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土壤调理剂PAM的农用研究和应用   总被引:32,自引:0,他引:32  
90年代 ,新型PAM产品 (具有很高分子量的阴离子型PAM )和改进的应用技术 (低用量配合灌溉水 )使得PAM在农业上的使用成本大大减少 ,而农用效益大大提高 ,土壤调理剂PAM的农用重新受到重视。目前美国西部已将PAM的农用作为一项农田水土保持新技术而得到越来越广泛的应用。土壤调理剂PAM曾于 80年代后期介绍到我国 ,但是由于成本高等其它问题而未能在农业上推开 ,目前新型PAM的农用研究也在我国引起重视。国外大量研究和国内有关研究表明 ,PAM的农用效益体现在水土保持、灌溉效率、农业生产、环境、经济等方面。土壤调理剂PAM用于农田水土保持、防止水土流失前景看好  相似文献   

聚丙烯酰胺的水土保持机制及研究进展   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8       下载免费PDF全文
水土流失是我国主要环境问题之一。聚丙烯酰胺(PAM)作为一种高分子聚合物,具有絮凝作用和水合作用,可提高土壤水分入渗,减少地表径流。PAM对土壤无毒害作用,可保肥、增产、集雨,在农业生产中具有广泛的应用前景。针对PAM的水土保持功能,介绍PAM水土保持机制、施用过程中涉及的关键因素、应用前景及存在的问题。PAM的类型较多,水土保持效果随施用类型、施用方法、施用量变化而不同。PAM在水土流失治理过程中应与当地的土壤、气候、地貌、植被等密切结合,才能发挥其最大功能。今后研究中应注重PAM施用后土壤侵蚀通用模型的建立及新型PAM产品的开发,为PAM在水土保持中的推广提供理论依据。  相似文献   

聚丙烯酰胺应用对黄土复合坡面降雨产流的影响   总被引:6,自引:3,他引:3  
复合坡是自然界常见的主要坡型。通过室内人工降雨模拟试验,研究了复合坡面降雨产流规律以及聚丙烯酰胺(polyacrylamide,PAM)应用对其的影响。试验采用2种复合坡型(凹型坡和凸型坡)的12个坡度组合和4个PAM施用量,共48个试验处理。结果显示,PAM应用显著缩短了初始降雨产流时间,初始产流时间平均比对照处理提前63.7%~71.6%。PAM应用明显改变了坡面径流随降雨历时的变化规律。PAM应用后,除了大坡度(≥10°)、小量PAM应用(0.5 g/m2)的凸型坡外,降雨径流系数在整个降雨过程中基本维持稳定。PAM应用增大了降雨径流系数和径流量,且径流系数和径流量随着PAM施用量的增大而增大。凸型坡的径流量平均比凹型坡的大14.7%~31.8%。当PAM施用量为0.5、1.0和2.0 g/m2时,凹型坡和凸型坡的径流量分别比对照处理增加55.7%、100.2%、147.3%和16.6%、69.3%、108.9%。在黄土坡地上大剂量(≥1.0 g/m2)应用PAM可明显增大坡面径流量,实际应用中应制定合理的PAM施用量。  相似文献   

应用阴离子聚丙烯酰胺(PAM)防治水土流失,已成为国际普遍采用的化学处理措施。2003年美国水土保持报道了美国印地安那州D.C.Flangan等人应用模拟降雨装置,在多干扰农田中,进行了施用PAM防治水土流失的试验研究,取得了在雨量充沛地区施用PAM防治水土流失的试验成果。第1次暴雨事件后,20kg/hm2PAM能使农用粉沙壤土的土壤固体颗粒淋失量减少60%,还能减缓60L/min高强度流水的冲刷侵蚀。在易严重侵蚀的地区用PAM处理后的土壤能有效控制侵蚀。对初始干土模拟降雨研究发现,在69mm/h降雨中,用80kg/hm2PAM可使粉沙壤土堤减少86%的地表径流和99%的土壤流失。在表土,用PAM液雾喷施风干的土壤比直接用干PAM颗粒处理的土壤更能及时有效地控制侵蚀。相信,此项研究对我国应用PAM防治水土流失的试验研究,有一定的借鉴作用。  相似文献   

研究评估了秸秆和木质纤维覆盖下,添加聚丙烯酰胺(PAM)降低侵蚀和提高径流水质量的效果。试验中,在倾斜18°、1m×2m的木槽中装深0.06 m的土壤,降雨模拟器置于水槽上方。秸秆使用量2 240 kg/hm2,颗粒PAM量为0、37、74 kg/hm2,溶液PAM 37 kg/hm2。木质纤维覆盖1 970、2 940 kg/hm2,添加溶解的PAM 0.37 kg/hm2。降雨模拟器以37 mm/h的速率运行40 min,产生29.6 mm深的降雨量,收集径流水,分析浑浊度和总悬移质(TSS),记录径流启动时间。在两个试验中单独秸秆处理浑浊度最高,1 500和1 040浊度单位(NTU);木纤维覆盖加PAM处理的浑浊度最低,62~151NTU。添加37 kg/hm2颗粒PAM到秸秆中降低了浑浊度但增加土壤流失,然而溶解的PAM和高应用量的颗粒PAM没有增加了土壤流失,这明显由于集中降雨之后的几分钟里颗粒PAM的缓慢溶解造成的。应用PAM的秸秆提供降低浑浊度的益处,如果大雨发生在应用后不久,颗粒应用能增加侵蚀。最好的结果是木纤维覆盖加PAM,但是加PAM到一个不太昂贵的秸秆覆盖中,和不加PAM的木纤维覆盖应用相比,能够产生相似或较好的效果。  相似文献   

聚丙烯酰胺(PAM)在土壤改良中的应用进展   总被引:14,自引:0,他引:14  
聚丙烯酰胺(PAM)是一种新型的高效土壤结构改良剂,属高分子聚合物,具有很强的絮凝性,近年来一直是人们研究的热点。详细论述了国内外PAM的研究进展状况,综合分析得出PAM今后在农业领域应用前景广阔。  相似文献   

多氨基丙烯酸 (PAM)是一种应用很广泛的人工聚合物 ,它可以稳定土壤结构 ,增加水的渗透性 ,减少土壤侵蚀 ,改善地表径流的水质。近年来PAM被广泛应用于水土保持中。测定PAM的浓度对于提高PAM应用的有效性 ,判断PAM含量的有效深度 ,从而估算PAM对环境的影响具有显著重要性。土壤水中PAM的定量测定方法 ,必须确保在低浓度条件下 (1× 10 -7~ 10× 10 -6)具有可靠的敏感度以及PAM完全不受可溶性盐和有机物的影响。经验证 ,依靠分光光度计分析PAM的技术N -Br 法 ,是一种适用于定量化测定土壤水和不含有机物的土壤中PAM的安全可靠方法。此项技术 ,对我国应用PAM进行水土流失化学防治有一定的借鉴作用。  相似文献   

干粉PAM溶解时间对土壤饱和导水率的动态影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
韩冬  魏占民  于健  宋日权 《土壤》2016,48(2):368-373
本试验选取两种质地土壤(黏壤土和砂壤土),采用3种干粉PAM施用水平(0、22.5 kg/hm~2和45 kg/hm~2),测定土样在10.25 mm/h入渗速度下的土壤饱和导水率(KS),然后根据土样团聚体含量和稳定性及团聚结构的微观图片,分析干粉PAM影响下土壤结构的变化特征,进而说明干粉PAM溶解时间对KS的影响机理。结果表明:施用PAM后,KS随干粉PAM在水中溶解时间的延长而逐渐减小,最终趋于稳定;干粉PAM溶解时间较短时,PAM处理的KS高于对照,其中PAM施用水平45 kg/hm~2时砂壤土KS提高幅度最大,较对照提高26.87%,但不同PAM施用量处理间的KS差异不显著。干粉PAM溶解时间足够长时,PAM处理的KS均显著低于对照,其中PAM施用水平45 kg/hm~2时黏壤土KS降低幅度最大,较对照降低10.86%,但是不同施用量处理间KS差异不显著。从影响机理上分析,PAM主要是通过增加土壤团聚体含量及稳定性来提高KS;而干粉PAM溶解时间足够长时,由于PAM易吸附土壤颗粒,水解后的PAM分子链不断伸张延长,堵塞了土壤孔隙,加上PAM本身的黏滞特性,从而降低了KS。研究干粉PAM溶解时间对KS的动态影响,可以为PAM在改善土壤导水能力方面的应用提供理论依据。  相似文献   

土壤调理剂(PAM)作为一种高分子聚合物材料,已成为改善土壤结构、提高土壤抗蚀能力、降低土壤侵蚀量的主要手段之一。针对PAM的水土保持功能,介绍了PAM的水土保持作用机理、水土流失防治效果及应用前景。  相似文献   

PAM对土壤物理性状以及水分分布的影响   总被引:18,自引:2,他引:16  
为了研究聚丙烯酰胺(PAM)在黄土高原自然条件下对土壤物理性状和水分分布的影响,采用表面撒施的方法研究了12个不同处理小区的土壤体积质量、饱和导水率以及水分分布的变化。结果表明,在0~2 g/m2范围内添加PAM可以减小土壤体积质量增加土壤饱和导水率,但用量超过2 g/m2土壤体积质量开始增加。饱和导水率开始降低。在0~ 3 g/m2均可用二次曲线进行描述,相关系数达到95%以上。表层土壤含水量随着PAM添加量的增加而升高,20~60 cm土层土壤含水率随着PAM用量的增加出现交叉现象,60~100 cm土层随着PAM用量的增加而增加,在2 g/m2用量时达到最高,再增加PAM用量土壤含水率反而有降低趋势。100 cm以下土层变化不明显。该研究为探明PAM在黄土高原地区的适应性和大规模应用提供依据。  相似文献   

土壤侵蚀和雨水的流失是干旱、半干旱地区制约农业发展乃至生态环境良性循环的两个主要因素。聚丙烯酰胺 (PAM ,Polyacrylamide)对土壤的性质有着明显的改进作用 ,PAM具有良好的黏结力 ,能有效改良土壤的表层结构 ,提高土壤的稳定性 ,增加土壤的入渗率 ,减少土壤侵蚀。本文试图通过人工降雨模拟实验 ,获得不同的PAM的使用量及覆盖率与土壤侵蚀量在不同的雨强、不同的坡度条件下的关系。实验表明 ,经PAM处理后土壤的入渗性能和抗侵蚀的性能都有所提高 ,PAM能明显地黏结着土壤表面的颗粒 ,形成大的团聚体 ,阻碍土壤结皮的形成 ,减少土壤侵蚀。  相似文献   

PAM喷施量与施用方式对风沙土风蚀的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
固定流沙和减少风蚀是一个世界性的难题。PAM(聚丙烯酰胺,polyacrylamide)作为一种线性高分子聚合物,喷洒在土壤表层能形成结皮,能有效抵御风蚀,但喷施PAM溶液的结皮状况及抗风蚀能力与PAM的喷施量及土壤特性等密切相关,且PAM溶液的浓度越大则黏性越强,越不易喷洒。为了探寻PAM防风固沙的适宜喷施量及简便施用方法,该研究以乌兰布和沙漠流动沙丘的风沙土为试验材料,以风沙土的风干土及饱和湿土为对照,首先探讨PAM不同喷施量对风干土(风沙土)表层结皮状况、土壤含水率及土壤风蚀量的影响,以寻求PAM的适宜喷施量,然后再将适量的PAM干撒、干撒后喷水和喷施于风干土表层,探寻PAM的简便施用方法。结果表明:1)PAM不同喷施量的结皮覆盖度、结皮厚度、结皮抗剪强度均随PAM喷施量的增加而增加,均显著高于风干土和饱和湿土;PAM不同喷施量的土壤含水率均高于风干土,且随时间的延续均显著高于饱和湿土;喷施1、2、3和4g/m2的PAM风蚀量分别为风干土的26.83%、14.10%、13.01%和13.00%,为饱和湿土的28.78%、15.12%、14.02%和13.94%,当PAM喷施量达到2 g/m2时,PAM能有效降低风沙土的风蚀量。2)将2g/m2的PAM干撒、干撒后喷水和喷施于风干土表层,干撒PAM后喷水和喷施PAM溶液的土壤结皮覆盖度、结皮厚度、结皮抗剪强度均高于风干土、饱和湿土和干撒PAM,干撒PAM的土壤表层结皮覆盖度低于饱和湿土但高于风干土,结皮厚度和结皮抗剪强度高于风干土及饱和湿土,干撒PAM后喷水及喷施PAM溶液的土壤含水率高于风干土、饱和湿土及干撒PAM,干撒PAM的土壤含水率与风干土基本一致。干撒PAM、干撒PAM后喷水和喷施PAM溶液的风蚀量分别为风干土的53.13%、11.17%和6.35%,为饱和湿土的76.34%、16.05%和9.12%,干撒PAM后喷水的抗风蚀能力接近于风沙土表层喷施PAM溶液。3)由于喷施PAM溶液需消耗大量的水分及人力,建议风沙区可在降雨前将2 g/m2的PAM干撒于土壤表层或干撒后向土壤喷水,可有效减少风蚀量。  相似文献   

DOU Chao-Yin  LI Fa-Hu  L. S. WU 《土壤圈》2012,22(5):681-688
The reduction of soil and water losses under furrow irrigation with saline water is important to environmental protection and agricultural production.The objective of this study was to determine the effect of polyacrylamide(PAM)application on soil infiltration and erosion under simulated furrow irrigation with saline water.Polyacrylamide was applied by dissolving it in irrigation water at the rates of 1.5,7.5,and 15.0 mg L-1 or spreading it as a powder on soil surface at the rates of 0.3,1.5,3.0,and 6.0 g m-2,respectively.The effectrolyte concentration of tested irrigation water was 10 and 30 mmolc L-1 and its sodium adsorption ratio(SAR)was 0.5,10.0,and 20.0(mmolc L-1)0.5.Distilled water was used as a control for irrigation water quality.Results indicated that the effectrolyte concentration and SAR generally did not significantly affect soil and water losses after PAM application.Infiltration rate and total infiltration volume decreased with the increase of PAM application rate.Polyacrylamide application in both methods significantly reduced soil erosion,but PAM application rate did not significantly affect it.The solution PAM application was more effective in controlling soil erosion than the powdered PAM application,but the former exerted a greater adverse influence on soil infiltration than the latter.Under the same total amounts,the powdered PAM application resulted in a 38.2%-139.6% greater infiltration volume but a soil mass loss of 1.3-3.4 times greater than the solution PAM application.  相似文献   

Background   Several types of organic polymers with various molecular weights and surface charges are produced for various industrial and agricultural purposes, and recent studies have shown that high molecular weight anionic polymers are the most effective in reducing runoff and soil loss. However, anionic polyacrylamide (PAM) is marketed under various commercial names with variable molecular weight and length according to its chemistry (Barvenik 1994). Consequently, its interactions with soil and efficiency in reducing soil erosion are expected to vary. Moreover, types of PAM other than those recommended for erosion control may also be effective in reducing soil erosion. Objectives   The objective of this research is to test the influence of 9 types of polyacrylamide (PAM) on water infiltration and soil loss of an arid silt loam soil under simulated rainfall conditions. Method  logy. Nine types of organic polymers varied in surface charge, ranging from +20 to –75, and molecular weight ranging from very low to very high were used in this study. Soil plots with dimensions of 60 cm by 120 cm having moderate slope of3 to 5% were constructed in the field and equipped with runoff collection installations. A specific type of PAM was spread on soil plots at a rate of 10 kg/ha. Rainfall was supplied from a drip type rainfall simulator at constant intensity and duration of 80 mm/h and 50 min, respectively. Runoff, infiltration and soil loss were measured for each plot subjected to a specific type of PAM and compared to control plots. Results and Conclusions   Land application of PAMs significantly increased infiltration prior to runoff but had insignificant effect on total infiltration volume and final infiltration rate under the present experimental conditions. Experimental results confirmed that anionic polymers were more effective in reducing soil loss than that of non-ionic or cationic polymers. In fact the cationic, low molecular weight and low surface charge non-ionic PAMs had insignificant effect on soil loss. High molecular weight anionic PAM with 30% surface charge (A-130) was more effective(46% reduction) than those having a high molecular weight and a lower surface charge of 20% (A-110 and A-120) with an aver-age soil loss reduction of 24%. The PAM A-836, described assoil erosion polymer with 20% surface charge and high molecular weight, reduced soil erosion by 41%. Unexpectedly, the anionic PAM with low molecular weight but very high surface charge was also effective in reducing soil loss (47% reduction). Recommendations and Outlook   Land application of PAM improves water infiltration and highly reduces soil erosion thus improving agricultural production. Application of PAM could be the only viable way to improve arid land farming. It seemed that various types of PAMs, other than those specifically produced for erosion protection can be used to combat soil erosion. This means that farmers in poor countries can use any type of PAM that is available to them to improve agricultural production.  相似文献   

Surface irrigation is the oldest and the most widely used method of irrigation. One disadvantage of surface irrigation is soil erosion. New technology employing water-soluble polymers may provide a technique that is effective and affordable to control soil erosion. Water-soluble anionic organic compound known as polyacrylamide polymer (PAM) is the most successful polymer in controlling soil erosion. This study investigated the effect of spraying PAM on the soil surface to control soil erosion and to increase soil infiltration on a Jordanian clay loam soil. Different PAM concentrations, namely 5, 10, and 20 mg/l in addition to the control (0 mg/l) were used in this study. The highest effect of PAM on the measured properties was attained at 20 mg/l. We noticed that PAM's efficiency was decreased with subsequent irrigations. The reduction in soil erosion was 72 and 47.6%, the reduction in runoff water turbidity was 83 and 35%, the increase in water advance time was 6 and 0.9% and the increase in soil infiltration was 36 and 20.8% for the first and fourth irrigation, respectively. PAM's efficiency in flocculating soil particles was studied in the lab where we noticed that its efficiency in sedimentation was increased as its concentration increased.  相似文献   

Soil erosion affects soil productivity and environmental quality.A laboratory research experiment under simulated heavy rainfall with tap water was conducted to investigate the effects of anionic polyacrylamide(PAM) application rates(0,0.5,1.0,and 2.0 g m-2) and molecular weights(12 and 18 Mg mol-1) on runoff,soil erosion,and soil nutrient loss at a slope of 5°.The results showed the two lower rates of PAM application decreased runoff while the highest rate increased runoff as compared with the control.Sediment concentration and soil mass loss increased significantly with the increasing PAM application rate.Compared with the control,PAM application decreased K+,NH4+,and NO3-concentrations in sediment and K+ and NH+4 concentrations in runoff,but significantly increased the mass losses of K+,NH4+,and NO-3 over soil surface except for the NH4+ at PAM application rate lower than 1.0 g m-2.PAM application decreased the proportion of K+ loss with runoff to its total mass loss over soil surface from 60.1% to 16.4%.However,it did not affect the NH4+ and NO3-losses with runoff,and more than 86% of them were lost with runoff.A higher PAM molecular weight resulted in less soil erosion and K+ mass loss but had little effect on runoff and NH+4 and NO3-losses.PAM application did not prevent soil erosion and the mass losses of K+ and NO3-under experimental conditions.  相似文献   

接种根瘤菌和腐殖酸肥处理下的土壤风蚀效应分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
土壤风蚀是中国北方农牧交错带土地退化的主要原因之一。微生物和腐殖酸都能够改变土壤物理性质,可作为抗风蚀的材料有效利用,其抗风蚀效果和经济效果与其他方法有很大的不同。在此基础上通过风洞实验探讨微生物(接种根留菌)处理下和施用腐殖酸肥处理下抗风蚀效应,以及不同处理下的风蚀量对比。从结果分析得出,一方面,通过接种根瘤菌和施用腐殖酸肥料,改良土壤结构来抗风蚀,效果明显。技术易于推广.且成本较低(相对于PAM),另一方面它们能增加土壤肥力.带来经济效益。  相似文献   

沟灌土壤侵蚀控制效应的室内模拟试验研究   总被引:8,自引:1,他引:8  
灌溉地土壤侵蚀问题已经越来越引起人们的普通关注。该文采用微型水槽的室内模拟试验,对利用PAM及波涌灌溉等技术减少沟灌引起的土壤侵蚀效果进行了试验研究,分析了在不同坡度、不同流量条件下PAM及灌溉间歇时间对侵蚀的影响。结果表明:PAM可显著减少沟灌土壤侵蚀量,地面坡度是地面灌溉土壤侵蚀最主要影响因素,而流量及波涌灌间歇时间对它的影响较小。  相似文献   

土壤中施用聚丙烯酰胺(PAM)可以提高降雨入渗率,减少土壤侵蚀量。PAM大多施用于土壤表面。为了研究PAM与不同土壤调理剂混合施用对入渗率和侵蚀量的影响,对PAM(22.5kg/hm2)与保水剂(45kg/hm2)、粉煤灰(1 500kg/hm2)、腐殖酸(900kg/hm2)混合的6种施用方法进行了试验。结果表明,施加了PAM的土壤调理剂均能显著提高降雨入渗率和减少土壤侵蚀量。与对照相比,施加了PAM处理的降雨入渗率较对照试验提高了1.8~2.7倍,土壤侵蚀量减少约50%~70%,PAM与粉煤灰和腐殖酸混合施用提高降雨入渗率效果最为显著,PAM和保水剂混合施用减少土壤侵蚀量最多,PAM与粉煤灰和腐殖酸混合施用相比单独施用PAM均没有显著性差异。综合比较结果发现,PAM与粉煤灰混合施用增加降雨入渗率和减少径流的效果最好,PAM与保水剂混合施用抗土壤侵蚀效果最好。  相似文献   

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