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人工林软质木材表面密实化新技术   总被引:16,自引:7,他引:16  
采用一种新型木材改性处理剂,分别以改性异氰酸酯浓度5%、10%、15%、20%,对美国人工林火炬松(Pinus taeda)进行表面密实化处理。结果表明,随着树脂浓度的增加,无论是冷水浸泡还是煮沸,木材的吸水厚度膨胀率和压缩变形恢复率明显降低。表面密实化后,火炬松处理材的MOR和MOE值分别比素材提高43.9%和30.1%;水浸24h和煮沸2h后的湿状抗弯性能比素材略低,干状抗弯性能明显比素材高,MOR分别高28.0%和25.76%;MOE分别高22.55%和27.79%。改性异氰酸酯浸渍处理后的表面密实化木材,具有一定的阻燃效果;表面耐磨耗性能和表面硬度亦明显改善。  相似文献   

对人工林木材进行密实化处理是改良木材性能、拓宽应用领域的重要途径之一。本文聚焦木材密实化工艺及其机理,重点阐述浸渍和压缩两种密实化处理方法,分析不同密实化方法对改性木材性能的影响,并展望木材密实化研究的发展趋势。  相似文献   

木材易产生吸湿变形和腐朽等问题,影响其应用效果。热改性处理可有效提升木材的尺寸稳定性和耐久性,并具有无毒、环保的特点,是一种极具潜力的木材改性方法。文中综述了木材组分(纤维素、半纤维素、木质素、抽提物)在热改性过程中发生的化学变化,以及木材树种和部位、处理介质、处理温度和时间对木材热降解的影响。经不同热改性工艺处理后,木材的化学成分变化存在较大差异。探明热改性工艺、热改性材化学成分变化和性能之间的响应机制,将有助于开发或优化热改性技术,从而得到性能优异的热改性材,拓宽其应用领域。  相似文献   

木材塑料化技术简介翟冰云(黑龙江省林产工业研究所)王剑波李怀新(哈尔滨国营松江胶合板厂)周仲景(黑龙江省建材学校)1研究现状木材是日常生活中所使用的主要材料,近年来人们将传统的纤维素化学改性方法应用于木材的化学改性上,开辟了木材塑料化这一新的研究领域...  相似文献   

木材材色处理是木材改性的重要内容。木材改性的目的是通过各种物理、化学处理,使木材的缺点得到不同程度的改进,使优点能进一步加强,更适合于应用。将能改进木材材质和性能的各种处理方法统称为木材改性。广义的木材改性还包含在营林技术方面,加强森林抚育,提高林木材质等。在林产工业范围内的木材改性大致可包括以下九方面内容:1)材色处理;2)尺寸稳定处理;3)可塑化(软化)处理;4)增强处理;5)塑合木(WPC);6)防腐、防虫处理;7)阻燃处理;8)防风化处理;9)木材塑料化等。现就目前应用较广泛又急待解决的材色、阻燃…  相似文献   

思茅松3种密实化改性材物理性质比较   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
密实化是提升低密度人工林材品质、拓展其用途的重要途径之一。以思茅松为研究对象,在考察水抽提处理对其可浸渍性影响的基础上,分析比较了糠醇化、机械压缩以及两者联合等3种密实化改性方式对其剖面密度、吸湿性、24 h吸水性和吸水厚度膨胀率的影响。结果表明:1)水抽提处理有助于提高思茅松材的可浸渍性,质量增加率可以提高11.35%,而且剖面密度分布存在显著差异;2)浸渍可均匀提高木材厚度上的密度,机械压缩促使思茅松材形成了内高外低的密度分布,联合改性材剖面密度的分布特征类似于压缩密实化材,但内外层间的过渡更为平缓;3)糠醇浸渍可以显著降低木材的吸水性和吸湿性,机械压缩对木材吸湿性的影响不明显,但其吸水率稍高,因糠醇树脂的原因,联合改性材的吸湿吸水性均显著下降;4)糠醇浸渍可以显著降低木材的吸水厚度膨胀率,对压缩密实化材具有较好的定型作用,联合改性材的24 h吸水厚度膨胀率为3.3%,接近于对照材的4.1%,而压缩材为24.7%,糠醇浸渍材只有0.4%。同时,水溶液的酸碱性对木材的吸水行为也有影响。综上,糠醇化与压缩密实化的联合改性非常有潜力用于速生低密度松木材的增值加工,而热水抽提处理可以作为提高松木糠醇浸渍的预处理手段。  相似文献   

以多亚甲基多苯基多异氰酸酯(PAPI)和聚醚多元醇为原料合成了一种单组分、室温湿固化的端异氰酸酯聚氨酯胶粘剂。本研究考察了物料的化学组成对胶粘剂粘接木材的力学性能产生的影响。实验表明,与改性二苯基二异氰酸酯(MDI)相比,PAPI合成的胶粘剂对木材粘接干压剪强度提高了60%;将相对分子质量(Mw)为800、1000和2000的聚氧化乙烯二醇(PED)、Mw为300和3000的聚氧化丙烯三醇(N303和N330)以及聚四氢呋喃一氧化丙烯二醇(NG220)按优化的比例复合使用,以改性胺和有机锡复合催化,可有效提高粘接木材的干和湿压剪强度、固化速率以及木破率。Fr-IR光谱证实聚醚多元醇的-OH与PAPI的-NCO反应生成了氨基甲酸酯(-NHCOO-),但N—H和G=O均以氢键形式存在。  相似文献   

木材改性技术发展现状及应用前景   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
系统阐述了木材改性的背景、方法及意义,重点介绍了热改性、乙酰化、糠基化改性,及压密化和热处理组合改性的基本原理和工艺,及其对木材性质的影响;分析了这些改性方法的应用现状及工业化应用前景,并提出了今后需着重研究的关键问题。  相似文献   

压缩密实化是木材提质增优的处理方法之一。木材作为一种具有形状记忆效应的天然有机高分子材料,当被压缩或弯曲后,在温度和湿度等环境因子的影响下容易发生蠕变回复。木材压缩变形的回复对木材制品的尺寸稳定性和力学性能均有重要的影响,研究木材压缩变形固定处理技术对木材加工改性和高效利用具有重要指导意义。概述了木材压缩变形固定处理技术在国内外的研究进展和现状,重点梳理归纳了水热(蒸汽)预处理、压缩后热处理以及化学处理对木材压缩变形固定的研究进展。在此基础上,分析和提出了木材压缩变形固定处理技术的思路和未来发展方向,以期为压缩材的高效加工利用提供科学指导。  相似文献   

木材密实化的研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The wood densification-related research status at home and abroad,application field,wood softening methods and the fixation ways of compress deformation are summarized.Some problems with the wood densification technology are analyzed and the research orie  相似文献   


This state-of-the-art report presents the basic concepts of some of the thermo-hydro (TH) and thermo-hydro-mechanical (THM) wood processes that are in use today, i.e. heat treatment, compression of wood in the longitudinal or transverse direction and wood welding. The reasons for the growing interest in TH and THM techniques are discussed, and the development of the different concepts, from first ideas to current status, is briefly presented. The physical and chemical changes that occur in wood during TH and THM processing according to the latest research are also presented. Finally, developments that are close to or already have an industrial application are presented, and the challenges for further development of the heat treatment, compression and wood welding processes are discussed. The TH processing of wood is based entirely on water and heat, and a THM process incorporates an additional mechanical force. The purpose of wood transformation by a TH or a THM process is to improve the intrinsic wood properties, to acquire a form and functionality desired by engineers without changing its eco-friendly characteristics or hindering its further use in the total material life cycle. Only a few of the recently developed techniques, e.g. heat treatment, wood welding and various densification applications, have been industrialized to some extent. There are many reasons for this relatively low transfer of the research results to a full up-scaled industrial production. Some of them are related to unsolved problems at the laboratory level on small-sized samples and others are related to the scaling-up processes in industry. Furthermore, the ageing of heated wood leads to deterioration with time, in some cases there is an unpleasant odour, the strength of the wood decreases substantially and the wood becomes more brittle. These are new challenges which need to be resolved by the collaboration of researchers from the different scientific domains of academia, research institutes and industry.  相似文献   

The effects of high temperature, moisture, and mechanical action during the thermo-hydro-mechanical (THM) processing, on the changes in surface properties of poplar, namely, surface color, roughness, wettability, and microstructure, were investigated in this study. The correlation between observed changes in surface properties and chemical characteristics was also analyzed. Poplar woods with high moisture content were compressed using different pressures at temperature of 160 °C for four different periods. The wood surfaces became darker and smoother, and their surface free energy decreased significantly after the THM process. THM process markedly reduced surface hygroscopicity compared to the control wood. The cell lumens of THM wood became narrow with increasing compression ratio due to the enhancing high pressure. Collapse and fractures of cell walls developed during THM treatment. Furthermore, results indicated that a series of chemical reactions in different components of wood took place during THM process, such as degradation of hemicelluloses, condensation of lignin, and decomposition of extractives. In turn, these chemical modifications contributed to the darkening of color as well as the reduction of wettability and surface free energy of THM wood.  相似文献   

This study aimed at developing a thermo-hydro-mechanical (THM) processing to compress poplar wood and investigating the effects of high temperature, moisture, and pressure during the THM processing on the changes in microstructure, porosity, mechanical properties, and dimensional stability of compressed poplar wood. The variations in these properties were correlated and their mathematical relations were determined. Poplar woods with high moisture content were compressed using different pressures at a temperature of 160 °C for different periods. The compression level was characterized by the volume compression ratio (CR), which is defined as the ratio of the compression volume and the original volume of sample before and after THM processing. The obtained results indicated that the high pressure of THM process caused the collapsing of wood cell lumens and the developing of a certain amount of fractures in the cell wall. The damage level of wood cells increased with increasing pressure and time. Moreover, the pressure narrowed the cell lumens, which decreased significantly the pore volume in wood substrate. The pore size distribution shifted from the level of macropores to those of mesopores and micropores after THM process. The THM process created superior mechanical property, especially for those with higher CR. Besides, it was revealed that the process decreased dramatically the set recovery of treated woods and improved their dimensional stability. A significant improvement was achieved in terms of the mechanical and physical properties of compressed poplar wood via the structural reformation during the THM process.  相似文献   

Hybrid poplar (Populus deltoides × Populus trichocarpa) and Douglas-fir (Pseudotsuga menziesii) wood specimens were densified with three variations of thermo-hydro-mechanical (THM) treatment. The THM treatments differed in the steam environment, including transient steam (TS), saturated steam (SS), and saturated steam with 1-min post–heat treatment at 200 °C (SS+PHT). The bending properties, FTIR spectra, and colour of the THM wood specimens were studied before and after exposure to two different wood decay fungi, brown rot Gloeophyllum trabeum, and white rot Trametes versicolor. The results showed that the performance of densified hybrid poplar wood was considerably poorer than the performance of Douglas-fir heartwood. The FTIR spectra measurements did not show changes in the densified hybrid poplar wood, while some changes were evident in densified Douglas-fir specimens. After fungal degradation, the most prominent changes were observed on the SS+PHT specimens. Colour is one of the most important parameter predominantly influenced by the wood species and the intensity of the densification process for both wood species, while after fungal exposure, the colour of all densified Douglas-fir specimens obtained more or less the same appearance, and densified hybrid poplar specimens resulted in lighter colour tones, indicating that the pattern of degradation of the densified and non-densified specimens are similar. The 3-point bending test results determined that the THM treatment significantly increased the modulus of rupture (MOR) and modulus of elasticity (MOE) of the densified wood specimens, while fungal exposure decreased the MOE and MOR in hybrid poplar and Douglas-fir specimens.  相似文献   

Viscoelastic thermal compression (VTC) is a type of thermal-hydro-mechanical (THM) processing that requires only a short processing time. THM processing causes some chemical transformations, the nature and extent of hydro-thermolysis depends on the special treatment conditions and the chemical nature of wood species. In the present study, the chemical transformations of the cell wall components and wood extractives during VTC treatment were investigated, and correlation between chemical characterizations and observed property changes was analyzed. For this purpose, the content of extractives and pH values were determined, and FTIR analysis was performed on extractable substances, extract-free wood, holocellulose, α-cellulose and lignin. Two temperatures and two steam exposure times were adopted to determine the influence of processing conditions on chemical characterization of Tsuga heterophylla. The results revealed that THM treatment caused a series of chemical reactions in extractives. Treatment temperature and conditioning time have significant influence on chemical changes of extractives. For all of the VTC treatments used in this study, no significant changes occurred in the lignin and α-cellulose components. The only significant chemical changes occurred in the hemicelluloses, which were primarily reduction of carbonyl and acetyl functional groups. This study also confirmed that the chemical transformation of wood correlates with property changes of VTC wood.  相似文献   

The effects of short-term thermomechanical (STTM) densification temperature and pressure on the changes in surface roughness, wettability, mass loss (ML), thickness and density of alder, beech, birch, and pine wood veneer with low moisture content (~5%) were investigated. The anatomical structure of veneers was also observed. Veneer sheets were densified using pressure levels of 4, 8 and 12 MPa at three temperatures: 100°C, 150°C and 200°C for 4 min. The results were compared with those of the non-densified veneers. The obtained results show that STTM densification of veneers similarly to long-term densification of solid wood causes irreversible changes in their properties. The STTM-densified veneer surfaces became smoother and more hydrophobic, ML increased slightly while roughness and thickness values decreased significantly, the cell lumens collapsed and a certain amount of fractures in cell walls developed with increasing densification temperature and pressure. All of the investigated wood species showed higher density values after densification. It was found that an even STTM densification of veneers provides stable properties under normal atmosphere conditions; in particular, the thickness and contact angle values were stable for 24 hours after densification, which is an important consideration for industrial applications.  相似文献   


A modified softwood product would enable the utilization of softwood in new areas. Densification is an old modification method to improve wood properties such as hardness and resistance to abrasion. A major problem with densified wood is, however, its ability to retain its original dimensions under the influence of moisture. Therefore, this study investigated the influence of surface to bottom layer thickness ratio on the shape stability of a modified and three-layered cross-laminated engineering wood product (EWP) subjected to moisture variations. The study describes a simple solid wood densification technique based on compressing a clear solid piece of softwood with vertical annual rings in the radial direction by restraining the tangential expansion. Three-layered cross-laminated EWP was manufactured with the densified wood as a surface layer. The recovery of the densified wood in the surface layer was then reduced to movements in the same level as the other two layers of unmodified wood. The EWP was subjected to climatic variations in order to investigate its shape stability. The results disclosed that an appreciable degree of shape stability was obtained by an increase in the surface to bottom layer thickness ratio of the EWP.  相似文献   

Density profile and morphology of viscoelastic thermal compressed wood   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The viscoelastic thermal compression (VTC) of low-density hybrid poplar (Populus deltoides × Populus trichocarpa) from fast growing trees was performed in order to produce specimens with three different degrees of densification (63, 98, and 132%). The morphology and density profile of the VTC specimens were studied. Three different methods for the preparation of specimens for microscopy were used in order to find a technique that makes it possible to examine the VTC wood microscopically in the completely deformed state. It was found that the abrasive surface preparation of oil-embedded blocks was the most promising technique. Microscopic observation revealed that the deformations in the VTC wood were mostly the result of the viscous buckling of cell walls without fracture. The volume of the void areas in the specimens decreased with the degree of densification. The results showed that the density profile of the VTC wood varied with the degree of densification as a consequence of different temperature and moisture gradients formed before and during wood compression. The density profile is also visible on the cross-section of the VTC specimens.  相似文献   

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