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The effects are repotted of direct drilling and mouldboard ploughing on soil water retention and extraction in three soils over two to four years. In the years 1972–75 when winter rainfall was close to or greater than the long-term average the maximum soil water content of the upper 100 cm differed little between the cultivation treatments. In contrast, after the dry winter of 1975–76, about 10 per cent more water was stored in the direct-drilled soil, especially below 50 cm. In the following dry summer, winter wheat extracted up to 22 mm more water from uncultivated soil and this was associated with better growth of the crop than after ploughing. When simulated rain was applied, water infiltrated rapidly to a depth of 50–100 cm in direct-drilled soil, whereas on ploughed land its movement was retarded below the plough sole even when cultivation had been carried out under conditions which minimized smearing. Water storage at depth was consequently greater under dry conditions in the direct-drilled soil while excess water reached drain depth more rapidly in wet conditions.  相似文献   

犁底层深度对膜下滴灌土壤水盐运移影响的模拟研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
为了探寻膜下滴灌条件下犁底层深度对土壤水盐运移的影响规律,采用室内土柱模拟试验与数值模拟相结合的方法,对不同犁底层深度(无犁底层,CK;25 cm深度,PB25;30 cm深度,PB30;35 cm深度,PB35;40 cm深度,PB40;45 cm深度,PB45)下土壤水盐运移规律进行了研究,结果表明:犁底层可以阻碍水分运移,降低水分入渗速率且有一定的阻水性,蒸发结束后PB处理表层10 ~ 20 cm土壤含水率比CK处理大;犁底层有一定的抑盐作用,CK处理上部10 ~ 20 cm土层的“洗盐”效果比PB处理好,蒸发结束后上部10 ~ 20 cm土层盐分最大的是PB30处理,最小的是PB45处理;利用HYDRUS-1D模型对膜下滴灌条件下犁底层对土壤水盐运移的变化规律进行模拟,经过实测数据验证,模拟效果较好。在现行以旋耕为主的传统耕作模式下,可根据不同作物根系吸水和耐盐的特点适度深耕打破犁底层,为作物生长创造适宜的水盐环境。研究结果可为新疆地区盐碱地改良、农业生产可持续发展提供参考。  相似文献   

A field experiment was conducted at ICAR-Indian Institute of Sugarcane Research, Lucknow, with three tillage practices (T1: Control- two times ploughing with harrow and cultivator, each followed by planking before sugarcane planting; T2: Deep tillage with disc plough (depth 25–30 cm) before planting followed by harrowing, cultivator, and planking; and T3: Subsoiling at 45–50 cm and deep tillage with disc plough/moldboard plough (depth 25–30 cm) followed by harrowing, cultivator, and planking before planting, two soil moisture regimes (M1: 0.5 irrigation water (IW)/cumulative pan evaporation (?CPE) ratio and M2: 0.75 IW/CPE ratio) at 7.5 cm depth of IW, and four N levels (N1- 0, N2- 75, N3- 150, and N4-225 kg N ha?1) in sugarcane plant crop. Deep tillage and subsoiling increased porosity and reduced bulk density in surface/subsurface soil. Further, these physical changes also improved soil biological and chemical properties responsible for higher crop growth and yield. Deep tillage and subsoiling reduced the compaction by 6.12% in 0–15 cm depth in sugarcane plant crop at maximum tillering stage. The highest N uptake (158.5 kg ha?1) was analyzed with deep tillage and subsoiling compared to all other tillage practices. Maintaining suboptimal moisture regime with deep tillage and subsoiling showed the highest IW use efficiency (157.16 kg cane kg?1 N applied). Mean soil microbial biomass carbon (SMBC) in ratoon crop was higher compared to plant crop. During initial tillering stage, ratoon crop showed higher SMBC with application of deep tillage and subsoiling (1209 mg CO2-C g?1 soil day?1) at 0–15 cm depth and 1082.9 mg CO2-C g?1 soil day?1 at 15–30 cm depth. Thus, it could be concluded that besides improving sugarcane yield, soil health could be sustained by adopting subsoiling (45–50 cm depth) and deep tillage (20–25 cm depth), with soil moisture regime of 0.75 IW/CPE and application of 150 kg N ha?1 in sugarcane (plant crop).  相似文献   

不同机械深耕的改土及促进作物生长和增产效果   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
长期不合理耕作导致土壤结构性能恶化、土壤耕性变差,限制作物根系下扎、影响土壤生产潜力发挥。为了改善土壤耕层构造,该试验采用自主研发的改土机械ES-210型深松犁和前置式心土(亚表层)耕作犁进行深耕,以灭茬旋耕(常规耕作)为对照,进行大区耕作对比试验。结果表明:1)深松、亚表层耕作处理与对照相比,耕层土壤固相率分别降低1.6%~3.3%、2.8%~4.5%,液相、汽相相对增加,三相比更趋于合理化;打破犁底层,降低耕层土壤硬度,其中20~35 cm土层效果更为明显;耕层土壤有效水含量上升1.1%~1.2%、0.9%,束缚水(无效水)含量下降0.4%~1.1%、0.5%~0.9%。2)深松、亚表层耕作处理比对照根长增长,其中甜菜增长5.1%、2.9%,大豆增长11.5%、13.2%;干物质积累量增加,其中甜菜增加2.3%~4.1%、3.1%~4.8%,大豆增加7.8%~10.0%、10.4%~13.6%;3)深松、亚表层耕作处理与对照相比,其中甜菜增产8.5%、12.6%;大豆增产5.0%、6.1%;深松及亚表层耕作改土处理分别比对照增收1003.3、1454.4元/hm2,其中收益大小为亚表层耕作处理深松处理对照。可见,采用ES-210深松犁及心土耕作犁深耕改土,改变了土壤耕层构造,起到扩库增容的效果;改善了作物根系生长环境,提高了作物产量,为今后农业耕作机械的发展提供了技术支撑。  相似文献   

研究深松深度对砂姜黑土耕层特性、作物产量和水分利用效率的影响,可为构建砂姜黑土合理耕层的耕作深度指标提供依据。本研究基于多年定位大田试验,采用大区对比设计,设置4个深松深度(30 cm、40 cm、50 cm、60 cm)处理,以旋耕(RT,平均耕作深度为15 cm)作为对照,研究不同深松深度对土壤紧实度、土壤三相比(R)值、作物根系形态、作物产量和水分利用效率的影响。研究结果表明,深松深度增加能显著降低土壤紧实度,使土壤的三相比(R)更加合理,进而促进作物根系生长。不同深松深度中,深松60 cm处理的土壤紧实度和三相比(R)值与对照相比降幅最大,深松40 cm处理的冬小麦根系生物量最大,深松50 cm处理的夏玉米根系生物量最大。深松不仅增加作物产量,还提高作物水分利用效率。深松30 cm处理的周年作物产量最高,比对照增产12.2%,但与深松40 cm处理差异不显著。深松50 cm处理的周年水分利用效率最高,但与深松30 cm和深松40 cm处理差异不显著。深松30 cm、40 cm和50 cm的周年水分利用效率比对照分别增加9.1%、8.8%和12.7%。因此,砂姜黑土适宜的深松深度为30~40 cm。  相似文献   

针对东北松嫩平原中南部黑土区玉米带农田长期旋耕导致耕层变浅、容重增大等问题,开展深翻-旋耕轮耕模式改善土壤物理性质的研究。试验设置连年旋耕配施化肥(RT)、连年旋耕配施化肥与有机肥(RM)、深翻-旋耕轮耕配施化肥(DT)和深翻-旋耕轮耕配施化肥与有机肥(DM)4个处理,分析0 ~ 45 cm土壤含水量、容重、紧实度、团聚体的变化及10 cm、20 cm、30 cm各深度处土壤温度变化情况。结果表明,与RT处理相比,DT处理能够显著提高玉米苗期和拔节期20 cm、30 cm深度土壤温度,增加玉米各生育时期15 ~ 45 cm土层土壤含水量,并且显著降低土壤容重和紧实度,提高了30 ~ 45 cm土层 > 0.25 mm水稳性团聚体的比例;同时DM处理能够增加苗期、收获期各土层含水量,且对0 ~ 45 cm土壤容重均有显著降低作用;而RM处理仅使0 ~ 15 cm土层容重有降低,但并不显著,且对深层土壤容重无明显影响。相关分析表明,在0 ~ 15 cm土层中,土壤含水量、紧实度、容重与温度呈负相关关系(P < 0.05);在0 ~ 45 cm土层中,土壤容重与土壤紧实度呈极显著正相关关系(P < 0.05)。DM的耕作模式能降低土壤容重和紧实度,有效提高土壤温度、土壤含水量以及 > 0.25 mm 水稳性团聚体的比例,能够较好的改善土壤耕层物理性质。  相似文献   

为了明确鱼鳞坑措施下降雨后土壤水分再分布过程及范围的变化,以汇流面积2 m2,径流系数0.3为试验条件,选取规格为60 cm×40 cm×10 cm(长×宽×深)的鱼鳞坑,通过灌水试验研究了降雨强度分别为60,30 mm/h、历时1 h后连续7 d的土壤水分动态。结果表明:(1)降雨强度60,30 mm/h时灌水后第1天水分入渗深度为60,50 cm,第2天达到最大值,分别为80,60 cm,水分最大入渗深度随降雨强度增加而增大; 灌水后第1天水分水平入渗距离达到最大值40 cm,水分水平入渗距离随土层深度增加而降低。(2)灌水后7 d内,降雨强度60 mm/h时水分主要储存在深度10—80 cm距离鱼鳞坑中心0—40 cm的区域内; 降雨强度30 mm/h时,水分主要储存在深度10—50 cm距离鱼鳞坑中心0—40 cm的区域内。(3)深度10—30 cm处土壤水分在灌水后第1天达到最大值,30—50 cm处土壤水分在灌水后第3天达到最大值; 距离鱼鳞坑中心0—20 cm处土壤水分在灌水后第1天达到最大值,距离20—40 cm处在灌水后2~3 d水分达到最大值; 达到最大值后土壤水分逐渐降低至稳定。鱼鳞坑措施下降雨水分入渗深度可达80 cm,且随降雨强度增加而增大,水分水平入渗距离与降雨强度无明显关系。  相似文献   

为探析砒砂岩对于风沙土储水能力的影响,在毛乌素沙地设置不同比例砒砂岩与沙复配成土试验小区(砒砂岩与沙的体积比分别为1∶1,1∶2,1∶5),进行单季玉米种植,并分别于2013—2015年连续3年对0—120cm深度内土壤水分进行动态监测。结果表明:从2013—2015年,适量砒砂岩的加入将风沙土储水量从100mm左右提升至200mm以上,并可逐步调节土壤水分至不亏缺状态,显著提升土壤的保水蓄水能力,有利于作物生长需求;土壤储水以40cm以下中深层土壤储水能力改善作用最为明显,且经多年种植,0—40cm和80—120cm土层逐步成为土壤水分较为稳定的土层,利于作物根系对水分的吸收利用;砒砂岩与沙1∶1~1∶5范围内,随砒砂岩所占比例提高,复配土储水特征的改善作用有增强趋势,但趋势不显著。  相似文献   

土壤含水率监测位置对温室滴灌番茄耗水量估算的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
土壤水分传感器埋设位置的选择是局部灌溉条件下获得作物根区代表性土壤含水率数据,从而制定滴灌灌溉制度的关键。本文以日光温室滴灌番茄为对象,研究滴灌线源土壤湿润体内含水率分布状况,通过对比距滴灌带不同位置处土壤含水率监测结果估算番茄耗水量的差异,探讨土壤含水率监测的合理位置。结果表明,番茄生育期内14~25 mm的灌水定额主要用于增加0~40 cm土层的土壤含水率,湿润体内日平均土壤含水率分布在75%~100%田间持水率。作物生育期内连续多次滴灌条件下,沿滴灌带单个灌水器形成的湿润土体会充分叠加,形成近似均匀的土壤含水率带状分布,且作物生育期内沿深度方向0~40 cm土层土壤含水率均值无显著性差异,距滴灌带不同水平距离的土壤含水率随时间的变化趋势具有同步特点,无明显的滞后性。以集中80%总根量的土壤深度作为滴灌番茄水分渗漏下界面时,14~25 mm的灌水定额会导致深层渗漏,且深层渗漏量表现出一定的空间变异性。番茄生育期内深层渗漏量约占灌水量的13%。距滴灌带不同位置处的番茄耗水量除在番茄苗期和开花座果期有较大差异外,其余生育阶段的差异均在10%以内。对温室滴灌番茄来说,滴灌高频少量的灌溉特征有利于维持作物根系层适宜的土壤水分状态,监测1个含水率剖面即可满足估算作物耗水量的要求。  相似文献   

以春小麦品种‘陇春27’为试材,采用田间试验法,以裸地平作为对照,研究半干旱区旱地全膜覆土穴播和全沙覆盖平作对小麦田土壤水分和产量的调节作用。结果表明:与裸地平作(CK)相比,全膜覆土穴播(PM)和全沙覆盖平作(SM)小麦田0~40 cm土壤水分条件明显改善,尤其在干旱年份,能满足小麦前期生长,同时促进小麦出苗后对0~200 cm土壤水分的利用;种植第1年PM在60~80 cm土层耗水量最大,SM和CK在40~60 cm土层耗水量最大;种植第2年PM以120~180 cm土层耗水量最多,SM和CK则以60~80 cm土层耗水量最多。连续种植两年后,PM耗水深度从120 cm延伸到200 cm,SM耗水深度从120 cm延伸到140 cm,CK耗水深度无变化;小麦田休闲效率PM最大,SM次之,CK最小,但是各处理休闲效率随种植年限增加而降低。可见,PM和SM能改善小麦前期生长水分环境,促进出苗后耗水,并加快小麦对土壤深层水分的利用,因而与CK相比,PM产量增加48.77%~815.79%,SM产量增加49.41%~702.24%。但随种植年限增加,耗水深度加大,休闲效率降低,多年种植可能对土壤水分生态产生不利影响。  相似文献   

Ploughpans, caused by puddling of soil for rice cultivation for years, are bound to affect soil water balance and the utilization of the stored soil water by dry-land crops. Loosening of the pan by increasing the plough depth is likely to increase utilization of sub-soil water and recharge of the soil profile. The effects of different tillage regimes on infiltration of two Bangladesh soils with ploughpans were studied. Cumulative infiltration rates were increased in both Sonatala and Modhupur soils owing to increase in depth of tillage. Cumulative infiltration and infiltration rates were much higher in the grey floodplain sandy loam soil compared with the red terrace clay loam soil. The cumulative infiltration of Sonatala soil in no-tillage, 7.5, 15.0 and 22.5 cm tillage depth plots were 18.8 cm in 400 min, 31.0 cm in 400 min, 36.3 cm in 300 min and 43.3 cm in 150 min, respectively. The total amount of water entering into Modhupur soil in 400 min was 14.3, 21.0, 35.5, 46.9 and 50.7 cm in no-tillage, 7.5, 12.5, 17.5 and 22.5 cm tillage depth plots, respectively. Results further revealed that although the initial infiltration was higher and different in different tillage treatments, it decreased with time and tended to be more or less similar for all the tillage depths at the end of the study period. This was true for both the soils.  相似文献   

In a field study, conducted on 10 conventionally managed field sites in Germany, the effects of high axle loads (15–25 Mg) on soil physical properties were investigated. Soil texture classes ranged from loamy sand to silty clay loam. All sites were annually ploughed, and one site was additionally subsoiled to 40 cm depth. In the context of common field operations wheeling was performed either by a sugar beet harvester (45 Mg total mass, 113 kPa average ground contact pressure) or a slurry spreader (30 Mg total mass, 77 kPa average ground contact pressure). Soil moisture conditions varied from 3.2 to 32 kPa water tension during this pass. Penetration resistance was measured before the pass. Soil cores were collected in a grid scheme at each site before and after the machine passed. Bulk density, aggregate density, air-filled porosity and air permeability at seven distinct soil water tensions ranging from 0.1 to 32 kPa were determined in these cores taken from three layers (topsoil, plough pan and subsoil).At most sites, a pass by the sugar beet harvester or slurry spreader strongly affected topsoil properties. Bulk density and aggregate density increased while air-filled porosity and air permeability decreased. The plough pan was already severely compacted before wheeling: therefore changes were small. The subsoil showed no changes or only minor signs of compaction. Only at one site, which was subsoiled the year before, significant signs of compaction (i.e. changes in bulk density, air-filled porosity and air permeability) were detected in subsoil layers.The results show that using present-day heavy agricultural equipment does not necessarily lead to severe subsoil compaction in soils where a compacted plough pan already exists. However, fields which were subsoiled leading to an unstable soil structure are in serious danger of becoming severely compacted.  相似文献   

降雨特性和覆盖方式对麦田土壤水分的影响   总被引:10,自引:7,他引:3  
为探明不同降雨特性和覆盖方式对冬小麦土壤水分的影响,利用人工模拟降雨器,模拟40和60mm/h2种降雨强度,在大田设置地膜覆盖(PM)、秸秆覆盖(覆盖量分别为1500、4500、7500和10500kg/hm2,即SM15、SM45、SM75和SM105),同时设置无覆盖处理作为对照(CK),研究不同降雨强度和覆盖方式对雨后冬小麦0~60cm土层土壤水分分布和降雨土壤蓄积量的影响。结果表明:模拟降雨前各覆盖处理土壤含水率均比CK高,其中0~20cm土层土壤含水率差异显著(P<0.05),而20cm以下各处理土壤水分相差较小,除SM105与CK差异显著外(P<0.05),其他处理与CK差异不显著;同一覆盖处理,60mm/h降雨强度条件下降雨入渗深度和入渗量明显高于40mm/h。在相同雨强条件下,不同覆盖处理可以不同程度的增加耕层土壤含水率,其中秸秆覆盖量越大,效果越明显,而PM效果最差;2种雨强条件下各处理0~60cm土层降雨土壤蓄积量规律表现一致,即SM105>SM75>SM45>SM15>CK>PM,其中SM105和SM75均显著高于CK(P<0.05),PM则显著低于CK(P<0.05);受植株冠层降雨截留的影响,同等降雨条件下,同一覆盖处理拔节前降雨土壤蓄积量大于拔节后的;相比60mm/h降雨强度,40mm/h降雨强度下各处理拔节前、后降雨土壤蓄积量变化幅度较大。  相似文献   

Using in-growth soil cores in cylindrical mesh bags, the effects of 3 soil compaction treatments on growth of crop roots were studied in a sandy soil. The bags were inserted after crop emergence in holes (70 mm diameter; 60 cm depth) augered in the soil in crop row interspaces. In 1984 (with rapessed), at all sampling dates, root biomass in the inserted cores decreased with increased compaction of the plough layer (0–25 cm) as well as the subsoil (25–60 cm). Root biomass in the subsoil was low. In 1985 (with wheat), the effects of compaction in the subsoil were similar, although root biomass was greater than in 1984. However, in the plough layer there were significant differences in root biomass on only one sampling date. The mesh bag technique should be a useful complement to other field methods in studies of relations between physical soil characteristics or tillage treatments and root growth.  相似文献   

The results of a long term study of the effects of no-tillage and conventional plowing with or without crop residue mulch on soil physical and hydrological properties and on yield of maize are reported for an Alfisol in southwest Nigeria. After 10 years, total porosity of the 0 to 10 cm depth were 48, 50, 39 and 39 percent for no-tillage without mulch (NT-M), no-tillage with mulch (NT+M), conventional tillage without mulch (CT-M) and conventional tillage with mulch (CT+M) respectively. Saturated hydraulic conductivity for the same depth were 753, 750, 183 and 908 cm/day for NT-M, NT+M, CT-M and CT+M respectively. Laboratory measured moisture retention at 50 cm suction for the same depth was 30, 29, 19 and 28 percent. The maximum available water storage capacity for the surface 40 cm layer was 59 and 41 mm for no-tillage compared with 44 and 33 mm for the conventional tillage treatments with and without mulch, respectively. Grain yield increased at the rate of 0.17 t/ha for 1 mm increase in the available water capacity between the range of 33 and 59 mm.  相似文献   

A manually damaged, smeared layer (pan) was created at plough depth in two clay soils. Soil physical properties, soil water regimes and plant responses were measured in panned and non-panned soil from 1972 to 1975. Continuity of the pan was readily lost on drying by formation of shrinkage cracks which did not fully close unless the soil had been wet for a long time; thus the occurrence of perched water tables above the pan was rare. The pans had no effect on crop yields. Leaf water potential, effective rooting depth and subsoil water deficits all showed that the pans affected water uptake by roots, but these effects were transient. The results indicate that natural amelioration of pans in these clay soils occurs even after slight drying and that the degree but not duration of drying is important.  相似文献   

自然降雨条件下干化土壤水分恢复试验   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
土壤干燥化是制约黄土丘陵半干旱地区生态环境可持续发展的瓶颈问题,自然降雨是当地土壤水分补充的唯一来源。为探究自然降雨条件下干化土壤的水分恢复状况,在陕北米脂试验站构建野外10 m深大型地下土柱,2014—2019年间利用CS650-CR1000型土壤水分自动监测系统和BLJW-4小型气象观测站对土壤水分、气象状况进行连续定位观测,分别对次降雨、月降雨、年降雨条件下的干化土壤入渗恢复深度进行研究。结果表明:黄土区降雨分布的阶段性和年际不均衡性是直接影响深层干化土壤水分入渗的主导因素,年内降雨可以划分为3个阶段:降雨匮乏阶段(上年11—次年3月)、降雨过渡增加阶段(4—6月)、降雨丰沛阶段(7—10月)。试验期间,能够促进深层干化土壤水分恢复的有效降雨(入渗深度大于50 cm)发生次数为56次,有效降雨量1 455.20 mm,分别为6a总降雨次数和总降雨量的16.23%、64.68%。月尺度、年尺度条件下,逐月、逐年降雨入渗深度均随降雨量增加呈二次函数增大变化,累积降雨入渗深度则随时间延续持续增大,对深层干化土壤水分恢复起决定作用。至2018年12月,累积降雨入渗深度达到1 000cm。以农地土壤水分为标准,2014—2019年自然降雨条件下干化土壤完全恢复深度分别为140、180、300、600、700、700cm,完全恢复程度依次可达14%、18%、30%、60%、70%、70%。研究结果对于探讨半干旱黄土区在自然降雨条件下林地深层干化土壤水分恢复规律,制定合理措施促进干化土壤水分恢复,以及深入干化土壤水文循环机理研究具有重要意义。  相似文献   

A 2‐year field experiment was carried out in loessal soil in a semi‐humid climate to explore the integrative influences of subsoiling on soil properties and winter wheat grain yield. Results showed that it was essential to deepen the plough pan in loessal soil. The sharply increased soil penetration resistance (>7 MPa) in plough pan under dry soil condition was especially harmful for plant growth. In rotary tillage treatment, the waterlogging conditions caused by shallow plough pan slightly produced macropores and preferential water flow. Significantly, higher grain yield was obtained in the subsoiling tillage treatment, increased by 21.9% in 2016 and 11.3% in 2017, respectively. Subsoiling tillage improved the resilience of winter wheat under adverse climate conditions. Subsoiling tillage should be popularized in loessal soil with shallow plough pan in semi‐humid climate. This study may provide valuable information on soil sustainable use and management in loessal soil.  相似文献   

The decline in cotton yields in the Gezira Scheme, Sudan, has been partially attributed to deterioration in soil physical properties and the formation of a plough pan 20 cm deep as a result of the repeated use of the disc plough for land preparation. This field study was conducted during the 1990/91 season at the Gezira Research Station Farm to evaluate the effect of tillage on some soil physical properties of Vertisols, root growth and yield of cotton (Gossypium barbadense L.). Three tillage systems were used: disc harrowing (DH), three bottom disc plough (DP) and subsoiling (SS). Infiltration rates, bulk densities, soil penetration resistance, moisture depletion and root and shoot growth were measured. The results indicated that infiltration rate was not increased significantly by SS. Plant height and shoot dry matter were significantly higher with SS at later growth stages. Bulk density of the plough pan at 135 days after sowing accounted for 90% of the observed variation in subsoil root dry weight while soil penetration resistance accounted for 59% of the variation. Subsoiling increased water use efficiency 25 and 13% over DH and DP respectively. Subsoiling increased cotton yields over DH but the increase over DP was not significant.  相似文献   

分层供水和表层施锌对玉米植株生长和锌吸收的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
进行分层水分隔离盆栽试验,模拟田间不同层次土壤中水分含量分布不均条件,研究表层土壤施锌情况下,玉米植株生长和锌吸收以及根系在表层和底层土壤中的分配。结果表明,施锌明显促进了玉米地上部生长。在土壤表层水分充足时,施锌对植株增长效果较明显,有利于玉米利用土壤水分。缺锌条件下,改善土壤水分并未显著提高玉米生物量。表层土壤干旱时,上下层土壤中根系干物重之比减小,底层土壤中根系分布相对增加,当表层土壤水分增加时,根系在表层土壤中干物重显著增加,分布相对增多。施锌并没有影响根系在不同层次土壤中的分配。表层土壤水分对苗期玉米植株锌吸收总量有显著影响,干旱条件下,玉米植株锌吸收总量下降;底层土壤水分供应状况对玉米锌浓度影响不大,但植株中锌向地上部运转增加。尽管施锌没有提高生长早期玉米根系生长和对底层土壤水分的利用,但本研究表明缺锌旱地土壤上如通过灌溉等措施增加了耕层土壤水分,应该注意施用锌肥,否则严重影响玉米生物量和玉米对土壤水分的利用效率。  相似文献   

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