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腊梅楔插靠接法是笔者参考切腹接试验而成的。它与切腹接最大的不同是砧木和接穗颠倒了位置,切腹接的砧木变成了楔插靠接的接穗,而接穗则变成了楔插靠接的砧木(如图),嫁接后效果奇佳。操作方法是:在靠接部位将与接穗等粗的砧木削成一面稍长的楔形,长1.5~2厘米。再将接穗由下而上切一鸡嘴形切口,口长稍长于砧木楔形长削  相似文献   

西鹃生长慢、株型小,大都采用高接法繁殖,以获得较大的植株。嫁接西鹃按时间可分为春接、夏接和秋接;按砧穗形式可分为老枝接老枝、新枝接新枝和老枝接新枝,其中以新枝接新枝成活率最高,愈合时间最短。嫁接方法有切接、劈接、腹接和靠接等。在砧木粗于接穗时,一般采用切接或腹接;在砧穗等粗时采用劈接;西鹃新枝嫁接方法简单,成活率高,靠接一般较少采用,但可用自身靠接进行造型补缺和繁殖名贵品种。其中以切接法使用最多,以植株顶端、强枝、新枝部位的嫁接为最好。如何把诸因素有机地结合起来,便是嫁接成功的关键。西鹃嫁接,砧木一般多采用大叶毛鹃,株型较好的夏鹃也可以,但接穗品种必须与夏鹃长势相同,如‘王冠’、‘寒柏牡丹’等,不宜选用长  相似文献   

GFRP抗浮锚杆在基础底板中的锚固性能现场试验研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
通过现场拉拔破坏性试验,测得不同直径的GFRP抗浮锚杆在基础底板内的极限承载力和滑移量,并与实际工程中不同形式的钢筋抗浮锚杆作比较,分析其承载性能和粘结特性。研究表明,在相同的混凝土强度与养护条件下,相同直径的GFRP抗浮锚杆的极限承载力、平均粘结强度与钢筋抗浮锚杆相比较高,且GFRP抗浮锚杆的变形能够满足实际工程需求,充分验证了GFRP材料用作抗浮锚杆的先进性与合理性。基于试验结果与理论分析,给出了GFRP抗浮锚杆与基础底板的最佳锚固面积,并提出了计算公式。  相似文献   

体育馆大跨度预应力次梁楼盖竖向振动模态分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
以重庆市铜梁县新城核心区小学建设项目3#楼(体育馆)工程为背景,对其大跨度预应力次梁楼盖竖向振动模态进行模拟分析,并与实测结果相比较,评价其控制竖向振动舒适度的效果。根据建模思路精确建立的该大跨楼盖有限元模型,其模态分析结果与模态实测结果接近,相对误差约为5%;模拟分析及工程实测结果表明,该大跨楼盖前三阶振型均以竖向振动为主,结构自振基频满足我国现行相关规范的要求,竖向振动舒适度符合标准;与无底板的大跨次梁楼盖相比,增加底板后,其增幅最小的一阶频率增长了19.9%,表明增加底板可有效地控制大跨度预应力次梁楼盖的竖向振动。  相似文献   

嫩枝接是常用的一类嫁接方法,通常用生长期的新梢作接穗和砧木进行接合。一般多用切接、劈接、腹接等,但因嫁接部位鲜嫩、脆、软、细,常令人感到接时容易绑时难。我们几位花友在实践中发现了一种更较为  相似文献   

从嫁接方法、砧木高度、接穗来源、接穗贮藏时间、嫁接时期等方面探讨南酸枣嫁接的最佳方案。在三月上旬,砧木高度15-25cm,以切接或腹接方法,选择生长旺盛的一年生枝条为穗条,穗条随采随接,减少其暴露在空气中的时间,使砧木和接穗削面平滑,形成层密接,可使南酸枣嫁接成活率达85%以上。切接遇雨天在嫁接苗上套一小塑料袋防雨水。  相似文献   

试验通过对采用不同接菌方式接入水稻恶苗病菌的接菌效果进行分析研究,提出简便、有效、快捷的接菌方式。  相似文献   

正因为细节上不断的改进,不停的尝试,园艺技术才在给人带来的惊喜中稳步变化着。过去我嫁接(如切接、劈接),都选在砧木、接穗萌芽前进行。新采挖的砧木和接穗同时嫁接成活率不太高(约90%),所需时间也比较长(有的长达1个月以上)。经过试验,我现在将嫁接时  相似文献   

鲜切果蔬表面微生物侵染途径及控制   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
从鲜切果蔬微生物种类、鲜切果蔬表面微生物的来源及其控制等几个方面,介绍了微生物的来源主要为切分前污染和切分后污染,并对不同途径分别采取的相应微生物控制措施进行阐述。  相似文献   

为掌握自然崩落法多漏斗放矿属性矿岩流动特性,给出属性随机介质放矿理论基础,从放矿水平布置出发,提炼出高阶段多漏斗放矿仿真模型。采用4块模型、6块模型和9块模型3种概率模型分别考虑不同的放矿端部条件;建立流动颗粒体数据结构和空位传递模型,设计高阶段多漏斗放矿流动数据结构和模拟流程,采用C++面向对象语言和hoops可视化工具包开发模拟程序,在三维可视化环境下得到了不同放矿点间距下多漏斗放矿的矿岩流动特性。根据研究结果,确定放矿底部结构优化参数,为放矿控制和放矿优化提供了参考和依据,并可作为后续放矿计划编制的基础。  相似文献   

Based on bolt combined effect in the roof of mining roadway, the necessity conditions of load, span and deflection are proposed for stratification separation in the immediate roof. With strata combination of composite beams as key combination and Principle of Deformation coordination, the calculation formulas of the four key Support Technology parameters are obtained for length, spacing, distance between two rows and pretension force in bolt support of the roof of mining roadway.  相似文献   

Combined with the real example of monitoring pressure on the supporting system in the long span underground space of DK7+692 section at Jiao-Xin line of Chongqing light railway,it is set forth the methods about choosing the support system and its parameter,digging methods of underground space,measuring and testing methods for the stress of the support system;the testing results and variation pattern were analyzed for the stress of the initial supporting I-steel,axial stress of bolt,stress of shot-concrete,supporting pressure of temporary I-steel and stress of steel of the second lining,then,the reason for deformation of the support system induced by sharp increase of I-steel was determined.Based on this,considering the real problem,the construction plan and the support system is changed,the deformation of support system was under control and the danger was avoided,the informative construction and construction safety were realized.  相似文献   

以内蒙古锡林郭勒盟胜利矿区一号露天煤矿为例,将南、北排土场复垦地作为研究对象,以未损毁地作为对照,采用方差分析和Pearson相关性分析的方法,研究复垦地重构土壤典型物理性质(土壤容重、土壤含水率)与植被地上生物量的关系,以期为草原矿区土壤重构与植被重建提供实践支撑。结果表明:(1)复垦地土壤容重与含水率相关性强度略低于未损毁地,复垦时间越长重构土壤容重与含水率的负相关性越显著;(2)复垦地植被生物量的均值都高于未损毁地,复垦后的土壤环境因子促进了排土场生态系统的重建;(3)在0~10 cm土层,土壤容重与含水率呈负相关性,生物量与容重相关性极弱或无相关,但生物量与含水率呈强的显著正相关关系,说明表层土壤含水率是影响植被生物量的重要因子。  相似文献   

Green roof plays a critical role in regulating roof runoff by reducing runoff, delaying runoff generation, reducing runoff peak flow and improving runoff water quality effectively. On the basis of introducing significance and role of green roof, this paper reviewed domestic and international researches on the green roof's control over roof runoff, and analyzed the factors that influence the control of green roof over the runoff, so as to provide a theoretical support and method for the construction of green roofs in urban districts.  相似文献   

Technical Economy Analysis on Selection of Structure About Soldier Pile   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Based on silt geological condition, aimed at cantilever pile and pile-anchor, using method of beam on elastic foundation ,through multiple combinations of pile spacing, diameter, embedded-depth at different levels of excavation depth, the impaction is discussed on the greatest displacement, maximum bending moment, the largest shear forces of supporting structure, and in different excavation, bolt locations impact on maximum horizontal displacement, the greatest moment of medial and lateral bending moment, the biggest shear force of pile and the axial force of bolt. By deformation control standards of supporting structure, the law and technically feasible program is found. Then combined with construction method of pile and current quota, technical economy is performed to find the economic plan and give suggestion to the project.  相似文献   

The numerical analysis of a conventional aluminum alloy roof system taken from an actual international airport under wind uplift is conducted. A two-step simulation analysis approach is proposed, which effectively overcomes the computational difficulties brought by the contact between panels and supports. Through numerical analysis of roof components, the failure mode of the roof connection and the load bearing capacity of the roof are obtained. And the efficiency of material strength in each component is evaluated as well. It can provide reference for the design and application of aluminum alloy roof structure.  相似文献   

Using the referenced slip rate and angle acceleration of the wheel as input vectors and the braking pressure as an output vector, an automobile anti lock braking system (ABS) controller based on a least squares support vector machine (LS SVM) was designed. Training the LS SVM controller using the supporting vector, the parameter of the controller was calculated. An anti lock braking system was designed that includes an input layer, a control layer, and an output layer. Using wheel speed as an input, the braking pressure of each wheel was calculated. The pulse width modulation (PWM) method was used to control the braking pressure, and thereby to bring ABS control. An automotive ABS test and control system was constructed. Road tests under different conditions were completed according to international standards. Test results show that an anti lock braking control method based on LS SVM has good braking stability and adaptability. It is an effective new ABS control method.  相似文献   

On the basis of analyzing the complicate heat and humid exchange between the outdoor air and the water layer of the roof,the authors obtained a heat transfer model and it's transmit matrix. The temperature and heat flux responses of the internal roof surface is greatly lowered than that of non-water layer roof. It can be concluded that the maintenance of a water layer on the roof is a good way to resist the fluctuation of outdoor temperature and significantly reduce the cooling load of a building.  相似文献   

针对拱板仓储粮度夏粮温偏高、分层明显和温差较大的特点,利用自来水自动循环装置对仓顶屋面进行喷水降温,最大限度地减少了盛夏仓顶曝晒后的积热,缩小了仓顶与粮堆之间的温差,延缓了粮温的上升速度,从而有效地改善了储粮在盛夏的高温环境,抑制了害虫的生长繁殖和粮食品质的陈化,是拱板仓储粮安全度夏的有效方法。  相似文献   

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