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一、名誉会长白成亮云南省林业厅党组书记、厅长二、名誉副会长张林冲云南省林业厅党组成员、副厅长郭辉军云南省林业厅党组成员、副厅长王德祥云南省林业厅党组成员、副厅长冷华云南省林业厅党组成员、副厅长三、会长凌鹤国家林业局驻云南省森林资源监督专员办事处原专员、研究员四、副会长刘海建云南省开发投资公司副总经理兼云景林纸董事长李林铭昆明新飞林人造板有限公司董事长郭学良云南大地石业集团有限公司董事长兼总经理、云南大地生态产业开发有限公司董事长李宗城云南茅粮酒业集团有限公司董事长和明生香格里拉舒达有机食品公司董…  相似文献   

陈定如 《广东园林》2007,29(5):79-80
白千层(白树、千层皮)桃金娘科Melateuca quinquenervia(Cav.)S.T.Blake常绿乔木,高15~20m。主干直,枝条斜举,树皮灰白色,厚而松软,呈多层薄片状剥落,故名。树冠长卵圆形。叶互生,稀对生,披针形或狭长圆形,长5~10cm,宽1~2cm,两端渐尖,革质,全缘;基生纵平行脉3~5条,揉之有红  相似文献   

陈定如 《广东园林》2009,31(6):78-79
常绿乔木,高可达40m。树皮粗糙,呈不规则块状深裂,较厚,有树脂。树冠宽塔形或伞形。叶通常2针1束,稀3针;针叶较细柔,长8~20cm,直径0.9mm,具纵浅槽沟,边缘有微刺齿;叶鞘长6~9mm。球花单性。雌雄同株;雄球花生于新枝下部的苞腋,短圆柱状。黄色;雌球花生于新枝近顶端。卵形,淡紫色。  相似文献   

山茶、金花茶、油茶、广宁油茶   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
陈定如 《广东园林》2008,30(1):77-78
常绿灌木或小乔木,高2~10m。树冠卵球形或近球形。树皮光滑,嫩枝无毛。叶互生,革质,椭圆形、卵形或倒卵状长圆形,长5~10cm,宽2.5~5.5cm。基部阔楔形或圆,先端短头或尾状渐尖,上面深绿色,下面浅绿,两面有光泽,边缘有锯齿。花通常生于枝顶部或腋生,1~3朵;花冠直径5~10cm。花瓣6~7片,红色,有粉红色、白色或杂有色斑及单瓣和重瓣的栽培变种;雄蕊多数,花药黄色。蒴果球形,直径2~3cm,具宿存花萼,通常不正常发育结果。花期1~4月;果8~10月成熟。  相似文献   

通过川九公路建设全过程的分析.介绍其敢于创新的建设理念和建设行为,并阐述其对于公路建设的启示。  相似文献   

广玉兰广玉兰又名荷花玉兰、洋玉兰.原产北美洲东南部.我国长江流域以南多零星栽植于公园、庭园,苏州有100年生大树,胸径1米,长势仍旺;北方作盆栽.广玉兰树形优美,四季常青,花大芳香,耐烟尘,抗二氧化硫,是城市园林及工矿区绿化的优良树种.木材坚实、致密,可供细木工、家具、运动器具等用.叶、花可入药,有降血压作用.叶、嫩枝、花可提取芳香油.广玉兰喜光,幼时较耐荫.喜温暖湿润气候.对土壤要求不严,但以深厚肥沃的微酸性、中性壤土生长尤好.较为耐寒,不耐水涝.生长较慢,实生苗初期年高生长20—40厘米,嫁接苗可达1米以上.根系发达,抗风力强.广玉兰繁殖一般以嫁接为主,播种、压条次之.1.嫁接:于3—4月,枝条芽包尚未开放前进行.常用紫玉兰、日本辛夷、野玉兰(曾称凸头木兰)、天目木兰等的l—2年苗做砧木.接穗选用健壮的一年生侧枝顶梢,带2一3个芽,一般长4—6厘米.常用切  相似文献   

苏铁、木麻黄、夹竹桃、黄花夹竹桃   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
陈定如 《广东园林》2010,32(4):79-80
<正>苏铁(铁树、凤尾蕉)Cycas revoluta Thunb.苏铁科棕榈状常绿灌木或小乔木,高1~6 m。茎干单生或有分枝和丛生,粗壮,有叶柄残体和痕迹。树冠伞状。叶呈螺旋状于茎顶聚生,一回羽状,长0.5~1.5 m,宽15~35 cm;羽片多数,呈V形斜展,质地坚硬,条形,长5~20 cm,上面深绿色有光泽,先端刺尖,边缘向下反卷;叶柄两侧有齿状刺。雌雄异株,孢子叶球(球花)于茎顶部单生;小孢子叶球(雄球花)圆柱状宝塔形,直立,长30~70 cm,直径10~15 cm,小孢子叶长方状楔形,黄色;大孢子叶球(雌球花)球形或扁球形,直径20~30 cm,大孢子叶上部卵状扇形,边缘呈羽状  相似文献   

陈定如 《广东园林》2009,31(3):76-77
土沉香(自木香、女儿香、莞香、香树) 常绿乔木,高达20m。树皮暗灰色,平滑,韧皮纤维发达,易剥离;木质部白色,小枝被柔毛。树冠广9日形或伞形。叶互生,坚纸质,椭圆形或长圆形,长5~10cm,先端短渐尖,基部宽楔形,上面亮绿平滑,背面中脉凸起,侧脉细而平,近平行斜出。伞形花序顶生或腋生,花淡黄色,芳香。  相似文献   

本法是在样品中加入适量的缓冲剂,使难发挥元素Be形成易挥发的氟化物,与B、Pb、Mo、Sn、Cu、Ag、Zn等元素在同一时间内蒸发,利用深电孔极的分馏效应,有效地降低光谱背景以及被测元素的检出限。加入内标元素,提高了方法的准确度和精密度。采用深孔电极,取样量大,代表性好。一次摄谱,同时检测多个元素,大大提高了工作效率,又减少了测试费用。方法操作简便,适合于大批量样品的测试。检出限ω(B)/10-6分别达到:Be:0.50、B:0.91、Sn:0.50、Ag:0.02等,均满足《覆盖区多目标地球化学调查样品测试及质量监控暂行规定》规定。  相似文献   

“清明时节雨纷纷,路上行人欲断魂。借问酒家何处有 ?牧童遥指杏花村。”   有先生对学生说,这首诗太肥,要减肥,第一句,下雨并非在清明;第二句,行人不在路上在哪里 ?第三句,后五个字都是问的口气;第四句,山下野外,雨中只有牧童,不说也知道;因此,他改为:“时节雨纷纷,行人欲断魂;酒家何处有 ?遥指杏花村。”   “久旱逢甘雨,他乡遇故知;洞房花烛夜,金榜挂名时。”此诗被喻为人生四大快事。但有人认为此诗太瘦。第一句“久旱”,究竟旱多久呢 ?一个月,一年……加“十年”则世之罕见;第二句,“他乡”究竟有多远,…  相似文献   

Four vegetation types, namely coniferous and broadleaved mixed forest, secondary deciduous broadleaved forest, open shrubs and meadow, with dwarf bamboo (Indocalamus wilsoni) are compared on their floristic composition, life form, community structure, and survivorship of bamboos. Disturbance of conifer-logging two decades ago promoted the species diversity, but negatively influenced the survivorship of dwarf bamboo which is dominate on the forest floor. Open shrubs bear more species diversity and more geophytes in its life-form spectrum than its background vegetation subalpine meadow, however, dwarf bamboo is growing much better in the open shrubs than in the meadow. It seems dwarf bamboo probably favorites to occur in the vegetation at gentle slopes with a mediate canopy cover. Its mass flowering in the secondary deciduous forest suggests that a simultaneous flowering and following dieback maybe irrupt in the recently coming years over the subalpine Shennongjia in China, which will be not only alter the floristic composition and community structure of the old bamboo stands, but also influence the survivorship of this rare species. Biography: Li Zhao-hua (1964-), male, Ph. D Candidate in the Ceter for Development Researches (ZEF) of Bonn University, ZEF, Bonn University, Walter-Flex-Str. 3, D-53113 Bonn, Germany. Responsible editor: Chai Ruihai  相似文献   

Chusquea ramosissima is a native monocarpic bamboo species growing in subtropical forests of northeastern Argentina, which can dominate gaps and open forests in the region, particularly after human disturbance. This bamboo species started to flower in different areas of northeastern Argentina in 2001, with the flowering peak during 2002 and 2003 and small isolated flowering events still occurring until 2010. We studied the effects of C. ramosissima flowering and die-back on microclimate, litter decomposition, nutrient availability, sapling growth, abundance and regeneration of tree canopy species. We wanted to know how environmental conditions and ecosystem processes change through time after bamboo flowering and if bamboo die-back would favor regeneration of canopy trees. Twenty 50 × 50 m plots of flowering and non-flowering bamboo were permanently marked and vegetation dynamics as well as nutrient cycling and microclimate studies were performed. C. ramosissima die-back enhanced growth and reduced mortality rate of tree saplings during the first year after flowering. Only growth of tree saplings previously established was enhanced by the flowering event and tree-species richness and saplings abundance of canopy trees did not change as expected due to bamboo flowering. The short-term effect of tree saplings growth was likely due to incident solar radiation at the forest floor which doubled in the first year after the bamboo flowering event. Increased light availability at the forest floor simultaneously promoted the growth of other understory plants such as ferns, lianas and Piper spp. that rapidly colonized gaps and intercepted a percentage of the incident solar radiation after the first year, which together with an increased litter layer due to the senescence of the bamboo, may have inhibited establishment of new tree individuals and affected tree growth. Contrary to predictions, soil water, litter decomposition and soil nutrients were not significantly affected by bamboo flowering. Thus, successful tree regeneration in gaps following bamboo flowering appears to be restricted to a very narrow window of increased light availability (i.e., 1 year) before growth of other understory plants and rapid re-colonization of bamboo. Changes in resource availability, and the opportunity for overstory regeneration after bamboo flowering events appears to depend on climatic and community characteristics of the ecosystem where the flowering event occurs and also, on the flowering patterns and their synchronicity.  相似文献   

为解决竹子种子长期保存问题,以马来龙竹、云南龙竹、巨龙竹、金平龙竹、麻竹、长节勒竹、云南箭竹、棉花竹、爪哇巨竹、大泰竹、笻竹、方竹和毛竹13种竹子的成熟种子为材料,通过研究不同低温、低温下不同储存时间、不同含水量、不同发芽设施和不同基质对种子发芽率的影响,来判断竹子种子保存的适合条件。结果表明:1)除笻竹和方竹的种子外,大多数竹种的种子在低温储存5个月内,随着温度由10℃逐渐降低到-16℃,种子发芽率会有不同程度的增高;2)在-16℃条件下,随着储存时间的延长,种子发芽率会有所下降;3)种子含水量会在很大程度上影响种子的发芽率,含水量超过在一定临界值,随着含水量的增加,种子发芽率会显著下降;4)选择不同的种子发芽设施也会影响种子发芽率,生产中宜选用具有微喷灌条件的温室进行育苗;5)在无菌红土、黑土和蛭石这3种基质中,蛭石是竹子播种育苗的适宜基质。  相似文献   

Throughout the southeastern United States, Rhus and Rubus species are common associates of the southern pines on a wide array of upland site and stand conditions. Because of their ability to overrun disturbed sites, these species are categorized as competitors to pine during stand regeneration. Since prescribed burning is often used for site preparation in advance of pine regeneration, this study investigated the effect of fire on the germination of seeds from three pine competitors (Rubus argutus Link, Rhus copallina L. and Rhus glabra L.). During dormant-season burns, sumac seeds were located 45 cm above litter, within the F layer of a reconstructed forest floor, and at the interface of the forest floor and mineral soil. During growing-season burns, fresh blackberry fruits were placed at heights of 0, 15, 30, and 45 cm above the surface litter of a reconstructed forest floor. In subsequent germination tests, sumac seeds from within the F layer of burned litter had significantly higher germination rates for smooth sumac (31%) and shining sumac (42%) as compared to unburned control seeds (1–5%). In general, germination rates for sumac seeds placed in the air or on mineral soil during burning were no better than control seeds. Seeds from blackberry fruits that were located at heights of 15, 30, and 45 cm had germination rates that were comparable to unburned control seeds (18%), but seeds from fruits placed on the litter during burning had <1% germination. Results suggest that sumac seed germination may be enhanced by the heat from prescribed burning, whereas blackberry seeds showed more germination response to multiple germination cycles which indicated a potential for long-term storage in the soil seed bank.  相似文献   

Simultaneous flowering caused a gregarious dieback of umbrella bamboo (Fargesia murielae) all over the world in 1993–2000. Mountain Shennongjia in Central China’s Hubei Province is the only native home of umbrella bamboo, where it dominates the understorey of the farges fir (Abies fargesii) forest between 2 400 and 3 100 m, covering the ground for more than one century before a periodically flowering death. Data from 20 quadrats along a vegetation sequence revealed that the density, coverage, and height of umbrella bamboo negatively affected the species richness, diversity, and evenness of vascular plants in the forest. Local climax community of fir-bamboo was the poorest in species diversity, while the bamboo-free communities (i.e. shrubs and meadows) were bearing a higher species diversity. The simultaneous dieback of umbrella bamboo is an ecological release, which can periodically promote the plant diversity in the fir forest.  相似文献   

[目的]研究翠竹(Pleioblastus pygmaeus)花期生物学特性、花粉形态等,完善竹子开花生物学相关研究及其理论体系。[方法]在开花翠竹林中选取样方进行连续观察记录,结合形态观察及扫描电镜等方法,探究翠竹花序生长规律,对花粉进行解剖观察,综合评估翠竹开花不同时期的群体与个体变化。[结果]翠竹属于成片开花类型,开花后部分竹秆死亡,在开花翠竹中,从笋芽到老竹均有可能开花,花芽在10月下旬开始分化,盛花期为次年3月下旬至4月初,一天之中上午时间段开花最多,开花顺序为一个小穗内由基向顶依次开花;小花为颖花,雌雄同熟,内、外稃各1,雄蕊3,浆片3,雌蕊1,果实为颖果;翠竹花粉粒外形近球形,外壁纹饰大多为细颗粒状,单个萌发孔。[结论]翠竹作为混生地被竹种,具有明显的成片开花特性,成花转变前期发育速度较慢,次年温度回暖后开花过程加快,成片开花后竹林趋于衰败,可结实且种子可育,具有一定的自然复壮能力。  相似文献   

A study was conducted to investigate culms density and size, seed size and production rate in Melocanna baccifera stands disturbed by biotic pressure and fire. Results revealed that culms density, number and size of seeds produced in the bamboo stands were significantly affected by frequent fire and excessive biotic pressure (collection of young shoots for vegetables and mature culms). The culm density and seed production rate decreased significantly in the stand subjected to excessive biotic pressure. An increasing exposure of culms to sun light was responsible for the above decrease. Seed production rate significantly increased in case of culms subjected to fire in comparison to the control. It indicated that fire stimulated the seed production in M. baccifera stand.  相似文献   

对印度喜马拉亚东部3个州的经济竹种的分布、生长和生产力进行了研究。在梅加拉亚那邦,发现了牡竹属、巴苦竹和梨竹属3个经济竹种。巴苦竹是在米佐拉姆的记载,方竹属和牡竹属是在锡金记载的笋用竹。所有竹种除野生外均在庭院中栽培。据观察,竹子的产量与海拔的变化密切相关,巴苦竹最大产量出现在低海拔的而非高海拔的林分中。牡竹在梅加拉亚邦每丛生长69株,每公顷1839株,大大高于庭院种植的低海拔株数(每丛16株,每公顷303株)。而在天然林中,在高海拔总株数为每丛29株,每公顷1186株,在低海拔中每丛22株,每公顷178株。  相似文献   

通过对含有鄂西箬竹的4种植被,即针阔混交林、次生阔叶林、疏灌丛及草甸的样地调查,比较分析了箬竹群落的区系构成,生活型、群落结构及竹类生存状况。20年前的针叶树种的采伐提升了样地的物种多样性,但影响了其下层植物箬竹的生存。疏灌丛比其背景植被草甸含有更高的物种多样性和更多的地下芽植物,然而疏灌丛下的箬竹长势更好。箬竹偏喜于缓坡上具有中等盖度的植被环境。发生于次生阔叶林中的箬竹群体开花预示着在整个神农架亚高山生境的箬竹将在未来的几年内同时开花死亡。这不仅会改变现存竹类立地的区系构成和群落结构,同时也会波及到这一稀有物种的生存问题。  相似文献   

利用GeoEye-1卫星遥感影像,根据影像特点,结合实地考察,建立遥感解译标志,对德宏州大型丛生竹资源进行监测,并采用标准地解析木法调查其生物量.结果表明,德宏州大型丛生竹林有小班8 090个,面积为30 000 hm2,其中纯竹林面积1.47万hm2,竹木昆交面积0.75万hm2,四旁竹林面积0.41万hm2,防护竹林面积0.37万hm2.在9种丛生竹种中,龙竹面积最大,为1.1万hm2;麻竹次之,为0.78万hm2;缅甸竹面积第3位,为0.45万hm2.此监测方法具有广阔的推广应用价值.  相似文献   

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