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Applications of polyphosphate‐based fertilizers have been reported to have a positive impact on crop yields as compared to orthophosphate sources. Since plants take up P mainly as orthophosphate, hydrolysis rates of polyphosphates into orthophosphates will determine their fertilizer ability. Laboratory and soil incubation experiments were performed to evaluate hydrolysis rates of pyrophosphate (PP), tripolyphosphate (TP), and trimetaphosphate (TMP) in water as well as in two soils having different P‐fixing capacities. P availability was characterized by measuring the orthophosphate (ortho‐P) and polyphosphate (poly‐P) concentration in soil solution as well as the calcium‐acetate‐lactate (CAL)‐extractable amounts of both forms. In water, PP was completely hydrolyzed within 15 d, whereas TMP was hydrolyzed only to about 30% after 90 d. In the two soils, polyphosphates hydrolyzed during the incubation period increasing ortho‐P concentration in soil solution as well as in CAL extract. At the end of the incubation, no significant differences in ortho‐P concentration in soil solution and CAL extract were found in the sandy soil, whereas in the silty‐loam soil, polyphosphate applications resulted in higher soil‐solution ortho‐P concentration. Although polyphosphate hydrolysis is mainly affected by the soil‐specific enzymatic activity, it seems that polyphosphates and/or hydrolysis products are preferentially adsorbed/precipitated compared to ortho‐P in the silty loam, thereby influencing the P availability from polyphosphate sources.  相似文献   

A pot experiment was conducted to investigate the influence of phosphate (P) application on diethylene triamine pentaacetic acid (DTPA)–extractable cadmium (Cd) in soil and on growth and uptake of Cd by spinach (Spinacia oleracea L.). Two soils varying in texture were contaminated by application of five levels of Cd (NO3)2 (0, 20, 30, 40, and 60 mg Cd kg–1). Three levels of KH2PO4 (0, 12, and 24 mg P kg–1) were applied to determine immobilization of Cd by P. Spinach was grown for 60 d after seeding. Progressive contamination of soils through application of Cd affected dry‐matter yield (DMY) of spinach shoot differently in the two soils, with 67% reduction of DMY in the sandy soil and 34% in the silty‐loam soil. The application of P increased DMY of spinach from 4.53 to 6.06 g pot–1 (34%) in silty‐loam soil and from 3.54 to 5.12 g pot–1 (45%) in sandy soil. The contamination of soils increased Cd concentration in spinach shoots by 34 times in the sandy soil and 18 times in the silty‐loam soil. The application of P decreased Cd concentration in shoot. The decrease of Cd concentration was higher in the sandy soil in comparison to the silty‐loam soil. Phosphorus application enhanced DMY of spinach by decreasing Cd concentration in soil as well as in plants. The results indicate that Cd toxicity in soil can be alleviated by P application.  相似文献   


A glasshouse investigation was undertaken to evaluate the natural potential of fenugreek (Trigonella foenumgraecum L.), spinach (Spinacia oleracea L.), and raya (Brassica campestris L.) for cleanup of chromium (Cr)–contaminated silty loam and sandy soils. Four kilograms of soil per treatment in earthen pots was treated with five levels of chromium [0, 1.25, 2.5, 5.0, and 10.0 mg Cr kg?1 soil through dipotassium chromate (K2Cr2O7], equilibrated for 21 days at field-capacity moisture content, and then fenugreek, spinach, and raya were grown for 60 days after seeding. The concentration of diethylene triamine pentaacetic acid (DTPA)‐extractable Cr increased significantly with increasing rate of Cr application in both soils, but the increase was higher in sandy soil than in silty loam soil. The DTPA‐extractable Cr in both soils decreased after harvesting of crops compared to its concentration in soil before sowing of the crops. The decrease in DTPA‐extractable Cr concentration was highest in soil growing raya and least in the fenugreek‐growing soil. The percent reduction in dry‐matter yield (DMY) with increasing levels of added Cr in comparison to the zero‐Cr control was highest for fenugreek (49 and 52%) followed by spinach (36 and 42%) and lowest for raya (29 and 34%) in silty loam soil and sandy soil, respectively. Also, the percent reduction in mean shoot yield of all crops was higher in sandy soil (41%) compared to silty loam soil (36%), when the rate of applied Cr was increased from 0 to 10 mg Cr kg?1 soil. The DMY of both shoot and root was highest for raya and lowest for fenugreek. The Cr concentration in fenugreek, spinach, and raya increased with increasing level of added Cr in both soils. The concentration of Cr in both shoot and root was highest in raya, followed by spinach and fenugreek. The overall mean uptake of Cr in shoot was almost four times and in root was about two times higher in raya compared to fenugreek. The findings indicated that family Cruciferae (raya) was most tolerant to Cr toxicity, followed by chenopodiacea (spinach) and Leguminosae (fenugreek). Because raya removed the highest amount of Cr from soil, it could be used for pytoremediation of mildly Cr‐contaminated soils.  相似文献   

The increasing cost of fertilizer has prompted farmers to ask whether soils could be maintained at lower levels of plant‐available phosphorus (Olsen P) than currently recommended, without limiting yield. To help answer this question, critical levels of Olsen P have been determined for spring barley, winter wheat, potatoes and sugar beet grown on a sandy clay loam and a poorly structured heavy textured silty clay loam. On each soil, there were plots with a range of well‐established levels of Olsen P and, in one experiment, two levels of soil organic matter (SOM). For each crop and each year, the response curve relating yield to Olsen P was fitted statistically to determine the asymptotic yield and the Olsen P associated with 98% of that yield, that is, the critical Olsen P. Maximum yield of all four crops varied greatly from year to year, in part due to applied nitrogen (N) where it was tested, and in part to seasonal variation in weather, mainly rainfall. The wide range in critical Olsen P, from 8 to 36 mg/kg, between years was most probably as a result of differences in soil conditions that affected root growth and thus acquisition of available soil phosphorus (P). Generally, a larger asymptotic yield was not necessarily associated with a larger critical Olsen P. Spring barley and winter wheat given little N required more Olsen P, 20–34 mg/kg, to achieve the asymptotic yield, compared to 10–17 mg/kg where ample N was given; presumably, more roots were needed to search the soil for the smaller amounts of available N and root growth is affected by the amount of plant‐available soil P. In a field experiment on one soil type, soil with little SOM required 2–3.5 times more Olsen P to produce the same yield as that on soil with more organic matter. Soil organic matter most probably improved soil structure and hence the ability of roots to grow and search for nutrients in field conditions because when these soils were cropped with ryegrass in controlled conditions in the glasshouse, the yields of grass were independent of SOM and there was the same critical Olsen P for both soils. Overall, the data confirm that, for these soil types, the current recommendations for Olsen P for arable crops in England, Wales and Northern Ireland are appropriate.  相似文献   

不同土壤质地和含水率对炭基肥料氮素矿化的影响   总被引:1,自引:2,他引:1  
为了探究土壤特性对炭基肥料氮素矿化的影响,采用室内培养和大田小区试验,分析了炭基肥在不同土壤质地(砂质壤土、粉砂质壤土、黏土)及含水率(80%、60%、40%田间最大持水量)条件下,氮素矿化动态变化特征。结果表明:在室内培养条件下,对于不同土壤质地,炭基肥在砂质壤土条件下矿化势最高,其次为黏土,最低的为粉砂质壤土;对于不同田间持水量,在粉砂质壤土条件下,炭基肥矿化势最高的为80%田间最大持水量(80%SMC),其次为60%SMC,最低的是40%SMC;在砂质壤土和黏土条件下,炭基肥的矿化势均表现为60%SMC>80%SMC>40%SMC。培养状态下粉砂质壤土、砂质壤土、黏土条件下最大氮素有效性分别是34.12%、56.31%、41.14%,而在大田条件下,炭基肥单季氮素最大矿化率在粉砂质壤土、砂质壤土、黏土3种土壤质地下分别是50.61%、32.27%、34.29%。  相似文献   

Increasing fertilizer costs have prompted farmers to ask whether soils could be maintained at lower levels of plant‐available phosphorus (Olsen P) than currently recommended without losing yield. To help answer this question, we assessed the response to Olsen P by spring barley grown from 1986 to 1991, followed by winter wheat from 1992 to 2008, on a silty clay loam soil. Each year the curve relating grain yield to Olsen P was fitted statistically to determine the asymptotic yield and the Olsen P associated with 98% of that yield, that is, the critical level of Olsen P. The variance accounted for by the relationship ranged between 83 and 97% in all but two years, suggesting that the availability of soil P was the major soil factor affecting yield and that Olsen P was a reliable measure of plant‐available P in soil. Asymptotic annual yield of spring barley ranged from 2.34 to 7.12 t/ha and of winter wheat from 3.87 to 10.36 t/ha. In part, this range in yields was because of changes in the cultivar grown while the range of yields for any one cultivar was probably due to differences in weather, principally rainfall, between years. Critical Olsen P ranged from 7 to 18 mg/kg for both cereal crops (with one outlier at 26 mg/kg for winter wheat) most probably due to seedbed and soil structure conditions affecting root growth, and thus acquisition of available soil P, and the way these soil factors were affected by weather. Thus, a general recommendation for cereals grown on this silty clay loam, which is comparatively easy to cultivate, would be to maintain Olsen P at about 20 mg/kg in the plough layer to minimize the risk of losing yield in some years. This value, 20 mg/kg, equivalent to 20 mg/L, is the midpoint of P Index 2, the recommended P Index given in the Fertiliser Manual (RB209) (Defra 2010) for soils growing arable crops and grass in England, Wales and Northern Ireland.  相似文献   

Tillage trials were established on a poorly drained silty loam overlying silty clay loam and on a freely drained sandy loam overlying medium sand, in 1988 and 1989, respectively. Autumn and spring ploughing and two ploughless systems were compared for 12–13 years, with three replications at each site. The ploughless treatments comprised deep versus shallow spring harrowing until 1999, and thereafter autumn plus spring harrowing versus spring harrowing only. In 6 years, treatments with and without fungal spraying of the cereal crops were included. In other years, fungicides were not used. Perennial weeds were controlled by herbicides as necessary, on nine occasions up until 2001. Average spring barley (Hordeum vulgare L.) and spring oat (Avena sativa L.) yields were similar with spring ploughing as with autumn ploughing at both sites. In treatments without ploughing, average yields on the silty loam over clay were 93% of those obtained with ploughing, and on the sandy loam over sand they were 81%. Smaller and non-significant yield differences were found between spring harrowing versus deep spring harrowing, and between autumn plus spring harrowing versus spring harrowing only. Fungal spraying increased yields markedly at both sites (25%), but there was no significant interaction between this treatment and tillage system. Oat was compared with barley in 2 years, with oat performing better under ploughless tillage. At both sites increases in penetrometer resistance occurred in the topsoil of unploughed treatments. These were considered particularly limiting on the sandy loam. On the silty loam there was an increase in surface horizon porosity in the absence of ploughing, which was associated with an increase in topsoil organic matter content. On this soil there was also a tendency toward lower penetrometer resistance at >30 cm depth on autumn plus spring harrowed soil than on ploughed soil, indicating that the plough pan may have diminished. This was supported by observations of greater earthworm activity on unploughed soil. Soil chemical analyses revealed that mineral N and plant-available P and K accumulated in the upper horizon under ploughless tillage. The percentage yields obtained in individual years with autumn as opposed to spring ploughing, were positively correlated with air temperature during 0–4 weeks after planting on the silty loam, and with precipitation during 0–12 weeks after planting on the sandy loam. In the case of yields obtained with spring harrowing only, relative to spring ploughing, positive correlations were found with 0–4 week temperature on both soil types, suggesting that low early season temperatures may limit yields under ploughless tillage.  相似文献   

砒砂岩改良风沙土对2种引进植物生长和氮磷营养的影响   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
通过室内盆栽模拟试验,设计风沙土、砒砂岩、黄绵土、覆土砒砂岩、覆沙砒砂岩和砒砂岩改良风沙土6个土壤处理,种植鲁冰花和墨西哥玉米草2种引进植物,研究2种植物在砒砂岩改良风沙土和晋陕蒙接壤区原有土壤类型中的生长和氮磷营养差异,为该区域植被恢复提供理论依据。结果表明:(1)植物在砒砂岩改良风沙土中根系生长好,总体生物量大,鲁冰花地上生物量相较于黄绵土增幅达到242%,地下生物量相较于风沙土增幅达到186%,根长和根体积相较于风沙土增幅达到388%和290%;(2)2种引进植物根系在不同的土壤环境中表现出不同的适应特征,鲁冰花比根长在砒砂岩改良风沙土中最大,风沙土中最小,墨西哥玉米草比根长在黄绵土中最大,砒砂岩改良风沙土中最小;鲁冰花和墨西哥玉米草根系中直径d≤0.45 mm的细根体积占总根体积的百分比在砒砂岩改良风沙土中均较小,分别为9.99%和13.94%;(3)所有处理中植物的氮和磷含量均低于植物在正常生长条件下的氮和磷含量,植物生长受到氮和磷养分限制,并且植物氮磷比小于14,植物生长受氮素限制更严重。与几种原有土壤类型相比,砒砂岩改良风沙土土壤理化性质更好,土壤生产力高,更适宜植物生长,可以应用于晋陕蒙接壤区的植被恢复,但在种植过程中应考虑适当施用氮肥和磷肥,以加快植被恢复进程。  相似文献   

Soil microbial biomass interactions influencing the mineralisation of N in biosolids‐amended agricultural soil were investigated under field conditions in two soil types, a silty clay and a sandy silt loam, with contrasting organic matter contents. Soil treatments included: dewatered raw sludge (DRAW); dewatered and thermally dried, mesophilic anaerobically digested biosolids (DMAD and TDMAD, respectively); lime‐treated unstabilised sludge cake (LC); and NH4Cl as a mineral salt control for measuring nitrification kinetics. Soil mineral N and microbial biomass N (MBN) concentrations were determined over 90 days following soil amendment. Despite its lower total and mineral N contents, TDMAD had a larger mineralisable pool of N than DMAD, and was an effective rapid release N source. Increased rates of mineralisation and nitrification of biosolids‐N were observed in the silty clay soil with larger organic matter content, implying increased microbial turnover of N in this soil type compared with the sandy silt loam, but no significant difference in microbial immobilisation of biosolids‐N was observed between the two soil types. Thus, despite initial differences observed in the rates of N mineralisation, the overall extent of N release for the different biosolids tested was similar in both soil types. Therefore, the results suggest that fertiliser guidelines probably do not need to consider the effect of soil type on the release of mineral N for crop uptake from different biosolids products applied to temperate agricultural soils.  相似文献   

Wheat planting in rice-harvested fields without land preparation is more economical, but the physical characteristics of the plant root sphere are not well documented. Comparative changes in the soil compaction in parallel fields used for no-till and conventional tillage were measured in replicated field trials for two soil types and in three randomly selected farmers’ fields. Weakly to moderately developed soils on recent to old Pleistocene calcareous alluvium were studied. They differed in their clay content. No-till wheat sowing resulted in a greater soil bulk density and a lower total porosity in the heavy-textured soils compared to the light-textured soil. In the light-textured Jhakkar soil, the no-till regime resulted in a greater infiltration at the saturated state and under most suction levels and a greater macroporosity compared to the conventional tillage. The silty clay Kotly soil had greater macroporosity in the conventional tillage than in the no-till regime. The wheat root growth and penetration seemed to be favored by the relatively low bulk density resulting from the conventional tillage, particularly in the silty clay loam soil. The dense layer restricted root penetration in the silty clay loam soil, while there was less resistance in the sandy loam soil. The study demonstrated the suitability of the no-till regime for specific soil types. Published in Russian in Pochvovedenie, 2008, No. 11, pp. 1362–1370. The text was submitted by the authors in English.  相似文献   

Polyphosphate is an alternative phosphorus (P) source which can substitute for orthophosphate‐based P fertilizers in agriculture. In order to explore the effects of polyphosphate addition on soil P availability, and how pH and temperature affect polyphosphate hydrolysis, an aqueous and a soil incubation experiment were conducted at different pHs (5.0 and 8.2) and temperatures (15, 25 and 35°C); the influence of polyphosphate addition on soil available micronutrients (i.e., iron—Fe, manganese—Mn and zinc—Zn) was also studied. The experiments used three different polyphosphate fertilizers (solid and liquid ammonium polyphosphate and polyphosphoric acid) and two soil types (acid and alkaline). In aqueous incubation conditions, the average amount of phosphate () released from polyphosphate fertilizers at 35°C was 2.7 times greater than at 25°C. The average Olsen P in polyphosphate‐treated soil at 35°C was 1.12 times greater than at 25°C, indicating that higher temperature facilitates polyphosphate hydrolysis. Polyphosphate hydrolysis increased as the pH decreased in aqueous solution, but its hydrolysis rate was greater in calcareous soil than in acid soil. Moreover, polyphosphate significantly increased soil available Fe, Mn and Zn concentrations by an average of 14%, 16% and 20%, respectively, relative to orthophosphate fertilizer. In summary, high temperature and low pH favour the hydrolysis of short‐chain polyphosphate (aqueous incubation experiment), and polyphosphate significantly increases soil P availability and mobilizes soil micronutrients. The application of polyphosphate can be recommended as a pragmatic P management strategy in agriculture: however, soil temperature and pH should be taken into account when using polyphosphate fertilizers.  相似文献   


Nutrient surpluses on the Delmarva Peninsula have led to a continual accumulation of soil test phosphorus (STP), a potential source for transport of phosphorus (P) to surface waters. This article examines the effects of initial soil test P concentrations and broiler litter additions on STP accumulation. Broiler litter (BL) was applied at rates of 0, 2.5, 5, 7.5, and 10 g kg?1 (dry weight) to three soils: an Evesboro sandy loam (Mesic, coated Typic Quartzipsamments), a Pocomoke sandy loam (coarse‐loamy, siliceous, thermic typic Umbraquults), and a Matapeake silt loam (fine‐silty, mixed, semiactive, mesic Typic Hapludults). Soils and BL were incubated for 16 weeks with subsamples analyzed after 4 and 16 weeks. There was a linear increase in STP (Mehlich‐3), water‐soluble P (WS‐P), iron‐oxide strip‐extractable P (FeO‐P), and Mehlich‐3 phosphorus saturation ratio (M3‐PSR) with broiler litter additions. Regression analysis indicated few significant differences in STP response to added BL between soils within the same soil group having different initial STP levels. Correlation analysis and stepwise regression indicated that increases in WS‐P and FeO‐P from added BL were more closely related to the degree of P saturation of the soil rather than traditional STP measurements. Therefore, decisions regarding manure placement within a watershed should be based on the potential P sorption capacity of the soil as well as potential P transport pathways when the goal is the reduction of P transfer to waterbodies.  相似文献   


The effect of different concentrations of cobalt added to two soil types, a sandy and a sandy loam soil, was studied on growth performance and tissue cobalt concentration of wheat plants. DTPA‐extractable cobalt was significantly higher in the sandy soil than in the sandy loam soil. Plants grown in the sandy soil accumulated significantly higher amount of cobalt in comparison to plants grown in the sandy loam soil. Roots were significantly richer in cobalt than shoots in both the soil types. Lower (1 μg g‐1) administration of cobalt resulted in an enhancement in the growth whereas higher (5–625 μg g‐1) addition inhibited growth. A significant inverse relationship between relative wheat yield and tissue cobalt concentration was observed. The results indicate a possible requirement of cobalt for higher plants.  相似文献   


Root length and root distribution in the soil profile is important in determining the amount of nutrients and water taken up by the plant. Data about year to year variation of corn (Zea mays L.) root growth and its relation to nutrient uptake are limited. An evaluation of the importance of root system size and distribution on P and K uptake and corn yield was made from samples taken annually from a long‐term fertility experiment on Raub silt loam, fine silty, mixed, mesic Aquic Argiudolls. Root density varied with soil depth among years, whereas P and K fertilizer treatment had no measureable influence on total root length. Ear leaf P concentration was highly correlated with the amount of roots in the 0 to 15 cm layer which contained most of the available P. Since P was not appreciably limiting corn yield, no significant relation was found between yield and P content of the ear leaf. Yields on K deficient plots were positively correlated with root density in the topsoil. Correlations of root densities in the deeper soil layers with both yield and ear leaf nutrient concentration became increasingly smaller with depth in the soil profile. The results indicate that root length plus root distribution in the soil may influence year to year variation in yield particularily on soils having low available nutrient levels. This variation in root growth may be responsible for differences among years in the response of crops to applied P and/or K.  相似文献   


Developmental and environmental effects on mineral nutrient concentration in birdsfoot trefoil (Lotus corniculatus L.) are not well documented. In this study, elemental composition of two birdsfoot trefoil stands were determined from a late vegetative stage through reproductive growth. ‘Norcen’ birdsfoot trefoil was established on a Glyndon silt loam (coarsesilty, frigid Aeric Calciaquolls) in Roseau County, Minnesota (49°N), in 1980, and Norcen and ‘Leo’ birdsfoot trefoil were seeded on a Waukegan silt loam (fine‐silty over sandy or sandy‐skeletal, mixed, mesic Typic Hapludolls) near Rosemount, Minnesota (45°N), in 1981. Shoot and root samples were taken at approximately biweekly intervals in the year following establishment. Shoots were separated into stems, leaves, umbels, and seed.

Environment influenced the concentration of most elements. This environmental effect was generally consistent among plant parts for Ca, Mg, S, Na, and Mn; i.e., all parts had a lower elemental concentrations at Rosemount than at Roseau. The relationship between environments for P, K, Zn, and Cu concentrations varied with different plant parts; i.e., some”; plant components had element concentrations higher at the southern than northern location, whereas other components had element concentrations that showed the converse. Although most elements were less concentrated with advancing developmental stage, environment modified the rate and extent of change in concentration of every element in at least one plant part. Interactions of environment with developmental stage were not as evident for shoots as for the separate shoot components. Whereas other reports have often emphasized the large differences in nutrient concentrations among legume species, our data suggest that nutrient concentration may be as strongly influenced by environment as by species.  相似文献   


Long-term irrigation with untreated industrial sewage effluents causes accumulation of high concentrations of chromium (Cr) and other heavy metals in soil and subsequently in crop plants (especially leafy vegetables), which can be phytotoxic to plants and/or a health hazard to animals and humans. Greenhouse experiments were conducted to determine the effects of Cr application on the growth of spinach (Spinacia oleracia L.) and to develop critical toxic ranges of Cr in plants and in soil. The study involved growing of spinach variety ‘Punjab Green’ in a greenhouse on silty clay loam and sandy soils equilibrated with different levels of applied Cr (0, 1.25, 2.5, 5, 10, 20, 40, 80, 160, and 320 mg Cr kg? 1 soil). Plants were harvested at: three growth stages 45, 60, and 90 days after sowing (DAS). Critical toxic ranges were estimated by regressing and plotting data on ammoniumbicarbonate-diethylenetriaminepenta-acetic acid (AB-DTPA) extractable Cr in soil or Cr concentration in plants versus dry-matter yield (DMY) of spinach at the three growth stages. Toxic ranges, i.e., slightly toxic (80%–90%), moderately toxic (70%–80%), and extremely toxic (< 70%) in terms of DMY relative to the attainable maximum DMY, were established for both soils and for plants at all three growth stages. There was no germination of spinach with applied Cr at 320 mg Cr kg? 1 rate in silty clay loam soil and at 40 mg Cr kg? 1 rate in sandy soil due to Cr toxicity. Roots accumulated more Cr in comparison with shoots. Chromium concentrations of 0.47–1.93 mg Cr kg? 1 soil in silty clay loam soil, 0.13–0.94 mg Cr kg? 1 soil in sandy soil, 1.08–5.40 mg Cr kg? 1 plant DM in silty clay loam soil and 0.54–11.7 mg Cr kg? 1 plant DM in sandy soil were found to be toxic. The critical toxicity ranges of Cr thus established in this study could help in demarcating Cr toxicity in soils and in plants such as spinach and other leafy vegetables due to irrigation of soils with untreated sewage water contaminated with chromium.  相似文献   

The continuous use of heavy machinery and vehicular traffic on agricultural land led to an increase in soil compaction, which reduces crop yield and deteriorates the physical conditions of the soil. A pot experiment was conducted under greenhouse conditions to study the effects of induced soil compaction on growth and yield of two wheat (Triticum aestivum) varieties grown under two different soil textures, sandy loam and sandy clay loam. Three compaction levels [C0, C1, and C2 (0, 10 and 20 beatings)], two textural classes (sandy loam and sandy clay loam), and two genotypes of wheat were selected for the experiment. Results indicated that induced soil compaction adversely affected the bulk density (BD) and total porosity of soil in both sandy loam and sandy clay loam soils. Compaction progressively increased soil BD from 1.19 Mg m?3 in the control to 1.27 Mg m?3 in C1 and 1.40 Mg m?3 in C2 in sandy loam soil while the corresponding increase in BD in sandy clay loam was 1.56 Mg m?3 in C1 and 1.73 Mg m?3 in C2 compared to 1.24 Mg m?3 in the control. On the other hand, compaction tended to decrease total porosity of soil. In case of sandy loam, porosity declined by 5% and 17% in C1 and C2, respectively, and declined in sandy clay loam by 29% and 54%, respectively. Averaged over genotypes and textures, shoot length decreased by 15% and 26% at C1 and C2, respectively, and straw yield decreased by 21% and 61%, respectively. The compaction levels C1 and C2 significantly decreased grain yield by 12% and 41%, respectively, over the control. The deleterious effect of compaction was more pronounced on root elongation and root mass, and compaction levels C1 and C2 decreased root length by 47% and 95% and root mass by 41% and 114%, respectively, over the control. Response of soil texture to compaction was significant for almost all the parameters, and the detrimental effects of soil compaction were greater in sandy clay loam compared to sandy loam soil. The results from the experiment revealed that soil compaction adversely affected soil physical conditions, thereby restricting the root growth, which in turn may affect the whole plant growth and grain yield. Therefore, appropriate measures to avoid damaging effects of compaction on soil physical conditions should be practiced. These measures may include soil management by periodic chiseling, controlled traffic, conservation tillage, addition of organic manures, and incorporating crops with deep tap root systems in a rotation cycle.  相似文献   

随着全球范围内磷矿资源短缺问题的日益严重,间作或菌根技术强化作物对土壤磷(P)的利用及增产增收的效应受到越来越多的关注。通过三室隔网盆栽模拟试验研究了分室磷处理[不添加磷(P0)、添加有机磷(OP50)、添加无机磷(IOP50)]和根室不接种(NM)、根室接种丛枝菌根真菌Glomus mosseae(GM)对与大豆间作的玉米的生长及磷素利用的影响。研究结果表明:所有复合处理中,以间作?GM?IOP50组合处理下的玉米根系最短和地上部生物量最高;OP50处理下,间作玉米的菌根侵染率显著高于单作处理。间作条件下,无论分室磷添加与否,接种GM处理的玉米地上部生物量明显高于NM处理;接种GM处理的玉米根系生物量和株高均显著高于NM处理,且根系生物量以间作?GM?OP50组合处理下最高。接种GM条件下,P0、IOP50、OP50处理下的间作植株生物量较单作处理分别提高45.98%、111.33%、33.56%。单作条件下,无论分室磷添加与否,接种GM处理的玉米地上部磷含量均显著高于NM处理;无论何种种植模式及分室磷添加与否,接种GM处理的植物根系磷含量均显著高于NM处理。无论磷添加与否,间作?GM组合条件下的玉米地上部磷吸收量均显著较高,其中IOP50处理下的地上部磷吸收量显著高于OP50处理。间作?GM组合条件下,IOP50处理玉米根系的磷吸收效率均显著高于OP50处理。可见,接种GM、分室磷添加和间作各自在一定程度上促进了玉米的生长。综合菌根侵染、生物量及磷含量与吸收量、磷吸收效率等指标,所有复合处理中以间作?GM?IOP50组合对玉米地上部的促生作用最好,玉米磷素吸收最多,可望有效强化滇池流域红壤坡耕地磷素的利用。  相似文献   

The effects of seed inoculation with the 2,4-diacetylphloroglucinol (DAPG)-producing Pseudomonas fluorescens strain F113 and a non-DAPG-producing Tn5 mutant of this strain (F113G22) on the growth of pea roots (Pisum sativum) was studied in three different soil types (sand, silty loam and clay) at two different temperatures (14°C and 21°C). It could be shown that high concentrations of DAPG in the rhizosphere of pea seedlings increased root mass production by >50% in all soil types providing that soil conditions did not limit plant growth. The presence of DAPG was associated with increased root length and root weight and transiently enhanced lateral root formation of pea plants. It is therefore suggested that DAPG can act as a plant hormone-like substance, inducing physiological and morphological changes in the plant that can lead to enhanced infection and nodulation by Rhizobium.  相似文献   

Root proliferation and greater uptake per unit of root in the nutrient‐rich zones are often considered to be compensatory responses. This study aimed to examine the influence of plant phosphorus (P) status and P distribution in the root zone on root P acquisition and root and shoot growth of wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) in a split‐root soil culture. One compartment (A) was supplied with either 4 or 14 mg P (kg soil)–1, whereas the adjoining compartment (B) had 4 mg P kg–1 with a vertical high‐P strip (44 mg kg–1) at 90–110 mm from the plant. Three weeks after growing in the split‐root system, plants with 4 mg P kg–1 (low‐P plants) started to show stimulatory root growth in the high‐P strip. Two weeks later, root dry weight and length density in the high‐P strip were significantly greater for the low‐P plants than for the plants with 14 mg P (kg soil)–1. However, after 8 weeks of growth in the split‐root system, the two P treatments of compartment A had similar root growth in the high‐P strip of compartment B. The study also showed that shoot P concentrations in the low‐P plants were 0.6–0.8 mg g–1 compared with 1.7–1.9 mg g–1 in the 14 mg P kg–1 plants after 3 and 5 weeks of growth, but were similar (1.1–1.4 mg g–1) between the two plants by week 8. The low‐P plants had lower root P concentration in both compartments than those with 14 mg P kg–1 throughout the three harvests. The findings may indicate that root proliferation and P acquisition under heterogeneous conditions are influenced by shoot P status (internal) and soil P distribution (external). There were no differences in the total root and shoot dry weight between the two P treatments at weeks 3 and 5 because enhanced root growth and P uptake in the high‐P strip by the low‐P plants were compensated by reduced root growth elsewhere. In contrast, total plant growth and total root and shoot P contents were greater in the 14 mg P kg1 soil than in the low‐P soil at week 8. The two P treatments did not affect the ratio of root to shoot dry weight with time. The results suggest that root proliferation and greater P uptake in the P‐enriched zone may meet the demand for P by P‐deficient plants only for a limited period of time.  相似文献   

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