel and proportion of wood fiber according to comparing the standardized regression coefficients of multiple regression equation.  相似文献   

木材碳学是近年来兴起的一门科学, 其主要研究内容包括木材碳素的储存量、木材储能、人工林木材固碳增汇与优质木材培育技术及木质产品固碳延伸等方面。文中简述了木材碳学研究中木材固碳量与含碳率、木材固碳量的影响因素、木材固碳量与木材热值的关系以及木质材料固碳量和固碳延伸等方面的研究现状, 并对今后的研究方向进行了展望。  相似文献   

 This study examined the intrinsic differences in various wood properties between juvenile wood and mature wood in 10 major reforestation species in China. Comparisons between juvenile wood and mature wood were made in both plantation- and naturally-grown trees. Considerable differences in most wood properties were found both between plantation-grown juvenile wood and mature wood, and between naturally-grown juvenile wood and mature wood. This suggests that wood properties of plantation-grown trees, to a large extent, depends on their juvenile wood contents, and can thus be manipulated effectively through rotation age. In general, the longer the rotation age, the lower the juvenile wood content, and the stronger the mechanical properties of the plantation-grown woods. However, the differences between juvenile wood and mature wood vary with wood properties and species. In general, juvenile wood and mature wood have less difference in chemical composition than in anatomical and physico-mechanical properties. Compared to the softwoods studied, the hardwoods appear to have less difference between juvenile wood and mature wood. Received 25 June 1999  相似文献   

木材科学与技术研究新进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
木材作为世界四大基础材料中(钢铁、水泥、塑料、木材)唯一的可再生资源,广泛应用于家具、建筑、能源、新材料等领域,与人们的生活息息相关,已成为国民经济重要支柱产业。从木材微观分子生物学到宏观木结构,再到新型木质纳米材料进行全面阐释,对于木材科学与技术领域的基础理论研究和重大核心技术突破具有重要指导意义。木材科学与技术已发展为综合性的交叉学科,资源、环境和科学技术的发展,使得木材科学与技术领域的基础理论研究和关键技术取得了一系列的重大突破。笔者从微观的细胞分子层面到宏观的木结构和木建筑,从木材构造与材性、木材水分及干燥、木材保护与改良、木材重组与复合、木制品与木结构、木材解离与组装、木材解构及转化等方面,概述了木材科学与技术的经典理论,重点总结分析了近二十年来木材科学与技术领域取得的系列新进展,概括木材及其衍生材料在新型先进纳米复合材料领域的应用,并展望了木材科学与技术领域未来的研究热点和发展方向,以期为我国林产工业,特别是木材加工产业的科技进步和产业结构调整与升级提供理论和技术支撑。  相似文献   

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