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不同雨强条件下黄土性土壤养分流失规律研究   总被引:55,自引:1,他引:54  
本文利用室内人工降雨模拟装置,通过坡面小区试验,初步分析了不同雨强条件下黄土性土壤养分流失的规律。结果表明:土壤养分主要是以不溶态的形式随泥沙迁移,随径流迁移的可溶态养分很少;不同形态的养分在泥沙中有富集现象;养分流失量与雨强成正比;同一雨强条件下,土壤流失量与归流失量呈显著的正相关关系。  相似文献   

华北土石山区草地过滤带布设方式对坡面产流产沙的影响   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
为治理华北土石山区坡耕地水土流失,提出坡面草地过滤带优化布设方式,以该区典型的土壤石灰岩母质发育的褐土为研究对象,在9°坡度、90 mm/h雨强条件下,利用室内人工降雨试验,分析草地过滤带的布设方式(坡下片状、坡下条状、坡上片状、坡上条状)对坡面侵蚀的影响。结果表明:(1)坡下条状布设方式可以有效延缓坡面初始产流时间,相比其他3种布设方式初始产流时间延长了1.3~1.6倍,且坡下条状布设方式可增加坡面径流入渗,减少产流量,在累计产流量上,坡下片状坡上条状坡上条状坡下条状。(2)坡上布设方式下的累计产沙量是坡下布设方式的10~23倍,坡上布设方式的产沙率随时间变化波动明显,坡上布设方式下的产沙率是坡下布设方式的3~35倍,当在坡下布设草地过滤带时对泥沙的削减效益最优。(3)坡下布设可以抑制细沟侵蚀的发育,坡下条状布设方式可以有效控制细沟产生的数量和沟长,护坡效益最优。  相似文献   

模拟降雨条件下黄土丘陵区主要植物种子的流失特征   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

冻融条件下土壤可蚀性对坡面氮磷流失的影响   总被引:5,自引:3,他引:2  
冻融作用与水力侵蚀的复合作用更容易使土壤发生侵蚀,进而加剧土壤养分的流失,为了揭示冻融作用下土壤可蚀性对坡面养分流失的影响,该文采用室内模拟降雨试验,研究了不同土壤含水率(SWC)下坡面的降雨产流产沙及养分流失特征,并分析了土壤可蚀性对坡面全氮(TN)和全磷(TP)流失的影响。结果表明:产流率与产沙率之间呈现正线性相关关系,相关方程斜率的绝对值可作为土壤可蚀性指标。径流中氮磷的流失主要受径流率控制,受土壤可蚀性影响较小(P0.05);而土壤可蚀性显著影响着泥沙中氮磷和总的氮磷流失(P0.01)。土壤可蚀性对黄土坡面氮素流失的影响与冻融作用有关,而土壤可蚀性对坡面磷素流失的影响与冻融作用无关,磷素的流失随着土壤可蚀性增加而增加。因此,在黄土地区,应当采取一系列的生态建设措施来控制水土流失,降低土壤可蚀性,从而减少坡面养分的流失。该研究结果为冻融条件下黄土坡面水-土和氮磷等养分流失机制提供了有效指导。  相似文献   

土壤前期含水量对棕壤土坡耕地养分流失的影响   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:4  
采用室内人工降雨模拟试验的方法,对不同土壤前期含水量的棕壤坡耕地养分流失特征进行了实验研究。研究结果表明:土壤前期含水量低于20%时,土壤硝态氮主要是以淋溶的形式流失;高于这一含水量时,土壤硝态氮流失途径除了淋失外,还存在径流流失现象。径流中磷离子和钾离子浓度随着降雨时间的增加逐渐减少,流失量与前期含水量不呈线性关系,而是呈近似抛物线关系,在前期含水量为10%~15%之间存在拐点。通过坡面物质流失量(NO3--N、SEP、DP、K+和产沙量)与前期土壤含水量的二次多项式关系,得到最优前期含水量值为11.32%~15.65%。  相似文献   

借助室内人工模拟降雨试验研究手段,以强降雨过程中红壤丘陵区坡菜地随径流、泥沙迁移的氮流失状况和规律为研究目的,分别在不同坡长(2 m,4 m)、不同植被覆盖度(0,30%,60%)和不同施肥处理(空白(CK),无机复合肥(CF))条件下进行有效模拟降雨试验共计12场次,每场次降雨试验的产流历时设计为30min,固定雨强为120mm/h。试验结果表明:(1)径流中全氮(TN)流失以硝态氮(NO3--N)和铵态氮(NH4+-N)为主要形式,两者(NO3--N、NH4+-N)之和占TN流失量及流失浓度的54.16%~91.41%,其中又以NO3--N流失为主要流失形态。坡长对径流中NO3--N和NH4+-N流失量的影响大于植被覆盖度。(2)通过比较CK和CF两施肥处理条件下全氮(TN)流失量,CF为CK的2.29~2.32倍,说明施肥可明显增加坡面径流和泥沙中各形式氮的流失量,其中径流中坡长的增加可降低氮流失强度。(3)侵蚀泥沙中氮流失主要受到植被覆盖度的影响,土壤侵蚀模数(Ms)与全氮在泥沙富集值(ERTN)可建立对数方程。(4)坡面TN流失主要以径流携带为主,径流是坡面TN流失的主要途径。  相似文献   

为研究黄土边坡在连续与间断2种雨型下坡面侵蚀动态变化过程,进行室内人工降雨试验。采用三维激光扫描获取坡面点云并生成DEM,分析坡面侵蚀特征。结果表明:三维激光扫描生成的DEM可直观重现坡面侵蚀的动态过程,采用自然邻点插值法生成的DEM误差最小;间断降雨模式下距坡面5 cm处体积含水率出现与降雨周期一致的波动;2种降雨模式下土壤流失总量在土壤饱和后呈线性增加,间断降雨产生的土壤流失总量(0.035 6 m~3)大于连续降雨产生的土壤流失总量(0.024 9 m~3);间断降雨土壤流失过程可看作多个连续降雨土壤流失过程的组合;2种雨型下,土壤流失速率在空间上分布不均,由前缘至后缘逐渐降低;间断降雨坡面变化区域为中部至前缘区域,其过程为前缘下切→中前缘下切→前缘及中部下切;连续降雨坡面变化区域集中于前缘,表现为前缘逐渐后退。  相似文献   

模拟降雨条件下黄土坡地土壤溶质迁移特征试验研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
土壤质地和溶质性质对土壤溶质地表迁移过程有较大影响.通过室内模拟降雨试验,以杨凌壤土、安塞黄绵土和神木绵砂土为研究对象.研究了土壤NO3-、NH4+、PO43-、K+和Br-的迁移特征.结果表明,塿土的溶质地表流失量均高于黄绵土和绵砂土.尤其是吸附性强的NH4+和PO43-、NO3-与Br-坡面流失以随地表径流流失为主,且主要集中在产流开始的初期阶段.3种土壤处理中径流溶质最高浓度ρmax(mg/L)大小顺序为:ρmax塿土>ρmax>黄绵土>max绵砂土,土壤溶质随入渗水分的迁移能力由大至小依次为:Br->NO3->K+>NH4+>PO43-.塿土等效径流迁移深度EDR最大,黄绵土次之,砂绵土最小,各溶质EDR与溶质垂向迁移能力无明显相关性.  相似文献   

红壤缓坡地径流与土壤可蚀性对土壤有机碳流失的影响   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
探明坡面径流和土壤可蚀性对土壤有机碳流失的影响,对于研究土壤有机碳固定和区域碳循环有重要作用。该文通过野外径流小区模拟降雨试验研究不同雨强(30~100 mm/h)和耕作条件下(翻耕和免耕)土壤有机碳流失过程及其与坡面径流和土壤可蚀性的关系。结果表明,坡面产流过程对泥沙态有机碳流失过程具有明显影响,除大雨强条件下泥沙态有机碳流失速率在10~30 min呈现短时间峰值外,各径流小区泥沙态有机碳流失过程与坡面产流过程总体变化趋势基本一致,均表现为产流开始后,其流失率随降雨历时延长而增加,而后逐步趋于平稳,但坡面产流过程对径流有机碳流失过程无明显影响;坡面径流率大小影响土壤有机碳流失,坡面径流率变化能解释80%土壤有机碳流失的变化,坡面径流率与土壤有机碳流失呈线性正相关关系,且坡面径流率对泥沙态有机碳流失的影响比其对径流有机碳流失的影响更明显;土壤可蚀性对土壤有机碳流失的影响是非线性的,且土壤可蚀性指标越大,土壤有机碳流失率越大,但土壤可蚀性对土壤有机碳流失的影响存在有限性。坡面径流和土壤可蚀性是土壤有机碳流失的重要影响因素。  相似文献   

结合野外调查与室内试验对子午岭辽东栎天然林的种群生长状况,枯落层种子库.不同坡位土壤种子库物种组成、数量特征、生活型及其与地上植被的相似性进行了较为系统的研究.结果表明:(1)试验萌发鉴定出的幼苗共有24种,隶属于16科.其中多年生草本和落叶灌木物种比例最高,分别占种子库物种总数的58.33%和12.5%;(2)整个子午岭天然辽东栎林土壤种子库总密度为1 2 761.44粒/m2,种子主要分布在枯枝落叶层和0-2.5 cm土层中,其中.辽东栎种子密度为752.5粒/m2,占整个样地土壤种子库总密度的5.89%,表明辽东栎种子萌发能力很差.该林分群落天然更新缓慢.(3)子午岭天然辽东栎林的下坡位物种多样性指数较其它坡位高,但各个样地物种多样性指数均高于对照;(4)天然辽东栎纯林的种群生长状况良好.树龄均为成年树种;(5)方差分析表明:辽东栎的胸径、地径在不同坡位之间均具有显著性差异(P>0.05);(6)相关分析表明:枯枝落叶层厚度,重量与土壤种子库密度之间具无显著相关性(P<0.05).  相似文献   

The germination ecology of the endangered biennial grassland forb Gentianella campestris was studied. The seeds had a primary dormancy which was overcome by cold-stratification. Seeds buried in the soil became germinable in early spring (February), and autumn-sown seeds germinated during a four-week period in late spring (May). Exhumed seeds germinated in both light and darkness and in situ germination occurred even at 15 cm depth in the soil. No persistent soil seed bank could be detected in populations of G. campestris, and very few experimentally buried seeds were viable after 21 months in the soil. Together, these results indicate that the species has a transient seed bank, in which case yearly seed production is important for maintaining populations and preventing local extinction.  相似文献   

Current interest in biological-based management of weed seed banks in agriculture furthers the need to understand how microorganisms affect seed fate in soil. Many annual weeds produce seeds in high abundance; their dispersal presenting ready opportunity for interactions with soil-borne microorganisms. In this study, we investigated seeds of four common broadleaf weeds, velvetleaf (Abutilon theophrasti), woolly cupgrass (Eriochloa villosa), Pennsylvania smartweed (Polygonum pensylvanicum), and giant ragweed (Ambrosia trifida), for potential as sources of carbon nutrition for soil fungi. Seeds, as the major source of carbon in an agar matrix, were exposed to microbial populations derived from four different soils for 2 months. Most seeds were heavily colonized, and the predominant 18S rRNA gene sequences cloned from these assemblages were primarily affiliated with Ascomycota. Further, certain fungi corresponded to weed species, regardless of soil population. Relatives of Chaetomium globosum (98–99% sequence identity) and Cordyceps sinensis (99%) were found to be associated with seeds of woolly cupgrass and Pennsylvania smartweed, respectively. More diverse fungi were associated with velvetleaf seeds, which were highly susceptible to decay. The velvetleaf seed associations were dominated by relatives of Cephaliophora tropica (98–99%). In contrast to the other species, only few giant ragweed seeds were heavily colonized, but those that were colonized resulted in seed decay. The results showed that seeds could provide significant nutritional resources for saprophytic microbes, given the extant populations can overcome intrinsic seed defenses against microbial antagonism. Further, weed species-specific associations may occur with certain fungi, with nutritional benefits conferred to microorganisms that may not always result in seed biodeterioration.  相似文献   

风沙黄土区排土场作为一种人造生态系统,自然条件恶劣,土壤贫瘠,植被恢复困难。为了探明有效的人工促进植被恢复措施,采用植被调查与种子库萌发试验相结合的方法,通过研究不同植被类型地上植物群落与土壤种子库特征及二者的关系,探讨了其植被恢复效益及潜力。结果表明:研究区人工植被恢复下地上植物群落中共47种植物,分属16科40属,土壤种子库共14种植物,分属5科13属,其中均以禾本科、菊科、藜科、豆科占主导地位; 灌木植被的地上植被和土壤种子库的物种多样性均表现为最优; 地上植被与土壤种子库密度的变化范围为88.48~495.47株/m2,74.74~1422.91粒/m2,且均在草地类型下最大。土壤种子库和地上植被的相似性普遍较低,相似性系数仅为0.16~0.23。因此,风沙黄土区排土场的植被恢复与重建需要加强保护与管理,可以考虑构建以草灌配置为主的人工植被恢复模式,保障群落的恢复潜力,并提高群落多样性与稳定性,亦可考虑引入外源种子库提升群落恢复的潜力。  相似文献   

干旱矿区废弃地重金属生境土壤种子库时空动态   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
通过不同季节野外调查取样和室外萌发试验,分析了干旱矿区重金属生境土壤种子库的时空动态。研究结果表明,该区域土壤种子库储量随季节变化存在差异。土壤种子库储量10月最高,5月份减小至最低。土壤种子库物种种类随时间的变化与土壤种子库储量相似;土壤中种子主要分布在0-5 m土层中,该层种子比例平均占种子库全部种子数量的76.5%。随着土层深度的增加,种子数量逐渐减少。5-10 cm土层中种子比例平均只占种子库全部种子数量的23.5%。10 cm以下土层几乎没有种子分布。  相似文献   

Terrestrial orchids typically produce numerous small seeds that contain very small nutrient reserves. The seeds are structurally adapted for wind dispersal but little is known about their fate after dispersal. Some studies of seed viability in situ indicate survival for up to two years in temperate orchid species. Seeds stored in the laboratory may last much longer. We investigated seed viability of seven North American orchid species with seed packets buried in a range of soil and wood substrates within their natural habitats. In Goodyera pubescens most seeds germinated within one year. Four other species continued to germinate sparsely during the observation period, but after almost seven years many seeds were still viable. In one species, Liparis liliifolia, seeds that had been in situ for four years had germination rates as high as 68% when sown in vitro with a compatible fungus. The remaining two species did not germinate during the observation period but the seeds were judged to be intact and tested positively for viability after four years in the ground. These observations are interpreted as different species-specific strategies for in situ germination and their seed bank potential is discussed.  相似文献   

通过研究陕北安塞退耕3~31 a的阴阳坡10个样地的持久土壤种子库特征及其与地上植被的关系,分析持久土壤种子库在植被恢复中的作用。结果表明:调查样地持久土壤种子库由15个科36个物种组成,种子密度在1 908~12 617粒/m2之间,1年生物种占80%,随着退耕演替的进行,种子库中1年生物种比例呈下降趋势,多年生物种比例呈上升趋势,地带性物种在持久种子库中的比例也随退耕时间的延长而增加,物种数和种子库密度均随退耕演替先增大后降低;持久土壤种子库与地上植被的相似性较低,Serensen相似性系数为0.21~0.42;通过对适宜物种的确限度及土壤种子库大小的分析,认为该区退耕地的持久土壤种子库具有一定的植被恢复潜力。  相似文献   


Emergence pattern of the perennial weed species Rumex crispus L. was studied under semi-field conditions. Seeds from three populations were harvested from the mother plants and sown in pots buried in an experimental field, either in late autumn or after winter storage at outdoor temperatures. Seeds were sown on the soil surface or covered by a 2-cm soil layer. In addition, some of the seeds sown in autumn were also subjected to mechanical disturbance in autumn or in spring. Population and soil cover both had a strong effect on total emergence. The light requirement of the species for germination was indicated by a higher rate of emergence from seeds sown on the soil surface than from covered seeds. Sowing date influenced the timing of emergence but not the total emergence. Autumn sowing led to earlier and more concentrated emergence, while seedlings from spring-sown seeds showed a more intermittent emergence pattern. Stirring after sowing had a positive effect on emergence compared with emergence from undisturbed, covered seeds. In all populations and treatments, emergence continued throughout the growing season, contradicting earlier findings that R. crispus seeds germinate mainly in early spring and autumn, and enter secondary dormancy during summer. The delay of emergence in seeds that had remained on the mother plant over winter indicates a certain level of dormancy, which was gradually broken in early summer.  相似文献   

Although the functions and characteristics of soil seed banks in topsoil layers have been described for various ecosystems, the spatiotemporal pattern of the seed bank in deep soil and its ecological implications for vegetation restoration of active sand dune have not been fully explored. In 2007 and 2008, seed densities with regard to dune position, soil depth and season were investigated on an active and a stabilized sand dune of northeastern Inner Mongolia, China. Seeds in the 0–10 cm topsoil layer accounted for 60% of total soil seed bank on the stabilized sand dune, while more than 40% of seeds were stored in the 50–100 cm layers on the active sand dune. Seed density declined significantly with soil depth on the stabilized sand dune, but it was relatively constant across the 0–100 cm soil profile on the active sand dune. Seed density fluctuated with soil depth on the active sand dune suggesting that seeds were either relocated upward or downward over time. Seeds of annual non‐psammophytic species accounted for the majority of soil seed bank on the stabilized sand dune, while pioneer psammophytes contributed more to the soil seed bank of the active sand dune. Our data suggest that seeds in the deep soil layers of active sand dunes account for a large proportion of the whole soil seed bank. Because of the effect of wind erosion, seeds in deep soil could be gradually exposed to shallow soil layers and potentially contribute to population recruitment and vegetation restoration on active sand dunes. Copyright © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Tillage systems can influence weed seed viability and the distribution with depth of weed seeds in soil. To investigate this ‘tillage effect’, weed seed bank composition was determined at two soil depths (0–10 and 10–20 cm) in three tillage systems [mouldboard plough (MP), shallow tillage (ST), and direct drilling (DD)] established for 14 years on a sandy loam (Podzol) in Prince Edward Island, Atlantic Canada. The cropping system was a cool-season soybean (Glycine max L. Merr.) in rotation with barley (Hordeum vulgare L.). The objectives were to evaluate the size and composition of the viable soil seed bank, using the seedling germination method, and to determine if the adoption of non-inversion tillage practices (DD and ST) influence seed bank parameters relative to the conventional full inversion MP. The diversity of weed species was slightly lower for MP (17 species) compared to the ST (21 species) and DD treatments (22 species). The population for most weed species was relatively low with only three common species [low cudweed (Gnaphalium uliginosum L.), creeping buttercup (Ranunculus repens L.), common lambsquarters (Chenopodium album L.)] above 5 m−2. For the total soil depth sampled (0–20 cm), weed seed population was significantly greater under DD (56 weeds m−2) and ST (66 weeds m−2), compared to MP (25 weeds m−2), and mainly related to changes in the number of annual broadleaf weeds, compared to perennial broadleaf and grasses. Comparison of the 0–10 with the 10–20 cm soil depth showed a relatively uniform weed seed distribution for the MP treatment, while a greater proportion of weed seeds was found at the lower soil depth for DD and ST. This distribution tended to be weed species dependent. Soil texture and weed seed characteristics were considered to have a critical impact on the total weed seed bank size, specifically for the 10–20 cm soil depth. Overall, the weed bank size was relatively small indicating that adoption of conservation tillage practices for sandy loams in Atlantic Canada should not cause a major change in weed community and weed populations, or present a need for significant changes in weed control management.  相似文献   

塔里木河下游土壤种子库的空间分布特征分析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
以因不合理的水土资源开发而出现严重生态退化的典型区——塔里木河下游为研究区,通过在塔里木河下游开展的两年土壤种子库实验,分析了塔里木河下游土壤种子库密度的空间分布特点。结果显示:(1)塔里木河下游土壤种子库一般在150~2 300粒/m2之间,属一个较低的水平;从种子库密度的空间分布特点看,地表植被群落退化程度的加重,使土壤种子库在顺河道方向和垂直河道方向表现出不同的变化特点;(2)塔里木河下游土壤种子库在分布上具有较高的密集性,表现出类似沙漠地区种子库的分布特征;(3)微生境条件对土壤种子库的分布影响较大。其中河水漫溢区的种子库密度远高于其它区域,而低洼地、柽柳包和有较多枯枝的退化草地均比光板地和胡杨林地有更多的有活力种子;(4)塔里木河下游严重的生态退化导致了本区土壤种子库垂直分布的差异,主要表现是随着地表植被群落生态退化程度的加重,土壤种子库的垂直分布表现为表层种子库占土壤种子库的比重不断升高的趋势。  相似文献   

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