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郑州市郊土壤重金属的分布变异及来源   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
分析了郑州市郊区土壤的Cd、Hg、As、Pb、Cr含量,利用地统计学、多元分析和GIS作图等方法分析了郑州市郊区土壤重金属的分布变异和来源。结果表明:郑州市土壤重金属含量10余年来略有上升。土壤Hg、Cd含量分别在6300m和5500 m变程上有不同程度的空间相关性,但土壤Pb、Cr和As的空间变异则呈现较大的随机性。多元分析表明土壤Cd的空间分布主要体现了其自然背景值特征。土壤Cr变异受外源投入的影响较大,但一定程度上也受土壤自然背景因素控制。土壤Pb、As、Hg空间变异都主要受人类活动影响,其中土壤Hg空间变异受土地利用方式影响最明显。  相似文献   

城市化、工业化和农业集约化的发展影响着土壤环境和健康质量。本研究以位于长江三角洲地区的江苏省太仓市为典型区,采用地统计学方法对其耕层土壤中Cd、Cr、Cu、M、Hg、Pb、Zn和As等8种重金属结构特征和空间分布格局进行了分析,并用模糊数学法综合评价了土壤重金属的污染程度,结果表明:太仓市表层土壤Zn、Cu属强变异强度,呈对数正态分布;Cd、Ni、Hg、As、Cr和Pb属中等变异强度,呈正态分布。除Cd、Cr和Pb略低于背景值外,其他重金属均高于其背景值,其中以As污染指数和超标率最高。土壤重金属复合污染严重,模糊综合评价污染结果为一级。通过半方差函数模型拟合发现Hg、Cd符合球状模型,其他重金属均符合指数模型,8种重金属元素在一定范围内均存在空间相关性。采用Kriging最优内插法得到了耕层土壤重金属含量的空间分布图,发现土壤重金属含量与母质、土壤质地、有机质含量以及工业化、城市化和农业集约化程度密切相关。  相似文献   

通过对渭北黄土高原苹果园217个样点0~40cm土层土壤取样分析,采用地统计学和GIS相结合的方法,研究了苹果园土壤中Hg、Cd、Pb、As、Cr、Cu6种重金属的含量及其积累状况、空间结构及其分布特征,并根据绿色食品产地环境质量标准对苹果园土壤环境质量进行了评价。结果显示,渭北苹果园土壤中6种重金属已出现一定程度的累积,其累积程度依次为:Hg〉Pb〉Cd〉As〉Cu〉Cr。各采样点Hg、Cd含量变异程度较大,变异系数在50%以上;而Pb、As、Cr、Cu各采样点含量差异较小,变异系数为19.10%~23.70%。6种重金属均表现为较强的空间相关性,其空间变异性主要由成土母质、气候、地形等结构性因素控制。其中随机因素对Cd的空间变异的影响程度相对较大,一定程度上消弱了结构性因素对Cd空间变异的主导作用,而Pb、Cr、Cu空间变异受随机因素的影响较弱,随机性因素对各重金属空间变异的影响程度依次为:Cd〉As〉Hg〉Pb〉Cr〉Cu。重金属积累的单项评价指数均小于1,综合评价指数小于0.7,果园土壤环境质量完全满足绿色食品产地环境质量的要求,其中As的累积对绿色食品苹果生产可能有较大的潜在影响,应加以有效控制以防止其持续累积。  相似文献   

为了解浙江龙游硫铁矿区农田重金属污染状况,采集矿区265件农田土壤样品,分析8种重金属Cu、As、Hg、Zn、Cd、Ni、Pb、Cr元素全量,利用地统计学软件GS+9.0对研究区土壤各元素指标进行半变异函数拟合,并利用普通克里格法进行插值并绘制空间分布图。采集30件水稻籽粒样品,分析重金属在研究区中水稻籽粒的累积特征,并进行了健康风险评价。结果表明:矿区土壤中8种重金属元素的变异系数从0.72到1.76,离散程度较高。8种重金属的土壤空间半变异函数Cu、As、Hg元素符合指数模型,Zn、Cd、Ni、Pb符合球状模型,Cr符合高斯模型。元素Cu、Pb、Zn、Cr、Ni的块金值与基台值的比值C0/C0+C都小于0.25,说明空间变化主要受地质背景等因素影响;元素Cd、Hg和As的块金值与基台值的比值C0/C0+C在0.25~0.75之间,说明除了地质背景因素,人为活动等随机因素也有影响。矿区水稻籽粒中重金属Ni和Cd的变异系数最高,分别为0.95和0.87,说明Ni和Cd元素可能存在异常积累。矿区水稻籽粒对重金属的富集能力由大到小依次为Cd、Zn、Cu、Ni、As、Hg、Cr、Pb。健康风险评价结果表明矿区农田水稻籽粒中元素As、Cd的风险商大于1,存在潜在健康风险;而其他6种重金属Cu、Hg、Zn、Ni、Pb和Cr基本属于安全范围。  相似文献   

冀东平原表层土壤重金属元素的空间变异及模拟研究   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
以冀东平原为例,运用地统计学方法和ArcGIS技术,分析了土壤中Cu、Pb、Cd、Zn、As、Hg、Cr、Ni等8种重金属的空间变异性和相关性;借助最优空间插值模型模拟它们的空间分布特征,对各重金属元素含量高值区形成的原因进行了初步判断。结果表明,研究区8种重金属元素的空间变异指标(C0/C+C0)的大小顺序为:CdHgAsPbCrCuZnNi,Cd属于空间弱相关,Hg、As、Pb、Cr、Cu、Zn属于中等程度的空间相关性,Ni具有较强的空间相关性。研究区土壤重金属元素Cu、Pb、As、Cr、Ni含量的最佳空间插值模型为完全样条径向基函数插值法,Cd、Hg为1次局部多项式插值法,Zn为2阶趋势效应的普通Kriging插值法。通过对研究区表层土壤中8种重金属的插值模拟,8种重金属元素在研究区的不同分布特征表明土壤母质的结构性因素和人为随机性因素共同作用造成了重金属元素在空间上的相关性差异。  相似文献   

两种取样尺度下土壤重金属空间变异特征研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
通过在两种取样尺度下采集重庆地区土壤样品,测定土壤重金属As、Hg、Cd、Pb、Cr含量,研究不同取样尺度下地统计学方法对土壤重金属空间分析的实用性和空间插值质量。研究结果表明,除小尺度中As、Cd、Cr呈正态分布,小尺度中的Pb、Hg和大尺度中As、Hg、Cd、Pb、Cr均呈偏态分布。各重金属变异系数存在明显空间变异(CV介于23.2%~24.1%),小尺度下空间变异较小,大尺度下空间变异大。在两种取样尺度下,土壤重金属均存在典型的半方差结构,表明采用地统计学方法进行重金属空间变异分析是可行的。在小尺度下,各重金属块金系数介于0.112~0.736之间,表明具有强或中等空间自相关;在大尺度下,块金系数介于0.301~0.570之间,表明具有中等空间自相关。空间插值和交互检验结果表明,As、Cr、Hg、Cd在小尺度下的空间估测结果能准确地反映变量的空间变异,在大尺度下估值有偏差,Pb在两种尺度下的估测结果均有偏差。  相似文献   

工业区周边农田重金属污染评价及来源分析   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
以新疆北疆某工业区周边农田土壤为研究对象,采集0~20 cm土壤样品254个,测定了Cr、Ni、Cu、Zn、As、Hg、Pb、Cd共8种重金属含量。运用相关性分析和主成分分析探讨工业区周边农田土壤重金属的来源,运用GS+进行数据拟合,选取最佳模型,再进行克里格插值分析重金属的空间分布格局。结果表明,Cr、Ni、Cu、Zn、As、Hg、Pb和Cd的含量分别为45.00、28.53、55.66、73.57、13.39、2.17、15.38和0.50 mg kg~(-1)。测量的金属除Cr之外均超过土壤的背景值,只有Hg处于中度污染,其余元素都处于非污染,而研究区综合潜在生态风险程度为严重型。重金属空间分布表明,Ni、Zn、As、Hg和Pb在东部和南部含量较高。来源分析表明,Hg来源受研究区内工业活动的影响;Cr、Ni、Zn和Cd主要来自于化肥、农药和地膜等农业活动和土壤母质的共同作用;As、Hg和Pb主要来源是受研究区内工业活动的影响。  相似文献   

水溶肥料重金属含量与安全评价   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以5种水溶肥料为研究对象,采用原子荧光光谱法和原子吸收分光光度法检测了As、Hg和Pb、Cd、Cr含量,并采用内梅罗单因子污染指数和综合污染指数对重金属污染程度进行了评价。结果显示,水溶肥料中As、Pb、Cd、Cr、Hg平均含量分别为1.8、15.8、2.4、2.3和0.0 mg kg-1,均符合农业行业标准NY/T 1110-2010限量要求。部分样品中As、Pb和Cd含量超标,超标率分别为4.2%、0.2%和1.0%。5种重金属单因子污染指数都小于0.6,全部为清洁级别,As、Pb、Cd污染程度高于Cr和Hg。5种肥料的综合污染指数在0.14~0.40之间,属于安全级别,综合污染程度从大到小依次为:中量元素水溶肥料≈大量元素水溶肥料微量元素水溶肥料≈含腐植酸水溶肥料含氨基酸水溶肥料。总之,水溶肥料重金属产品质量安全,环境风险较小,但As和Cd在大量元素水溶肥料、微量元素水溶肥料和含腐植酸水溶肥料中的安全性值得关注。  相似文献   

滨海开发带土壤重金属分布特征及来源分析   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
崔闪闪  刘庆  王静 《土壤》2019,51(2):352-358
以江苏省大丰市为例,研究了土壤中8种重金属的空间分布特征及其与土地利用的关系,并通过主成分分析方法,对其可能的来源进行了探讨。结果表明:研究区8种土壤重金属Cu、Zn、Pb、Cd、Cr、As、Hg、Ni平均含量分别为17.40、74.38、18.14、0.105、55.58、8.33、0.074、25.73mg/kg,不同采样点之间变异不大。沿垂直海岸线方向,随距海岸线距离增加,Cu、Zn、Pb、Cr、Hg、Ni 6种重金属含量逐渐升高,As含量逐渐降低,Cd含量则先升高、后降低。Cu、Zn、Pb、Cr、Hg、Ni 6种重金属均在水田土壤中含量最高,Cd在旱地土壤中含量最高,As则在滩涂土壤中含量最高。相关分析表明,土壤As含量与其他重金属元素含量的相关性均不显著,土壤Cd含量与Zn、Pb、Hg、Cr含量的相关性显著,与Cu、As、Ni含量的相关性不显著,其他各元素间相关性均达极显著水平。基于主成分分析结果,认为研究区土壤Cu、Zn、Pb、Cr、Hg、Ni 6种重金属元素含量受土壤母质影响较大,Cd含量与农业生产中磷肥施用关系密切,As含量的累积受磷肥施用的影响,但以水稻种植为主的耕作土壤As含量总体上呈下降趋势。本研究可为滨海开发带土地利用规划提供指导。  相似文献   

晋中盆地土壤重金属分布特征及生态风险   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
[目的]对晋中盆地土壤重金属分布特征影响及生态风险进行研究和评价,旨在了解该地区土壤污染现状以及为土壤重金属综合治理与防治提供科学依据。[方法]对晋中盆地表层土壤进行采样,测定208个土壤样品中Pb,Cr,Cd,As和Hg这5种重金属的含量,采用单因子污染指数、综合污染指数和潜在生态危害指数对盆地污染进行评价,并利用GIS空间分析技术对污染现状进行分析。[结果]重金属Pb,Cd,Cr,As和Hg的平均含量分别为20.87,0.316,68.226,10.457和0.129mg/kg,分别为山西省土壤背景值的1.42,3.16,1.23,1.15,5.61倍;单因子污染指数结果显示,Hg和Cd为盆地污染的主要贡献因子,Pb,Cr和As对盆地污染的贡献较少;综合污染指数和潜在生态危害指数结果显示,盆地污染程度较为严重,达到中等污染和重度污染的样点占比共达到95%以上;污染空间分析显示,盆地整体污染程度较深,在盆地北部太原地区和南部孝义、介休市存在明显的污染突出地区。[结论]受人类活动影响,晋中盆地土壤重金属污染已较为严重,应引起足够重视。  相似文献   


Tembotrione is an herbicide with a high persistence in soil, a characteristic that affects the growth and development of susceptible cultures in succession. In this sense, the objective of this research was to evaluate the residual effects of tembotrione on production and quality of potato tubers in a tropical soil. A field experiment (2014/2015) with randomized blocks design with four replications was conducted. The treatments consisted of five doses of tembotrione (0, 8.4, 16.8, 33.6, and 50.4 g a.i. ha?1) incorporated into the soil before planting the potato cultivar Atlantic. At 115 days after herbicide application were evaluated: total solids (%), dry matter content (DMCT %), nitrogen and potassium of the tubers, total yield and classification. The productivity of normal tubers decreased as doses of tembotrione were increased. The percentage of class I tubers was reduced at doses of 33.6 and 50.4 g a.i. ha?1. The increase in the doses increased the percentage of class II tubers and did not influence the percentage of class III and discard. The appearance of cracked tubers increased with increasing herbicide doses. Tembotrione affected the productivity of potato tubers and caused cracks in the tubers, which are dependent on the applied doses.  相似文献   

On-farm studies were conducted during 2002–2004 to determine fertility status, including sulfur (S) and micronutrients, and crop response to fertilization on farmers' fields in the semi-arid zone of India. Nine hundred-twenty four soil samples taken from farmers' fields, spread in the three districts of Andhra Pradesh (India), were analyzed for soil chemical fertility parameters. Results showed that samples were low in organic carbon (C), total nitrogen (N), and low to moderate in extractable phosphorus (P), but adequate in available potassium (K). Analyses of soil samples for extractable S and micronutrients was most revealing and showed that 73–95% of the farmers' fields were deficient in S, 70–100% in boron (B), and 62–94% in zinc (Zn). On-farm trials conducted during three seasons (2002–2004) showed significant yield responses of maize, castor, groundnut, and mung bean to the applications of S, B, and Zn. The yield responses were larger when S, Zn, and B were applied along with N and P. Applications of S, B and Zn also significantly increased the uptake of N, P, K, S, B, and Zn in the crop biomass. Results show widespread deficiencies of S, B, and Zn under dryland agricultural conditions; results also show that the nutrient deficiencies can be diagnosed by soil testing. It was concluded that the drylands in the semi-arid regions of India were not only thirsty (water shortage), but also hungry (nutrient deficiencies).  相似文献   

The potassium (K) nutrition and high K requirement of tropical root crops may be affected by their sodium (Na) status, as has been observed in a number of plant species. Solution culture was used to study the effects of K and Na supplies in tannia [Xanthosoma sagittifolium (L.) Schott.], sweet potato [Ipomoea batatas (L.) Lam.] and taro [Colocasia esculenta (L.) Schott]. At low K supply, Na ameliorated symptoms of K deficiency and increased growth in tannia, and to a lesser extent in sweet potato, but not in taro. None of the species responded to Na at adequate K supply. Differences in response to Na were attributed to differences in Na translocation to plant tops. At maximum Na supply, the Na concentration in index leaves averaged 1.82% in tannia, 0.205% in sweet potato, and 0.0067% in taro. An increase in the supply of Na resulted in a shift in the critical K concentration for deficiency (i.e., 90% of maximum yield) in index leaves from 2.9% to 1.2% in tannia, and from 4.8% to 2.5% in sweet potato. The critical K concentration in taro was 3.3%, irrespective of Na supply. To overcome the problem in tannia and sweet potato of determining the critical concentration relevant to a leaf sample of unknown K status, a relationship was established for each species relating the critical K concentration to the concentration of Na in the index leaves.  相似文献   

Azuche Hymenachne amplexicaulis (Rudge) Nees is a C3 grass native to tropical flooded areas in South and Central America with 2n = 2x = 24 chromosomes. During 2002 and 2003, the Graduate College for Agricultural Sciences (CP) and the Mexican Institute for Forestry, Agriculture and Animal Production Research (INIFAP) organized an expedition to collect the genetic diversity of this species within tropical Mexico, in order to preserve and study it under nursery conditions. The collection was performed from Puerto Vallarta to Tapachula on the Pacific and from Palizada, Campeche to Veracruz on the Gulf of Mexico coast, and also crossing sections through the Tehuantepec isthmus and through the Sierra Madre de Chiapas. Ninety sites were sampled, on each, 25 tillers were collected, tagged and stored in a commercial soil mix until establishment of individual plants within 6 l pots. The largest Azuche prairie observed had a 10 ha surface, with the grass limited to small surfaces of up to 0.25 ha. It was not found on places with salty water, even seasonally. The Pacific coastal side is less abundant in niches for this species. Producers’ experience indicated that this grass is beneficial for milk production compared with other forage grasses, mainly C4, growing in flooded areas. Initial studies of genetic diversity showed wide morphological variation for sprouting ability, leaf width and length among samples. Azuche diversity showed good potential production attributes for farm and wild animals, under flooding tropical savanna conditions.  相似文献   

Humic acids (HA) and fulvic acids (FA) were extracted from tropical humid forest, tea garden, and field crop soils, and their chemical, potentiometric, and spectrophotometric properties were measured. There was less HA than FA in the cultivated soils. The HAs contained more carbon (C) and nitrogen (N) and had greater C/H ratios but lower O (oxygen)/H (hydrogen) ratios than FAs. Cultivated soils had greater total acidity than the forest soil generally because of both —COOH and phenolic-OH. Molecular weights of HA an FA, estimated from intrinsic viscosities, revealed that cultivation had reasonably reduced the molecular weights. The difference in pH (ΔpH) values, corresponding to three-fourths and one-fourth of the pH at final inflexion point showed that they were polyprotic. The longer time required for stability of greater pH of HAs was related to greater degree of stable coiling. The (E4/E6), in general, revealed a greater amount of aliphatic moiety rather than aromatic moiety.  相似文献   

Upland agriculture in Indonesia mainly relies on Ultisols and Oxisols, which have serious problems resulting from severe erosion and low organic‐matter content. The objectives of the study were (i) to assess the effect of long‐term rehabilitation techniques on soil organic carbon (SOC) and maize yields of a desurfaced Ultisol and (ii) to assess the effect of short‐term rehabilitation techniques on desurfaced Oxisol properties and soybean yields. A 7‐year field experiment was conducted on artificially desurfaced Ultisol grown with maize (Zea mays L.). The results showed that rehabilitation techniques using cattle manure, rice straw mulch or Mucuna sp. mulch were successful in restoring SOC content of degraded Ultisol to its initial natural state. All sources of organic‐matter rehabilitations significantly increased maize yields on an Ultisol. Rehabilitations of degraded Oxisol under glasshouse conditions using phosphorus (P) fertilizer, organic matter, basic slag, and lime could increase cation exchange capacity (CEC) and nutrient availability and suppress Al toxicity. At the same time, soybean yields increased 11–14, 2–10, 1–5, and 1–3 times, respectively.  相似文献   

To identify the best combinations of micronutrient-based fertilization treatments in terms of crop yield and nutrient uptake, three field experiments with greengram?fingermillet as the test sequence with 12 treatments on micronutrient-based fertilization [with recommended nitrogen (N)?phosphorus (P)?potassium (K) fertilizer] were conducted during 2005 to 2007 in a semi-arid Alfisol at Bangalore. The effects of treatments on available soil and plant uptake of nutrients [N, P, K, sulfur (S), iron (Fe), manganese (Mn), copper (Cu), zinc (Zn), boron (B), and molybdenum (Mo)] and yield of crops were assessed based on standard analysis of variance procedure. Using the relationships of yield with soil and plant nutrient variables, regression models of yield through soil and plant variables were calibrated and effects of variables on crop yields were assessed. The models gave high and significant yield predictability in the range of 0.87 to 0.98 through different variables. The model of plant uptake through soil nutrients indicated that soil S, Fe, and Zn had significant positive effects, whereas soil N, K, B, and Mo had negative effects on plant nutrient status in greengram. Similarly, soil P, Mn, and Zn had significant positive effects, whereas soil N, K, and Fe had negative effects on plant uptake of nutrients in fingermillet. Based on a relative efficiency index (REI) criteria, T2 for plant uptake and T12 for maintaining soil nutrients were found to be superior in greengram, whereas T2 for plant uptake and T8 for maintaining soil nutrients were found to be superior in fingermillet over years based on REI. The combined REI over soil and plant nutrients for both crops indicated that application of T8 for greengram and T2 for fingermillet could be prescribed for attaining maximum plant uptake of nutrients and productivity of crops in sequence, apart from maintaining maximum soil fertility of nutrients under semi-arid Alfisols.  相似文献   

作物种质资源是农业科技原始创新、现代种业发展的物质基础.在介绍靖远县农作物种质资源普查与征集行动主要做法及取得的工作成效的基础上,针对靖远县农作物种质资源普查与征集行动存在的主要问题,提出了建立和完善作物种质资源安全保存体系;发挥特色种质资源的区位优势,推动优势产业发展;多渠道争取资金支持,筹建黄河上游蔬菜瓜果种质资源...  相似文献   

The concept of centres of crop diversity and/or origin of agriculture is briefly reviewed. The conservation status of crop genetic resources, either ex situ or in situ, cultivated or wild, has been assessed for species of the Central American and Mexican centre, demonstrating that that region is indeed one of the important centres of crop diversity for human kind. Furthermore, biotechnological developments with regard to the creation and spread of genetically modified crops have been analyzed. The likelihood of unintentional introgression of genetically modified traits into conventional seed lots, crops as well as into germplasm collections have been assessed. Related biosafety measures as well as the possible implications of intellectual property rights on transgenic crops and/or genes are being discussed vis-a-vis the possible implications they might have for germplasm management. The Central American crop genetic resources situation has been used as a “case study” to illustrate the potential impact of the spreading of GM varieties on the genetic diversity in genebanks and farmers’ fields and the need for effective and efficient conservation efforts. Conservation management strategies and practices are being proposed of mitigate the potential negative impact of GM crops on the conservation efforts.  相似文献   

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