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王北翔 《油气储运》1998,17(5):57-61
在一条直径为50.8 mm、长370 m的水平管上做了空气—水两相流瞬态试验,通过改变气速和水速,使其从一个平衡状态转变到另一个平衡状态。说明了在瞬变阶段观察到的流型,并将试验得到的数据与现在的瞬态流方法相比较,从而评估此方法的正确性。根据不同流型提出计算两相流瞬变特性的简化公式以此预测管内气液分布瞬变特性。公式中假设了气体准稳态流动和局部动量平衡。这一方法对由水平、上倾、下倾管段组成的管道系统都适用。  相似文献   

Näf U 《Science (New York, N.Y.)》1967,156(3778):1117-1119
It has been reported that a preparation obtained from prothlalli of the fern species Anemia phyllitidis controls antheridium formation in this species. If this same preparation is applied at the spore stage it induces a physiological state antagonistic to antheridium formation. The inhibitory state is inducible only at a very early stage of development, but, once induced, it remains manifest at much later stages. Quite possibly, the inhibitory state arises in response to the factor that induces formation of anitlheridia. The inhibitory state may have an important function in fern development.  相似文献   

硒是人体和动物体内的必需微量元素,适量硒对人体健康有重要的作用,硒的形态对硒的吸收效果具有重要的影响。四川省万源市是重要的富硒地区之一,对万源市不同区域土壤硒及其形态进行分析,详细分析了土壤中硒的形态特征,并对硒形态的影响因素进行了探讨,以便为今后开发硒产品提供依据。结果表明,万源市土壤中硒各形态的量和所占全量的比例均为残渣态〉有机态〉酸溶态〉交换态〉水溶态,有效态所占比例超过10%,部分在20%以上;不同片区土壤硒的含量和形态特征有所不同,总体上大竹河片区土壤硒的总量和有效态高于其他片区;pH值的大小与水溶态、交换态和残渣态的关系较为明显,与酸溶态的关系次之,与有机态的关系最差;除水溶态外,土壤各形态硒与土壤总硒具有较好的相关性。  相似文献   

IUU捕捞严重阻碍了有效的渔业资源管理和养护。治理IUU捕捞需在诸多环节付出努力,其中港口国措施通过消除或减少IUU渔获物的上岸机会来治理IUU捕捞,2016年生效的《港口国措施协定》为各国采取港口国措施提供了国际法依据。本文分析了《港口国措施协定》的主要内容以及有关国家和区域渔业管理组织已采取的相关措施。在此基础上,分析了港口国措施的有效性及其局限性,其有效性主要是可以减少IUU捕捞活动的发生,提高发现IUU捕捞的可能性,弥补船旗国管辖的不足;局限性主要是很多国家的执行能力不足将导致短期内港口国措施难以有效实施,而且协定并未对渔获物可追溯信息做出规定,致使在港口确认IUU捕捞行为面临困难。对我国而言,港口国措施可降低悬挂我国旗帜的船舶从事或支持IUU捕捞的可能性,加入协定可促进健全我国捕捞监督管理体系;但我国采取港口国措施将面临港口监管体系、渔业监督体系的全面改革的挑战,以及港口国措施的能力建设的挑战。  相似文献   

[目的]研究不同伊利石添加量对碱性盐化土壤中重金属镉形态的影响及达到吸附稳定的时间。[方法]采用Tessier连续提取法。[结果]在pH为7.93的土壤溶液中,黏土矿物伊利石的添加使得土壤中重金属镉的有效态逐渐减少,其有效态减少总量从2.047mg/kg增加到3.103 mg/kg,铁锰氧化态和碳酸盐态均有不同程度的升高,有机结合态变化不明显,在吸附行为发生14 d左右基本达到平衡,最后出现少量的离子"释放"。[结论]伊利石对碱性盐化土壤中镉形态有较显著的影响。  相似文献   

黑垆土供钾特性与烤烟对钾的吸收   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
对分布子陕西省具有代表性的烟区土壤(黑垆土)100个土样不同形态钾的测定以及100个烟样烟叶含钾量分析结果表明:①土壤中代换态钾分别为非代换态钾、矿物态钾和全钾的12.07%、3.85%和3.65%.非代换态钾为矿物钾和全钾的31.88%和30.24%.矿物态钾占全钾的94.85%.②各种形态钾与有机质均呈正相关,水溶态钾与黑护土物理性粘粒呈显着负相关,代换态钾与黑垆土物理性粘粒、CEC及水溶态钾呈显着正相关.③土壤缓效钾是钾素供应的潜在指标,其释放过程符合y=ax-b形式,而有机质是影响土壤速效钾供应和补给的重要因子.④不同形态土壤钾与烟叶含钾量回归分析表明,种烟前后土壤速效钾含量均与烟叶含钾量极显着正相关.  相似文献   

以福州植物园和北京百望山森林公园游客为对象,借鉴POMS心境量表评价方法,分析了不同公园享用方式对游客心境健康的影响.结果表明:享用公园频率越高和距离公园越近游客的POMS指数值越低,其心境状况越好;春、秋两季游客享用公园时心境相对较好,12:00-14:00和18:00以后入园游客的心境状况相对较差,游客保持良好心境...  相似文献   

本文基于弹性力学中复杂应力状态的分析理论,编制了计算任意应力状态的主应力和主方向及最大剪应力的通用 BASIC 程序。可用于复杂应力状态的分析计算。  相似文献   

中国加WTO以后,中资银行普遍开办了个人理财业务,这对中资银行积极参与国际竞争将起到积极作用。但在实践中,中资银行的个人理财业务发展还不够理想,必须通过中 外资银行在此项业务领域中的优劣势比较,在目标市场、功能、竞争策略方而进行准确定位,再通过各种手段加以发展,才能将中资银行的此项业务推进到一个更高的水平。  相似文献   

Even in small molecules, the influence of electronic state on rotational and vibrational product energies is not well understood. Here, we use experiments and theory to address this issue in photodissociation of formaldehyde, H2CO, to the radical products H + HCO. These products result from dissociation from the singlet ground electronic state or the first excited triplet state (T1) of H2CO. Fluorescence spectra reveal a sudden decrease in the HCO rotational energy with increasing photolysis energy accompanied by substantial HCO vibrational excitation. Calculations of the rotational distribution using an ab initio potential energy surface for the T1 state are in very good agreement with experiment and strongly support dominance of the T1 state in the dynamics at the higher photolysis energies.  相似文献   

A phase transition from a classical thermal mixed state to a quantum-mechanical pure state of exciton polaritons is observed in a GaAs multiple quantum-well microcavity from the decrease of the second-order coherence function. Supporting evidence is obtained from the observation of a nonlinear threshold behavior in the pump-intensity dependence of the emission, a polariton-like dispersion relation above threshold, and a decrease of the relaxation time into the lower polariton state. The condensation of microcavity exciton polaritons is confirmed.  相似文献   

Stick-slip, or interrupted, motion rather than smooth uninterrupted motion occurs in many different phenomena such as friction, fluid flow, material fracture and wear, sound generation, and sensory "texture." During stick-slip, a system is believed to undergo transitions between a static (solid-like) state and a kinetic (liquid-like) state. The stick-slip motion between various types of pretreated surfaces was measured, and a second, much more kinetic state that exhibits ultra-low friction was found. Transitions to and from this super-kinetic state also give rise to stick-slip motion but are fundamentally different from conventional static-kinetic transitions. The results here suggest practical conditions for the control of unwanted stick-slip and the attainment of ultra-low friction.  相似文献   

Wadhwa M 《Science (New York, N.Y.)》2001,291(5508):1527-1530
The oxidation state of basaltic martian meteorites is determined from the partitioning of europium (Eu) in their pyroxenes. The estimated redox conditions for these samples correlate with their initial neodymium and strontium isotopic compositions. This is interpreted to imply varying degrees of interaction between the basaltic parent melts, derived from a source in the martian mantle, and a crustal component. Thus, the mantle source of these martian basalts may have a redox state close to that of the iron-wüstite buffer, whereas the martian crust may be more oxidized (with a redox state higher than or equal to that of the quartz-fayalite-magnetite buffer). A difference in redox state of more than 3 log units between mantle and crustal reservoirs on Mars could result from oxidation of the crust by a process such as aqueous alteration, together with a subsequent lack of recycling of this oxidized crust through the reduced upper mantle.  相似文献   

The data on radiative capture through the giant resonance have led to a model in which the capture is pictured as proceeding through a single broad (and therefore short-lived) state that can be called the giant-resonance state. This state is the one formed directly upon capture of a proton, and hence most of the capture radiation is emitted quickly in the direct-interaction mode. Some of the energy that is contained in the giant-resonance state is shared with the more-complicated states of the compound nucleus (that is, with states having many excited nucleons). This sharing, in turn, gives rise to the fine structure that is observed within the giant-resonance envelope. The constant angular distributions that are observed throughout the giant-resonance region support the single-state picture of the giant resonance.  相似文献   

We established superfluidity in a two-state mixture of ultracold fermionic atoms with imbalanced state populations. This study relates to the long-standing debate about the nature of the superfluid state in Fermi systems. Indicators for superfluidity were condensates of fermion pairs and vortices in rotating clouds. For strong interactions, near a Feshbach resonance, superfluidity was observed for a broad range of population imbalances. We mapped out the superfluid regime as a function of interaction strength and population imbalance and characterized the quantum phase transition to the normal state, known as the Pauli limit of superfluidity.  相似文献   

Photosynthetic organisms adapt to changes in light quality by redistributing light excitation energy between two photosystems through state transition. This reorganization of antenna systems leads to an enhanced photosynthetic yield. Using a genetic approach in Chlamydomonas reinhardtii to dissect the signal transduction pathway of state transition, we identified a chloroplast thylakoid-associated serine-threonine protein kinase, Stt7, that has homologs in land plants. Stt7 is required for the phosphorylation of the major light-harvesting protein (LHCII) and for state transition.  相似文献   

赛前竞技状态调控是一项系统性工程,它对运动员来说至关重要。本研究立足系统哲学观视角,从生物节律调控、训练强度调控、心理状态调控、营养搭配调控4个方面对赛前竞技状态调控进行了理论探讨,并对其与竞技状态形成的关系、如何进行具体调控进行了深入研究,旨在为提高运动员的赛前竞技状态提供帮助。  相似文献   

基于农地利用系统本身的多维性,复杂性以及农地利用系统评价的模糊性特征,以曲周县为例,构建了一套适合于该县域农地利用系统状态评价的指标体系,在此基础上引入多层次模糊综合评判法对其农地利用系统状态进行了定量比评价。评价结果与县域实际情况基本相符。模糊综合评判法由于抛弃了“是”与“非”的二值逻辑,允许多个的中间状态存在,使评判结果更为精确。为农地利用系统这类复杂系统的评价提供了科学的数学框架。  相似文献   

运用邻体干扰指数模型,分析了豫西山区森林群落中主要种群的种内种间竞争强度,以及种群和个体在群落中的竞争干扰状态.结果表明,幼龄林群落中的种内、种间竞争指数因生境条件不同有所差异;中龄林群落基本稳定,其阔叶类种群的平均竞争指数小于针叶类种群的平均竞争指数,说明针叶类种群处于被压状态而阔叶类种群处于竞争状态,自然情况下的群落演替过程中阔叶类种群将占优势.  相似文献   

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