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【目的】 研究分析不同木薯–花生间作与木薯净作、花生净作之间作物产量和经济效益的差异,揭示木薯–花生间作模式的间作优势和最优模式,以期为木薯–花生合理间作和氮肥高效利用提供理论依据。 【方法】 于2015和2016年,设计施氮 (180 kg/hm2)、不施氮两个水平和木薯净作、花生净作、木薯间作1行花生、木薯间作2行花生及木薯间作3行花生五种模式,研究了施氮和不同木薯–花生间作对作物产量和经济效益的影响。 【结果】 施氮显著增加净作和间作木薯的单株薯数、鲜薯产量和鲜生物产量;施氮显著提高花生净作的荚果产量和生物产量,显著降低三种间作模式的荚果产量和生物产量;施氮显著提高木薯的氮素积累总量、各时期氮素积累量以及净作花生的氮素积累总量,但降低了三种间作模式花生的氮素积累总量;施氮提高五种种植模式的总产值和经济效益。三种间作模式木薯的鲜薯产量和氮素积累总量显著低于木薯净作,花生的氮素积累总量、荚果产量和生物产量显著低于花生净作,总产值和经济效益显著高于木薯和花生净作。系统氮素积累总量从高到低的顺序为木薯间作3行花生、木薯间作2行花生、花生净作、木薯间作1行花生和木薯净作。三种间作模式的产投比大于花生净作,而小于木薯净作。随着花生行数的增加,木薯氮素积累总量随之降低,花生氮素积累总量、荚果产量和生物产量随之显著增加,间作优势和土地当量比随之显著提升,总产值和经济效益随之增加。 【结论】 与净作相比,木薯间作2行和3行花生模式间作优势明显,经济效益显著提升,系统氮素积累总量显著增加,土地利用率提高31%~62%。   相似文献   

花生是我市主要的油料作物,也是重要的出口创汇产品。2003—2005年,全市花生种植面积平均为18840hm^2,平均单产为256kg,平均总产7.3万吨,其中优质出口大花生种植面积约14666.7hm^2,占花生播种面积的70%以上。1986年乳山市被列为全国第一批花生生产基地县。充足的原料带动了全市花生出口加工业的发展,乳山现有花生加工企业11家.年加工能力5万吨,出口量近2万吨,出口创汇1800万美元。特别是华隆(乳山)食品工业有限公司,为我市最大的花生加工出口企业,2004年该企业出口花生制品0.8万吨,创汇800万美元,生产的“东宝”牌花生制品,在日本、韩国等国注册,产品供不应求,市场份额越来越大,该公司的“金色油炸花生仁技术”曾获国家专利。近几年,为适应国际市场的需求,乳山市大力开展花生绿色食品生产,并取得了显著成效,目前已有华隆(乳山)食品工业有限公司、乳山市泉源花生制品有限公司、威海正昌食品有限公司等五家企业获得绿色食品标志,已建成绿色食品花生生产基地3333.3hm^2。这些生产基地的建立,为企业的生产提供了大量的生产原料,促进了企业的发展,同时也为农民增加了经济收入,促进了农村经济的发展。全市计划到2008年绿色食品生产基地扩大到10000hm^2,占花生播种面积的50%以上。在发展绿色花生生产方面,我们主要做了以下几方面的工作:  相似文献   

水稻免耕套播生态技术与应用效果   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
针对当前水稻生产中农本上升、效益降低、稻作前茬麦(油菜)秸秆露天焚烧等问题,在水稻生产上进行了免耕套播,麦(油菜)秸秆自然还田的技术研究。2000至2002年9个点的应用结果表明,平均每hm^2水稻增产571.3kg,增6.4%,肥料农本节约31.2%,机械作业费节约35.7%,用工节约44.8%,农本总投入减少l586.1元,减25.1%,净经济收入增加2237.4元,增加59.0%:同时,秸秆全量自然还田,既提高了经济效益,又有利于农田土壤肥力的提高。  相似文献   

山西旱地农业高效持续发展模式研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
经4年科技攻关研究,建立起3套旱地农业高效持续发展模式,即种养结合良性循环模式,其土地生产率较单作玉米高49.7%,绵羊当年育肥羔羊的屠宰率、净肉率分别较对照组高3.0%和1.4%,应用增内剂每只羔羊115d总增重11.3kg,较对照组日重增加14.1%,改良草地产草量可达1.2-1.44万kg/hm^2;甘薯-加工-养殖产业化发展模式,其平常年份产鲜薯7.5万kg/hm^2以上,生产的淀粉地膜可降低覆膜成本27.9%,研制了甘薯低糖脯,研制的既食粉丝增值率在10倍左右;与现行的清耕果园相比,旱地生态果园双向控制模式0-60cm土层土壤含水量高3.1%,0-40cm土层土壤有机质含量高1.7g/kg,速效钾每g土高0.091mg,4年后土壤容重降低0.20g/cm^3,天敌数量超过3倍,害虫减少95%,果实发病率减少80%以上,平均1级果品产量2.7万kg/hm^2,增加纯收入1338元/hm^2。  相似文献   

贵州省铜仁地区花生平衡施肥试验研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
贵州省铜仁地区的花生平衡施肥试验证明,花生的合理施肥有极显著的增产增收效益。其中施氮(N)28kg/hm^2可增产花生40.7%-42.3%,施磷(P2O5)120kg/hm^2可增产花生34.7%-61.5%,施钾(K2O)75kg/hm^2可增产花生23.0%-23.2%。施微肥(硼、锌、钼、铜、铁)可增产花生7.07%-15.2%。平均每投入一元氮磷微肥可分别增收28.6-29.6,15.6-22.3,9.1-9.5,3.8-7.4元。建设花生的N:P2O5:K2O配比为100:430:260并添加微肥适量。平衡施肥在贵州的增产潜力很大,在贵州铜仁地区及其他相应地区有很大推广价值。  相似文献   

针对当前水稻生产中农本上升、效益降低、稻作前茬麦(油菜)秸秆露天焚烧等问题,在水稻生产上进行了免耕套播,麦(油菜)秸秆自然还田的技术研究。2000至2002年9个点的应用结果表明,平均每hm2水稻增产571 3kg,增6 4%,肥料农本节约31 2%,机械作业费节约35 7%,用工节约44 8%,农本总投入减少1586 1元,减25 1%,净经济收入增加2237 4元,增加59 0%。同时,秸秆全量自然还田,既提高了经济效益,又有利于农田土壤肥力的提高。  相似文献   

为挖掘旱地高效生产潜能,充分利用有限的土地资源,在粤西地区旱地采用"木薯//花生×玉米"间混套作模式,增加了地面覆盖度,提高了光能和土地利用效率,减缓了水土流失,增加了农户收入,提高了农民种地的积极性,具有较大的经济效益、生态效益和社会效益。经多年的试验推广,总结了"木薯//花生×玉米"的配套种植技术。  相似文献   

“五配套”生态家园模式经济效益评价   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
以陕西省洛川县"果-畜-沼-窖-草"五配套生态家园模式为研究对象,采用财务分析方法,对模式整个周期进行了经济评价,并与非模式户的产出效益进行了对比分析.结果表明,拥有0.33hm2苹果园的模式户年投入1.16万元,比非模式户少600元;年均纯收入为7571元,比非模式户增加2445元;模式户产投比为1.66,比非模式户增加16.2%.财务分析表明,模式户净现值为4.86万元,内部收益率为73.2%,动态投资回收期为1.67年;年均净现值为5927元,比非模式户高1891元."果-畜-沼-窖-草"五配套模式户收益显著优于非模式户,"果-畜-沼-窖-草"五配套生态家园模式是经济效益好、财务可行的项目.  相似文献   

GIS支持下的福建省秋花生用地适宜性评价   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
以福建省耕地为评价对象,借助GIS与数学模型对福建省秋花生用地适宜性进行评价。结果表明,福建宜秋花生用地面积75.67万hm^2,占耕地总面积的55.18%。全省宜秋花生用地质量总体一般,其中最适宜秋花生用地面积12.60万hm^2,适宜面积55.56万拼,分别占宜秋花生用地总面积的16.66%和73.43%。秋花生最适宜区用地资源主要分布在漳州、泉州、福州、龙岩、莆田和厦门市,合计面积12.24万hm^2,占最适宜区总面积的97.14%;荚果发育期的低温、灌溉条件总体较差,以及耕层浅薄是福建秋花生用地的主要限制因子。  相似文献   

元谋干热河谷平沟建园土地治理工程效益及生态风险   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
元谋干热河谷冲沟侵蚀发育,水土流失严重,人地矛盾突出。自2010年以来,该区开展了一种集“水土流失治理、土地开发和果蔬园建设”为一体的新型土地治理工程——平沟建园。该工程在增加耕地面积和增加土地收益等方面发挥了重要作用,但随着工程的推进,其对生态环境的影响也不容忽视。该文采用遥感解译结合实地调研方法,分析了元谋干热河谷平沟建园土地治理工程现状及产出效益,并对工程中存在的潜在生态风险进行了探讨。结果表明,平沟建园土地治理工程以民营企业和个体户为投资主体,截至2018年,已完成造地总面积超过6700 hm^2,显著提高了该区土地资源利用效率。该工程造地投入为3.3~18万元/hm^2,平均10.65万元/hm^2,新造地主要种植葡萄、番茄等果蔬,年总产出最大可达造地平均投入的12.7倍,经济效益显著。但在工程实施中,存在局部新造地边坡沟蚀发育、水资源利用及其土壤水分平衡变化,以及农药化肥大量施用威胁水体安全等潜在生态风险。平沟建园工程是一项非官方组织的民间致富土地治理工程,未来需加强对工程具体生态效益及潜在生态风险问题开展科学监测与试验研究,以期为元谋平沟建园工程的科学实施以及经济、生态与社会效益的持续发挥提供理论依据。  相似文献   

施肥对水旱轮作作物产量、氮素吸收与土壤肥力的影响   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
2008~2009年,利用田间试验研究了优化施肥、单施有机肥、有机无机配施和习惯施肥对水旱轮作体系下水稻和春小麦产量、氮素吸收利用和土壤肥力的影响.结果表明,施肥都能提高水稻和春小麦的子粒和秸秆产量.同等养分供应下,优化施肥处理的增产效果最佳,其次是有机无机配施.不同施肥处理对水稻和春小麦地上部总吸氮量都有显著影响,水稻当季氮肥利用率为10.4%~37.0%,春小麦为11.7% ~ 35.9%.施用有机肥有利于土壤有机质、全氮、C/N比和土壤碱解氮、有效磷和速效钾的提高.水旱轮作下土壤干湿交替也有利于土壤有效养分的提高.综合考虑作物增产、氮肥利用率和土壤培肥等因素,本试验水旱轮作体系下,有机无机配施是最佳的施肥措施.  相似文献   

Concerns over increasing production costs and decline in crop revenues have prompted the greenhouse industry to reevaluate criteria used to select crops for greenhouse systems. In the past, crop selection was primarily based on profitability and the strategy was to manipulate the environment to tailor it to the requirements of the crop. As greenhouses are currently evolving from high energy‐consuming to cost‐efficient systems, an emerging strategy is to manipulate the crop to meet the characteristics of the greenhouse environment. To ensure efficient crop manipulation, however, an in‐depth understanding is needed of the inherent ability of crops to adapt and render economic yields under suboptimal conditions. This paper reviews key features of selected greenhouse crops, assesses the impact of changing environment on crop performance, and examines potential avenues for crop manipulation.  相似文献   

The aim of present study was to know about past cultivation of pseudocereals and millets in Kashmir province of Indian state of Jammu and Kashmir. These crops which were cultivated throughout Kashmir in plains as well as in hilly areas are buckwheat species, Fagopyrum esculentum and Fagopyrum tataricum; amaranth and minor millets, Setaria italica and Panicum miliaceum. In Kashmir these are now forgotten crops. Few plants of amaranth (Amaranthus caudatus) are still grown in almost every kitchen garden in Kashmir. The crop is however not cultivated commercially neither in Kashmir nor in Ladakh or Jammu provinces of the state. Our study has revealed that cultivation of all these crops has been abandoned some five or six decades back throughout Kashmir excepting in few farflung hilly areas in north Kashmir. Currently these crops are also cultivated in Ladakh, but here also their cultivation is dwindling rapidly. The reasons as to why farmers have abandoned these crops and are increasingly losing interest in these biological assets in the areas of their present cultivation have been discussed. There is a need to rescue these threatened crops which have many advantages besides, being nowadays categorized as quality health foods. During our survey in Ladakh province we have collected 30 germplasm accessions of these crops from various locations. These have been deposited in National Seed Gene Bank at NBPGR, New Delhi for conservation and evaluation. The improvement and revival of these lost crops has the potential to diversify agriculture, food system and income of the poor farmers and have the ability to ensure food security and livelihood of the people in this Himalayan state under future adverse climatic conditions.  相似文献   

An initiative is presented which is intended to promote the conservation and use of underutilized and neglected crops. The aim of this project is to identify key information sources and to systematically compile, analyze and disseminate information on a selected set of neglected crop species/gene pools with a view to facilitate the development of a well-targeted global plan of action to improve their conservation and use. The resulting information base will support continued research on these neglected crops. So far, 24 monographs have been published.  相似文献   

Winter cover crops are essential in conservation tillage systems to protect soils from erosion and for improving soil productivity. Black oat (Avena strigosa Schreb) and oilseed radish (Raphanus sativus L.) could be useful cover crops in the southeastern USA, but successful adoption requires understanding their influence on N availability in conservation tillage systems. Black oat and oilseed radish were compared to crimson clover (Trifolium incarnatum L.) and rye (Secale cereale L.) for biomass production and effects on N mineralization during the summer crop growing season from fall 1998 through summer 2002 near Watkinsville, GA. Rye produced 40 to 60% more biomass, although N contents were less than the other cover crops. Oilseed radish and black oat N contents were similar to crimson clover. Black oat, oilseed radish, and crimson clover C/N ratios were less than 30, whereas rye averaged 39. Amount of N mineralized in 90 days (N min90) measured with in situ soil cores was 1.3 to 2.2 times greater following black oat, crimson clover, and oilseed radish than following rye. No differences in N min90 were found between black oats, crimson clover, and oilseed radish in 1999 and 2000. The amount of potentially mineralizable N (N 0) was not different due to cover crop, but was 1.5 times greater in 2000 and 2002 than in 1999. The rate of N mineralization (k) was 20 to 50% slower following rye than the other three cover crops. Black oat and oilseed radish biomass production and soil N mineralization dynamics were more similar to crimson clover than to rye, which indicates that they could be used as cover crops in the southeast without significant changes in N recommendations for most crops.
Harry H. SchombergEmail:

基于Web的温室作物模拟系统的实现   总被引:4,自引:3,他引:4  
基于Web技术、OOP(面向对象设计)思想,根据作物生长发育模型特点,提出了计算机模拟系统的结构设计方案,并采用ASP.NET技术规范和Visual C#程序语言,初步实现了一个基于Web技术远程调用的温室作物生长发育计算机模拟系统,该系统目前可对番茄和黄瓜等温室作物光合作用、干物质积累与分配等过程进行模拟与分析。  相似文献   

This study investigated the behavior of pesticides commonly used on potato in a part of northwestern Spain with a large area devoted to this crop. Experimental potato plots were treated with commercial formulations of two insecticides, a nematicide, a herbicide, and a combination of two fungicides, and the concentrations of the active ingredients were monitored throughout the growing season in the 0-1 and 1-15 cm soil layers, in water dripping off the potato plants, and in the potatoes themselves. The technique used for pesticide determination was gas chromatography with mass selective detection. For potato analyses, pesticide extraction was optimized. The only pesticide ever detected in potato tubers was metalaxyl, the concentration of which never exceeded half the maximum residual limit even when it was applied several times more often than is officially recommended for potato crops. Metalaxyl was also the only pesticide detected in wash-off, apparently due to its being more soluble in water than the other pesticides applied to the growing plants. A mathematical model of pesticide transport in soil was fitted to the experimental data using the program HYDRUS-1D.  相似文献   

Nitrate leaching during the winter period can be reduced and often prevented by growing catch crops after the harvest of a main crop. However, catch crops which effectively take up residual nitrogen do not necessarily show good nutrient effects on a succeeding main crop. The objective of this experiment was to investigate how the content of soil mineral nitrogen in spring was affected by the time of incorporation of non-legume catch crops and how the yield and nitrogen uptake of a succeeding main crop was influenced. The yield of spring sown onion and white cabbage was significantly increased by catch crop growing the previous autumn. The nitrogen effect of Italian ryegrass corresponded to 50–100 kg N per ha in the vegetables. However, the yield of spring barley was not significantly affected by the nitrogen released from decomposing catch crops. During decomposition of non-legume catch crops, grown at a high level of nitrogen fertility, nitrogen immobilization did not occur.  相似文献   

Although limited information is available on tillage practices for root crops, published results show that tillage methods vary widely depending upon the specific root crop, the soil type, the previous vegetation, as well as the socio-economic conditions of farmers. These aspects are discussed in this review.

In general terms, it has been found that root and tuber crops are sensitive to soil compaction, inadequate aeration or poor drainage and therefore respond favorably to intensive tillage, followed by ridging or mounding. However, large differences exist between crops, with potato, sweet potato and yam requiring more intensive cultivation than cassava and taro. On light-textured soils, cassava can be grown without or with minimum tillage as long as weeds are controlled; in heavy or compacted soil cassava responds favorably to tillage and yields tend to increase when grown on ridges. In order to reduce erosion as well as production costs, cassava should be grown with as little tillage as possible as long as high yield can be maintained. Contour ridging and mulching are other practices that not only tend to increase yields but also reduce erosion losses.

Organized data for use in a classification of the tillage requirements of different soils for the various root crops is lacking. We suggest that research efforts should be directed towards the characterization of the physico-chemical and biological factors which determine the tillage requirements of a given soil for a given root crop.  相似文献   

复混肥中缩二脲含量对作物生长的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
采用水培和盆栽法,研究了复混肥中不同含量的缩二脲对作物生长的影响.水培施肥水平为每升水溶液中复混肥(10-8-7)含量分别为0.5 g和1.0 g,即每升水溶液中含氮量达到56.05 mg和112.1 mg;土壤施肥水平为每千克土壤中复混肥(10-8-7)含量分别为0.5 g和1.0 g,即每千克土壤中含氮量达到56.05 mg和121.1 mg.水培试验结果表明:每升水溶液中,在适宜各供试作物生长的施肥条件下,复混肥中缩二脲对冬小麦、玉米、番茄、油菜、水稻的毒害作用的临界值分别为35、40、20、15、15 mg.盆栽试验结果表明:在适宜各供试作物生长的施肥条件下,缩二脲对冬小麦、玉米、番茄、油菜、水稻的毒害作用的临界值分别为所施复混肥(10-8-7)含量的1.6%、2.0%、2.0%、2.0%、2.0%.当高于这个临界值时,缩二脲对此5种作物会造成毒害作用.考虑到复混肥的实际制造过程中大量使用含氯化肥,氯离子含量波动大,建议国家在制定复混肥产品标准时缩二脲含量应限制在1%以下为宜.  相似文献   

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