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美国白蛾属于外来入侵林业有害生物,通过对盐城市美国白蛾的系统调查,结合林业有害生物风险分析指标体系及各级评判模型风险分析方法,对全市美国白蛾的危险性进行定性和定量分析,得出美国白蛾风险综合评价值为2.12,属于高度危险的林业有害生物。同时,结合盐城市美国白蛾发生情况,提出了科学的综合防控技术措施,为美国白蛾的有效防控提供参考。  相似文献   

本文结合长春市地理位置、生态环境和美国白蛾寄主分布等情况,采用有害生物风险分析指标体系方法对其进行风险分析,结果表明:该地区美国白蛾风险评价值R为2. 39,美国白蛾在长春市发生为特别危险,应受到有关部门高度重视。  相似文献   

美国白蛾是对通辽市林业生态有重大威胁的外来林业有害生物。文章通过对通辽市美国白蛾入侵的定量分析,得出美国白蛾风险综合评价R值为2.59,属于特别危险的林业有害生物,此定量分析结果,可为检疫部门制定对策提供充分的科学依据。  相似文献   

美国白蛾入侵淮安市危险性分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
通过对美国白蛾定量的危险性分析,得出危险值R=2.20,表明美国白蛾在淮安市属于高度危险的外来林业有害生物,并提出了有效的防控措施。  相似文献   

通过对美国白蛾定量的危险性分析,得出危险值R=2.20,证明美国白蛾对湖北省属于有高度潜在危险的外来林业有害生物,并由此提出了有效的防控措施。  相似文献   

乐山市林业有害生物风险分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文运用有害生物风险分析方法(Pest Risk Analysis),对乐山市林业有害生物进行了定量和定性的风险分析评估。结果表明,乐山市现有3种高度危险林业有害生物、11种中度危险林业有害生物、6种低度危险林业有害生物。  相似文献   

近年来重大外来林业有害生物入侵的现象尤为严重,尤其是松材线虫病和美国白蛾这两大有害生物,对林业的发展带来了严重的隐患。本文对重大外来林业有害生物,即松材线虫病与美国白蛾进行了简单介绍,并对两者的危害特点进行分析,最后提出相应的防治措施。  相似文献   

松材线虫病和美国白蛾是重大外来林业有害生物,发病快,危害严重。介绍了长治县松材线虫病和美国白蛾发生与危害现状,提出了有效防控这两种外来林业有害生物的措施和对策。  相似文献   

记者从11月29日召开的河北省林业有害生物防治工作会议上获悉.为全面做好重大林业有害生物的防控工作,防止松材线虫病、美国白蛾等重大林业有害生物的疫情和灾害发生,河北省林业局受河北省政府委托与全省11个设区市人民政府签订《2011-2013年松材线虫病、美国白蛾等重大林业有害生物防控目标责任书》,这是河北省林业局首次与各...  相似文献   

通过对核桃长足象的风险分析,其风险评估值R=1.83,属于中度危险的林业有害生物种类。建议列入全国危害性林业有害生物名单。  相似文献   

Five tropical dry zone acacias were inoculated with three fast-growing Rhizobium strains and four slow-growing Bradyrhizobium strains. After two months of growth in the greenhouse, the plants were harvested and their shoot height and dry weight, nodule number and dry weight, acetylene reduction activity, and total shoot nitrogen were determined. The results showed that: (1) Acacia polyacantha (being evaluated for the first time) was promiscuous, nodulating indiscriminately with Rhizobium and Bradyrhizobium strains. (2) Faidherbia albida and Acacia holosericea (that were previously known to nodulate with Bradyhizobium strains only) nodulated with Rhizobium strains as well and (3) Acacia senegal and Acacia nilotica that were previously known to be nodulated exclusively by Rhizobium strains only were nodulated with both genera.
Resumé Cinq espèces d'acacias de zone tropicale séche ont été inoculées avec trois souches de Rhizobium à croissance rapide et quatre souches de Bradyrhizobium à croissance lente. Aprés deux mois de croissance en serre, les plants ont été récoltés et lahauteur et le poids sec de parties aériennes, le nombre et le poids sec de nodules, l'activité réductrice de l'acétylène et la quantité d'azote total contenue dans les parties aériennes ont été déterminés. Les résultats ont montrés que: (1) Acacia polyacantha (étudié, pour la prémière fois) est une espèce qui nodule indifféremment avec des souches de Rhizobium et de Bradyrhizobium. (2) Faidherbia albida et Acacia holosericea nodulaient également indifféremment avec des souches de Rhizobium et de Bradyrhizobium, contrairement à des études antérieures qui montraient que ces espèces nodulaient exclusivement avec des souches de Bradyrhizobium. (3) De même, Acacia senegal et Acacia nilotica nodulent avec les deux types de souches alors qu'elles étaient connues pour être nodulées exclusivement par des souches de Rhizobium.

Despite the spatial significance of Canada's boreal forest, there is very little known about CH4 and N2O emissions from non-peatlands within it. The primary objective of this project was to study the atmosphere–soil exchange of CH4 and N2O at three sites in the boreal forest of central Saskatchewan. In the summers of 2006 and 2007, CH4 and N2O emissions were measured along transects in three different mature forest stands (aspen, black spruce and jack pine) using a sealed chamber method. At the aspen site, the gross rates of mineralization and nitrification, and the relative contribution of nitrification and denitrification to N2O emissions, were also measured using the 15N isotope dilution technique. Results indicated that the jack pine and black spruce sites were slight sinks of CH4 (−0.123 g CH4–C m−2 yr−1and −0.017 g CH4–C m−2 yr−1 respectively in 2006 and −0.095 g CH4–C m−2 yr−1and 0.045 g CH4–C m−2 yr−1 respectively in 2007), whereas the aspen site was a net source (4.40 g CH4–C m−2 yr−1 in 2006 and 19.60 g CH4–C m−2 yr−1 in 2007). The high CH4 emissions at the aspen site occurred at depressions that were water-filled due to above-average precipitation levels in 2005–2007. All three sites had very low cumulative N2O emissions, ranging from −0.002 to 0.014 g N2O–N m−2 yr−1 in both years. The 15N results indicated that N cycling at the aspen site was very conservative, allowing little N to escape the system as N2O; the emissions that did occur were due primarily to a nitrification-related process.  相似文献   

This article presents a theoretical verification of the reinforced-matrix hypothesis derived from tensor equations, σ W = σ f + σ m and ε W = ε f = ε m (Wood Sci Technol 32:171–182, 1998; Wood Sci Technol 33:311–325, 1999; J Biomech Eng 124:432–440, 2002), using classical Mori-Tanaka theory on the micromechanics of fiber-reinforced materials (Acta Metall 21:571–574, 1973; Micromechanics — dislcation and inclusions (in Japanese), pp 141–147, 1976). The Mori-Tanaka theory was applied to a small fragment of the cell wall undergoing changes in its physical state, such as those arising from sorption of moisture, maturation of wall components, or action of an external force, to obtain 〈σ AD = ϕ·〈σ FI + (1−ϕ)·〈σ MD−I. When the constitutive equation of each constituent material was applied to the equation 〈σ AD = ϕ·〈σ FI + (1−ϕ)·〈σ MD−I, the equations σ W = σ f + σ m and ε W = ε f = ε m were derived to lend support to the concept that two main phases, the reinforcing cellulose microfibril and the lignin-hemicellulose matrix, coexist in the same domain. The constitutive equations for the cell wall fragment were obtained without recourse to additional parameters such as Eshelby’s tensor S and Hill’s averaged concentration tensors AF and AM. In our previous articles, the coexistence of two main phases and σ W = σ f + σ m and ε W = ε f =ε m had been taken as our starting point to formulate the behavior of wood fiber with multilayered cell walls. The present article provides a rational explanation for both concepts.  相似文献   

Jungle rubber is a blanced, diversified system derived from swidden cultivation, in which man-made forests with a high concentration of rubber trees replace fallows. Most of the income comes from rubber, complemented with temporary food and cash crops during the early years. Perennial species that grow spontaneously with rubber provide fruits, fuelwood and timber, mostly for household consumption. Jungle rubber enables lower incomes per land unit or man-day than weed-free plantations using selected rubber clones. Yet it requires much less input and labour since wild woody species protect rubber from grass weeds and mammalian predators. With a structure and biodiversity similar to that of secondary forest in its mature phase, jungle rubber belongs to complex agroforestry systems. It has accommodated increasing population densities, while preserving a forest-like environment.Yet farmers' income from jungle rubber is declining due to the exhaustion of forest reserves and reduced land availability. New research and extension options could help in improving the productivity of jungle rubber. Better transportation and marketing are needed for increasing the income from non-rubber output. Short-term, small-scale credit schemes could help farmers adopt high-yielding rubber varieties. Research should participate in creating new management methods for selected rubber based on agroforestry to reduce maintenance costs, enabling smallholders to plant high-yielding rubber at lower cost, and without losing too much of the present biodiversity and economic diversity.
Résumé Dérivées de l'essartage, les forêts à hévéa forment un système de culture équilibré et diversifié, où le recrû forestier est remplacé par une forêt anthropique à forte concentration d'hévéas. L'essentiel du revenu provient des hévéas, complétés par des cultures vivrières et commerciales pendant les premières années. Les espèces prérennes qui se développent spontanément avec les hévéas fournissent des fruits et du bois, principalement pour l'autoconsommation. Le revenu tiré de ce système est inférieur à celui de plantations d'hévéa clonal entretenues. Il nécessite cependant moins d'investissements en intrants et en travail grâce au rôle protecteur de courvert forestier vis-à-vis des adventices herbacées et des mannifères prédateurs. Avec une structure et une diversité d'espèces comparable à celles d'une forêt secondaire, ce système fait partie des agroforêts complexes. Il a fourni depuis 1910 l'essentiel du revenu d'une population en croissance rapide tout en préservant un environnement forestier.Le revenu que tirent les paysans des forêts à hévéa est en déclin en raison de l'augmentation de la population. De nouvelles orientations de la recherche et du développement pourraient permettre d'améliorer la productivité de ce système. Le revenu tiré de la composante nonhévéa pourrait être augmenté grâce à une amélioration des transports et de la commercialisation. Le crédit à court terme et à petite échelle permettrait aux paysans d'adopter des variétés d'hévéa sélectionné et d'augmenter ainsi leurs revenus. La recherche devrait aider à mettre au point de nouvelles méthodes de gestion des hévéas sélectionnés, de type agroforestier, afin de réduire les coûts d'entretien. Les paysans purraient ainsi planter des hévéas hauts producteurs à moindres frais, et conserver partiellement la diversité économique et écologique du système actuel.

The net CO2 assimilation rate, stomatal conductance, RuBPcase (ribulose 1,5-biphosphate carboxylose) activity, dry weight of aboveground and belowgroud part, plant height, the length and diameter of taproot ofPinus koraiensis seedlings were measured and analyzed after six-week exposure to elevated CO2 in an open-top chamber in Changbai Mountain of China from May to Oct. 1999. Seedlings were planted in four different conditions: on an open site, control chamber, 500 μL·L−1 and 700 μL·L−1 CO2 chambers. The results showed that the total biomass of the seedlings increased whereas stomatal conductance decreased. The physiological responses and growth to 500 μL·L−1 and 700 μL·L−1 CO2 varied greatly. The acclimation of photosynthesis was downward to 700 μL·L−1 CO2 but upward to 500 μL·L−1 CO2. The RuBPcase activity, chlorophyll and soluble sugar contents of the seedlings grown at 500 μL·L−1 CO2 were higher than that at 700 μL·L−1 CO2. The concentration 500 μL·L−1 CO2 enhanced the growth of aboveground part whereas 700 μL·L−1 CO2 allocated more carbon to belowground part. Elevated CO2 changed the carbon distribution pattern. The ecophysiological responses were significantly different between plants grown under 500 μL·L−1 CO2 and 700 μL·L−1 CO2. Foundation Item: This paper was supported by Chinese Academy of Sciences. Biography: HAN Shi-jie (1956-), male, Ph. Doctor, Professor in Laboratory of Ecological Process of Trace Substance in Terrestrial Ecosystem, Institute of Applied Ecology, Chinese Academy of Sciences. Responsible editor: Chai Ruihai  相似文献   

The applicability of sap flux (Fd) measurements to bamboo forests has not been studied. This study was undertaken to establish an optimal and effective design for stand-scale transpiration (E) estimates in a Moso bamboo forest. To this aim, we validated Fd measurements in Moso bamboos in a cut bamboo experiment. In addition, we analyzed how sample sizes affect the reliability of E estimates calculated from Fd and conducting culm area (AS_b). In the cut bamboo experiments, we found that Fd measurement using a 10 mm probe was a valid means of determining the water-use behavior of a Moso bamboo, although a specific correction was needed. Furthermore, we calculated E from stand AS_b (AS_stand) and mean stand Fd (JS). Employing Monte Carlo analysis, we examined potential errors associated with sample size in E, AS_stand, and JS using an original dataset with AS_b and Fd measured for 40 and 16 individuals, respectively. Consequently, we determined the optimal sample size for both AS_stand and JS estimates as 11. The optimal sample sizes for JS were almost the same under different vapor pressure deficit and soil moisture conditions. The optimal sample size for JS at the study site was less than that of a coniferous plantation in the same region probably owing to small individual-to-individual variations in sap flux in the Moso bamboo forest. Our study concludes that sap flux measurements are an applicable technique for assessing water use in Moso bamboo forests.  相似文献   

Pyrolysis reactions of various lignin model dimers   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Primary pyrolysis reactions and relative reactivities for depolymerization and condensation/carbonization were evaluated for various lignin model dimers with α-O-4, β-O-4, β-1, and biphenyl substructures by characterizing the tetrahydrofuran (THF)-soluble and THF-insoluble fractions obtained after pyrolysis at 400°C. Reactivity was quite different depending on the model structure: depolymerization: α-O-4 [phenolic (ph), nonphenolic (nonph)], β-O-4 (ph) > β-O-4 (nonph), β-1 (ph, nonph) > biphenyl (ph, nonph); condensation/carbonization: β-1 (ph) > β-O-4 (ph) > α-O-4 (ph) > β-O-4 (nonph), biphenyl (ph, nonph), α-O-4 (nonph), β-1 (nonph). Major degradation pathways were also identified for β-O-4 and β-1 model dimers: β-O-4 types: Cβ-O cleavage to form cinnamyl alcohols and phenols and Cγ-elimination yielding vinyl ethers; β-1 types: Cα-Cβ cleavage yielding benzaldehydes and styrenes and Cγ-elimination yielding stilbenes. Relative reactivities of these pathways were also quite different between phenolic and nonphenolic forms even in the same types; Cβ-O cleavage (β-O-4) and Cγ-elimination (β-1) were substantially enhanced in phenolic forms.  相似文献   

Natural abundance of 15N was sampled in young and mature leaves, branches, stem, and coarse roots of trees in a cacao (Theobroma cacao) plantation shaded by legume tree Inga edulis and scattered non-legumes, in a cacao plantation with mixed-species shade (legume Gliricidia sepium and several non-legumes), and in a tree hedgerow bordering the plantations in Guácimo, in the humid Caribbean lowlands of Costa Rica. The deviation of the sample 15N proportion from that of atmosphere (δ15N) was similar in non-legumes Cordia alliodora, Posoqueria latifolia, Rollinia pittieri, and T. cacao. Deep-rooted Hieronyma alchorneoides had lower δ15N than other non-N2-fixers, which probably reflected uptake from a partially different soil N pool. Gliricidia sepium had low δ15N. Inga edulis had high δ15N in leaves and branches but low in stem and coarse roots. The percentage of N fixed from atmosphere out of total tree N (%Nf) in G. sepium varied 56–74%; N2 fixation was more active in July (the rainiest season) than in March (the relatively dry season). The variation of δ15N between organs in I. edulis was probably associated to 15N fractionation in leaves. Stem and coarse root δ15N was assumed to reflect the actual ratio of N2 fixation to soil N uptake; stem-based estimates of %Nf in I. edulis were 48–63%. Theobroma cacao below I. edulis had lower δ15N than T. cacao below mixed-species shade, which may indicate direct N transfer from I. edulis to T. cacao but results so far were inconclusive. Further research should address the 15N fractionation in the studied species for improving the accuracy of the N transfer estimates. The δ15N appeared to vary according to ecophysiological characteristics of the trees.  相似文献   

欧阳华 《林业研究》1995,6(1):27-38
INTRODUCTIoNChangesinsoilNmineralizationratescouIdbeanearlywarningofsoilNavaila-bilityoreventualforestdeclinesinceNisoftenan.importantnutrientforgrowth(Keeneyl98O;Leaetal.l982;Vitouseketal-l982).Nitrogenmineralizationinvolvestwodistinctprocessesfammonification,inwhichNH:isformedfromorganiccom-pounds,andnitrification,theoxidationofNH:toNO3.ManystudiesofatmosphericdepositionimpactsonforestshavetargetedsoilNmineraIizationusingsimulatedaciddepositionundercontrolledlaboratoryconditions(T…  相似文献   

Jatropha curcas seed oil, which can be utilized for biodiesel production upon transesterification, is also rich in phorbol esters (PEs). In this study, PEs from J. curcas oil (Jatropha factors C1 and C2 (purified to homogeneity), Jatropha factors C3 and (C4 + C5) (obtained as mixtures) and PE-rich extract (containing all the above stated Jatropha factors) were investigated. The concentrations of Jatropha PEs were expressed equivalent to Jatropha factor C1. In the snail (Physa fontinalis) bioassay, the order of potency (EC50, μg/L) was: PE-rich extract < factor C3 mixture < factor C2 < factor C1 < factor (C4 + C5). In the Artemia salina bioassay, the order of potency (EC50, mg/L) was: factor C2 < factor C3 mixture < factor C1 < factor (C4 + C5) mixture. In addition, Jatropha PEs exhibited platelet aggregation (ED50, μM, factor C2 < factor C3 mixture < factor C1 < factor (C4 + C5) mixture. The stability of a PE-rich extract was evaluated and found to be low at room temperature but favourable in ethanol over a range of temperatures. By integrating the isolation methodology developed in this study in the Jatropha biodiesel industry, PEs could be obtained as value-added co-products.  相似文献   

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