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农业土壤重金属污染及防治   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
土壤是人类赖以生存的物质基础,土壤污染对人类的危害极大,它不仅直接导致粮食减产,而且通过食物链影响人体健康.在论述土壤重金属污染现状、污染迁移途径以及危害的基础上,阐述了土壤重金属污染的防治方法.  相似文献   

叶新新  孙波 《土壤》2012,44(3):360-365
稻田受重金属镉(Cd)污染后,土壤中的Cd可能被植物吸收通过食物链进入人体,威胁人类健康。而水稻品种和土壤类型对Cd吸收和积累有着深远的影响,因此在进行Cd的农产品安全阈值制定和人体健康风险评价时,需考虑土壤Cd的生物有效性和不同水稻品种对Cd吸收的影响。本文综述了水稻品种和土壤类型对Cd吸收和积累的影响,并重点介绍了目前常用于预测重金属生物有效性的模型,以期为环境风险评价、土壤环境质量标准及农产品安全阈值制定提供有效的工具,并为生产安全(无公害)稻米提供参考。  相似文献   

介绍了土壤环境中二E英类化合物污染来源、污染现状,概述了其在土壤中、土-植界面和食物链中的迁移转化规律,以及对人体健康的影响。  相似文献   

陈怀满 《土壤》1988,20(3):131-136
人体中Cd的累积主要来自于食物链,而食物生产与土壤有着十分密切的关系。虽然Cd能通过叶片的直接吸收进入植物体,但土壤是植物中Cd的主要来源,土壤溶液中Cd浓度直接影响植物对Cd的吸收。  相似文献   

铀是一种具有较高化学毒性的放射性核素。铀矿开采、核事故泄露、核废物的不恰当处理等会对周围土壤造成放射性污染。植物体内富集的铀可通过食物链进入人体,从而对人体健康造成伤害。国内外学者针对铀污染土壤的植物修复技术开展了一系列研究工作。本研究系统地总结了铀对植物胁迫效应的研究进展,主要包括铀对植物生长发育、生理生化、基因毒害、水分代谢和营养代谢等方面的影响。并结合当前研究现状,对未来的研究方向进行了展望。本研究结果为进一步阐释富集植物对铀的吸收和转运机制,以及铀污染土壤的植物修复提供了理论依据,对于监测治理铀污染土壤和保护生态环境具有重要意义。  相似文献   

农用稀土的生态毒理学效应   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
稀土农用给中国农业带来巨大经济效益,但环境安全问题也随之产生。本研究从生态毒理学角度,综述了稀土对土壤微生物、植物、动物的影响,指出稀土可以改变土壤微生物的种群结构、种群数量及其土壤酶活性,影响植物的生长发育、生理生化过程及富集规律,并对动物生殖系统、肝脏、儿童智力及人体健康造成损害。稀土对生物的生态毒理作用,可以是稀土对生物的直接影响,也可以是食物链蓄积的间接效应,在稀土农用中应充分考虑其对环境与人体的影响。  相似文献   

土壤中微塑料的生态效应与生物降解   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
塑料污染已成为环境污染治理中重要的一部分,其生态效应和防治一直是近几年污染防治的关注点。由于塑料在环境中较难降解,经过环境中风化等物理作用,这些难以降解的塑料最终形成了直径小于5 mm的微塑料。微塑料作为近几年全球重点研究的污染物,其生态效应和降解方法一直备受关注。除了塑料垃圾污染外,一次性塑料产品、地膜等农用材料的使用,也会造成土壤中微塑料的污染。土壤中的微塑料会通过发生横向和纵向迁移扩大污染范围,加大微塑料在土壤中的污染程度,给土壤微塑料治理带来了很大的挑战。本文从土壤环境、土壤微生物、植物体、食物链等方面综述了微塑料的生态效应,总结了近几年微塑料的危害,探讨了微塑料在植物和食物链中的积累,并且对微塑料沿食物链富集的风险进行分析。土壤微塑料的生态效应主要来自三个方面:塑料的主要成分、塑料合成过程中的添加剂、微塑料在环境中吸收挟带的污染物。微塑料能直接改变土壤的理化性质,影响土壤微生物群落的功能和结构多样性,并且会在植物体内积累,影响植物体健康。微塑料可能会通过饮食、饮水和呼吸等方式进入动物体和人体。除了通过沿食物链传递外,土壤微塑料还能通过扬尘的方式扩散到空气中,从而被食物链中不同...  相似文献   

环境物质磁性对重金属污染的指示作用研究进展   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
重金属污染并通过食物链对人体健康的危害已成为环境科学研究的重点,通过对土壤、沉积物及大气颗粒物的磁性测量,以监测环境中重金属污染的程度、来源和范围是国内外新近发展的新技术。本文着重阐述了环境物质磁测的基本原理和磁性参数,土壤、沉积物和大气颗粒物的磁性特征及其对重金属污染的指示作用,并对应用环境物质磁性监测重金属污染的前景进行了讨论。  相似文献   

环境中二噁英类化合物的生态和健康风险评估研究进展   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
卜元卿  骆永明  滕应  李振高 《土壤》2007,39(2):164-172
二噁英类化合物是一类对生态和人类健康构成极大威胁的持久性有毒污染物。二噁英类化合物广泛分布在大气、土壤、水体、沉积物和生物体中,并可在生物体中富集放大,最后通过食物链作用于人体,对人类健康产生严重危害。本文介绍了最近10年来二噁英类化合物的生态和健康风险方面的研究工作,并提出了加强我国二噁英类化合物的生态/健康风险评估研究的几点建议。  相似文献   

本文的目的是综述镉与微量元素在食物链中迁移及其潜在毒性有关的主要原理,主要讨论在污泥中镉及其他微量元素含量增高对植物生长和对动物与人体健康所产生的潜在性损害作用。一、微量元素在土壤-植物-动物系统中的迁移施用于土壤中的微量元素,可以(1)以植物可利用形态保存,(2)通过土壤剖面沥滤至地下水中,或(3)与土壤成分反应而固定。如果植物摄入元素过量,则会引起毒性症状,也可能作用轻  相似文献   

According to the present-day ecotoxicologic data, hazardous heavy metals/metalloids form the following sequence in the soil: Se > Tl > Sb > Cd > V > Hg > Ni > Cu > Cr > As > Ba. This sequence differs from the well-known series of the hazardous heavy elements, in which the danger of Pb and Zn is exaggerated, whereas that of V, Sb, and Ba, is underestimated. Tl also should be included in the list of hazardous elements in the soil. At present, the stress is made on the investigation of heavy metals/metalloids in agricultural soils rather than in urban soils, as the former produce contaminated products poisoning both animals and humans. The main sources of soil contamination with heavy metals are the following: aerial deposition from stationary and moving sources; hydrogenic contamination from the industrial sewage discharging into water bodies; sewage sediments; organic and mineral fertilizers and chemicals for plant protection, tailing dumps of ash, slag, ores, and sludge. In addition to the impact on plants and groundwater, heavy metals/metalloids exert a negative effect on the soil proper. Soil microorganisms appear to be very sensitive to the influence of heavy elements.  相似文献   

Animal manures contain significant amounts of plant-available nutrients which could increase crop yields. They also contain heavy metals which may be exported outside soil systems by plants, animal and surface and underground water following application to soils. The effect of some animal manures on rice yield and extractability of iron (Fe), zinc (Zn), manganese (Mn), and copper (Cu) were determined in fours soils with different properties. The manures were applied at the rate of 100Mg ha?1, and rice was grown for two consecutive seasons. In the second of the two seasons, rice yield and yield components were determined. Immediately after the second season rice harvest, soils were sampled and analyzed for DTPA extractable Fe, Zn, Mn, and Cu. Averaged across the soils, the level of extractable Fe increased by between 5% in chicken manure (PM) and 71% in cattle manure (CM); Zn by between 312% in CM and 871% in swine manure (SM); Mn by between 61% in PM and 172% in SM and Cu by between 327% in PM and 978% in SM. Mixing these manures before application reduced the level of extractable trace elements. Although there was increased yield following application, the results of this study indicated a possible risk of trace element export to the environment within a year, if high levels of the manures are applied.  相似文献   

土壤中砷的生物转化及砷与抗生素抗性的关联   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:1  
薛喜枚  朱永官 《土壤学报》2019,56(4):763-772
砷是一种广泛存在于自然环境中毒性较强的类金属元素,农田生态系统中的植物(尤其水稻)很容易吸收积累土壤环境中的砷。植物中的砷沿食物链向高等动物传递,威胁人类健康。除土壤本身的理化性质外,土壤中砷的生物转化也强烈影响砷的生物有效性。目前研究发现异化砷酸盐(As(V))呼吸性还原、细胞质As(V)还原、亚砷酸盐(As(III))氧化、As(III)甲基化和有机砷的去甲基化在土壤砷的生物地球化学过程中起重要作用。随着分析化学和分子生物学技术的进步,最新研究发现土壤生物也参与了砷糖、砷糖磷脂、砷甜菜碱、砷代草丁膦、硫代砷等有机砷的合成,其中三价一甲基砷和砷代草丁膦可作为新型抗生素,但其合成机制及生态学功能有待进一步研究。本文还详细介绍了为适应复合污染环境微生物通过自身的进化对抗生素和重金属形成的四种共选择抗性机制:共抗性,交叉抗性、共调控和生物膜感应,特别提出了土壤中砷污染与抗生素抗性相关联这一新的研究方向。最后对砷生物转化和砷与抗生素共抗机制的未来研究方向做了展望。  相似文献   

Contamination of soils with heavy metals becomes more and more a problem in many countries all over the world. In areas where metal contaminated soils are used for food crop production, metals relatively mobile within the plant, such as cadmium (Cd) and zinc (Zn) can easily come into the food chain with great risks for human health. Since bioavailability of heavy metals in soils varies with soil and plant characteristics, e.g., mineralogical and organic matter properties of the soil and plant metal susceptibility, prediction of heavy metal uptake by plants by the common soil and plant chemical analysis techniques is often unreliable. Recently, the use of biomarkers has been suggested to be a suitable technique complementing chemical soil analysis. Therefore, the usefulness of the biomarker phytochelatin (PC), a non‐protein thiol, specifically induced in plants suffering from heavy metal stress, was tested. Maize (Zea mays L.) plants were exposed to excess copper (Cu) or Cd in nutrient solution systems and metal and PC concentrations were monitored in plant shoot and root. Results clearly illustrated that very soon after plant exposure to the metal, PC induction started, especially in plant roots. Phytochelatin seems to be a useful early warning system for heavy metal stress in plants.  相似文献   

沼液应用的研究进展   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
沼液是人畜粪便、农作物秸秆等有机物在密闭条件下,经多种发酵微生物作用形成的厌氧发酵液。含多种促进植物生长的养分、生长激素及丰富的氨基酸等。近几年,随着国家对生态农业的大力倡导,沼液的用途也被大力开发。从沼液施用对土壤理化性质的影响(改良土壤、提高土壤肥力和微生物活性)、肥料效应(粮油作物、蔬菜水果、药用植物)、其他功效(浸种、抗病虫害、饲料)以及对重金属影响做一综述,以期为沼液资源的合理使用及推广应用提供借鉴。  相似文献   

京郊有机肥产品质量调查与分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为更好了解北京郊区生产的有机肥产品的质量现状,摸清有机肥原料的养分及重金属含量范围,选取当地14家有机肥厂生产的有机肥成品及其原料作为研究对象,对采集样品的主要养分、重金属含量进行了检测分析。结果表明:北京市郊区有机肥产品仍存在养分含量不达标,重金属含量超标等质量问题。所检测的14个有机肥样品中,21%的样品总养分含量不达标,36%的样品有机质含量不达标;不同种类的生产原料总养分和有机质的含量差异较大,且同一种类不同批次类原料养分含量也有较大差异;重金属Cr、Hg、As含量均未超标,Cd、Pb、Cu、Zn含量部分厂家产品有不同程度超标,其中Cu超标比例最大,有28.6%的样品超过国家限量标准;不同种类生产原料重金属含量差异较大,牛粪、鸡粪、糖渣中的重金属含量普遍偏高。  相似文献   

畜禽粪便中的重金属含量及其生物有效性是限制其农业利用的重要因素。采用好气模拟培养方法对6种畜禽粪便好氧堆肥过程中Pb、Cd、Cu、Zn的总量以及生物有效性动态变化进行研究探讨,并分析了影响重金属生物有效性的因素。结果表明,根据现有的国际以及我国农用污泥农用标准,某些粪便中存在着Cd、Cu、Zn含量超标,由于饲料受重金属污染的不同,造成不同畜禽粪便中不同的重金属含量差异性较大。堆肥过程中,由于挥发性物质的挥发作用,4种重金属含量均呈现增加现象,尤其是在0~14 d的堆肥中增加量最高;而生物有效性重金属占其全量重金属的比例呈现先增加而后下降的趋势,除仔猪粪外,堆肥均能降低重金属生物有效性部分的比例,这将有利于降低其农业利用的风险。温度和水溶性碳对堆肥过程中4种重金属的生物有效性部分重金属相对含量的变化有着显著的影响。  相似文献   

农业废弃物中重金属含量特征及农用风险评估   总被引:10,自引:2,他引:8  
为了解江西省主要农业废弃物中重金属污染状况和评估其再利用产物农用的安全性,在江西省内采集了水稻秸秆、蔬菜废弃物、猪粪和牛粪等样品,对样品中铬、镍、铜、锌、砷、镉、汞和铅重金属含量进行了测定与风险评估。结果表明,动物性废弃物中重金属含量和超标率明显高于植物性废弃物,其中猪粪属于重度污染,牛粪为轻度污染,植物性废弃物尚处于安全水平。若以江西省农业废弃物为原料制成有机肥,并长期施用于设施菜地,猪粪有机肥施用8.4、15.3和23.9 a后土壤中Cu、Cd和Zn将陆续超标,牛粪有机肥施用23.3 a后土壤中Cu将超标,水稻秸秆、蔬菜废弃物有机肥施用约29a后土壤中Cd将超标,故农业废弃物有机肥须严格控制原料中重金属含量,其农用的长期安全性有待加强监测。  相似文献   

The present study was conducted to assess the suitability of sewage sludge amendment in soil for Beta vulgaris var. saccharifera (sugar beet) and Triticum aestivum (wheat) by evaluating the arsenic and selenium accumulation and physiological responses of plants grown at 10%, 25%, and 50% sewage sludge amendment rate. Sewage sludge amendment was modified by the physicochemical properties of soil, thus increasing the availability of heavy metals in the soil and consequently with higher accumulation in plant parts. The chlorophyll contents increased after the sewage sludge treatments except for 50%. The sewage sludge amendment led to a significant increase in arsenic and selenium concentrations of the soil. The heavy metal accumulation in the soil after the treatments did not exceed the limits for the land application of sewage sludge recommended by the US Environmental Protection Agency. The increased concentration of heavy metals in the soil due to the sewage sludge amendment led to increases in heavy metal uptake in the leaves and root concentrations of arsenic and selenium in plants as compared to those grown on unamended soil. Accumulation was more in roots than shoots and leaves for most of the heavy metals. Concentrations of arsenic and selenium were more than the permissible limits of national standards in the edible portion of sugar beet and wheat grown on different sewage sludge amendments ratios. The study concludes that the sewage sludge amendment in the soil for growing sugar beet and wheat may not be a good option due to risk of contamination of arsenic and selenium.  相似文献   


Investigating available nutrients and non-essential elements in manures is important for safe management of animal and plant waste. Therefore, this study was carried out to chemically characterize cow manure (CM) and poultry manure (PM) after co-composting with privet and cypress residues. Results showed that heavy metals concentrations in manures varied as Fe > Zn > Mn > Cu > Ni > Pb > Cd. Addition of privet and cypress residues to both manures altered the extractability of heavy metals after composting. Higher concentrations of heavy metals were observed in manures at 1:0 ratio while lowest was noted in both CM and PM composted with plant residues at 1:2 ratio. Total K, Ca, and Mg significantly increased when CM and PM were co-composted with privet and cypress residues. There was an increase in the P content in co-composted CM with privet residual application whereas a reduction in total P was noticed with the addition of cypress plant residues in both manures. Manures amended with plant waste reduced N content. Both CM and PM retained higher NO3 content without plant residues.  相似文献   

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