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杨树刺槐混交林细根养分动态研究   总被引:19,自引:0,他引:19  
对两树种细根在北京市潮白河沿河沙地加拿大杨 (2 7a生 )刺槐 (2 2a生 )混交林中的分解情况进行了研究 ,从细根养分循环角度探索了两树种混交协调生长的机理。结果表明 :(1)加拿大杨和刺槐林木细根的分解特点不同 ,杨树细根在分解前期的N、Ca、Mg元素浓度逐渐升高 ,P、K元素浓度则逐渐降低。刺槐细根分解过程中N、P、K元素浓度逐渐降低 ,杨树刺槐混交林细根混合分解中各元素含量变化介于两树种细根单独分解之间 ;(2 )细根的N、K、Mg年归还量以刺槐纯根最大 ,两树种混根次之 ,杨树纯根最小 ;(3)混交林中N素归还量的增加有利于改善杨树的N素状况 ,杨树细根的P素归还量大于刺槐细根 ,有利于改善刺槐的P素营养 ,混交林杨树与刺槐在细根N、P养分方面形成协调互补的关系  相似文献   

三峡库区马尾松根和叶片的生态化学计量特征   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
[目的]对马尾松根系和叶片养分(C、N、P、K、Ca、Mg)进行研究,探讨生长季和非生长季根系和叶片的化学计量学特征和养分分配特征,以及根和叶片养分的相关性。[方法]本研究分别在2014年7月和11月,利用土柱法采集根样和高枝剪采集枝条第二节上的健康叶样,然后再进行室内测试分析。[结果]表明:(1)非生长季与生长季相比,根C养分含量、C:N和N:P比值均下降,N、P、K、Ca、Mg养分含量含量均增加。(2)根C养分含量随直径增大而增加,N、P、K、Ca、Mg养分含量随直径增大而减小。(3)径级、取样时间以及两者交互作用对根系C、N、P、K、Ca、Mg养分含量和C、N、P养分化学计量比存在极显著影响(P0.01),同时取样时间对粗根C、N养分含量以及C:N比无显著影响。(4)细根(2 mm)C和N元素含量存在极显著的负相关关系,N和P元素含量存在极显著的正相关关系,同时C:N比值和N:P比值变异分别由各自两元素含量共同决定;粗根(2 3 mm)C、N计量比值和N:P比值变异分别主要由N元素含量和P元素含量决定;(5)从地上叶到地下根,C、N、P、K养分含量呈减少趋势,Ca、Mg养分含量呈增加趋势。同时,根和叶片养分含量相关性较弱,除C、K养分之外。[结论]马尾松根系养分含量与叶片养分的关系较弱,且分别对各养分的相对需求量不同;与生长季相比,非生长季马尾松根系N、P、K、Ca、Mg含量显著增加;C、N元素和N、P元素的耦合关系只出现在细根中。  相似文献   

[目的]为认识马尾松细根对土壤养分库的贡献,[方法]本研究以三峡库区秭归县九岭头林场马尾松为研究对象,采用埋袋法进行细根分解实验,探讨0.5 mm、0.5 1 mm和1 2 mm细根的分解动态和养分释放(C、N、P、K、Ca、Mg)。[结果]结果表明:(1)细根分解368 d后,0.5 mm、0.5 1 mm和1 2 mm细根干重残留率分别为66.0%、72.0%和74.33%,且细根分解速率随直径增加而减小;(2)细根分解速率与土壤温度呈显著正相关关系(p0.05),与土壤湿度呈正相关关系(p0.05);(3)细根C、K和Mg元素迁移模式表现为释放,Ca元素表现为富集;(4)细根N、P元素在不同径级细根中迁移模式不同,0.5 mm细根N、P元素表现为释放,0.5 2 mm细根N、P元素在分解过程中出现富集阶段。[结论]马尾松细根分解与土壤温度和直径大小显著相关,其中分解与温度呈正相关,与直径呈负相关;在细根分解过程中,马尾松细根不同直径大小的不同养分元素的表现状态不一致,或富集,或释放。  相似文献   

研究了火力楠、红苞木、大叶相思幼苗的养分分布格局。结果表明:3种树种各器官的千重排序火力楠为根>干>叶>枝,红苞木为叶>根>干>枝,大叶相思为干>叶>根>枝。3种树种的养分浓度为N>K>Ca>P>Mg,养分总浓度大叶相思>火力楠>红苞木。3种树种各器官的养分总贮量排序火力楠为根>叶>干>枝,红苞木为叶>根>干>枝,大叶相思为叶>干>根>枝。3种树种各器官中的养分贮量多为N>K>Ca>P>Mg,其养分总贮量也为N>K>Ca>P>Mg。  相似文献   

[目的]了解沙地人工植被恢复过程中主要养分元素的分配及循环特征有助于全面地认识植物适应环境的策略,为沙地植被的管理提供理论依据。[方法]以高寒沙地6、9、11、17和31年生中间锦鸡儿人工灌木林为研究对象,采用野外标准株全株收获法,对人工林N、P和K 3种主要养分元素的含量、积累、分配和生物循环特征进行研究。[结果](1)各组分中,叶和皮的养分含量最高,干的养分含量最低;随着林龄的增加,3个径级根系(粗根:直径> 5 mm、中根:2 mm <直径≤5 mm、细根:直径≤2 mm)N含量和叶片P含量显著增加,细根的P和K含量、枝和中根的K含量显著降低;3个径级根系N含量与细根P和K含量呈极显著的负相关关系,中根和细根的N含量与枝和中根的K含量呈极显著的负相关关系。(2)根系养分积累量大于地上组分,其占总养分积累量的百分比随林龄的增加先增加后降低,在17年生人工林达到峰值,N、P和K积累量百分比分别达70%、66%和63%。(3)随着林龄增加,3种养分元素的利用系数降低,循环系数和周转期增加;K的利用系数和循环系数明显大于N和P,周转期明显小于N和P。[结论]高寒沙地中间锦鸡儿...  相似文献   

在天全县的退耕还林地中,对三倍体毛白杨+黑麦草模式细根和草根的分解及其N、P、K、Ca、Mg养分释放动态进行研究.细根φ0~1 mm、φ1~2 mm、φ0~2 mm及草根的第1年干质量损失率分别为73.97%、69.80%、73.44%和79.53%,应用对数方程模拟细根和草根的分解过程,拟合程度较好(R2>0.9,P<0.01),分解50%所需的时间分别为210、252、243和185 d.细根分解过程中,P、K、Mg的含量下降,N、Ca的含量增加.草根分解过程中,养分元素的含量都呈现出不规则的波动变化,整体上没有明显的规律性.在细根分解过程中,P、K、Mg的养分释放率与其干质量损失率的变化趋势相似,分解前期增加较快,随后上升趋于平缓,而N、Ca的养分释放率增加整体比较平缓,元素分解速率均以P最快,其次是K、Mg,而N、Ca最慢;而草根分解过程中N、P、K、Ca、Mg的养分释放率初期增加都比较快,随后趋于平缓,并且元素分解速率呈现不规则变化,其中Ca分解率最慢,其他元素的分解率相近.由于细根和草根在垂直分布上的差异,整个生态系统中,土壤上下层地下凋落物的主要种类也有所不同,因而有利于三倍体毛白杨+黑麦草生态系统的可持续发展.  相似文献   

采用埋袋法研究了落叶松(17 a生)两种不同来源凋落物(地下部分死亡的细根和地上部分凋落叶片)的分解。结果表明,细根的年分解量为207.4 kg.hm-2,占凋落物年分解总量的32.3%。细根N、P、K养分归还量分别是凋落物总归还量的32.4%9、.3%、19.5%。细根在林地C和养分循环中占重要地位。  相似文献   

在天全县的退耕还林地中,对三倍体毛白杨+黑麦草模式细根和草根的分解及其N、P、K、Ca、Mg养分释放动态进行研究。细根Ф0~1mm、Ф1~2mm、Ф0~2mm及草根的第1年干质量损失率分别为73.97%、69.80%、73.44%和79.53%,应用对数方程模拟细根和草根的分解过程,拟合程度较好(R^2〉0.9,P〈0.01),分解50%所需的时间分别为210、252、243和185d。细根分解过程中,P、K、Mg的含量下降,N、Ca的含量增加。草根分解过程中,养分元素的含量都呈现出不规则的波动变化,整体上没有明显的规律性。在细根分解过程中,P、K、Mg的养分释放率与其干质量损失率的变化趋势相似,分解前期增加较快,随后上升趋于平缓,而N、Ca的养分释放率增加整体比较平缓,元素分解速率均以P最快,其次是K、Mg,而N、Ca最慢;而草根分解过程中N、P、K、Ca、Mg的养分释放率初期增加都比较快,随后趋于平缓,并且元素分解速率呈现不规则变化,其中Ca分解率最慢,其他元素的分解率相近。由于细根和草根在垂直分布上的差异,整个生态系统中,土壤上下层地下凋落物的主要种类也有所不同,因而有利于三倍体毛白杨+黑麦草生态系统的可持续发展。  相似文献   

施肥对毛竹笋材两用林土壤养分分布与肥力状况的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
研究了三明市毛竹笋材两用林施肥前后土壤10项养分指标分布特性及施肥后土壤综合养分状况。结果表明:施肥后土壤养分指标变异系数为3.2%~76.5%,属弱变异至中等变异程度;除pH值、全磷含量偏斜量绝对值小于5%之外,其它养分指标分布发生不同程度偏斜。应用主成分分析法,取前3个主成分作为土壤养分的综合指标,土壤的有机质、碱解氮、全氮、速效钾首先反映出土壤养分状况,其次为有效磷,第3为pH值、交换性镁。14个试验处理的土壤养分水平差异较明显,试验处理N2P2K2、N1P2K1、N2P2K1的养分综合得分值最高,而缺素试验处理(N0P2K2、N2P0K2、N2P2K0)综合得分值分列第11、13、12位,说明氮、磷、钾肥的合理配比施肥可有效提高土壤养分综合水平。  相似文献   

桤木人工林细根与土壤养分含量季节动态变化   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
对桤木人工林细根、土壤养分含量的季节变化及其两者之间的关系进行了研究.结果表明:(1)桤木细根中大量元素N、Ca、K、Mg、P含量冬季高,春季最低;微量元素Fe、Mn、Zn、Cu、Pb、Ni、Cd含量冬季最低,春夏季较高.(2)土壤各层中大量元素N、Ca、K、Mg、P含量冬季最低,夏季最高;微量元素Mn、Zn含量在冬季最低,秋季最高;Fe、Ni、Pb、Cu、Cd含量在冬季最高,春秋较低.(3)细根和土壤中大量元素含量在冬季存在负相关关系,微量元素Fe、Ni、Cd含量在一年四季均存在显著负相关关系,Mn、Cu含量在春季、夏季和秋季存在负相关关系,Zn、Pb含量在春季、夏季和秋季存在正相关关系.  相似文献   

The mixed plantation of poplar (Populus spp.) and black locust (Robinia pseudoacacia) is one of the typical mixed stands with nitrogen-fixing and non-nitrogen-fixing species. Interaction between the two species in the mixed stand is harmonious and productivity is high, making this kind of mixed plantation a very successful pattern on poor sandy sites in north China. In this study, the fine root decomposition of the two species was investigated in the mixed plantation of 27-year-old Canadian poplar (P. canadansis) and 22-year-old black locust on sandy sites along the Chaobai River in Beijing. Mechanism of harmonious interaction between the two species was observed in the view of the nutrient cycle of fine roots. Results showed that: (1) the fine root decomposition of Canadian poplar and black locust trees was different. Concentrations of N, Ca and Mg gradually increased and those of P and K gradually decreased in the fine roots of poplar during the period of decomposition. Concentrations of N, P and K gradually decreased in the fine roots of black locust during decomposition. The speed of nutrient decomposition in mixed fine roots of the two species fell between the speed of the two pure samples. (2) During decomposition, the annual return amount of N, K and Mg in fine roots of black locust was highest, followed by the mixed fine roots of the two species, and then the fine roots of poplar. (3) The increased return amount of N in mixed fine roots could improve the N nutrient condition of poplar trees. The return amount of P in poplar fine roots was greater than that of black locust, which could improve the P nutrient of black locust trees. The interaction of mutual supplements of N and P nutrient cycle of fine roots between these two species formed. Translated from Scientia Silvae Sinicae, 2004, 4(4) (in Chinese)  相似文献   


The leaves and leaf litter of Cryptomeria japonica D. Don was collected from April 1994 to March 1995 to describe the seasonal changes in nutrient concentrations in leaves and leaf litter. Nitrogen (N), phosphorus (P) and potassium (K) concentrations were in the order new leaves > old leaves > leaf litter, whereas calcium (Ca) concentration was in the order leaf litter > old leaves > new leaves during the whole year. N, P and K concentrations were at their highest during the new leaf growth phase, and then decreased as a result of the diluting effect and translocation, whereas Ca increased with time. Magnesium did not show any clear seasonal trend compared with other nutrients. N resorption efficiency was lower than P resorption efficiency. There were two nutrient resorption peaks, which could be attributed to high nutrient translocation to new leaves in the spring and to translocation from old leaves before senescence in the autumn. A significant correlation between N and P resorption was observed.  相似文献   

Lack of information concerning root growth of trees limits our knowledge of plant development and fertilizer response. The objective of this work was to study root growth dynamics of an E. urophylla forest after harvesting and the supply of nutrients from the roots and the soil to the new sprouts originating from the stumps. About 7-year-old eucalypt trees were felled and the sprouts and roots were sampled at 0, 60, 120, 180, 240, 330 days after harvesting. The roots were separated into fine roots (<1 mm), medium roots (1–3 mm), coarse roots (>3 mm), and taproot. Nutrient supply to sprouts from the old roots and the soil was calculated based on the change in nutrient content of the roots with time and accumulation of nutrients in the sprouts. Fine, medium and coarse root biomass increased with time after harvesting. However, the increase was more pronounced with fine roots. Between harvesting and day 60 of the new growth, all nutrients allocated to the sprouts, excluding potassium, were supplied by the soil. K was the nutrient most dependent on root reserves for the initial growth of sprouts. The contribution of the old roots to N, P, Ca, and Mg accumulation in the sprouts increased between day 60 and 120. At 330 days after harvesting, about 9.2, 23.9, and 12.6% of the N, K, and Mg, respectively, that had accumulated in the sprouts were supplied by the roots, while all P and Ca were supplied by the soil.  相似文献   

Nutrient retranslocation in trees is important in nutrient budgets and energy flows in forest ecosystems. We investigated nutrient retranslocation in the fine roots of a Manchurian Ash(Fraxinus mandshurica) and a Larch(Larix olgensis) plantation in northeastern China. Nutrient retranslocation in the fine roots was investigated using three methods, specifically, nutrient concentration, the ratio of Ca to other elements(Ca/other elements ratio) and nutrient content. The method based on nutrient content proved most suitable when investigating nutrient retranslocation from fine roots of the two species. The nutrient-content-based method showed that there were retranslocations of N, P, K and Mg from the fine roots of Manchurian Ash, with retranslocation efficiencies of 13,25, 65, and 38 %, respectively, whereas there were no Ca retranslocations. There were retranslocations of N, P, K, Ca and Mg from the fine roots of Larch, with retranslocation efficiencies of 31, 40, 52, 23 and 25 %, respectively.  相似文献   

Nutrient retranslocation in trees is important in nutrient budgets and energy flows in forest ecosystems. We investigated nutrient retranslocation in the fine roots of a Manchurian Ash (Fraxinus mandshurica) and a Larch (Larix olgensis) plantation in northeastern China. Nutrient retranslocation in the fine roots was investigated using three methods, specifically, nutrient concentration, the ratio of Ca to other elements (Ca/other elements ratio) and nutrient content. The method based on nutrient content proved most suitable when investigating nutrient retranslocation from fine roots of the two species. The nutrient-content-based method showed that there were retranslocations of N, P, K and Mg from the fine roots of Manchurian Ash, with retranslocation efficiencies of 13, 25, 65, and 38 %, respectively, whereas there were no Ca retranslocations. There were retranslocations of N, P, K, Ca and Mg from the fine roots of Larch, with retranslocation efficiencies of 31, 40, 52, 23 and 25 %, respectively.  相似文献   

长白山阔叶红松林群落的细根现存量及养分内循环   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
细根(直径≤2mm)是植物吸收水分和养分的重要器官,细根通过呼吸作用和周转过程向土壤输送有机质(Jackson et al.,1997;王政权等,2008)。细根生物量虽然仅占植物体总生物量的5%左右,但由于细根生长和周转迅速,其生长量可占森林初级生产力的50%~75%(Nadelhoffer et al.,1992),每  相似文献   

以福建省沙县官庄国有林场第3代杉木种子园为对象,对母树叶片、枝和土壤养分含量进行了诊断分析。结果表明:母树叶片中大量元素含量大小为N>K>Ca>Mg>P,微量元素含量大小为Mn>Fe>Zn>Cu,叶片中N/P、N/K、N/Mg、N/Ca分别为9.75、1.57、9.72、1.87;枝中大量元素含量大小为Ca>K>N>Mg>P,微量元素含量大小为Fe>Mn>Zn>Cu,枝中N/P、N/K、N/Mg、N/Ca分别为4.80、0.91、3.46、0.89;0~60 cm土层中土壤有机质含量均值为25.92 g.kg-1,大量元素含量大小为K>Mg>N>Ca>P,微量元素含量大小为Fe>Zn>Mn>Cu,0~20、20~40、40~60 cm土层中C/N比值分别为12.06、11.32、8.68。综合分析表明,N、P和Mn元素含量偏低,建议在经营过程中加以补充。  相似文献   

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