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研究了不同播种覆盖物对红松播种出苗率、幼苗保存率和幼苗生长的影响。结果表明:锯末+河沙、松针+河沙的出苗率和保苗率均高于其他覆盖物,出苗率分别为85.6%、84%。保存率分别为90.2%、89.0%。锯末+河沙的苗高、地径、主根长、冠幅最高,分别为5.9cm、0.24cm、13.5cm、8.3cm,松针+河沙略低于锯末+河沙,二者无显著差异。因此,最佳播种覆盖物为锯末+河沙,松针+河沙次之。  相似文献   

不同营养基质对红松容器育苗的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
采用草炭土、腐殖土、马粪、有机肥、锯末、河沙等作为营养土的基本原料,进行了红松容器育苗试验,试验结果表明,草炭土+腐殖土、腐殖土+马粪(鲜)、草炭土+马粪(鲜)是适合红松生长的3种最佳基质配方,同时还观察了不同播种时间对红松容器苗生长的影响。  相似文献   

为提升红松播种育苗的成效,对红松播种育苗中的种子处理方法、播种覆盖物、肥料种类3个因素进行了筛选,结果表明:在辽宁东部地区,红松播种育苗的最佳种子处理方法为混冰沙埋藏法,最适宜播种覆盖物为先铺1层锯末再铺1层河沙,苗期追施硫酸铵0.05 kg·m-2,能够明显提升出苗率和红松S_(1-0)苗木质量。  相似文献   

紫斑牡丹繁殖多以分株、种子、嫁接3种育苗方式。种子播种育苗能大面积成规模培育出需要的牡丹苗木,而且育苗成本较低。在高海拔冷凉阴湿地区紫斑牡丹种子育苗,一定要塑料拱棚加育苗床的覆盖,育苗床覆盖能大幅提高出苗率。在苗床的覆盖物中清洁河沙最好、锯末次之、芥壳最差。  相似文献   

为寻找较好的播种覆盖物,提高播种出苗率和育苗灌溉节水,在海南海口对小叶榄仁种子大田育苗进行不同的播种覆盖物试验,分析不同播种覆盖物对播种出苗率的影响。结果表明:不同覆盖物处理下小叶榄仁种子出苗率差异显著,影响出苗率大小的处理依次是A2、A1、A3、A4、A5,出苗率分别为76%、68%、62%、54%、52%。同时,该研究还对不同覆盖物的5种处理的最早发芽时间进行排序:A2(12d)>A4(13d)>A1(15d)>A3(16d)>A5(18d)。  相似文献   

姜明 《国土绿化》2023,(7):47-49
<正>覆盖在裸露地表面上的覆盖物不仅能减少土壤水分蒸发、调节土壤温度、提高有机质含量、增加土壤养分、减少水土流失、抑制杂草生长、提高微生物多样性、抑制土壤扬尘,还有美化景观的效果。覆盖物的种类主要分为有机覆盖物和无机覆盖物。有机覆盖物有木屑、秸秆、松针、椰壳、稻草、松鳞等;无机覆盖物有砾石、橡胶、火山岩和园林地布等。不同类型的覆盖物有不同的运用场景,园林绿化和高尔夫球场上常用的是木屑覆盖物、松针、  相似文献   

分析不同种子催芽方法与播种覆盖方式对辽东山区白桦种子生长及苗木质量的影响,试验结果表明,不同催芽方法对白桦种子发芽率、出苗率和保存率的影响不同,混雪埋藏(68.05%,53.07%和50.23%)混沙埋藏(53.48%,41.03%和39.73%)混雪窖藏(52.64%,40.45%和39.05%)混沙窖藏(45.65%,34.59%和31.24%)CK未处理(35.72%,22.89%和16.35%),稻草覆盖方式优于锯末+河沙覆盖和松针覆盖方式,综合采用混雪埋藏种子和稻草覆盖方式效果最佳。  相似文献   

该试验采用不同播种时间,不同覆土厚度,不同覆盖物3种方法,对几种不同药用植物的出苗情况进行了初步研究。结果表明:不同播种时间对甘草、黄芪、知母、白术的出苗影响不大,而对桔梗、天南星的影响较大,温度较高的季节播种可缩短桔梗、天南星的出苗时间;不同覆土厚度同时影响出苗时间和幼苗的生长,覆土较薄的出苗时间早且幼苗生长健壮,覆土厚的则相反;不同覆盖物对出苗时间和出苗率影响较大,用枯草或落叶覆盖的出苗时间早,出苗率高,且成本低,值得推广。  相似文献   

以引进俄罗斯欧洲垂枝桦种子为材料,研究土壤基质、覆盖物、播种深度和基质含水率对欧洲垂枝桦种子萌发的影响。结果表明:不同土壤基质、不同覆盖物、不同播种深度和不同基质含水率对欧洲垂枝桦种子发芽率有显著性的影响;综合分析表明,以草炭土为基质,并以针叶为覆盖物,当播种深度为0.5 cm时,种子萌发过程保持基质含水率60%,欧洲垂枝桦种子发芽效果最好。  相似文献   

沙荒地文冠果播种育苗技术试验研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
针对沙荒地文冠果种子育苗存在的出苗率低、出苗不整齐、苗木质量差等问题,选择播种时期、覆盖方式、种子处理方法、播种方式4个影响因素作不同处理组合对比试验分析,结果表明:春季文冠果种子育苗以4月25日播种,采用覆膜+沙覆盖方式,种子高温催芽,覆膜点播的组合方式最佳,其出苗率和生长量明显高于春播的其他处理组合,是沙荒地文冠果春季播种比较理想的组合方式;秋季育苗其出苗率比春播处理组合平均高22.8%,苗木地径比春播平均高31.6%,即10月28日播种,采用土覆盖,种子不处理,开沟条播的处理组合是秋季文冠果沙荒地育苗的最佳选择。  相似文献   

采用碎石、草坪、麦秆、木屑作覆盖材料,对树盘进行覆盖,测定土壤温湿度变化,探讨覆盖处理对绿地土壤的影响。结果表明:麦秆覆盖和木屑覆盖能有效调节土壤温度、提高土壤湿度,土壤有机质含量比对照提高56.3%、37.5%,碎石覆盖后的效应与对照(露地)相似,草坪覆盖仅对土壤温度有一定的调节能力。    相似文献   

通过对红松种子雪藏和沙藏、红松留床苗覆锯沫子和草碳土等不同处理方法对红松苗木生长影响的研究,表明种子的沙藏和雪藏对苗木的高生长和径生长都有显著影响。  相似文献   

We investigated the distribution of sand pine (Pinus clausa) seedlings in relation to the locations of hardwoods and palmettos that had resprouted in five recently clear-cut and one burned stand in sand pine scrub vegetation in Ocala National Forest (Florida, USA). We also studied how the shade and mechanical support provided by the taller resprouts affect the allometry and biomechanics of sand pine seedling stems. Although soil surface temperatures were higher and soil moisture contents (0–5 cm) were lower in open than in covered microsites, sand pine seedling densities did not vary in relation to proximity to resprouted hardwoods and palmettos. There was no apparent nurse plant effect on sand pine seedling distributions, but seedlings that grew up under the resprouts had larger whole stem flexibilities, greater height:diameter ratios, and less tapered stems. In response to the mechanical support and shade of neighboring plants, sand pine seedlings grow taller per unit investment in stem tissue, thereby shortening the period during which they presumably suffer from above-ground competition. This biomechanical plasticity increases the rates at which sand pine seedlings can overtop their resprouted competitors.  相似文献   

Haywood  James D. 《New Forests》1999,18(3):263-276
Several mulches of natural, synthetic, or blends of natural and synthetic fibers were tested around newly planted loblolly pine (Pinus taeda L.) seedlings on a sheared and windrowed site in central Louisiana, USA. The vegetation was primarily winter annuals, some residual grasses and forbs, and sparse woody regrowth. Study 1 was rotary mowed just prior to planting in March 1992, and 35 mulches and an untreated check were established. In Study 2, 15 mulches and an untreated check were established in a 1-year-old rough in March 1993. In both studies, a single loblolly pine seedling formed each plot established in a randomized complete block design, with 10 blocks as replicates. Each block was planted with a separate open-pollinated loblolly pine family.Nearly all mulches had deteriorated to some extent after three growing seasons. Synthetic mulches were generally more durable than the natural or natural/synthetic mulches. Mulching eliminated the established vegetation and germinants, and vegetation did not readily reestablish following the deterioration of a mulch. The soil seed bank apparently was not sufficient to regenerate areas that were once covered with mulch and many of the natural materials deteriorated into a fibrous cover that acted like a natural litter layer. Both of these residual weed control effects -- insufficient soil seed bank and formation of a fibrous cover -- were important in stopping vegetation from reestablishing after a mulch had deteriorated. After three growing seasons, the loblolly pine seedlings generally grew better if mulches were used.  相似文献   

松苗立枯病的无公害防治技术   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
利用泡底土、非耕作层土、草炭、落叶松干叶混锯末、牛粪水5种材料做覆土盖种的试验结果表明,防治樟子松苗立枯病效果最好的是松干叶混锯末小区,其次是泡底土小区;防治红松苗立枯病效果最好的是泡底土小区,其次是草炭小区。同时,这几种覆土材料对苗木的苗高、地径生长都有一定的促进作用。  相似文献   

We studied effects of soil temperature on shoot and root extension growth and biomass and carbohydrate allocation in Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris L.) seedlings at the beginning of the growing season. One-year-old Scots pine seedlings were grown for 9 weeks at soil temperatures of 5, 9, 13 and 17 degrees C and an air temperature of 17 degrees C. Date of bud burst, and the elongation of shoots and roots were monitored. Biomass of current and previous season roots, stem and needles was determined at 3-week intervals. Starch, sucrose, glucose, fructose, sorbitol and inositol concentrations were determined in all plant parts except new roots. The timing of both bud burst and the onset of root elongation were unaffected by soil temperature. At Week 9, height growth was reduced and root extension growth was much less at a soil temperature of 5 degrees C than at higher soil temperatures. Total seedling biomass was lowest in the 5 degrees C soil temperature treatment and highest in the 13 degrees C treatment, but there was no statistically significant difference in total biomass between seedlings grown at 13 and 17 degrees C. In response to increasing soil temperature, below-ground biomass increased markedly, resulting in a slightly higher allocation of biomass to below-ground parts. Among treatments, root length was greatest at a soil temperature of 17 degrees C. The sugar content of old roots was unaffected by soil temperature, but the sugar content of new needles increased with increasing soil temperature. The starch content of all seedling parts was lowest in seedlings grown at 17 degrees C. Otherwise, soil temperature had no effect on seedling starch content.  相似文献   

为获得高效的杜鹃育苗方法,以杜鹃花‘紫鹤’和‘粉鹤’自交种子为试材,研究了不同基质和覆盖处理对杜鹃花种子萌发、成苗和实生苗形态建成的影响。研究结果表明:以未发酵的玉米秸秆粉末作为播种基质不能使杜鹃花种子发芽和形成实生苗;以园土与干苔藓混合物和园土与棉籽壳混合物作为播种基质仅有少量种子发芽,不利于实生苗的生长;以蛭石和蛭石与干苔藓混合物作为播种基质的杜鹃发芽率和成苗率分别可达到65.33%~81.33%和62.67%~78.67%,但不利于杜鹃花实生苗的形态建成;以草炭和草炭与干苔藓的混合物作为播种基质能显著促进杜鹃花种子的萌发和成苗形成,且杜鹃花实生苗生长发育健壮;覆盖处理则降低了杜鹃花种子的发芽率。  相似文献   

主要伴生树种树叶对红松生长的影响   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  
徐振邦  戴洪才 《林业科学》1992,28(4):357-361
在培育森林的实践中,早在19世纪就发现有一些树种对于另一些树种具有选择性的影响,这方面大量的工作是通过叶子、树皮或凋落物等浸出液来进行,而我国则研究甚少,尤其树木间相互影响的研究更少。但是,这种现象却是常见的。如在东北的阔叶红松林中,红松(Pinus koraiensis)常与其他伴生的阔叶树混生一起,不仅生长很好,而且还可以在这些阔叶树林冠下更新成长。相反地,在红松纯林下红松幼苗一般很难维持到10年以上。为了了解这些现象,我们选取我国东北分布最广,经济价值最高的阔叶红松林的  相似文献   

对辽宁省凤城市国有凤山林场苗圃不同苗龄红松苗木生长量和山地造林3龄、4龄和5龄红松苗木生长量和造林成活率进行研究,结果表明:随红松苗龄的增加,苗高、地径、主根长和大于1mm侧根条数明显增加,苗龄越长,生长量越大;山地造林采用4龄红松苗比采用3龄和5龄苗造林成活率高。  相似文献   

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