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遥感监测具有监测区域广、速度快、省时省力等优势,常用于大面积水质监测。其中,叶绿素a浓度是水质监测的一个重要指标。叶绿素a遥感反演的关键是建立遥感数据和叶绿素a含量的定量关系。本文选取石家庄市饮用水源地黄壁庄水库为研究区域,通过进行水体反射光谱现场测量和同步水质采样,得出研究区水体反射光谱特征,并采用丙酮分光光度法测得各水样中叶绿素a含量。在此基础上通过波段比值模型及一阶微分模型分别分析叶绿素a浓度与反射率之间的线性相关性。结果表明,黄壁庄水库各采样点水体叶绿素a浓度均在4.55μg·L-1以下,光谱反射率比值R705nm/R680nm和696 nm反射率的一阶微分值均与叶绿素a浓度有较显著的线性相关性(r2分别为0.736 6和0.875 5)。本文所得结论与方法可为未来对北方水库型水源地水体进行大面积遥感监测叶绿素a含量提供理论参考。  相似文献   

基于水稻干旱胁迫试验,采用ASD(Field Spec Pro FR2500)光谱辐射仪测定水稻拔节期和抽穗期不同时间尺度(10d、20d)干旱处理与对照(正常处理)的冠层光谱反射率,对干旱胁迫下水稻冠层光谱变化规律、植被指数、水分指数、导数光谱特征进行分析.结果表明:水稻拔节期和抽穗期干旱胁迫后冠层光谱反射率与对照(CK)相比,可见光、近红外波段反射率均显著减小,短红外波段反射率显著增加,导数光谱红边位置均向短波方向推移,红边面积和红边斜率均显著减少,复合构建的6种植被指数或水分指数呈下降趋势,四波段水分指数(SRND)、归一化差异红外指数(NDVII)下降幅度最大;与CK相比,拔节期干旱胁迫20d和抽穗期10d的水稻冠层对可见光、近红外波段的反射率极显著降低,对短红外波段反射率极显著升高,在此阶段红边特征参数、植被水分指数减少幅度最低.研究结果可为利用高光谱遥感技术快速无损监测水稻干旱灾害提供技术支持.  相似文献   

不同生育期冬小麦光谱特征对叶绿素和氮素的响应研究   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
研究测定了不同施氮水平条件下冬小麦冠层在七个典型生育期叶片叶绿素、地上部分全氮含量以及冠层光谱,分析了单波段反射率、可见光和近红外波段组合而成的归一化植被指数(NDVI)、比值植被指数(RVI)与相应时期叶片叶绿素和地上部分全氮含量的相关性。结果表明,施氮量增加,两个农学参量、冠层近红外波段反射率都随之增加,但当施氮量增加到300kg hm-(2一次性施入)时,上述各项指标均降低;整个生长期中孕穗期在近红外区域反射率最高,与可见光波段反射率相差最大;除分蘖期外,其它时期单波段510nm~1100nm反射率、NDVI、RVI与叶绿素和全氮含量显著相关,植被指数的相关性较单波段高,且从分蘖期到乳熟期,相关性逐渐增强;整体来讲,可见光中560nm、660nm和近红外760nm、1100nm和1200nm组合的NDVI在各生育期与两个农学指标的相关性较好,选择NDVI(560,760)可以准确拟合叶片叶绿素和地上部分全氮含量。  相似文献   

以ASD FieldSpec光谱仪实测了不同生长季大豆的冠层高光谱,同期采集了对应大豆LAI、地上鲜生物量。逐波段分析了冠层光谱反射率、导数光谱与大豆LAI、地上鲜生物量的相关关系;采用单变量线性回归逐波段分析了冠层光谱反射率、导数光谱与大豆LAI、地上鲜生物量确定性系数随波长的变化趋势;并建立了以近红外与可见光波段的冠层光谱反射率的比值植被指数RVI与大豆LAI、地上鲜生物量的高光谱遥感估算模型。结果表明,冠层光谱反射率在350~680 nm、760~1050 nm波谱区与大豆LAI、地上鲜生物量相关性  相似文献   

基于高光谱的春玉米大斑病害遥感监测指数选择   总被引:5,自引:2,他引:3  
玉米大斑病是春玉米主要病害之一,采用地面光谱观测的方式构建遥感监测指数,是实施区域遥感监测的基础,也是卫星传感器谱段设计的主要依据。该文在陕西省眉县设计了人工控制小区试验,针对高抗、抗、感和高感4个品种,通过人工接种不同浓度大斑病分生孢子的方法,获得了正常、轻微、中度以及严重等4个病害感染梯度小区,并在春玉米抽雄、吐丝、乳熟以及成熟4个生长期进行了地面高光谱观测。为了实现对春玉米大斑病的遥感监测,该项研究在春玉米冠层光谱数据基础上,分析了不同种植区不同生长期春玉米冠层光谱反射率和光谱一阶微分特征,并以此确定了大斑病敏感波段位置以及病害适宜监测期,同时根据敏感波段位置的光谱特征构建了专门的春玉米大斑病的遥感监测指数,最后结合180个光谱观测样本,对比了所提指数以及其他病害指数与病害严重度之间的相关性,并通过聚类分析了所建遥感指数的稳定性。研究结果表明,乳熟期的春玉米大斑病在红边波谱内的响应较为敏感,尤其红边核心区(725~740 nm)的光谱一阶微分与病害严重程度间存在明显地单调变化关系,具有非常显著的负相关性;同时,该文所提病害监测指数与病情指数具有较高的相关性,其相关系数达到了0.995 0,最后结果表明利用红边一阶微分指数的对病害程度的聚类总体精度达到100.0%,指数值分布稳定性也更高,具有在遥感监测业务中应用的潜力。  相似文献   

不同尺度冬小麦氮素遥感监测方法及其应用研究   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
该文以航空影像、地面冠层光谱数据及同步观测的植被生化数据为基础,探讨了冬小麦冠层氮素监测的遥感方法。该方法应用于Lukina变量施肥模型,研究了基于遥感影像变量施肥量的计算方法。为实现以上目标,首先采用矩匹配和反射率转换方法,对获取的机载实用模块化成像光谱仪(OMIS)影像进行辐射校正;然后结合航拍相片及地面高精度差分GPS定位点坐标对高光谱影像进行几何校正。以预处理后的反射率影像和冠层光谱数据为数据源,采用倒高斯模型拟合冬小麦红边光谱曲线,并构建红谷位置、红边位置和红边宽度等光谱特征参量。通过对红边光谱特征量和实测氮素进行统计分析,寻找相关性显著、拟合误差小的最佳光谱特征量,并用于预测冬小麦冠层的氮素含量。统计相关分析结果表明:拟合曲线和图像反射率曲线面积差和实测的氮素含量有最高的相关性,且相关性达到极显著。最后,把该氮素预测方法集成到Lukina变量施肥模型中,结合反射率影像数据生成变量施肥处方图。文中探讨的最佳氮素预测方法改善了氮素预测的精度;基于影像的面状信息获取技术克服了点状信息的不足,使变量施肥技术更利于实用和推广。  相似文献   

基于GF-1卫星数据的冬小麦叶片氮含量遥感估算   总被引:5,自引:4,他引:1  
以陕西关中地区大田和小区试验下的冬小麦为研究对象,探讨基于国产高分辨率卫星GF-1号多光谱数据的冬小麦叶片氮含量估算方法和空间分布格局。基于GF-1号光谱响应函数对地面实测冬小麦冠层高光谱进行重采样,获取GF-1号卫星可见光-近红外波段的模拟反射率,并构建光谱指数,利用与叶片氮含量在0.01水平下显著相关的8类光谱指数,分别建立叶片氮含量的一元线性、一元二次多项式和指数回归模型。通过光谱指数与叶片氮含量的敏感性分析,以及所建模型的综合对比分析,获取适合冬小麦叶片氮含量估算的最佳模型。结果表明:模拟卫星宽波段光谱反射率和卫星实测光谱反射率间的相关系数高于0.95,具有一致性;改进型的敏感性指数综合考虑了模型的稳定性、敏感性和变量的动态范围,敏感性分析表明比值植被指数对叶片氮含量的变化响应能力最强;综合模拟方程决定系数、模型敏感性分析、精度检验和遥感制图的结果,认为基于比值植被指数建立的叶片氮含量估算模型适用性最强,模拟结果与实际空间分布格局最为接近,为基于GF-1卫星数据的区域性小麦氮素营养监测提供了理论依据和技术支持。  相似文献   

甘肃省两种主要草地类型的光谱反射特征比较   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
干旱荒漠草甸和高寒草甸是甘肃省两种主要的草地类型。2005-2007年,在安西草场和玛曲草场,分别对2种草地类型进行了光谱观测。文章分析和比较了2种草地类型的光谱反射特征及其差异性。结果表明,在可见光波段,荒漠草甸植被的冠层光谱反射率要高于高寒草甸植被,在近红外波段刚好相反;相同类型的草地,在不同的植被之间近红外波段的反射率差异较大。在可见光波段和近红外波段,荒漠草甸植被的叶片光谱反射大于冠层光谱反射,而高寒草甸植被则是冠层光谱反射大于叶片光谱反射;同一植被冠层光谱反射受植被长势影响明显;两种草地类型的红边特征参数表现为荒漠草甸小于高寒草甸。总之,高光谱遥感可以应用于草地植被的分类和长势监测。  相似文献   

磷营养胁迫对冬小麦冠层光谱的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
因为磷素重要的营养作用,其胁迫的存在影响冬小麦的正常生长。借助地面遥感仪器获取冬小麦在磷营养胁迫下的多个生育期里的冠层光谱数据并对其影响特征进行了分析。利用因子分析方法提取主因子与含有丰富信息的光谱变量,并结合极显著水平(0.01)的均值比较与检验过程考察了冬小麦冠层光谱,确定了对磷营养胁迫敏感的光谱波段:760nm,810nm和870nm与950nm,并在此基础上结合冬小麦对磷素的吸收利用特征选定了运用冠层光谱敏感波段反射率探测和区分磷营养胁迫的关键生育期:拔节期。结果同时表明,对冬小麦磷营养胁迫而言,近红外区间(760nm~1100nm)光谱反射特征的区分能力要强于可见光区。本文同时指出了研究与发展利用遥感技术进行营养胁迫监测的方法和着重点。  相似文献   

结合地面测试高光谱数据及卫星遥感数据,对矿区地物信息进行提取,可有助于快速获取矿区地表信息,为矿区废弃地植被恢复提供辅助决策信息支持具有重要意义。该文以阜新市海州矿区排土场为研究对象,对不同波段组合的SPOT-5遥感影像进行了分类方法和分类精度评价研究。结果表明:排土场影像在波段组合与融合之后进行分类,分类精度提高不明显;而通过组合SPOT多光谱影像和植被指数图像,并结合地面测试的高光谱特征曲线建立分类模板,可以有效地提高地物分类精度,总体分类精度为85.48%,Kappa系数为0.8197。分类结果满足对排土场地物调查的实际需要,为建立排土场植被恢复等级提供了数据基础。  相似文献   

结合SPA和PLS法提高冬小麦冠层全氮高光谱估算的精确度   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
【目的】 冠层高光谱全波段信息可以在小麦拔节期快速无损地估算叶片的氮含量。本研究结合连续投影算法 (SPA) 和偏最小二乘 (PLS) 技术,筛选了冬小麦拔节期冠层光谱对叶片氮含量的敏感特征波段,以期为冬小麦关键生育期氮素含量的遥感估算提供理论依据和技术支持。 【方法】 以陕西关中地区2015—2016年冬小麦小区试验为基础,基于连续投影算法 (SPA) 提取冬小麦叶片全氮含量的冠层光谱敏感波段,并结合偏最小二乘 (PLS) 回归法建立基于敏感特征波段的冬小麦拔节期叶片氮含量估算模型。 【结果】 SPA算法从冬小麦338~2510 nm的冠层光谱中优选出了1985 nm、2474 nm、1751 nm、1916 nm、2507 nm、1955 nm、2465 nm和344 nm共计8个叶片全氮含量的敏感特征波段,波段数目下降了98.9%,有效降低了光谱信息的冗余;基于敏感特征波段构建的叶片氮含量偏最小二乘回归模型的决定系数和均方根误差分别为0.82和0.28,模型验证方程的决定系数和均方根误差分别为0.84和0.21,模型的相对预测偏差大于2,具有较高的精度和良好的预测能力。 【结论】 与常用植被指数的叶片氮含量估算模型相比,连续投影算法 (SPA) 结合偏最小二乘 (PLS) 方法的叶片氮含量估算精度更高,稳定性更强,可以作为冬小麦拔节期叶片氮含量的高光谱估算方法。   相似文献   

Inverting radiative transfer (R-T) models against remote sensing observations to retrieve key biogeophysical parameters such as leaf area index (LAI) is a common approach. Even if new inversion techniques allow the use of three-dimensional (3D) models for that purpose, one-dimensional (1D) models are still widely used because of their ease of implementation and computational efficiency. Nevertheless, they assume a random distribution of foliage elements whereas most canopies show a clumped organization. Due to that crude simplification in the representation of the canopy structure, sizeable discrepancies can occur between 1D simulations and real canopy reflectance, which may further lead to false LAI values. The present investigation aims to appraise to which extent the incorporation of a clumping index (noted λ) into 1D R-T model could improve the simulations of Bidirectional Reflectance Distribution Function (BRDF). Canopy BRDF is simulated here for three growth stages of a maize crop with the Discrete Anisotropic Radiative Transfer (DART) model in the visible and near infrared spectral bands, for two contrasted soil types (dark and bright) and different levels of heterogeneity to represent the canopy structure. 3D numerical scenes are based on in-situ structural measurements and associated BRDF simulations are thus considered as references. 1D scenarios assume either that leaves are randomly distributed (λ = 1) or clumped (λ < 1). If BRDF simulations seem globally reliable under the assumption of a random distribution in near infrared, it can also lead to relative errors on the total BRDF up to 30% in the red spectral band. It comes out that the use of a clumping index in a 1D reflectance model generally improves BRDF simulations in the red considering a bright soil, which seems relatively independent of LAI. In the near infrared, best results are usually obtained with homogeneous canopies, except with the dark soil. Clearly, influent factors are mainly the LAI and the spectral contrast between soil and leaves.  相似文献   

基于无人机高光谱遥感的柑橘黄龙病植株的监测与分类   总被引:10,自引:5,他引:5  
柑橘黄龙病(Huanglongbing,HLB)是柑橘产业的毁灭性病害,及早发现并挖除病株是防治HLB的有效手段。通过无人机低空遥感监测大面积果园,可大大减少HLB排查工作量和劳动力。该文获取了无人机低空柑橘果园的高光谱影像,分别提取并计算健康和感染HLB植株冠层的感兴趣区域的平均光谱,并对初始光谱进行Savitzky-Golay平滑、异常数据剔除和光谱变换,得到原始光谱、一阶导数光谱和反对数光谱3种光谱,对这3种光谱采用主成分分析法进行降维,与全波段信息比较,分别采用k近邻(kNN)和支持向量机(SVM)进行建模和分类。结果表明,以二次核SVM判别模型对全波段一阶导数光谱的分类准确率达到94.7%,对测试集的误判率为3.36%。表明低空高光谱遥感监测HLB的手段具有可行性,可大大提高果园管理效率和政府防控病情力度。  相似文献   

Lead (Pb) is known as an important aquatic contaminant with different toxic effects on various organisms. Until now, only few quantitative investigations have been published comparing Pb content in different organs of adult freshwater crabs. Their capacity to bioaccumulate other heavy metals is already known, and they can potentially transfer Pb to the terrestrial systems, as they are frequent trophic items of reptiles and birds, even humans. The objectives of this study were to assess Pb accumulation in the gills, carapace, digestive gland, and quela muscle of the freshwater crab Zilchiopsis oronensis, and to correlate bioaccumulation with morphometric data and sex. The crabs were manually caught in unpolluted ponds of the middle Paraná River alluvial valley (Santa Fe, Argentina). After the acclimation period, they were individually and randomly exposed per quadruplicate to three Pb experimental doses: 20, 40, and 80 mg Pb/L, in plastic cages during 15 days. After dissecting the crabs, the tissues were analyzed for lead in a Perkin Elmer Analyst 800 atomic absorption spectrometer. We found significant differences (p < 0.05) between the control and each one of the treatments but not between treatments (p > 0.05) and highly significant differences (p < 0.0001) between Pb concentration in organs. The Tukey posttest showed significant differences (p < 0.05) between gills–carapace, gills–digestive gland, and gills–quela muscle. The weight of the crabs only showed a negative correlation with Pb in the quela muscle (r = −0.53; p = 0.03). Pb in the carapace (but not in the other tissues) was positively correlated with the width (p = 0.571) and length (p = 0.616). Males accumulated more Pb than females, though not significantly. The present paper is aimed to contribute to our knowledge on Pb accumulation in freshwater crabs and select the better indicator organisms for biomonitoring.  相似文献   

夏玉米叶片全氮含量高光谱遥感估算模型研究   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
在5种不同施氮量和2种夏玉米品种处理下,分别在玉米拔节期、大喇叭口期、抽雄期、吐丝期、乳熟期测定了玉米冠层高光谱反射率及其对应叶片的全氮含量。选取了470、550、620和720 nm 4个代表性光谱波段,分品种对叶片全氮含量与原始光谱反射率、光谱反射率一阶微分以及部分高光谱特征参数(基于光谱位置、面积、植被指数的特征参量)分别进行线性回归和非线性回归拟合。在每个生育时期,选择决定系数和F值最高的模型3个,并分别用第二年测定的光谱和全氮含量数据分别对两个品种进行均方根差和相对误差的验证,选择均方根差和相对误差较小的拟合模型。结果表明:在拔节期、大喇叭口期、抽雄期、吐丝期和乳熟期,玉米叶片全氮含量最佳拟合光谱参量分别为R720、DR720、SDb、DR550和DR550,玉米叶片全氮含量最佳高光谱遥感估算模型依次为:Y=5.129e-2.317x、Y=3.421-10.010x-477802.331x3、Y=4.070-2.304x-52.177x2、Y=-0.468-0.528lnx和Y=-2.390-0.793lnx。  相似文献   

More than 30 epiphytic lichens, collected in Agadir (Morroco) and along a 150-km transect from the Atlantic Ocean eastward, were analyzed for their metal content and lead isotopic composition. This dataset was used to evaluate atmospheric metal contamination and the impact of the city on the surrounding area. The concentrations of Cu, Pb, and Zn (average ± 1 SD) were 20.9 ± 15.2 μg g−1, 13.8 ± 9.0 μg g−1, and 56.6 ± 26.6 μg g−1, respectively, with the highest values observed in lichens collected within the urban area. The 206Pb/207Pb and 208Pb/207Pb ratios in the lichens varied from 1.146 to 1.186 and from 2.423 to 2.460, respectively. Alkyllead-gasoline sold in Morocco by the major petrol companies gave isotopic ratios of 206Pb/207Pb = 1.076–1.081 and 208Pb/207Pb = 2.348–2.360. These new, homogeneous values for gasoline-derived lead improve and update the scarce isotopic database of potential lead sources in Morocco, and may be of great value to future environmental surveys on the presence of lead in natural reservoirs, where it persists over time (e.g., soils and sediments). The interest of normalizing metal concentrations in lichens to concentrations of a lithogenic element is demonstrated by the consistency of the results thus obtained with lead isotopic ratios. Leaded gasoline contributed less than 50% of the total amount of lead accumulated in lichens, even in areas subject to high vehicular traffic. This strongly suggests that the recent banishment of leaded gasoline in Morocco will not trigger a drastic improvement in air quality, at least in Agadir.  相似文献   

Aspen bark was investigated for photosynthetic function, pigment content, and spectral characteristics during the 1993–1994 Boreal Ecosystem-Atmosphere Study (BOREAS) summer field campaigns in the boreal zone of Saskatchewan, Canada. Parameters related to photosynthetic function were similar for bark and leaves: chlorophyll (Chl) concentration; fluorescence responses; and spectral reflectance. Similar increases along a vertical gradient from base to tree top were observed for incident photosynthetically active radiation (PAR), photosynthetic pigment content, photosynthetic capacity, and spectral reflectance variables. Since transmittance of aspen bark periderm was 20–30% in the blue, and 50–60% in the red Chl absorption bands, the PAR available to the photosynthetic cortical layer in the natural, canopy environment (<1000 μmol m?2 s?1) was sufficient to support positive net assimilation (<8–10 νmol CO2 m?2 s?1) under ideal conditions (e.g., light, temperature, saturating CO2), a rate approximately 30–50% that of leaves. However, the respiring tissues comprising the greater fraction of bark tissue bias the balance of CO2 exchange in favour of respiration for the whole bark. Therefore, net photosynthesis under ambient conditions on the whole bark was, in general, negative. The total bark surface area was estimated to contain 17–40% of the whole tree Chl. The contribution of the bark surface area fraction of the full canopy (leaves plus bark) increased with age (<60 years), with a similar trend expected for bark in total tree (and stand) photosynthesis. A spectral reflectance variable, the red edge inflection point (REIP), was related to total bark Chl content (r2=0.74). A better predictive relationship (r2=0.82) for total bark Chl was observed using a spectral index calculated from the reflectance ratio of two narrow wavebands (R3/R2: R2 and R3 are between 0.715–0.726 μm and 0.734–0.747 μm, respectively), which may have greater utility in landscape remote sensing. The bark spectra for Chlcontaining bark should improve understanding of carbon balance in aspen forests, based on landscape-level radiative transfer simulations.  相似文献   

中国南方农业遥感监测中,遥感影像常常受到薄云雾影响,大气的散射与吸收作用会使传感器接收到的地物反射率与真实值之间存在差距,是导致数据质量下降的主要原因,薄云雾去除和大气校正处理是十分必要的。该研究利用LandSat-7/ETM+影像,结合背景抑制云雾厚度因子(BSHTI)云检测方法和虚拟云点(VCP)云去除方法进行薄云雾去除,并与暗元法去云处理结果对比分析,然后将去云处理后的影像进行FLAASH大气校正,选取校正前后典型地物的光谱特征和NDVI值进行分析评价。结果表明,BSHTI-VCP法可有效消除薄云雾对遥感数据的影响,提高了云雾覆盖范围的影像质量;FLAASH大气校正较好地消除了大气影响,获得了地物真实地表反射率。该研究为南方作物遥感监测中定量反演与信息解译提供了良好理论支持。  相似文献   

This study was conducted to investigate the effect of inorganic nitrogen (N) and root carbon (C) addition on decomposition of organic matter (OM). Soil was incubated for 200 days with nine treatments (three levels of N (no addition (N0) = 0, low N (NL) = 0.021, high N (NH) = 0.083 mg N g−1 soil) × three levels of C (no addition (C0) = 0, low C (CL) = 5, high C (CH) = 10 mg root g−1 soil)). The carbon dioxide (CO2) efflux rates, inorganic N concentration, pH, and potential activities of β-glucosidase and oxidative enzyme were measured during incubation. At the beginning and the end of incubation, the native soil organic carbon (SOC) and root-derived SOC were quantified by using a natural labeling technique based on the differences in δ 13C between C3 and C4 plants. Overall, the interaction between C and N was not significant. The decomposition of OM in the NH treatment decreased. This could be attributed to the formation of recalcitrant OM by N because the potentially mineralizable C pool was significantly lower in the NH treatment (3.1 mg C g−1) than in the N0 treatment (3.6 mg C  g−1). In root C addition treatments, the CO2 efflux rate was generally in order of CH > CL > C0 over the incubation period. Despite no differences in the total SOC concentration among C treatments, the native SOC in the CH treatment (18.29 mg C g−1) was significantly lower than that in the C0 treatment (19.16 mg C g−1).  相似文献   

Regional botanical surveys supported by field experiments suggest that atmospheric nitrogen deposition threatens the balance between species and causes loss of biodiversity within plant communities. Methods are required to monitor the nitrogen status of vegetation at a landscape scale and therefore the potential for ecological change. Remote sensing has the potential to monitor a number of plant biophysical and chemical variables, but its application to monitor the nitrogen status of native vegetation remains limited and untested. Using field spectroscopy, canopy reflectance measurements were taken from two heathland field sites and heather (Calluna vulgaris) plants grown in a greenhouse. The nitrogen concentration was determined through destructive sampling and chemical analysis. Stepwise multiple regression analysis was used to identify the wavebands most associated with nitrogen concentration and despite high variation in the selected wavebands between the three datasets, most of these wavebands were associated with nitrogen and protein absorption features within the spectral region 1,990–2,170 nm. Results highlight the potential of remote sensing as a bio-monitoring technique to estimate foliar nitrogen status in native plants.  相似文献   

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