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从以下几个方面系统地综述了国内外番茄黄化曲叶病毒病(TYLCV)的研究现状,包括黄化曲叶病毒的生物学特征、不同国家发生的黄化曲叶病毒种类、黄化曲叶病病征及该病的发病特点、流行规律、常用及主要的诊断方法、目前主要的防治技术.着重介绍了当前该病在中国各地区的分布及危害情况,并对番茄黄化曲叶病毒病的研究方向做了展望.  相似文献   

番茄黄化曲叶病毒病是一种严重威胁全世界番茄生产的病害,培育抗病品种已成为防治该病害的主要技术手段.番茄黄化曲叶病毒病抗性基因Ty-1和Ty-3为不完全显性遗传,本研究采用PCR技术,对来自于内蒙古包头市农业科学研究所的11份番茄抗病、耐病及感病育种材料进行了抗病基因Ty-1及Ty-3的检测,并对Ty-1抗性基因进行Taq I酶切.结果发现,11份育种材料中,材料3和材料7中含有Ty-1及Ty-3抗性基因,材料1、材料4、材料5及材料7中含有Ty-3基因,其余材料无抗病基因.研究结果对准确鉴定番茄育种材料的黄化曲叶病抗病基因,抗病育种材料的辅助选择及缩短育种周期具有重要意义.  相似文献   

番茄黄化曲叶病毒研究进展   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
番茄黄化曲叶病毒病(TYLCD)是一种灾难性的病害,可使番茄产量损失达100%,严重地影响了番茄产业的发展。其病原为单链环状DNA的双生病毒科番茄黄化曲叶病毒(TYLCV或TY),目前尚无可靠药物能防治,对其进行防治就要充分的了解和掌握该病毒的特点。因此开展本研究作者查阅了国内外大量的番茄黄化曲叶病毒的相关文章,从病原病毒的类型,发病特征,病毒寄主,传播途径及其防治方法等方面总结出了番茄黄化曲叶病毒的研究动态。本研究内容既可以为研究人员进一步研究番茄黄化曲叶病毒提供理论依据,也可以为生产人员提供科学、有效的番茄黄化曲叶病毒病的防治方法。  相似文献   

烟粉虱与番茄黄化曲叶病毒病发生关系研究   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
[研究目的]为了明确番茄黄化曲叶病毒病在陕西的发生范围、不同种植茬口的发病率、烟粉虱对番茄黄化曲叶病毒病,为病毒病防治提供理论依据。[方法]通过田间定期普查和人工接虫相结合的方法研究了烟粉虱在番茄黄化曲叶病毒病侵染循环中所起的作用。[结果]结果表明,从不同种植区域来看,番茄黄化曲叶病毒病在陕西番茄栽培区域普遍发生,其中渭南、延安、西安,咸阳等地区发生最重,平均发病株率52.3%,病情指数平均32.6,汉中地区未发生。越夏茬番茄平均发病株率94.8%,平均病情指数53.8,平均产量降低74.0%;秋延茬和越冬茬次之,早春茬为害最轻。烟粉虱发生期与病毒病发生期相吻合,烟粉虱在较低密度情况下发生后20~25天,田间出现病毒病流行;在较高密度情况下,发生后10~15天田间出现病毒病流行。单株番茄单头烟粉虱带毒,即可引起番茄浸染病毒,随着虫口密度的增加,发病株率及发病程度依次增加。烟粉虱在感染番茄黄化曲叶病毒植株上获毒15min后即可传毒,并能够引起23.9%无毒植株染病,获毒720min时,植株感病率高达95.6 %,传毒效率与获毒时间呈正相关关系。[结论]陕西关中地区为番茄黄化曲叶病毒病为害严重地区,越夏茬番茄发病最严重,其次是秋延茬和越冬茬,烟粉虱的密度、带毒率、传毒效能是传播番茄黄化曲叶病毒病的关键因子,有效切断烟粉虱的传播以及避开烟粉虱的发生高峰期是制定番茄黄化曲叶病毒病防治策略的科学基础。  相似文献   

赵玲丽 《种业导刊》2013,(12):18-19
番茄黄化曲叶病毒是一类具有孪生颗粒形态的植物DNA病毒,在番茄等重要经济作物上发生可造成毁灭性危害。通过采取全程防控措施,可有效预防病毒发生,减少番茄植株发病机率。  相似文献   

<正>江苏省番茄抗黄化曲叶病抗性育种取得了重大突破,目前已育成苏红9号、TY209等系列高抗番茄黄化曲叶病的番茄新品种。  相似文献   

江苏省番茄抗黄化曲叶病抗性育种取得了重大突破。番茄黄化曲叶病是世界范围内流行的一种毁灭性的病毒病,严重时减产可达100%。为此,江苏省农科院蔬菜所以抗番茄黄化曲叶病毒病育种为研究方向展开各项研究工作。在完成了江苏及周边省份该病害的病原分子诊断基础上,专家们目前已育成苏红9号、TY209等系列高抗番茄黄化曲叶病的番茄新品种。  相似文献   

<正>近些年来,多种作物的病毒病的发生与危害,已成为农业生产上的一个棘手问题,比如在南方稻区的水稻黑条矮缩病在部分地区暴发成灾;番茄的黄化曲叶病几乎在一些地区造成毁灭性灾害;以及辣椒、西瓜、花卉等作物上的病毒病危害,也困扰着人们获取高产丰收。病毒病一经发生,很难防治,可称得上是作物病害中的顽症,不可小视。植物病毒病中的病毒,大部分属于单链RNA病毒。其基  相似文献   

番茄黄化曲叶病抗病基因与抗病育种的最新进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
番茄黄化曲叶病毒病作为一种新型病毒病,已成为威胁各国番茄生产的主要病害之一。目前已经发现和挖掘的抗病基因有Ty-1、Ty-2、Ty-3、Ty-4和ty-5,只有Ty-1/Ty-3被克隆。关于番茄黄化曲叶病毒病的研究较为广泛,而关于植物抗TYLCV机制的研究和报道很少。本综述对黄化曲叶病毒病株系分化、相关的抗病基因、抗病机制以及病毒诱导及基因沉默技术的国内外研究进展进行了综述。  相似文献   

番茄黄化曲叶病毒病抗性鉴定技术研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
番茄抗病材料的创制及其准确有效的抗性鉴定方法是番茄抗病育种的关键.本文比较研究了烟粉虱侵染接种鉴定技术、分子标记鉴定技术和田间自然接种法对58份番茄抗黄化曲叶病毒病材料的抗性鉴定结果.结果表明:分子标记检测与烟粉虱侵染接种鉴定方法相结合可作为鉴定材料对番茄黄化曲叶病毒病抗性的有效方法;对含有已知基因抗源材料的分离群体,...  相似文献   

Tomato yellow leaf curl virus (TYLCV) is one of the most widespread begomoviruses transmitted by the whitefly Bemisia tabaci that cause tomato yellow leaf curl virus diseases (TYLCDs). TYLCD losses can be especially severe in open‐field tomato (Solanum lycopersicum L.) crops. TYLCV is particularly well known and widespread in the Mediterranean (Med) countries where TYLCD control is mostly based on insecticidal control of B. tabaci populations. Unfortunately, Tunisian B. tabaci populations include Middle East‐Asia Minor I and the Med species that have developed resistance to many classes of insecticides. Therefore, TYLCD‐resistant cultivars are essential for sustainable disease management. Six TYLCD resistance genes (Ty) have been introgressed from wild species into cultivated tomato and are available for breeding. Information on the Ty genes or gene combinations is useful for breeding resistant cultivars. To this end, 14 tomato lines carrying different Ty gene combinations and two susceptible tomato entries were evaluated for TYLCD incidence and severity in two field trials during late season in Tunisia. Entries with Ty‐1/Ty‐3 + Ty‐2 offered the highest levels of resistance in Tunisia.  相似文献   

Tomato (Solanum lycopersicum) production in tropical and subtropical regions of the world is limited by the endemic presence of Tomato yellow leaf curl virus (TYLCV). Breeding programmes aimed at producing TYLCV‐resistant tomato cultivars have utilized resistance sources derived from wild tomato species. So far, all reported breeding programmes have introgressed TYLCV resistance from a single wild tomato source. Here, we tested the hypothesis that pyramiding resistances from different wild tomato species might improve the degree of resistance of the domesticated tomato to TYLCV. We have crossed TYLCV‐resistant lines that originated from different wild tomato progenitors, Solanum chilense, Solanum peruvianum, Solanum pimpinellifolium, and Solanum habrochaites. The various parental resistant lines and the F1 hybrids were inoculated in the greenhouse using viruliferous whiteflies. Control, non‐inoculated plants of the same lines and hybrids were exposed to non‐viruliferous whiteflies. Following inoculation, the plants were scored for disease symptom severity, and transplanted to the field. Resistance was assayed by comparing yield of inoculated plants to those of the control non‐inoculated plants of the same variety. Results showed that the F1 hybrids between the resistant lines and the susceptible line suffered major yield reduction because of infection, but all hybrids were more resistant than the susceptible parent. All F1 hybrids resulting from a cross between two resistant parents, showed a relatively high level of resistance, which in most cases was similar to that displayed by the more resistant parent. In some cases, the hybrids displayed better levels of resistance than both parents, but the differences were not statistically significant. The F1 hybrid between a line with resistance from S. habrochaites and a line with resistance from S. peruvianum (HAB and 72‐PER), exhibited the lowest yield loss and the mildest level of symptoms. Although the resistance level of this F1 hybrid was not statistically different from the level of resistance displayed by the 72‐PER parent itself, it was statistically better than the level of resistance displayed by the F1 hybrids between 72‐PER and any other resistant or susceptible line.  相似文献   

Accessions of the wild tomato species Lycopersicon chilense LA 1969 and L. hirsutum LA 1777 which are resistant to tomato yellow leaf curl virus (TYLCV) in field- and in whitefly-mediated transmission tests were agroinoculated with a tandem repeat of the TYLCV genome. Large amounts of viral DNA started to accumulate in the agroinoculated L. chilense and L. hirsutum plants about 10 days after the agroinoculation. Yellowing and narrowing of the upper leaves were observed in the L. chilense plants but no curling as in susceptible L. esculentum cultivars. The agroinoculated L. hirsutum plants showed typical yellowing and curling of young leaves. These findings indicate that TYLCV introduced by means of agroinoculation leads to the breakdown of natural resistance mechanisms which prevent the replication, spread and expression of symptoms in resistant tomato genotypes.  相似文献   

Summary Sources of resistance to tomato-yellow-leaf-curl-virus (TYLCV) were investigated in 16 accessions of three Lycopersicon species and 55 commercial tomato hybrids and cultivars. All commercial hybrids and cultivars were highly susceptible. Accessions of L. hirsutum, L. hirsutum f. glabaratum and L. pimpinellifolium showed a wide range of reactions. Those of L. peruvianum, LA 385 of L. peruvianum f. humifusum exhibited very high levels of resistance indicating their potential use in local breeding programs. In contrast to earlier findings, back indexing showed that all symptomless genotypes in this investigation were carriers of the TYLCV.  相似文献   

Developing tomato breeding lines resistant to tomato yellow leaf curl virus   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Using controlled whitefly-mediated inoculation techniques, seven Lycopersicon chilense accessions, highly resistant to isolates of tomato yellow leaf curl virus(TYLCV) from Southern Europe, TYLCV-Sr, were selected. All exhibited similar levels of partial resistance, being symptomless and with low levels of viral DNA accumulation. However, a differential response to infection was found in interspecific hybrids with tomato and inbred lines derived from different L. chilense accessions, allowing a precise discrimination among them. This selection procedure which considers the expression of the resistance genes in the tomato genetic background led to the selection of two highly resistant F1 hybrids derived from L. chilense LA 1932 and LA 1938. A backcrossing programme was initiated, selecting for horticultural characteristics and TYLCV resistance, in field and controlled inoculation conditions. As a result of this programme, six advanced breeding lines (UPV Ty 1, 3, 6, 9, 17 and 53), exhibiting a high level of resistance to TYLCV-Sr, were obtained. Under high inoculum pressure conditions these lines suffered only 30-40% yield loss relative to non-infected control plants, and compared with 90-95% yield loss in susceptible controls. These lines also have horticultural characteristics appropriate for the fresh market tomato cultivation system in this area, and are a good base material for obtaining commercial hybrids highly resistant to different isolates of TYLCV.  相似文献   

河北省番茄黄化卷叶病毒的分子鉴定及序列分析   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
本研究旨在对河北省发生的番茄黄化卷叶病毒病的病原进行分子鉴定,并对其病原分子的变异和进化情况进行分析。根据已知的番茄黄化卷叶病毒(Tomato yellow leaf curl virus, TYLCV)基因组序列设计特异引物进行PCR扩增,对获得的特异片段进行回收、克隆和测序,而后根据测定序列重新设计引物扩增病毒样品DNA-A的近全长序列,并进行同源性比较及分子系统进化分析。结果显示利用PA1-F/R引物从采集的4个病毒样品中均扩增得到大小约为645bp的特异片段,DNA-A全长序列测定和分析发现4个病毒样品的全长为2781-2782个核苷酸,共编码6个ORFs。基因组比较发现,4个样品DNA-A与山东、上海、浙江、安徽以及日本、澳大利亚报道的TYLCV的同源性最高,均达99.0%以上,并与美洲、非洲及欧洲报道的TYLCV同属一个大的分支。研究结果表明在河北省采集的4个病株样本均为感染了番茄黄化卷叶病毒所致,而且极有可能同属于TYLCV-Israel株系的分离物。  相似文献   

Summary Tomato spotted wilt virus (TSWV) causes significant economic losses in the commercial culture of tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum Mill.). Culture practices and introgression of natural sources of resistance to TSWV have only been marginally effective in controlling the TSWV disease. Recently however, high levels of protection against TSWV have been obtained by transforming tobacco with a chimaeric gene cassette comprising the TSWV nucleoprotein gene. This report demonstrates the successful application of this newly-created TSWV resistance gene in cultivated tomato. Transformation of an inbred tomato line with the TSWV nucleoprotein gene cassette resulted in high levels of resistance to TSWV that were maintained in hybrids derived from the parental tomato line. Therefore, transformant lines carrying the synthetic TSWV resistance gene make suitable progenitors for TSWV resistance to be incorporated into the breeding programmes of tomato.  相似文献   

为明确番茄黄化曲叶病毒病(TY病毒病)与番茄叶片中各金属元素含量的关系,利用原子吸收分光光度计对不同品种及不同定植时间的番茄叶片中Mg、Ca、Fe、Mn、Cu、Zn共6种金属元素的含量进行了测定。研究结果表明,不同抗性水平的番茄品种的各金属元素含量存在显著性差异,番茄的病情指数与Mg、Mn和Zn 3种元素的含量呈线性负相关关系,且随着定植时间的增加,感病品种叶片中Mn和Zn的含量呈显著性降低。因此,在番茄生长过程中,为了抑制番茄黄化曲叶病毒病的发生,可对植株施加适量的Mn肥和Zn肥。  相似文献   

本研究旨在筛选获得与番茄黄化卷叶病毒抗病基因Ty-1紧密连锁的分子标记,为番茄抗病育种提供技术支撑。根据与抗病基因Ty-1紧密连锁的RFLP标记序列设计特异引物,以抗病杂合体(Ty-1/ty-1)、抗病纯合体(Ty-1/Ty-1)和感病纯合体(ty-1/ty-1)材料提取的DNA为模板,进行PCR扩增,而后经不同的核酸内切酶酶切处理,筛选获得与Ty-1基因紧密连锁的CAPS标记。结果显示从4个标记中筛选获得了2个稳定可靠的CAPS标记,即TG97和Mi23。TG97标记在抗病杂合体产生398 bp、303 bp和95 bp 3个特异片段,抗病纯合体产生303 bp和95 bp 2个特异片段,感病纯合体产生398 bp一个特异片段。Mi23标记在抗病杂合体产生402 bp和354 bp 2个特异片段,抗病纯合体产生402 bp一个特异片段,感病纯合体产生354 bp一个特异片段。研究结果表明TG97和Mi23这2个CAPS标记均为共显性标记,可用于番茄抗病育种的辅助选择中。  相似文献   

为明确黄龙疫苗(HB-1)对番茄生长生理特性及番茄病毒病、早疫病的防治效果,通过室内生物活性测定试验,测定不同浓度HB-1对番茄表观性状及叶片氧化物酶(POD)活性和丙二醛(MDA)含量的影响;通过田间试验,测定HB-1对番茄病毒病及早疫病的防治效果。结果表明,室内生测试验中,HB-1稀释1000、2000、3000倍液均可显著提高POD活性,降低MDA含量,其中2000倍处理条件下,POD活性比对照提高7倍以上,诱抗效果极为显著;HB-1在稀释1000~3000倍条件下,可明显提升番茄幼苗株高、茎粗和叶片数,促进番茄幼苗生长。田间试验中,HB-1稀释800倍液对番茄病毒病和早疫病防治效果分别达96.40%和70.30%。表明HB-1在试验剂量范围内对番茄病毒病及早疫病有很好的防治作用,且可明显促进番茄幼苗生长,诱导提高POD活性,适用于番茄病毒病及早疫病的防治,具有一定的开发推广价值。  相似文献   

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