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The immobilization and mineralization of N following plant residue incorporation were studied in a sandy loam soil using15N-labelled field pea (Pisum sativum L.) and spring barley (Hordeum vulgare L.) straw. Both crop residues caused a net immobilization of soil-derived inorganic N during the complete incubation period of 84 days. The maximum rate of N immobilization was found to 12 and 18 mg soil-derived N g–1 added C after incorporation of pea and barley residues, respectively. After 7 days of incubation, 21% of the pea and 17% of the barley residue N were assimilated by the soil microbial biomass. A comparison of the15N enrichments of the soil organic N and the newly formed biomass N pools indicated that either residue N may have been assimilated directly by the microbial biomass without entering the soil inorganic N pool or the biomass had a higher preference for mineralized ammonium than for soil-derived nitrate already present in the soil. In the barley residue treatment, the microbial biomass N was apparently stabilized to a higher degree than the biomass N in the pea residue treatment, which declined during the incubation period. This was probably due to N-deficiency delaying the decomposition of the barley residue. The net mineralization of residue-derived N was 2% in the barley and 22% in the pea residue treatment after 84 days of incubation. The results demonstrated that even if crop residues have a relative low C/N ratio (15), transient immobilization of soil N in the microbial biomass may contribute to improved conservation of soil N sources.  相似文献   

Summary The dynamics of basally applied 15N-labeled ammonium sulfate in inorganic and organic soil fractions of five wetland rice soils of the Philippines was studied in a greenhouse experiment. Soil and plant samples were collected and analyzed for 15N at various growth stages. Exchangeable NH4 + depletion continued after 40 days after transplanting (DAT) and corresponded with increased nitrogen uptake by rice plants. Part of the applied fertilizer was fixed by 2:1 clay minerals, especially in Maligaya silty clay loam, which contained beidellite as the dominant clay mineral. After the initial fixation, nonexchangeable 15N was released from 20 DAT in Maligaya silty clay loam, but fixation delayed fertilizer N uptake from the soil. Part of the applied N was immobilized into the organic fraction. In Guadalupe clay and Maligaya silty clay loam, immobilization increased with time while the three other soils showed significant release of fertilizer N from the organic fraction during crop growth. Most of the immobilized fertilizer N was recovered in the nondistillable acid soluble (alpha-amino acid + hydrolyzable unknown-N) fraction at crop maturity. Between 61% and 66% of applied N was recovered from the plant in four soils while 52% of fertilizer N was recovered from the plant in Maligaya silty loam. Only 20% – 30% of the total N uptake at maturity was derived from fertilizer N. Nmin (mineral N) content of the soil before transplanting significantly correlated with N uptake. Twenty-two to 34% of applied N was unaccounted for possibly due to denitrification and ammonia volatilization.  相似文献   

Annual potassium (K) balances have been calculated over a 40‐year period for five field experiments located on varying parent materials (from loamy sand to clay) in south and central Sweden. Each experiment consisted of a number of K fertilizer regimes and was divided into two crop rotations, mixed arable/livestock (I) and arable only (II). Annual calculations were based on data for K inputs through manure and fertilizer, and outputs in crop removal. Plots receiving no K fertilizer showed negative K balances which ranged from 30 to 65 kg ha?1 year?1 in rotation I, compared with 10–26 kg ha?1 year?1 for rotation II. On sandy loam and clay soils, the K yield of nil K plots (rotation I) increased significantly with time during the experimental period indicating increasing release of K from soil minerals, uptake from deeper soil horizons and/or depletion of exchangeable soil K (Kex). Significant depletion of Kex in the topsoil was only found in the loamy sand indicating a K supply from internal sources in the sandy loam and clay soils. On silty clay and clay soils, a grass/clover ley K concentration of ~2% (dry weight) was maintained during the 40‐year study period on the nil K plots, but on the sandy loam, loam and loamy sand, herbage concentrations were generally less than 2% K.  相似文献   

不同质地土壤上烤烟氮素积累、分配及利用率的研究   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
【目的】土壤质地能概括反映土壤内在的肥力特征,对土壤养分供应具有调控作用,是影响农田中土壤氮素供应和氮肥利用的重要因素。本试验通过在皖南烟区3种质地(壤土、黏壤、砂壤)土壤上施用等量氮肥来研究其对烤烟不同生育期的氮素吸收、积累及利用特征的影响,旨在为烟田土壤改良及烤烟合理施肥提供理论依据。【方法】在皖南烟区现代农业科技园的典型壤土、黏壤和砂壤土上分别建立田间试验,采用15N田间微区试验和室内分析相结合的研究方法,在烤烟的团棵期(移栽后38 d)、现蕾期(移栽后53 d)、平顶期(移栽后64d)和成熟期(移栽后103 d),采集长势一致的烟株样品,测定烟株各部位的生物量,并采用凯氏定氮法检测其全氮含量,采用ZHTO2型同位素质谱仪测定其15N丰度。【结果】皖南烟区壤土和黏壤土上烤烟总氮和肥料氮积累均随生育期呈单峰变化,在烤烟平顶期达最大,总氮积累量分别为4.25 g/plant和3.96 g/plant,肥料氮积累量分别为2.34 g/plant和2.54 g/plant,而砂壤土上烤烟到成熟期其总氮和肥料氮的积累量达到最大,分别是5.64 g/plant和2.73 g/plant,均显著高于同时期的壤土和黏壤;壤土、黏壤和砂壤土上烤烟均以叶部肥料氮占总氮比例及氮素分配率较高,茎部次之,根部最低;不同质地土壤上烤烟氮肥利用率与肥料氮的积累动态具有一致的变化趋势,其中壤土和黏壤在平顶期最大,分别为34.5%和40.7%,之后壤土利用率缓慢下降,黏壤下降幅度较大,而砂壤土上烤烟氮肥利用率在生育期内呈上升趋势,至成熟期最大,为43.7%。【结论】不同质地土壤上烟株对氮素的吸收利用顺序为砂壤壤土黏壤,黏壤土在烤烟生育期内供氮能力较弱,应合理调控土壤氮的矿化及增加肥料氮的供应;砂壤土氮肥利用率较高,应严格控制氮肥的施用量。  相似文献   

Soil organic matter is important to improve and sustain soil fertility in tropical agroecosystems. The combined use of organic residue and fertilizer inputs is advocated for its positive effects on short-term nutrient supply, but the effect of the integrated use on long-term stabilization of soil organic C and N is still unclear. We conducted a 1.5-y soil incubation experiment with maize (Zea mays) residue and urea fertilizer to examine the stabilization of C and N in four Sub-Saharan African soils differing in texture (sand, sandy loam, clay loam, and clay). The inputs were enriched with 13C and 15N in a mirror-labelling design to trace the fate of residue-C and N, and fertilizer-N in combination. We hypothesized that combining inputs would enhance the stabilization of C and N relative to either input alone across a range of soil textures. The treatments were destructively sampled after 0.25, 0.5, and 1.5 y to assess input-derived C and N stabilization in soil macro- and microaggregate fractions. The combination treatment had a significant but small (2% of residue-applied C) increase in residue-C stabilized in the total soil after 0.25 y, but this increase did not persist after 0.5 and 1.5 y. While combining residue and fertilizer decreased the amount of residue-N stabilized within 53- to 2000-μm sized soil aggregates (e.g., 7% less at 1.5 y), it increased the stabilization of fertilizer-N at all sampling times (e.g., 20% more at 1.5 y). The increased amount of fertilizer-N stabilized was significantly greater than the amount of residue-N lost in the combined input treatments in the three finer textured soils at 1.5 y, indicating an interactive increase in the stabilization of new N. Our results indicate that combining residue with fertilizer inputs can increase the short-term stabilization of N, which has the potential to improve soil fertility. However, benefits to N stabilization from combining organic residues and fertilizer seem to be less in coarser-textured soils.  相似文献   


In a fertilizer trial in a Valencia orange orchard, two soil types were distinguished: a poorly aerated loamy sand (A) and sandy clay loam (B). Mineral composition of leaves and fruit quality characteristics differed significantly in the two soil types, regardless of the fertilizer treatments. Fruits on the sandy clay loam were larger, had a thicker peel, and contained more total acids and vitamin C in the juice, and were less affected by a peel disorder (creasing). The leaves of such trees contained more K and Mg and less Ca and P.  相似文献   

The potential to manipulate the N release from vegetable crop residues (cauliflower, leek) by using organic wastes was tested under field conditions on three soil textures during 2 years (silt loam, sandy loam and loamy sand). During the first year, incorporation of green waste compost and sawdust did not significantly increase microbial biomass N and did not lead to a significant N immobilization of crop residue‐N. During the second year, straw did increase microbial biomass N and showed a good N immobilization potential in all textures. The largest increase in microbial biomass N and the greatest N immobilization occurred in the loamy sand soil. The texture effect was probably because of better incorporation of the crop residues and immobilizer wastes in the loamy sand soil compared with the other textures. During spring, there was no consistent remineralization of immobilized N after the addition of malting sludge or vinasses in either year. This could be a result of the limited amount of N immobilized and available for remineralization in the first year or an unsuitable composition of the remineralizer wastes.  相似文献   

Two field experiments in which straw has been removed or incorporated for 17 yr (loamy sand) and 10 yr (sandy clay loam) were sampled to examine the effect of straw on the C and N contents in whole soil samples, macro-aggregate fractions and primary particle-size separates. The particle size composition of the aggregate fractions was determined. Aggregates were isolated by dry sieving. Straw incorporation increased the number of 1–20 mm aggregates in the loamy sand but no effect was noted in the sandy clay loam. Straw had no effect on the particle size composition of the various aggregate fractions. After correction for loose sand that accumulated in the aggregate fractions during dry sieving, macro-aggregates appeared to be enriched in clay and silt compared with whole soil samples. Because of the possible detachment of sand particles from the exterior surface of aggregates during sieving operations, it was inferred that the particle size composition of macro-aggregates is similar to that of the bulk soil. The organic matter contents of the aggregate fractions were closely correlated with their clay + silt contents. Differences in the organic matter content of clay isolated from whole soil samples and aggregate fractions were generally small. This was also true for the silt-size separates. In both soils, straw incorporation increased the organic matter content of nearly all clay and silt separates; for silt this was generally twice that observed for clay. The amounts of soil C, derived from straw, left in the loamy sand and sandy clay loam at the time of sampling were 4.4 and 4.5 t ha?1, corresponding to 12 and 21% of the straw C added. The C/N ratios of the straw-derived soil organic matter were 11 and 12 for the loamy sand and sandy clay loam, respectively.  相似文献   

The turnover of N derived from rhizodeposition of faba bean (Vicia faba L.), pea (Pisum sativum L.) and white lupin (Lupinus albus L.) and the effects of the rhizodeposition on the subsequent C and N turnover of its crop residues were investigated in an incubation experiment (168 days, 15 °C). A sandy loam soil for the experiment was either stored at 6 °C or planted with the respective grain legume in pots. Legumes were in situ 15N stem labelled during growth and visible roots were removed at maturity. The remaining plant-derived N in soil was defined as N rhizodeposition. In the experiment the turnover of C and N was compared in soils with and without previous growth of three legumes and with and without incorporation of crop residues. After 168 days, 21% (lupin), 26% (faba bean) and 27% (pea) of rhizodeposition N was mineralised in the treatments without crop residues. A smaller amount of 15–17% was present as microbial biomass and between 30 and 55% of mineralised rhizodeposition N was present as microbial residue pool, which consists of microbial exoenzymes, mucous substances and dead microbial biomass. The effect of rhizodeposition on the C and N turnover of crop residues was inconsistent. Rhizodeposition increased the crop residue C mineralisation only in the lupin treatment; a similar pattern was found for microbial C, whereas the microbial N was increased by rhizodeposition in all treatments. The recovery of residual 15N in the microbial and mineral N pool was similar between the treatments containing only labelled crop residues and labelled crop residues + labelled rhizodeposits. This indicates a similar decomposability of both rhizodeposition N and crop residue N and may be attributable to an immobilisation of both N sources (rhizodeposits and crop residues) as microbial residues and a subsequent remineralisation mainly from this pool.Abbreviations C or Ndec C or N decomposed from residues - C or Nmic microbial C or N - C or Nmicres microbial residue C or N - C or Nmin mineralised C or N - C or Ninput added C or N as crop residues and/or rhizodeposits - dfr derived from residues - dfR derived from rhizodeposition - Ndfr N derived from residues - NdfR N derived from rhizodeposition - Nloss losses of N derived from residues - SOM soil organic matter - WHC water holding capacity  相似文献   

《Journal of plant nutrition》2013,36(12):2343-2364

A two‐year study (1997–1999) was conducted on a sandy clay loam (Typic Paleudult) at the experimental farm of the Universiti Putra to determine the effects of application of crop residues on changes of some soil properties in a maize (Zea mays L.)–groundnut (Arachis hypogaea) crop rotation system. Five crops of a rotation of sweet corn–groundnut–sweet corn–groundnut–sweet corn were sown with three treatments: recommended inorganic fertilizer [nitrogen (N), phosphorus (P), and potassium (K)] with crop residue (T1), recommended inorganic fertilizer without crop residues (T2) or one‐half of the recommended inorganic fertilizer with crop residues combined with 10 t ha?1 of chicken manure (T3). Soil organic carbon (OC), soil water content and soil bulk density were not significantly changed. Application of crop residues for two years increased cation exchange capacity (CEC) whereas supplementing crop residues with CM had significantly increased soil pH of the topsoil. Phosphorous in manure treatment had moved down the soil profile, which might cause eutriphication of under ground water, particularly during the rainy season. Based on this work, incorporation of crop residues could be a beneficial practice for improving the fertility of acid soils.  相似文献   

Impacts of crop residue biochar on soil C and N dynamics have been found to be subtly inconsistent in diverse soils. In the present study, three soils differing in texture (loamy sand, sandy clay loam and clay) were amended with different rates (0%, 0.5%, 1%, 2% and 4%) of rice-residue biochar and incubated at 25°C for 60 days. Soil respiration was measured throughout the incubation period whereas, microbial biomass C (MBC), dissolved organic C (DOC), NH4+-N and NO3N were analysed after 2, 7, 14, 28 and 60 days of incubation. Carbon mineralization differed significantly between the soils with loamy sand evolving the greatest CO2 followed by sandy clay loam and clay. Likewise, irrespective of the sampling period, MBC, DOC, NH4+-N and NO3N increased significantly with increasing rate of biochar addition, with consistently higher values in loamy sand than the other two soils. Furthermore, regardless of the biochar rates, NO3-N concentration increased significantly with increasing period of incubation, but in contrast, NH4+-N temporarily increased and thereafter, decreased until day 60 in all soils. It is concluded that C and N mineralization in the biochar amended soils varied with the texture and native organic C status of the soils.  相似文献   

Many biotic and abiotic factors influence recovery of soil communities following prolonged disturbance. We investigated the role of soil texture in the recovery of soil microbial community structure and changes in microbial stress, as indexed by phospholipid fatty acid (PLFA) profiles, using two chronosequences of grasslands restored from 0 to 19 years on silty clay loam and loamy fine sand soils in Nebraska, USA. All restorations were formerly cultivated fields seeded to native warm-season grasses through the USDA’s Conservation Reserve Program. Increases in many PLFA concentrations occurred across the silty clay loam chronosequence including total PLFA biomass, richness, fungi, arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi, Gram-positive bacteria, Gram-negative bacteria, and actinomycetes. Ratios of saturated:monounsaturated and iso:anteiso PLFAs decreased across the silty clay loam chronosequence indicating reduction in nutrient stress of the microbial community as grassland established. Multivariate analysis of entire PLFA profiles across the silty clay loam chronosequence showed recovery of microbial community structure on the trajectory toward native prairie. Conversely, no microbial groups exhibited a directional change across the loamy fine sand chronosequence. Changes in soil structure were also only observed across the silty clay loam chronosequence. Aggregate mean weighted diameter (MWD) exhibited an exponential rise to maximum resulting from an exponential rise to maximum in the proportion of large macroaggregates (>2000 μm) and exponential decay in microaggregates (<250 μm and >53 μm) and the silt and clay fraction (<53 μm). Across both chronosequences, MWD was highly correlated with total PLFA biomass and the biomass of many microbial groups. Strong correlations between many PLFA groups and the MWD of aggregates underscore the interdependence between the recovery of soil microbial communities and soil structure that may explain more variation than time for some soils (i.e., loamy fine sand). This study demonstrates that soil microbial responses to grassland restoration are modulated by soil texture with implications for estimating the true capacity of restoration efforts to rehabilitate ecosystem functions.  相似文献   

Changes to soil nutrient availability and increases for crop yield and soil organic C (SOC) concentration on biochar‐amended soil under temperate climate conditions have only been reported in a few publications. The objective of this work was to determine if biochar application rates up to 20 Mg ha?1 affect nutrient availability in soil, SOC stocks and yield of corn (Zea mays L.), soybean (Glycine max L.), and switchgrass (Panicum virgatum L.) on two coarse‐textured soils (loamy sand, sandy clay loam) in S Quebec, Canada. Data were collected from field experiments for a 3‐y period following application of pine wood biochar at rates of 0, 10, and 20 Mg ha?1. For corn plots, at harvest 3 y after biochar application, 20 Mg biochar ha?1 resulted in 41.2% lower soil NH on the loamy sand; the same effect was not present on the sandy clay loam soil. On the loamy sand, 20 Mg biochar ha?1 increased corn yields by 14.2% compared to the control 3 y after application; the same effect was not present on the sandy clay loam soil. Biochar did not alter yield or nutrient availability in soil on soybean or switchgrass plots on either soil type. After 3 y, SOC concentration was 83 and 258% greater after 10 and 20 Mg ha?1 biochar applications, respectively, than the control in sandy clay loam soil under switchgrass production. The same effect was not present on the sandy clay loam soil. A 67% higher SOC concentration was noted with biochar application at 20 Mg ha?1 to sandy clay loam soil under corn.  相似文献   

土壤微生物对施入肥料氮的固持及其动态研究   总被引:34,自引:0,他引:34       下载免费PDF全文
采集长期定位试验(14年)土壤(棕壤)进行盆栽试验,并应用同位素^15N示踪技术研究了土壤中微生物对肥料氮的固持及其动态,结果表明,施肥后5天土壤微生物对施入人肥氮的固持达达到最高,除单施氮肥处理的固持量占施入人肥氮量的5.4%外,其余各处理均天13.3%-15.4%间,施肥后土壤微生物量氮的增加主要来自化肥氮,后者占微生物体总氮量的64.1%-87.3%,在作物生长期间微生物固持的化肥氮逐渐释入  相似文献   

土壤紧实度对伴矿景天生长及镉锌吸收性的影响研究   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
王丽丽  周通  李柱  周嘉文  吴胜春  吴龙华 《土壤》2017,49(5):951-957
采集黏土、壤黏土和砂质壤土,分别设置无压实、低紧实度及高紧实度3种处理,通过盆栽试验研究了土壤紧实度对Cd、Zn超积累植物伴矿景天生长和Cd、Zn吸收性的影响。结果表明,与无压实处理比较,砂质壤土、壤黏土和黏土中伴矿景天地上部生物量在低紧实度下显著下降66.8%~83.5%、59.9%~60.4%和57.9%~71.4%;高紧实度处理却显著提高了伴矿景天的根系活力(142%~241%)。高紧实度处理显著降低了壤黏土上伴矿景天地上部Cd和Zn含量,但低紧实度对砂质壤土和黏土上伴矿景天地上部Cd和Zn含量无显著影响。与无压实处理比较,低紧实度显著降低了砂质壤土、壤黏土和黏土上伴矿景天的Cd吸取量,分别下降50.4%~73.8%、61.4%~74.9%和43.4%~63.3%,Zn吸取量下降48.7%~79.5%、73.6%~79.0%和46.1%~63.5%;土壤紧实度对壤黏土上伴矿景天的镉锌吸取效率影响最明显。  相似文献   


Nitrate nitrogen (NO3‐N), which is an essential source of nitrogen (N) for plant growth, is now also considered a potential pollutant by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). This is because excess applied amounts of NO3‐N can move into streams by run‐off and into ground water by leaching, thereby becoming an environmental hazard. Soils have varied retentive properties depending on their texture, organic matter content, and cation exchange capacity (CEC). The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of soil texture on NO3‐N retention to reduce NO3‐N contamination in the environment. A sand, 85:15 sand:peat Greensmix, a loamy sand, and sandy clay loam soils were placed in 2×3 inch metal cylinders and soaked in a 240 ppm solution of NO3‐N for seven days to saturate the soil with NO3 ions. The columns were leached with water to collect 10 soil percolate samples of 50 mL each until a total volume of 500 mL was collected. Nitrate‐N was measured in each 50‐mL aliquot by automated colorimetry. The results showed that soil texture affected the retention of N03‐N in the sand, which adsorbed the least amount of NO3‐N at 119 ppm, followed by the Greensmix at 125 ppm, loamy sand at 149 ppm, and sandy clay loam at 173 ppm. More NO3‐N was released in the first 50 mL of the sand percolate at 63% followed by the Greensmix, loamy sand, and sandy clay loam at 58,46, and 37% NO3‐N released, respectively. Soils with more silt, clay, and organic matter retained more NO3‐N than the straight sand. Therefore, a straight sand would be the poorest of soil types since NO3‐N retention was low.  相似文献   

A five-season experiment was initiated to study the effects of the recycling of some organic residues on a soil–crop system of a guar–wheat rotation in a sandy clay loam soil located in the semi-arid tropics of Sudan. Treatments included: incorporation of crop residues alone after harvest (Cr+), with (FCr+) or without (FCr?) inorganic fertilizer, sewage sludge (SS) and humentos (H). Grain yield of wheat in FCr+ and Cr+ treatments was significantly higher than that obtained in FCr? and control plots by ~22?62% and 116?119%, respectively. When crop residues were incorporated with inorganic fertilizer, the priming effect of crop residues on straw yield (106%) was almost double that of the priming effect of inorganic fertilizer (56%). The sustainable yield index of wheat straw dry matter for the control, crop residue, humentos, inorganic fertilizer, combined fertilizer and crop residue and sewage sludge was 28, 27, 8, 35, 21 and 38%, respectively. In general, N, P and K of straw dry matter (SDM) was in the order of FCr+ > FCr? > SS > Cr+> H > C. The findings suggest that repeated incorporation of crop residues with inorganic fertilizer and applications of SS could both sustain wheat performance in the dryland ecosystems.  相似文献   

土壤原始颗粒对不同破碎机制下团聚体稳定性的影响   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
土壤团聚体是土壤结构的基本单元,其稳定性是描述土壤抵抗外力破坏作用的重要指标。目前常用的团聚体测定方法很少考虑到土壤原始颗粒对其不同破碎机制下稳定性的影响。以两种不同质地团聚体特征差异明显的壤质砂土和砂质黏壤土为研究对象,对土壤全样进行快速湿润(FW)、预湿润后震荡(WS)以及慢速湿润(SW)三种处理方式预处理以研究团聚体不同破碎机制,同时考虑将各粒级团聚体中的土壤原始颗粒剥离出来,消除土壤原始颗粒对各粒级团聚体含量结果的影响,研究土壤原始颗粒对不同破碎机制下团聚体稳定性的影响。结果表明:两种土壤在不同处理方式下,各粒级土壤含量存在较大差异,砂质黏壤土在三种处理模式下平均质量直径(MWD)均显著大于壤质砂土,两种土壤MWD均呈现MWD_(fw)MWD_(ws)MWD_(sw)的大小顺序,两种土壤团聚体破坏均是团聚体快速湿润时孔隙内部封闭的空气压力作用为主,其次是机械扰动作用,黏粒膨胀作用影响最小。土壤原始颗粒对各粒级团聚体的影响程度受到土壤类型和破碎机制影响,土壤原始颗粒对壤质砂土影响较大,对砂质黏壤土的影响相对较小。分散前的团聚体(0.05 mm)占总土壤的百分比(AR)值难以正确反映土壤团聚体稳定性,消除土壤原始颗粒影响后,AR能够较好体现土壤团聚体稳定性。消除土壤原始颗粒影响前后的AR比值表明土壤原始颗粒对壤质砂土的影响远远大于对砂质黏壤土的影响。  相似文献   

Quantifying seasonal dynamics of active soil C and N pools is important for understanding how production systems can be better managed to sustain long-term soil productivity especially in warm subhumid climates. Our objectives were to determine seasonal dynamics of inorganic soil N, potential C and N mineralization, soil microbial biomass C (SMBC), and the metabolic quotient of microbial biomass in continuous corn (Zea mays L.) under conventional (CT), moldboard (MB), chisel (CH), minimum tillage (MT), and no-tillage (NT) with low (45kgNha–1) and high (90kgNha–1) N fertilization. An Orelia sandy clay loam (fine-loamy, mixed, hyperthermic Typic Ochraqualf) in south Texas, United States, was sampled before corn planting in February, during pollination in May, and following harvest in July. Soil inorganic N, SMBC, and potential C and N mineralization were usually highest in soils under NT, whereas these characteristics were consistently lower throughout the growing season in soils receiving MB tillage. Nitrogen fertilization had little effect on soil inorganic N, SMBC, and potential C and N mineralization. The metabolic quotient of microbial biomass exhibited seasonal patterns inverse to that of SMBC. Seasonal changes in SMBC, inorganic N, and mineralizable C and N indicated the dependence of seasonal C and N dynamics on long-term substrate availability from crop residues. Long-term reduced tillage increased soil organic matter (SOM), SMBC, inorganic N, and labile C and N pools as compared with plowed systems and may be more sustainable over the long term. Seasonal changes in active soil C and N pools were affected more by tillage than by N fertilization in this subhumid climate. Received: 20 September 1996  相似文献   

This model analysis of catch crop effects on nitrate retention covered three soil texture classes (sand, loamy sand, sandy loam) and three precipitation regimes in a temperate climate representative of northern Europe (annual precipitation 709–1026 mm) for a period of 43 years. Simulations were made with two catch crops (ryegrass and Brassica) with different rooting depths, and soil N effects in the next spring were analysed to 0.25, 0.75 and 2.0 m depth to represent the catch crop effect on following crops with different rooting depths. Nitrate retained without a catch crop was generally located in deeper soil layers. In the low precipitation regime the overall fraction of nitrate retained in the 0–2.0 m soil profile was 0.23 for the sandy soil, 0.69 for the loamy sand and 0.81 for the sandy loam. Ryegrass reduced leaching losses much less efficiently than Brassica, which depleted nitrate in the 0–0.75 m soil layer more completely, but also in the deeper soil layer, which the ryegrass could not reach. A positive N effect (Neff, spring mineral N availability after catch crop compared with bare soil) was found in the 0–0.25 m layer (that is shallow rooting depth of a subsequent main crop) in all three soil texture classes, with on average 10 kg N/ha for ryegrass and 34 kg N/ha for Brassica. Considering the whole soil profile (0–2.0 m deep rooting of next crop), a positive Neff was found in the sand whereas generally a negative Neff was found in the loamy sand and especially the sandy loam. The simulations showed that for shallow‐rooted crops, catch crop Neff values were always positive, whereas Neff for deeper‐rooted crops depended strongly on soil type and annual variations in precipitations. These results are crucial both for farmers crop rotation planning and for design of appropriate catch crop strategies with the aim of protecting the aquatic environment.  相似文献   

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