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[目的]研究退耕还茶地土壤动物群落结构和季节变化特征,旨在为深入了解退耕还茶后土壤质量变化趋势及研究区生态系统的健康评价提供科学依据。[方法]以川西低山丘陵区名山区退林还茶地为对象,采用手捡法和干、湿漏斗法,并以相邻退耕还林地为对照进行研究。[结果]退耕还茶地土壤动物群落以蜱螨目(A)、线虫纲和弹尾目(C)为优势类群,其类群数、密度、Shannon-Wiener指数、密度—类群指数和群落复杂性指数均低于退耕还林地,而群落A/C值较大,且差异多达显著(p0.05)或极显著水平(p0.01)。退耕还茶地土壤动物类群数、个体数、密度—类群指数均以秋季最高,呈单峰曲线变化,且季节间波动大于退耕还林地。受2008年春季的冰冻天气影响,退耕还茶地土壤动物个体数、类群数和密度类群指数明显降低,并在2009年有一定回升,而退耕还林地动物群落结构受气候影响较小。[结论]退耕还茶地土壤动物群落对季节变化和低温天气等外界干扰反应较退耕还林地强烈,且对生态环境给予的负面刺激的反馈能力相对较差。与退耕还林相比,退耕还茶地生态系统可能存在更大的潜在风险。  相似文献   

对章古台沙地典型人工林的大型土壤动物群落进行调查,共捕获大型土壤动物59类,1689只,隶属于2门4纲14目43科,优势类群为蚁科和金龟子科(幼虫),常见类群7类,稀有类群50类。不同人工林大型土壤动物的数量及种类组成差异很大,通常,群落的生境条件越优越,土壤动物的个体数量和种类越多。各群落土壤动物多样性指数排序为油松(2.5313)>小叶杨(2.3319)>樟子松(1.6423)>赤松(1.4651)。土壤动物的个体数量、种类、生物量及多样性指数具有较明显的时间动态变化。  相似文献   

为了解贵州喀斯特地区土壤动物生物多样性特点,选取贵州4个典型喀斯特山地为研究区进行大型土壤动物多样性和群落特征分析。得出如下结论:(1)4个研究区共获得的大型土壤动物分别隶属于3门8纲21目,共21个类群。优势类群为4类(占总个体数的10%以上),分别是鞘翅目(占19.7%)、腹足纲(占17.86%)、蚁科(占17.03%)、蜘蛛目(占11.69%)。(2)大型土壤动物的类群数依次是荔波 > 毕节 > 清镇 > 花江;荔波研究区采集到20个类群,该区土壤动物类群组成相对完整,可以作为喀斯特生态系统退化程度的参照标准。土壤动物个体数依次是荔波 > 清镇 > 毕节 > 花江;Shannon-Wiener多样性指数反映出与类群数同样的结果:荔波 > 毕节 > 清镇 > 花江。喀斯特生态环境因子的改变对腹足纲、蜘蛛目、带马陆目等类群的组成结构和数量产生了很大的影响,可以作为喀斯特生态退化程度的指示种。(3)相似性分析表明,毕节研究区大型土壤动物群落与荔波最相似,生态环境较好,清镇次之,花江最差,同时也与其石漠化等级程度相吻合。  相似文献   

长江三峡库区土壤动物群落结构初步研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
于长江三峡大坝工程开工前的1998年,对三峡库区几个地点(秭归、万县、神农架)不同海拔和生境下的土壤动物群落进行了调查研究.研究表明,整个地区不同生境中土壤动物的优势类群为线虫;常见类群有螨、弹尾目、线蚓、熊虫和猛水蚤目等;同一地点不同植被下,土壤动物类群之间存在着一定的相似性和差异.相关性检验表明:土壤节肢动物类群数与个体数之间的相关性受海拔、植被影响不大.研究还发现,生境条件(海拔、植被类型等)越优越,土壤动物的多样性指数越高.不同群落相似性比较显示,海拔相同、植被相近的群落相似性指数高.对线虫、螨类和弹尾目的数量差异分析表明,秭归地区三个类群受植被、海拔影响不大;万县地区海拔对蜱螨、弹尾目影响较大;神农架地区线虫分布受植被影响较大,螨类和弹尾目在不同植被和土层广布,而该地区枯枝落叶层中螨类数量随植被、海拔变化显著.  相似文献   

对广州市越秀区和天河区3种土地利用方式(绿地、林地、农田)下、6种不同样地(人民公园东部绿地、天河体育中心广场绿地、华南植物园、华南农业大学树木园、郊区岑村农田和郊区凤凰街农田)中小型土壤动物群落的数量和结构组成、分布及其变化规律进行了研究。调查期间共获得中小型土壤动物1 365个,共25个类群,分别隶属于7门16个类群,优势类群为线虫纲(Nematoda)、蜱螨目(Acarina)和弹尾目(Collembola),共占总捕获量的83.44%。不同样地生境中土壤动物的类群组成以及个体数不同。各样地土壤动物群落复杂性指数(C)以华南植物园为最高,达2.822,人民公园绿地为最低。观测样地中小型土壤动物表现出明显的表聚现象,垂直分布有明显差异,类群数和个体数随深度增加而减少。群落排序的结果显示,土壤动物群落对人类活动干扰的响应有所不同,其中倍足纲(Diplopoda)和石目(Archaeognatha)这两类土壤动物为稀有类群,仅在观测的林地类样地中有分布,对干扰最为敏感,可用于指示城市化进程S中土地利用类型的变化。  相似文献   

为了解不同利用方式土地大型土壤动物群落结构,于2006年冬季和2007年春季对四川紫色土丘陵区农田边界、农田、果园和退耕林地进行了大型土壤动物调查,采用野外手捡法共采集大型土壤动物2 838只,隶属于3门9纲24类.研究结果表明:不同土地利用方式大型土壤动物群落的个体密度、类群数和DG多样性指数存在差异.冬季,农田边界的个体密度显著高于其他土地利用方式,类群数和DG多样性指数显著高于退耕林地和农田;农田的个体密度、类群数和DG多样性指数明显处于最低水平.大型土壤动物群落的个体密度和类群数在垂直分布上具有明显的表聚性.Jaccard相似性系数和Grower系数表明农田边界、果园与退耕林地三者间相似程度较高,农田与农田边界、退耕林地、果园之间相似程度较低.研究认为土地利用方式对大型土壤动物的群落结构有明显影响,农田边界的存在对大型土壤动物生物多样性的保护具有重要意义.  相似文献   

朱新玉  胡云川  侯瑞华 《土壤》2016,48(6):1131-1138
为查明故道湿地大型土壤动物类群对不同湿地类型的响应,于2014年对豫东黄河故道的盐碱滩地、湿草地、芦苇湿地和林地4种类型湿地的大型土壤动物群落进行了调查。结果表明:豫东黄河故道不同湿地类型大型土壤动物群落的类群数和优势类群均存在显著差异,优势类群和主要类群的差异也反映出不同湿地类型环境的异质性。季节变化对大型土壤动物群落类群数、密度和多样性指数均有显著影响(P0.05或P0.01),且不同湿地类型大型土壤动物对季节变化的响应存在差异。湿地不同的土壤环境因子,尤其是土壤有机质、氮磷和土壤微生物生物量碳氮的含量与大型土壤动物类群数、密度和多样性间存在显著相关关系(P0.05或P0.01)。  相似文献   

金华北山阔叶林大型土壤动物群落的初步研究   总被引:15,自引:2,他引:15  
郑祥  鲍毅新  孔军苗  葛宝明 《土壤》2005,37(5):545-550
2003年10~11月,对金华北山落叶阔叶林和常绿阔叶林大型土壤动物进行了调查,共获得大型土壤动物1445只,隶属3门,7纲,18目。其中近孔寡毛目(线蚓科)、鞘翅目为优势类群,正蚓目、弹尾目、膜翅目、双翅目、蜘蛛目、蜱螨目为常见类群。通过对两个样地大型土壤动物的对比分析,落叶阔叶林和常绿阔叶林的大型土壤动物优势类群、常见类群组成成分及类群数基本相同,群落多样性和均匀性指数差异不大。在垂直分布上,两者的变化基本一致,类群数和个体数量随土层的加深呈递减趋势,且表聚现象明显。土壤养分和pH值与大型土壤动物群落组成和结构密切相关。  相似文献   

为了解长江中下游地区不同农田土地利用方式对中小型土壤动物群落的影响,在吴江市设置3组样地161采样点,共捕获中小型土壤动物20906只,隶属于5门11纲14目21类。其中,线虫纲为优势类群,弹尾目、蜱螨目、猛水蚤目、轮虫纲和寡毛纲为常见类群。农田土地利用方式对中小型土壤动物密度产生明显的影响,灌溉水田土壤动物密度分别是旱地与菜地的1.6倍以上,且差异显著,但3类土地利用方式的土壤动物类群总数无显著差异。灌溉水田土壤动物多样性H′指数分别是旱地与菜地的0.42和0.46倍,且差异显著,但旱地和菜地无显著差异。皆为旱作的旱地与菜地的中小型土壤动物群落间类群及其个体数量相似程度较高,而灌溉水田与旱地或灌溉水田与菜地间中小型土壤动物群落相似程度较低。因此,农田土地利用方式和具体措施对中小型土壤动物群落组成与结构特征有一定的影响。  相似文献   

湖南衡南县紫色土土壤动物研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过对衡南县紫色土5种生境中的土壤动物进行调查研究,共获得土壤动物1657只,隶属于4门9纲37目,其中优势类群2类,常见类群11类。探讨了5种生境中土壤动物群落结构特征,并进行了多样性、均匀性及相似性分析。  相似文献   

The importance of secondary tropical forests regarding the maintenance of soil fauna abundance and diversity is poorly known. The aims of this study were (1) to describe soil fauna abundance and diversity and (2) to assess the determinants of soil fauna abundance and diversity in two stands of a tropical semi-evergreen secondary forest. Soil macrofauna and microarthropod abundance and soil macrofauna diversity were described at two sites developed on different soils and with different site histories: (1) a natural secondary stand (natural forest) under two dominant tree species, Pisonia subcordata and Bursera simaruba, and (2) a planted secondary forest (planted forest) under three tree species, B. simaruba, Swietenia macrophylla, and Tabebuia heterophylla. The effects of both soil and main tree species’ litter quality were assessed to explain soil fauna abundance and diversity. The abundance of soil macrofauna was significantly higher in the soil under the planted forest, and soil fauna communities were contrasted between the two sites. In the planted forest, a soil-dwelling macrofauna community developed (mainly consisting of the anecic earthworm Polypheretima elongata). In the natural forest, soil macrofauna and microarthropod communities were located at the soil surface. The effect of plant litter quality varied according to each dominant tree species and was superimposed to soil effect. The lowest macrofauna abundance was associated with B. simaruba in the natural forest. T. heterophylla supported a much greater macrofauna community than the two other tree species studied at the same soil, and it appears likely that this is due to the palatability of its leaves compared with the other trees (low lignin, tannins, soluble phenols).  相似文献   

研究不同人工林型中的鸟类群落可以了解其生态效益。于2007年6~8月采用样带法对南宁市郊的三种人工林中的鸟类种类和数量进行了统计,共记录到鸟类3目15科26种。经分析所得鸟类多样性指数,湿地松林的最高,为1.0350;其次为马尾松林,为1.0153;巨尾桉林的最低,仅为0.5048。同时计算了G-F指数,其中马尾松林和湿地松林的值分别为0.1539和0.1604,巨尾桉林为0。从马尾松林和湿地松林的相似性对比中可以看出这两类林型中鸟类群落相似性比较高,巨尾桉林与其他两种林型相似性差异较大。鸟类多样性与人工林异质性和林龄有关。  相似文献   

李红月  殷秀琴  马辰  郭玉梅 《土壤学报》2017,54(4):1018-1028
在长白山地丘陵区选择次生落叶阔叶林、灌木林、采伐迹地以及耕地四种土地利用方式,对其土壤动物群落的组成、多样性和分布特征进行研究。结果表明:不同土地利用方式土壤动物群落的水平分布呈现明显的差异。采伐迹地中型土壤动物个体密度和耕地中型土壤动物类群数季节变化明显。次生落叶阔叶林和灌木林土壤动物分布随土层加深急剧减少,采伐迹地和耕地垂直分布递减和缓。同一季节土壤动物的丰富度指数和多样性指数在不同土地利用方式差异显著。土壤动物的多样性表现为灌木林最高,耕地最低。不同土地利用方式影响土壤动物群落的生态分布,其中pH、土壤有机质、有效磷和速效氮是影响长白山地丘陵区不同土地利用方式土壤动物群落分布的主导因子。  相似文献   

黄前水库集水区典型人工林群落物种多样性   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5       下载免费PDF全文
 为给黄前流域人工林综合治理的进一步实施提供科学依据,对流域内4种人工林群落的植物区系组成和地理成分进行分析,并采用常规生物多样性的调查方法对其物种多样性特征进行了定量研究。结果表明:1)该流域的植物区系比较丰富,占泰山植物区系物种总数的13.02%;2)4种人工林灌木层和草本层的Simpson指数、Shannon-Wienner指数和均匀度指数差异显著,物种丰富度指数差异不显著,草本层发育明显好于灌木层;3)各人工林尚处于演替初期阶段,混交林下多以阴生性植物为主,其他林下植被发育常以禾本科等阳生性植物为主;4)不同人工林物种总体多样性特征分析表明,板栗林总体物种丰富度最低,均匀度指数最大,多样性指数较低,而赤松+元宝槭混交林总体物种丰富度最大,多样性指数也最大,均匀度指数较低,群落总体多样性混交人工林较大而单一林分较小,混交人工林更有利于林下植被的发育和更新。  相似文献   

为揭示亚热带森林土壤N2O排放对林分类型和氮添加的响应特征,选取位于福建省三明市的中亚热带米槠次生林、杉木人工林和马尾松人工林土壤为研究对象,分别设置无氮添加(N0 mg/kg)、低氮添加(N10 mg/kg)、中氮添加(N25 mg/kg)和高氮添加(N50 mg/kg)4个氮添加水平,进行微宇宙培养试验,测定土壤N2O排放。结果表明:与无氮添加处理相比,氮添加整体上降低3种林分土壤pH,增加土壤NH4+-N和NO3--N含量。无氮添加处理中杉木人工林和马尾松人工林土壤N2O累积排放量分别为9.67和9.62 mg/kg,显著高于米槠次生林土壤N2O累积排放量6.81 mg/kg。低氮添加处理中杉木人工林和马尾松人工林土壤N2O累积排放量显著高于米槠次生林。但在中氮和高氮添加处理中,3种林分土壤N2O累积排放量均无显著性差异。不同氮添加处理均促进3种林分土壤N  相似文献   


There is limited knowledge about the differences in carbon availability and metabolic quotients in temperate volcanic and tropical forest soils, and associated key influencing factors. Forest soils at various depths were sampled under a tropical rainforest and adjacent tea garden after clear-cutting, and under three temperate forests developed on a volcanic soil (e.g. Betula ermanii and Picea jezoensis, and Pinus koraiensis mainly mixed with Tilia amurensis, Fraxinus mandshurica and Quercus mongolica), to study soil microbial biomass carbon (MBC) concentration and metabolic quotients (qCO2, CO2-C/biomass-C). Soil MBC concentration and CO2 evolution were measured over 7-day and 21-day incubation periods, respectively, along with the main properties of the soils. On the basis of soil total C, both CO2 evolution and MBC concentrations appeared to decrease with increasing soil depth. There was a maximal qCO2 in the 0–2.5 cm soil under each forest stand. Neither incubation period affected the CO2 evolution rates, but incubation period did induce a significant difference in MBC concentration and qCO2 in tea soil and Picea jezoensis forest soil. The conversion of a tropical rainforest to a tea garden reduced the CO2 evolution and increased the qCO2 in soil. Comparing temperate and tropical forests, the results show that both Pinus koraiensis mixed with hardwoods and rainforest soil at less than 20 cm depth had a larger MBC concentration relative to soil total C and a lower qCO2 during both incubation periods, suggesting that microbial communities in both soils were more efficient in carbon use than communities in the other soils. Factor and regression analysis indicated that the 85% variation of the qCO2 in forest soils could be explained by soil properties such as the C:N ratio and the concentration of water soluble organic C and exchangeable Al (P < 0.001). The qCO2 values in forest soils, particularly in temperate volcanic forest soils, decreased with an increasing Al/C ratio in water-soluble organic matter. Soil properties, such as exchangeable Ca, Mg and Al and water-soluble organic C:N ratio, were associated with the variation of MBC. Thus, MBC concentrations and qCO2 of the soils are useful soil parameters for studying soil C availability and microbial utilization efficiency under temperate and tropical forests.  相似文献   

In Costa Rica, the Maquenque National Wildlife Refuge (MNWLR) contains a unique habitat gradient ranging from primary old growth forests, grasslands, pastures, to various ages of secondary forests. Within these primary old growth forests are extremely dense naturally occurring Bromelia pinguin (Bromeliaceae) patches that often grow with densities up to 2 plants per square meter. A previous study found that anti-fungal activity of this particular plant appears to be altering the fungal community in soils adjacent to these plants. No work has been previously conducted on the possible effects of this plant community on soil faunal communities and if seasonality contributes to changes in soil invertebrate populations along a moisture gradient. Thus, a study was conducted to assess the effects of this specialized plant community on soil invertebrates with respect to season, and if these changes in soil fauna guild structure could prove to be valid candidates as indicators of ecosystem condition with changes in precipitation. In addition, a meta-analysis was done to determine how the bromeliad-associated soil invertebrate communities differ from those in adjacent primary forest soils. Therefore, comparisons were determined from previous primary forest soil invertebrate environmental DNA (eDNA) to the current wet season bromeliad soil invertebrate eDNA. Roche 454 pyro-sequencing was conducted on the 650 bp fragment of the cytochrome oxidase subunit I (COI) gene of invertebrates to obtain and characterize soil invertebrate sequence composition. To determine relationships among soil fauna guilds across seasons, relative abundance of the sequences were calculated, and used in conjunction with EcoSim niche overlap and co-occurrence values. From the bromeliad seasonal soil fauna eDNA study, it appears certain invertebrate guilds are driven by moisture as indicated by fluctuations in relative abundance of each invertebrate guild across seasons in bromeliad patch soils, as well as indicated by EcoSim niche overlap values. In particular, Guilds 1, 4, and 5, should warrant further investigation as indicators of habitat condition. The meta-analysis showed that a naturally occurring modified environment (the bromeliad patches), can result in differences in relative abundance and partitioning of a limited resource between invertebrate guild structure. Those guilds associated with microbivorous and complex decomposition activities (i.e. Guilds 3 and 4), are more abundant in primary forest soils than bromeliad patch soils and could potentially used for bioindicators of habitat perturbations.  相似文献   

Soil nematode communities can provide important information about soil food web structure and function. However, how soil nematode communities and their metabolic footprints change over time in temperate forests is not well known. We examined the changes in the composition, diversity and metabolic footprints of soil nematode communities in three differently-aged (young, mid and old) forests of the Changbai Mountains, China. Carbon flows through different nematode trophic groups were also quantified based on nematode biomasses. The results showed that the highest abundance and diversity of total nematodes was found in the mid forest. Nematode communities were characterized by the replenishment in abundance but not the replacement of dominant genera. A low enrichment footprint in the young forest suggests a decline in available prey, while a high enrichment footprint in the mid forest indicates an increase in resource entry into soil food web. The relationship between the carbon flows of omnivores-predators and fungivores was stronger than that among other trophic groups. Our study shows that bottom-up effects of the vegetation, the soil environment and the connectedness of nematode trophic groups are all important driving forces for nematode community structure in temperate forests.  相似文献   

毛竹纯林土壤微生物多样性高于杉木纯林   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
杉木连作障碍现象普遍发生,同为人工林的毛竹则很少发生。作为土壤健康的重要指标,微生物对土壤肥力具有不可忽视的作用。采用高通量测序法对阔叶、毛竹和杉木三种林分的土壤细菌和真菌群落进行研究,结果表明,毛竹林土壤细菌和真菌Shannon多样性和Invsimpson均匀度指数均显著高于杉木林,甚至高于阔叶林;而优势物种多样性Berger-Parker指数则是杉木显著高于毛竹林;毛竹林土壤Actinobacteria门细菌相对丰度高于阔叶林和杉木林、Basidiomycota门真菌相对丰度显著高于阔叶林和杉木林,杉木林土壤Chloroflexi门细菌相对丰度和Mortierellomycota门真菌相对丰度显著高于毛竹林和阔叶林。结合土壤理化性质分析表明,杉木林土壤养分贫瘠是形成其特殊微生物群落的原因之一,而毛竹林土壤丰富的养分和高pH有利于形成良好微生物群落结构。与杉木相比,毛竹林土壤细菌和真菌特征以及土壤理化性质与阔叶的相似度更高。  相似文献   

米亚罗林区冬季大型土壤动物的空间分布特征   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
土壤动物是陆地生态系统的组成部分,对多种地下生态过程具有重要的作用[1-2]。近些年,对土壤动物多样性及其功能的研究已成为生态学领域的一个新兴前沿[3-4]。土壤动物群落组成对植被变化有明显的依赖性,不同植被类型有着与其相适应的土壤动物群落[5-7]。但植被类型的变化常与海拔  相似文献   

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