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[Objective] The aim of this research is to explore the possibility of rapid identification of aphid damage to cotton leaves by identifying the hyperspectral image about healthy and aphid damage cotton leaves. [Method] Taking Xinluzao 45 as material, hyperspectral images of healthy and damaged cotton leaves by aphids were obtained, and hyperspectral image information was extracted from interested regions of different cotton samples. Then three descending dimension methods were used to extract hyperspectral feature, and Gray-Level Co-occurrence Matrix to extract image texture feature. Finally a cotton aphids damage diagnostic model was built up. [Result] The prediction accuracy based on all textural samples input Random frog-partial least-square-linear discriminant Function (RF-PLS-LDA) model was 91.49%. The prediction accuracy based on energy data input principal component analysis-loading partial least-square-linear discriminant function (PCA-Loading-PLS-LDA) model was 92.55%. [Conclusion] The second-order statistics (energy) of gray co-occurrence matrix can be used to simplify the model, reduce the computation and improve the stability of prediction. Based on the texture feature vector, the identification of aphid cotton leaves can be realized effectively, which provides a method for the rapid identification of insect pests.  相似文献   

利用新乡、灵宝、太康.南阳、虞城等县1980~1989年间共计15年次的棉红蜘蛛发生资料,建立了基于Fuzzy相关分析的棉红蜘蛛发生程度综合决策模型。对模型的预测效果检验表明,模型与历史实测结果的符合率最高达86.70%,1990~1991年对太康、郑州和南阳棉田红蜘蛛发生程度实际预测准确度达100%。  相似文献   

为了研究现有的一些棉花品种是否抗斜纹夜蛾与棉大卷叶螟,以及哪些性状与抗性有关。在2007、2009、2010年斜纹夜蛾与棉大卷叶螟发生较重的年份,调查了田间自然虫源下各品种的虫害发生情况以及棉花的一些农艺性状。结果表明,不同品种对斜纹夜蛾和棉大卷叶螟的抗性差异很大;斜纹夜蛾对转Bt基因棉花没有选择性,长势强、茎杆与叶片茸毛密的棉花斜纹夜蛾发生少,斜纹夜蛾喜食无腺体棉花;转Bt基因棉对棉大卷叶螟有较好的抗性,群体长势弱、茎杆细的棉花不抗棉大卷叶螟,鸡脚叶、亚红叶的棉花对棉大卷叶螟的抗性好于其它类型的棉花。抗虫性与诸多性状有关,性状之间的互作也起较大作用,近等基因系是抗虫性研究的最好材料。  相似文献   

[Objective] Dynamic prediction of crop yield using a crop growth simulation model is the focus of increasing research attention. [Method] Based on meteorological, cotton yield, and cotton phenology data recorded at Akesu in Xinjiang from 1991 to 2014, this study aimed to improve the accuracy of crop yield prediction by the COSIM model. The average sowing date for each study year, as well as multiple sowing dates during the suitable sowing period, was imported into the COSIM model, and the two yield prediction methods were compared and analyzed. [Result] The accuracy of both yield prediction methods was higher than 90.0%, indicating that the two methods showed good applicability at Akesu. However, the method using multiple sowing dates during the suitable sowing period showed higher prediction accuracy when cotton yield was dynamically predicted in each month and the actual sowing date was uncertain. [Conclusion] The two prediction methods based on the crop growth simulation model are suitable for prediction of cotton yield at Akesu. In addition, according to the characteristics of different forecast years, the appropriate forecasting method can be used to improve the accuracy of prediction. The results also provide a reference for dynamic prediction of cotton yield in other cotton-producing areas.  相似文献   

为进行柑橘病虫害的机器识别,提出了柑橘病虫害为害状特征的复杂性测度表达与病虫害识别方法。首先,对柑橘病虫害为害状主要色调区间[0,120°]进行长度为1°的等分割,形成120个色调子区间;其次,统计各色调子区间像素分布密度,以此作为柑橘病虫害为害状复杂性测度的结构性序列;再次,依据此结构性序列计算病虫害为害状统计复杂性测度,并将其作为病虫害特征值;最后,将Shannon信息熵和统计复杂性测度作为输入变量建立3层前馈神经网络柑橘病虫害识别模型来识别柑橘病虫害。柑橘蓟马、褐圆蚧、柑橘树脂病、糠片蚧各30个测试标本最低正确识别率、最高正确识别率、平均正确识别率分别为93.3%、96.7%、95%。试验结果表明,柑橘病虫害为害状的复杂性测度较充分地表达了柑橘病虫害的典型特征,能用此方法进行柑橘病虫害识别。  相似文献   

水稻病虫害的生存、发育和繁殖甚至大暴发流行都与气象条件密切相关。本研究系统总结了2000—2018年广东省化州市水稻重大病虫害发生流行与气象条件关系及其预测模型的研究成果,分析该项目创新与突破,并与国内同类技术进行了比较,旨在为未来水稻病虫害的研究和防控工作提供重要的参考。  相似文献   

黄土高原丘陵区红枣主要病虫害调查及预测   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
笔者调查了近年来危害黄土高原丘陵区红枣的主要病虫害种类,总结了黄土高原丘陵区5种枣树主要病虫害暴发流行的气象条件,建立了枣锈病和枣桃小食心虫的气候预测模型。用佳县近34年的气象观测资料对模型进行检验。结果显示:2个预测模型计算的发病指数所指示的不同等级病虫害发生概率与实际基本相符;典型灾害年份指数值大小分布与实际灾情轻重程度吻合。所建2种病虫害预测模型可用来预测黄土高原枣区2种主要病虫害的暴发流行程度,为防灾减灾工作的及时部署和开展提供参考依据。  相似文献   

滤纸片法筛选不同活性物对棉花黄萎病菌抑制效果研究   总被引:7,自引:1,他引:6  
[ 目的] 为了筛选对棉花黄萎病菌有效的活性物。[ 方法] 采用滤纸片测定了52种活性物对棉花黄萎病菌的抑制效果。试验结果的记载由分级记载法表示、直观图片表示和160倍显微图片表示。[ 结果] 结果表明,本研究筛选出了14种对棉花黄萎病菌抑制效果显著的活性物。[ 结论] 该研究为筛选对棉花黄萎病菌高效活性物及田间防治棉花黄萎病提供理论依据。  相似文献   

新耕作制度下河北省冬小麦病虫草害发生状况的研究   总被引:7,自引:3,他引:4  
为明确新耕作制度下河北省冬小麦病虫草害发生状况。通过对河北省山前平原、黑龙港和冀东平原32个点进行监测及农户问卷普查,分析了冬小麦主要病虫草害种类、发生特点和变化原因。结果表明:新耕作制度下,河北省麦田主要病虫草害分别高达15、20、21种,其中白粉病、纹枯病、赤霉病、蚜虫、麦蜘蛛和吸浆虫等为主要病虫,杂草以播娘蒿为主。麦田病虫草害发生特点为部分次要病虫害上升为主要病虫害、杂草种类变化复杂、部分病虫危害呈北移东扩趋势和小麦玉米连带受害现象突出等。综合分析其原因为新耕作制度的实行保护了病虫草害的栖息地,提高了有害生物的危害基数,加速了病虫草害在不同地区、地块的传播等。另外,气候变暖和抗病品种缺乏也是影响小麦病虫草害发生的重要因素。  相似文献   

甘蔗是我国主要的糖料作物,病虫害是甘蔗生产的最大威胁。近年来病虫害在云南的发生危害呈现出新的特点,主要表现为:一是常发性病虫害持续处于常发态势,二是次要病虫害上升为主要病虫害,三是病虫害混合发生,复合侵染,四是突发性危险性病虫害频发,暴发成灾。针对新特点从病源虫源、品种布局、气候条件和栽培管理等方面分析了其形成原因,提出了甘蔗病虫害绿色防控对策:一是严格执行甘蔗引种、调种检疫制度,选育推广抗病、抗虫健康种苗,二是完善甘蔗病虫害监测预警体系,提升安全科学用药水平,三是集成绿色防控技术模式,探索优化推广机制,四是建立健全应急防控机制,大力推进统防统治,五是创新科技培训机制,宣传普及植保新技术。  相似文献   

为快速传播并普及枣树病虫害知识,使用农业专家系统提高枣树病虫害诊断及管理效率,基于微信服务号公众平台,采用php脚本语言及mysql数据库开发出枣树病虫害专家诊断系统“JujubaExpert2020”。该系统包括病虫诊断、栽培历史及枣树资讯3个功能模块,核心功能为枣树主要病虫害数据库和专家诊断论坛。用户可以通过关键字查询及病虫害列表查询2种方法,快速获取相关病虫害的发生规律、危害特征和防治方法等信息。专家诊断论坛为用户及相关专家提供一个交流平台,专家能对用户提出的枣树病虫害问题进行在线诊断和解答。另外系统还整合了全国枣产业分布及相关产区的农业气象等信息,便于用户更好地了解全国枣树产业发展现状。该系统的开发有利于提高农户对枣树病虫害早期的识别诊断及科学管理能力,推动枣树产业信息化发展。  相似文献   

 2006-2007年,采用4个转CpTI基因棉花材料及其受体研究了转CpTI基因对棉花苗病、黄萎病、后期叶斑病及早衰的影响。结果表明:3个转CpTI基因材料苗病死苗率均低于其对应的受体材料。在6月底和7月初黄萎病的发生初期,转基因材料黄萎病发生较受体材料轻,7月中旬到8月底9月初,不同品种以及同一品种的不同生育期之间差异较大,转基因材料C连续两年病指极显著低于对照受体材料。与非转基因材料相比,转CpTI基因材料叶斑病的发生显著加重,早衰发生也加重。  相似文献   

Cotton is one of the major field crops which are seriously threatened by pests and diseases. In recent years, the ecological management of cotton pests and diseases with intercropping has become to be an interesting approach. Intercropping possibly increases the population of natural enemies and finally reduces the population density of pests as a result of changes in ecological structure and environmental conditions of farmland. Intercropping thus has been considered an important alternative in controlling pests and diseases. However, cotton field intercropping also has some limitations in controlling pests and diseases. Unreasonable intercropping system has many risks such as increasing labor input, increasing the difficulty of pests’ control, and aggravating pests and diseases. In this paper, the effects and the underlying mechanisms of cotton intercropping on cotton pests and diseases were reviewed. The possible risks and countermeasures used for ecological control of intercropping were also put forward, and the future and application of ecological management of cotton pests and diseases with intercropping were prospected.  相似文献   

[Objective] The objective of this study was to identify the stable quantitative trait loci (QTLs) related to Verticillium wilt resistance in cotton. [Method] In this study, a population of 111 recombinant inbred lines (RILs) strains was developed by crossing a highly resistant parental line "Changkangmian" to Verticillium wilt and the susceptible parent TM-1. The complete composite interval mapping method was adopted to detect QTLs by Verticillium wilt disease index in multiple environmental conditions and periods in Anyang and Verticillium wilt affected areas of Xinjiang. Simple sequence repeat (SSR) markers of polymorphism were screened for genetic mapping. [Result] The genetic map was constructed by 40 simple sequence repeat (SSR) markers, consisted of 12 linkage groups with total length of 212.5 centimorgan (cM). A total of six QTLs related to the resistance to Verticillium wilt were obtained. The likelihood of odd (LOD) values ranged from 2.51 to 5.55. The maximum phenotypic variation explained (PVE) 20.34%, and the minimum PVE 6.93% were recorded. Among detected QTLs, qVR-D05-1 was detected in both Verticillium wilt affected fields in Anyang and Xinjiang in July 2015 and July 2016 with PVE of 12.96% and 20.34%, respectively. [Conclusion] This study can provide a potential reference for mapping stable QTLs related to resistance to Verticillium wilt.  相似文献   

山西省冬小麦主要病虫害气象等级预报模型   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
气象条件是影响农作物病虫害的主要因子,且与作物的发育期密切相关,特别是在特殊年份,如果模型所筛选的因子中较常年有明显的改变,预测结果与实际结果相差较大,因此各预测模型都具有一定的局限性。为提高数理统计预报的实用性,需要采用多年的历史资料,同时在实际工作中应采用尽量多的方法进行预测,以最大限度地获得较高的预测准确率。本文以山西冬小麦的主要病虫害(白粉病、条锈病、麦蜘蛛)为研究对象,研究其发生流行的气象条件预报指标,并建立山西省冬小麦主要病虫害发生的气象条件预测模型,进行山西省冬小麦主要病虫害发生的气象条件预测。通过历史资料进行回测验证,历史拟合准确率达到90%以上,说明应用该方法所建模型在一般年份可以进行冬小麦条锈病、白粉病、麦蜘蛛的预测。  相似文献   

依据WTO规则和新疆独特的自然生态条件,明确提出新疆棉花环境保护计划内容。通过在国内外多地实地考察调研,并与相关人员交流,同时查询相关文献资料(含统计数据、网上信息和政府文件等),了解WTO棉花补贴规则和新疆水资源、风沙、土壤盐碱化以及病虫草害等特点。新疆棉花环境保护计划包括新疆生态水供给、土地荒漠化治理、土壤改良和病虫草害生态防治四项内容,并阐述各项目设立理由与具体方案。为避免黄箱政策补贴引发的国际贸易纠纷,作者认为在新疆开展棉花环境保护计划行动十分必要,但由于WTO对环境保护补贴有明确的前置条件,再加上我国棉花环境保护补贴存在总量控制的现实问题,因而在落实环境保护计划方案时,应把环境保护计划与WTO 的其它补贴规则作为一个整体统筹考虑。  相似文献   

[Objective] It has theoretical guiding significance for the comprehensive control technology of Verticillium wilt of cotton to explore the effect of potassium nutrition on mechanism of cotton Verticillium wilt resistance under the condition of pathogen stress of Verticillium dahliae. [Method] Three cotton cultivars Jimian 11 (JM-11 as susceptible cultivar), Zhongzhimian 2 (ZZM-2 as control cultivar), Nongda 601 (ND-601 as resistant cultivar) were adopted, and each cultivar had 0, 75, 150, 225, 300 kg· hm-2 potassium levels represented by K0, K75, K150, K225, K300. Two factors split plot experiment was designed under artificial nursery inoculated Verticillium dahlia, to observe disease index of Verticillium wilt, and researched resistance associated substances content and enzyme activity. [Result] (1) The lignin, total phenol contents and POD, PAL activity in leaves or roots of JM-11 were more greatly influenced by Verticillium wilt compared with ZZM-2, ND-601; the crucial disease resistance substances and enzymes were lignin, total phenol and PAL for JM-11, total phenol for ZZM-2 and ND-601. (2) The lignin, total phenol contents and POD, PAL activities of JM-11 were more sensitive to root potassium than ND-601, but weaker than that of ZZM-2. The sensitivity of POD, PAL activities in functional leaves of JM-11 to potassium were more sensitive than ND-601 and ZZM-2. (3) The best effect of potash fertilizer for relieving disease index for JM-11, ZZM-2, ND-601 were 32.5%, 26.4%, 16.5%, and corresponding potassium application amounts were 290.5 kg·hm-2, 253.5 kg·hm-2 and 229.5 kg·hm-2, respectively. [Conclusion] Application of potassium could increase the resistance to Verticillium wilt and reduce the occurrence of cotton Verticillium wilt.  相似文献   

梨园生草对果树部分害虫天敌的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
摘要:【研究目的】为研究梨园生草对果树害虫天敌的影响,【方法】采用3种生草方式和托盘法调查方法。【结果】结果表明,种植三叶草、苕子和自然生草,对保护害虫天敌都具有良好的效果,8次调查天敌数量之和,种植三叶草、苕子和自然生草依次为387头、300和149头;土壤清耕,不利于保护害虫天敌。梨园生草也为害虫提供了栖息场所,其中以自然生草的数量最大为3267头,以后依次为种植三叶草、苕子和土壤清耕处理,分别为2622、2026、122头。结果还显示天敌和害虫之间存在相似的消长规律。【结论】与梨园土壤清耕相比,果园生草有利于保护果园生物多样性,对保护害虫天敌作用明显,其中以种植三叶草效果最好。  相似文献   

为明确当前耕作制度方式下小麦主要病虫草害发生危害对小麦产量的影响,河北省安新县2014—2016连续3年进行了小麦病虫草害危害自然损失率试验。通过田间试验,基本明确了在当年小麦病虫草害自然发生状态下,小麦主要病虫草害杂草、蚜虫等的综合危害损失率为70%~87%,明确了科学植物保护措施在小麦生产防灾减灾中的贡献程度,为科学评估小麦病虫草害危害损失提供了参考依据。  相似文献   

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