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NAC(NAM-ATAF-CUC)转录因子在植物逆境胁迫应答过程中发挥着十分重要的作用。本研究克隆了烟草(Nicotiana tabacum)的NAC4基因,c DNA编码区全长1 422 bp,编码473个氨基酸;进化树分析表明,烟草NAC4基因编码的氨基酸序列与辣椒(Capsicum baccatum)和榴莲(Durio zibethinus)都有极高的相似性。构建表达载体pSH-NAC4,遗传转化烟草,获得32株转基因植株。选取6株不同的转基因株系和3株野生型(wild type,WT)在20%聚乙二醇6000胁迫的条件下,观察植株生长并进行抗旱性分析;选取T_1代3个转基因株系(TP_4,TP_6,TP_7)和野生型烟草种子,用3个不同浓度的甘露醇模拟干旱胁迫,对其种子的发芽率和苗期根进行耐旱性相关分析。结果发现,300 mmol/L甘露醇处理15 d,种子发芽率比野生型高40%以上,通过观察苗期根的生长发现,野生型植株根的生长明显受到抑制。用20%PEG6000处理转基因植株和野生型植株7 d,结果显示,在干旱胁迫下,转基因植株的超氧化物歧化酶(superoxide dismutase,SOD)、过氧化氢酶(catalase,CAT)和过氧化物酶(peroxidase,POD)的活性均显著高于野生型,丙二醛(malondialdehyde,MDA)含量显著低于野生型植株(P0.05)。利用qRT-PCR方法分析相关基因,结果表明,在干旱胁迫时,NAC4,吡咯啉-5-羧酸合成酶基因(pyrroline-5-carboxylate synthetase,P5CS)和鸟氨酸-δ-氨基转移酶基因(ornithine-oxo-acid transaminase,δ-OAT)的相对表达量均上调;转NAC4基因的表达可能提高了植株的抗旱能力。本研究为进一步探讨NAC4基因的功能提供依据,以期为创制转基因耐旱植物提供基础资料。  相似文献   

衰老被认为是烟草(icotiana tabac um)叶片发育的最后阶段,伴随着叶绿素,脂类等降解,严重影响了光合产物的积累,导致作物产量降低、品质下降.因此,利用转基因技术使烟草在生长期间衰老延迟,光合产物量增加,从而增加产量,同时在收获之后,延缓衰老的叶片,可以维持烟草的新鲜程度,解决储存及运输问题.本研究利用农杆菌(Agrobacterium tumefaciens)介导的遗传转化法将含有衰老相关基因12 (senescence-associated gene 12,SAG12)启动子驱动光敏色素B激活标签的抑制蛋白1(phyB activationtagged suppressor1,BAS1)基因表达的元件导入烟草中,经抗性筛选和PCR鉴定,共获得45株转基因植株,其中有8株转基因烟草叶片具有衰老延缓现象.在叶片开始衰老时对野生型和转BAS1基因烟草叶片叶绿素含量、保护酶活性检测以及植物生长期状态进行观察测定,结果表明,转BAS1烟草植株叶绿素含量从顶端到基部均高于野生型;野生型和转BAS1基因烟草超氧化物歧化酶(super-oxide dismutase,SOD)活性和丙二醛(malondialdehyde,MDA)含量分析表明,转BAS1烟草植株中SOD活性比野生型高了31.98%,MDA含量比野生型降低了48.28%,通过对烟草生长发育过程观察,转基因烟草比野生型烟草衰老延缓10~15 d.在烟草叶片开始衰老时测定野生型和转BAS1基因植物细胞分裂素含量,结果发现,野生型烟草细胞分裂素的含量比转基因烟草降低了40.2%,上述结果说明,转BAS1基因延缓了烟草叶片的衰老,与细胞分裂素含量、保护性酶活性提高以及衰老性启动子启动有关.本研究为进一步研究SAG12-BAS1基因功能机制提供理论依据,同时该基因为创制转基因抗衰老材料提供了基础.  相似文献   

【目的】生长素响应因子(ARF)在介导生长素信号传递和调控下游生长素响应基因的表达中发挥着重要功能。本文旨在以在富集丰磷特异表达基因的小麦根系cDNA差减文库中鉴定的1个ARF类别的家族成员TaARF6为基础,对该基因cDNA序列、分子特征、不同供磷水平下该基因在根、叶中表达模式及遗传转化TaARF6对丰磷和缺磷条件下植株形态的影响进行较全面研究,阐明该小麦生长素响应因子基因介导不同供磷水平下对植株生长特性的影响。【方法】采用生物信息学工具预测TaARF6编码蛋白特征; 采用溶液培养法培养丰、缺磷处理小麦幼苗,采用半定量RT-PCR技术鉴定TaARF6在丰、缺磷处理下的表达特征。采用DNA重组技术构建将TaARF6编码阅读框融合至表达载体中的表达质粒,利用农杆菌介导的遗传转化法建立超表达TaARF6转基因烟草植株。采用琼脂培养和溶液培养法,培养丰、缺磷不同供磷水平下野生型植株和转基因烟草植株,进而利用常规分析方法鉴定不同磷水平下植株长势、根系和茎叶生物量和植株根叶形态及性状。【结果】1)TaARF6编码生长素响应因子(ARF)型转录因子,编码蛋白中含有ARF家族成员具有的保守结构域。该基因在氨基酸水平上与源于短柄草BdARF6和源于水稻的OsARF6具有高度同源特征。表达分析表明,TaARF6在根、叶中均呈典型低磷下表达下调、复磷后表达再度回升模式,表明该基因表达受到外界供磷水平的调节。2)遗传转化结果表明,在正常生长和低磷逆境下,与野生型植株相比,转基因烟草株系幼苗和植株形态明显增大。3)丰、缺磷不同供磷水平下,与未转化的野生型(WT)对照植株相比,转基因系(Line 3 和Line 5)植株幼苗和植株根系、茎叶和单株鲜、干重均较野生型显著增加。此外,与WT相比,转基因系植株根系数量增多、主侧根长度、根体积、叶面积和根冠比增加。【结论】TaARF6编码典型的生长素响应因子,其编码蛋白具有生长素响应因子特有结构域。TaARF6对环境中的低磷胁迫逆境能产生明显应答。上调表达TaARF6基因,具有增加植株根、叶鲜、干重和改善根叶及植株形态的生物学功能。本研究表明,通过对植株体内生长素响应基因的转录调控,TaARF6在介导植株不同供磷水平下的根叶形态建成和干物质累积过程中发挥着重要作用。  相似文献   

胡杨(Populus euphratica Oliv.)具有极强抗盐碱能力.本实验室前期胡杨微阵列芯片数据结果显示:盐胁迫下,胡杨谷胱甘肽过氧化物酶基因(PeGPX)的转录上调,暗示该基因可能对胡杨耐盐性具有一定的作用.为分析GPX对植物耐盐性的贡献,本研究以胡杨为材料,利用RT-PCR方法克隆了胡杨谷胱甘肽过氧化物酶PeGPX基因,并在烟草中过量表达该基因,以分析谷胱甘肽过氧化物酶活性与植物耐盐性的关系.研究结果显示,实验中克隆的cDNA (PeGPX)编码谷胱甘肽过氧化物酶,其ORF为693 bp,其蛋白由231个氨基酸编码.过量表达PeGPX基因的烟草与野生型烟草的耐盐性实验结果显示,野生型烟草植株在加NaCl (200 mmol/L)的MS培养基中生长15 d后,无明显的长高,且不长根;而转基因烟草在同样的加盐培养基上,生长基本没有受到抑制,植株生长状态良好,并且能够长根.光合数据显示,在盐胁迫下过量表达PeGPX基因烟草的净光合速率受到影响明显小于野生型烟草的净光合速率.酶活数据显示,转基因株系GPX酶活与野生型的相比在盐胁迫下活性有非常显著的提高.我们的研究结果说明:过表达PeGPX基因使得烟草的耐盐性得到显著提高,这对深入研究PeGPX基因在胡杨耐盐机制中的作用具有重要的意义.  相似文献   

9-顺式-环氧类胡萝卜素双加氧酶(NCED)是脱落酸(ABA)合成过程中的关键限速酶,被证实广泛参与植物的生长发育进程及对非生物胁迫的应答。为了挖掘、鉴定棉花抗旱相关的NCEDs基因,本研究克隆了亚洲棉(Gossypium arboreum)GaNCED3基因,利用实时荧光定量PCR(qRT-PCR)技术分析了干旱胁迫下该基因的表达特性;并遗传转化拟南芥(Arabidopsis thaliana),研究了该基因在干旱应答中的功能。结果显示,GaNCED3基因开放阅读框(ORF)全长为1 794 bp,其编码的蛋白质包含597个氨基酸。该基因在干旱胁迫处理后上调表达,在处理3 h的根中表达量最高,是对照的27.6倍。在萌发期进行甘露醇模拟的干旱处理,超表达GaNCED3的转基因拟南芥种子萌发率和绿苗率均高于野生型。在幼苗期进行自然干旱处理后,转基因拟南芥植株叶片丙二醛含量显著低于对照(P<0.05),游离脯氨酸积累量显著高于对照(P<0.05)。本研究初步证明了外源超表达GaNCED3基因使植株抗旱能力增强,为进一步研究GaNCED3干旱应答的分子机制提供了理论依据,为抗旱育种提供了候选基因资源。  相似文献   

【目的】本试验以野生型(WT)和转盐芥TsIPK2基因的水稻为材料,研究NaCl胁迫条件下过量表达TsIPK2基因对水稻植株抗盐胁迫能力的影响。【方法】取水稻材料种子和其3叶龄幼苗,分别在不同NaCl浓度(0、50、100、150、200 mmol/L)下进行处理。检测WT与过量表达TsIPK2基因水稻种子的发芽率、主根长和芽长、幼苗的丙二醛(MDA)和脯氨酸的含量,超氧化物歧化酶(SOD)、过氧化物酶(POD)和过氧化氢酶(CAT)活性,以及与胁迫相关的5个基因的表达。【结果】在盐胁迫下,与野生型相比,转基因水稻具有更好的发芽率、主根长和芽长。野生型和转基因水稻两者的脯氨酸含量增加,转基因水稻的积累量显著高于野生型,但是转基因水稻MDA含量增加幅度小于野生型。野生型和转基因水稻幼苗SOD酶活性均增加,但转基因植株的酶活性显著高于野生型;二者POD酶活性呈现先升高后下降的趋势,但是二者活性没有显著的差别;转基因水稻的CAT活性也呈现先升高后下降的趋势,然而野生型水稻的CAT活性在盐胁迫下没有显著的变化。高盐处理后,野生型和转基因水稻的5个与胁迫相关的基因表达倍数都增加,与野生型相比,转基因水稻的OsP5CS1、OsSOD、OsCATB和OsLEA3的表达量显著升高,而OsPOX1基因的表达量变化不显著。【结论】过量表达TsIPK2基因能够通过增强水稻的渗透调节能力、抗氧化胁迫能力并调节胁迫相关基因的表达,以提高水稻的耐盐性。  相似文献   

种子败育的无籽瓜果具有较强的市场竞争力和可观的经济价值.来源于解淀粉芽胞杆菌(Bacillus A myloliquefaciens)的Barnase基因编码12kD的胞外小分子核糖核酸酶(RNAase).在缺乏其天然抑制物Barstar的情况下,单独表达Barnase通常会造成宿主细胞的死亡.本研究用油菜(Brassica napus)种子特异启动子Napin调控Barnase基因,构建T-DNA表达载体,并用叶盘转化法转化烟草(Nicotiana benthamiana),获得55株转基因植株.随机抽取10株对其花器官进行形态学分析,并比较转基因植株和非转基因植株在不同发育时期花器官的形态学变化,发现转基因植株和非转基因植株在授粉前的花器官形态没有明显差异,但是受精以后转基因植株花瓣逐渐枯萎,不能正常发育形成种子,而非转基因植株能够正常形成种子.为了进一步了解转基因烟草种子败育的原因,将转基因植株和非转基因植株正反杂交,均不能正常结籽,表明转基因烟草的种子败育不是由自交不亲和性引起的.将转基因植株和非转基因植株花粉分别使用亚历山大染液染色,显微观察花粉的大小、形状和色泽,发现转基因花粉和非转基因花粉无明显差别,转基因植株和非转基因植株均能产生具有正常授粉活性的花粉.以上研究表明,使用种子特异性启动子驱动Barnase基因表达,外源基因不会通过花粉渗漏表达.本研究成功获得了Barnase基因在种子中特异表达的无籽转基因烟草,该研究为无籽植物的研制提供了一种全新的模式和思路.  相似文献   

Nhap基因编码一种质膜Na /H 逆向转运蛋白,在耐盐方面具有重要的研究价值。实验利用根癌农杆菌(Agrobac-teriumtumefacience)介导的叶盘法将Nhap基因转入烟草(Nicotianatobacum),经PCR和RT-PCR检测已获得转Nhap基因烟草的再生植株。同时从发芽率、存活率、叶绿素含量、Na 含量及耐盐性表现进行了F1代转基因烟草的耐盐性检测。结果表明,转基因烟草的发芽率、存活率、叶绿素含量均较对照高,Na 含量较对照有所下降,并且转基因烟草在200mmol/LNaCl处理下,仍能正常存活、生长,而对照烟草的生长却受到抑制。即转基因F1代烟草的耐盐性得到了显著的提高。  相似文献   

UEVs蛋白是泛素结合酶E2的变体,可通过与E2形成复合物催化底物泛素化。为探究UEVs蛋白在氮吸收利用中的作用,本研究参考辣椒低氮胁迫相关转录组数据,利用反转录PCR方法从辣椒叶片中克隆了泛素结合酶变体类似蛋白基因,命名为CaUev1D-L,对其进行生物信息和系统进化分析,并对转CaUev1D-L基因烟草进行低氮胁迫后的表型和生理特性分析。结果表明,CaUev1D-L开放阅读框长402 bp,编码133个氨基酸,具有E2结合酶UBC结构域,比辣椒、烟草、番茄和马铃薯等茄科作物的Uev1D蛋白氨基酸序列末端少14个氨基酸,与Uev1D蛋白的UBC结构域存在6个氨基酸的差异,与辣椒等作物的Uev1D蛋白不在同一进化分支。将CaUev1D-L转入烟草,在正常氮素水平下,转基因植株的茎叶干重显著小于野生型植株;在低氮水平下,转基因烟草植株的茎叶干重和根干重均显著大于野生型植株。本研究结果为氮吸收利用分子机制研究和相关基因的发掘利用提供了参考。  相似文献   

为了探讨转录因子基因ZmPTF1在玉米种子萌发中的作用,本研究根据GenBank中收录的玉米PTF1序列设计PCR引物,利用普通玉米自交系A318克隆得到ZmPTF1的全长cDNA序列.该序列开放阅读框包括1 446bp碱基,由481个氨基酸组成.本文构建植物表达载体PCAMBIA3301-ZmPTF1转化烟草W38,经过抗生素筛选和PCR鉴定得到转基因阳性烟草,对2株生长正常的T1转基因烟草进行southern杂交分析及RT-PCR检测,结果表明外源ZmPTF1已经整合进了烟草基因组中并且能正常转录并遗传.与对照相比,转基因烟草种子的发芽率、发芽势及萌发种子α-淀粉酶活性显着增高,表明ZmPTF1基因过表达会促进烟草种子提前解除休眠进入发芽阶段,提高烟草种子发芽势和发芽率.该研究结果为进一步研究ZmPTF1基因的功能提供理论依据.  相似文献   

甜高粱蔗糖合成酶基因(Susy2)的克隆及结构和功能分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本研究以甘蔗蔗糖合成酶基因(susy2)cDNA序列为探针,对高粱EST数据库进行同源检索,将获得的4条与甘蔗相似性很高的EST序列进行拼接,后经基因组PCR、分子克隆和序列分析验证获得了甜高粱(sorghum bicofor)蔗糖合成酶基因DNA序列(Susy2,GenBank登录号为FJ513325).该序列全长4587 bp,起始密码子至终止密码子序列长4350 bp,包含一个2409 bp的开放读码框.该序列包含15个外显子和14个内含子,剪接方式都为GU/AG模式.Susy2编码的蛋白由802个氨基酸组成,分子量大小为91.7 kD,等电点pI为6.15.保守结构域分析表明,此蛋白含有一个475个氨基酸的GTI糖基化酶保守结构域(275~759),有4个ADP结合位点,能催化6-磷酸果糖和UDPG形成6-磷酸蔗糖.  相似文献   

Genetic and phenotypic diversity among randomly selected 36 downy-mildew-resistant sorghum accessions were assessed, the former using 10 simple sequence repeat (SSR) marker loci and the latter using 20 phenotypic traits. The number of alleles (a j ) at individual loci varied from five to 14 with an average of 8.8 alleles per locus. Nei's gene diversity (H j ) varied from 0.59 to 0.92 with an average of 0.81 per locus. High gene diversity and allelic richness were observed in races durra caudatum (H j = 0.76, a j = 4.3) and guinea caudatum (H j = 0.76, a j = 3.8) and in east Africa (H j = 0.78, a j = 7.2). The regions were genetically more differentiated than the races as indicated by Wright's F st. The pattern of SSR-based clustering of accessions was more in accordance with their geographic proximity than with their racial likeness. This clustering pattern matched little with that obtained from phenotypic traits. The inter-accession genetic distance varied from 0.30 to 1.00 with an average of 0.78. Inter-accession phenotypic distance varied from 0.01 to 0.55 with an average of 0.33. Eleven accession-pairs had phenotypic distance of more than 0.50 and genetic distance of more than 0.70. These could be used as potential parents in a sorghum downy mildew resistance-breeding program.  相似文献   


Understanding the responses of sweet sorghum to flooding and the characters associated with flooding tolerance may be a useful strategy for pre-rice production and help meet demand for biofuel feedstock. Three sweet sorghum genotypes (Bailey, Keller and Wray) and five flooding treatments including non-flooding control, continuous flooding extended from 30, 45, 60 and 75 days after emergence to harvest were conducted under greenhouse conditions. Flooding decreased leaf dry weight (22–60%), leaf area (10–70%), number of node per stalk (1–5%), shoot dry weight (5–20%) and stalk yield (2–22%) with highest reduction in 30 days after emergence flooding treatment. Flooding later than 30 days after emergence did not significantly affect shoot growth, yield and yield components. Brix value, sucrose content and total sugar content were not significantly affected. All studied cultivars had similar shoot growth response. Flooding induced development of roots in water; root length, root dry weight, nodal root and lateral root number and interconnection of aerenchyma spaces from roots in flooded soil to stalk base above water level but suppressed root growth in flooded soil. The acclimation traits were highest in Keller, flooding from 30 days after emergence but there was a lack of root development in 75 days after emergence flooding treatments. These findings indicate the effect of waterlogging on sweet sorghum growth and yield strongly depends on the growth stage at which it occurs. There were genetic variations in root morphological and anatomical responses to flooding of sweet sorghum. The development of nodal and lateral roots and aerenchyma formation from flooded plant parts to stalk bases above water level may distribute to flooding tolerance in sweet sorghum. Based on the results, a flood-free period of at least 30 days after emergence is required to sustain yield of pre-rice sweet sorghum and early planting is highly recommended.  相似文献   

Some physicochemical properties and molecular structures of starches from millet (Pennisetum typhoides, Doro and Gero) and sorghum (Sorghum bicolor, red and white) in Nigeria were examined. Starch granules of millet and sorghum were 3–14 μm and 4–26 μm in diameter, respectively. Millet cultivars had similar peak viscosities (204–205 RVU) on pasting, while sorghum showed similar minimum viscosities (155–156 RVU). The actual amylose content (%) calculated from iodine affinity (IA, g/100 g) was 20.1 and 21.4 for sorghum and 21.3 for millet. The IA of amylopectin was high (1.27–1.42) and its average chain lengths were 20–21 with β‐amylolysis limit of 56%. Amylopectins showed a polymodal molecular weight distribution on a molar basis. The distributions differed among the samples with a higher amount of larger molecules in Doro and red sorghum. Weight‐ and molar‐based distributions of debranched amylopectins on HPSEC were polymodal with weight‐based distribution showing presence of long chains. Peak DP values for A+B1 and B2+B3 chain fractions were 13–16 and 42–43, respectively. The (A+B1)/(B2+B3) ratio on molar basis (9.0–11.5) was similar to maize and rice amylopectins. Peak DP on molar‐based distribution for white sorghum and millet amyloses were similar (490–540) and the DPn range was narrow (1,060–1,300), but weight‐based distribution profiles differed. The average chain lengths were 260–270 with 3.9–4.8 chains per molecule.  相似文献   

Malted cereals are rich sources of alpha-amylase, which catalyzes the random hydrolysis of internal alpha-(1-4)-glycosidic bonds of starch, leading to liquefaction. Amylases play a role in the predigestion of starch, leading to a reduction in the water absorption capacity of the cereal. Among the three cereal amylases (barley, ragi, and jowar), jowar amylase is found to be the most thermostable. The major amylase from malted jowar, a 47 kDa alpha-amylase, purified to homogeneity, is rich in beta structure ( approximately 60%) like other cereal amylases. T(m), the midpoint of thermal inactivation, is found to be 69.6 +/- 0.3 degrees C. Thermal inactivation is found to follow first-order kinetics at pH 4.8, the pH optimum of the enzyme. Activation energy, E(a), is found to be 45.3 +/- 0.2 kcal mol(-)(1). The activation enthalpy (DeltaH), entropy (DeltaS*), and free energy change (DeltaG) are calculated to be 44.6 +/- 0.2 kcal mol(-)(1), 57.1 +/- 0.3 cal mol(-)(1) K(-)(1), and 25.2 +/- 0.2 kcal mol(-)(1), respectively. The thermal stability of the enzyme in the presence of the commonly used food additives NaCl and sucrose has been studied. T(m) is found to decrease to 66.3 +/- 0.3, 58.1 +/- 0.2, and 48.1 +/- 0.5 degrees C, corresponding to the presence of 0.1, 0.5, and 1 M NaCl, respectively. Sucrose acts as a stabilizer; the T(m) value is found to be 77.3 +/- 0.3 degrees C compared to 69.6 +/- 0.3 degrees C in the control.  相似文献   

A second unusually high viscosity peak appeared at the cooling stage (50°C) of a Rapid Visco‐Analyser (RVA) profile of short‐term stored (two months at room temperature) whole grain sorghum flour, while freshly ground flour had a typical pasting curve with one viscosity peak at the 95°C holding period. The formation of the second viscosity peak was caused by liberation of free fatty acids (FFA), mainly palmitic (15.6%), oleic (41.9%), and linoleic (37.9%) acids from stored flour. After the flour samples were pretreated with pepsin or the protease thermolysin, the second peak disappeared in the presence of FFA while the high viscosity was partially retained, indicating that flour protein was another essential component to the production of the actual peak. Effects of dithiothreitol (DTT), pH, and NaCl on RVA profiles of stored flour suggested that disulfide‐linked protein and electrostatic interaction are required for the peak production. In the presence of sufficient FFA, similar cooling stage viscosity peaks appeared in the RVA profiles of flour samples from maize, rice, millet, and wheat; thus, the effect was not unique to sorghum flour. Coinciding with previously reported findings from our laboratory of a three‐component interaction and discernable complex in a model system, a similar three‐component (starch, protein, and FFA) interaction was revealed in natural flour systems resulting in formation of an unusual and notably high cooling stage viscosity peak. Practical applications and an interaction mechanism are discussed.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to analyze the effects of silicon (Si) nutrition on sorghum growth under drought. The present study investigated the distribution of Si in plant parts under stress conditions and its effects on physiological and growth traits. The study was conducted during 2 years (2007–2009) at PMAS Arid Agriculture University, Rawalpindi, Pakistan. Polyethylene glycol (PEG) 6000 (–4.0, –6.0, –8.0, and –10.0 Mpa) solution was used to screen drought-tolerant (Johar1) and drought-susceptible (SPV462) sorghum (Sorghum bicolor L.) cultivars, which were replicated three times with Si sources of potassium silicate (K2SiO3) (Si300: 300 ml L?1) and control (Si0) treatments. The results showed that drought-tolerant cultivars accumulated maximum Si under Si treatment versus Si absence, which resulted increased leaf water potential, leaf area index, Soil Plant Analysis Development (SPAD) chlorophyll, net assimilation, and relative growth rate over SPV462. Similarly, Si accumulation in leaves conserved transpiration and leaf water potential, verifying Si nutrition as a defense for plants under drought.  相似文献   

六个生长时期高粱对NaCl胁迫的响应   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
王海莲  王润丰  刘宾  张华文 《核农学报》2020,34(7):1543-1550
为了解高粱不同生长时期对NaCl胁迫的响应机制,以高粱杂交品种济粱1号为研究材料,采用自来水(CK)和0.6% NaCl溶液(T)对萌发期、苗期、拔节前期、拔节后期、孕穗期和开花期的济粱1号进行28 d处理。结果表明,与CK相比,萌发期开始NaCl胁迫,其株高、茎粗、地上部鲜重和根干重均差异显著,相对盐害率(RSR)最大,受NaCl胁迫危害最严重。拔节前期NaCl胁迫对穗鲜重影响最显著,其次是拔节后期和孕穗期。拔节前期、拔节后期和孕穗期开始NaCl胁迫对抽穗期影响均不显著。与CK相比,萌发期、拔节后期、孕穗期和开花期开始NaCl胁迫其叶片SPAD值显著降低;与CK相比,6个生长时期进行NaCl胁迫均显著提高了叶片和根中Na+含量;除萌发期外,NaCl胁迫后,其他5个生长时期叶中K+含量显著高于CK。在6个生长时期,NaCl胁迫根中K+含量以及叶片和根中K+/Na+显著低于CK。因此,萌发期开始NaCl胁迫对高粱幼苗形态建成影响最大,拔节前期NaCl胁迫对穗鲜重的积累影响最显著,在生产上应采取一定的抗盐胁迫措施。本研究揭示了济粱1号在6个生长时期的耐盐特点和耐盐生理机制,为盐碱地制定科学合理的抗盐栽培管理措施提供了一定的理论指导。  相似文献   

A long-term study was conducted to study the impact of integrated nutrient management on soil quality in post-monsoon sorghum (Sorghum bicolor) at Solapur in Maharashtra State in Western India under All India Coordinated Research Project for Dryland Agriculture. The experiment was laid out with ten Integrated Nutrient Management Treatments in a randomized block design with three replications. The results of the study indicated that among all the integrated nutrient management treatments practiced, the application of 25 kg nitrogen (N) ha?1 through crop residue (CR) + 25 kg N ha?1 (urea) showed the highest soil quality index of 2.36, which was at par with other treatments receiving farmyard manure (FYM) and crop residues along with urea. The relative order of performance of the integrated nutrient management treatments in influencing soil quality was: T6: 25 kg N ha?1 (CR) + 25 kg N ha?1 (urea) (2.36) >T5: 25 kg N ha?1 (FYM) (2.31) > T7: 25 kg N ha?1 (FYM) +25 kg N ha?1 (urea) (2.30) = T8: 25 kg N ha?1 (CR) +25 kg N ha?1 (Leucaena loppings) (2.30) > T10: 25 kg N ha?1 (Leucaena loppings) +25 kg N ha?1 (urea) (2.17) > T4: 25 kg N ha?1 (CR:crop residues) (2.16) > T9: 25 kg N ha?1 (Leucaena loppings) (2.15) > T3: 50 kg N ha?1 (urea) (2.10) > T2: 25 kg N ha?1 (urea) (1.99) > T1: 0 kg N ha?1 (control) (1.77). The results of the study also indicated that average percent contribution of each soil key indicator towards soil quality indices was: pH (3.97%), EC (1.94%), organic carbon (18.6%), available P (2.80%), available K (6.57%), exchangeable Ca (7.02%), available S (3.45%), Available Zn (17.9%), dehydrogenase (DHA) (16.2%), microbial biomass carbon (MBC) (18.5%) and mean weight diameter (MWD) (3.14%). Thus, the results of the present study will be highly useful to the land managers in planning effective management of soil quality.  相似文献   

Hydrogen cyanide (HCN) is a toxic chemical that can potentially cause mild to severe reactions in animals when grazing forage sorghum. Developing technologies to monitor the level of HCN in the growing crop would benefit graziers, so that they can move cattle into paddocks with acceptable levels of HCN. In this study, we developed near-infrared spectroscopy (NIRS) calibrations to estimate HCN in forage sorghum and hay. The full spectral NIRS range (400-2498 nm) was used as well as specific spectral ranges within the full spectral range, i.e., visible (400-750 nm), shortwave (800-1100 nm) and near-infrared (NIR) (1100-2498 nm). Using the full spectrum approach and partial least-squares (PLS), the calibration produced a coefficient of determination (R(2)) = 0.838 and standard error of cross-validation (SECV) = 0.040%, while the validation set had a R(2) = 0.824 with a low standard error of prediction (SEP = 0.047%). When using a multiple linear regression (MLR) approach, the best model (NIR spectra) produced a R(2) = 0.847 and standard error of calibration (SEC) = 0.050% and a R(2) = 0.829 and SEP = 0.057% for the validation set. The MLR models built from these spectral regions all used nine wavelengths. Two specific wavelengths 2034 and 2458 nm were of interest, with the former associated with C═O carbonyl stretch and the latter associated with C-N-C stretching. The most accurate PLS and MLR models produced a ratio of standard error of prediction to standard deviation of 3.4 and 3.0, respectively, suggesting that the calibrations could be used for screening breeding material. The results indicated that it should be feasible to develop calibrations using PLS or MLR models for a number of users, including breeding programs to screen for genotypes with low HCN, as well as graziers to monitor crop status to help with grazing efficiency.  相似文献   

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