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四唑染色法测定毛竹种子生活力的研究   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
采用染色全过程观察和正交试验方法研究了TTC浓度、温度和染色时间对毛竹种子生活力的影响,探讨毛竹种子生活力测定的最佳条件。结果表明:四唑染色法能够很好地检测毛竹种子生活力水平,估测种子的潜在发芽能力。TTC浓度、温度和染色时间在生活力测定中存在一定的线性关系。试验表明,25℃下浸种48 h待种子完全吸涨后,于30~35℃黑暗条件下、TTC浓度0.5%,染色3~4 h为毛竹种子生活力测定的最佳条件。  相似文献   

为测定茶果樟种子的生活力,以2019年、2020年采集的茶果樟种子为研究材料,采用2,3,5-氯化三苯基四氮唑染色法(TTC法),利用3因素3水平的正交试验L_9(3~4)设计,研究不同染色时间、TTC溶液浓度和染色温度对茶果樟种子生活力的影响。结果发现,TCC法能快速测定茶果樟种子的生活力,对2019年、2020年采集的茶果樟种子,生活力检测的最佳条件均为温度35℃+0.7%TTC溶液浓度+浸泡24 h,其中染色时间是显著影响茶果樟种子生活力测定的一个因素。茶果樟种子发芽潜力较好,且2020年的茶果樟种子生活力大于2019年采集的种子,表明茶果樟人工育苗宜采用随采随播的方式。  相似文献   

以荷花木莲新鲜花粉为试验材料,用醋酸洋红染色法、TTC染色法、液滴培养法、琼脂滴培养法和琼脂薄层涂片培养法对其花粉生活力进行了测定.结果表明:醋酸洋红染色法和TTC染色法测定结果极显著高于离体萌发培养法,不宜用于荷花木莲花粉生活力的测定;在三种离体萌发培养法中,液滴培养法最简单,结果直观稳定,是最适合的花粉生活力测试方法.  相似文献   

通过对枳椇种子不同预处理、不同的TTC浓度和染色时间的设定,研究枳椇种子生活力测定的最佳条件。结果表明:四唑染色法能够准确的检测种子的生活力,测定的适宜条件为在远离胚根部位切除少部分种子组织后,室温条件下浸种24 h,去除种皮。在30℃环境下,采用0.25%的TTC溶液染色4 h,或0.75%TTC溶液染色2 h。  相似文献   

分别采用I2-KI染色法、TTC染色法、靛蓝染色法、过氧化物酶法和培养液法等五种方法对白皮松花粉生活力进行测定试验,其结果表明:常用的I2-KI染色法和靛蓝染色法并不适用于白皮松的测定;培养液法虽然结果可靠,但比较耗时;而TTC染色法和过氧化物酶法快速准确,是用于白皮松花粉生活力测定的理想方法。  相似文献   

本试验以蓖麻为材料,测定种子的生活力与发芽率,研究蓖麻种子的生活力与发芽率的相关性。为判断蓖麻种子的发芽率提供迅速、方便、可靠的依据。一、材料与方法供试材料有: 高变、29—1、绿茎有刺、294、293及哲蓖一号。用普通发芽法测定种子发芽率,用红墨水染色法测定种子生活力,运用生物统计分析方法,计算生活力(x)与发芽率(y)的相关系数,并建立了回归方程。  相似文献   

采用播种前对种子进行不同浸种处理和低温恒温层积处理的方法,研究不同预处理对美极山龙眼(Protea eximia)、大叶山龙眼(Protea magnifica)出苗率的影响。结果表明,播种前对美极山龙眼种子采用4 g.L-1的烟丝水浸种24 h效果最好,能够提高种子的发芽率、发芽势和发芽指数;大叶山龙眼种子以低温恒温层积处理效果最佳,10 d后就有种子开始萌发,45 d后种子萌发率能达到92%,极显著高于对照。  相似文献   

以白玉兰新鲜花粉为试验材料,研究了α-萘酚-联苯胺、TTC、I_2-KI、次甲基蓝4种染色剂对白玉兰花粉活力的测定效果和在-20、4、25℃3种不同贮藏温度下花粉生活力的变化。结果表明:白玉兰花粉生活力的测定适合用次甲基蓝和α-萘酚-联苯胺染色法,不适合用TTC染色法;在-20、4、25℃3种不同温度下,白玉兰花粉生活力均呈下降趋势,但在-20℃环境中,生活力下降速度最慢,维持时间最长,更适宜花粉的保存。  相似文献   

指出了树木种子生活力的测定主要依靠于其发芽率的检测工作,而种子的采集、储藏和运输过程都会对种子的发芽率造成一定的影响。对此,采用较快速的种子萌发率测定的新方式来检测种子的萌发。在种子活力检测过程中,可采用四唑染色的方法以及红墨水染色法对种子的活力深层次的检测技术。通过分析种子着色的时间,可得到其最适温度进而来测定种子的生活力;并且,通过不同染色方式的比较分析,可找出测定种子生活力最适合的方式。  相似文献   

采用4种不同染色方法及培养基萌发法对5种花色的三色堇花粉生活力进行了测定。结果表明:I-KI染色法、醋酸洋红染色法和TTC染色法不适用于三色堇花粉生活力的测定,而过氧化物酶沉淀法与培养基萌发法是测定三色堇花粉生活力较好的方法;蔗糖和硼酸的浓度影响三色堇花粉的萌发,质量浓度分别为20mg/L、1.5mg/L蔗糖和硼酸对三色堇花粉萌发有很好的促进作用;花粉的生活力与贮藏条件也密切相关。  相似文献   

香椿种子发芽率测定方法的研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
测定香椿种子发芽率有物理,生理,生化等方法。用直观法,红四氮唑(TTC)染色法,蓝墨水染色法,导电法,吸胀状态测定法对香椿种子的发芽率进行了测定研究,结果表明:用TTC,蓝墨水染色法测定香椿种子的发芽率,测定迅速,方法简便,容易掌握,结果可靠,是较为理想的测定方法,值得推广。  相似文献   

以柳河五道沟林木种子园2014年采集的日本落叶松自由授粉种子为材料,对不同方法处理的种子发芽性状进行测定与评价,结果表明:种子发芽率、发芽势、平均发芽时间、发芽指数分别为65%、19%、7.1 d和10.8。种子发芽率分别高出国家标准和吉林省地方标准20个和15个百分点,种子活力实际使用价值分别提高了44%和30%,发芽性状遗传品质显著高于一般商品种子。  相似文献   

8种木兰科植物种子的发芽、成苗试验   总被引:4,自引:4,他引:4  
8种木兰科植物种子的发芽、成苗试验结果表明,各参试物种间种子的发芽、成苗均有差异。单性木兰种子的发芽率最低为2.5%,绒叶含笑和云南含笑种子的发芽时间最早,金叶含笑种子发芽出土的持续天数最短,云南含笑种子发芽出土的整齐度最好。从总的趋势看,木莲属植物的种子发芽出土时间比含笑属植物迟,而木兰属植物更迟,其原因在于含笑属植物的种子种皮较薄,木莲属的次之,单性木兰属的最厚。8种木兰科植物种子的成苗保存率为31.1%~85.8%,一般存在物种的种子发芽率高,其成苗的保存率亦高的规律。  相似文献   

山西省翅果油树天然群体果实变异性的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以山西省平陆县三门镇、乡宁县西坡镇和崖下镇、翼城县甘泉镇4个代表性区域内的翅果油树为研究对象,对翅果油树的树高、地径、冠幅、果实和种子的长、宽、出仁率、出种率等经济性状测定并进行方差分析。结果表明,翅果油树果实的平均变异系数为12.5%,且变幅表现为果长(12.0%)果宽(10.8%),种长(12.1%)种宽(10.0%);崖下镇果实的果长、种长、种长/种宽明显高于其他3个分布区的;各分布区翅果油树的不同表型分化系数变化范围为0.00%~29.52%,群体间方差分量最大、最小的2个值分别是种长/种宽、果宽,群体内方差分量最大、最小的2个值分别是种宽、果长/果宽,变异来源于群体内单株间和单株内。  相似文献   

Seed mass and emergence time may influence fitness of plants. The experiments were conducted to investigate the effects of seed mass and emergence time on the performance of seedlings of Castanopsis chinensis, a large evergreen tree species with limited tolerance of shade. The treatment consisted of three light regimes: 100%, 15% and 2% of full sunlight. Germination rate and germination time showed a significant correlation with seed mass. Germination rate differed among the three light regimes. Early-emerging large-seeded seedlings in 100% light produced the heaviest seedlings, while those resulting from smaller late-emerging seeds and grown under 2% light regime produced the lightest seedlings. Relative growth rate (RGR) decreased with seed mass in all three light regimes, and seedlings of C. chinensis have a higher RGR in high and intermediate light levels compared to low light. In contrast, the effect of emergence time on RGR was not significant. The growth of C. chinensis seedlings were significantly influenced by seed size, emergence time, and light conditions. For each month, the mean height of seedlings was significantly greatest for large-seeded seedlings and significantly lowest for small-seeded ones, irrespective of emergence time and light conditions. Regeneration success of C. chinensis appears to be regulated by the interactive effect of seed mass, emergence time and light regime.  相似文献   

Esen  Derya  Zedaker  Shepard M.  Seiler  John R.  Mou  Pu 《New Forests》2003,25(1):1-10
Herbaceous weeds present amajor obstacle to foresters in the earlyestablishment and growth of Turkish red pine (Pinus brutia Ten.), an important coniferof the semi-arid Mediterranean region. Greatgenetic variability of this pine species indrought resistance has already beenwell-studied. The existence of such variationwithin this species in relation to herbaceousweed competition is unknown. This studyinvestigated the effect of herbaceous weedcompetition on the growth of the seedlings ofTurkish red pine seed sources with differentmoisture regimes in their native sites, usingthe rapid screening technique. Two-month-oldTurkish red pine seedlings were grown inindividual pots in a glasshouse either with orwithout joint goose goat grass (Aegilopscylindrica L.). After two simulatedgrowing seasons, grass competitionsignificantly and progressively reduced pinegrowth. Although mean total pine biomass wasreduced by 71% due to weed competition,seedlings of different pine seed sourcesdisplayed significant differences in growthresponses to the weed treatments: dry site seedsource seedlings generally exhibitedsignificantly greater growth than moist siteseed source seedlings under weed competition. These results suggest that competition fromherbaceous weeds is an important factor inreducing the early growth of Turkish red pineseedlings, and that selection ofcompetition-tolerant seed sources can result insubstantial enhancement of the competitivestatus of this pine species against itsherbaceous competitors in early years.  相似文献   

To document the spatial and temporal variation of environmental signals inducing seed germination in temperate forests, we measured temporal patterns of environmental signals and seed germination of six pioneer tree species in unthinned and thinned stands of conifer forests (Cryptomeria japonica plantations) and in the understory and gaps of hardwood forests in Japan. We also conducted germination experiment in laboratory for the six pioneer species to test the effects of red:far-red (R:FR) light ratio and temperature fluctuations on the seed germination. In conifer forests, the photosynthetic photon flux density (PPFD), the R:FR ratio, and the amplitude of temperature fluctuations in thinned stands were 2, 1.5, and 3 times higher, respectively, than those of unthinned stands. The PPFD and R:FR ratios just above forest floor also increased after the removal of thick litter accumulation. As a result, higher seed germination was observed in thinned compared to unthinned stands for three photoblastic species, whereas little differences were observed for three non-photoblastic species. These findings suggest that thinning, which frequently reduces litter accumulation, can substantially affect the regeneration of pioneer species and the resultant species diversity in conifer plantations. None of the measured environmental signals changed seasonally in unthinned stands of conifer forests, but they all changed remarkably in the understory of the hardwood forests. In this system, all signals were high and nearly identical to those in the gaps in early spring prior to canopy closure. Thus, the percent germination of the three photoblastic species was enhanced by high R:FR ratios and/or large temperature fluctuations even beneath the canopy and was nearly equal to that in the thinned conifer stands where the environmental conditions were nearly identical to those in the gaps. However, all of the environmental signals decreased with the expansion of canopy leaves and reached minimums at canopy closure. Even in the thinned stands and the gaps, the PPFD and magnitude of temperature fluctuations decreased over time due to shading by growing herbs and/or emerging canopy leaves. In these temporally changing environments, the germination of all photoblastic species ceased simultaneously. This study clearly demonstrated that the environmental signals inducing seed germination of photoblastic pioneer species spatially and temporally change in temperate forests, particularly in deciduous hardwood forests. Furthermore, these signals, PPFD, R:FR ratio, and the amplitude of temperature fluctuations, appear to play a very important role in tree regeneration and subsequent species diversity.  相似文献   

通过对催芽后种核不同裂咀比率的山杏播种育苗后调查研究,结果表明:山杏播种育苗出苗率与种核裂咀率成正比。裂咀率越高出苗量越多。所以只有经检验种核裂咀率达百分之百的种子,播种后才能获得全苗。  相似文献   

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