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植物育种试验数据的计算机处理系统(PBDPS)   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
叙述了植物育种试验数据计算机处理系统(PBDPS)的设计思想、系统结构和主要功能。该系统包含数据预处理、数据文件管理、数据统计分析及遗传参数估算四部分。经过数百次实际运行结果表明,此系统设计思想新颖,功能齐全,操作简便,运行敏捷,实用性和通用性均好,可用于各种试验数据的管理及统计分析。  相似文献   

本研究在收集、整理了万余份玉米品种资源数据和育种专家经验的基础上,通过主要性状、遗传规律等数据分析,建成8064份玉米品种数据库,并开发出检索专家咨询系统,包括:(1)玉米品种资源多媒体数据库;(2)玉米品种数据库维护系统,可供普通用户使用的数据维护界面,还供高级用户、大批量数据维护的功能;(3)玉米品种多媒体检索系统,包括面向普通用户的简洁查询、多媒体查询和面向育种工作者的列表查询三个功能模块;(4)玉米遗传选育专家咨询系统,即基于数据库已掌握的10个性状遗传规律,计算机针对确定的育种目标,辅助筛选父本和母本的功能。  相似文献   

在分析且末绿洲系统水资源利用情况、农业种植结构变化、工业发展及农民收入变化的基础上,对且末绿洲系统运行现状进行了定量分析。通过分析表明,绿洲自改革开放以来,产业结构发生了很大变化,农村基础设施建设渐趋完善,主要农作物产量大幅提高,农牧民生活水平向小康迈进,但也存在一些问题:(1)气候特点影响绿洲生态环境及农作物生产;(2)基础设施对加快发展的承载能力不足;(3)工业经济总量不大,综合实力还不强;针对存在问题提出了相应的解决对策。  相似文献   

微机辅助木材识别系统WIP-89   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
应用Sun386-24微机和Turbo Pascal语言编制WIP-89木材识别系统(包括汉字和英文2类)。数据包括:(1)针叶树材169种、阔叶树材500种;(2)木材识别组合特征针叶树材43个,阔叶树材47个(包含单一木材识别特征针叶树材138个,阔叶树材179个);(3)在显示树名时,还列有该树种的平均导管弦径和导管、纤维长度平均值及大小变异范围的数据。主要功能有:(1)木材识别特征图像27幅,涉及木材解剖特征50个;(2)树种的检索;(3)数据库已存树种的修改、显示和打印;(4)修改已经检索和尚未检索的木材特征代码;(5)10个树种以下树种间的相异特征表;(6)缩写科名与全称科名查找及对照表;(7)科、属中包含的树种名录。  相似文献   

微机辅助木材识别系统WIP-89   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
应用Sun386-24微机和Turbo Pascal语言编制WIP-89木材识别系统(包括汉字和英文2类)。数据包括:(1)针叶树材169种、阔叶树材500种;(2)木材识别组合特征针叶树材43个,阔叶树材47个(包含单一木材识别特征针叶树材138个,阔叶树材179个);(3)在显示树名时,还列有该树种的平均导管弦径和导管、纤维长度平均值及大小变异范围的数据。主要功能有:(1)木材识别特征图像27幅,涉及木材解剖特征50个;(2)树种的检索;(3)数据库已存树种的修改、显示和打印;(4)修改已经检索和尚未检索的木材特征代码;(5)10个树种以下树种间的相异特征表;(6)缩写科名与全称科名查找及对照表;(7)科、属中包含的树种名录。  相似文献   

丘陵山区县基本农田保护研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
选取极具代表性的丘陵山区县——四川省渠县和兴文县作为对象,采用实地调查验证、资料收集整理、双向平衡、反复协调论证等方法,结合数理统计分析、统计分析软件应用等手段,在土地利用总体规划基础上,就丘陵山区县基本农田保护的程序、方法、措施等进行了探讨。得到不同地貌区(以山地为主和以丘陵为主)基本农田保护的三个不同的特点,即(1)保护的侧重点不一;(2)人均基本农田下限各不相同;(3)耕地质量评级因素各不相同。同时也有三个相同之处,即(1)耕地质量受“水”和“坡度”的限制均十分突出;(2)地形破碎,耕地地块小,保护工作量大;(3)都存在基本农田保护与建设用地争夺优质耕地的冲突。  相似文献   

IFAC 农业专家系统国际研讨会(AES′92)于8月12日~16日在黄山召开,21个国家和地区的专家学者出席了会议,提交的70篇论文入选论文集,64位代表在大会或分组会上发了言。会上首先讨论了农业专家系统(AES)在世界的发展情况,并就如下专题进行了切磋:(1)AES 方法论(包括的论题有:农业智能决策支持系统;一体化的 AES,AES 中的定性推理;AES 与其它近似系统的比较);(2)农业神经网络;(3)知识获取及工具;(4)模型与推理;(5)面向目标的编程(OOP)与知识表达。为了解决农业专家系统的实用技术问题,会议期间还分五个应用专题组介绍了部分 AES 实例,这些专题组是:(1)畜牧;(2)管理与智能决策支持系统;(3)  相似文献   

使用触摸屏、可编程控制器(PLC)、树莓派微型计算机、组态王、集散控制系统(SCADA)、高清摄像头、影像存证服务以及传感器、执行机构开发了一个人工气候室群智能化测控系统,管理由30个单元组成的人工气候室群。本系统中触摸屏负责采集各单元的环境状态数据,提供人工气候室单元的人机交互界面;PLC完成温室单元的控制逻辑,控制温室加湿、除湿、补光、气调等装置;树莓派微型计算机运行多个定制软件,实现计划库管理、权限分配、协议转换服务、空调控制等功能;组态王运行在管理房微机上,用于人工气候室群的本地管理、配置和数据记录;远程管理依托于基于ClearSCADA构建的设施农业总控中心,实现远程管理、数据采集、存储和配置;各模块间通过网络连接,采用ModbusTCP协议;配套的高清摄像头和影像存证服务提供了内部场景的实时查看和图片记录功能。该系统有效实现了人工气候室群的环境状态采集、环境控制、运行计划管理、远程测控、照片存证等功能,扩展性强,运行稳定。  相似文献   

景观生态学在城市绿地系统建设中的应用   总被引:10,自引:4,他引:6  
从景观生态学角度出发,结合景观生态学原理对城市绿地系统进行景观生态规划设计,主要从规划步骤和绿地系统的斑块、廊道设计进行了论述。并指出绿地系统规划设计时应遵循以下原则 (1)绿地系统整体优化性原则;(2)景观个性原则;(3)合理布局原则;(4)可持续性原则;(5)多样性与协调共生原则;(6)远、近期规划设计相结合原则。第1期郭玮等景观生态学在城市绿地系统建设中的应用  相似文献   

分析电能量计量系统(TMR)的运行现状和功能需求,开发电话语音查询电量数据的应用系统,重点阐述电话查询电量数据的基本原理、硬件实现方案和软件功能要求,描述编程环境和数据库连接方式,分析对TMR网络安全的影响.维护人员可通过电话异地查询TMR中的关键数据,实时监测TMR运行状况,便于运行人员及时发现和处理故障,对于提高TMR的运行指标有一定的帮助.  相似文献   

本文阐述了MWS系统。系统软件应用dBASEⅢ语言,以中文菜单人机对话形式编写而成。系统设计采用模块复盖技术,共分为五个功能模块:(1)数据维护;(2)代码查询,(3)组合检索;(4)单项检索;(5)用户初始化等。整个系统共由20余个程序组成。该系统具有较强的检索功能,可迅速查找所需要的文献题录,比常规人工检索提高效率50~100倍。在此基础上,可以按我省各主要造林树种逐一建立起专题数据库,并形成主要造林树种文献检索系统。  相似文献   

棉花红铃虫管理专家系统是一个集预测、诊断与咨询于一体的复杂系统,可直接指导农民生产实践.该专家系统将数学模型、历史数据资料和专家实践经验知识融为一体,采用PROLOG与C语言的接口.知识库知识采用带有变量的知识表示.系统由数据资料管理模块、知识库、模型库、推理机、知识获取模块、解释机构和人机接口所组成.经实践验证预测害虫发生准确率达90%以上.  相似文献   

通过在斯里兰卡进行水稻抛秧试验,结果表明:水稻抛秧可比直播稻增产30%以上,与移栽稻产量相当或更高;可比直播稻节省用种78%,比移栽稻省种614%;还可节约除草用工80%左右。塑料软盘播种方式以种子、细土分层撒播为好,本田经济最佳抛秧密度为50苗/m2(相当于用种量22kg/hm2)。  相似文献   

通过五元二次回归正交旋转组合设计试验,建立了博优湛19主要农艺措施与产量的数学模型,通过模拟寻优频率分布分析了栽培措施对产量的影响,并通过通径分析研究了产量构成因素对产量的影响,结果表明:博优湛19的主要增产途径是增加有效穗,其次是争大穗。配套的栽培技术模式是:5.4~5.7叶移栽,插植密度39.6~40.2万穴/hm2,施纯N170.7~175.8kg/hm2,P2O5125.4~130.2kg/hm2,K2O126.0~131.4kg/hm2,结合其它科学管理措施,可获得7875kg/hm2以上的产量。  相似文献   

To realize effective insect counting in pheromone traps set in remote sites, a remote monitoring and image processing system based on a sensor network system of “Field Servers” has been developed, and two practical methods based on image analysis using this system has been proposed. This system has been employed to monitor the occurrence of the rice bug, Leptocorisa chinensis, in rice paddy fields as a means of reducing the burden of manual insect counting work.A Field Server with a high-resolution digital camera was installed near the pheromone trap for close monitoring. The image data and other monitoring data such as temperature were sent via wireless LAN and the Internet every 5 minutes. A remote management system for the Field Server, located about 7.5 km from the experimental field, managed data collection and analyzed the data to provide useful information on insect count. An image analysis algorithm based on a background differencing technique has been developed to support counting L. chinensis by implementing an image-processing module in the remote management system. The image-processing module provides three analysis functions: cropping, subtracting, and binarizing the target image.One method is to filter extraneous image data containing no observed target insects (end-members) on the pheromone trap. In this method, the difference between collected image data and the reference image data was calculated, and the total number of pixels whose value was greater than a threshold value for the difference result (number of white pixels) was used for filtering. This method managed to maintain Sensitivity at 100% during the experiment. Accuracy was observed to be 89.1% on average. Using this method, the time spent looking at extraneous image data without L. chinensis can be reduced by 85%.The other method for reducing labor in counting involves estimating the number of end-members automatically using a partial image area that is cropped to focus on a low-noise area, permitting easy analysis. With this method, the image data was analyzed using the first method, and the entire number of end-members was estimated using the number of white pixels and a pixel value equivalent to one end-member. The results of this method correspond reasonably closely to the results obtained by manual counting. The correlation coefficient for the daily occurrence rate was 0.974 and that for the hourly rate was 0.916.  相似文献   

互联网的发展对各行业无论从经营方式还是战略方向影响巨大。作为企业的"核心命脉",财务行业也开始在互联时代中进行巨大变革:传统会计中手工记账模式早已被会计电算化所替代,财务工作从核算到报表编制都可以通过操作计算机完成。核算工作的便捷高效使得财务人员有更多的精力和时间投入到参与企业的管理和决策中去,财务工作的重心已经从核算转为管理,因此,越来越多的企业已经认识到管理会计的价值和重要性。管理会计需要及时收集、分析、存储以及传递经营管理的信息并运用一定的方法进行数据处理和分析,信息系统的支持必不可少。由此,管理会计信息系统必然会成为企业不可或缺的价值管理工具。该文以管理会计信息化为落脚点,通过对国内文献的查阅,分析我国大中型企业对管理会计信息化的应用情况,对企业在其应用中存在的系统操作复杂,复合人才少等问题进行研究,结合当下财务云共享模式、商务智能等热门观点,对发现的问题提出相应对策。  相似文献   

Statistical tools are discussed for the analysis of data collected from tractor guidance systems. The importance of both accuracy and precision is discussed, and statistical tools for analysis are considered which incorporate important features of the data. In particular, accuracy is modelled using a generalized least squares model incorporating autocorrelation, and variances (inverse of precision) using a gamma generalized linear model. The methods are applied to data collected during an experiment conducted with a Trimble receiver used with a Beeline tractor guidance system. Three different scenarios are considered, then compared: a tractor simulating ploughing a field; the tractor pulling a plough with the receivers on the tractor; the tractor pulling a plough with the Trimble receiver on the plough. The change in the precision and accuracy between the scenarios is discussed. Data were recorded over repeated swaths for each scenario. After discussing specific statistical techniques for analysis of this type of data, the collected data are analysed; major conclusions are: The data from the Trimble receiver showed evidence of autocorrelation in the offsets; the plough recorded a variance about three times that recorded by the tractor.This research was completed while the second author was at the University of Southern Queensland.  相似文献   

近几年,随着财政改革的深入、政府审计力度的加大,对财务管理提出了“精细”、“规范”、“透明”、“科学”更高的要求。当前,我国农业科研事业单位财务信息化普遍处于会计电算化的阶段,仅是代替了手工记账,对于管理中至关重要的财务分析仍以手工分析为主。随着管理工作需求的逐步加深,财务管理信息化显得十分必要。文章首先分析了农业科研事业单位推行财务管理信息化存在主要问题,有针对性地提出了信息系统功能需求及相关建议。  相似文献   

I have explored some of the interactions between research on higher mental processes over the past decade or two and laboratory experiments on simpler cognitive processes. I have shown that, by viewing experimentation in a parameter-estimating paradigm instead of a hypothesis-testing paradigm, one can obtain much more information from experiments-information that, combined with contemporary theoretical models of the cognitive processes, has implications for human performance on tasks quite different from those of the original experiments. The work of identifying and measuring the basic parameters of the human information processing system has just begun, but already important information has been gained. The psychological reality of the chunk has been fairly well demonstrated, and the chunk capacity of short-term memory has been shown to be in the range of five to seven. Fixation of information in longterm memory has been shown to take about 5 or 10 seconds per chunk. Some other "magical numbers" have been estimated-for example, visual scanning speeds and times required for simple grammatical transformations-and no doubt others remain to be discovered. But even the two basic constants discussed in this article-short-term memory capacity and rate of fixation in long-term memory-organize, systematize, and explain a wide range of findings, about both simple tasks and more complex cognitive performances that have been reported in the psychological literature over the past 50 years or more.  相似文献   

The length of the rice panicle determines the number of grains it can hold, and consequently rice yield; it is therefore one of the most important traits assessed in yield-related research. However, the conventional method of measuring panicle length is still a manual process that is inconsistent, subjective and slow. In this study, a novel prototype, dubbed “Smart-PL”, was developed for the automatic measurement of rice panicle length based on dual-camera imaging. Cameras with a long-focus lens and a short-focus lens were utilized to capture both a detailed image and a complete image of the rice panicle, respectively. Specific image processing algorithms were exploited, to analyze the neck image for neck identification and the whole-panicle image for path extraction. Subsequently, co-registration was used to identify the neck location in the whole-panicle image, and a resampling method was used to search for the path points between the panicle neck and the tip. Finally, the panicle length was calculated as the sum of the distances between each adjacent path point. To evaluate the accuracy of this prototype, six batches of rice panicles were tested. The results showed that the mean absolute percentage error (MAPE) for the system was about 1.23%, and the automatic measurements had a good agreement with manual measurements, regardless of panicle type. To evaluate the efficiency of this prototype, 3108 panicle samples were tested under continuous-measurement conditions, and the measuring efficiency was approximately 900 panicles per hour, 6 times over manual method. In conclusion, the system automatically extracts panicle length while providing three advantages over the manual method: objectiveness, high efficiency and high consistency.  相似文献   

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