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据在四川省大邑县和北京室内饲养观察,暴猎蝽1a发生一代,以5龄若虫越冬。卵期27.08±1.00d。若虫共5龄,历期334.75±4.30d。成虫羽化后16~18d交配,交配后18~19d开始产卵。描述了各虫态形态特征。记述了生物学特性。试验表明该虫是舞毒蛾、杨扇舟蛾、春尺蠖、北京杨锉叶蜂、柳毒蛾、刺槐蚜等多种林木害虫的捕食性天故。  相似文献   

姚德富  严静君 《林业科学》1993,29(6):497-502
据在北京室内饲养观察,褐菱猎蝽一年发生一代,以成虫越冬。卵期 12.1±1.0天。若虫5龄,历期61-83天。成虫羽化后8-30天交配,次年开始产卵。描述了各虫态形态特征。记述了生物学特性。试验表明该虫表明该虫对舞毒蛾、杨扇舟蛾、杨叶蜂、榆毒蛾、黄刺蛾等多种林木食叶害虫有明显捕食作用。  相似文献   

褐菱猎蝽生物学特性的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
据在北京室内饲养观察,褐菱猎蝽一年发生一代,以成虫越冬。卵期12.1±1.0天。若虫5龄,历期61-83天。成虫羽化后8-30天交配,次年开始产卵。描述了各虫态形态特征。记述了生物学特性。试验表明该虫对舞毒蛾、杨扇舟蛾、杨叶蜂、榆毒蛾、黄刺蛾等多种林木食叶害虫有明显捕食作用。  相似文献   

黄带犀猎蝽在广州室内饲养年发生2代,以4-5龄若虫于杂草丛生的石块、土块下或枯枝落叶层中越冬,卵成块,12.5-16.5天孵化。若虫5龄,历期48.0-223.5天。成虫羽化后5.0-12.5天交配,交配后11.5-25.5天产卵。成虫寿命一般在36.0天以上。若虫和成虫有较强的耐饥力,在缺少猎物时3-5龄若虫和成虫寿命分别为8.9-13.2天和17.3-20.2天,室内外捕食试验表明,对马尾松毛虫,纵带球须刺蛾,录刺蛾、细皮夜蛾和竹虫有较好的抑制作用。  相似文献   

褐纹大尺蛾在山东荣成地区1a发生1代,以蛹于土中越冬。翌年4月初成虫开始羽化;雌蛾只交尾1次,雄蛾可交尾1-2次。单雌产卵量1054-1702粒。卵期28-46d。雌蛾寿命9-11d;雄蛾7-8d。5月上旬出现幼虫,共8龄,历期112-126d,一头幼虫可食叶440.6-483.2cm^-2。蛹期232-249d。捕食性天敌有广腹螳螂、中华广肩步行虫、敌和三突花蛛、粽管巢蛛、斜纹猫蛛:寄生性天敌有  相似文献   

枣尺蠖核多角体病毒活性及林间防治试验   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
本文报道了枣尺蠖( Chihuo zao Yang) 核多角体病毒(CzNPV) 活性的生物测定结果及在山西太谷枣树林间防治枣尺蠖的试验效果。以不同浓度该病毒悬液浸渍鲜枣树叶,饲喂感染3 龄初枣尺蠖幼虫,病毒浓度对数值与死亡机率的回归直线方程为^y = 0 .231 + 0 .859 x ;LC50 及95 % 的置信限分别为3-65 ×105 及4-04 ×104 ~3-13 ×106PIBs/m L。以2-5 ×105 、1-25 ×106 、2-5 ×106 、1-25 ×107 和2-5 ×107PIBs/m L5 种浓度病毒感染3 龄初幼虫,其LT50 值分别为10-01 、9-57、9-08 、7-94 和7-49 d 。同一浓度病毒(2-5 ×106 PIBs/mL) 对不同虫龄感染力不同。幼虫死亡率随虫龄增大而降低,从2 龄的96-7 % 降低到4 龄的30-0 % ;LT50 值随着虫龄增大而增大,从2 龄的5-97 d 增加到4 龄的12-57 d 。在山西太谷枣林枣尺蠖幼虫2 龄、3 龄占85 % 时喷洒浓度为2-5 ×107PIBs/ mL 的病毒悬液,虫口减退率高,成本较低,可在生产上推广应用  相似文献   

钩翅尺蛾是黑荆树重要食叶害虫,在福建1a发生5代,以肾在松土中越冬,翌年3月中旬成虫开始羽化。卵期平均7.2-9.3,幼虫期5龄,平均历期18.4-29.5d;越冬蛹平均历期148.6d,其余各代9.3-13.1d。成虫寿命6.3-8.2d,每雌平均产卵604粒。主要天敌有中华茧蜂、螟蛉绒茧蜂、斜纹猫蛛、沟渠豹蛛等。林间20%氰戍菊脂100倍大面积超低容量喷洒,以及施放白僵菌粉炮,均有良好防治效果  相似文献   

黄杨粕片盾蚧在北方严重为害小叶黄杨,1a发生2代,多以成虫、部分以2龄若虫越冬。第1代1龄若虫高峰日为5月12日-6日,第2代1龄若虫盛期为7天下旬,以第1代发生较为整齐。该蚧虫在小叶黄杨上主要分布于1a生枝叶,并以1龄若虫逐年向新生枝呈主动扩散,在较大范围内扩展较快,在3-4a内可造成严重为害。对其防治的关键时期是1龄若虫活动期和雄成虫期。喷洒40%氧化乐果1000倍液、洗衣粉500倍液防治1龄  相似文献   

桑天牛成虫生活习性的进一步研究   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5       下载免费PDF全文
桑天牛成虫昼夜活动分为白天取食和晚上繁殖两个阶段。1头雌虫一生可产卵23~234粒,平均130.3粒;平均每天1.6粒。经过交配的雌虫不再交配后,在13~144d内仍能产生授精卵,每头9~176粒,平均89.7粒。成虫在构树上喜欢栖息于西北方向的枝条上取食,其数量占总数的49.4%,高度在1.1~2.0m的占总数的75.4%。  相似文献   

本文报道了松实小卷蛾幼虫和蛹的雌雄区分;第一代蛹的起点温度C=15.9±1.36℃,K=146.4±19.22日度,雌蛹重与产卵量之间的线性方程y=1.896+2192.19x,相关系数r=0.5424。  相似文献   

[目的]为认识马尾松细根对土壤养分库的贡献,[方法]本研究以三峡库区秭归县九岭头林场马尾松为研究对象,采用埋袋法进行细根分解实验,探讨0.5 mm、0.5 1 mm和1 2 mm细根的分解动态和养分释放(C、N、P、K、Ca、Mg)。[结果]结果表明:(1)细根分解368 d后,0.5 mm、0.5 1 mm和1 2 mm细根干重残留率分别为66.0%、72.0%和74.33%,且细根分解速率随直径增加而减小;(2)细根分解速率与土壤温度呈显著正相关关系(p0.05),与土壤湿度呈正相关关系(p0.05);(3)细根C、K和Mg元素迁移模式表现为释放,Ca元素表现为富集;(4)细根N、P元素在不同径级细根中迁移模式不同,0.5 mm细根N、P元素表现为释放,0.5 2 mm细根N、P元素在分解过程中出现富集阶段。[结论]马尾松细根分解与土壤温度和直径大小显著相关,其中分解与温度呈正相关,与直径呈负相关;在细根分解过程中,马尾松细根不同直径大小的不同养分元素的表现状态不一致,或富集,或释放。  相似文献   

[目的]通过连续12 a对金斑喙凤蝶的野外调查观察,研究成虫活动规律,并利用仿生态养殖,观察金斑喙凤蝶卵和幼虫的形态特征与生活习性,研究其生物学特性,以期为金斑喙凤蝶研究与保护提供有效数据。[方法]根据2004—2012年对金斑喙凤蝶成虫活动规律的观察研究,2013—2015年,在金斑喙凤蝶成虫活动期,采用样线踏查的方法,自海拔450 m往山顶海拔1 200 m搜索,调查视野内木兰科植物分布情况,寻找卵和幼虫,收集后带回驻地进行仿生态养殖,观察其形态特征和生活习性。[结果]金斑喙凤蝶在九连山为一年二代,以蛹越冬,第一代成虫发生期为4月上旬至5月中旬,第二代成虫发生期为8月下旬至9月中旬;2013年在木兰科植物金叶含笑上发现卵和幼虫,2014和2015年在深山含笑上发现卵和幼虫,深山含笑为新发现寄主植物,目前除九连山外尚未有报道;幼虫5龄,各龄级幼虫差异较大;预蛹成蛹经历两次蜕皮过程,这是金斑喙凤蝶研究中的一项重大发现。[结论]1)金斑喙凤蝶卵和幼虫的分布与寄主植物分布密切相关,且对生境质量有较高要求,成虫活动范围主要在寄主植物分布范围及其周边;2)金斑喙凤蝶选择生长良好的金叶含笑和深山含笑叶片上产卵,或嗜食深山含笑;3)温度、湿度等环境因子对卵的孵化、幼虫的生长发育以及化蛹和羽化影响较大;4)金斑喙凤蝶雌蝶少,卵孵化率低,幼虫发育历期长,幼虫成活率低,化蛹和羽化率低等是导致其种群数量稀少的主要原因。5)据查,目前尚未有其它蝶类化蛹过程中经历两次蜕皮的报道,预蛹化蛹蜕两次皮是金斑喙凤蝶异于其他蝶类的特殊现象。  相似文献   

[目的]为摸清金斑蝶成虫的行为特征,[方法]在田间的网室内跟踪观察其飞行、取食、求偶、交配和产卵行为。[结果]表明:金斑蝶成虫羽化主要集中在8:00—10:00,成虫羽化当天基本处于停歇状态;羽化第2天起至交配前,雌雄成虫的日平均飞行次数及日平均飞行时间均逐渐增加,雄成虫的日飞行高峰在13:00—15:00,雌成虫的日飞行高峰期在9:00—11:00和15:00—17:00,雌雄成虫的日平均飞行次数、平均飞行时间和日飞行规律的差异均不显著(p0.05);飞行次数与飞行时间均呈显著正相关(雌蝶:r=0.978,p0.05;雄蝶:r=0.957,p0.05)。金斑蝶雌雄成虫羽化次日开始取食,自羽化第2天起,雌雄成虫的日平均取食次数及日平均取食时间均逐渐增加,雄虫的日取食活动高峰期在9:00—11:00,雌虫日访花高峰期在11:00—13:00和15:00—17:00,雌雄成虫的日平均取食次数、平均取食时间和日取食规律的差异均不显著(p0.05);取食次数与取食时间均呈不显著正相关(雌蝶:r=0.949,p0.05;雄蝶:r=0.853,p0.05)。最早交配时间发生在羽化第4天,雌雄成虫均可多次交配,交配主要发生在14:00—16:00。产卵时间主要在11:00—13:00,雌成虫的产卵方式为散产,主要产卵于寄主植物叶片背面。[结论]金斑蝶成虫期可分为运动器官成熟阶段、补充营养和促进生殖器官发育阶段、求偶和交配阶段、产卵等4个阶段,各阶段内行为有交叉。  相似文献   

Effect of photoperiod and temperature on the developmental stages of Acrotylus insubricus Scop. (Orth., Acrididae) The effect of different temperatures and photoperiods on the developmental stages ofAcrotylus insubricus Scop. was studied. The species has no embryonic or nymphal diapause. The relatively low temperature of the winter months prolonges the incubation period as well as the nymphal development. By rising temperature both eggs and nymphs began to continue their development. The shortest nymphal duration at 27 °C (63.9 days) was obtained when rearing nymphs at long photoperiod (16L:8D), while the longest duration (92 days), was recorded at short photoperiod (8L:16D). In intermediate photoperiod (12L:12D), the nymphal duration was 82.8 days, between the long and the short photoperiods. At 37 °C, the nymphal durations were shorter than at 27 °C and still the shortest at a long day (4310 days) than the two other conditions. The total nymphal mortality was higher at short day-length than that at the other photoperiods tested. The incubation period as well as the percentage of hatching were not affected by the different photoperiodic regimes while the low temperature prolonges the incubation period and nymphal development. The higher temperature (37 °C) tended to mask or abolish the effect of the photoperiod while the moderate temperature (27 °C) clarified this effect when the two factors were combined together.  相似文献   

Pathogenicity of Lecanicillium muscarium, against Eretmocerus sp. nr. furuhashii (Hymenoptera: Aphelinidae), was investigated under laboratory conditions to determine if the fungal infection of the whitefly host can effect the survival, longevity and fecundity of female parasitoid. The results indicated that the number of parasitized larvae surviving a L. muscarium treatment after 6 days of oviposition decreased with increasing concentrations of L. muscarium and in later stages of development (12 days post oviposition) were not affected by fungal application. There were no significant differences on adult parasitoid survivorship after 7 days among all treatments. Maximum survivorship (73.33%) was observed for control and it was minimum (60%) at 1 × 108 conidia/ml. L. muscarium showed a non significant effect on longevity and next offsprings of female parasitoids. The percentage emergence of parasitoids from the whitefly nymphs produced by the females emerged from treated pupae was almost similar. Maximum emergence (69.77%) was observed at 1 × 106 conidia/ml and it was lowest (61.02%) at conidial concentration of 1 × 108 conidia/ml. Maximum longevity of adult Eretmocerus sp. emerging from whitefly nymphs when treated after 12 days of postoviposition was observed for 1 × 105 conidia/ml having a mean value of 5 days whereas the lowest longevity was 4.9 days observed at 1 × 108 conidia/ml. The results mentioned above indicate that the interaction among biocontrol agents is positive to a greater extent with minimum risk hazards.  相似文献   

【目的】通过测序法分析兰考泡桐与白花泡桐和毛泡桐在叶绿体rps16序列上的遗传差异,旨在分析三者之间在叶绿体基因上的变化特点和规律,探讨其种间的遗传关系。【方法】选取兰考泡桐、白花泡桐和毛泡桐各15个样本,对其提取的DNA用PCR扩增获得特异片段,并将其纯化与测序。利用软件Clustal X 2.0对所得序列进行排序;运行MEGA 4软件,进行多序列比对,分析其序列特征,并计算出K2P遗传距离。【结果】(1)对获得的rps16序列进行测定分析,得兰考泡桐序列长度分别为932 933 bp;白花泡桐序列长度为932 bp;毛泡桐序列长度分别为916918 bp。对所得rps16序列进行排序后的长度为938 bp,平均GC含量为34.31%。3个种所代表的个体之间共有10个变异位点,占整个序列长度的1.07%。其中有9个变异位点属于碱基插入或缺失类型,占变异位点总数的90%,占整个序列长度的0.96%。有1个变异位点属于碱基替换类型,占整个变异位点总数的10%,占整个序列长度的0.11%。(2)整个rps16片段的序列共有10个变异位点,其中兰考泡桐与白花泡桐在总的变异位点上,具有一致的碱基位点9个,占总变异的90%。而兰考泡桐与毛泡桐相比,没有相同的碱基。【结论】根据三种泡桐的rps16序列的序列特征和变异位点的分析,表明在叶绿体遗传方面,兰考泡桐具有与白花泡桐更多相似的遗传物质,其亲缘关系较近。综上所述,推测兰考泡桐与白花泡桐可能来自同一母系遗传。  相似文献   

澳大利亚ECM菌在尾叶桉上的筛选及其接种效应   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
报道43种澳大利亚及2种国产外生菌根菌株在广东尾叶桉人工林上的筛选试验的初期研究结果。分别对试验林6、12和24个月的生长情况进行了调查,数据分析结果表明,与未接种对照林木相比,接种试验林在树高和地径(或胸径)生长量上均表现出显著的接种优势(P〈0.01);接种林3次调查平均树高生长量最大增幅分别为26.1%、33.7%和27.4%,地径(或胸径)最大增幅分别为19.2%、21.59%和19.32%;24个月时每公顷材积最大幅为56.8%。E0710(Laccaria)、H4670(Labyrinthomyces)、E4501(Amanita)、E2013(Laccaria)、C9301(Pisolithus)、H1272(Scleroderma)、H1194(Thaxterogaster)、H0603(Scl  相似文献   

The effect of host age and sex on the susceptibility of 3 tephritid fruit fly species, Ceratitis capitata (Wiedemann), C. cosyra (Walker) and C. fasciventris (Bezzi) to the entomopathogenic fungus Metarhizium anisopliae (Metchnikoff) Sorokin was studied in the laboratory. Three adult host ages, 0 (<1 day-old), 7-day-old and 14-day-old, were used. All 3 species were susceptible to fungal infection, although there were differences in the levels of susceptibility among the hosts. Age accounted for the largest variability in mortality followed by species, while sex had the lowest variability. Of the 3 host ages tested, the 0- and 7-day-old flies were more susceptible to fungal infection than the 14-day-old flies. Male and female C. fasciventris flies generally succumbed earlier to fungal infection than the other two species. Female flies of C. cosyra and C. fasciventris were also generally more susceptible to fungal infection than the males, although differences were apparent at 3 and 4 days after treatment but not 5 days after treatment. Age accounted for the largest variability in lethal time mortality values (LTs). Mean LT-values generally indicated that the speed of kill was faster among younger flies than the older flies. LT95 ranged between 3.9–4.9 days in the 0-day-old flies, 4.3–6.1 days in the 7-day-old flies and 4.6–6.1 days in 14-day-old flies in the different species and sexes. The implication of this study for the management of fruit flies is discussed.  相似文献   

Insecticidal seed treatments are increasingly being applied to soybeans in North America, and several recent studies question what they add to current pest management. Here, we examine the effects of two neonicotinoid insecticidal seed treatments on insect populations (pest and natural enemies) in SD soybeans over 2 years. Moreover, we conducted laboratory experiments to determine the duration that seed treatments remained effective against the soybean aphid (Aphis glycines, Hemiptera: Aphididae) and how thiamethoxam affected survival of one of the aphid’s predators, Orius insidiosus (Hemiptera: Anthocoridae) on soybean. Soybean aphids, thrips, and grasshopper populations were unaffected by the insecticidal seed treatments in the field. The laboratory trial revealed that all bioactivity of the seed treatments against soybean aphids was gone within 46 days after planting, prior to aphid populations damaging the crop. Bean leaf beetles, a sporadic pest in our area, were reduced by the seed treatments. But, there were no yield benefits of insecticidal seed treatments over the 2 years of the study at this location. Natural enemy communities were significantly reduced by thiamethoxam seed treatments relative to the untreated control, particularly populations of Nabis americoferus (Hemiptera: Nabidae). Chrysoperla (Neuroptera: Chrysopidae) adults were reduced in the imidacloprid-treated plots. In the laboratory, rearing O. insidiosus on soybean plants treated with thiamethoxam resulted in higher mortality for both the nymphs and the adult stage. Offering the predator insect prey on the thiamethoxam-treated plants improved survival of the adult stage, but not the nymphal stage. This work confirms that insecticidal seed treatments offer little benefit to soybean producers of the Northern Great Plains and adds to the discussion by suggesting that generalist predators are adversely affected by the insecticides.  相似文献   

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