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在中科院长白山生态系统定位站,从地表20cm处采集土壤样品,用两种不同形式的氮肥(NO3--N,NH4 -N和NH4NO3)处理土壤样品,用盆栽试验研究了两年生红松苗木受不同浓度N源影响而产生的根际pH变化及其对根际Fe、Mn、Cu和Zn等微量元素的有效性和吸收的影响。结果表明,与对照处理相比,施加铵态氮使根际pH降低,而施加硝态氮则使根际pH增加。根际pH变化的方向与程度取决于N源及施加的浓度。根际pH的变化对根际微量元素的有效性具有显著影响,进而影响到苗木对养分的吸收利用。根际有效Fe、Mn、Cu和Zn的含量与根际pH呈负相关,而苗木叶中Fe、Mn、Cu和Zn含量与根际有效养分含量呈正相关。图5参11。  相似文献   

陈永亮 《林业科学》2012,48(3):51-57
用根垫-冰冻切片法研究不同氮源对石灰性潮土中黑松幼苗根-土界面无机磷形态转化及有效性的影响。结果表明:铵态氮(NH4+-N)处理后幼苗根-土界面pH值较对照处理明显降低,而硝态氮(NO3--N)处理后幼苗根-土界面pH值较对照处理升高,不同氮源引起的幼苗根-土界面pH值变动的幅度取决于氮源的质量分数。铵态氮处理明显降低了幼苗根-土界面Ca2-P,Fe-P和Al-P质量分数,100,200和400mg·kg-1的铵态氮处理后,距根表0~1mm处Ca2-P较土体亏缺率分别为37.1%,45.9%和57.7%,Fe-P较土体亏缺率分别为23.4%,29.1%和38.2%,Al-P较土体亏缺率分别为25.1%,28.0%和33.2%;硝态氮处理增加了幼苗根-土界面Ca2-P,Fe-P和Al-P质量分数,但不显著。铵态氮与硝态氮处理后幼苗根-土界面Ca8-P的亏缺程度较对照分别加大或降低,但不明显。铵态氮与硝态氮处理后幼苗根-土界面Ca10-P和O-P质量分数较对照处理变化很小。铵态氮引起的黑松幼苗根-土界面pH值的降低,促进了幼苗根-土界面处无机磷的形态转化,提高了根-土界面无机磷的生物有效性,显著增加了根系对磷的吸收。  相似文献   

坡度与施肥密度对毛竹林氮素流失的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为研究坡度与施肥密度对笋用毛竹(Phyllostachys edulis)林氮素流失的影响,在典型的笋用毛竹林内建立径流场,收集并检测不同类型毛竹林径流水中的NH4+-N、NO3--N、TN和TP含量。结果表明,施肥后短期内,毛竹林径流水中的NH4+-N、NO3--N和TN含量升高,之后缓慢下降。坡度对NH4+-N、NO3--N和TN含量的影响较大;随着坡度的增加,NH4+-N、NO3--N和TN在径流水中的含量及年流失总量均增加;30°坡毛竹林中的NH4+-N、NO3--N和TN年流失总量均最高,分别为69.72、136.13和413.50 g·hm-2·a-1。施肥密度对养分流失也有较大影响;随着施肥密度的增加,NH4+-N、NO3--N和TN在径流水中的含量及年流失总量均增加,最高年流失总量分别为64.47、132.74和364.94 g·hm-2·a-1。在整个试验周期内,TP在径流水中的含量和年流失总量均无显著变化。施肥是毛竹林径流水中NH4+-N、NO3--N和TN含量升高的原因之一。  相似文献   

测定云南松根际土和非根际土的全磷、有机磷、有效磷、pH值、酸性、中性、碱性磷酸酶活性.结果表明:根际土与非根际土之间的全磷和有机磷含量差异不显著,而有效磷含量差异极显著.根际土pH值极显著地低于非根际的.酸性、中性磷酸酶活性占总酶量的比例较大,碱性磷酸酶的较小.根际土的3种磷酸酶的含量极显著地高于非根际土的.根际活化磷的能力与土壤中的总磷含量、有机磷含量以及pH值和碱性磷酸酶的数量成显著正相关关系,这表明磷的活化是多因素共同作用的结果.不同林龄的云南松根际对磷的活化有一定差异,年龄小的云南松根际土与非根际土之间的有效磷差异较大.  相似文献   

为进一步明确毛竹幼苗无土栽培的最佳条件,阐明毛竹N形态响应差异的影响因素,加快毛竹实生苗的培育.研究超纯水、砂和蛭石3种栽培介质,2 mM不同N形态(NH4+-N、NO3--N)以及3种pH值(3.8、5.8、7.8)处理对毛竹幼苗地上部的苗高、叶片数、叶绿素相对含量(SPAD)及地上部生物量的影响.结果表明:在蛭石和水培时,毛竹生长表现出明显的喜铵性,并且在pH为3.8时生长最好;而砂培时,毛竹幼苗生长对NH4+-N和NO3--N以及pH的响应差异都不明显.相关性分析结果表明,对地上部生长的影响为:栽培介质>pH值>N形态.毛竹幼苗生长及对不同N形态的响应受外界环境条件影响,在蛭石中栽培,供应NH4+-N为主、pH值为3.8的营养液,其生长最好.研究结果可为毛竹幼苗的无土栽培和繁育提供理论参考.  相似文献   

落叶松根际pH值与供磷水平及土壤磷有效性的关系   总被引:18,自引:0,他引:18  
植物在生长过程中由于根分泌物的作用 ,根际pH值将发生不同于土体的变化。这种变化在植物利用难溶性营养元素 (如磷素 )上是极其重要的。迄今为止关于草本植物和作物根际pH值变化与土壤中难溶性磷利用的研究已有很多报道。Grinsted和Hedley( 1 986)研究发现生长 35天的油菜幼苗根际pH值可降低 2 4个单位 (由 6 5到 4 1 ) ,相应其根际有效磷的浓度增加 1 0倍 (王庆仁等 ,1 998)。Marchner( 1 986)发现白羽扇豆在缺磷土壤中形成排根 ,排根分泌的有机酸能降低根际土壤的pH值以促进其对磷的吸收。目前人们普遍认…  相似文献   

【目的】讨论不同产区木荷种源在 NH4+-N或 NO3--N沉降下的生长表现和响应差异,揭示不同形态氮素对木荷生长发育的影响,为在大气氮沉降环境背景下,选育营养高效利用的木荷速生优质新品种提供理论依据。【方法】以木荷北缘种源区-浙江杭州种源、中部种源区-福建建瓯种源和中部靠南边缘种源区-江西信丰种源3个有代表性的木荷种源作为试验材料,模拟不同形态氮沉降( NH4+和NO3-)增加对不同土壤磷素处理下木荷幼苗生长和叶片氮、磷元素含量的影响。盆栽试验设置土壤低磷(1.1 mg·kg -1)处理和高磷(25 mg·kg -1)对照,以人为喷施 NH4 Cl和 NaNO3溶液进行氮沉降模拟,分别设置3个氮沉降量水平:0,80和200 kg·N·hm -2·a -1,试验按完全随机区组设计,每种源每处理重复12株苗。2013年11月收获,测定苗高、地径等生长指标,并分别测定根、茎、叶各部分干物质量和磷、氮含量。【结果】不同形态氮沉降对木荷苗木生长影响差异显著,磷素可提高种源间对氮素的响应差异。在低磷环境下,不同氮处理下木荷植株生物量和根冠比变异系数较大,这为氮沉降下木荷耐受型植株的选择提供了可能。低磷环境下,NO3--N 对木荷苗木生长促进作用显著,苗高、地径和生物量分别较 NH4+-N处理高4.5%,17.8%和75.2%,叶片氮、磷含量提高,叶片 N:P 比下降。NH4+-N 对木荷植株的生长抑制作用较强,导致叶片磷含量下降,N:P升高,植株受到磷胁迫增强。而在高磷环境下,NH4+-N的促进作用增强,苗高、地径和生物量分别较 NO3--N处理高13.5%,10.4%和25.4%。无论土壤在高磷还是低磷环境下,NO3--N 降低叶片N/P比,而 NH4+-N增加叶片 N/P比。木荷种源间对不同形态氮沉降响应差异显著,在土壤低磷环境下,NH4+-N处理抑制了福建建瓯种源和江西信丰种源生长,生物量下降,而杭州种源却在 NH4+-N80处理下,苗高和地径生长较对照分别增加19%和20%。【结论】在低磷环境下,NO3--N对木荷不同种源幼苗生长促进作用更强,而当土壤磷含量提高时,NH4+-N的促进作用增强,同时苗木生长差异增大。浙江杭州种源对 NH4+-N 的适应性更强,而福建建瓯和江西信丰种源则对 NO3--N适应性更强。  相似文献   

单莉莉  郑红  张健  庄凯  刘婷岩 《森林工程》2011,(5):20-23,57
在CO2人工气候箱(Pervical,PGC-9/2)内,用水培的方法研究了CO2浓度和NO3--N/NH4+-N对白桦幼苗NO3--N代谢的影响。结果表明:白桦幼苗根系、叶片NR活性以及叶片NO3--N、可溶性蛋白含量均随NO3--N供应比例和CO2浓度的增加而有所增加。在NO3--N/NH4+-N≥50/50时,CO2浓度倍增显著提高了白桦幼苗根系和叶片NR活性。CO2浓度倍增显著提高了白桦幼苗叶片NO3--N含量,且促进程度随营养液NO3--N比例的增加而加大。除NO3--N/NH 4+-N为100/0外,CO2浓度倍增并未显著提高白桦幼苗叶片的可溶性蛋白含量。CO2浓度与N素形态的交互作用对白桦幼苗根系、叶片NR活性以及叶片NO3--N含量的影响显著。  相似文献   

对不同龄组南酸枣根际与非根际土壤全氮、全磷、水解氮、有效磷、全钾、速效钾含量差异进行研究,探明南酸枣根际养分的差异及对土壤养分的利用情况,为培育南酸枣提供参考依据。结果表明:1)3年生南酸枣根际与非根际土之间仅全氮含量存在显著性差异,15年生南酸枣与30年生南酸枣根际与非根际土之间全氮、全磷、水解氮、有效磷、全钾、速效钾含量均存在显著性差异。2)3年生南酸枣根际土壤仅全氮存在富集作用,15年生南酸枣与30年生南酸枣根际土壤全氮、全磷、水解氮、有效磷、全钾、速效钾均存在富集作用。3)根际全氮与水解氮、全磷呈极显著正相关(P 0.01);全氮与全钾呈显著正相关(P 0.05),全磷与有效磷、全钾呈极显著正相关(P 0.01),全钾与速效钾呈显著正相关(P 0.05)。非根际全氮与全钾呈极显著正相关(P 0.01);全氮与水解氮呈显著正相关(P 0.05),水解氮与速效钾呈显著正相关(P 0.05),全钾与速效钾呈显著正相关(P 0.05)。随着树龄与胸径的增加,南酸枣根际效应更加明显,个体间根际土壤的差异性也越大;根际土壤的全氮、全磷、全钾含量是相互影响的,三者同时增加或降低。  相似文献   

对章古台地区人工固沙林的根际土壤和非根际土壤进行了对比研究,结果表明:不同树种根际土壤pH值低于非根际土壤,有机质含量均高于非根际土壤;全N、碱解N、速效K表现为富集,速效P表现为亏缺,其中樟子松亏缺最为严重。随樟子松林龄增长,根际土壤和非根际土壤pH值表现为下降趋势。根际土壤有机质含量较非根际土壤有机质提高的幅度以中龄林阶段最高;根际土壤的CEC值中龄林和近熟林阶段小于非根际土壤;根际土壤中盐分积累的程度随林龄增长逐渐下降;不同发育阶段,根际土壤速效P含量均低于非根际土壤。樟子松感病后,根际土壤的pH值随感病程度的加重而上升,有机质含量明显下降,CEC值有一定程度的提高,盐分、全N、速效N、速效K的富集程度和速效P的亏缺程度明显下降。  相似文献   

Root mat method described by Kuchenbuch and Jungk was used to study the rhizosphere processes. The experiment was carried out on two years oldPinus koraiensis seedlings. Soil samples collected from the upper 20-cm soil layer in Changbai Mountain were treated with three different forms of nitrogen fertilizers: NO3 −N, NH4 +−N and NH4NO3. The results showed that the soil pH and available P near the roots were all lower than in the bulk soil in control treatment. NH4 +−N application greatly decreased the soil pH near the roots compared to the control treatment and promoted the absorption of phosphorus, which led to a more remarkable depletion region of available P. On the contrary, the rhizosphere soil pH was higher than in the bulk soil in treatments with NO3 −N and retarded the P absorption, which led to a nearly equal available P contents to the bulk soil. In treatment with NH4NO3, the rhizosphere soil pH was only a little lower than that in the control treatment and its effects on P absorption is mediate between the treatments with NH4 +−N and NO3 −N. Foundation item: This paper was supported by National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant No. 30170167). Biography: Chen Yong-liang (1969-), male, Ph. Doctor, lecture of Northeast Forestry University, Harbin 150040, Post-doctor in Institute of Applied Ecology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Shenyang 110016, P.R. China. E-mail: ylchin@sohu.com Responsible editor: Seng Funan  相似文献   

调查了施加氮肥(15NH4和15NO3)处理后在两个连续生长季内欧洲水青冈(Fagus sylvatica L.)幼苗地上部分和地下部分的生物量和营养元素分配。盆栽欧洲水青冈幼苗培养于温室大棚内,培养土样取自相邻的三种林分:欧洲水青冈,挪威赤松,欧洲水青冈-赤松混交林。结果表明,氮肥(15N)处理对欧洲水青冈营养元素分配没有显著影响,施加氮素形式决定自身流入植物库的情况。欧洲水青獭收氮素主要以硝态氮的形式,因此,尽管植物体内保存的硝态氮和氨态氮并没有统计差异,但是叶片中硝态氮明显减少。施加硝态氮对欧洲水青冈氮素恢复的影响要大于施加氨态氮。与欧洲水青冈茎、粗根相比,优质根系对氮素(15N)固定是一个缓慢过程。表8图1参40。  相似文献   

Soil chemistry influences plant health and carbon storage in forest ecosystems. Increasing nitrogen(N) deposition has potential effect on soil chemistry. We studied N deposition effects on soil chemistry in subtropical Pleioblastus amarus bamboo forest ecosystems. An experiment with four N treatment levels(0, 50, 150,and300 kg N ha~(-1)a~(-1),applied monthly, expressed as CK,LN,MN, HN,respectively) in three replicates. After6 years of N additions, soil base cations, acid-forming cations, exchangeable acidity(EA), organic carbon fractions and nitrogen components were measured in all four seasons. The mean soil pH values in CK,LN,MN and HN were 4.71, 4.62, 4.71, and 4.40, respectively, with a significant difference between CK and HN. Nitrogen additions significantly increased soil exchangeable Al3+,EA, and Al/Ca,and exchangeable Al3+ in HN increased by 70%compared to CK. Soil base cations(Ca~(2+), Mg~(2+), K+, and Na+) did not respond to N additions. Nitrogen treatments significantly increased soil NO3--N but had little effect on soil total nitrogen, particulate organic nitrogen, or NH4~+-N. Nitrogen additions did not affect soil total organic carbon, extractable dissolved organic carbon,incorporated organic carbon, or particulate organic carbon.This study suggests that increasing N deposition could increase soil NO3--N, reduce soil pH, and increase mobilization of Al~(3+). These changes induced by N deposition can impede root grow and function, further may influence soil carbon storage and nutrient cycles in the future.  相似文献   

潮棕壤不同利用方式土壤氮的垂直变化及氮储量   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
对中国科学院沈阳生态实验站潮棕壤在水稻田、玉米地、撂荒地和林地等经过14年不同利用方式后0-150cm各土层(2003年11月取样)N的剖面分布及N储量进行研究的结果表明不同利用方式下土壤全N、碱解N、NH4+-N和NO3--N含量发生明显的剖面差异;土壤N储量为林地>玉米地>撂荒地>水稻田,NO3--N含量为玉米地>水稻田>林地>撂荒地,说明不同利用方式下生物量差异及N的生物循环对N行为的影响。100cm深度林地土壤平均N储量为11.41t穐m-2,分别是水稻田和玉米地土壤的1.65和1.25倍,而玉米地和撂荒地的土壤N储量无显著差异。玉米地和水稻田相对较高的NO3--N含量可能由于过量施用N肥和人为干扰所致。土壤碱解N与全N含量呈线性正相关关系(R20.929,p<0.001),而自然生态系统(林地和撂荒地)中的相关性略高于农田生态系统(水稻田和玉米地)。过量施用N肥还导致耕地土壤中比撂荒地和林地积累更多的NO3--N。研究结果表明,农林复合系统对于作物生产和环境保护具有重要的潜在贡献。图2表5参23。  相似文献   

Dark brown forest soil was collected from the upper 20 cm soil layer in Changbai Mountain Research Station of Ecosystem, Chinese Academy of Sciences. The soil was amended with two different forms of nitrogen fertilizers: NO3 as Ca(NO3)2, NH4 + as NH4Cl at the concentrations of 50, 100, 200 and 400 mg kg−1respectively. The experiment was carried out with 2-yr-oldPinus koraiensis seedlings in pot. The pH change of rhizosphere soil and the contents of available Fe, Mn, Cu, and Zn in soil and leaves were analyzed. The result indicated that the addition of NH4-N decreased the rhizosphere pH value, while the addition of NO3-N increased the rhizosphere pH value in contrast with the control treatment. The direction and extent of the pH change mainly depended on N source and its concentrations applied. The rhizosphere pH change had a remarkable influence on the availability of the micronutrients in the rhizosphere, and thereafter affected the nutrient uptake by the seedlings. The contents of available mineral nutrients had a negative correlation with the pH value in the rhizosphere soil. The contents of available mineral nutrients in leaves were positively correlated to the levels of the available nutrients in the rhizosphere soils. Foundation item: This paper was supported by National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant No. 30170167). Biography: CHEN Yong-liang (1969-), male, Ph. Doctor, lecture of Northeast Forestry University, Harbin 150040, Post-doctor in Institute of Applied Ecology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Shenyang 110016, P. R. China. Responsible editor: Song Funan  相似文献   

For understanding the reasons that caused the degradation of water quality in lower order streams, systematic sampling was conducted at different spatial locations aiong the low order streams (1 st-5th) of Ashihe River continuum in Maoershan Experimental Forest of Northeast Forestry University, Sharlgzhi City, Heilongjiang Province, China. The indexes of stream water quality, i.e., the pH, dissolved oxygen(DO), turbidity, temperature, PO43-P, NO3-N and NH4^+-N concentrations, total dissolved inorganic nitrogen (TDIN-N, including concentrations of NO3^+-N and NH4^+-N), and total phosphorus (inorganic and organic phosphorous, TP) were measured and analyzed. The stream order, related environmental settings and land-use type were recorded for each sampling location. The indexes of stream water quality at different locations with different stream orders and land use types were compared by ANOVA analysis. The indexes of stream water quality at different sampling locations were analyzed by Hierarchical cluster analysis. Result showed that water quality had significant difference in different stream orders and land use types; some locations with different stream features (stream order and land use type) were grouped into same clusters, indicating that random disturbances produced the variations in water quality, which made the spatial variances of stream water quality inconsistent with the general rules.  相似文献   

从红汁乳菇菌盖上分离得到的菌丝易于培养。条件适宜时 ,菌丝浓密洁白 ,且在基质上产生桔红色色素。菌丝对单糖、双糖、多糖均可利用 ,对氨态氮、硝态氮、尿素、氨基酸也均可利用。菌丝可在 5 0~ 30 0℃下生长 ,最适温度为 2 0 0~ 2 5 0℃ ,pH值 3~ 1 1时均可生长 ,最适 pH值为 5~ 8,光照对菌丝生长的影响不大。  相似文献   

The calcareous fluvo-aquic soil was collected and a microcosm study was carried out with root-mat and frozenslicing method in laboratory. The pH in the root-soil interface with the control treatment was just slightly lower than in the bulk soil.However,the addition of NH4- -N significantly decreased the pH value in the root-soil interface and the addition of No3 -N slightly increased the pH value in the root-soil interface.The magnitude of pH changes in the root-soil interface depended upon the concentrations of the nitrogen sources added.The contents of Ca2-P,Fe-P and Al-P in the root-soil interface were much lower after treated with NH4 -N and slightly higher after treated with No3 -N compared with control treatment.After treated with 100,200 and 400 mg·kg-1NH4+ -N,the deficiency rates of Ca2-P in the area 0-1 mm from the root plane were 37.1%,45.9%and 57.7%,respectively,the deficiency rates of Fe-P were 23.4%,29.1%and 38.2%,respectively,and the deficiency rates of Al-P were 25.1%,28.0%and 33.2%,respectively. Compared with the control the deficiency rates of Ca8-P in NH4+ -N and No3-N treatments decreased and increased,respectively,but the differences were not obvious.The contents of Ca10 -P and O-P in the root-soil interface did not significantly change after treated with NH4+ -N or No3 -N,suggesting that Ca10- P and O-P were remarkably difficult to be mobilized even at the presence of high concentration of NH4+ -N.The lowered pH in the root-soil interface induced by the addition of the NH4 -N promoted the transformation of phosphates in the root-soil interface,enhanced the mobilization and bioavailability of phosphates,and thereby remarkably increased the absorption of phosphorus by roots.  相似文献   

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