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Before European contact, Hawai'i supported large human populations in complex societies that were based on multiple pathways of intensive agriculture. We show that soils within a long-abandoned 60-square-kilometer dryland agricultural complex are substantially richer in bases and phosphorus than are those just outside it, and that this enrichment predated the establishment of intensive agriculture. Climate and soil fertility combined to constrain large dryland agricultural systems and the societies they supported to well-defined portions of just the younger islands within the Hawaiian archipelago; societies on the older islands were based on irrigated wetland agriculture. Similar processes may have influenced the dynamics of agricultural intensification across the tropics.  相似文献   

Costly punishment across human societies   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Recent behavioral experiments aimed at understanding the evolutionary foundations of human cooperation have suggested that a willingness to engage in costly punishment, even in one-shot situations, may be part of human psychology and a key element in understanding our sociality. However, because most experiments have been confined to students in industrialized societies, generalizations of these insights to the species have necessarily been tentative. Here, experimental results from 15 diverse populations show that (i) all populations demonstrate some willingness to administer costly punishment as unequal behavior increases, (ii) the magnitude of this punishment varies substantially across populations, and (iii) costly punishment positively covaries with altruistic behavior across populations. These findings are consistent with models of the gene-culture coevolution of human altruism and further sharpen what any theory of human cooperation needs to explain.  相似文献   

在由计划经济向市场经济转变的过程中,学会存在着体制与市场经济不相适应、经费缺、活动难开展等问题.学会要生存,要发展,必须要转变观念,转变学会的运行机制,实行社会办学会,办出特色,这是学会发展的根本出路所在.  相似文献   

王家东  马俊义 《河北农业科学》2011,15(2):148-149,155
学生专专业的建设,有助于培养学生理论联系实际的能力、自主创新意识、严谨的科学态度以及吃苦耐劳、团队协作精神,同时提高就业竞争力,实现学生综合素质的提高。探索了学生专业社团建设在培养高技能人才中的重要作用,并取得了良好的效果。  相似文献   

The archaeology of pre-Columbian polities in the Amazon River basin forces a reconsideration of early urbanism and long-term change in tropical forest landscapes. We describe settlement and land-use patterns of complex societies on the eve of European contact (after 1492) in the Upper Xingu region of the Brazilian Amazon. These societies were organized in articulated clusters, representing small independent polities, within a regional peer polity. These patterns constitute a "galactic" form of prehistoric urbanism, sharing features with small-scale urban polities in other areas. Understanding long-term change in coupled human-environment systems relating to these societies has implications for conservation and sustainable development, notably to control ecological degradation and maintain regional biodiversity.  相似文献   

In cooperatively breeding vertebrates, nonbreeding helpers raise young produced by dominant breeders. Although the evolution of cooperative breeding has often been attributed primarily to kin selection (whereby individuals gain "indirect" benefits to their fitness by assisting collateral relatives), there is increasing evidence that helpers can be unrelated to the young they are raising. Recent studies also suggest that the indirect benefits of cooperative behavior may often have been overestimated while the direct benefits of helping to the helper's own fitness have probably been underestimated. It now seems likely that the evolutionary mechanisms maintaining cooperative breeding are diverse and that, in some species, the direct benefits of helping may be sufficient to maintain cooperative societies. The benefits of cooperation in vertebrate societies may consequently show parallels with those in human societies, where cooperation between unrelated individuals is frequent and social institutions are often maintained by generalized reciprocity.  相似文献   

Keller L  Ross KG 《Science (New York, N.Y.)》1993,260(5111):1107-1110
Social insects live in societies that include both reproductive and nonreproductive adults. Understanding the factors that determine which individuals become successful reproductives is necessary to explain the evolution of these societies. The phenotypic effects of the gene Pgm-3 (or a closely linked gene) that may cause workers of the fire ant Solenopsis invicta to selectively execute all queens of a specific genotype were investigated. These effects, which involve differences in queen reproductive development, are expressed only in colonies exhibiting a particular type of social organization (multiple-queen colonies), and it is only in such colonies that selective execution on the basis of genotype occurs. This is an unusual example of genotype-environment interaction in gene expression in which the environmental component is the social environment. The queens executed are, surprisingly, those with the greatest reproductive development. Thus, there is a counterintuitive relation between the potential and realized reproductive success of queens in multiple-queen societies of this ant.  相似文献   

李利冬  顾鹏 《农学学报》2020,10(1):97-100
笔者从农科学会如何坚持政治引领,发挥行业特色优势,致力于乡村振兴,更好地为农业科技工作者、为“三农”服务发挥作用为出发点,结合16家农科学会党委工作总结,梳理各自特色特点,从“坚持党对农业科技社团的领导、坚持服务三农,致力乡村振兴、坚持团结凝聚广大农业科技工作者”3个方面进行简要探讨。针对国内社会组织中存在的问题,研究分析其因,提出了执行学会党建工作“四同步”制度、深化“党建强会”,推动乡村振兴事业发展、强化党建队伍等建议。  相似文献   

高校学生生态环保类社团是我国环境保护事业不可或缺的组成部分,是大学生思政教育的有效途径。当前高校学生生态环保类社团普遍存在成员流动性大、资金短缺、缺乏专业指导、活动层次偏低等问题,严重制约了社团的生存和发展。为此,南京农业大学绿源环境保护协会通过实施社会化管理、专业化发展、项目化运作等措施,整合资源、建设品牌,有效地推动了社团的发展,取得了良好的效果。  相似文献   

Wellman B 《Science (New York, N.Y.)》2001,293(5537):2031-2034
Computer networks are inherently social networks, linking people, organizations, and knowledge. They are social institutions that should not be studied in isolation but as integrated into everyday lives. The proliferation of computer networks has facilitated a deemphasis on group solidarities at work and in the community and afforded a turn to networked societies that are loosely bounded and sparsely knit. The Internet increases people's social capital, increasing contact with friends and relatives who live nearby and far away. New tools must be developed to help people navigate and find knowledge in complex, fragmented, networked societies.  相似文献   

北宋以来青弋江、水阳江流域人地关系与环境变迁   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
青弋江、水阳江流域面积广阔,地形复杂,灾害发生频繁。目前学界对于古代该流域下游平原地区的圩田开发与灾害关系已有一定的专文论述(1);对现代以来流域内水患灾害的研究也多有涉及(2),但对于近代以前长时段内整体流域内的人地关系与环境变迁的系统研究尚付阙如。  相似文献   

Cultural responses to climate change during the late Holocene   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Modern complex societies exhibit marked resilience to interannual-to- decadal droughts, but cultural responses to multidecadal-to-multicentury droughts can only be addressed by integrating detailed archaeological and paleoclimatic records. Four case studies drawn from New and Old World civilizations document societal responses to prolonged drought, including population dislocations, urban abandonment, and state collapse. Further study of past cultural adaptations to persistent climate change may provide valuable perspective on possible responses of modern societies to future climate change.  相似文献   

Indigenous ecologies in industrial societies need immediate attention in light of the ongoing debate on indigenous resource rights and decreasing biodiversity. This paper examines the functions and meanings of hunting, fishing, and gathering activities among contemporary Nez Perce Indians in Idaho, USA. The collected data were analyzed with Pierre Bourdieu's (1977) concepts of “symbolic capital” and “practice” within the framework of political ecology. The results clearly demonstrate that hunting, fishing, and gathering practices play significant roles not only in social and religious but also economic and political senses within the contemporary Nez Perce society. This study suggests that investigation of indigenous ecologies in industrial societies take a synthesized approach between idealist and materialist perspectives.  相似文献   

The competitive advantage of sanctioning institutions   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Understanding the fundamental patterns and determinants of human cooperation and the maintenance of social order in human societies is a challenge across disciplines. The existing empirical evidence for the higher levels of cooperation when altruistic punishment is present versus when it is absent systematically ignores the institutional competition inherent in human societies. Whether punishment would be deliberately adopted and would similarly enhance cooperation when directly competing with nonpunishment institutions is highly controversial in light of recent findings on the detrimental effects of punishment. We show experimentally that a sanctioning institution is the undisputed winner in a competition with a sanction-free institution. Despite initial aversion, the entire population migrates successively to the sanctioning institution and strongly cooperates, whereas the sanction-free society becomes fully depopulated. The findings demonstrate the competitive advantage of sanctioning institutions and exemplify the emergence and manifestation of social order driven by institutional selection.  相似文献   

滕漱清 《安徽农业科学》2014,(24):8431-8433
为了解现代农业社会的人口对气候条件如何进行选择,基于公元2000年的中国人口调查数据,利用空间统计模型分析了农业社会人口密度对年均气温和年降水量梯度的响应曲线.结果表明,从事农业活动的人口在地势平坦区域较为稠密,呈现东多西少、南北单峰的格局.现代农业社会的人口密度与年均气温、年降水量之间存在正态分布关系,人口倾向聚集于气温、降雨均适中的地区.笔者认为虽然人类自身存在对气候的选择,但在农业社会,人类与气候的关系主要取决于农作物与气候的关系,气候利于农作物高产的区域易于形成人口的聚集.未来气候变化可能引发农业社会的人口流动,随之而来的潜在社会机遇和问题需要政府管理与决策部门预先做好相应的对策.  相似文献   

This paper builds on previous research about the potential downsides of food sovereignty activism in relatively wealthy societies by developing a three-part taxonomy of harms that may arise in such contexts. These are direct opposition, false equivalence, and diluted goals and methods. While this paper provides reasons to resist complacency about wealthy-world food sovereignty, we are optimistic about the potential for food sovereignty in wealthy societies, and we conclude by describing how wealthy-world food sovereignty can be a location of either transnational solidarity or (at least) nonharmful forms of cooptation.  相似文献   

Data from 15 societies are presented showing substantial intersocietal differences of two types in susceptibility to geometric optical illusions. The pattern of response differences suggests the existence of different habits of perceptual inference which relate to cultural and ecological factors in the visual environment.  相似文献   

Life without war     
Fry DP 《Science (New York, N.Y.)》2012,336(6083):879-884
An emerging evolutionary perspective suggests that nature and human nature are less "red in tooth and claw" than generally acknowledged by a competition-based view of the biological world. War is not always present in human societies. Peace systems, defined as groups of neighboring societies that do not make war on each other, exist on different continents. A comparison of three peace systems--the Upper Xingu River basin tribes of Brazil, the Iroquois Confederacy of upper New York State, and the European Union--highlight six features hypothesized to be important in the creation and maintenance of intersocietal peace: (i) an overarching social identity, (ii) interconnections among subgroups, (iii) interdependence, (iv) nonwarring values, (v) symbolism and ceremonies that reinforce peace, and (vi) superordinate institutions for conflict management. The existence of peace systems demonstrates that it is possible to create social systems free of war.  相似文献   

集体经济的组织形式,在史前社会自然演进的历史顺序中循着“血缘家族公社一母系氏族公社一父系氏族公社一农村公社”的路径演进,在成文历史领域里,“以群体力量和集体行动弥补个体力量不足”的原始共产制经济思想和生产方式,自上古社会、中世纪至近现代社会从来没有消失过,中国的“井田制”、村社公有、亲族伙有共耕、邻里互助合作经济的沿袭和发展充分证明了这一点。本文通过梳理原始集体经济历史演进路径和脉络,阐明了集体经济的产生和长期发展是人类遵循适者生存法则自然选择的结果,而不是人们的行为偏好或意识形态的强制,集体经济的悠久历史证明了它存在的必要性和有效性。  相似文献   

论培养学生综合编程能力的几点思考   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
程序设计课程作为计算机基础教学的一个重要组成部分,已成为各高校非计算机专业的一门主要课程,本文就高等院校在计算机程序设计教学活动中如何尽快提高学生的综合编程能力,如何应对社会对人才的需求,从几个不同的角度论述了所应采取的策略。  相似文献   

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