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甜高粱抗倒伏性相关性状的配合力和遗传参数分析   总被引:4,自引:3,他引:1  
为了科学、准确地评价钳高粱亲本系,为杭倒伏甜高梁品种的选育提供理论依据,选用4个不育系,6个恢复系,按不完全双列杂交法组配24个杂交组合,对甜高梁杭倒伏性相关性状进行调查,分析研究其亲本系配合力和遗传参数。结果表明,除不育系间5~7节长度差异达到显著水平,亲本系间其余性状差异不显著;区组间和不育系与恢复系互作间,除主茎秆鲜重和1~4节长度外,其他11个性状差异达到显著或极显著水平。13个性状的遗传力均较低,除1~4节长度外,其余12个性状的特殊配合力方差均大于一般配合力方差。在甜高粱杭倒伏杂交种选育时,应当首先考虑节间长度与茎粗,其次考虑倒伏系数、重心高度比例与主茎秆鲜重,并且应当注重特殊配合力。  相似文献   

以优良玉米杂交种沈单16号(K12×137)为背景,以CMS为雄性不育细胞材料,完成了母本K12不育系同核异质体的转育,不育性稳定。因父本137不具备对核CMS的恢复能力,目前可采用掺和方案,以获得杂交种子的生产应用。  相似文献   

新选甜高粱不育系和恢复系的配合力分析   总被引:9,自引:2,他引:7  
采用不完全双列杂交方法分析新选甜高粱不育系和恢复系的配合力.结果表明,不育系中一般配合力较高的有A3R111和A1Tx623,恢复系中一般配合力较高的有甜C-1-1.A27050×甜C-1-1,A3R111×甜C-1-1是两个较优的杂交组合.加性方差与基因型方差的比值依次是茎粗>穗长>榨汁率>株高>鲜重>锤度>穗粒重.在杂交种选配时,茎秆产量方面应当首先考虑双亲茎粗的配合力,子粒产量方面应当首先考虑双亲穗长的配合力.  相似文献   

甜高粱茎秆含糖量遗传研究进展   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
甜高粱(Sorghum bicolor)是普通粒用高粱的一个变种。与粒用高粱相比,甜高粱育种研究进展相对缓慢,特别是茎秆含糖量高的亲本系创造比较滞后。开展甜高粱茎秆含糖量的遗传研究,对甜高粱亲本系选育及杂交种组配具有重要意义。本文从茎秆含糖量的评价指标入手,分别对茎秆含糖量的遗传与子粒产量及其他性状的关系、基因定位等方面的相关研究结果进行了系统地概括和归纳,并分析了当前茎秆含糖量研究的热点和亟待解决的问题。  相似文献   

高粱茎秆糖分的积累变化及遗传研究   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:4  
利用13对不育系及其保持系材料和杂交组合130B×1141B的F2群体,研究了高梁茎秆含糖量在灌浆期间的积累变化规律,估算了遗传相关参数.结果认为,不同不育系之间,不育系与保持系之间的茎秆糖分积累有所不同.育性不稳、自交结实率较高的不育系与保持系一样,在灌浆中期茎秆含糖量较低,随后含糖量又有回升,而正常不育系茎秆的含糖量在此期间保持较高的水平.灌浆后期少数不育系和多数保持系的茎秆含糖量较低.用F2群体进行的遗传分析表明,高粱茎秆中的含糖量和茎汁液含量遗传均符合一对主基因加显模型,其显性效应为负向.两者的主基因遗传率分别为62.97%和55.83%.据此,提出了在高含糖量育种上,选择籽粒成熟期茎秆含糖量高的材料,以及在杂交高代材料中对含糖量进行选择容易得到预期效果.  相似文献   

玉米多胞质雄性不育杂交种冀玉988的选育及利用   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
不育化制种主要在于保证杂交种子的质量及降低其生产成本。多胞质杂交种的利用主要拓宽胞质异质性,增强杂交种对环境的适应能力与防范小斑病菌新的专化小种的严重为害。本研究以优良玉米新品种冀玉988(6048×黄选921.6)为背景,以s组的s,M,R与21A及C组的Rb,Bb与Es雄性不育细胞质(CMS)为试材,将母本6048转育成同核异质体,不育性稳定。父本921.6对21A,s与R三种CMS具有强恢复性。本研究论证了多胞质杂交种在生产上利用的可行性。冀玉988已配制成具有恢复性能的多胞质雄性不育杂交种,可用于生产。  相似文献   

中国甜高粱资源与利用   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
高士杰  刘晓辉  李玉发  李继洪 《种子》2005,24(11):46-47
中国甜高粱资源374份,其中地方品种159份,选系(品种)207份,不育系和保持系4对.分布在17个省市区,从云南到黑龙江,从上海到新疆均有种植.通过异地鉴定和系统选育,培育和筛选适宜不同地区种植的品种;经甜高粱不育系和恢复系选育,组配青贮型和加工利用型甜高粱杂交种.  相似文献   

杂交稻抗二化螟的胞质遗传效应分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以一套6种细胞质的同核异质广亲和不育系和两套同质(野败型和印水型)异核不育系与恢复系蜀恢162和密阳46配组的F1为材料,测定二化螟的幼虫存活率、幼虫体重和田间水稻枯心率,分析了不育系的细胞质、细胞核和质核互作对二化螟抗性的遗传效应。结果表明,二化螟幼虫在同核异质不育系的矮败型“国广2A”、D型“国广4A”、印水型“国广5A”和K型“国广6A”上的体重显著低于在野败型“国广1A”和冈型“国广3A”上的;在国广4A和国广5A上的枯心率(12.9%和14.1%)显著低于在其他同核异质不育系上的。水稻枯心率在野败型和印水型同质异核不育系的2种不育系之间均表现出显著差异。同核异质不育系和印水型同质异核不育系对二化螟存活率没有细胞质效应和质核互作效应。同核异质不育系的质核互作效应(47.1%)和细胞质效应(29.4%)是影响幼虫体重的主要因素;细胞核效应(76.0%)、细胞质(12.1%)和质核互作效应(10.4%)都影响着水稻枯心率。野败型同质异核不育系的细胞核效应(78.5%)是影响幼虫体重的主要因素,其次是细胞质效应(17.7%);枯心率受到细胞核效应(58.5%)和质核互作效应(35.7%)的影响。印水型同质异核不育系影响幼虫体重和枯心率的质核互作效应分别是26.5%和66.9%;影响幼虫体重的还有细胞核效应(50.7%)和细胞质效应(21.9%)。  相似文献   

甜高粱辽甜7号(L0205A/LTR114)是以辽宁省农业科学院高粱研究所选育的不育系L0205A为母本,甜高粱恢复系LTR114为父本杂交组配而成的新品种。2008~2009年两年参加全国高粱品种区域试验,其茎秆含糖锤度19.1%,茎秆出汁率56.6%,生物产量68380.5kg/hm2,子粒产量3306kg/hm2,是生产燃料乙醇理想的能源作物品种。  相似文献   

种植密度对甜高粱生长发育、产量及含糖量的影响   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
研究了不同种植密度对杂交甜高粱辽甜1号的生长发育、产量及茎秆汁液含糖量的影响。结果表明,不同种植密度下株高、茎叶比、叶面积指数、叶绿素含量和茎秆含糖量在生育后期均存在明显差异;且产量受种植密度影响较大,甜高粱辽甜1号鲜株产量和子粒产量均显著增加。综合分析,种植密度为8.25万株/hm2较为适宜。  相似文献   

高淀粉高粱种质筛选及其研究利用   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
选择5份高粱不育系、16份高粱恢复系、及所配制的部分高粱杂交种,化验分析淀粉含量,不育系淀粉含量变幅在72.58%~77.84%之间,恢复系淀粉含量变幅在72.33%~79.93%之间,杂交种淀粉含量变幅在74.66%~77.61%之间。研究表明,淀粉性状在F1代具有明显的杂种优势,高粱籽粒淀粉含量在杂种一代多数介于双亲之间,有的倾向于高亲含量,有的倾向于低亲含量,有的杂种一代淀粉含量超过高亲,有的杂种一代淀粉含量低于低亲,利用高淀粉双亲,可以选育出高淀粉高粱杂交种。  相似文献   

In recent years, cytoplasmic male‐sterility (CMS) has been recognized as a potential danger to the stability of crop production and resistance to insect pests in sorghum. Therefore, the influence of CMS on the expression of resistance to sorghum shoot fly was studied at the ICRISAT, Patancheru, India using the interlard fishmeal technique. The experimental material consisted of 12 restorer, 12 CMS and the maintainer lines, and their 144 F1 hybrids. Shoot fly‐resistant CMS lines were preferred for oviposition and had more damage because of deadhearts than the corresponding maintainer lines. The hybrids based on shoot fly‐resistant CMS × resistant restorer lines were significantly less preferred for oviposition than the hybrids based on other cross combinations and exhibited the highest frequency (69.1%) of shoot fly‐resistant hybrids. The hybrids based on glossy and trichomed parents had the highest frequency (>90%) of hybrids with glossy and trichome traits, emphasizing the need to transfer these traits into both parents for better expression in the F1 hybrids. The expression pattern of trichome density, leaf glossiness and leaf sheath pigmentation in the F1 hybrids and their parents suggested that the interactions between cytoplasmic and nuclear genes possibly control the expression of traits associated with resistance to sorghum shoot fly in the F1 hybrids.  相似文献   

A comparison of two male sterility systems was carried out in wheat for hybrid seed production and hybrid performance. Seventeen hybrid combinations based on Triticum timopheevi cytoplasm were compared with their genetically equivalent CHA-facilitated combinations. The same set of restorer lines was used as parents in CMS- and CHA-based hybrids to maintain genetic equivalence. In the first experiment aimed at study of female line behavior and crossed seed production, the CHA treated lines showed significantly shorter heights whereas CMS lines were similar to the control. The two systems were equally effective in sterilizing rate. The outcrossing percentage of the CMS lines was almost twice that of the CHA treated lines. Thousand-grain weight of the crossed seeds on CMS lines was greater than on the CHA treated lines and control. On average, the germination percentage of seeds on CMS lines was double that of the CHA treated lines and the percentage of effective outcrossed seeds in CMS lines was 3 times more than that from CHA treated lines. The second experiment was conducted to examine the yield performance of the hybrids derived from the two systems of male sterility. A total of 40 entries including 20 hybrids and 20 parents were evaluated in the experiment. The mean grain yield of the CMS-based hybrids was greater than that of the CHA-based hybrids,the B and R lines. All the CMS-based hybrids showed significantly higher grain yields than their better parents whereas all the CHA-based hybrids, except two,showed no significant yield increases over their better parents. Possible reasons for differences in CMS- and CHA-based hybrid performance are discussed. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

Summary Simple sequence repeat (SSR) markers linked to quantitative trait loci (QTL) associated with resistance to sorghum shoot fly, Atherigona soccata resistance were used to characterize the genetic and phenotypic diversity of 12 cytoplasmic male-sterile (CMS) and maintainers, 12 restorer lines, and 144 F1 hybrids. The genetic diversity was quite high among the shoot fly-susceptible parents and the hybrids based on them, as indicated by high polymorphic information content (PIC) values, while limited genetic diversity was observed among shoot fly-resistant lines. The phenotypic and genotypic dissimilarity analysis indicated that the shoot fly-resistant and -susceptible parents were 73.2 and 38.5% distinct from each other, and the morphological and genetic distances of certain resistant and susceptible cross combinations was more than their resistant or susceptible parents. Genetic variability among the groups was low (10.8%), but high within groups (89.2%). The genetic and morphological distances suggested that the F1 hybrids were closer to CMS (5 to 12% dissimilar) than the restorer (11 to 87% dissimilar), suggesting that CMS influences the expression of resistance to sorghum shoot fly. The SSR markers can be used to characterize the homologous traits in sorghum germplasm.  相似文献   

高粱(Sorghum bicolor(L.)Moench)质核互作雄性不育类型有7种,即A1,A2,A3,A4,A5,A6和9E.对于雄性不育机理的研究以往都集中在A1类型上.本文运用SSR方法分析了高粱亲本622 A2,晋粱5号,它们的杂交种622 A2×晋粱5号,及其F2代323个单株的DNA,从60对SSR引物中筛选到与不育基因连锁的SSR标记Xtxp 65和Xtxp30,分别位于目的基因11.5 cM和20.0 cM处,其特异带型大小分别约为125 bp和250 bp.分子标记的有效利用有利于优良高粱不育系的选择,也为基于作图的基因分离奠定了基础.  相似文献   

The spotted stem borer, Chilo partellus, is one of the most important pests of sorghum, and host plant resistance is an important component for the management of this pest. Most of the sorghum hybrids currently under cultivation are based on cytoplasmic male-sterility (CMS). In order to develop a strategy for resistance to stem borer, we studied the traits associated with resistance, and their nature of gene action in F1 hybrids derived from resistant, moderately resistant, and susceptible CMS and restorer lines. The hybrids based on stem borer-resistant, moderately resistant, or susceptible CMS and restorer lines were equally resistant or susceptible as the parents for leaf feeding [Damage rating (DR) 5.8 to 6.6 vs. 5.9 to 6.6], and had significant and decreasing trend in deadheart formation (resistant CMS × resistant restorer lines < moderately resistant CMS × moderately resistant restorer lines < susceptible CMS × susceptible restorer lines), respectively. Proportional contributions of restorer lines were greater than those of the CMS lines for leaf feeding, deadhearts, recovery and overall resistance, stalk length, nodes per plant, stem borer holes per plant, and peduncle tunneling. The general (GCA) and specific combining ability (SCA) estimates suggested that leaf feeding score, number of nodes, overall resistance score, panicle initiation, recovery score, and stalk length (dominance type of gene action) have been found to be associated with resistance to spotted stem borer, governed by additive type of gene action, their correlation and direct effects in the same direction, and explained 65.3% of the variation in deadhearts, and thus could be used as marker traits to select and breed for resistance to C. partellus in sorghum. The parents having significant SCA effects for two or more resistance traits for either or more parents have also been discussed for their use in the stem borer resistance breeding.  相似文献   

One of the reasons of poor nutritive value of sorghum grain is resistance of its seed storage proteins (kafirins) to protease digestion. To reveal sorghum entries with increased kafirin digestibility, the sodium dodecyl sulfate – polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (SDS‐PAGE) of endosperm proteins of 10 lines [cytoplasmic male sterility (CMS)‐lines and fertility restorers] and five F1 hybrids before and after pepsin digestion was carried out. For quantitative estimation of kafirin digestibility the SDS‐PAGE banding patterns were scanned by laser densitometer. Significant variability for both individual fractions and total kafirin digestibility was found. The line KVV‐45, fertility restorer for the Indian ‘M35‐1A’ type of CMS, had the highest level of kafirin digestibility (30% and 25% of undigested γ‐ and α1‐kafirins, respectively), while in some entries 80–90% of kafirins remained undigested. Increased α1‐kafirin digestibility coincided with relatively high γ‐kafirin digestibility. High‐molecular weight kafirins (HMWK) (45 kDa and 66 kDa) resistant to pepsin digestion were found in some lines, the F1 hybrids had the same HMWK as parental lines. These data demonstrate possibility for isolation of sorghum genotypes with increased nutritive value by screening their flour for in vitro protein digestibility.  相似文献   

为了对光肩星天牛(Anoplophora glabripennis)雌虫产卵分泌物与生殖系统内各生殖器官内容物鲜重及组分进行分析比较。通过室内饲养产卵期光肩星天牛成虫采集其产卵分泌物及其生殖系统内生殖器官内容物,利用Bradford法、蒽酮比色法、茚三酮试剂显色法对其组分中蛋白质、可溶性糖、游离氨基酸的含量分析测定。结果表明:产卵分泌物鲜重与卵巢内容物鲜重差异显著,而与交配囊、受精囊腺体及侧输卵管萼内容物鲜重差异不显著。卵巢和交配囊内容物中蛋白质、可溶性糖及游离氨基酸的含量均显著高于产卵分泌物中蛋白质和可溶性糖的含量;侧输卵管萼内容物中蛋白质含量显著低于产卵分泌物中蛋白质含量、可溶性糖及游离氨基酸含量均与产卵分泌物中含量差异不明显;受精囊腺内容物中蛋白质、可溶性糖及游离氨基酸含量与产卵分泌物中含量差异不显著,其组分与产卵分泌物中组分基本一致。光肩星天牛雌虫受精囊腺为其产卵分泌物的贮藏器官。  相似文献   

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