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落叶松水曲柳纯林与混交林根际土壤中养分浓度的变化   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
张彦东 《林业研究》2002,13(4):269-272
在落叶松水曲柳纯林与混交林中,采集林地土和根际土,测定了氮、磷、钾浓度,目的是探讨养分条件变化在混交林增产上的作用。结果表明:混交林林地土全氮浓度和水解氮浓度与水曲柳纯林相近,但要高于落叶松纯林。水曲柳在混交林中根际土全氮和水解氮浓度与纯林中的相近,而落叶松在混交林中根际土水解氮浓度明显高于纯林中的。混交林林地土全磷和全钾浓度与两个树种的纯林相差不大。混交林林地土有效磷、有效钾浓度均高于水曲柳纯林,而且水曲柳在混交林中根际土的有效磷和有效钾浓度与纯林中的相比明显增加,分别高出44.1%~79.6%和13.5%~25.6%。这说明水曲柳在混交林中磷和钾的利用状况得到了改善。表2参15。  相似文献   

夏志光 《防护林科技》2015,(3):28-30,33
对海伦市红光农场纯大豆模式、分别复合种植7a和3a的落叶松-大豆复合模式及杨树-大豆复合模式的土壤物理性质进行了分析,结果表明:(1)各模式容重都有随土壤层次的加深而增大的趋势,种植3a的落叶松-大豆模式、杨树-大豆复合模式与纯大豆模式相比,前者能够降低20~30cm、40~50cm土层土壤的容重,后者能够降低0~20cm土层土壤的容重;复合7a的模式中,杨树-大豆模式可以明显降低各土层土壤容重,随着复合年限的延长,落叶松-大豆模式和杨树-大豆模式20~50cm、20~40cm土层土壤容重变化明显。(2)复合3a的模式与纯大豆模式相比,土壤孔隙度基本无明显变化;复合7a的2种模式中,杨树-大豆模式毛管孔隙度和总孔隙度分别高出纯大豆模式6.31%和6.94%,并且杨树-大豆模式土壤孔隙度均明显低于落叶松-大豆模式,随着复合年限的延长,2种模式土壤孔隙度基本无明显变化。  相似文献   

以杨树纯林和杨农复合林2种生态系统为研究对象,通过对土壤有机碳、氮、磷、钾等营养元素含量的测定,初步探讨土壤养分的分布特征。结果表明,杨树纯林和杨农复合生态系统中有机碳、全氮和有效磷含量随着土壤深度增加均呈现递减的趋势;有效钾含量在杨树纯林中随土壤深度的增加而降低,在杨农复合系统中表现出先增大后减小的倒"U"型变化趋势。土壤有机碳、氮、有效磷、有效钾含量范围分别为(6.34±0.22)~(16.88±1.07)g/kg,(0.57±0.09)~(1.35±0.17)g/kg,(4.76±0.44)~(13.88±1.01)mg/kg和(52.8±3.99)~(176.1±8.45)mg/kg。由于间作植物的影响,N,P,K和有机碳的含量在杨树纯林和杨农复合生态系统土壤层中表现出了一定的差异。杨农复合生态系统会在一定程度上改良土壤,增加土壤有机碳和养分元素的含量。  相似文献   

利用天然林窄带状皆伐后营造的20年生落叶松。水曲柳人工纯林,水落混交林以及与之相邻的天然林构成近自然化培育梯度,研究不同林分各土层(0~10cm,10~20cm)土壤理化性质的差异。结果表明:20年生不同近自然化培育的人工林以及天然林之间在林地土壤物理性质上并未产生显著差异(P>0.05),土壤部分化学性质变化较为明显。水曲柳纯林土壤物理性质表现出优于其他林分的趋势,其中下层土壤密度较天然林下降10.4%,下层土壤饱和持水量和毛管持水量分别较天然林增加21.2%和18.2%;水落混交林和天然林次之,落叶松纯林表现最差。人工林土壤各层pH值均略低于天然林(pH=5.50),其中落叶松纯林土壤酸度最大(pH=5.32),但各林分间差异不显著。落叶松纯林土壤上层有机质、全N、全P含量均显著低于其他林分;各层有效P含量均显著高于其他林分(分别为15.92和7.42ug.g-1);落叶松纯林各层土壤水解N和下层速效K显著含量低于其他林分(P<0.05),上层速效K仅显著低于天然林(P<0.05);水曲柳纯林、水落混交林、天然林之间各养分含量差异均未达到显著水平(P>0.05)。与落叶松人工纯林相比,水曲柳人工纯林和近自然化培育的水落混交林的土壤理化性质则更接近天然林的趋势。  相似文献   

毛竹杉木混交造林对土壤养分及林木生长的影响   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
对福建省宁化县方田乡泗坑村营造的7年生杉木毛竹混交林和杉木、毛竹纯林的林下土壤养分及林木生长量进行调查分析,结果表明:毛竹杉木混交林的土壤有机质、全氮、全磷、全钾、水解氮、速效磷、速效钾的含量均比毛竹纯林和杉木纯林高,毛竹杉木混交林中毛竹、杉木的平均胸径、平均高、枝下高、冠幅、单株材积生长量均比毛竹、杉木纯林高。表明,毛竹、杉木混交造林改善了土壤养分,促进林分的生长。  相似文献   

杉木纯林、混交林土壤微生物特性和土壤养分的比较研究   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
王清奎  汪思龙 《林业研究》2008,19(2):131-135
本文于2005年5月份,在中国科学院会同森林生态实验站选择了一块15年生的杉木纯林和两块15年生杉阔混交林作为研究对象,调查了林地土壤有机碳、全氮、全磷、硝态氮、有效磷和土壤微生物碳、氮、磷、基础呼吸以及呼吸熵,比较了纯林和混交林土壤微生物特性和土壤养分.结果表明,杉阔混交林的土壤有机碳、全氮、全磷硝态氮和有效磷含量高于杉木纯林;在混交林中,土壤微生物学特性得到改善.在0(10 cm和10(20 cm两层土壤中,杉阔混交林土壤微生物氮含量分别比杉木纯林高69%和61%.在0(10 cm土层,杉阔混交林土壤微生物碳、磷和基础呼吸分别比杉木纯林高11%、14%和4%;在10(20 cm土层,分别高6%、3%和3%.但是,杉阔混交林土壤微生物碳:氮比和呼吸熵较杉木纯林低34%和4%.另外,土壤微生物与土壤养分的相关性高于土壤呼吸、微生物碳:氮比和呼吸熵与土壤养分的相关性.由此可知,在针叶纯林中引入阔叶树后,土壤肥力得以改善,并有利于退化森林土壤的恢复.  相似文献   

油茶成林林地土壤养分含量变化规律   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
为给油茶林地施肥管理提供科学依据,通过对油茶成林土壤养分进行测定分析,得出在不同土层林地土壤养分含量随林龄增长的变化规律。在林地0~20 cm土层中,有机质、水解氮、全氮、全钾含量呈递增趋势,速效磷、速效钾含量相反,全磷含量变化不大;在林地20~40 cm土层中,有机质、水解氮、全钾、速效磷含量呈递增趋势,全氮含量相反,全磷、速效钾含量变化不大;在林地0~40 cm土层中,有机质、水解氮、速效磷和速效钾含量呈递减趋势,全氮、全磷、全钾含量相反。  相似文献   

土壤是森林植物生命活动的基质.该文研究了冀北山地6种典型森林的土壤养分状况,以及土壤养分的等级.结果表明:6种森林土壤的全氮均属于极贫乏程度,全氮含量排序为:白桦落叶松混交林>油松蒙古栎混交林>白桦阔叶纯林>蒙古栎纯林>油松纯林>落叶松纯林;碱解氮和有机质含量排序为:白桦纯林>白桦落叶松混交林>蒙古栎纯林>油松蒙古栎混交林>油松纯林>落叶松纯林;6种森林类型土壤磷均属于极贫乏程度,全磷含量排序为:白桦纯林>白桦落叶松混交林>落叶松纯林>蒙古栎纯林>油松纯林>油松蒙古栎混交林;速效磷含量排序为:白桦纯林>落叶松纯林>白桦落叶松混交林>油松纯林>油松蒙古栎混交林>蒙古栎纯林;速效钾含量排序为:白桦落叶松混交林>白桦纯林>蒙古栎纯林>油松蒙古栎混交林>油松纯林>落叶松纯林  相似文献   

通过测定土壤有机质、全氮、水解氮、速效磷和速效钾含量、土壤pH值等指标,研究竹阔混交林的土壤化学性质.结果表明:A、B、C三种类型(毛竹与落叶阔叶树混交)较好,0~40 cm土层土壤有机质、全氮、水解氮、速效磷、速效钾和pH值分别比毛竹纯林增加29.6%,9.1%,10.4%,31.7%,26.8%和3.9%,土壤养分状况有明显改善,土壤肥力大大提高;毛竹与常绿阔叶树混交及毛竹纯林较差,两者趋于一致.由此可见,适当的竹阔混交有利于土壤地力的维持.  相似文献   

杉木毛竹混交林土壤理化性状研究   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
对尤溪县梧园村毛竹纯林改造成毛竹混交林的土壤理化性质进行分析,结果表明:在0~20 cm土层中,杉竹混交林土壤的容重低于毛竹纯林,总孔隙度、非毛管孔隙度、毛管孔隙度、通气度、孔隙度比都比毛竹纯林增加,杉竹混交林土壤的毛管持水量、最小持水量增加,土壤的保水能力增强;杉竹混交林土壤的有机质、全氮、全磷、全钾、水解性氮、速效磷和速效钾含量比毛竹纯林增加,土壤的酸性得到改善。说明混交有利于改善土壤的通气透水能力,发挥林分水源涵养功能,有利于增加土壤养分及养分的有效化,从而有利于植物的生长。  相似文献   

The intercropping system of tree with soybean in juvenile plantations, as a short-term practice, was applied at Lao Shan Experimental Station in Mao’er Shan Forest of Northeast Forestry University, Harbin, China. The larch (Larix gmelinii)/soybean (Glycine max.) and ash (Fraxinus mandshurica) intercropping systems were studied in the field to assess the effects of the intercropping on soil physicochemical properties. The results showed that soil physical properties were improved after soybean intercropping with larch and ash in one growing season. The soil bulk density in larch/soybean and ash/soybean systems was 1.112 g·cm−3 and 1.058 g·cm−3, respectively, which was lower than that in the pure larch or ash plantation without intercropping. The total soil porosity also increased after intercropping. The organic matter amount in larch/soybean system was 1.77 times higher than that in the pure larch plantation, and it was 1.09 times higher in ash/soybean system than that in the pure ash plantation. Contents of total nitrogen and hydrolyzable nitrogen in larch/soybean system were 4.2% and 53.0% higher than those in the pure larch stand. Total nitrogen and hydrolyzable nitrogen contents in ash/soybean system were 75.5% and 3.3% higher than those in the pure ash plantation. Total phosphorus content decreased after intercropping, while change of available phosphorus showed an increasing trend. Total potassium and available potassium contents in the larch/soybean system were 0.6% and 17.5% higher than those in the pure larch stand. Total potassium and available potassium contents in the ash/soybean system were 56.4% and 21.8% higher than those in the pure ash plantation. Biography: FAN A-nan (1972–), female, Ph. Doctor in Institute of Applied Ecology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Shenyang 110016, P. R. China.  相似文献   

间作模式下桑树与大豆叶片的光合日变化特点   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
为了提高桑树与大豆间作模式下地上部分的光能利用率,优化桑树与大豆复合经营的空间配置,研究了在这一间作模式下生育后期速生桑树和大豆叶片的光合日变化特点.结果表明:无论在单作还是间作模式下大豆叶片在13:00时均表现出明显的光合"午休"现象,其光合性能并未因间作桑树而受到影响;一天之中,桑树叶片分别在9:00时和13:00时出现光抑制现象,并且13:00时光抑制的程度和持续的时间均大于9:00时出现的,不同种植模式下桑树叶片的光合日变化情况存在着明显的差异,一天之中,间作模式下桑树叶片的P_r、_r、和F_v /F_m等光合指标值均优于单作模式的桑树叶片,桑树与大豆间作具有一定程度的种间促进作用,1年生桑树幼苗与大豆间作能明显提高生育后期速生桑树叶片的光合生产能力,从而可实现高产的目的.  相似文献   

An on-farm trial was conducted to determine dry matter production of four fodder tree species and their effect on soil water and maize production. The trees were planted in rows intercropped with maize. The four tree species selected were Acacia karroo Hayne (indigenous fodder tree), Leucaena leucocephala (Lam.) De Wit (nitrogen fixing), Morus alba L. (fodder and fruit), and Gleditsia triacanthos L. (fodder and fuel). Volumetric soil water was measured in the upper 0.3 m of soil in each row of the trial using the time domain reflectometry technique. The neutron probe technique was used for monitoring the water content deeper in the soil. Geostatistical methods were used to analyse treatment differences in the upper 0.3 m of soil. The soil water content did not differ significantly between the maize and tree rows indicating that competition for water in the upper horizon was not the reason for lower maize yields. However, at greater soil depths (75–125 cm) trees in the wide spacing used less water than those in the narrow spacing. Light interception was an important factor in reducing maize yields in the row nearest to the trees. High soil water values recorded during summer indicated that in the current cycle of good rainfall the plants in the agroforestry trial were not stressed. Thus the trees do not compete with the crops for soil moisture in good rainfall seasons. However, this study would need further evaluation for the competition for water for the low rainfall years. Since the trees have access to water at greater depths, they are likely to be more productive into the dry season than shallow rooted crops.  相似文献   

林草间作经营在挖掘生物资源潜力、缓解农林争地、保护及修复生态系统、推进林农增产增收、石漠化及荒漠化综合治理等方面具有巨大优势。为达到土地及自然资源的最大化利用,节约林农生产经营成本,推进农、林、牧、副业的高效、和谐、健康发展,实现森林及草地生态系统生态、经济、社会效益的有机统一。文中阐述了在中国、亚洲、澳大利亚及新西兰、非洲、美洲、欧洲等地区林草间作的研究背景、内容、类型及特征,分析了林草间作对土壤性状、养分、含水量及固土保肥的作用,总结归纳林草间作对经济、生物多样性、微气候、林木及其产品的效益分析,提出林草间作未来深入研究探索的技术手段及方向,可为林草间作的应用推广及系统性、整体性和定量研究提供参考。  相似文献   

果粮复合系统中单株苹果蒸腾需水量的计算   总被引:6,自引:3,他引:6       下载免费PDF全文
利用单株苹果 (树 )蒸腾计算的修正模式 ,计算了果粮系统中的单株苹果 (树 )日蒸腾需水量 ,同时利用 L I- 160 0稳态气孔仪进行实测 ,结果表明 :计算值与实测值吻合效果较好 ( R2 =0 .9664 ) ,平均相对误差为 7.93 % ;蒸腾需水量与饱和水汽压差和叶面积指数的乘积、水面蒸发和叶面积指数的乘积均具有很好的相关关系 ;建立了以日水面蒸发和叶面积指数为自变量的蒸腾需水量经验模式 ,并利用该经验模式逐日计算了 1998年 4月 1日至 6月 4日单株苹果的蒸腾需水量 ,日平均值为 4 .62 mm· d-1。  相似文献   

An intercrop of maize and cassava was cultivated for six consecutive years from 1990/91 to 1995/96. This paper reports on crop performance from the fourth to the sixth year in alley cropping with Senna spectabilis and in a no-tree control, with and without tillage. Maize grain yield increased significantly from 1993 to 1994 (P = 0.0032) and from 1994 to 1995 (P = 0.019). Tillage only had a significantly positive effect on maize grain yield in 1993. Alley cropping had no significant effect on maize grain yield in any year. Cassava root yield was neither affected by tillage nor by alley cropping in any year. Neither the cumulative yields over the three years nor the sum of maize grain and cassava root yield were significantly affected by alley cropping or tillage. No significant interactions were found between cropping system and tillage system.This revised version was published online in November 2005 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

栗茶间作模式下茶树根系的基础特性   总被引:8,自引:2,他引:8  
对安徽枞阳县周潭镇大山村中国森林生态网络大山试验示范区的栗茶间作茶园和单作茶园茶树根系的特征进行了试验研究。结果表明:栗茶间作促进了茶树根系的生长。间作茶园茶树根系的干重、吸收根比例、比根长和根系生理活性明显大于单作茶树根系;间作茶园茶树根系在土壤中的分布比单作茶树根系更深、更均匀;间作茶园内茶树和栗树根系在土壤空间中各自具有相对不同的生态位。栗茶间作具有较好的生态学基础,是一种可持续发展的茶园经营模式。  相似文献   

Contour hedgerow intercropping in the mountains of China: a review   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Hedgerow intercropping systems were introduced in China in early 1990s. Achievements in research and extension of contour hedgerow intercropping in China during the past 15 years are reviewed here. Results reported in over 70 published papers have shown that hedgerow intercropping contributes to soil and water conservation, soil fertility amelioration, land productivity improvement, bio-terrace formation, and gives more options for income generation based on local resources in mountain areas. Research and demonstration works on contour hedgerow systems have achieved success by integrating local resources and needs into the system, especially in the dry valleys of the upper reaches of the Yangtze River, and the Three Gorges region. Contour hedgerow intercropping has attracted the attention of researchers, policy-makers, and farmers, and has been taken as an alternative to implementation of the Grain for Green policy, and ecological reconstruction and restoration today. To date, hedgerow intercropping has been demonstrated and applied practically on sloping land in more than six provinces of China, particularly Sichuan, Guizhou, Shanxi, Shaanxi, as well as in the Three Gorges region of Chongqing and Hubei Province. The intercropping system has also been practiced as an optimized technology for conserving farming on sloping lands, improving cash income, and reducing agricultural risks in depressed mountainous regions in southwest and northern China over recent years. Some misunderstandings and problems in studies and extension of the system in China are summarized and clarified, and some recommendations for further research and expansion of the system are also presented in this paper.  相似文献   

回顾总结了山东省沂蒙山区南茶北引的过程、成果、成功经验与关键技术。50年的茶树引种栽培实践及试验研究表明:沂蒙山区及同类地区可以利用当地的小气候条件发展茶叶生产,通过科学建园、加强越冬保护、实行适密适矮区田栽培、果茶间作、改良土壤培肥地力等技术措施,能实现茶叶生产高产优质高效。  相似文献   

茅山地区桐茶间种生态及经济效益的研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
茶园间种泡桐,建立多层次的人工群落结构,使茶园内的生态条件得到了较好的改善.茶园在37%左右的遮荫条件下,可使茶树新梢的生理条件得到较好的调节,新梢的生长和芽叶内的有益成分都得到增长,茶叶品质得到改进,同时还可以充分利用光能和地力增产一部分泡桐木材,提高单位面积的经济效益.  相似文献   

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