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程聪荟 《种子科技》2020,(5):76-76,79
2020年春节前后,我国暴发新冠肺炎疫情,在做好新冠肺炎疫情防控的当下,为有效保障晋中市春播工作的平稳进行,坚持“早”字当头,不延误农情农事,分析了当前春耕农资用肥的工作重点,以确保小康之年农业增效、农民增收。  相似文献   

新冠肺炎疫情突发,党中央、国务院极为重视,作出重要部署,动员全社会的力量,采取强有力的措施,疫情防控工作正在有序推进。新冠肺炎疫情防控形势十分严峻,必将给经济和社会带来巨大的影响,农业生产也会受到冲击,目前从南到北春耕备播陆续展开,笔者仅就对种业的影响和应对之策提出一点自己的思考。  相似文献   

正2020年是一个特殊的年份,突如其来的新冠肺炎疫情是百年来罕见的重大疫病,是一场人类与病毒的战争,中国种业遭受史上少有的严峻考验。迎风破浪,砥砺前行,每一粒熬过冬天的种子,都可能有一个关于春天的梦想。1突发新冠肺炎疫情让种子产业遭遇罕见的"严冬"新冠肺炎疫情对种子产业最直接的影响有二:一是春节前后南繁基地离岛人员回不去,基地育种材料无人管理,南繁加代受阻,杂交测配工作无法完成。  相似文献   

周际  刘珂纯 《种子科技》2021,(1):111-112
新冠肺炎疫情的爆发给我国经济和社会带来了十分巨大的影响,种植业、种业、农产品加工业、花卉业等皆受到了冲击。为探究新冠疫情对于种子生产经营状况的影响,分析探讨了各类种子生产经营企业在疫情防控形势下遇到的共性问题,提出一些有助于种业公司克服难关的建议措施。  相似文献   

正近日,联合国粮农组织(FAO)以视频形式召开了应对新冠疫情确保亚洲粮食安全国际研讨会。四川省农业农村厅植物保护站以新冠疫情下如何为小农户提供农作物病虫害监测防控的远程数字化咨询服务为主题,作了典型发言。今年入春以来,受新冠肺炎疫情影响,四川省小春病虫监测防治工作遇阻。为保障四川省今年小春粮食生产,四川省农业农村厅利用互联网手段,建立"1+1"联系指导制度,统筹做  相似文献   

新冠肺炎疫情发生以来,潜山市共计确诊2例,治愈2例,自2020年2月3日以来,无新疫情发生,目前被划分为低风险地区。在严格的防控措施下,已全面恢复春耕生产。新冠肺炎疫情对潜山市茶叶经济短期造成了一些损失,由于茶叶是一种特殊健康饮品,长远来看对茶产业的变革和发展将是一个契机。通过政府的政策支持和广大茶叶工作者的共同努力,将使得潜山市茶产业经济拥有一个稳定的,长期繁荣发展的新局面。  相似文献   

2020年春节期间,一场突如其来的新冠肺炎疫情从武汉席卷全国。习近平总书记多次对疫情防控作出部署,各地快速反应,采取各种措施有效控制疫情蔓延。笔者通过电话、微信等形式,调研了四川、湖南、江苏、山东、内蒙古等部分地区的基层农业农村管理部门、农业企业、合作社、家庭农场、普通农户等主体,了解新冠肺炎疫情对春节期间农产品生产及供应的影响和农业生产经营主体存在的困难。临近春耕备播,农时不等人,就此提出加强农产品供应保障和有序开展春耕备播的有效举措。  相似文献   

<正>面对这次的新冠肺炎疫情,举国协力,共渡难关,农资人也是其中一支大军。近期,《农药市场信息》记者与河南省焦作市孟州市读者服务站崔战胜站长取得联系,就目前新冠肺炎疫情的情况,崔战胜站长表示焦作市孟州市的疫情仍然处于集中暴发期,当地的农资经销也深受影响,主要表现在以下几方面:一是对各接触性营业场所,包括农资经营门店,市场管理部门给予了暂停闭门营业意见,目前2月份实现正常开门营业不现实。  相似文献   

正近日,2020上半年中国农产品电商高层分析会在北京召开。由于新冠肺炎疫情防控的原因,会议通过网络视频的形式举行。参会者普遍表示,上半年新冠肺炎疫情来袭让不少行业受到冲击,为农产品电商的发展带来变数,但同时也加快了农产品供应的数字化进程,在国内疫情得到控制后,农产品电商将得到快速发展。“2020年疫情发生以来,数字农产品电商同比增长超过50%,成为拉动农村经济增长的重要途径”,农业农村部市场与信息化司信息化推进处副处长王耀宗在分析会上表示。  相似文献   

正全球疫情大暴发下的我国农药市场走向与世界经济、国际油价、国际粮价、出口贸易、供求关系等因素关系密切,市场需求、价格、贸易等都出现了不同的情况。今年以来,国内农药市场的情况如何?哪些因素将影响农药市场?未来走向何方……当前,新冠肺炎疫情已在全球200多个国家和地区蔓延,在全世界出现大暴发态势。近期发布的新冠疫情最新统  相似文献   

2020年以来全国各个高校积极开展线上教学。如何做好线上教学且达到与线下教学同质同效是每个教学工作者需要思考的问题。以"烟草仪器分析"为例,从线上授课前中后3个方面阐述线上教学设计的整个过程。从该课程实践中得出,授课前要选好平台,授课中要做好思政教育和师生互动,授课后要做到有效监督。以上线上教学方法获得较好的教学效果。今后将从线上线下混合式教学和视频制作模式2个方面持续改进教学效果。  相似文献   

互联网的兴起改变了人类文明的传播速度,也正在潜移默化地启动了现代教育的变革。高校教学是一个复杂的教育网络,学科的差异致使基于学科的教学方法出现了截然不同的反差。而互联网的出现,使得高校课堂出现了前所未有的同质化改革方向,然而在推动高校不同学科课堂教学改革的步伐上,却出现了大相径庭的结果。食品学科作为高等教育轻工类一个重要的分支,基于互联网教学的浪潮,开展互动研讨式的课程实践,对推动成果导向教育(OBE)理念、深化高校食品学科的课程创新、探索食品学科课程教学新模式具有重要的实践意义。  相似文献   

Later-life migrants, as older people living away from their home nations, occupy multiply-precarious positions in relation to national COVID-19 pandemic responses. Concern has particularly centred on this group's increased risk of social and linguistic exclusion. We explore the perspectives of later-life older Chinese and Koreans living in New Zealand during the nation's COVID-19 lockdown of 2020. This paper presents a sub-analysis of culturally-matched interviews conducted with 3 Korean and 5 Chinese later-life migrants. These participants are a sub-sample of a larger qualitative interview study comprising 44 interviews. A social capital approach has been used to aid conceptualisation of participants' experiences and a reflexive thematic approach guided analysis. Despite their underrepresentation in national response efforts, Chinese and Korean later-life migrants resourcefully participated in ethnically-specific pandemic initiatives. Three themes identified were: (1) taking it seriously (2) already digitally literate (3) challenges and difficulties. Older Asian migrants engaged in a range of creative strategies to stay connected during COVID-19 lockdowns which drew heavily on pre-existing social capital. Future pandemic responses should seek to improve connectedness between the national government COVID-19 response and older Korean and Chinese later-life migrants.  相似文献   

为提高网络教学过程中“食品标准与法规”课程线上教学质量,探寻适合的线上教学方法,基于超星学习通平台和腾讯会议线上授课的现状,提出了一套“食品标准与法规”课程成绩评定体系,依据课前、课中和课后的多维度多组合评定平时成绩和过程成绩,并结合期末考试成绩作为课程的最终成绩。结果表明,线上教学成绩评定体系在教学过程中的实施效果显著,该成绩评定体系能有效促进学生在“食品标准与法规”课程中的自主学习行为,可为其他高校课程网络教学提供一定的参考。  相似文献   

新时代教育背景下,加强高等院校思政教育已成为各方共识,然而目前高等院校“农产品加工工艺学”课程教学中未形成鲜明的思政教育体系。从高等院校“农产品加工工艺学”的教学现状出发,挖掘课程中的思政教育元素,结合课堂设计、微课授课模式及第二课堂,建立“思政教育”与“农产品加工工艺学”相结合的课程教学体系,有助于培养满足现代食品行业需求的高素质专业人才。  相似文献   

在全国人民抗击“新冠疫情”的特殊时期,响应“停课不停学”的号召,积极开展线上教学。从线上教学平台的利用、教学资料的整合、线上教学方案的设计、教师自我成长及学生学习效果的评价方式等方面进行探索。  相似文献   

The aim of this paper is to discuss how community relational economic practices in virtual spaces are effective in building resilience because they are borne of and sustained by familiar traditional Fijian values of collective work and social interdependence. The researchers adopted a pandemic-induced methodology, conducting online-based talanoa (fluid conversations between two or more people) with a number of people leading, or involved in, these initiatives. We also engaged with online community groups behind a number of initiatives. Examples are provided of online crowdfunding, livestreaming of concerts to solicit donations, and bartering facilitated by social media sites. To conclude, we stress the enduring nature of communal bonds and traditional systems which Pacific people readily adapt and translate into different forums and forms in the face of challenges such as the restrictions and financial hardships caused by COVID-19. The findings highlight that solesolevaki – a tradition of working together for a common cause – can also occur in the digital era: this demonstrates the deep connection of Fijian peoples and their sense of obligation to one another and to their culture, regardless of where they are in the world.  相似文献   

Well-being is increasingly being promoted and used to describe social progress. However, tension exists between framings that focus on enhancing individual well-being (living well) and societal or collective framings of well-being (living well together). Well-being is central to Aotearoa New Zealand's COVID-19 response and recovery. The COVID-19 pandemic reopened debates about what kind of society people want to live in. Our research explored the ‘shared typical’ or commonality of experiences of the first wave of COVID-19 response in Aotearoa New Zealand. Semi-structured interviews provided insights into a wide range of concerns participants faced and what that meant for their well-being and the well-being of Aotearoa New Zealand. We found that well-being is both multidimensional and hierarchical, and while people talked about their own well-being, it was often in the context of broader social well-being. These findings support research showing that well-being is relational. We suggest that Indigenous models of well-being are well placed to inform policy strategies enabling holistic well-being, but this needs to be done in ways that pair Indigenous and Western knowledge, rather than integrating or assimilating this knowledge into Western science approaches.  相似文献   

By examining China's province-level data, this paper uses governmental intervention theory to investigate the extent to which governmental policy interventions alleviate the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on local economic growth. Results suggest that stronger government intervention during COVID-19 pandemic boost the economic recovery, and the effectiveness of governmental policy interventions is contingent on pandemic severity and local economic endowment. Specifically, facilitating effect of government intervention on economic growth is effective in all provinces, and the impact of government intervention is more pronounced in the province with more diagnosed cases, a high level of marketization and fiscal income.  相似文献   

从食品保藏学课程教学内容的调整、教学条件的改善、理论教学方法、教学手段、实践教学的改革等方面进行了改革探索,以期为高等农业院校建立科学的教学模式提供参考。  相似文献   

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