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中国自然保护区生态旅游研究进展   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
目前我国大部分自然保护区进行了旅游开发,在开发的过程中产生了许多问题,引起了学术界的关注。笔者对自然保护区旅游研究的相关期刊文献进行了分类检索,对旅游可持续发展研究、旅游社区参与研究、旅游与科学发展观研究、旅游与和谐社会研究进行了综述,还总结了目前旅游理论研究存在的问题,针对未来保护区旅游理论研究提出了建议并给出自然保护区生态旅游对策。  相似文献   

信息网络为资源共享提供了平台.林业科学研究信息为林业基础理论与适用技术研究节约了研究资源,提供了研究方向,拓展了研究领域,加大了研究深度.加快林业科学研究机构电子阅览室建设,为林业数字化建没、加快林业科技成果转化力度、进一步实现林业生态建设可持续健康发展,提供先决条件.  相似文献   

郊野公园研究浅析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
介绍了郊野公园的国内外建设情况、概念及特点,并从郊野公园的功能研究、与城市空间关系的研究、旅游开发研究、规划管理方法研究、策略研究等几个方面,总结讨论了国内郊野公园的相关研究状况,为国内郊野公园的建设和研究提供参考。  相似文献   

研究了“湘南丘陵防护林体系建设配套技术研究与示范”的目的意义 ,论述了以县为单元的防护林体系中林种、树种、林分结构优化以及防蚀保土型农林复合经营研究的重要性和必要性 ;强调了示范在提高县级防护林体系建设中技术显示度的积极作用。在分析研究资源、环境、社会特点和防护林建设现状的基础上 ,制定了试验与示范 ,定量与定性相结合的技术路线 ;根据技术路线 ,布设试验示范林 ,并编制了项目分解与研究流程图。依据国内外文献和检索资料 ,从防护林的效益、林种结构、林分类型及作用、农林复合经营及其水土保持作用等方面概述了研究的动态和趋势。为防蚀保土型农林复合经营的研究及防护林配套技术研究方案的制定提供了依据  相似文献   

文章阐述了森林林火行为的概念、研究的意义,分析、总结了森林火行为影响因素,可归纳为可燃物、地形、气象条件和人为措施等,并展望了未来的研究方向,不仅对单个影响因素进行研究,还要深入研究各因素间的相互作用,耦合机制等,并进行长期的定位研究。  相似文献   

森林群落演替动态研究进展   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
在研究国内外森林群落演替研究文献的基础上,概述森林群落演替研究状况,为进一步推动这方面的工作提供了依据。笔者从植物群落演替的研究、植物群落更新的研究、群落的波动和边缘效应、退化生态系统植被恢复的生理生态学研究等4方面作了简单评述;并把演替研究的方法分为传统的以定性描述为主的研究方法和现代的以数学、计算机数值仿真和实验室模拟为特征的定量的研究方法;最后提出了研究展望。  相似文献   

山地丘陵区林业生态建设研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过研究大量文献资料的基础上,对近年来国内外山地丘陵区林业生态建设研究状况作了综述,主要包括山地丘陵区森林立地类型划分、山地丘陵区森林空间配置结构及功能、山地丘陵区森林的生态效益、经济效益和社会效益研究,以及山地丘陵区森林经营管理研究,并指出了山地丘陵区林业生态建设研究中存在的问题,提出了今后的发展趋势。  相似文献   

抗肿瘤活性鬼臼毒素类似物的资源研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
综述了鬼臼毒素类物质以及国内外在鬼臼毒素资源方面所作的研究,讨论了国内外有关森林植物资源、植物细胞组织培养、植物内生真菌发酵、化学全合成、半合成等研究领域的现状及进一步研究这一类化合物的重要意义,并指出了存在的主要问题及今后的研究前景.  相似文献   

简要回顾了保护生物学的发展历史,概括了该学科的两大基础原理,即功能原理与伦理原理,并阐述了其研究内容,包括物种灭绝研究、进化潜能研究、群落和生态学研究等。最后,对保护生物学学科的发展前景作了展望。  相似文献   

麋鹿研究综述   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
从麋鹿的历史、生理生化、生境管理、疾病防治、种群管理及研究和行为学6个方面,对麋鹿研究的进展进行了归纳和分析,阐述了我国在麋鹿研究方面取得的成果,并对未来麋鹿研究的方向做了前瞻性分析。  相似文献   

日本松材线虫病研究的最新动向   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
该文重点对近2a日本松材线虫病的研究文献进行整理分析。目前松材线虫病的研究仍是日本国森林病虫害的主要研究课题。在松树的抗(感)病机理、线虫在树体内的活动与增殖规律、线虫与天牛的关系、生物防治以及新技术在研究中的应用等方面取得较大进展。  相似文献   

Reflections on the past two decades of organized research in tropical agroforestry raise several issues. Research efforts started with an inductive and experiential approach but have subsequently followed a deductive and experimental approach that includes hypothesis testing and the development of predictive capability; agroforestry research is thus being transformed into a rigorous scientific activity. The research agenda, so far, has given high priority to soil fertility and other biophysical interactions, less priority to anthropological and sociological aspects, and little priority to evaluating costs and returns, pests and diseases, and the so-called non-timber forest (tree) products. Moreover, larger-spatial-scale issues, such as carbon sequestration, water quality, and biodiversity conservation, have been neglected because of the emphasis on field- and farm-scale studies. Overall, the high expectations that were raised about the role and potential of agroforestry as a development vehicle have not been fulfilled. In order to overcome this, it is imperative that research be focused on the generation of appropriate, science-based technologies of wide applicability, especially under resource-poor conditions and in smallholder farming systems. Future research agendas should entail a judicious blending of science and technology. Applied research should build upon the findings of basic research to generate technologies for application at the farm, regional and global levels. Such research should place increased focus on previously neglected subjects, for example, the exploitation of indigenous fruit-producing trees, the agronomic components of agroforestry systems, and the global issues mentioned above. Furthermore, an appropriate methodology that embodies economic, social, and environmental costs and benefits needs to be developed to realistically assess the impacts of agroforestry, and an enabling policy environment that will facilitate agroforestry adoption needs to be made available. Agroforestry research of the 21st century should strive to build bridges from the inductive phase of the past, through the deductive phase of the present, to the future phase of harnessing science and generating technologies for the benefit of the land and its present and future users. This revised version was published online in June 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

Since farmers engage in a complex, dynamic process of learning-by-doing, evaluating economic incentives, and assessing risks in deciding whether to adopt agroforestry systems, a multi-pronged research approach is required for a complete analysis of adoption potential and to develop effective technological and institutional interventions. A case study is presented for using multiple approaches to analyse the potential for reforestation and improving livelihoods of small farmers through the adoption of agroforestry systems in the Calakmul Biosphere Reserve in Campeche, Mexico. Specifically, the results from a participatory research project are combined with revealed preference analysis of a household survey to analyse past adoption decisions and preferences, identify limitations, test and evaluate alternatives, and evaluate methods for risk reduction. The participatory research trials suggest that continuous intercropping and line cleaning are equally effective for tree growth, while continuous cropping during the first years offers the additional advantage of early returns to investments through crop production. Farmer participation in the research process, planning of production systems, and annual evaluations, assisted farmers and researchers in identifying limitations, testing and evaluating alternatives, and improving the viability and sustainability of systems. The revealed preference analysis provides insights as to which households are most likely to initially adopt agroforestry systems developed through the participatory research trials. In general, households that originated from the Yucatan Peninsula with more education, more experience both in age of the head of household and technical and project experience, higher incomes, and those that had cleared more forestland were more likely to have experimented with agroforestry systems in the past.  相似文献   

文章阐述了图牧吉国家级自然保护区概况、科研监测的任务、科研监测组织管理、科研监测的主要内容及科研队伍建设等。  相似文献   

在景观全球化的背景之下,城市个性和地域历史越来越受到重视,公共园林发展建设也成为了核心竞争力之一。在结合历史文献和前人研究成果的基础上,通过走访调研、拍照实测和绘图分析等方法,系统梳理出海口琼山府城的公共园林在不同时期的发展情况,从"城市发展——公共园林""公共园林——民众生活"的关系探索其生成原因、公共性质和时代特征,对今后公共空间的整合、地域文化的传承及社会生活质量的提升都有着非凡的价值。  相似文献   

We address the question of how credible knowledge that will contribute to more effective forest policy and management can be produced. We argue that some forest-related knowledge-producing practices of professional scientists and of local people are similar, and given the differences in the knowledge they produce, we explore how they might be used productively together to create better understandings of forests with resulting better forestry practice and policy. Using a case study of participatory forest ecology research, we demonstrate that when professional (conventional) scientists do research in collaboration with local experts (civil scientists), the resulting knowledge can be more accurate and more policy relevant than they could produce doing research on their own or only with other conventional scientists.  相似文献   

鹅耳枥属植物具有重要的观赏价值、药用价值和工业价值。中国具有丰富的鹅耳枥属种质资源,但未引起人们在科研和生产等方面的重视。为了充分开发和利用该属植物,文中综述了国内外鹅耳枥属植物种质资源开发利用价值、分布与保存、种群特性、引种驯化等方面的研究进展,提出了研究存在的不足以及今后的研究展望,旨在进一步推动鹅耳枥属植物种质资源的深入研究与应用。  相似文献   

人工林长期立地生产力研究概述   总被引:24,自引:2,他引:22  
本文首先对国内外人工林长期立地生产力问题研究的背景、历史沿革进行了回顾,阐述了从过去讨论单一树种连栽导致的生产力下降和土壤退化问题发展成为关注全球和区域的气候变化、大气污染、自然灾害以及所有与长期立地生产力有关的人工经营措施对长期立地生产力影响这样一个广阔领域研究的历史演变过程,并且列举了目前世界各国一些正在实施的相关研究项目的主要研究内容和目标.然后对长期立地生产力研究有关的概念和术语进行了比较分析,重点阐述了立地、立地生产力、长期森林生产力/持续森林生产力、长期立地生产力/持续立地生产力等概念在长期生产力研究中的意义和涵盖的范围,介绍了国内外一些学者对长期立地生产力研究时间周期的界定,并对我国几个树种(如杉木和毛竹等)的长期立地生产力研究的时间周期进行了探讨.最后简述了国内外在长期立地生产力研究上采用的技术方法、研究策略及今后的发展趋势.  相似文献   

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