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法国欧佳系统先进木工机械技术介绍法国欧佳系统(EGASYSTEME)在所有国家,森林是原材料的主要来源之一。由于它们对生态系统和经济的影响,无论是含针叶材、阔叶材还是进口的木材,均应节约使用。但即使一些现代的材料能解决部分替代问题,而整木确实是无法替...  相似文献   

单蒴盖亚属(Monocalyptus)是桉树属(EucalyptusL’Heritier)中第2大的亚属,包括134种和9亚种。单蒴盖亚属桉树引种具有很重要的生物地理学意义。1990年在云南一平浪林场建立的树种试验,包括王桉(E.regnans)、斜叶桉(E.obliqua)、大桉(E.delegatensis)、滨河白桉(E.elata)、白腊树桉(E.fraxinoides)、雪桉(E.pauciflora)、三花桉(E.triflora)、高桉(E.fastigata)、布达王桉(E.dendromorpha)和缪勒纤皮桉(E.muelerana)。生长量超过同期种植的蓝桉(E.globulus)。试验规模不大,但具有重要的生态植物地理指示意义。除气候条件比较适宜外,还可能因为试验地前作为云南松,土壤微生物群落比较丰富,尤其是彩色豆马勃(Pisolithus)。  相似文献   

蓑草生态经济价值与栽培技术研究黎先进(四川省林科院经济林所成都,610081)蓑草(Eulaliopsisbinta(Retz)C.E.Hubbard)学名拟金茅,为禾木科多年生草本植物,又称龙须草或羊胡子草。世界上蓑草仅分布于中国、印度北部、克什米...  相似文献   

尾叶桉纤维材经济成熟研究EconomicmaturationperiodforEucalyptusfiberwood¥//廖瑞祺(执笔)(广西农业大学林学院南宁市530001)韦善华,杨建林,李宏伟(广西东门林场南宁市532108)1前言尾叶桉是广西...  相似文献   

贵州引种的桉树木纤维特性及化学成分初报   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
本文通过对贵州引种的邓恩桉(Eucalyptusdunnii),赤桉(E.camaldulensis),蓝桉(E.globulus)直干桉(Emaidenii),铁木桉(E.sideroxylon)少花桉(E.pauciflora(coriacea).山桉(E.cfdalrympleana)薄皮大叶桉(E.crawfordi)的木材纤维特性及化学成分测定和分析,结果表明,从纤维长宽比值分析,引种的  相似文献   

研究了兰考泡桐木片用4种酶液(纤维素酶液E-S28、半纤维素酶E-An-76、木质素酶E-025及E-014)预处理制生物机械浆。测定了预处理对木片主要化学组成,磨浆能耗,纸浆强度的影响。结果表明:(1)E-014、E-025、E-S28、E-An-76预处理后,木片失重3.18%-3.72%,其中3.9%-18.6%为木质素损失,纤维素损失则高达38.2%-46.2%;(2)磨浆度为55°SR时  相似文献   

目前国内外市场上可以见到发热胶带,但其化学成份和使有的电极不尽相同,国外产品的成份包括:LDPE (低密度高压聚乙烯)、碳黑、石墨、铜箔、护卡膜(PET+LDPE);国内产品的成份包括: LDPE(100份)、碳黑 (20份~50份)、石墨(10份~30份)、DCP交联剂(2份~6份)、抗氧剂1010(0.5份)、防老剂DLTP(0.5份)、护卡膜(PET+LDPE)上下两层。以 LDPE为基体,加入导电材料碳黑及石墨,但混合不均匀,导致发热体某一段很热,而基本一段不热,温度不均匀。采用的电极材料为…  相似文献   

Weibull林木病害损失估计模型的非线性拟合与应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Weibull林木病害损失估计模型的非线性拟合与应用张连翔,李明贵,殷洪昌,季长龙(丹东市森防检疫站118000)(丹东市振安区森防检疫站)(宽甸县森防检疫站)正确地评估林木病害在不同危害程度下所造成的损失,是确定经济损害允许水平(EIL)和经济阈限...  相似文献   

低分子量MF树脂固定杨木压缩木回弹技术的初步研究   总被引:21,自引:2,他引:19  
增加木材硬度和体积稳定性的方法主要包括化学改性、压缩处理和热处理。本研究使用不同浓度的水溶性低量三聚氰胺-甲醛(MF)树脂处理大青杨(Populus ussuriensis)木材,并在加热过程中作横纹方向的压缩处理,其实验结果表明:经低分子量MF树脂处理的木材试件,抗胀(缩)率(ASE)为47%,阻湿率(MEE)为36%;10%树脂浓度处理的试件的室温条件浸水可完全保持其压缩变形;17.5%和25  相似文献   

生根粉对红富土苹果幼树栽植的影响刘玉珍(邢台县浆水镇林业站,邢台054013)郭素萍(河北林学院林业经济管理系,保定071000)关键词ABT生根粉,幼树,红富士苹果中国分类号S661.11EFFECTOFROOTINGPOWDERONPLANTIN...  相似文献   

In natural ecosystems, nutrition available for plants shows great spatial heterogeneity. Much is known about plant root responses to the spatial heterogeneity of nutrition, but little is known about carbon usage in roots in nutrition-deficient patches and its effect on root longevity. In this study, split-room boxes were used for culture of Cercis chinensis seedlings, and the small rooms were supplied with different nutrition levels. The number of the first-order roots in the rooms with nutrition supply was significantly higher than that in the rooms with deficient nutrition. Specific root length (SRL) of the first-order roots in the rooms with deficient nutrition reached its peak at day 64 after nutrition treatment. There was no significant SRL differences between the two order roots during the experiment. Biomass of the first-order roots in the rooms without nutrition supply was significantly less than that of the first-order roots in the rooms with nutrition supply from day 64 to 96. The total biomass of the lateral roots in the rooms without nutrition supply decreased from day 64 to 96. The activities of the enzymes in roots in the rooms without nutrition supply increased and the activities of alkaline invertases in roots in the two sides of split box did not change significantly. The activities of the enzymes in roots in the rooms without nutrition supply increased gradually. These results suggest that nutrition spatial heterogeneity induced the changes in root traits and plants actively controlled carbon usage in roots in nutrition-deficient patches by regulating the activities of invertases and sucrose synthases, resulting in the reduction in carbon usage in the roots in nutrition-deficient patches.  相似文献   

Photosynthetic Characteristics of Ash and Larch in Mixture and Pure stands   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
IntroductionDuringthepasttwodecades,studieshaverevealedthatgrowingash(Fnainusmandshurica)andlarch(LarlksPP.)togetherinaproperwaycanincreasetheproduc-tivityQfthestandsI"'}'-'].Theyieldimprovementmechanismsattributetotwoaspects,i.e.,theabovegroundandundergr…  相似文献   

This review critically examines the role of boron (B) in forests in view of recent findings on B nutrition and the continuing occurrence of B deficiency. Many perceptions about the role of B in plants and its uptake and mobility have been altered since the last review on B in forest trees in 1990. Now there is evidence for a fundamental role of B in the formation of the pectic structure in primary cell walls in plants, and further roles in membrane function are being explored. In plants, channel-mediated B uptake, active B uptake and B uptake by mycorrhizas have been shown, B transporters have been identified, and B retranslocation has been shown. We explore these findings and their consequences on forest trees and on ecosystems that they dominate. Particular emphasis is placed on B retranslocation and B in mycorrhizal symbiosis, given their importance in trees.  相似文献   

模拟三峡库区消落带土壤淹水变化特征,设置常规生长水分条件(CK)、轻度干旱水分胁迫(T1)、土壤水饱和(T2)以及水淹(T3)4个处理组,研究池杉当年实生幼苗根系的苹果酸、莽草酸含量以及生物量变化(均以干质量计).结果表明:T1、T2和T3这3组池杉幼苗主根的苹果酸、莽草酸含量以及生物量均未与CK组达到显著性差异;T2和T3组侧根苹果酸平均含量分别显著高出CK组1.7和2.2倍,总根苹果酸平均含量显著高于CK组0.8和1.5倍;T1组的侧根、总根苹果酸平均含量与CK组均未达到显著差异;与侧根苹果酸的变化类似,T2和T3组侧根莽草酸平均含量分别高出CK组0.4和1.1倍,这与Tl组低于CK组0.5倍形成鲜明对比;T2和T3组总根莽草酸平均含量虽也分别高出CK组,但并未与之达到显著差异的程度,与T1组总根莽草酸含量显著低于CK组0.3倍形成鲜明对比;T2和T3组主根、侧根和总根生物量分别均未与CK组达到显著差异,但T1组的侧根、总根生物量却显著高于CK组.相关性分析表明:池杉总根苹果酸与莽草酸含量表现出极显著的正相关(P<0.01);总根莽草酸含量与总根生物量之间则表现出显著的负相关性(P<0.05).  相似文献   

对北五味子果实,不同年龄藤条和根的木质部和韧皮部,以及北五味子不同部位叶片中的木脂素进行测定,首次系统地对北五味子不同部位木脂素含量做出定量分析及比较。结果表明,北五味子4种木脂素以种子的含量最高,其中五味子醇甲含量最高,五味子乙素次之,五味子甲素含量最低;在藤条韧皮部,木脂素含量随年龄增长而逐渐升高,在藤条木质部,木脂素含量随年龄增加而逐年降低。  相似文献   

经过3年(次)连续进行春、夏、秋季芽接开心果的试验,结果表明:夏季接活率比春季高18.0个百分点,比秋季高42.7个百分点;春季接活率比秋季高24.7个百分点,秋季接活率仅为34.0%。夏季芽接后到成活需要8d,春季需要半月,秋季所需更长。夏接可比春季多繁育1/3倍的果苗,比秋接多1.25倍;春接比秋接多2/3倍。以夏接为主、春接次之繁育开心果,可早接多育果苗,扩大栽植开心果面积,加快开心果示范园的建设步伐。  相似文献   

Potato cyst nematodes (PCN) Globodera rostochiensis (Wollenweber, 1923) Behrens, 1975 and Globodera pallida (Stone, 1973) Behrens, 1975 are the most troublesome pests of potatoes worldwide. Since 1968 there have been no investigations of the presence of PCN in ware potato lands in Croatia although these pests were recognised as an A1 plant-health quarantine species. After the first discovery of G. rostochiensis in the locality of Belica (Medjimurska County) in 2001, intensive monitoring of the distribution of PCN in Croatia started. In 2001 G. rostochiensis was detected in 55% of soil samples taken in ware potato lands. In 2002 G. rostochiensis was detected in 4.1% of soil samples and in 0.08% of soil samples in mixed populations with G. pallida. The pathotype Ro1 was found in all tested populations and Ro1 and Pa 2/3 were detected in populations from localities Vidovec, Ivanovec and Sivice. In 2003 G. rostochiensis was detected in 1.03% of soil samples, and also in 12.8% of soil samples collected in 2004. In 2003 cysts of G. rostochiensis were detected in several seed potato fields. These results indicate the urgent need for the application of further control measures to determine the presence and distribution of PCN in ware and seed potato lands in Croatia, in order to prevent the spread of PCN to non-infested areas. Integrated management strategies, neglected until 2001, have now been implemented and will prevent the build-up of infestation and replace the previous practices of monoculture, the use of short rotations and growing susceptible cultivars.  相似文献   

毛竹笋期激素含量及其分布规律的研究   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
吲哚乙酸(IAA)、赤霉酸(GA_3)、激动素(KT)和脱落酸(ABA)对毛竹生长和发育起着重要的调节和控制作用。本文应用高效液相谱仪对1~8年生毛竹笋期的竹叶、竹秆、竹鞭和当年正常生长的竹笋中IAA,GA_3、KT、ABA的含量及其分布规律进行了研究。研究结果表明:促进植物生长或细胞分裂的IAA、GA_3、和KT都是大年竹株含量高,小年竹株含量低。竹秆中IAA、的含量随年龄增大而下降,其回归式为 Y=6.548-0.778A r=0.914二者呈极显著的负相关。抑制植物生长的ABA在竹叶、竹秆中的含量则大年低小年高。四种内源激素以叶部含量最高,GA_3的含量分布规律是叶>鞭>秆,IAA、KT和ABA都是叶>秆>鞭。吲哚乙酸在竹叶中的含量呈明显的向基性增加,而脱落酸在竹叶、竹秆中的含量都呈明显的向基性减少。生长在同一鞭系上的各株竹子及其所紧连的竹鞭的代谢具有较大的相对独立性,因此用小年留养来改制大小年是可行的。竹笋中IAA、GA_3和KT都是顶部含量高、基部含量低。  相似文献   

Floodplain forests of the southeastern United States are species rich, often with a dense and diverse liana community. Long-term trends in the density and distribution of lianas may indicate shifts in the composition of plant functional types in these forests. Liana communities in non-fragmented forests in Panama and across the Neotropics have increased in size and density over the last two decades of the 20th century. Are similar changes occurring in temperate forests? Evidence from long-term studies of liana communities in two floodplain forests in South Carolina support the findings from tropical forests. In second-growth forests of the Savannah River system, data from five 1-ha plots established in 1979 and monitored for 22 years indicate a steady increase in liana size and density. Likewise, in old-growth floodplain forests of the Congaree National Park, liana density has increased over 12 years in six 1-ha plots after Hurricane Hugo disturbed the forests in 1989. The increase in liana density and size in these floodplain forests of the southeastern United States is of sufficient magnitude to suggest that lianas are likely influencing stand dynamics in these forests. Consequently, we argue that lianas should be included in models of temperate bottomland forest development of the southeastern United States.  相似文献   

本文概括阐述了城市环境美中自然美的特征,社会美中建筑环境美、街市环境美、园林环境美的特征.并对现代城市环境设计中重建环境的整体意识、环境设计学科、城乡环境规划设计等进行了初步探讨。  相似文献   

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