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一个新的水稻花粉半不育性位点的定位分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
利用一套以籼稻珍汕97B为背景的粳稻日本晴染色体片段代换系,鉴定发现1个半不育的代换系。全基因组基因型分析表明,该代换系仅含3个粳稻导入片段,而其他遗传背景与珍汕97B相同。在湖北武汉和海南分别种植其衍生的F2和F3分离群体,采用单标记分析和区间作图法分析花粉育性和小穗育性的数量性状位点(QTL),结果表明,该代换系的半不育性是第2染色体上的粳稻导入片段引起的,该片段RM262~RM475区间存在1个新的影响花粉育性的QTL,其贡献率为13.9%。研究结果将为进一步精细定位水稻育性QTL以及鉴定相关功能基因提供重要的试验基础。  相似文献   

为了挖掘雄性不育种质资源,鉴定雄性育性基因,为玉米雄性不育化制种提供基础材料。以玉米雄性不育突变体x50为试验材料,研究突变体雄性不育表型,构建x50与自交系Mo17的F1和F2群体,确定突变体x50雄性不育性状的遗传模式。以F2群体为材料,应用图位克隆技术定位雄性育性基因X50,通过基因等位性测验确定候选基因。结果显示,与野生型相比,雄性不育突变体x50花药不能从颖壳露出,花药体积较小且萎蔫,无成熟花粉粒形成。F1群体植株均表现为雄性可育,F2群体植株出现雄性育性分离,可育植株与不育植株分离比例符合3∶1,说明突变体x50不育性状受1对隐性核基因控制。通过图位克隆方法将雄性育性基因X50定位于玉米第2染色体分子标记2-4901与2-4963之间,物理区间为237.42~241.39 Mb。定位区间内候选基因分析发现,区间存在玉米雄性不育基因ZmMs33。以ms33纯合突变体ms33-6029和ms33-6052分别与x50杂合型+/x50杂交,杂交后代可育植株与不育植株分离比...  相似文献   

阐明BT型杂交粳稻组合间育性差异的遗传基础有助于三系法杂交粳稻组合的选育。根据TR2604与豫粳6号A(B)、9201A(B)后代的花粉育性及小穗育性,明确了豫粳6号A(B)/TR2604 F1不育由双亲间特异性不亲和造成。遗传分析表明豫粳6号A(B)与TR2604 F1花粉不育受单基因S38(t)控制。以352株豫粳6号A/TR2604//TR2604、豫粳6号B/TR2604//豫粳6号B等群体中单株为定位群体,将S38(t)定位于第7染色体上标记RM18和RM234之间,与两标记遗传距离分别为0.43 cM和0.14 cM,两标记间物理距离为180 kb,相关结果为S38(t)图位克隆工作奠定了基础。  相似文献   

为将雄性不育基因应用于甜玉米杂交制种中,达到降低劳动成本且保证种子纯度的目的。以来源于甜玉米自交系K78的雄性不育自发突变体male sterility 2020(ms2020)为材料,构建ms2020与甜玉米自交系M08的F1及相应的F2遗传群体,通过表型鉴定、遗传分析和基因定位研究ms2020甜玉米雄性不育突变体。表型鉴定结果表明:F1群体均表现为雄性可育,F2群体出现了育性分离。不育植株能够正常抽雄,但花药不开裂、散粉异常,花药变小且颜色淡黄;1%I2-KI染色发现不育植株的花药内包含不能正常着色的败育花粉粒。遗传分析结果表明:育性正常植株与不育植株的比例符合3∶1,表明ms2020雄性不育突变体是由单基因控制的隐性突变体。利用BSA技术,初步将目的基因定位在7号染色体短臂上;随后利用初定位区间内的20对SSR标记对不育基因进行定位,将不育基因精细定位在标记S1和W10之间,物理距离为11.30 kb。该区间内包含Zm00001d018802和Zm00001d018803...  相似文献   

王乃元  梁康迳  李毓  王颖  王洪飞  仇秀丽 《作物学报》2008,34(11):1929-1937
发掘水稻新型雄性不育细胞质源CMS-FA,育成系列优质米不育系和系列新质源恢复系,组配成强优势杂交稻组合的基础上研究新质源雄性不育恢复系的恢复基因遗传。采用新质源(CMS-FA)不育系金农1A与恢复系金恢3号杂交获得杂交F1代种子,种植F1代,收获自交F2代种子。用F1分别与不育系或保持系回交,获得(不育系//不育系/恢复系和不育系/恢复系//保持系)2个测交群体。同时种植P1、P2、F1、F2、B1F1和B2F1等群体,考察花粉染色率、套袋结实率和自然结实率,卡平方测验遗传分离适合度。结果表明,不育系与恢复系杂交F1代正常可育,育性恢复(可育)基因为显性遗传。F2代分离出可育︰不育适合3︰1,育性恢复(可育)基因为1对显性基因控制。B1F1和B2F1代2个测交群体的可育︰不育都适合1︰1分离规律,验证了F2代育性恢复(可育)单基因的遗传模式。暂时确定新质源(CMS-FA)核质互作三系的基因型为不育系S(SS)、保持系F(SS)和恢复系S(FF)。  相似文献   


大白菜和黑芥种间杂种的获得及鉴定   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
为丰富大白菜的抗病基因类型,特别是培育根肿病抗性种质,以品质优良的大白菜(Brassica campestris L.pekinensis)自交系为母本,具有黑腐、根肿病抗性的野生黑芥(B.nigra)为父本,通过种间杂交,获得了13株杂种植株.利用形态学、细胞学和分子标记3种方法对杂种进行了鉴定,并分析了杂种的花粉活力及其育性.结果表明:杂种表型介于白菜和黑芥双亲之间,SRAP分子标记结果的聚类分析表明杂种在DNA水平上更趋向于白菜母本.F1雄蕊发育不好,花粉育性低,13株杂种中,仅获得杂种H4的回交后代.杂种H4的部分细胞染色体数目超过18条,约48%的细胞染色体数目为26条,超过了预期杂种染色体的数目.不育F1植株染色体数目等于和少于18条,结果提示杂种育性和细胞染色体数目有一定关系,染色体数目的增加提高了杂种的育性.  相似文献   

小麦雄性不育主要是通过花粉的败育表现,其不育材料对小麦杂种优势的利用研究具有重要意义和价值,国外研究表明,某些特定普通小麦品种间杂交F1表现的花粉部分不育现象,受控于核基因组花粉致死基因Ki,为了筛选小麦花粉致死基因Ki的连锁标记,利用现代分子生物学技术通过定位该基因,克隆出花粉致死基因连锁标记片段,为小麦雄性不育种质材料的转育提供有效的选择标记。对小麦花粉致死基因Ki进行了分子标记定位,以‘中国春’和澳大利亚春小麦品种的BC1F1代作为定位群体,利用分离群体分组分析法(BSA)对位于小麦6B染色体上85对SSR引物进行多态性筛选,具有多态性的引物再通过BC1F1定位群体进行验证,从中筛选出与目的基因连锁的2个SSR标记Xgwm626和Xgpw4138。运用Mapmaker 3.0软件进行连锁分析。结果表明,Xgwm626和Xgpw4138与Ki基因的遗传距离分别为9.2 cM和6.9 cM,且2个SSR标记位于目的基因两侧,并将Ki定位于小麦6BL染色体上。研究结果为Ki基因的分子标记辅助选择和进一步精细定位奠定了基础。  相似文献   

水稻特异亲和基因S-e的分子定位   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
水稻籼粳亚种间杂种具有强大的优势,但亚种间杂种的不育性限制了这一优势的利用。开展杂种不育基因的定位工作,对于进一步了解杂种不育性的遗传基础,克服亚种间杂种的不育性具有重要的意义。本研究选用粳型品种台中65的近等基因系E47-1和籼型品种广陆矮4号为材料,利用74个SSR标记对杂种F2群体进行偏态分离标记的筛选,同时根据F2和F3群体花粉育性和具有偏态分离的SSR标记之间的连锁关系,对特异亲和基因(F1花粉不育基因)S-e座位进行了分子定位,取得了以下主要结果:1、利用116个均匀分布在水稻12条染色体上的SSR标记对籼粳两亲本进行多态性筛选。结果有101个SSR标记在亲本间具有多态性,15个SSR标记在亲本间无多态性,SSR标记在亲本间的多态率高达87.07%。2、选用74个亲本间具有多态性的SSR标记对E47-1/广陆矮4号组合F2群体的偏态分离进行了初步的筛选和分析。发现有6个染色体区段的9个SSR标记在F2群体中存在偏态分离,它们分别位于第3、第6、第7、第10、第11和第12染色体上,卡方值均达到显著或极显著水平。6个染色体区段中有2个严重偏态分离区段,分别位于第6和第12染色体。3、通过对F2群体的花粉育性和偏态分离区段的SSR标记基因型的相关关系分析,表明位于第12染色体上的SSR标记RMl9附近存在一个F1花粉不育基因。继而在该标记附近设计位置特异性微卫星标记PSM401、PSMl80、PSMl82,利用F3作图群体,将特异亲和基因S-e座位定位在分子标记PSM401、PSMl80和PSMl82、RMl9之间,该基因与各标记的遗传距离分别为2.3cM、1.3cM、3.7cM和4.3cM。4、选取在S-a、s-b、S-c、S-d、S-e五个座位均纯合、花粉表现为部分不育的F2单株,发展了另一R群体,表明该群体存在另一特异亲和基因座s-f。本研究利用SSR标记,对特异亲和基因S-e进行了分子定位。S-e座位的分子定位,进一步丰富和完善了特异亲和性的学术观点,并为分子标记辅助选育水稻的粳型亲籼系奠定了基础。  相似文献   

利用一套以粳稻品种Asominori为遗传背景、籼稻品种IR24为染色体片段供体的覆盖全基因组的CSSL群体,研究了籼粳亚种间组合Asominori/IR24和02428/IR24杂种小穗低育性的遗传基础。结果发现,Asominori/IR24组合的育性主要受第5染色体上的2个育性位点S-24(t)和S-31(t)及第6染色体上的 S-5位点控制,其中S-31(t)为本研究发现的新育性位点,粳稻品种02428带有该位点的亲和性基因。02428/IR24组合的低育性主要受S-24(t)花粉育性位点的影响。育性基因的表达受遗传背景的影响,在粳稻遗传背景中,S-24(t)位点处在Si/Sj杂合基因型时可使杂种小穗育性下降70%左右,而S-31(t)和 S-5为杂种半不育位点。在籼粳全基因组杂合遗传背景中,当S-5i/S-5j基因型置换成S-5i/S-5i基因型后,亚种间杂种小穗育性可平均提高22.5%,接近正常育性水平。在S-5i/S-5j遗传背景中,S-24(t)和S-31(t)的Si/Si纯合基因型不能改善亚种间杂种的小穗育性。说明S-5位点是影响亚种间小穗育性的关键位点,在亚种间杂交稻育种中,必须首先克服S-5位点造成的育性障碍。提出了等位基因置换法克服水稻籼粳亚种间杂种小穗低育性的技术策略。  相似文献   

The genetic relationship among three cytoplasmic male sterility (CMS) systems, consisting of WA, Dissi, and Gambiaca, was studied. The results showed that the maintainers of one CMS system can also maintain sterility in other cytoplasmic backgrounds. The F1 plants derived from crosses involving A and R lines of the respective cytoplasm and their cross-combination with other CMS systems showed similar pollen and spikelet fertility values, indicating that similar biological processes govern fertility restoration in these three CMS systems. The results from an inheritance study showed that the pollen fertility restoration in all three CMS systems was governed by two independent and dominant genes with classical duplicate gene action. Three F2 populations, generated from the crosses between the parents of good-performing rice hybrids, that possess WA, Dissi, and Gambiaca CMS cytoplasm, were used to map the Rf genes. For the WA-CMS system, Rf3 was located at a distance of 2.8 cM from RM490 on chromosome 1 and Rf4 was located at 1.6 cM from RM1108 on chromosome 10. For the Dissi-CMS system, Rf3 was located on chromosome 1 at 1.9 cM from RM7466 and Rf4 on chromosome 10 was located at 2.3 cM from RM6100. The effect of Rf3 on pollen fertility appeared to be stronger than the effect of Rf4. In the Gambiaca-CMS system, only one major locus was mapped on chromosome 1 at 2.1 cM from RM576. These studies have led to the development of marker-assisted selection (MAS) for selecting putative restorer lines, new approaches to alloplasmic line breeding, and the transfer of Rf genes into adapted cultivars through a backcrossing program in an active hybrid rice breeding program.  相似文献   

To further understand the nature of hybrid sterility between Oryza sativa and Oryza glaberrima, quantitative trait loci (QTL) controlling hybrid sterility between the two cultivated rice species were detected in BC1F1 and advanced backcross populations. A genetic map was constructed using the BC1F1 population derived from a cross between WAB450-16, an O. sativa cultivar, and CG14, an O. glaberrima cultivar. Seven main-effect QTLs for pollen and spikelet sterility were detected in the BC1F1. Forty-four sterility NILs (BC6F1) were developed via successive backcrosses using pollen sterility plants as female and WAB450-16 as the recurrent parent. Seven NILs, in which the target QTL regions were heterozygous while the other QTL regions as well as most of the reminder of the genome were homozygous for the WAB450-16 allele, were selected as the QTL identification materials. BC7F1 for the seven NILs showed a continuous variation in pollen and spikelet fertility. The four identified pollen sterility QTLs were located one each on chromosomes 1, 3, 7 and 7. Pollen sterility loci qSS-3 and qSS-7a were on chromosomes 3 and 7, respectively, which coincides with the previously identified S19, and S20, while loci qSS-1 and qSS-7b on chromosomes 1 and 7L appear distinct from all previously reported loci. An epistatic interaction controlling the hybrid sterility was detected between qSS-1 and qSS-7a.  相似文献   

Hybrid sterility hinders the transfer of useful traits between Oryza sativa and O. glaberrima. In order to further understand the nature of interspecific hybrid sterility between these two species, a strategy of multi-donors was used to elucidate the range of interspecific hybrid sterility in this study. Fifty-nine accessions of O. glaberrima were used as female parents for hybridization with japonica cultivar Dianjingyou 1, after several backcrossings using Dianjingyou 1 as the recurrent parent and 135 BC6F1 sterile plants were selected for genotyping and deducing hybrid sterility QTLs. BC6F1 plants containing heterozygous target markers were selected and used to raise BC7F1 mapping populations for QTL confirmation and as a result, one locus for gamete elimination on chromosome 1 and two loci for pollen sterility on chromosome 4 and 12, which were distinguished from previous reports, were confirmed and designated as S37(t), S38(t) and S39(t), respectively. These results will be valuable for understanding the range of interspecific hybrid sterility, cloning these genes and improving rice breeding through gene introgression.  相似文献   

The thermosensitive genic male sterility (TGMS) system has great potential for revolutionizing hybrid rice production through simple, less expensive and more efficient seed production technology. For the successful utilization of this novel male sterility system, knowledge of the breeding and fertility behaviour of a TGMS line is essential. In this study, the fertility transformation behaviour, the critical fertility and sterility temperatures and the mode of inheritance of male sterility were studied for a new TGMS line, TS6, identified at Tamil Nadu Agricultural University, Coimbatore, India. The pollen and spikelet fertilities recorded on plants raised at fortnightly intervals revealed that this line was completely sterile for 78 consecutive days (35/22 to 32/23°C, maximum/minimum temperatures) and reverted to fertile when the temperature was 30/18°C. It remained fertile continuously for 69 days and the maximum pollen and spikelet fertilities recorded were 75 and 70%, respectively. The fertility was highly influenced by daily maximum temperature followed by average and minimum temperatures. It was not influenced by relative humidity, sunshine hours or photoperiod. The critical temperature inducing sterility and fertility was 26.7 and 25.5°C, respectively. The male sterility in TS6 was inherited as a monogenic recessive in the F2 and BC1 populations of TS6 × MRST9 as well as TS6 × IR68281B. Using bulked segregant analysis on an F2 population of TS6 × MRST9, an RAPD marker, OPC052962, was identified to be associated with TGMS in TS6.  相似文献   

Yang Zhuping 《Euphytica》1997,94(1):93-99
The fertility segregations of F1, F2, BCF1 descended from crosses between PSGMR and japonica varieties, and F1's anther cultured homozygous diploid pollen plant populations (H2) were studied to reveal the genetic mechanism of photoperiod sensitive genic male sterility in PSGMR under natural daylight length at Shanghai. Rate of bagged seed-setting was used as an indicator of fertility. Fifteen F1 showed complete fertility similar to their parents. The ratio of completely sterile plants to fertile plants in fifteen F2 and four BCF1 was 1:15 and 1:3, respectively. The ratio of completely sterile to fertile diploid pollen plants in nine diploid populations (H2) was 1:3. These results demonstrated that the photoperiod sensitive genic male sterility in PSGMR was governed by two pairs of independent major recessive genes. There were no significant fertility segregations in hybrids F1 and selfed F2 between Nongken 58S and its derivatives 7001S, 5088S, 5047S and M105-9S, indicating that the photoperiod sensitive genic male-sterile genes in Nongken 58S were allelic to those in its derivatives. Several photoperiod sensitive genic male-sterile diploid pollen lines were bred from anther cultured homozygous diploid populations (H2) in about a three-year period. Most of these diploid lines showed significant fertility transformation and stable complete sterility from 5 August to 5 September, excellent agronomic traits and high resistance to blast and bacterial leaf blight. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

水稻籼粳杂种IR36/Kamairazu花粉育性的遗传   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
检测了47个水稻籼粳杂种F1的花粉育性,平均值为(79.9±31.2)%,其中68%组合的花粉育性低于90%。研究了代表性组合IR36/Kamairazu不同世代的花粉育性,F1的花粉育性为79.5%,其衍生的63个F2单株的平均花粉育性为(91.0±15.7)%。花粉育性高达98.3%的F2单株A4-3衍生的81个F3单株的平均花粉育性为(95.9±11.1)%,而育性为61%的A4-6衍生的51个F3单株的平均花粉育性仅为(74.3±35.2)%。在A4-3衍生的F3中选用2个花粉育性分别为99.2%和99.5%的单株,其衍生的F4群体的平均花粉育性分别为(93.0±7.4)%和(94.9±3.5)%,而2个花粉育性均为69.2%的单株衍生的F4群体的平均花粉育性则分别为(88.5±22.1)%和(89.8±6.7)%。IR36/Kamairazu的花粉育性受多基因控制,符合多基因座单位点孢子体—配子体互作模式。在F2、F3和F4群体中,平均育性水平较高的群体,单株花粉育性与小穗受精率无显著相关性,而在平均育性水平较低的群体中,花粉育性与小穗受精率呈显著或极显著正相关。  相似文献   

Summary Identification and location of fertility restoring genes facilitates their deployment in a hybrid breeding program involving cytoplasmic male sterility (CMS) system. The study aimed to locate fertility restorer genes of CMSWA system on specific chromosomes of rice using primary trisomics of IR36 (restorer), CMS (IR58025A) and maintainer (IR58025B) lines. Primary trisomic series (Triplo 1 to 12) was crossed as maternal parent with the maintainer line IR58025B. The selected trisomic and disomic F1 plants were testcrossed as male parents with the CMS line IR58025A. Plants in testcross families derived from disomic F1 plants (Group I crosses) were all diploid; however, in the testcross families derived from trisomic F1 plants (Group II crosses), some trisomic plants were observed. Diploid plants in all testcross families were analyzed for pollen fertility using 1% IKI stain. All testeross families from Group I crosses segregated in the ratio of 2 fertile: 1 partially fertile+partially sterile: 1 sterile plants indicating that fertility restoration was controlled by two independent dominant genes: one of the genes was stronger than the other. Testcross families from Group II crosses segregated in 2 fertile: 1 partially fertile+ partially sterile: 1 sterile plants in crosses involving Triplo 1, 4, 5, 6, 8, 9, 11 and 12, but families involving triplo 7 and triplo 10 showed significantly higher X2 values, indicating that the two fertility restorer genes were located on chromosome 7 and 10. Stronger restorer gene (Rf-WA-1) was located on chromosome 7 and weaker restorer gene (Rf-WA-2) was located on chromosome 10. These findings should facilitate tagging of these genes with molecular markers with the ultimate aim to practice marker-aided selection for fertility restoration ability.  相似文献   

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