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部分高粱转换系与不同高粱细胞质的育性反应   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
利用部分高粱转换系与具相同核背景不同细胞质的高粱不育系杂交,调查F_1代植株花粉育性和主要农艺性状,结果表明4种细胞质之间育性反应存在着明显的差异,A_1与A_2型细胞质之间差异较小;A_1、A_2与A_3、A_4型之间差异较大。A_1和A_2型细胞质与部分高粱转换系杂交F_1代的自交结实率之间的相关达极显著水准。A_2、A_3型细胞质对F_1代主要农艺性状的影响与A_1型对这些性状的影响无显著差异。A_2型细胞质可以在高粱杂交种生产中加以利用。A_3型细胞质与前两种细胞质的育性反应截然不同。找到了A_3型细胞质的恢复源和能同时恢复A_1、A_2、A_3型细胞质的材料。初步确定了能够鉴定高粱4种不同细胞质的鉴定系。通过对同核异质,异核同质育性反应的研究,表明4种细胞质完全不同,细胞质对育性反应起着决定性的作用,育性反应不因核背景的改变而发生显著变化,不同细胞质育性恢复机制不同。  相似文献   

高粱A3细胞质雄性不育的研究与利用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
高粱A3细胞质雄性不育系花药肥大,黄色,可散落出部分花粉,但散落出来的花粉无效,自交套袋不结实,雄性不育性稳定。大多数高粱品系对A3细胞质雄性不育表现保持,具有优良性状的多数品系可转育为A3细胞质雄性不育系,这些不育系具有丰产性好、育性稳定、抗败育等特点。A3细胞质雄性不育恢复源很少,只有极少数高粱品系能恢复其育性,恢复度在40%~95%之间。A3细胞质雄性不育恢复源少且恢复系难以选育,是A3细胞质雄性不育研究的主要障碍,解决高粱A3细胞质雄性不育恢复系的选育问题,是实现A3细胞质雄性不育利用的关键。此文主要对高粱A3细胞质雄性不育恢复系和A3细胞质雄性不育系选育及杂交种选育和应用、高粱A3细胞质雄性不育育性遗传表达等方面进行了阐述,以期育种者重视A3细胞质雄性不育的研究。  相似文献   

目前世界上被专家公认的高粱细胞质雄性不育系有 7种 ,7个不同细胞质核质互作雄性不育系统间育性反应各不同 ,其败育程度依次为A1→A5→A6→A2 → 9E→A4→A3 逐渐减弱 ,育性恢复按A1→A6→A5→A2 →A4→ 9E→A3 的顺序愈来愈困难。研究认为 ,除目前利用的A1、A2 细胞质雄性不育系外 ,A5、A6、A3 3个细胞质可用于生产。中国高粱恢复系 (A2 恢复系 )对A5、A6仍有较强的恢复力 ,可直接用于A5、A6系统杂交种选育 ;A5细胞质则可开发利用印度种质用于A5不育系、保持系选育 ;A3 细胞质则可开发中国高粱资源用于A3 不育系、保持系选育。A1、A2 、A5、A3 细胞质的利用 ,可最大限度地解除核质互作限制。极大地丰富杂交种选配范围及其遗传基础。  相似文献   

高粱A_1、A_2型核质互作雄性不育性遗传的初步研究   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
本试验表明,A_1型雄性不育性是由细胞质不育基因S_1与核内两对隐性不育基因ms_1ms_1 ms_2ms_2共同控制.A_2型雄性不育性是由细胞质不育基因S_2与核内一对隐性不育基因ms_2ms_2共同控制.相对的显性恢复基因MS_1MS_1 MS_2MS_2是独立遗传的,不存在累加效应,两对显性基因都与S_1存在互作关系,只要有其中一对就可实现对A_1细胞质不育系的恢复.A_2细胞质雄性不育系则只有MS_2MS_2基因才能恢复.MS_1MS_1基因在A_2细胞质遗传背景下失去了显性恢复作用,成为S_2的非互作基因.雄性不育的核质互作具有普遍性和对应性,保持系则具有多样性.  相似文献   

高粱 A_2雄性不育系的鉴定 Ⅰ.育性反应   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
1983~1985年间观察了3份 A_2不育系(A_2TAM428,A_2Tx624,A_2Tx3197)与140份品种测交 F_1的自交结实率。结果表明,A_1不育系的恢复系或保持系,基本上也恢复或保持 A_2不育系的不育性;但也发现某些恢复 A_1不育系结实性的中国高梁地方品种和国外高梁品系却保持 A_2不育系的不育性。这证实 A_2不育系的育性反应确实与 A_1不育系  相似文献   

A1Tx3197曾经是我国广泛应用的高粱细胞质雄性不育系,20世纪70年代末,由于高粱丝黑穗病病菌生理小种分化,该不育系以及用其配制的杂交种逐渐失去了对高粱丝黑穗病菌的抗性。同时该不育系小花败育日渐严重,制种产量极低,甚至造成绝收。为了改良A1Tx3197的抗病性及抗败育性,本研究利用A2保持系在A1位点含有A1育性恢复基因MS1MS1和在A1细胞质背景下表现恢复的特点,以不育系A1Tx3197为轮回亲本,以含有抗丝黑穗病、抗败育基因的BV4为供体,通过杂交和多代回交,得到含有双抗基因的A2类型细胞质雄性不育的保持系BSx3197(MS1ms1ms2ms2),在该材料自交的同时,用其对A2细胞质雄性不育系进行细胞核代换,经过多代回交和自交,最终育成了抗丝黑穗病、抗败育的A2细胞质雄性不育系A2Sx3197和保持系BSx3197(MS1MS1ms2ms2)。结果表明,新选育的不育系A2Sx3197在A1和A5细胞质背景下表现恢复,在A2、A3、A4、A6和9E细胞质背景下表现不育,丝黑穗平均发病率为0~0.8%,败育率为0~8.4%,抗丝黑穗病性、抗败育性明显优于被改良不育系,接近或达到抗源供体BV4水平;而在抽穗期、株高、穗长、穗宽、千粒重、穗粒重、粒色、壳色、穗形、穗型等主要性状方面与A1Tx3197差异不显著。  相似文献   

克男和光岛(1958)提出利用多年生野生稻(W_1,Oryza rufipogon Griff)选育细胞质雄性不育[ms-CW]的恢复系,证实可以通过花培将恢复基因(S)从W_1转移到栽培品种中去。以W_1(♀)和栽培品种So-mewake”(?)的杂种F_1代花药,通过培养得到2株具有深染色能力的再生植株,其中1株结实性上表现不育,而另1株(A_1)能育,并且它们的后代(A_2)同样显示出高结实性。以(A_2)植株为父本与携带有W_1胞性而雄性不育的栽培品种“Reimei”测交,结果F_1代具有高的育性,证实再生植株(A_1)具有恢复基因。从F_2和W_1(♀)/Somewake的回交一代(B_1F_1)等常规杂交后代中看出,花粉染色能力及结实性,具有广泛的变异,这不仅归因于细胞质而且也归因于杂种不实性基因。上述结果表明:通过花培途径能有效地利用远缘杂交选育恢复系,尤其是当它们受到杂交不实的干扰时。  相似文献   

目前世界上被专家公认的高梁细胞质雄性不育系有7种,7个不同细胞质核质互作雄性不育系统间育性反应各不同,其败育程度依次为A1→A5→A6→A2→9E→A4→A3逐渐减弱,育性恢复按A1→A6→A5→A2→A4→9E→A3的顺序愈来愈困难。研究认为,除目前利用的A1、A2细胞质雄性不育系外,A5、A6、A3 3个细胞质可用于生产。中国高梁恢复系(A2恢复系)对A5、A6仍有较强的恢复力,可直接用于A5、A6系统杂交种选育;A5细胞质则可开发利用印度种质用于A5不育系、保持系选育;A3细胞质则可开发中国高梁资源用于A3不育系、保持系选育。A1、A2、A5、A3细胞质的利用,可最大限度地解除核质互作限制。极大地丰富杂交种选配范围及其遗传基础。  相似文献   

高粱雄性不育系柱头生活力、小花败育与细胞质效应研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
研究了A1、A2、A3、A4、A5、A6、9E高粱雄性不育系柱头生活力、小花败育与细胞质效应。结果表明,不同细胞质对高粱雄性不育系柱头生活力不存在特殊的胞质效应,A4、A5、A6、9E型细胞质对柱头生活力的影响与目前生产上应用的A1、A2、A3型细胞质无明显差异,可在高粱杂种优势利用中应用。不同细胞质与高粱雄性不育系小花败育存在特殊的胞质效应,A3、A4、9E细胞质有极强的抗败育性能,在生产中应用可大幅度提高高粱制种产量和稳产性能,在高粱育种和生产中有重大利用价值。  相似文献   

高粱细胞质雄性不育系3197A(以下简称3A)柱头用恢复系5号(以下简称恢5)外源 DNA 处理后,授以保持系3197B(以下简称3B)花粉。F_1代部分植株可部分结实。F_2代分离到完全可育并对3A 雄性不育类型表现恢复的3197A(以下简称 F_3A),现已稳定遗传到 F_6代。除育性的改变外。F_(3A)保持了不育系3A的基本特征特性。以上试验结果初步表  相似文献   

偏型、粘型和易型小麦雄性不育系的初步研究   总被引:51,自引:4,他引:47  
调查了10种不同山羊草(Aegilops)细胞质的异质小麦品种 Chris 与1B /1R 小黑麦易位系77(2)杂交 F_1及回交后代的育性表现,结果表明:1.在同核背景下,山羊草不同种的细胞质在对77(2)的育性反应上明显不同,依此差异进行特定的质核组配,能得到更宜于培育杂种小麦的新型不育系;2.不同的不育胞质在同核背景下虽都能产生雄性不育,但  相似文献   

K. N. Rai    D. S. Virk    G. Harinarayana  A. S. Rao 《Plant Breeding》1996,115(6):494-500
Genetic background has a significant effect on the expression of cytoplasmic-nuclear male sterility (CMS) in pearl millet (Pennisetum glaucum (L.) R. Br.). Therefore, a reliable characterization of CMS sources requires the use of near-isonuclear lines and their hybrids. We used this approach to characterize five CMS sources (A1, A2, A3, Av, and A4). Male sterility of 81A4 was the most stable, followed by 81A1 and 81Av, indicating the relative merits of these CMS sources in breeding stable male-sterile lines. Male-sterile lines 81A2 and 81A3 were highly unstable, indicating their minimal value. Differential male fertility restoration patterns of hybrids made on 81AV and 81A4 suggest that the Av and A4 cytoplasms represent CMS systems that are different from each other and from A1, A2 and A3. An evaluation of topcross hybrids of 15 diverse populations made on 81A1 and 81A4 showed that each population had restorers and maintainers of both cytoplasms and that the frequency of maintainers of A4 was as high as, or higher than, that of the A1 cytoplasm. Thus, use of the A4 cytoplasm can substantially increase the probability of breeding stable male-sterile lines based on inbreds developed from diverse genetic backgrounds, and also provide the opportunity for breeding restorers from each of these diverse genetic sources.  相似文献   

小麦雄性不育育性转换相关基因TaG3BP的克隆与表达分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为揭示YS型小麦温敏雄性不育的育性转换基础,以该类型不育系A3017不育幼穗和可育幼穗为材料构建正、反杂交SSH-cDNA文库,从可育文库中筛选出一个与G3BP(Ras-GTPase activating protein SH3 domain-binding protein)基因同源的EST序列(GenBank登录号为DY543200)。以该EST序列的同源性比对和拼接结果为依据设计引物,在可育幼穗中扩增出一条1230bp的cDNA序列。该片段含有与G3BP相似的由409个氨基酸组成的结构域,与水稻G3BP的氨基酸序列同源性为79%,被命名为TaG3BP(GenBank登录号为GU475149)。利用Real-time PCR检测TaG3BP基因在YS型小麦温敏雄性不育系花药发育各时期中的表达模式,发现该基因在育性转换的关键时期上调表达,且可育条件下的表达量高于同时期不育条件下的表达量。进一步对TaG3BP在3种不同类型的小麦K型雄性不育材料的不育系及其保持系的幼穗中的表达模式进行半定量RT-PCR分析,结果该基因在保持系幼穗中表达量较高,在不育系中表达量较低。表明该基因可能在其育性转换中具有重要作用。  相似文献   

In order to characterize the cytoplasmic system in seven cytoplasmic-genic male-sterile lines (CMS; A lines) of rice, viz., V 20A, ‘Zhenshan 97A’, IR 46831A, ‘Madhu A’ (cms-WA), ‘Yar-Ai-Zhao A’ (cms-Gam), ‘Pankhari 203A’ (cms-TN) and Wu 10A (cms-bo) and their isonuclear maintainers (B lines), all possible crosses were made between CMS lines and maintainers (A × B) as well as between the maintainers themselves (B × B). Based on F1 pollen and spikelet fertility the CMS lines V 20A, ‘Zhenshan 97A’, IR 46831 A, ‘Madhu’ A possessing cms-WA cytoplasm were found to be genetically different from ‘Pankhari 203A’ (cms-TN), Wu 10A (cms- bo) and ‘Yar-Ai-Zhao A’ (cms-Gam) cytoplasms. Cms-bo and cms-TN cytoplasms appeared to be identical. Since the cytoplasms of the A lines are different from those of the B lines, the nuclear genes operating to cause the sterility might also be different in (A × B) and (B × B) crosses.  相似文献   

T. J. Zhao  J. Y. Gai 《Euphytica》2006,152(3):387-396
Most of the cytoplasmic-nuclear male-sterile (CMS) lines of soybean were developed only from a limited cytoplasm sources and performed not as good as required in hybrid seed production, therefore, to explore new male-sterile cytoplasm sources should be one of the effective ways to improve the pollination and hybridization for a better pod-set in utilization of heterosis of soybeans. In the present study, total 80 crosses between 70 cultivated and annual wild soybean accessions and three maintainers (N2899, N21249, and N23998) of NJCMS1A were made for detecting potential new sources with male-sterile cytoplasm. The results showed that in addition to the crosses with N8855.1 (the cytoplasm donor parent of NJCMS1A) and its derived line NG99-893 as cytoplasm parent, there appeared three crosses, including N21566 × N21249 and N23168 × N21249, with male-sterile plants in their progenies. According to the male fertility performance of backcrosses and reciprocal crosses with the tester N21249, the landrace N21566 and annual wild soybean accession N23168 were further confirmed to have male-sterile cytoplasm. Accordingly, it was understood that the source with male-sterile cytoplasm in soybean gene pool might be not occasional. The results also showed that the genetic system of male sterility of the newly found cytoplasm source N21566 was different from the old cytoplasm source N8855.1, while N23168 was to be further studied. Based on the above results, the derived male-sterile plants from [(N21566 × N21249) F1 × N21249] BC1F1 were back-crossed with the recurrent parent N21249 for five successive times, and a new CMS line and its maintainer line, designated as NJCMS3A and NJCMS3B, respectively, were obtained. NJCMS3A had normal female fertility and stable male sterility. Its microspore abortion was mainly at middle uninucleate stage, earlier than that of NJCMS1A and NJCMS2A. The male fertility of F1s between NJCMS3A and 20 pollen parents showed that 7 accessions could restore its male fertility and other 13 could maintain its male sterility. The male sterility of NJCMS3A and its restoration were controlled by one pair of gametophyte male-sterile gene according to male fertility segregation of crosses between NJCMS3A and three restorers. The nuclear gene(s) of male sterility in NJCMS3A appeared different from the previously reported CMS lines, NJCMS1A and NJCMS2A. The development of NJCMS3A demonstrated the feasibility to discover new CMS system through choosing maintainers with suitable nuclear background.  相似文献   

Summary The shoot fly, Atherigona soccata is an important pest of sorghum, and host plant resistance is one of the most effective components for managing this pest. Most of the hybrids grown in India based on milo cytoplasm (A1 cytoplasm) are highly susceptible to shoot fly. Therefore, the present studies were undertaken to evaluate different male-sterile cytoplasms (CMS) for their relative susceptibility to sorghum shoot fly. Oviposition and deadheart formation were significantly lower on the maintainer lines as compared to the corresponding male-sterile lines. Among the cytoplasms tested, A4M cytoplasm showed antixenosis for oviposition and suffered lower deadheart formation than the other cytoplasms tested. The A4G1 and A4M cytoplasms suffered lower deadhearts in tillers than the other cytoplasms. Recovery following shoot fly damage in A4M, A3, and A2 cytoplasms was better than in the other cytoplasms tested. The larval and pupal periods were longer and male and female pupal weights lower in A4M and A4VzM CMS backgrounds compared to the other CMS systems. Fecundity and antibiosis indices on CMS lines were lower than on the B-lines. The A4M cytoplasm was found to be relatively resistant to sorghum shoot fly, and can be exploited for developing shoot fly-resistant hybrids for sustainable crop production in future.  相似文献   

Male fertility restoration in new types of sorghum cytoplasmic male sterility‐inducing cytoplasms (A4, ‘9E’, ‘M35’), characterized by the formation of non‐dehiscent anthers, is difficult. Lines with fertility‐restorer genes for these unique cytoplasms do occur, but rarely, and when found tend to be unstable in their inheritance and expression. The aim of this research was to explore reasons for this instability. Seven lines in three unique cytoplasms, ‘9E’, A4 and ‘M35’, and six lines that restore with these cytoplasms were grown at the Agricultural Research Institute for South‐East Region in Saratov, Russia from 1993 to 2004. Levels of male fertility restoration and various environmental factors were recorded. It is reported that for sorghum hybrids in the A4, ‘9E’ and ‘M35’ male‐sterile cytoplasms, the level of plant male fertility is determined by the level of water available to plants during anther and pollen formation that which ‘switches on’ the expression of fertility‐restoring genes, and is possibly involved in an unusual type of male fertility inheritance in these cytoplasms. The creation of reliable line‐fertility restorers capable of the restoration of male fertility of F1 hybrids in ‘M35’ cytoplasm under conditions of water stress is also reported. Current research explore mechanisms involved possible in responses to water levels at various growth stages and their influence on fertility within these cytoplasms.  相似文献   

水稻广亲和品种对不同细胞质不育系恢复力的鉴定研究   总被引:11,自引:1,他引:10  
汤述翥  李国生 《作物学报》1999,25(2):137-144
选用BT型、HL型和WA型3种细胞质的不育系及相应保持系对16个广亲和品种的恢复力 进行测交鉴定,结果表明:(1)在同一细胞核背景下,BT型细胞质的可恢复性好于HL型细胞质,HL型细胞质又好于WA型细胞质。在同一不育细胞质背景下,釉稻不育系较粳稻不育系易恢复。(2)不同广亲和品种的恢复能力有较大差异:培矮64、培C311、轮回422  相似文献   

温敏型雄性不育亚麻的研究   总被引:14,自引:0,他引:14  
通过在自然条件下对亚麻雄性不育材料的特征特性和不育性表现的研究表明, 该不育材料农艺性状优良, 雄性不育特征明显. 温度对不育性有重要影响, 一定温度范围内, 高温能使育性提高, 结果率和结实率增加, 低温使育性下降, 结果率和结实率下降, 同时还发现不同材料对温度的敏感程度不同, 通过对杂交后代育性分离的分析, 表明几  相似文献   

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