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甜瓜根腐病病原分离与抗源鉴定   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
近年来根腐病在厚皮甜瓜设施与露地栽培中普遍发生,危害严重.试验对厚皮甜瓜根腐病病样进行病原菌分离和纯化,经培养、鉴定及致病性测定,证实分离的致病菌是甜瓜根腐病菌.以所获得的病原菌菌株作为菌种,制备病原接种体,采用幼苗离体接种法,对267份薄皮甜瓜种质资源进行根腐病抗性评价,结果筛选出16份高抗和20份抗病种质资源,说明薄皮甜瓜种质资源中蕴藏着对改良厚皮甜瓜根腐病抗性有潜在利用价值的基因资源.  相似文献   

1977~1986年对2108份小麦品种(系)进行抗根腐病人工接种鉴定,其中:抗病材料42份,中抗的114份,中感的761份,感病的1191份。  相似文献   

笔者应用一套比较完善的田间抗病性鉴定方法,对719份小麦种质进行了根腐病抗性鉴定;其中黑龙江省内种质184份,国外种质535份。对照品种为新曙光1号,该对照品种发病快,且严重感病;中抗对照品种为克丰2号。  相似文献   

应用一套较完善的田间抗病性鉴定方法,对2207份小麦品种进行了根腐病抗性鉴定,从中筛选出31份表现抗病的品种  相似文献   

大豆主要病害多抗性资源筛选鉴定   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
大豆灰斑病、根腐病和疫霉病是生产上主要发生的病害,对大豆的产量和品质影响很大,用抗病品种是防治病害的有效方法,抗病资源筛选鉴定是抗病育种的基础。因此,本研究对这3 种病害进行抗病性鉴定,旨在筛选出单抗和多抗资源。用人工接种鉴定的方法,对139 份大豆材料分别接种大豆灰斑病菌、根腐病菌、疫霉病菌,进行单一病害鉴定,发病后按每种病害的抗性评价标准确定每份材料的抗病性。结果表明,对大豆灰斑病和疫霉病表现高抗的材料总计为51份,中抗材料总计为80份;对大豆灰斑病和根腐病表现为抗病材料总计为102 份;对3 种病害鉴定为感病的材料总计为179 份。抗2 种以上病害鉴定结果为,抗根腐病和疫霉病的材料12份;抗灰斑病和疫霉病的材料14份;抗灰斑病和根腐病的材料16分。抗3种病害的材料7份。明确了在供试的大豆材料中对单一病害的抗源居多,抗2 种以上病害特别是抗3种病害的材料较少,因此,应合理的利用这些多抗性的资源材料。  相似文献   

在通过一系列预备试验获得一些与抗AEC离体选择有关的指标后,用9个小麦品种为材料进行了抗AEC突变体的离体选择研究,比较了不同途径的有效性,并找到了一条能获得突变体的途径。经过大规模选择,不同途径中都获得了数量不一的抗性愈伤组织。经鉴定,发现只在京红8号、欧柔的途径  相似文献   

大豆对主要病害多抗性种质资源鉴定   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
顾鑫  丁俊杰 《中国农学通报》2010,26(14):256-260
近年黑龙江省生产上大豆病害发生严重,已成为影响大豆高产、优质的限制因素之一,调查、发现、了解大豆生产上病害发生危害情况,筛选和培育抗病品种是控制病害危害的最经济有效途径。本试验大量收集了国内外大豆资源材料,分别鉴定各品种(系)对大豆灰斑病、疫霉病和根腐病的抗性,然后进行双抗和多抗性鉴定。共筛选出3份抗灰斑病和疫霉病的双抗资源,筛选出3份抗根腐病和疫霉病的双抗资源,筛选出2份抗病毒病和灰斑病的双抗资源。为抗病育种提供了宝贵的多抗亲本。  相似文献   

为了获得具有抗马铃薯晚疫病的品种,本研究以100份马铃薯种质资源为试材,采用室内离体叶片接种法和室内成株接种法进行晚疫病抗性评价,用高感品种Favorita接种后的症状为对照。室内离体接种鉴定结果为:‘CIP09-2’、‘CIP09-13’、‘DR-6’、‘DR-9’、‘花云’、‘R1R3’、‘云薯501’、‘R2’、‘BE13-3’等9份材料表现为高抗,占供试材料的9%;其它的15份表现中抗、44份表现抗病、23份表现感病和9份表现高感。欧氏距离类平均法聚类分析表明,聚为抗性品种的种质最多,其来源与马铃薯晚疫病的抗性没有太大关系。本研究对其中4份材料进行室内成株接种,结果表明:‘青薯10号’的抗病性高于离体叶片接种的抗性,为高抗品种;‘青薯9号’、‘2017ch-6’和‘费乌瑞它’抗性表现与离体叶片接种抗性鉴定结果一致。本研究发现所有供试马铃薯种质资源的抗性材料较丰富,可为抗病育种提供优质的亲本材料。  相似文献   

粗山羊草抗小麦白粉病基因遗传多样性的研究   总被引:17,自引:0,他引:17  
孔令让  董玉琛 《作物学报》1997,23(2):176-180
粗山羊草(Ae.tauschii(Coss.)Schmal.)是普通小麦(T.aestivum L.)抗性改良的宝贵遗传资源。本研究对来自伊朗、前苏联等8个国家和地区的78份粗山羊草进行了小麦白粉病(powderymildew)混合菌种苗期接种鉴定,表现免疫或近免疫的有45份,占57.69%;用一套白粉病菌菌株(共16个)对原产地不同的11份粗山羊草分别进行苗期接种鉴定,结果表明除Y168表现感染外,其它10份材料表现出各自不同的抗性反应,只有来自伊朗的Y219、Y221、Y225和来自的苏联的Ae37能抗所有16个菌株,而没有感染的毒性菌株,说明它们可能含有新的不同于15个已知Pm基因的抗性基因。利用完全双列杂交对原产地不同的5份粗山羊草进行了苗期抗白粉病基因的遗传分析,出现3种不同的抗性基因类型,来自伊朗的3份材料表现单显性(PmA)或双显性(PmA、PmB)2种类型,而来自前苏联的2份材料表现出不同于前两种类型的另一种单显性(PmB)类型。从而为增加普通小麦抗白粉病基因的遗传多样性奠定了基础。  相似文献   

豌豆种质资源抗根腐病鉴定及利用价值分析   总被引:6,自引:2,他引:4  
为筛选抗豌豆根腐病的基因资源,加速抗豌豆根腐病育种进程,选育适宜旱作雨养农业区生产的优良品种(系),于2008年和2009年在定西市旱农中心旱地试验田,采用田间鉴定的方法,对来自全国主要豌豆产区7个省(市)的78份豌豆种质材料进行了抗根腐病综合鉴定。结果表明,抗病等级为1级的较多,少数为2、3级。有4份材料各项筛选指标均较高,属抗病性强、丰产性好的材料。  相似文献   

A.K. Joshi  R. Chand 《Euphytica》2002,124(3):283-291
One thousand four hundred and seven spring wheat germplasm lines belonging to Indian and CIMMYT wheat programs were evaluated for their leaf angle and resistance to spot blotch caused by Bipolaris sorokiniana during three consecutive crop seasons, 1994–95, 1995–96 and 1996–97.Disease severity was recorded at six different growth stages beginning from tillering to late milk stage. Three crosses (M 3109 × Sonalika, HP 1808 × K 9006 and HD 2662 × K 9006) were made between genotypes with erect and drooping leaves. M 3109 was resistant, Sonalika susceptible while the other three lines possessed moderate resistance to spot blotch. Individually threshed F2 plants were used to advance the generations. Leaf angle and spot blotch resistance were recorded in parents, F1, F3, F4and F5 generations. Leaf erectness in F1 generation showed partial dominance. Evaluation of F3, F4 and F5 progenies(120–150) revealed that leaf angle was under the control of few genes that appeared to be close to three. Germplasm lines with erect and semi-erect leaves displayed lower spot blotch severity than those having drooping and semi-drooping leaves. Lines homozygous for erect leaf posture in F3,F4 and F5 generations showed significantly lower mean AUDPC than those with drooping leaves. A positive correlation (0.58) between leaf angle and AUDPC further indicated a positive influence of leaf erectness on severity to spot blotch disease. This revised version was published online in August 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

Spot blotch of wheat (Triticum aestivum L.), caused by Bipolaris sorokiniana (Sacc. in Sorok.) Shoem., is a major disease in South Asia. Popular commercial cultivars have low levels of resistance to spot blotch. Information on the inheritance of spot blotch resistance in wheat is lacking. Field studies were conducted in four wheat crosses, each involving a Chinese hexaploid parent with high levels of resistance and a commercial cultivar with low to intermediate levels of resistance to spot blotch. Data were recorded in the F2, F3 and F4 generations to estimate heritability. Field studies were conducted in three years (1992–94) at Rampur. Nepal, involving 150 lines in each cross. The spot blotch score was recorded as the percentage necrosis and associated chlorosis of the two upper most leaf surface. In the F2 generation three spot blotch readings on the flag leaf were taken whereas in the F3 and F4 generations four readings were recorded at 5-day intervals on the flag and the penultimate leaves. The highest disease score (HDS) and the area under disease progress curve (AUDPC) were analysed. Heritability (h2) estimates for spot blotch resistance were intermediate to high measured in terms of HDS (0.47 < h2 < 0.67) and also AUDPC (0.58 < h2 < 0.77) both in F3 and F4 generations in each of the four crosses. Heritability values were somewhat higher for AUDPC than HDS. There were significant negative correlations (r) of days to heading with HDS (-0.186 < r < -0.515) and AUDPC (-0.218 < r < -0.623). One-hundred kernel weight was significantly negatively correlated to AUDPC (-0.245 < r < -0.454) in all crosses in each generation. The results suggest that selection for resistance to spot blotch could be effective in the segregating populations generated from hexaploid wheat parents having different levels of resistance. Although AUDPC appeared to be a better measure to determine genetic differences for spot blotch in wheat, HDS would be adequate in screening trials for resistance to spot blotch.  相似文献   

Wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) cultivars for the warm regions of South Asia must produce high yields and possess resistance to spot blotch (Cochliobolus sativus), early maturity and high kernel weight. A study was conducted to determine the effectiveness of selecting for high grain yield based on a selection index for spot blotch resistance, maturity and kernel weight in four wheat crosses involving a susceptible cultivar and resistant genotypes. Initial selection of 40 progeny lines in each cross had been made using a selection index based on disease severity, days to heading and kernel weight as reported by Sharma and Duveiller [{Crop Sci 43 (2003) 2031}]. The five highest grain-yielding progeny lines from among the 40 lines in each cross, their parents and five popular commercial cultivars were evaluated in field trials at two sites in Nepal in the 2002 and 2003 wheat seasons. Multiple spot blotch assessments were made to determine the area under disease progress curve (AUDPC). Grain yield, thousand-kernel weight (TKW), days to heading and plant height were examined. The wheat genotypes in the farmer's field were also ranked on the basis of cultivar preference criteria by the local farmers. The 20 progeny lines always showed a higher (+11 to +125%) grain yield and heavier (+10 to +44%) kernels than their parents and a lower (−83 to −89%) AUDPC than the susceptible parent. The progeny lines showed 98–100% grain yield, 97–100% TKW and 66–78% AUDPC compared to the highest grain-yielding commercial cultivar. Based on the farmers' preference criteria for a desirable wheat genotype, the best progeny lines ranked from 3rd to 5th, whereas the two commercial cultivars ranked 1st (Gautam) and 2nd (BL 1473). Results indicated that selection was effective in combining adaptation genes present in a local cultivar with some level of tolerance to spot blotch and resistance genes from exotic genotypes, which translated into improved agronomic performance and disease resistance. The selection index and farmer participatory approach used in this study could serve as a guideline in breeding efforts targeted for high yielding genotypes for wheat-growing conditions in South Asia where spot blotch is a serious biotic constraint to yield.  相似文献   

The Inheritance of Resistance to Septoria Glume Blotch:   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
R. Ecker    A. Dinoor  A. Cahaner 《Plant Breeding》1989,102(2):113-121
The inheritance of resistance in common wheat (Triticum aestivum, L.) to Septoria glume blotch, caused by the pathogen Septoria nodorum Berk., was studied. Four quantitative parameters of resistance were measured: infection efficiency (IE) and disease severity (DS) on intact young plants together with legion size (LS) and length of latent period (LP) on detached leaves. The method of testing the disease reaction of wheat to S. nodorum on detached leaves was refined and standardised to minimize the non-pathological sources of variation. Four wheat cultivars were tested for their reaction to 11 Septoria nodorum isolates. Two of the cultivars were crossed for studies on the genetics for host resistance, using a single S. nodorum isolate for inoculation; parental, F1, F2 and F3 populations were analysed. Interaction between wheat cultivars and S. nodorum isolates was significant, but its variance component was quite small compared with the main effects of cultivars and isolates, The inheritance of resistance was mainly additive, with low to moderate heritability, apparently controlled by 3 to 4 quantitative genes, with indications of gene interactions. LS and LP were highly correlated, suggesting pleiotrapy for these two parameters of resistance. IE and DS (on intact plants) were moderately correlated to LS and LP (on detached leaves), apparently due to a partial pleiotropy or linkage.  相似文献   

不同小麦品种组合对小麦壳针孢叶枯病的抗病性鉴定   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
近年来中国小麦壳针孢叶枯病发生日益严重,为了寻找和发现该病的新抗性品种材料,通过人工接种法和病情分级法对44个小麦品种(系)及4个常规品种的抗性水平进行了比较和评价。结果表明,48个小麦品种(系)中对壳针孢叶枯病免疫的品种有8个,占供试品种的16.67%;表现抗病的品种有23个,占供试品种的47.92%,其中高抗品种19个,中抗品种4个;表现感病的品种有17个,占供试品种的35.41%,其中,中感品种8个,高感品种9个。病情指数和病叶率结果显著正相关(r=0.9817),表明二者均可用作品种的病情评价指标。研究得出,所测试品种中多数(64.58%)对壳针孢叶枯病表现抗性,这些抗性品种(系)为未来小麦壳针孢叶枯病的抗病育种提供了良好抗性材料,也为小麦生产品种的选用提供理论依据。  相似文献   

One thousand four hundred and seven spring wheat germplasm lines belonging to Indian and CIMMYT wheat programs were evaluated for stay green (SG) trait and resistance to spot blotch caused by Bipolaris sorokiniana during three consecutive crop seasons, 1999–2000, 2000–2001 and 2001–2002. Disease severity was recorded at six different growth stages beginning from tillering to late milk stage. SG trait was measured by following two approaches: difference for 0–9 scoring of green coloration (chlorophyll) of flag leaf and spike at the late dough stage (GS 87) and a new approach of leaf area under greenness (LAUG). Germplasm lines showed a wide range (7–89) for LAUG and were grouped into four viz., SG, moderately stay green, moderately non-stay green and non-stay green (NSG). However, very few (2.2%) lines showed high expression of SG trait, i.e., LAUG >60. LAUG appeared to be a better measure of SG trait than a 0–9 scale. Mean spot blotch ratings of SG genotypes were significantly lower than those of NSG genotypes at all growth stages. Two spot blotch resistant genotypes (Chirya 3 and Chirya 7) having strong expressions of SG trait were crossed with NSG, spot blotch susceptible cv. Sonalika. Individually threshed F2 plants were used to advance the generations. SG trait and spot blotch severity were recorded in the parents and F1, F3, F4, F5, F6 and F6–7 generations under disease-protected and inoculated conditions. SG trait in the F1 generation was intermediate and showed absence of dominance. Evaluation of progenies (202–207) in the segregating generations revealed that SG trait was under the control of around four additive genes. Lines homozygous for SG trait in F4, F5, F6 and F6–7 generations showed significantly lower mean area under disease progress curve (AUDPC) for spot blotch than those with NSG expression. A positive correlation (0.73) between SG trait and AUDPC further indicated a positive influence of SG on severity of spot blotch. The study established that variation for SG trait exists in spring wheat; around four additive genes control its inheritance in the crosses studied and there is positive association between SG trait and resistance to spot blotch.  相似文献   

Spot blotch, caused by Cochliobolus sativus (Ito and Kurib.) Drechsler ex Dastur, and heat stress are two important stresses of bread wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) causing substantial yield reduction in the warm areas of South Asia. These two stresses put pressure on at least 25 million hectares of wheat areas worldwide. This study was conducted to examine variation in physiological traits and its association with heat and spot blotch. Eleven diverse bread wheat genotypes were evaluated in replicated field trials under spot blotch epidemics and heat stress conditions in 2006 and 2007 at Rampur, Nepal. Canopy temperature depression (CTD), chlorophyll fluorescence (CF), chlorophyll content, percent disease leaf area, yield and yield components were recorded. Heat and spot blotch individually reduced CTD, CF, chlorophyll content, grain yield (GRY), and thousand kernel weight (TKW), with greater reductions recorded under combined stress. Genotypes showing lower GRY or TKW loss due to spot blotch also exhibited lower yield loss due to heat stress or combined heat and disease stress, suggesting an association between tolerance mechanisms to the stresses. The physiological traits chlorophyll content, CF and CTD showed higher correlations with GRY and TKW than with area under disease progress curve (AUDPC) suggesting their potential application in screening for heat and spot blotch tolerant genotypes. Genotypes with lower disease showed the highest values for chlorophyll content, CF and CTD. Our findings provide new information on the relationship of these physiological traits with spot blotch resistance and heat tolerance when examined in the same study. The physiological traits studied have potential application in integrative indirect selection criteria for improving spot botch and heat tolerance in wheat.  相似文献   

R. Ecker    A. Cahaner  A. Dinoor 《Plant Breeding》1990,104(3):224-230
The genetics of resistance to Septoria glume blotch (caused by the pathogen Septoria nodorum Berk.) in the wild wheat species Ae. longissima was investigated. The resistance was characterized by two parameters measured on detached leaves — lesion size (LS) and length of latent period (LP), and by disease severity (DS) under field conditions. Generations F1, F2 and F3, derived from a cross between two Ae. longissima accessions, were analyzed. The two parameters measured on detached leaves (LS and LP) were highly correlated, while DS was moderately correlated to both LS and LP. The mean LS and the mean LP of F1 generation indicated considerable dominance for resistance in both parameters. The estimates of broad-sense and narrow-sense heritability were moderate for LS and LP (0.21—0.55). Narrow-sense heritability for DS was high (0.77). Estimates of the number of genes controlling each of the parameters (LS, LP, DS) were between 2.5—3.2. It is suggested that the resistance is controlled by three to four quantitative genes with a partial dominance of the alleles for resistance. Indications for genie interaction were found in LS and in LP. A model of inheritance containing complementation between dominant resistance-alleles is suggested. Highly resistant Ae. longissima accessions are recommended as sources of germplasm for improving the resistance of cultivated wheats to Septoria glume blotch. The possibility of using dominant alleles for resistance in hybrid cultivars is discussed.  相似文献   

Diallel crosses (without reciprocals) were made among 10 different barley genotypes with genetic variability for spot blotch resistance. Forty‐five F1 hybrids and their parents were assessed for their combining abilities for the disease resistance. Three experiments, two in a growth chamber on detached leaf and seedlings tests and one in the field on adult plant stages, were undertaken using a randomized complete block design with five replicates. A mixed conidial suspension of nine virulent isolates of the pathogen was used for inoculation. Statistical analysis showed genetic variability for spot blotch resistance. Results showed that the cultivar Banteng, the Ethiopian line CI‐5791 and the Syrian line 79‐SIO‐9 had partial resistance in all experiments. General combining ability was significant, with either positive or negative values. Resistant genotypes show favourable GCA‐effects, and they could therefore be successfully used for breeding purposes.  相似文献   

A.K. Joshi  R. Chand  B. Arun 《Euphytica》2002,123(2):221-228
A total of 1,407 spring wheat (T. aestivum) lines of Indian and CIMMYT (International Maize and Wheat Improvement Centre, Mexico) origin were evaluated for plant height, days to maturity and resistance to spot blotch (caused by Bipolaris sorokiniana) during the 1994–95, 1995–96 and 1996–97 crop seasons. The frequency distribution of genotypes, based on disease score ignoring the growth stages, differed from the distribution in which disease score was assessed on a similar growth stage. Two crosses each,between `tall resistant × dwarf susceptible' and `late resistant × early susceptible' genotypes, were made. The evaluation of homozygous resistant lines in the F3, F4 and F5 generations of both crosses showed a wide range of plant height and days to maturity. These lines showed significant differences for plant height and days to maturity but did not show a significant difference for AUDPC values of spot blotch. The correlation coefficients for AUDPC versus plant height or days to maturity were weak, i.e., – 0.336 and 0.061, respectively. Results indicated that resistance to spot blotch severity was independent of plant height and days to maturity in progenies from these crosses.  相似文献   

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