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大豆叶片表面结构与蒸腾的关系   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
姜彦秋  黄峻 《作物学报》1991,17(1):42-46
用光镜和扫描电镜对大豆叶片进行观察的结果表明,气孔和表皮毛密度及表皮毛分布方式在上下表皮间存在差异。中层叶片气孔密度高于上层和下层叶片;而中层叶片表皮毛密度则低于上层和下层叶片。不同品种叶片表面结构状态有所不同。蒸腾速率测定结果表明,大豆多数品种蒸腾日变化呈单峰曲线,中层叶片的蒸腾速率大于上层和下层叶片  相似文献   

以紫阳富硒茶为研究对象,分不同季节及不同叶片采样,研究不同季节及不同叶片茶多酚和硒含量,为富硒茶采收与加工提供科学的理论依据。结果表明,茶多酚含量季节分布规律为春茶秋茶;硒含量季节分布规律为秋茶春茶;不同部位叶片茶多酚及硒含量分布规律为1~2叶片3~4叶片成熟叶片。  相似文献   

水稻根系分布与叶角关系的研究初报   总被引:48,自引:5,他引:48  
凌启鸿  陆卫平 《作物学报》1989,15(2):123-131
1983—1984年,通过群体水培、土培试验,在控制水稻根系不同分布空间形状情况下,研究了叶角与根系分布的关系,其结果主要表现如下:1.根系分布较深且多纵向时,叶角较小,叶片趋向于直立;根系分布较浅且少纵向时,叶角较大,叶片趋向于披垂。2.叶角的大小同时受叶片大小的影响,根系分布较浅且少纵向时,较大的叶片更易披垂,叶角更大,  相似文献   

水稻冠层垂直反射率模拟   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
利用1999年和2000年实测的晚稻冠层结构参数(叶面积指数、叶倾角、叶长、叶宽等)和叶片生物化学组分含量(叶绿素、蛋白质、纤维素、水等)实测数据,结合椭圆分布函数模型、PROSPECT模型和FCR模型,模拟水稻冠层垂直反射率,模拟值与实测值的相关系数大于0.98,均方根差RMSE小于0.05,从而建立了冠层结构参数、叶片生物化学组成等农  相似文献   

本研究选择秋冬季日光温室黄瓜为研究对象,利用参数化方法构建了不同株距和行距处理的虚拟冠层结构模型,并在与光分布模型和光合模型相结合的基础上,模拟分析了株行距改变对冠层叶片分布、光截获以及光合速率的影响。模拟结果显示,株行距的增加,促进了冠层对光的透性,对方位角朝向北部和行内的叶片的光截获有明显促进作用,也使得叶片在北部和行内的分布频率显著增加。从单株平均光截获来看,改变株距和行距分别使单株光截获量提高了34.78%和23.18%。通过将光截获模拟结果与光合模型相结合,得到了冬季栽培的最优株行距,即45.70 cm(株距)及43.22cm(行距)。与传统的40×40 cm株行距栽培方式相比,最优株行距略有增加。本研究结果为功能结构模型在实际生产中的应用以及作物栽培株行距最优化设计提供定量化的决策依据。  相似文献   

程锦  劳彩莲 《中国农学通报》2009,25(24):538-543
摘要 (目的)在模拟玉米三维结构的过程中,需要描述和表征其各器官的变化。叶片是其重要的器官之一,而叶片造型的主要任务是叶片中脉曲线的设计。(方法)本文采用对中脉分段的方法,根据各分段曲率参数计算出每段变形之后的端点,递推得到若干可用于描述叶脉特征的点列。为了获得玉米植株叶片中脉的三维形态,作者采用三维数字化仪测量了36株玉米群体中脉的空间坐标。(结果)基于测定的三维坐标数据提取了各叶片中脉分段的曲率参数值,并对曲率值按叶位进行了统计分析,得出用于描述完整植株的五类叶型和各种叶型的位置分布规律。并采用VC++与OpenGL库相结合的可视化技术,实现了玉米群体的三维真实感重构,并将该方法模拟出的叶面积与实际测量的叶面积进行了验证,得到R2为0.9975。(结论)采用叶片分段并且逐段计算叶脉弯曲的方法,在对玉米的三维结构的构建中获得了较好的效果,将为与形态结构相关的研究提供基础数据。  相似文献   

选取开花结荚期间光合性能及活性氧代谢存在明显差异的不同绿豆品种,以石蜡切片研究其主茎节位各功能叶片解剖结构特征,探讨其植株衰老过程中叶片解剖结构的动态变化。结果表明,绿豆植株开花后,随生育进程,主茎开花节位叶片自下向上逐渐衰老,叶肉细胞逐渐解体,栅栏组织排列趋向紊乱,叶片厚度、栅栏组织厚度以及栅栏组织厚度与叶片厚度的比值均趋于减小;不同绿豆品种叶片解剖结构的动态变化存在着显著差异,高产品种叶片相对较厚,栅栏组织较发达,结构较紧密,生育后期叶肉细胞解体较慢。综合分析表明,绿豆叶片解剖结构的变化与其产量水平是密切相关的,功能叶片较厚、栅栏组织较发达的绿豆品种具有相对较高的产量潜力。  相似文献   

玉米株型与冠层光合作用的数学模拟研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
于强  王天铎 《作物学报》1998,24(3):272-279
用数值方法,分析了直立和平伸两种株型结构在冠层光分布,光合作用分布,冠层光合作用速度、光合作用日变化和光合日总量等方面的差异。指出叶面积指数越大,太阳辐射越强、太阳高度角越大(在纬度越低的地区或赤纬越高的季节),把一般株型改造成直立株型的增产潜力增大。对于叶片光合效能较高的区域,季节或品种,直立株型的增产潜力也较大。植株由一组具有各种倾斜角的叶片组成。理想株型的叶片分布函数随上述环境的和生理的因素  相似文献   

擎天树茎叶解剖结构及其环境适应性   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
为了探讨擎天树茎叶结构对环境的反应,采用石蜡切片法制片,在光学显微镜下观察了擎天树茎和叶的显微结构。结果表明,擎天树茎及叶外部密被表皮毛,内部输导和机械组织发达;其叶片为典型的异面叶,由表皮、叶肉及维管束组成,上、下表皮均有角质层覆盖,气孔只分布于叶下表皮,为平列型;主脉维管束结构特殊,在近封闭的外韧维管束中还分布有3~5束周木维管束。茎与一般双子叶植物茎的结构相似,由表皮、皮层、维管束、髓及髓射线组成,次生构造中出现周皮;分泌道主要分布在叶片主脉各维管束之间及茎的髓部,而分泌细胞普遍存在于各薄壁细胞群中。擎天树的结构特征体现了对自身高大形体及旱生环境具有较强的适应能力。  相似文献   

大豆生殖生长各时期充分展开叶片的光合速率和叶片结构差异很大。鼓粒期叶片的光合速率、希尔反应活性、叶片厚度、单位叶面积及单位栅栏细胞中的叶绿体数目、叶绿体基粒的复杂程度、叶片可溶性蛋白质含量均高于结荚和盛花期的叶片,其中以结荚期的最低.单位叶面积光合速率的差异与叶片中栅栏细胞和叶绿体数目及叶绿体片层结构  相似文献   

孙芳华  陈新民 《作物学报》1994,20(3):282-289
利用太谷核显性核不育基因,开展小麦株粒重、株穗数和株高三个性状的轮回选择,研究群体改良的效果。经四轮选择看出:(1)株粒重增加8.25g,平均每轮增加2.06g;株穗数增加5.25个,平均每轮增加1.31个;株高降低8.82cm,平均每轮降低2.21cm。三个性状态参数的论间差异显著。(2)随轮选次数的递增,群体平均值朝着附合育种  相似文献   

Subapical ears are largely responsible for grain yield variations in prolific maize (Zea mays L.) grown under conditions favourable for the expression of prolificacy trait, but limited information exists on yield components contributing to yield responses. A field experiment was conducted to determine the yield components of apical and subapical ear in prolific maize after various pollination treatments at two plant populations. Hybrid Pioneer 3733 was grown in the perfect stands of 71 428 and 35 714 plants ha?1. Three pollination treatments were carried out: (i) free pollination; (ii) subapical earshoots were covered to prevent pollination; and (iii) apical earshoots were covered to prevent pollination. Grain yields of free pollinated plants were by 50.1 % larger at low plant population (265 g per plant) than at high plant population (177 g per plant) due to a 45.3 % increase in kernels per plant, whereas 1000‐kernel weight slightly increased by 3.3 %. These increased kernels per plant at low plant population were, in part, the result of kernel increments on apical ear (10.1 %), and mainly associated with kernels from subapical ears that did not occur at high plant population. At low plant population, the total grain yield per plant was reduced by 94 g (35.5 %) after the apical ear was bagged to prevent pollination, but only 52 g (19.6 %) when the subapical ear was bagged. When subapical ear development was stopped at low plant population, grain yield on apical ears increased by only 3.9 % as a result of heavier 1000‐kernel weights, clearly demonstrating limitations in kernel set and size. After grain development on apical ear was prevented, subapical ear enlarged to 80.3 % of maximum apical ear yield because the former had, on average, 2.5 % lighter 1000‐kernel weight and 17.5 % fewer kernels than the latter. Ears did not differ in row number when only apical or subapical ear was developed on plant, whereas subapical ears tended to have fewer rows than apical ears when both were present on the same plant. Our results showed that: (i) plant population affected all yield components on both apical and subapical ear except row number; (ii) the occurrence of subapical ear is triggered by achieving maximum potential kernel set on apical ear; and (iii) subapical ear is inferior in potential grain yield to apical one even when the latter was prevented from pollination.  相似文献   

玉米几个经济性状的基因效应   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
杨安贵 《作物学报》1982,8(3):153-162
用世代均数分析法研究了玉米单株籽粒产量、穗重、百粒重、行粒数、穗行数、穗数以及穗长7个性状的遗传。对8个亲本自交系组成的7个杂交组合进行了分析。每个组合群体都由 P1、P2、F1、F2、B1和 B2世代组成。同时用G.S.Chahal 和 J.L.Jinks(1978)提出的用  相似文献   

坡耕地高产玉米指示性状初探   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
阮培均 《种子》1997,(1):21-25
利用灰色关税分析.研究坡耕地玉米主要数量性状与产量(单株产量)的关系、结果表明:坡耕地高产玉米的主要特征是果稳长,行粒数多,穗行数和千粒重适中,果穗偏细.茎秆粗,叶片数适中,株高适宜,穗位低。  相似文献   

A. Ph. De Vries 《Euphytica》1973,22(3):445-456
Summary In the glasshouse the five spring wheat varieties Gaby, Jufy I, Opal, Orca and Peko were investigated for differences in number of anthers extruding during florescence. A maximum of 4 ears per plant was maintained. The mean of the absolute number of extruding anthers per ear varied from 105 (Peko) to 170 (Gaby). Also, significant differences were established in the absolute number of extruding anthers divided by the number of seeds set in each ear; this value ranged on an average of 2.27 (Opal) to 3.58 (Gaby). It is remarkable that a variety-ear number interaction manifests itself for both mentioned data: as far as Jufy is concerned the first developing ear produces least, whereas in Orca and Peko it produces most. No significant differences in this respect occur between the first 4 ears of a plant of the varieties Gaby and Opal. A simple relationship between number of extruding anthers and pollen donor capacity on the field could not be demonstrated.The flowering pattern and duration of ears and plants of these five varieties varies considerably. The mean flowering duration of each individual ear runs from 4.92 (Opal) to 6.35 days (Jufy). In addition to this a difference in flowering pattern is found, i.e. a certain number of days after the beginning of flowering Jufy appears to have turned out the smallest percentage of its total production of extruding anthers, while Opal had produced the greatest (Fig. 2). As regards this phenomenon, the first ear of a plant generally appears to lag significantly behind the second and third. Trying to explain these phenomena, on the one hand it was taken into account that in the case of varieties which extrude many anthers, florets of the third rank and higher will be more involved; these are not scored until later in the flowering period of the ear, which implies a proportionally smaller share for the first flowering days. On the other hand a slower or faster physiological flowering process is supposed.There appears to be a much bigger difference in outset of flowering between the first and the second ear of a plant than between the second and the third. For Jufy the first mentioned difference is bigger than for the other varieties. The mean flowering duration per plant of these five varieties varies (for 3 ears per plant) from 8.6 (Opal) to 10.7 days (Jufy).  相似文献   

In this study, the correlation and path coefficients between ear characters and grain yield per plant were determined in triticale under Mediterranean climatic conditions.
Weight of grains per ear and number of ears per plant were the most important direct components of yield. Characters like ear length and the number of spikelets per ear were not found to be the important component characters of grain yield. It could be concluded that among ear characters in triticale, the number of ears per plant and the weight of grains per ear are the most important yield contributing characters and these characters should get due consideration in future triticale breeding programmes.  相似文献   

施肥水平和种植密度对张杂谷5号产量及其构成要素的影响   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
优质高产的杂交谷子为我国乃至世界的粮食保障提供了有力保障, 但良种需良法配套, 为此研究杂交谷的最佳栽培条件。采用5因素二次通用旋转组合设计, 探讨氮、磷、钾、行距和株距对张杂谷5号产量及其构成因素穗数、穗粒数、千粒重的影响。结果表明, 产量与穗数、穗粒数显著正相关, 而与千粒重无显著相关。氮、行距、磷、钾对产量和穗粒数有显著影响, 氮肥和行距影响较大, 而磷和钾肥影响较小。行距、株距和氮对穗数有显著影响, 随着施氮量的增加以及株距和行距的缩小, 穗数呈增加趋势。施磷水平对千粒重有显著影响, 随着施磷量的增加, 千粒重表现先升后降的趋势。在研究的5个因素中, 施氮水平、施钾水平以及株距之间交互作用对穗粒数和产量有显著影响;施氮水平与株距之间的交互作用对千粒重有显著影响。该5因素与产量间回归关系极显著, 拟合程度较高, 可用于实际生产预测。使张杂谷5号产量最大的农艺方案为N施用量186 kg hm–2, P2O5施用量95 kg hm–2, K2O施用量60 kg hm–2, 行距23 cm, 株距13 cm, 预期产量为6 683 kg hm–2。  相似文献   

In six field experiments conducted over 2 years, the effect of one or two cuttings on grain yield of triticale (× Triticosecale Wittmack) were investigated. In addition, the relationships between triticale grain yield its components were analysed.
Grain yield of the uncut plots invariably exceeded the plots with one or two cuttings, regardless of the environment or year. The reductions in grain yield caused by one cutting ranged from 27 % to 60 % under rainfed conditions and 18 % to 20 % under irrigation. With two cuttings the reduction was 45 % to 70 % for rainfed, and 35 % to 48 % for irrigated conditions.
The yield components which most influenced grain yield of triticale under cutting treatment were the number of ears m−2 in all six experiments and the number of grains per ear under rainfed conditions. At the rainfed sites in 1989 cuttings diminished the number of ears m−2 mainly by increasing plant mortality. Nevertheless, at the rainfed sites of 1990 and at the irrigated site of both years, the reduction in the number of ears m−2 with cuttings was due principally to a lower survival of tillers per plant.  相似文献   

Changes in fertility of ears in monoculm summer barley after application of plant growth regulators
The effect of plant growth regulators (PGR) upon the structure of the ears in the monoculm summer barley Kindred Uniculm was tested during four years in pot experiments.
The influence of CCC + Ancymidol and RSW on yield structure of the whole plant and the ear which was divided in three parts (basal = 1.–5. spike internode, medial = 6.–10. spike internode, apical = off 11. spike internode) was measured. The application of PGR's in EC 32 increased kernel yield every year in a range from 11–21 %. Number of kernels were strongly improved while the thousand kernels weight remained unchanged. The increase in number of kernels in the apical zone was higher (26–64 %) than in the basal zone (0–10 %). Obviously "medial dominance" was reduced as the single kernel weight was the same in untreated plants.
The decrease of GA1-content was evident after application of PGR's. A correlation between GA1-content and plant height was found.  相似文献   

冬小麦生长后期地上部分氮素的氨挥发损失   总被引:23,自引:1,他引:23  
在拔节到成熟期,采用密闭生长室法直接收集和测定了种植在高、低两种肥力土壤上的冬小麦挥发的氨气。结果表明,进入成熟期后施肥处理的冬小麦地上部分的氨挥发速率和数量成倍升高,而不施肥的处理和生育前期相比无明显变化。同一植株不同部位的挥发量相差很大,下部衰老茎叶的氨挥发量明显高于生长正常的上部穗和旗叶。灌浆  相似文献   

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