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本文主要对重庆市林木良种化的现状进行分析,并针对林木良种使用率低,良种基地规模小、结构不合理,资金投入不足,科研力量薄弱等问题,提出了推进林木良种化进程的几点建议。重点加强两个方面工作:一是加强良种繁育体系建设,二是做好良种推广和管理。  相似文献   

从种苗规模、经营组织结构、管理、效益等方面阐述了山西省林木种苗发展的基本态势,分析了苗木供求矛盾、林木良种化推进缓慢、种质资源保护工作滞后、林木种苗市场不完善等林木种苗业存在的问题,提出了加强林木资源保存和利用工作、加强种苗生产基地建设、提高林木种苗科技水平、加强林木种苗市场监管、加强种苗信息化体系建设等种苗工作的主要任务。  相似文献   

通过对渭南市核桃劣质低产园现状及产生原因的分析,提出加强核桃良种繁育基地和采穗圃建设、大力开展技术推广和林农培训,提高农民管理水平、加快劣质低产核桃园改造、加强优惠政策的落实及促进农户与市场对接等改造对策。  相似文献   

考察江西省林木良种科研,教育、生产等单位,肯定开展良种选育20多年中所采取的技术路线,提出林木良种选育必须适应市场需要,并且探讨了种苗建设中的技术政策问题。  相似文献   

根据对双峰县林木种苗工作现状的分析,提出建立林木良种繁育基地,加强种苗法规建设,强化种苗质量监督,加强林木良种审定,积极引进良种壮苗,开展林木种苗技术人员技能培训等措施.  相似文献   

林木种苗是林业建设和实现林业经济指标的物质基础。通过5年多对辽宁省林木种苗供应情况的调查研究,发现苗圃的存活率仅为29%;育苗面积和株数由2003年的2.31万hm2和30.34亿株,降到2007年的1.31万hm2和19.97亿株;上山造林类苗木总量由2003年占当年苗木总产量的82.2%,下降到2007年的占55.9%,经济林类苗木生产数量非常平稳,在苗木总量的10%~13%浮动,城乡的绿化和美化类苗木数量由2003年的占6.7%上升到2007年的占31.8%;苗圃良种使用率为34%~42%。针对调查结果,提出了抓良种选育,建设一批林木良种选育基地,培育新品种,向林农提供优良经济林品种;制定种苗发展规划,抓骨干苗圃建设,实施苗木生产、供应和使用的三定制度;建立种子贮备资金、抓种子贮备等基础设施建设以及发展特色种苗产业等的建议或措施。  相似文献   

郑嵘  邹伟 《中国林业》2009,(17):28-29
林木良种是林分速生丰产、优质、抗逆性林木的基础,是林业增效、林农增收的重要因素。江西省峡江县林木良种场始建于1977年,是江西专业的林木良种基地之一。多年来,在省林业厅、省林木种苗工作总站的重视和支持下,认真贯彻“以选为主,选、引、育、繁相结合”良种工作方针,不断引进新技术,加强科学研究,实行科学管理,提高集约经营水平,为改善环境、促进国民经济发展作出贡献。  相似文献   

张东霞 《绿色科技》2019,(17):155-156
指出了林业的繁荣是国家良好发展的标志。近些年,根据我国生态林业发展的目标与要求,发展林木良种技术,提高林木发展水平成为我国林业事业的重要任务。为此,分析了林木良种技术发展遇到的困难与问题,阐述了优化林木良种技术的意义,并提出了推进林木良种发展的策略和建议。  相似文献   

林木良种化的经济政策分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
林木良种具有公共物品的特征, 需要政府扶持。但林木良种化是一项复杂的系统工程, 涉及良种选育、繁殖、生产、市场供需、利益分配机制等, 每个阶段和环节都有不同的特点, 要从公共财政现阶段的实际状况出发, 给予相应的政策支持。  相似文献   

近年来,山区开展了群众性的板栗良种选育,推广了嫁接繁殖技术,建立了丰产试验地,并对栗园的管理进行了不少尝试.如何加强栗园管理,尤其是如何给栗树施肥,促使板栗丰产、稳产,已越来越显重要,成为当前林农迫切需要解决的问题.实践证明,山区栗园施肥,主要是要走出以下四个误区:  相似文献   

世界松类无性系林业发展策略和现状   总被引:18,自引:0,他引:18  
本文概述了当前世界集约工业人林发达国家在松类无性系林业发展中采取的策略和研究现状,突出介绍了他们把家系林业和无性系林业结合的经验。同时针对我国近20年来松类种子园和无性繁殖技术的现状,提出了我国松类良种化工作的发展方向。  相似文献   

A decentralized seedling production is regarded as the most effective means of providing smallholders with planting materials. However, the sustainability of smallholder nursery operation is constrained by several factors, including the limited availability of germplasm, lack of technical skills and low seedling demand low viability of seedling market. The government nursery sector could complement the weaknesses of the smallholder nursery group but government nurseries are not operating effectively to enhance the availability of high quality seedlings of a wide species base for smallholder forestry. Seedling production in government nurseries is quantity-orientated with low emphasis on the production of high quality planting materials. Germplasm used in seedling production is mostly collected from unselected sources and seedlings produced are mostly of low physical quality. The species selection in government nurseries is heavily based on the availability of germplasm which resulted in the production of a few species which are commonly raised on private nurseries. The duplication of species of most seedlings raised in government nurseries with those produced in private nurseries and the far distance of government nurseries from the villages has resulted in low uptake of seedlings by smallholder tree farmers. For the government nursery sector to become more effective in providing support in the present paradigm of decentralized seeding production, a change from its production system and a broadening of the role it plays is needed. The social mobilization on seedling production as a scheme of implementing the Green Philippines Program has led the Department of Environment and Natural Resources to acknowledge the seedling production activity of private individual and communal nursery groups. This can be an opportunity for organizing the private and government nursery sectors to promote the operational effectiveness of the overall forest nursery industry.  相似文献   

欧典事件说明,成熟的市场经济距我们还很遥远,国人在消费中还必须继续承受着各种各样痛苦,委屈和被骗的代价,欧典类的企业学将会以种种方式出现于我们的视野,政府的公信和企业的诚信还会在很长一段时间内面临严峻挑战。但我们没理由丧失信心,一个个精心设计的骗局被无情地昭示天下,一篇篇充满正气的声讨檄文现于报端,一批批唯利是图,专事欺诈的企业受到严惩,便证明希望依旧。 只要以政府为首的各种监管机制不断强化,完善,只要媒体能够坚守社会良知。不为金钱所虏,只要企业家们力避浮夸诚信做事,只要消费者能不断提高自己的鉴别水平,我们就能大大缩短走向成熟市场经济的进程。[编者按]  相似文献   

The Agroforestry Tree Seeds Association of Lantapan (ATSAL) in Bukidnon province of Mindanao, Philippines, was organized in 1998, facilitated by the World Agroforestry Centre (ICRAF). Farmers were trained on germplasm collection, processing and marketing of agroforestry tree seeds and seedlings. ATSAL has been marketing various tree seeds and seedlings with apparent success, and has provided training on seed collection and nursery management to farmers, government technicians, and workers from non-government organizations. This paper reports initial results of a continuing study to assess the effectiveness of ATSAL’s marketing strategy, including group dynamics, and the issues and challenges the group faces. It was found that during the first 2 years, ATSAL’s market share of highly demanded timber tree species grew rapidly, thus helping to disseminate widely these important species among farmers. ICRAF’s technical back-up was an advantage, increasing the Association’s market credibility. Subsequently, ATSAL extended its market to the central Philippines, but failed to meet the demand for seeds due to organizational limitations. Market competition exists, where a non-member was able to take a larger market share than was the group. Nonetheless, ATSAL has established its name as a viable community-based seed and seedling producer, maintaining a stronghold in local and regional markets. Collective action is important for smallholders to gain market access, but is unlikely to sustain sales. Facilitating smallholder collective action is essentially an arduous task, requiring the supporting agency to hold a firm grasp of market realities, to invest in the maintenance of collective action, to provide continuous technical back-up, and to ascertain the conditions that make collective action succeed.  相似文献   

Regulatory Impact Assessment (RIA) – understood as the formalised analytical activities initiated or carried out by central government administrations when designing specific policy instruments – is currently receiving high levels of political attention. It is seen as a tool to improve regulatory quality and to promote cross-cutting objectives such as sustainable development. Often conceived as an economic analysis of costs and benefits, RIA tends to be depicted as a ‘neutral’ assessment process that informs decision-makers about ‘facts’. This does not explain, of course, why RIA often becomes an arena for political conflict involving both government departments and stakeholders. Based on empirical research on the design and practical application of RIA across the European Union, this paper explores the relationship between RIA, policy-making and politics. The aim is to shed light on what knowledge is produced, how it is used by different actors and what role it plays in decision-making. Based on this analysis, we explore to what extent and under what conditions RIA can serve as a tool for more evidence-based and sustainability oriented policy-making processes.  相似文献   

超临界CO_2流体萃取辣木籽油工艺研究初报   总被引:3,自引:3,他引:0  
初步研究了SFE-CO2辣木籽油工艺,探索了萃取压力、萃取温度、萃取时间和萃取CO2流量等主要因素对萃取率的影响,并通过正交试验进行了工艺参数筛选。结果表明:当萃取压力30MPa,温度50℃,时间3h,CO2流量23L/h,SFE-CO2辣木籽油效果最佳,且SFE-CO2辣木籽油工艺流程简单,无溶媒残留,品质好,纯度高,外观清亮,过氧化值0.431meq/kg。  相似文献   

To assess the potential to integrate somatic clones (SC) of desired characteristics in production of high genetic quality seed, controlled crosses between different SCs of black spruce (Picea mariana (Mill) B.S.P.) were used to assess their suitability for the production of viable pollen, cones, seeds and seedlings. These SC produced male and female strobili at an early stage. Pollen, cones and seeds produced were characterized (mass, size, germination); their characteristics were similar to those produced by trees in natural forests or seed orchards. A maternal effect was demonstrated for the cone size and seed mass. Although seeds had excellent germination rates, the somatic biparental crosses were divided into three distinct groups with different germination curves using the Weibull function. Seeds from controlled crosses between different SC enabled the production of high morpho-physiological quality seedlings in a forest nursery. Using black spruce as a model, we showed, for the first time, that SC can be used as seed producers. These encouraging results open new perspectives on the tangible integration of somatic embryogenesis (SE) in the chain of seed, vegetative propagation (cuttings and SE) and production of plants for high productivity plantations. Controlled crosses can be made between SC with the desired characteristics (fewer large branches, fewer nodes, good growth, high wood density, performance, improved yield, etc.), vegetative propagules produced and deployed to clonal tests. After elimination of the worst performing SC, clonal tests can be converted into seed orchards that produce a new generation of seeds of high genetic quality. This will allow the rapid introduction of new materials in elite breeding programs of forest species.  相似文献   

Agroforestry Tree Seed Production and Supply Systems in Malawi   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
A sustainable agroforestry tree germplasm supply system is vital to resource-constrained smallholder farmers who depend on agroforestry to improve the productivity of their farm enterprises. Successful adoption of agroforestry hinges on the development of a sustainable agroforestry tree germplasm supply system. This paper reviews the agroforestry tree seed supply system in Malawi, with a view to determining its sustainability and quality. Currently, more than 90% of the documented agroforestry tree seed distributed to farmers is produced by smallholder farmers collected mainly from scattered farmland trees, the remainder being produced from seed orchards and seed stands owned or controlled by research organizations. Three organizations—namely the Land Resources Centre (LRC), National Tree Seed Centre (NTSC) of the Forestry Research Institute of Malawi (FRIM) and the World Agroforestry Centre (ICRAF)—were identified as major procurers of agroforestry tree seed produced by smallholder farmers. Agroforestry germplasm is distributed to farmers by non-governmental organizations (NGOs) and government agricultural and forestry extension departments. The procurement and distribution of germplasm to farmers is in general effective. The major challenge to sustainability of agroforestry tree germplasm distribution in Malawi is dependence on donor funding. The agroforestry tree seed system is, to some extent, sustainable with regards to production, although the genetic quality of the germplasm is low. Germplasm storage facilities at national level are available and possibly adequate, but knowledge and information on effective low-cost tree germplasm storage systems at household level are limited. Sustainability could be enhanced by strengthening of grass-root organizations involved in tree seed production to institutionalize the distribution through farmer–farmer exchange. There is also a need to support the development, promotion and adoption of low-cost tree germplasm storage facilities by smallholder farmers.  相似文献   

This study examined land use conflicts between three villages and Phu Kao – Phu Phan Kham National Park in northeast Thailand that resulted from its access and utilization during 2013–2015. The source of conflict is usufruct rights, a government entitlement program designed to honor villagers who lived on the land before it was established as a national park or forest reserve. Ironically, designation of protected areas is not a safeguard for biodiversity. A complex set of rules and regulations control access to resources, but compliance is subject to government oversight and economic pressure to improve quality of life. Granting usufruct rights may reduce certain land use conflicts, but they fail to address agricultural expansion inside park and forest boundaries. For example, agricultural encroachment in this protected area increased by 13.1% during the study period, mainly through cassava plantings. Cassava requires a small amount of maintenance and has a high market value since it is being promoted as an energy crop by the Thai government. A variety of management strategies are needed for sustainable forestry, such as regular forest patrols, reduction of agricultural-based income, and community-based initiatives.  相似文献   

This paper examines seedling production systems for small-scale forestry in northern Mindanao, particularly the constraints and opportunities to sustain the operation of smallholder nurseries. Various types of nurseries were identified to examine issues and concerns operators face, and data collected through a survey of nursery operators, discussion with government and NGO personnel, and literature review. Many smallholders in northern Mindanao have been engaged in seedling production, for farm needs and sale in local markets. The interest of smallholder to sustain seedling production depends on market demand and incentives, which translates to financial benefit on sound nursery practices and of reliable access to profitable markets. Activities that will assist smallholder nurseries to achieve full potential have been identified as: available nursery technologies to produce high quality planting materials in sufficient quantity; building farmer groups to facilitate seedling production and enhance the scale of product marketing; building partnerships with various service providers and other stakeholders to address technical, institutional, marketing and policy issues that may hamper the operation of smallholder nurseries; access to markets and market information; and provision of incentives and policy support. Associated benefits from small-scale seedling production accrue to the government, wood processors and to the public in general.  相似文献   

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