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Ratoon rice cropping is an important component of the rice cropping system in Texas and south Louisiana, USA, and expanded to Asian countries in 1970. Two field studies were conducted with widely planted rice(Oryza sativa L.) cultivars at Eagle Lake, Texas, USA to determine the effects of nitrogen(N) management in main(first) crop(MC) and ratoon(second) crop(RC) on RC yield. In 2012 and 2013, one cultivar(Presidio) was adopted to determine the effects of RC N management on ratoon yield and head rice yield. In 2016 and 2017, CL153, CL163 and CL272 in addition to Presidio were adopted to examine the effect of MC N management on ratoon yield and head rice yield. N applied at preflood after MC harvest considerably improved RC yield. Application of 99 kg N ha–1 at preflood after MC harvest was practically adequate for RC regrowth, development and approaching the yield potential for Presidio. RC could produce quite high average grain yields of 5.90 to 6.53 t ha–1 in 2012 and 2013, respectively. Main crop N rate only significantly affected MC yield; however, given N applied of 99 kg ha–1 at preflood after MC harvest, ratoon yield was not significantly affected by MC N rate. Neither the main nor ratoon crop N management had a significant effect on RC head rice yield. Considerable RC head rice yields(55–65%) were observed in all of the four cultivars and 4 years except for CL272 in 2016. These results indicat that without very high N fertilizer application, rice ratoon crop could produce a considerable grain yield and an expectative head rice yield. Rice ratooning could be a practical way to increase rice yields with the minimal input in south Texas and regions with a similar climate.  相似文献   

正Rice (Oryza sativa L.), one essential staple cereal, feeds over 60%of the world’s population (FAO 2020). As the global population grows, improving rice yield becomes an effective strategy to achieve food security (Deng et al. 2019).The use of chemical fertilizer, especially N fertilizer,has historically played a critical role in the growth of rice yield (Zhang et al. 2015; Wood et al. 2020). However,  相似文献   

水稻直播条件下,苗期防涝排水会增大稻田氮素流失风险,适当调整氮肥基施和追施的比例,可降低这种风险。在N、P2O5、K2O用量分别为180、75、105 kg·hm-2的条件下,以江汉平原稻田氮肥习惯施用比例(基肥、分蘖肥、穗肥比例为6∶4∶0)为对照(CK),另设7个氮肥基追比的处理(基肥、分蘖肥、穗肥的比例分别为:T1,4∶6∶0;T2,4∶4∶2;T3,4∶2∶4;T4,2∶6∶2;T5,2∶4∶4;T6,0∶8∶2;T7,0∶6∶4),开展田间试验,实测不同处理下氨挥发损失、氮径流损失和水稻成熟期的产量。结果表明:T7处理总氮径流流失最小(8.79 kg·hm-2),T3处理的氨挥发损失最小(11.90 kg·hm-2),T7处理总的氮素损失最小(22.89 kg·hm-2),T4处理的产量最高(9 270.0 kg·hm-2)、T5处理的产量次之(9 150.0 kg·hm-2)。综合考虑氮素损失和水稻产量,推荐基肥、分蘖肥、穗肥中氮素的施用比例为2∶6∶2或2∶4∶4。  相似文献   

为探究淹水条件下氮肥比例对水稻根表铁膜形成量及对镉吸收转运的影响,开展大田试验,选取早稻株两优819(低镉品种)、陆两优996(高镉品种)和晚稻湘晚籼12号(低镉品种)、玉针香(高镉品种)为试验材料,以水稻全生育期施氮量为180 kg·hm-2,设3个氮肥比例,基肥:蘖肥:穗肥:粒肥分别为4:4:2:0(T1)、8:0:2:0(T2)、6:0:2:2(T3)及不施氮处理(CK)。水稻分蘖期和乳熟期,整株采集水稻,测定植株各部位镉含量和根膜铁、镉含量;成熟期测定根、茎叶、糙米镉含量。结果表明,不同稻季低镉品种根膜铁含量为分蘖期>乳熟期,高镉品种根膜铁含量及镉吸附量为乳熟期>分蘖期。株两优819、陆两优996和玉针香乳熟期根膜镉含量以T1、T2处理时较CK有所降低,T3处理时最高,湘晚籼12号以不施氮情况下最高,T2处理下最低。高镉品种陆两优996不同时期根膜铁含量与根膜镉含量显著正相关(P<0.05),高镉品种玉针香分蘖期根膜铁含量与根膜镉含量显著正相关(P<0.05),乳熟期根膜铁含量与叶、穗镉含量显著负相关(P<0.05)。水稻根和茎、叶镉含量随生育期的延长而增加,施氮可降低早稻成熟期各部位镉含量,提高晚稻根和茎、叶镉含量。不同稻季糙米镉含量在氮处理下显著降低,施氮量一致情况下,改变氮肥比例对低镉品种株两优819和湘晚籼12号糙米镉含量无明显影响,高镉品种陆两优996和玉针香糙米镉含量以T3处理降低最明显,较CK分别降低52.72%和74.13%。由此可知,淹水条件下,可依据水稻品种,结合水稻镉积累关键生育期,制定合理的氮肥比例以降低糙米镉含量。  相似文献   

【目的】探讨中稻季不同种类缓控释肥及组配对长江上游杂交籼稻中稻—再生稻产量和氮肥利用率的影响,筛选出适合的缓控释肥及施肥方式,为长江上游再生稻的丰产高效生产提供理论依据和实践基础。【方法】以杂交籼稻广8优粤禾丝苗为试验材料,中稻季设6个施肥处理,分别为中稻再生稻全生育期不施氮肥处理(CK)、传统施肥模式(CF)、4个月树脂包膜尿素一次性基施处理(B-PCU)、缓释掺混肥一次性基施处理(B-SRFB)、4个月树脂包膜尿素一基一蘖处理(BT-PCU)和缓释掺混肥一基一蘖处理(BT-SRFB)。对比分析各处理的产量及产量构成因素、干物质积累量、叶片SPAD值和氮肥利用效率的差异。【结果】中稻产量为6.8~8.9 t/ha,表现为BT-SRFB>B-SRFB>CF>BTPCU>B-PCU>CK,其中B-SRFB和BT-SRFB处理的中稻产量较CK显著提高(P<0.05,下同),但缓控释肥处理与CF处理差异不显著(P>0.05,下同);再生稻产量为1.5~2.6 t/ha,表现为BT-SRFB>B-SRFB>BT-PCU>B-PCU>CF>CK,各施肥处理的再生稻产量均较CK显著提高,且缓释掺混肥BT-SRFB和B-SRFB处理显著高于CF处理;不同施肥方式中,中稻、再生稻产量均表现为一基一蘖施肥>一次性基施。缓控释肥处理中稻拔节期、抽穗期群体干物质积累量与CF处理差异不显著,但在成熟期表现为一基一蘖施肥处理显著高于一次性施肥和传统施肥;再生稻抽穗期、成熟期各施氮处理间群体干物质积累量差异不显著。缓控释肥施用提高了中稻—再生稻两季氮肥偏生产力、氮肥农学效率和氮肥吸收利用率,以BT-SRFB处理增幅最高,与CF处理相比,BT-SRFB处理的氮肥偏生产力提高5.5 kg/kg,氮肥农学利用率提高5.5 kg/kg,氮肥生理利用率提高0.6 kg/kg,氮肥吸收利用率提高24.4%。【结论】长江上游杂交籼稻广8优粤禾丝苗在中稻—再生稻种植模式中,采用缓释掺混肥并配合一基一蘖施肥方式更有利于提高中稻—再生稻群体产量和氮肥利用效率。  相似文献   

Crop straw return after harvest is considered an important way to achieve both agronomic and environmental benefits.  However, the appropriate amount of straw to substitute for fertilizer remains unclear.  A field experiment was performed from 2016 to 2018 to explore the effect of different amounts of straw to substitute for fertilizer on soil properties, soil organic carbon (SOC) storage, grain yield, yield components, nitrogen (N) use efficiency, phosphorus (P) use efficiency, N surplus, and P surplus after rice harvesting.  Relative to mineral fertilization alone, straw substitution at 5 t ha–1 improved the number of spikelets per panicle, effective panicle, seed setting rate, 1 000-grain weight, and grain yield, and also increased the aboveground N and P uptake in rice.  Straw substitution exceeding 2.5 t ha–1 increased the soil available N, P, and K concentrations as compared with mineral fertilization, and different amounts of straw substitution improved SOC storage compared with mineral fertilization.  Furthermore, straw substitution at 5 t ha–1 decreased the N surplus and P surplus by up to 68.3 and 28.9%, respectively, compared to mineral fertilization.  Rice aboveground N and P uptake and soil properties together contributed 19.3% to the variation in rice grain yield and yield components.  Straw substitution at 5 t ha–1, an optimal fertilization regime, improved soil properties, SOC storage, grain yield, yield components, N use efficiency (NUE), and P use efficiency (PUE) while simultaneously decreasing the risk of environmental contamination.  相似文献   

The rice–crayfish farming model has been rapidly developed and become an economically viable method to supply food in China in recent years.  However, its environmental and economic sustainability has not been thoroughly investigated.  This study uses a survey in 2016 and a field experiment in 2017 in Qianjiang, Hubei Province, China to assess the relative economics of concurrent rice–wheat (RW), rice–crayfish (RC), and crayfish monoculture (CM) models in waterlogged land areas.  The field survey indicated that the RC model had a higher benefit–cost ratio (3.5:1) than the RW (2.0:1) and CM (3.1:1) models and the RC model protected farmers’ enthusiasm for grain production facing unfavourable weather conditions.  The field experiment aimed to explore nitrogen management strategies in RC fields.  In the experiment, four levels of nitrogen concentration gradient - 0 kg N ha–1 (0 N), 75 kg N ha–1 (75 N), 150 kg N ha–1 (150 N) and 225 kg N ha–1 (225 N), were set in a 2-year-old rice–crayfish (RC2) field, an 8-year-old rice–crayfish (RC8) field, and a RW field as a control.  The field experiment results suggested that the peak  rice yield in RW, RC2, and RC8 occurred when 225 N, 150 N and 75 N were used, respectively.  In RC2 and RC8, however, residual feed-nitrogen that was not used by crayfish was utilized by rice plants.  Thus, an optimal amount of nitrogen in RC fields was proposed to improve the nitrogen use efficiency and reduce environmental pollution by nitrogen fertilizer.  Farmers use less nitrogen but have higher net income in RC than in RW and CM.  It is necessary to sustainably develop integrated farming technologies (i.e., proper field configurations for rice fields) to effectively sustain rice production.  The results also showed that the RC farming model was a viable diversification option for rice farmers in waterlogged land.    相似文献   

探讨不同耕作方式下氮肥调节对稻田CH4排放及与土壤还原物质间的关系。通过田间试验研究水稻在常耕与免耕2种耕作方式、3种施氮量(N0、N1、N2)和2种施氮方式(F1、F2)条件下,稻田CH4排放的动态变化规律。结果表明:各处理CH4排放通量均呈双峰曲线变化规律,峰期分别出现在分蘖期和抽穗期,拔节前稻田CH4排放占水稻全生育期排放量的75.12% 。免耕能显著降低稻田CH4排放,氮肥极显著地促进稻田CH4排放。重施基蘖肥有利于降低免耕稻田CH4的排放,重施穗肥有利于降低常耕稻田CH4的排放。耕作方式和施氮方式对稻田CH4排放的互作效应显著,其中免耕和重基蘖肥搭配能极显著降低稻田CH4排放。耕作方式和氮肥调节对稻田CH4排放的影响与稻田土壤还原物质总量,活性还原物质量及Fe2+含量的变化密切相关。  相似文献   

[目的]探讨不同有机肥部分替代基施化学氮肥对双季稻生长发育、氮素积累及产量的影响,为双季稻区选择适宜有机肥种类、提高水稻产量及土壤培肥提供理论依据与技术支撑.[方法]2016~2017年以早稻品种中早39和晚稻品种H优518为供试材料,在施氮(N)150 kg/ha、氮肥基肥∶蘖肥∶穗肥=5∶3∶2条件下,以100%化学氮肥处理为对照(CK),设4个有机肥+化学氮肥处理:T1,紫云英(早稻)/水稻秸秆(晚稻)+化肥;T2,生物炭+化肥;T3,厩肥+化肥;T4,菜籽饼肥+化肥.研究不同处理对双季稻生长发育、氮素积累及产量的影响.[结果]与CK相比,各有机肥处理早晚稻产量均有明显提高,T1~T4处理2016和2017年早稻产量分别较CK增产4.86%~7.74%和0.12%~3.50%,晚稻产量分别较CK增产1.27%~8.10%和2.01%~6.27%,各有机肥处理早晚稻产量的提高主要是由结实率明显提高所致.与CK相比,T1、T3和T4处理水稻生育中后期叶面积衰减率较低,叶面积指数与叶片相对叶绿素含量(SPAD值)较高.成熟期时,各有机肥处理的干物质积累量整体高于CK.T1、T3和T4处理的植株氮素累积量前期较低但后期较高,其中以T3处理的植株氮素积累优势最突出.[结论]两年定位试验结果表明,在同一施氮水平下,有机肥部分替代化学氮肥基施均能一定程度上促进水稻的生长发育与后期氮素积累,进而提升产量,其中早稻以紫云英翻压还田、晚稻以饼肥与厩肥作用明显,适合在三熟制双季稻区推广应用.  相似文献   

Utilizing the heterosis of indica/japonica hybrid rice (IJHR) is an effective way to further increase rice grain yield.  Rational application of nitrogen (N) fertilizer plays a very important role in using the heterosis of IJHR to achieve its great yield potential.  However, the responses of the grain yield and N utilization of IJHR to N application rates and the underlying physiological mechanism remain elusive.  The purpose of this study was to clarify these issues.  Three rice cultivars currently used in rice production, an IJHR cultivar Yongyou 2640 (YY2640), a japonica cultivar Lianjing 7 (LJ-7) and an indica cultivar Yangdao 6 (YD-6), were grown in the field with six N rates (0, 100, 200, 300, 400, and 500 kg ha–1) in 2018 and 2019.  The results showed that with the increase in N application rates, the grain yield of each test cultivar increased at first and then decreased, and the highest grain yield was at the N rate of 400 kg ha–1 for YY2640, with a grain yield of 13.4 t ha–1, and at 300 kg ha–1 for LJ-7 and YD-6, with grain yields of 9.4–10.6 t ha–1.  The grain yield and N use efficiency (NUE) of YY2640 were higher than those of LJ-7 or YD-6 at the same N rate, especially at the higher N rates.  When compared with LJ-7 or YD-6, YY2640 exhibited better physiological traits, including greater root oxidation activity and leaf photosynthetic rate, higher cytokinin content in the roots and leaves, and more remobilization of assimilates from the stem to the grain during grain filling.  The results suggest that IJHR could attain both higher grain yield and higher NUE than inbred rice at either low or high N application rates.  Improved shoot and root traits of the IJHR contribute to its higher grain yield and NUE, and a higher content of cytokinins in the IJHR plants plays a vital role in their responses to N application rates and also benefits other physiological processes.   相似文献   

The border effect (BE) is widely observed in crop field experiments, and it has been extensively studied in many crops.  However, only limited attention has been paid to the BE of ratoon rice.  We conducted field experiments on ratoon rice in Qichun County, Hubei Province, Central China in 2018 and 2019 to compare the BE in the main and ratoon crops, and to quantify the contribution of BE in the main crop to that in the ratoon crop.  The BE of two hybrid varieties was measured for the outermost, second outermost, and third outermost rows in each plot of both crops.  To determine the contribution of BE between the two crops, portions of hills in the outermost and second outermost rows were uprooted during the harvest of the main crop so that the second and third outermost rows then became the outermost rows in the ratoon crop.  Overall, the BE on grain yield was greater in the main crop than in the ratoon crop.  In the main crop, the BE on grain yield was 98.3% in the outermost row, which was explained by the BE on panicles m–2, spikelets/panicle, spikelets m–2, and total dry weight.  In the ratoon crop, the BE on grain yield was reduced to 60.9 and 27.6% with and without the contribution of the BE in the main crop, respectively.  Consequently, 55.1% of the BE on grain yield in the ratoon crop was contributed from the main crop.  High stubble dry weight and non-structural carbohydrate (NSC) accumulation at the harvest of the main crop were responsible for the contribution of BE in the main crop to that in the ratoon crop.  Our results suggest that increases in stubble dry weight and NSC accumulation at the harvest of the main crop could be important strategies for developing high-yielding cropping practices in the rice ratooning system.  相似文献   

稻草还田与施氮量对水稻氮素吸收及产量影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以寒地水稻品种为试验材料,设置稻草不还田、0.5倍、1.0倍、1.5倍、2倍还田5个处理,N0(不施入尿素)、N1(150 kg·hm~(-2))、N2(300 kg·hm~(-2))3个氮肥施用水平,研究不同时期水稻氮素吸收情况、氮素积累量、氮素分配率以及水稻产量。结果表明,分蘖期稻草还田量增加抑制水稻氮素吸收及积累,抑制作用随施氮量增加而降低;幼穗分化期稻草还田促进水稻地下部分氮素吸收,在不同施氮量条件下,0.5倍还田处理氮素积累量达最高值;收获期水稻地上和地下部分氮素均向籽粒部分转移,稻草还田配施氮肥情况下水稻分蘖及有效分蘖提升,N1施肥水平下1.0倍还田处理产量达最高值,N2施肥水平下0.5倍还田处理达最高值,稻草还田不配施氮肥或配施氮肥情况下稻草还田过量均降低水稻产量。  相似文献   

【目的】 为了探索生态可持续的稻作模式,对比研究了长江中下游地区双季稻和再生稻稻作模式的产量潜力和CH4排放特征,以此为选取绿色、生态经济可持续的稻作模式提供科学依据。【方法】 于2017—2018年依托湖南省益阳市大通湖区宏硕生态农业农机合作社科研基地,设置了双季稻和再生稻2种模式,对比分析了产量潜力、稻田生育期间CH4排放动态和稻田生态系统CH4季节性累积排放规律以及评估了单位产量稻田CH4排放。【结果】 试验期间,从产量方面来看,双季稻早稻产量为7.37 t·hm -2,再生稻头季产量为8.84 t·hm -2,头季相比早稻增产19.95%。双季稻晚稻产量为6.82 t·hm -2,再生稻再生季产量为3.39 t·hm -2,再生季相比晚稻减产50.29%。综合两季,双季稻总产量为14.19 t·hm -2,再生稻总产量为12.22 t·hm -2;从生育期间CH4排放动态来看,双季稻在分蘖期和齐穗期左右排放较强峰值,再生稻除了在分蘖期和齐穗期有较强的排放以外,其在施用促芽肥时也出现了小峰值。但总体双季稻的排放范围(- 0.06—1.30 μmol·m -2·s -1)要高于再生稻的排放范围(- 0.01—0.70 μmol·m -2·s -1);从稻田CH4季节性累积排放来看,双季稻CH4累积排放要高于再生稻。再生稻头季累积排放范围在23.90—266.59kg·hm -2,再生季累积排放范围在0.00—46.14 kg·hm -2。双季稻早稻季节累积排放范围在为35.57—251.29kg·hm -2,晚稻季节累积排放范围在为10.74—321.59 kg·hm -2。双季稻CH4季节累积排放A-B(两叶一心至分蘖后期)段>B-C(分蘖后期至齐穗期)段>C-D(齐穗期至成熟期)段,且全生育期双季稻累积排放达922.35 kg·hm -2。再生稻CH4累积排放B-C段>A-B段>C-D段,且全生育期CH4累积排放为609.74 kg·hm -2,即相比对照双季稻,再生稻CH4累积排放降低了33.89%;最后通过评估单位产量CH4排放可知,早稻单位产量CH4排放为0.069 kg·kg -1,头季单位产量CH4排放为0.062 kg·kg -1,头季相比早稻减少了10.14%;晚稻单位产量CH4排放为0.061 kg·kg -1,再生季单位产量CH4排放为0.018 kg·kg -1,再生季相比晚稻降低了70.49%。综合两季,双季稻单位产量CH4排放为0.065 kg·kg -1,再生稻单位产量CH4排放为0.050 kg·kg -1,再生稻相比双季稻降低了23.08%。 【结论】 从单位产量下CH4排放角度来看,在长江中下游双季稻的主产区扩大种植再生稻是为良策。  相似文献   

通过温室盆栽试验,研究在基肥中施用不同比例的缓释肥对单季晚稻分蘖动态、水稻生长和氮素吸收的影响,拟为单季晚稻一次性施肥技术提供理论指导。试验共设5个处理:N0,不施氮;CF,常规施肥;20%SRN,基肥中20%的氮用缓释氮肥提供;40%SRN,基肥中40%的氮用缓释氮肥提供;60%SRN,基肥中60%的氮用缓释氮肥提供。除N0外,各处理的施氮量相等。结果表明:各施氮处理的水稻分蘖数随移栽时间的变化均符合一元二次方程(P<0.05)。与CF相比,施用缓释肥并未显著(P>0.05)增加水稻的理论最大分蘖数和成穗率,对水稻产量亦无显著影响。在分蘖盛期、孕穗期,各施氮处理根部和地上部的氮素累积量无显著差异,但与CF处理相比,20%SRN和40%SRN处理显著(P<0.05)降低了水稻成熟期地上部的氮素吸收量和氮素表观利用率。综上,与CF处理相比,在基肥中施用不同比例的缓释氮肥并不会增加水稻的无效分蘖。60%SRN处理的水稻产量、成穗率、氮素吸收利用与CF处理并无显著差异。  相似文献   

早籼新品种浙408氮肥运筹技术研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
[目的]为浙408的推广应用提供科学依据。[方法]在金华红壤稻区进行浙408全程不同纯氮施用水平及基肥、分蘖肥、穗肥不同比例的氮肥运筹试验,明确浙408对氮肥的需求量。[结果]随着施氮量的增加,浙408的始蘖期、抽穗期和成熟期推迟,生育期延长,单位面积有效穗数、每穗粒数、千粒重和产量先上升后下降。在全程施氮总量相同的情况下,前期施氮量较大处理的始蘖期早,有效分蘖期短。基肥、蘖肥、穗肥按6∶3∶1施用时,浙408的单位面积最高苗数、有效穗数和产量最高,按4∶4∶2和5∶3∶2施用时,每穗实粒数、结实率和千粒重较高。[结论]浙408全程纯氮总量为172.5~210.0 kg/hm2,基肥、分蘖肥、穗肥按5∶3∶2或6∶3∶1施用可获得较高产量。  相似文献   

Lodging in maize leads to yield losses worldwide.  In this study, we determined the effects of traditional and optimized nitrogen management strategies on culm morphological characteristics, culm mechanical strength, lignin content, root growth, lodging percentage and production in maize at a high plant density.  We compared a traditional nitrogen (N) application rate of 300 kg ha–1 (R) and an optimized N application rate of 225 kg ha–1 (O) under four N application modes: 50% of N applied at sowing and 50% at the 10th-leaf stage (N1); 100% of N applied at sowing (N2); 40% of N applied at sowing, 40% at the 10th-leaf stage and 20% at tasseling stage (N3); and 30% of N applied at sowing, 30% at the 10th-leaf stage, 20% at the tasseling stage, and 20% at the silking stage (N4).  The optimized N rate (225 kg ha–1) significantly reduced internode lengths, plant height, ear height, center of gravity height and lodging percentage.  The optimized N rate significantly increased internode diameters, filling degrees, culm mechanical strength, root growth and lignin content.  The application of N in four split doses (N4) significantly improved culm morphological characteristics, culm mechanical strength, lignin content, and root growth, while it reduced internode lengths, plant height, ear height, center of gravity height and lodging percentage.  Internode diameters, filling degrees, culm mechanical strength, lignin content, number and diameter of brace roots, root volume, root dry weight, bleeding safe and grain yield were significantly negatively correlated with plant height, ear height, center of gravity height, internode lengths and lodging percentage.  In conclusion, treatment ON4 significantly reduced the lodging percentage by improving the culm morphological characteristics, culm mechanical strength, lignin content, and root growth, so it improved the production of the maize crop at a high plant density.  相似文献   

冷浸田是我国西南地区主要的水稻田,通过合理的氮肥管理,以提高冷浸田水稻产量和氮肥利用率十分必要.本研究通过田间试验研究了不同的氮肥用量和氮肥运筹对稻谷产量及其构成、氮素利用效率的影响,以期为西南地区冷浸田合理的氮肥管理提供依据.试验设5个氮肥施用水平:0(N0),90(N90),120(N120),150(N150),180(N180) kg/hm~2, 3个氮肥运筹方式,即底肥:分蘖肥:穗粒肥氮肥施用比例分别为60∶40∶0(T1),40∶60∶0(T2)和40∶20∶40(T3),以及控释氮肥1次施用处理(T4).结果表明, N120,N150和N180处理水稻产量均显著高于N0和N90处理,其中以N150处理稻谷产量和氮肥利用率最高,分别为9 466.65 kg/hm~2和30.75%,氮肥的回收利用率比N120和N180处理高2.37,3.54个百分点,且N150处理水稻收获指数显著高于N120和N180处理. 3种氮肥运筹方式及控释氮肥处理间水稻产量、生物量及籽粒氮素吸收量差异均无统计学意义,但氮肥采用底肥∶分蘖肥∶穗粒肥=60∶40∶0处理,水稻收获指数、结实率、每穗粒数均高于其余氮肥运筹及控释氮肥处理.鉴于西南地区的冷浸田氮素水平和基础地力较高,施氮量宜为120~150 kg/hm~2;氮肥运筹以普通尿素按底肥∶分蘖肥∶穗肥=60∶40∶0施用较为适宜.  相似文献   

以渝香糯1号为材料,设0、120、180 kg/hm~2 3个施氮水平(分别记为N_0、N_(120)、N_(180)),2种氮肥运筹模式(基肥与蘖肥的质量比为70%∶30%(A)和基肥、蘖肥与穗肥的质量比为50%∶20%∶30%(B)),于2014年在四川德阳进行施氮量和氮肥运筹模式对糯稻养分吸收积累及氮肥利用率影响的大田试验。结果表明:不同施氮量处理对糯稻氮、磷、钾的吸收量影响显著;采用B种模式,糯稻的氮、磷、钾吸收量均较A种模式的小;与A种模式相比,采用B种模式每生产1 000 kg稻谷,氮、磷、钾需要量分别降低14.1%、10.2%、7.8%;随着施氮量增加,产量呈增加趋势,但氮肥利用率呈下降趋势,不同氮肥运筹模式间糯稻氮肥利用率差异不显著。综合试验结果,糯稻的适宜施氮量为120 kg/hm~2,氮肥运筹模式以基肥、蘖肥与穗肥的质量比50%∶20%∶30%为佳。  相似文献   

杂交中稻、再生稻两季增产的施肥技术研究   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
为提高杂交中稻、再生稻两季单产,多次试验其施肥技术,结果表明,中稻适当减少基、蘖肥用作穗(粒)肥,使其前期促蘖壮蘖,中期稳长,群体适中,后期个体健壮,抗逆力增强,光合效率和N肥利用率均提高,因此头、二季均较“重底早追施肥法”显著增产,尤其与穗型较小的品种、中苗移栽、穴植双株、适当密植和增施N肥、中期增施K肥等措施并用时效果更佳。N素基、蘖、穗肥比例为5:2:3的两季增产率均高于其他参试8种单项增产措施,起关键作用的是穗(粒)肥,随施N总量增加而提高其所占比例,对两季总产的配合效应愈好。穗(粒)肥施期则根据中期长势长相而定,一般宜在孕穗期或齐穗期施用。  相似文献   

Wheat flour products are the main dietary component of the Qinghai–Tibetan Plateau (QTP) population in China.  However, the high altitude restricts the local wheat quality and quantity, and the applied nitrogen rate is higher than the optimal rate for wheat planting.  In this study, we considered whether reducing the amount of nitrogen fertilizer and introducing the superior varieties from the North China Plain (NCP) are viable ways to increase the wheat quality and quantity in the QTP.  Three and four winter wheat cultivars from QTP and NCP, respectively, were planted in Lhasa at an altitude of 3 647 m with reduced topdressing nitrogen application at the jointing stage.  The wheat from NCP exhibited higher grain hardness index and test weight, and better flour and dough quality.  Reducing the topdressing nitrogen fertilizer from 135 to 75 kg N ha−1 at the jointing stage (with the same basal fertilization of 105 kg N ha−1) did not significantly (P<0.05) affect the grain yield, grain quality, flour quality or dough quality in any of the cultivars.  In summary, introducing high-quality winter wheat varieties from the NCP to the Lhasa plateau is a viable way to enhance the wheat supply and quality in the QTP.  Reducing a certain amount of the nitrogen fertilizer is an economic and feasible approach for the QTP region.  相似文献   

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