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本工作就我国华东、华中地区一些主要类型水稻土进行土壤微生物区系(细菌,放线菌,真菌,嫌气性细菌,好气性非共生性固氮菌,硝化细菌,反硝化细菌,反硫化细菌和好气纤维分解菌等)分析,并测土壤氨化强度和呼吸作用强度,获得以下主要结果:1.水稻土中微生物区系数量分布与其他土壤一样,无论是细菌和放线菌,或者是真菌,都是主要集中于耕作层,犁底层数量突降,一般均为耕作层数量20—50%,心土中微生物更少。好气性细菌和嫌气性细菌之间的比值,随土层深度增加而增加。2.各主要类型水稻土耕作层中,每克土壤中细菌数量在300万—2,000万之间,放线菌处于10万—300万的范围内,真菌为0.7万—12万。3.好气性非共生固氮菌在江苏省内分布较广,数量也较多,除无锡的黄泥土(母质为湖积物)外,平均每克土壤数量为1000—10000以上。而江西省,除乐平的污泥土由于大量使用石灰,土壤已呈微碱性(pH7.5—8.0),合有较多固氮菌细胞(6000/1克土),其他土壤中固氮菌时有时无。湖北孝感的土壤中,固氮菌数量平均每克土中不足200个细胞。4.无论是什么地区,何种母质上发育形成的水稻土,在其肥力水平高的土壤中,细菌、放线菌和真菌数量均比肥力低者为多;生理类羣中的硝化细菌、氨化细菌、好气性非共生固氮菌和好气性纤维分解细菌也有同样的趋势,而反硝化细菌却适得其反。5.不同肥力的同一类型水稻土,肥力高者其氨化强度和呼吸强度较肥力低者为大,但是,土壤中生化作用强度的大小与其相适应的微生物类羣数量并不是简单的比例关系。6.深耕土壤,增施肥料,特别是有机肥料的施用,直接促使了水稻土中各类羣微生物数量增加,大大加强了土壤微生物的活动性。  相似文献   

土壤微生物和生物化学性质是农业土壤生产力的重要指标.该文研究了湖南省双季稻种植区不同生产力水稻土微生物种群数量和生物化学性质的差异.不同生产力水稻土样品采自湖南省东部、中部和西北部8个水稻主产县,测定了高产、中产和低产水稻土的微生物种群数量、微生物生物量C(SMBC)、微生物生物量N(SMBN)、土壤呼吸、代谢熵(qCO2)、脲酶、磷酸酶、转化酶、脱氢酶、土壤有机C(SOC)、全N(TN)、全P(TP)、全K(TK)、有效N(AN)、速效P(AP)、速效K(AK)和稻谷与稻草产量.结果表明,高产水稻土的细菌、真菌、放线菌数量和微生物生物量C、N与中产水稻土无明显差异.SMBC、SMBN含量和土壤脲酶、转化酶、脱氢酶活性与细菌、真菌和放线菌的变化规律基本相似.由于湖南省植稻区施用磷肥有近50年历史,土壤磷素含量较高,导致不同生产力水稻土之间的磷酸酶活性没有差异.细菌和放线菌与SOC、TN、TK、AN含量之间相关性最好.脲酶和转化酶活性与土壤SOC、SMBC、SMBN、TN和AN含量之间的相关性最好.高产水稻土与中产水稻土之间在微生物性质上差异很小,中产水稻土只要加强田间管理措施,可以达到高产水稻土的产量目标.目前低产水稻土的微生物性质和生物化学性质较差,应注意有机肥料和无机肥料的合理施用,重视低产水稻土的改良,提升这类土壤的生物质量.  相似文献   

珠江三角洲土壤供钾能力的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
珠江三角洲土壤钾素含量全钾平均1.68%,缓效性钾225ppm,速效性钾118ppm,在全省居中等水平.土壤有效钾含量不高.水平分布由三角洲前缘向顶部递减.水稻吸收缓效性钾越早,土壤供钾性能越差.水稻各生育期累积吸钾量变化呈开口向下的二次曲线,出现前轻、中重、后减弱规律.水稻中期吸钾越高,土壤供钾越好.土壤速效性钾变化呈开口向下的二次曲线,曲线变化越平缓,土壤供钾量越少.连续种植水稻吸钾总量占土壤有效钾贮量越多,供钾性能越差.粘质三角洲冲积潜育性水稻土,钾素的含量中上,土壤供钾性能好,早稻钾肥肥效不显著,晚稻极显著.粘质三角洲冲积沼泽性水稻土、粘质三角洲冲积盐溃强酸性水稻士钾素含量最高,但前者地下水位高,后者有酸害,影响水稻吸钾,钾肥肥效不显著.高度熟化粘质三角洲冲积潴育性水稻土等,土壤钾素含量,供钾性能较好,但生产性能高,需钾量大,钾肥肥效早晚稻极显著.沙质砖红壤性红壤潴育性水稻土,钾素含量和水稻吸钾量最少,供钾性能最差,钾肥肥效早晚稻十分显著.  相似文献   

通过布置室内盆栽试验,观测不同N、P肥施用量处理对不同母质和肥力水平红壤水稻土微生物生物量C、N和基础呼吸强度的影响.结果表明,不同红壤水稻土速效养分含量随施肥量的增加而增加,但微生物生物量、呼吸强度和呼吸熵并不一直呈上升趋势.第三纪和第四纪高肥水稻土微生物生物量C在超过2倍常规施肥量后呈下降趋势,第三纪低肥水稻土则随施肥量增加而呈上升趋势.不同土壤的微生物生物量N则在超过1.5倍常规施肥量后呈下降趋势,不同土壤问微生物生物量N变化表现为第四纪高肥水稻土>第三纪高肥水稻土>第三纪低肥水稻土.施肥条件下,红壤水稻土的基础呼吸强度在超过1.5倍常规施肥量后,即随施肥量增加而下降.但土壤呼吸熵随施肥量变化并没有一致的规律.  相似文献   

湖南省几种稻田土壤微生物区系的研究   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
对湖南省3个国家水稻工程基地的7种水稻土微生物区系的分析结果表明,7种水稻土中3类微生物总数依次为黄沙泥>紫沙泥>河沙泥>紫泥田>红黄泥>潮沙泥>黄泥田,特殊生理群的微生物数量也以河沙泥和紫沙泥等通气性好、质地好的土壤中最多,而黄泥田和红黄泥等紧实土壤中微生物数量较少。农业生产中要因土壤类型采取相应的农业技术措施。  相似文献   

长期施肥对红壤性水稻土微生物生物量与活性的影响   总被引:2,自引:3,他引:2  
吴晓晨  李忠佩  张桃林  车玉萍 《土壤》2009,41(4):594-599
土壤微生物及其活性是指示土壤增肥过程和土壤环境变化的灵敏指标.本文研究了红壤荒地开垦为水田后不同施肥制度定位施肥 16 年后水稻土的微生物生物量与活性特征,结果表明:经 16 年水稻耕植,不同施肥措施下土壤的微生物生物量和活性还处于较低水平.施肥制度显著影响了水稻土的微生物生物量 C 和基质诱导呼吸,但对基础呼吸的影响还不明显.只施用 N、K 肥对提高土壤微生物生物量和活性没有显著效果,在不施肥或施用化肥的基础上配合有机循环可以显著提高土壤微生物的生物量、代谢活性和微生物呼吸的温度敏感性,N、P、K 肥配合有机循环的施肥制度对提高土壤微生物生物量和代谢活性的作用最好.  相似文献   

安徽省几种主要土壤有机碳含量及其组分研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
研究了安徽省4种主要类型土壤(砂姜黑土、潮土、水稻土和红壤)有机碳(SOC)、可溶性有机碳(DOC)和微生物量碳(MBC)的含量剖面分布及其相互关系.结果表明,4种土壤SOC,DOC和MBC含量存在明显差异,但其剖面分布规律基本一致,表层含量较高.随着土壤层次加深而依次递减;表层土壤SOC含量顺序为:水稻土>砂姜黑土>潮土>红壤,DOC含量顺序为:砂姜黑土>潮土>水稻土>红壤,MBC含量顺序为:潮土>砂姜黑土>红壤>水稻土.DOC和MBC分别只占SOC的4.92%~18.97%和1.86%~5.68%.土壤SOC,DOC与MBC之间存在着密切的关系,3者之间的相关性均分别达到了10%,5%或1%的显著或极显著水平.  相似文献   

施用生物有机肥对红壤水稻土中重金属及微生物量的影响   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:4  
研究了施用生物有机肥对红壤性水稻土中重金属含量、养分含量以及微生物量碳、氮的影响,以期为改善红壤性水稻土重金属污染状况提供科学依据。通过田间小区定位试验,一次性施入不同量的生物有机肥为:0、10、20、30和40 t·hm-2,于2017年9月水稻成熟期采集各处理表层土壤,研究土壤养分和重金属含量及微生物生物量的变化。施用生物有机肥可以提高土壤养分含量和微生物量碳、氮含量,降低土壤中全量Cd、DTPA-Cd和DTPA-Pb含量,而对土壤全量Pb则没有显著的影响。相关分析表明,在红壤性水稻土中施用生物有机肥后,土壤中的CEC、pH和全氮以及有效磷含量这4种养分显著影响土壤全量Cd、DTPA-Cd以及DTPA-Pb的含量;而通径分析则表明,土壤DTPA-Cd与土壤全氮关系最为密切,土壤有效磷对土壤DTPA-Pb含量的影响为最大。施用生物有机肥可以改善土壤重金属污染的状况,提升土壤肥力。  相似文献   

旱地红壤与红壤性水稻土水分特性分析   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
对低丘红壤地区红壤性水稻土(黄筋泥田)和旱地红壤(黄筋泥)及不同利用方式下土壤的持水和供水特征进行了研究.结果表明,与红壤性水稻土相比,旱地红壤持水供水能力弱;红壤性水稻土各样品之间持水和释水能力的差异与有机质的变化相似,在红壤地区,培肥土壤有利于提高土壤抗旱能力,土壤利用方式不同改变了土壤孔隙的分布状况,使旱地红壤在低吸力段土壤的水分特征存在明显差异.  相似文献   

珠江三角洲的沙围田,是由人工围堰使河流冲积物加速沉积而成的.自河口上溯,依地形分布着农民惯称的咸田(重度盐化水稻土)、油泥田(强度潜育性水稻土)、油格田(轻度潜育性水稻土)、泥肉田和泥骨田(瀦育性水稻土)(图1).据本室土壤地理组1962年调查,这些田估计约占全区水稻田面积的71%.  相似文献   

Our previous study revealed the high diversity of the major capsid gene (g23) of T4-type phages that existed in the paddy field soils in Northeast China. In this study, the phylogeny and genetic diversity of the g23 gene in the paddy floodwater samples collected from five sampling sites at three sampling times during the rice (Oryza sativa L.) growth season in Northeast China are reported. In total, 104 different g23 clones were isolated, among which 50% of the clones exhibited the highest identities with the clones retrieved in paddy soils and upland black soils. The remaining clones had the highest identities with lake origins. Phylogenetic analysis revealed that 43% of the g23 clones grouped into three novel subgroups which included the clones unique to paddy floodwater, and no g23 sequences obtained in paddy floodwater fell into the paddy soil groups II, III, IV, V, VI, VII and NPC-A. UniFrac analysis of g23 clone assemblages demonstrated that T4-type phage communities in paddy floodwater were changed spatially and temporally, and the communities were different from those in paddy soils. Further comparison of the g23 clone assemblages from different environments demonstrated that T4-type phages were biogeographically distributed, and the distribution was both affected by geographical separation and ecological processes across the biomes.  相似文献   

This study was performed to investigate changes in available soil phosphate associated with temperature under submerged conditions and to explore the possibility for estimating those under submerged conditions during the early growth (tillering) stage of rice plants (Oryza sativa L.). An incubation experiment was conducted under submerged conditions at three temperatures (10°C, 17.5°C and 25°C) using paddy soils collected over a widespread area in Japan. In most soils, significant positive correlations were observed between available soil phosphate and cumulative temperature to 650°C, which corresponded to the tillering stage in Japan. Relationships between the regression formulae of the available phosphate against cumulative temperature to 650°C and soil chemical properties measured in air-dried soil were investigated. The results indicate that the available phosphate of paddy soil against cumulative temperature during tillering stage under submerged conditions can be estimated from the results of air-dried soil analyses which can be conducted before a crop season.  相似文献   

Tuber crops are generally grown in marginal lands with low native soil fertility. In India, laterite soils (acidic Ultisols) are the major soils for tropical tuber crops and are poor in innate fertility. Among tropical tuber crops, some have adapted to poor soils, such as cassava, whereas others such as tannia (Xanthosoma sagittifolium L.) cannot establish well in these soils and may manifest nutritional disorders, which ultimately result in the complete devastation of the crop. Therefore, we investigated the effects from a preliminary rate trial (PRT) and nutrient-omission pot trial (NOPT) using maize as a test crop and a NOPT with tannia to determine the optimum nutrient rate and limiting nutrients, as well as nutritional problems affecting the growth and yield of tannia. Each experiment was laid out in a complete randomized design with three replications and was conducted for both garden and paddy soils. The PRT revealed that the optimum nutrient requirements for the soils were different, with garden soils requiring nitrogen (N), phosphorus (P), potassium (K), calcium (Ca), magnesium (Mg), sulfur (S), boron (B), zinc (Zn), and molybdenum (Mo) at 200, 60, 160, 70, 60, 50, 4, 8, and 0.8 kg ha?1, respectively, and paddy soil requiring twice these rates. The NOPT indicated that in addition to N, P, K, B, and Mo in both garden and paddy soils, Ca and Zn in paddy soils and S in garden soils were the constraining nutrients. The NOPT carried out with tannia indicated that the main nutritional problem was subsoil acidity-induced multinutrient deficiencies involving K, Ca, and Mg.  相似文献   

Behavior of phosphorus(P) in flooded rice soil is controlled by iron(Fe) redox cycling in root-zone. In this study, we applied a novel approach—the diffusive gradients in thin films(DGT) technique—for investigating the in-situ distribution of labile phosphorus(P) and Fe in close proximity to Asian rice(Oryza sativa L.) roots at submillimeter to millimeter spatial resolutions during the seedling and booting stages. We conducted a seven-year field experiment under rice-wheat rotation with different P fertilizer treatments. The results showed a significant and strong positive relationship of the average DGT-labile P concentration with soil Olsen P(R2= 0.77, P < 0.01) and with rice total P concentration(R2= 0.62, P < 0.05). Furthermore, results on one-and two-dimensional changes of DGT-labile P indicated that fertilization only in the wheat season produced sufficient amounts of labile P in the flooded paddy soils, similar to when fertilizer was applied only in the rice season;dissolved P concentrations, however, were lower. A co-occurrence and significant positive correlation(P < 0.01) between DGT-labile P and Fe indicated Fe-coupled mobilization of P in flooded paddy soils. These results collectively indicated that the DGT technique provided information on in-situ distribution of labile P and its variability in close proximity to rice roots. This suggests that the DGT technique can improve our understanding of in-situ and high-resolution labile P processes in paddy soils and can provide useful information for optimizing P fertilization.  相似文献   

Soil organic carbon(SOC) and iron(Fe)-oxides are important contributors of aggregate stability in highly weathered soils, and they are influenced by groundwater management and straw application. A 30-year plot experiment with early rice(Oryza sativa L.)-late rice-winter fallow rotations was conducted using a upland clay soil in cement pools under shallow groundwater table at a depth of 20 cm(SGT) and deep groundwater table at a depth of 80 cm(DGT) to simulate the groundwater tables of two types of important paddy soils, gleyed paddy soils and hydromorphic paddy soils, respectively, in subtropical China. Soil redox potential(Eh) was measured in situ, and 0–20 cm soil samples were collected for the analyses of soil Fe-oxides, SOC, and aggregates under SGT or DGT with different straw application treatments, in order to evaluate the interaction of groundwater management and straw application on paddy soil aggregation and the relative importance of SOC or Fe-oxides on soil aggregation. The results showed that soil Eh was restricted by irrigation, and its variation was more significant under DGT than under SGT. The decreased soil Eh or reduced drying and wetting cycles under SGT resulted in more SOC accumulation with the straw application, had no effect on soil free Fe-oxides(Fed), significantly increased the amorphous Fe-oxide(Feo) and complex Fe-oxide contents, but decreased the crystalline Fe-oxide content(Fed–Feo). The soils under DGT had more macroaggregates than those under SGT, but the difference decreased with the straw application. It could be concluded that soil Fe-oxides were the principal contributing factor to the aggregation of paddy soils in subtropical China and SOC was also an important contributing factor.  相似文献   

The community structure of methanogenic archaea is relatively stable,i.e.,it is sustained at a high abundance with minimal changes in composition,in paddy field soils irrespective of submergence and drainage.In contrast,the abundance in non-methanogenic oxic soils is much lower than that in paddy field soils.This study aimed to describe methanogenic archaeal community development following the long-term submergence of non-methanogenic oxic upland field soils in pot and field experiments.In the pot experiment,a soil sample obtained from an upland field was incubated under submerged conditions for 275 d.Soil samples periodically collected were subjected to culture-dependent most probable number(MPN)enumeration,polymerase chain reaction-denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis(PCR-DGGE)analysis of archaeal 16 S r RNA gene,and quantitative PCR analysis of the methyl-coenzyme M reductase alpha subunit gene(mcr A)of methanogenic archaea.The abundance of methanogenic archaea increased from 102 to 103 cells g-1 dry soil and 104 to 107 copies of mcr A gene g-1 dry soil after submergence.Although no methanogenic archaeon was detected prior to incubation by the DGGE analysis,members from Methanocellales,Methanosarcinaceae,and Methanosaetaceae proliferated in the soils,and the community structure was relatively stable once established.In the field experiment,the number of viable methanogenic archaea in a rice paddy field converted from meadow(reclaimed paddy field)was monitored by MPN enumeration over five annual cycles of field operations.Viability was also determined simultaneously in a paddy field where the plow layer soil from a farmer’s paddy field was dressed onto the meadow(dressed paddy field)and an upland crop field converted from the meadow(reclaimed upland field).The number of viable methanogenic archaea in the reclaimed paddy field was below the detection limit before the first cultivation of rice and in the reclaimed upland field.Then,the number gradually increased over five years and finally reached 103–104 cells g-1 dry soil,which was comparable to that in the dressed paddy field.These findings showed that the low abundance of autochthonous methanogenic archaea in the non-methanogenic oxic upland field soils steadily proliferated,and the community structure was developed following repeated and long-term submergence.These results suggest that habitats suitable for methanogenic archaea were established in soil following repeated and long-term submergence.  相似文献   

旱改水对水稻幼苗生长的影响及秸秆的改良作用   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
本研究以江汉平原旱改水为研究背景,采用土壤盆栽试验和室内淹水培养相结合的方法,以多年水稻土为对照,研究了多年棉田土旱改水及添加秸秆(9 g·kg-1)对水稻幼苗生长和矿质元素吸收的影响以及土壤氧化还原电位和有效态铁、锰、铜、锌含量变化,为旱改水水稻的种植提供参考。结果表明,棉田土旱改水后,水稻幼苗生长缓慢并出现失绿黄化症状,其地上部干重和叶绿素含量仅分别约为水稻土处理的30%和20%。旱改水处理水稻植株Fe含量显著低于、而Cu和Zn含量则显著高于水稻土处理。棉田土旱改水土壤氧化还原电位(Eh)显著高于水稻土;淹水处理10 d,土壤DTPA-Fe含量仅为水稻土的7%左右,而DTPA-Cu和DTPA-Zn含量则分别是水稻土的1.4~2.5倍和1.6~1.8倍。随着淹水时间的延长,棉田土旱改水土壤有效态铁含量逐渐增加,有效态锰、铜和锌含量呈先升高后降低趋势;到淹水处理的第28 d,棉田土旱改水土壤有效态铁、锰、铜和锌含量与水稻土之间的差异逐渐缩小。Fe不足及Cu过量可能是导致旱改水水稻幼苗生长缓慢、失绿黄化的主要原因。旱改水条件下添加秸秆可以降低土壤的Eh值,提高土壤DTPA-Fe含量及降低土壤DTPA-Cu和DTPA-Zn含量,显著提高旱改水初期水稻幼苗叶绿素含量,但对水稻生物量无显著影响。添加秸秆并不能完全消除旱改水对水稻幼苗生长的抑制作用。  相似文献   

不同水分状况及施磷量对水稻土中速效磷含量的影响   总被引:13,自引:1,他引:13  
娄运生  李忠佩  张桃林 《土壤》2005,37(6):640-644
通过室内培养试验研究了不同水分(淹水和60%田间持水量)及施P量对水稻土速效P及水层含P量的影响。结果表明,无论水分状况如何,土壤速效P含量随施P量的增加而呈明显增加趋势。土壤速效P出现富集的转折点因供试土壤而异,第三纪红壤性水稻土大致为P2O560~120mg/kg,而第四纪红壤性水稻土和黄泥土为P2O5120~180mg/kg。P肥施入土壤后,水溶性P主要存在于土壤溶液中,而分布于水层中的P相对较少。但在过量施P(P2O5>180mg/kg)时,施肥后短期内(0~30天),水层中P浓度较高(0.05~0.3mg/kg),如水分管理不当,则会造成P的损失。  相似文献   

不同类型水稻土微生物群落结构特征及其影响因素   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:4  
选取基于我国土壤地理发生分类的不同类型土壤发育的四种水稻土,利用15N2气体示踪法测定生物固氮速率,采用实时荧光定量PCR(Real-time PCR)技术测定细菌丰度,通过16S rRNA基因高通量测序分析微生物群落组成和多样性。结果表明:变形菌门(Proteobacteria)、酸杆菌门(Acidobacteria)、绿弯菌门(Chloroflexi)和蓝藻门(Cyanobacteria)是水稻土中优势微生物类群。四种类型土壤发育的水稻土细菌群落结构差异显著(Stress<0.001),群落结构分异(NMDS1)与土壤pH存在极显著正相关关系(P<0.01)。土壤有机碳和碱解氮含量显著影响水稻土中细菌丰度和群落多样性(P<0.01)。红壤发育的水稻土细菌16S rRNA基因拷贝数显著高于其他三种类型水稻土,但OTU数量、Chao1指数和PD指数均低于其他三种类型水稻土。土壤pH对水稻土生物固氮速率有显著影响(P<0.01),紫色土发育的水稻土具有最高的生物固氮速率(3.2±0.7 mg×kg-1×d-1),其中优势类群细鞘丝藻属(Leptolyngbya)可能是生物固氮的主要贡献者。研究结果丰富了对水稻土微生物多样性的认识,为通过调控土壤pH和微生物群落组成来提高稻田生物固氮潜力提供了理论依据。  相似文献   

The structure of the β-proteobacterial autotrophic ammonia-oxidizing bacterial (AOB) communities in a microcosm of submerged paddy soil was determined by denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis (DGGE) analysis of 16S rRNA gene fragments amplified using AOB-selective primers. Shift in the community composition was observed 4 weeks after submergence. The communities from the surface layers (0–1, 2–3 mm) of the soil microcosm were different from those of the subsurface layers (6–9, > 15 mm) and DGGE bands specific to each layer were detected. The majority of the retrieved sequences were Nitrosospira-like, whereas no Nitrosomonas-like sequences were obtained. The 16S rDNA primer set also amplified sequences that were not related to the known Nitrosospira-Nitrosomonas group, although they showed a close relationship with other groups of β-proteobacteria. The results suggest that Nitrosospira-like populations are dominant AOB populations in the submerged paddy soil, and that the oxic layer of submerged paddy soil harbours the specific AOB.  相似文献   

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