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采用涡度相关技术对华北低丘山地30年生栓皮栎-刺槐-侧柏人工混交林生态系统进行连续2年的碳通量观测。结果表明:人工混交林净生态系统碳交换(NEE)的年际和季节变化都很明显,但日变化只在生长季(4—10月)才变得显著。2006和2007年人工混交林NEE的变化范围分别在-27.1~8.1和-24.4~9.8gCO2·m-2d-1,最大月平均CO2吸收量分别出现在5月和7月。生长季净碳吸收约占全年的96%。人工混交林是较强的碳汇,2006和2007年净碳吸收量分别为549.1和445.4gC·m-2a-1。春季干旱是2007年人工混交林净碳吸收显著下降的主要原因。  相似文献   

非生长季长白山红松针阔叶混交林CO2通量特征   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
采用开路式涡度相关系统对长白山红松针阔叶混交林非生长季的CO2通量特征进行连续监测.结果显示:非生长季CO2通量变动范围为-0.3~0.5 mg·m-2s-1;秋末与初春均为显著的释放过程,虽然气温低于生物学最低温度,但在晴朗的午间,森林仍有数小时表现为碳汇的特征;在冬季覆雪状态下,森林存在微弱的相对恒定的CO2释放,在融雪阶段有一释放高峰;土壤温度高于0℃时,净生态系统碳交换量与5 cm深土壤温度呈指数相关变化.观测期间(190 d),长白山红松针阔叶混交林净碳交换量为127 g C·m-2,整体表现为一定强度的碳释放.  相似文献   

安庆杨树林生态系统碳通量及其影响因子研究   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5       下载免费PDF全文
以安徽安庆长江外滩地杨树林生态系统为研究对象,运用涡度相关技术进行长期CO2通量监测,得到2005年4月到2006年3月间生态系统碳通量的日动态变化过程:从7:30左右生态系统开始吸收CO2,午间13:30左右达到全天碳吸收最高峰,然后开始降低,到17:30左右生态系统逐渐转入碳排放;同时分析了生态系统碳通量与光合有效辐射(PAR)、温度、土壤热通量等环境因子的响应变化关系:PAR>1 μmol·m-2·s-1时,在不同温度范嗣内,PAR与碳通量的响应关系不同;平均夜间碳通量与月平均气温呈线性相关;平均夜间碳通量与5 cm处土壤日平均温度呈指数相关;月平均碳通量与2 cm深处土壤热通量也呈指数相关.  相似文献   

【目的】量化人工林生态系统碳通量组分,探明环境因子对碳通量组分的调控作用,以提高人工林生态系统碳汇功能评估的准确性,为进一步认识气候变化背景下环境因子对人工林生态系统碳循环过程的调控作用提供参考。【方法】以北京市密云区油松人工林生态系统为研究对象,采用涡度相关法(EC)测定油松人工林生态系统净碳交换量,同时对空气温度(Ta)、饱和水汽压差(VPD)、光合有效辐射(PAR)和土壤水分(SWC)等环境要素进行原位连续监测,分析人工林生态系统碳通量组分季节变化特征及其与环境因子的响应关系。【结果】北京密云油松人工林2021年累积生态系统总生产力(GEP)为315 g·m-2,呼吸强度(RE)为291 g·m-2,净生产力(NEP)为24 g·m-2。GEP和RE在生长季(4—10月)较高,非生长季接近0 g·m-2。日GEP、RE和NEP最大值分别为4.7、3.3和3.1 g·m-2。月最大净光合速率在生长季呈单峰型变化,最大值出现在7月。在生长季和生长旺期,N...  相似文献   

为了解枣园与大气之间净生态系统碳交换(NEE)特征,运用涡度相关系统、小型自动气象站及HemiView冠层分析系统分别对2017年阿克苏市郊区灰枣园CO2通量、气象因子及叶面积指数进行观测,研究了枣园NEE变化特征、NEE和叶面积指数及气象因子之间的日动态相关性。结果表明:NEE日动态为“U”形曲线。白天NEE为负值,表现为碳吸收,夜间NEE为正值,表现为碳排放。枣园各生育期的晴天与阴天NEE变化特征基本一致。枣园各生育期按照NEE及阶段NEE强度由高到低排序依次为果实发育期、果实成熟期、花期、萌芽期。枣园全生育期叶面积指数和气象因子按照与枣园NEE的相关性由高到低排序依次为叶面积指数、相对湿度、空气温度、光合有效辐射、饱和水汽压差。果实发育期碳交换速率和NEE最大,因此在枣树果实发育期应保证水分和无机盐的供应,对枣园NEE影响最大的因素是叶面积指数。  相似文献   

洞庭湖区滩地杨树人工林土壤呼吸动态分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
采用LI-8100土壤呼吸仪对洞庭湖区滩地杨树人工林土壤呼吸日变化和季节变化进行野外测定,分析了土壤呼吸速率日变化和季节变化与温度和土壤含水量的相关性。结果表明:土壤呼吸速率的日变化和季节变化比较明显,其动态与地表温度和土壤温度(5cm)的变化大体一致,均表现为单峰型。夏季日变化最高出现在下午15:00—17:00,其它3个季节高峰值均出现在中午11:00—13:00,最低值都出现在凌晨5:00左右;季节变化呼吸速率大小依次是夏季〉春季〉秋季〉冬季。滩地杨树人工林地的土壤呼吸作用与地表温度和土壤温度(5cm)均有较好的指数关系,与土壤含水量呈线性关系,说明温度和水分是影响土壤CO2排放通量变化的关键因子。  相似文献   

小兴安岭落叶松沼泽林土壤CO2,N2O和CH4的排放规律   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
采用静态箱-气相色谱法,研究小兴安岭兴安落叶松-油桦-修氏苔草沼泽林、兴安落叶松-油桦-笃斯越橘-藓类沼泽林和兴安落叶松-狭叶杜香-中位泥炭藓沼泽林生长季节土壤温室气体(CO2,N2O和CH4)排放通量的季节变化规律、季节排放量及其主控因素.结果表明:1)3种落叶松沼泽林土壤CO:排放通量均呈现夏季高(651.4~823.6 mg·m-2h-1)春秋季低(233.3~310.0 mg·m-2h-1)的单峰型季节变化,N2O排放通量(0.010~0.049,0.012~0.020和0.010~0.080 mg·m-2h-1)分别呈现夏季>春季>秋季,春季>夏季>秋季和秋季>春季>夏季的变化规律,CH4排放通量(-0.083~0.037,-0.122~0.078和-0.05~0.026 mg·m-2h-1)分别呈现春秋季排放、夏季吸收,春季排放、夏秋季吸收和春夏季排放、秋季吸收的交替式季节变化;2)表层土壤(0~30cm)温度是土壤CO2排放的主要影响因素,低水位与较高表层土壤温度是N2O排放的主要影响因素,水位是CH.排放的主要影响因素,高水位时土壤排放CH4,低水位时土壤吸收CH4;3)3种落叶松沼泽林土壤在生长季节均为CO2排放源(20.8~25.2 t·hm-2),且夏季为强排放源、春秋季为弱排放源,3者均为N2O排放源(0.192~1.128kg·hm-2),兴安落叶松-油桦-修氏苔草沼泽林为强排放源,另2者为弱排放源,兴安落叶松-油桦-修氏苔草沼泽林和兴安落叶松-油桦-笃斯越橘-藓类沼泽林土壤为CH4强吸收汇(1.152~1.200 kg·hm-2),兴安落叶松-狭叶杜香-中位泥炭藓沼泽林土壤为CH4弱排放源(0.168 kg·hm-2);4)兴安落叶松-油桦-修氏苔草沼泽林土壤温室气体CO2排放强度最高(25.4 t·hm-2),另2者相对较低(20.8~21.2 t·hm-2),但均以CO2排放占绝对优势地位(99.63%~99.93%),N2O和CH4排放占次要地位(0.19%~0.92%和0.02%~0.10%).  相似文献   

应用简化生物圈模式(SiB2)模拟通榆地气通量研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
主要通过对比观测与SiB2模拟的吉林通榆农田和草地样地的感热通量、潜热通量、CO2通量和气温来检测独立版简化生物圈模式的数值模拟能力。在模拟中,农田和草地代表半干旱区2种典型的地表覆盖类型,它们的全年冠层高度和叶面积指数都处于变化当中,在非生长季地表裸露,而在生长季,冠层高度农田可达2m,草地可达0.8m,对应的叶面积指数分别可达4.2和2.4。SiB2模型模拟用观测值为初始场,以半小时气象观测为驱动场。对2003年的模拟和观测的比对研究表明:在生长季模式具有很好的模拟小时时间尺度的潜热、感热和CO2通量及地表气温的能力;(2)模式模拟土壤热通量可能偏大;(3)模拟的逐日潜热、感热和CO2通量及地表气温可用合理地反映全年的季节变化。图11表3参23。  相似文献   

湖南会同杉木人工林生态系统CO_2通量特征   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
利用开路式涡动相关系统与自动气象梯度观测系统2008年12个月的观测数据,研究会同13年生杉木人工林CO2通量特征。结果表明:13年生杉木人工林生态系统CO2通量日变化存在明显的季节差异,晴天平均碳汇持续时间表现为夏>春>秋>冬,平均日较差表现为夏>秋>春>冬,最大碳汇出现时间由早到晚依次为夏、秋、春和冬;1年中,月累积碳通量除1和2月为碳源外,其他各月均表现为碳汇,碳汇最大值出现在6月(-53.0gC·m-2);13年生杉木林的年碳汇总量为-255.3gC·m-2。白天CO2通量与光合有效辐射的关系可用Michaelis-Menten模型模拟(P<0.05),但模型参数随温度而异;夜间CO2通量与5cm土壤温度呈指数关系(P<0.05)。  相似文献   

【目的】分析长白山红松阔叶林净生态系统碳交换量(NEE)的季节性差异及其气象因子响应,在月尺度下揭示气象因子对NEE的动态影响,为调节研究地区的碳收支提供理论指导。同时研究时间卷积神经网络在森林生态系统净碳交换模拟中的应用,探索NEE模拟的新方法。【方法】基于长白山温带红松阔叶林通量观测站2007—2010年间的30 min观测数据,分析NEE和输入模型的5种气象因子的季节性差异,并分析5种气象因子与NEE的相关性。使用随机森林模型,计算影响NEE的各因子重要性得分,选择得分较高的5种气象因子:潜热通量、显热通量、冠层上方空气湿度、冠层上方水汽压和净辐射作为NEE模拟的输入;分别构建基于时间卷积神经网络(TCN)、长短期记忆网络(LSTM)、人工神经网络(ANN)、支持向量回归(SVR)和极限学习机(ELM)的5种NEE模型,采用决定系数(R2)、平均绝对误差(MAE)和均方根误差(RMSE)评价模型的预测精度和稳定性。【结果】长白山温带红松阔叶林通量观测站NEE全年总量为-74.777 3 gCO2·m-2a...  相似文献   

南岭山地是国家25个重点生态功能区之一,但其土壤保持功能较弱。本文以南岭国家级自然保护区及其周边地区为例,分析气候、土壤、地形、植被、人类活动等因素对土壤保持的影响。研究发现,该区域兼有水力侵蚀和冻融侵蚀;大东山花岗岩风化的南岭土壤易受流水侵蚀;山体高差较大、坡度较陡且水系发育,导致水流冲刷能力极强;因此该地非常容易诱发水土流失。而不合理的人类活动,已对局部造成严重的水土流失。保护区森林植被的水土保持生态效益,保存了原本易受侵蚀的南岭土壤,实现了南岭的生态功能和价值。因此,南岭的森林植被是控制水土流失的决定性因素,也是实现土壤保持功能最核心的因子。  相似文献   

Basic structure and algorithm of leaf mechanism photosynthesis model were described in first part of this study based on former researcher results. Then, considering some environmental factors influencing on leaf photosynthesis, three numerical sensitivity experiments were carried out. We simulated the single leaf net CO2 assimilation, which acts as a function of different light, carbon dioxide and temperature conditions. The relationships between leaf net photosynthetic rate of C3 and C4 plant with CO2 concentration intercellular, leaf temperature, and photosynthetic active radiation (PAR) were presented, respectively. The results show the numerical experiment may indicate the main characteristic of plant photosynthesis in C3 and C4 plant, and further can be used to integrate with the regional climate model and act as land surface process scheme, and better understand the interaction between vegetation and atmosphere. Foundation Item: This paper was supported by Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant No. 39900084) Biography: ZHANG Jia-hua (1966-), male, Ph. Doctor, Associate professor in START, Institute of Atmospheric Physics. Chinese Academy of SciencesBeijing, 100029, P. R. China Responsible editor: Chai Ruihai  相似文献   

CO_2和O_3浓度升高对森林生态系统影响的研究进展   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
系统收集和整理了国内外关于CO2和O3复合胁迫对森林影响的研究,从两者的复合胁迫对森林树木的光合作用、地上部分生长、根系生长、土壤环境、种间竞争的影响等方面进行了阐述,并对该领域有待深入研究的方向进行了展望;提出应深入开展对植物地下水平和分子水平的研究,为解决全球气候变化对森林造成的影响提供借鉴,同时为生态系统的管理提供依据。  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to develop a facile method for categorizing native celluloses as the algal-bacterial type or the cotton-ramie type and for estimating the Iα/Iβ (triclinic/monoclinic) ratio of the cellulose samples. We investigated various native celluloses by X-ray diffractometry; and discriminant analysis was carried out using two equatoriald-spacings: 0.59–0.62 nm (d 1) and 0.52–0.55 nm (d 2). All of the samples were classified into the two groups without error. The function used to discriminate between the two groups is represented as:Z=1693d1 — 902d 2 — 549, whereZ>0 indicates the algal-bacterial (Iα-rich) type andZ<0 indicates the cotton-ramie (Iβ-dominant) type. Another X-ray diffraction study of hydrothermally treatedCladophora cellulose revealed the relation between thed-spacings (d 1,d 2) and the Iα/Iβ ratio. A calibrating equation by which the Iα/Iβ ratio was estimated from the two parameters,d 1 andd 2, was then prepared. In the case of relatively highly crystalline native celluloses, it was found that the Iα/Iβ ratio is easily determined by applying the two parameters in the equation.  相似文献   

Soil samples were taken from depth of 0–12 cm in the virgin broad-leaved/Korean pine mixed forest in Changbai Mountain in April, 2000. 20 μL·L−1 and 200 μL·L−1 CH4 and N2O concentration were supplied for analysis. Laboratory study on CH4 oxidation and N2O emission in forest soil showed that fresh soil sample could oxidize atmospheric methane and product N2O. Air-dried soil sample could not oxidize atmospheric methane, but could product N2O. However, it could oxidize the supplied methane quickly when its concentration was higher than 20 μL·L−1. The oxidation rate of methane was increased with its initial concentration. An addition of water to dry soil caused large pulse of N2O emissions within 2 hours. There were curvilinear correlations between N2O emission and temperature (r2=0.706, p<0.05), and between N2O emission and water content (r2=0.2968, p <0.05). These suggested temperature and water content were important factors controlling N2O emission. The correlation between CH4 oxidization and temperature was also found while CH4 was supplied 200 μL·L−1 (r2=0.3573, p<0.05). Temperature was an important factor controlling CH4 oxidation. However, when 20 μL·L−1 CH4 was supplied, there was no correlation among CH4 oxidization, N2O emission, temperature and water content. Foundation item: This paper was supported by Chinese Academy of Sciences. Biography: ZHANG Xiu-jun (1960-), female, Ph. Doctor, lecture in Laboratory of Ecological Process of Trace Substance in Terrestrial Ecosystem, Institute of Applied Ecology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Shenyang 110015, P.R. China. Responsible editor: Song Funan  相似文献   


In Europe, large quantities of oak wood are available and industrial partners showed interest in bleached oak as oak's reinterpretation in order to reintroduce it on the design furniture market. In the present work besides oak two further wood species beech and black locust were also examined in comparison. Bleaching of beech has a relative well-established technique and can be done with good results with H2O2, contrary to oak where bleaching with the same agent results in a spotty discoloration of the surface with high-greenish incrust. A second substance is suggested to be used, to achieve the same significant bleaching effect for oak and black locust as for beech. As bleached wood surfaces are also subject to color changes due to sun radiation, bleached samples of the three wood species were exposed to artificial xenon radiation and their behavior was investigated, with focus on the influence of the type of application. Expecting industrial-scale application the possible influence of application type on the measure of total color change was also investigated. The feature of color development was described as exponential function of time for all three wood species and all three application methods.  相似文献   

Supercritical fluid extraction of sapogenins from tubers of Smilax china   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Shu XS  Gao ZH  Yang XL 《Fitoterapia》2004,75(7-8):656-661
Supercritical CO(2) fluid extraction (SFE-CO(2)) was used to extract the sapogenins after acid hydrolysis from Smilax china tubers. The influence of extraction variables, such as modifier, pressure, temperature and extraction time, were studied. SFE-CO(2) was found to produce higher yield than conventional solvent extraction. The highest yield (0.454%) of sapogenins, mostly containing diosgenin, was obtained using 35 MPa pressure, 65 degrees C and 95% EtOH as a modifier for 180 min, higher than that obtained with conventional extraction methods (0.385%).  相似文献   

SO2和NO2为我国大气污染主要污染物,城市森林对SO2和NO2具有一定的抵抗能力和吸收净化能力,利用城市森林对大气污染进行修复具有良好的应用前景.文章概述了我国SO2和NO2气体污染的状况,总结了污染物进入植物体的过程及其损伤机理,并从植物抗性和吸附净化能力两方面总结了城市景观树种与SO2和NO2气体污染的关系研究,并基于研究结论提出今后研究可能发展方向,如SO2、NO2与悬浮颗粒物等复合污染对城市树种生长的影响、树种抗性和吸附能力综合研究等.  相似文献   

Measurement of soil CO2 concentrations is important for investigating the dynamics and diffusion of CO2 in soil. In this study, we developed a small CO2 analyzer for measuring in situ-soil CO2 concentrations. The CO2 analyzer consists of a module containing an infrared CO2 gas sensor, a temperature sensor, and a relative humidity sensor. These sensors are installed in a protective box with an air vent, which is suitable for burying in the soil. The output response time of the CO2 analyzer was 349 s, as evaluated from the phase lag after input of known CO2 concentrations. This response time is short enough to measure soil CO2 concentrations, because variations in concentration are slower than the response time of the analyzer. In a field test, we used the CO2 analyzer to measure soil CO2 concentrations at five depths (0–50 cm) over 2.5 months. While the CO2 concentration generally increased with depth, the amplitude of the variation in CO2 concentration decreased with depth. The phase lag of the variations in soil CO2 concentration also increased with depth, as did soil temperature. The tests confirm that the CO2 analyzer is applicable to continuous monitoring of soil CO2 concentrations.  相似文献   

氯化钠是一种最为常见的盐胁迫类型,在我国乃至全球分布面积最大。但在某些地区(如我国"三北"的局部地区),硫酸钠、碳酸钠和碳酸氢钠等类型盐渍土的面积更大、危害更深,且有很多植物(如碱蓬、白刺、柽柳等)常分布于多种不同类型的盐碱地。因此,开展植物对不同类型盐碱胁迫对比研究、探讨其内在生理机制的异同显得尤为迫切和必要,并极具现实意义和理论价值。根据国内外文献资料,文中在总结盐胁迫生长抑制效应的基础上,对比、分析了植物对氯化钠和碳酸钠胁迫的生理响应异同,主要包括离子代谢生理、水分与渗透调节生理、光合生理等,并对该领域存在的问题和未来研究重点进行了探讨,以期为同类研究提供参考与借鉴。  相似文献   

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