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[目的]计算晋江西溪流域4种绿水管理措施的效益和成本,为西溪流域生态治理提供新的参考模式,为完善水资源管理机制提供借鉴。[方法]以晋江西溪流域为研究区,运用SWAT模型对石陇、梯田、等高耕作、地表覆盖4种绿水管理措施进行了情景模拟,计算了4种措施在增加绿水、水土保持、水质保护、农业增收等方面的效益,并对每种措施进行了效益成本分析。[结果](1)石陇、梯田、等高耕作3种绿水管理措施的效益成本比分别为19.52,13.03,6.98,都远大于1,非常适合在西溪流域推广应用,3种措施的平均效益成本比为10.18。流域实施3种措施的年均成本为3.97×10~6元,年均效益为4.05×10~7元。(2)地表覆盖的效益成本比仅为0.63,目前不适合在研究区推广应用。[结论]石陇、梯田、等高耕作的环境与经济效益较好,有较好的应用前景;今后应进一步探索降低地表覆盖成本的技术,同时辅以适当的政府补贴,以利于该绿水管理措施在研究区的推广。  相似文献   

福建省东南沿海坡耕地水土保持耕作措施初探   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过亚洲湿热带地区水土保持网络的活动,我们在中国东南沿海有代表性的福建省南部对水土保持耕作系统进行了研究,研究表明在人口密度高地区的坡地上进行集约化水土保持作措施是可行的,能达到高投入高产出土地永续利用目的,梯田是一项必须的基础措施,因为它的经济与水土保持效益均高;在多雨季收获由于土壤扰动引起疏松容易造成表土流失,因而在严重的水土流失区不同作物轮作套种增加覆盖能防止严重的水土流失;长中期果树与短期作物结合既增加前期收入又能增加土壤肥力,等高草带成本低且简单易行也经常被采用,果树与绿肥及牧草相结合是有前景的水土保持措施;以上这些水土保持耕作措施对不同农民和农地有不同适宜性,需要综合地,因地制宜地加以利用。  相似文献   

典型黑土区坡耕地水土保持措施适宜性分析   总被引:13,自引:1,他引:12       下载免费PDF全文
为了探讨东北典型黑土区坡耕地的治理情况,综合现有研究成果分析了不同坡度下顺坡垄作改横坡垄作、水平梯田、等高植物篱等措施的蓄水保土效益。结果表明:它们在黑土区能够发挥较高的水土保持效益坡度适宜范围,从而确定在0~5°、5°-8°、8°~15°坡度级别的坡耕地上分别采用以改垄措施、等高植物篱措施、水平梯田措施为主的措施进行治理,在〉15°的坡耕地上选择退耕还林。  相似文献   

<正>农业梯田的经济效益分析与试验性梯田的经济效益分析不同,因为农业梯田(以下简称梯田)不仪受水土保持系统方面的影响,还受农业、社会政策、基础生产资料、农民文化水平、农业技术水平等方面的影响,因此确定梯田效益值,引用中国水土保持学会编的《人人爱护水土资源》新论文集中《用平行成对对比法分析水土保持的经济效益》中的方法对梯田效益进行了计算,其计算过程如下:  相似文献   

陕北丘陵沟壑区坡地不同耕作法综合效益研究   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
以在陕北丘陵沟壑区坡耕地不同耕作法试验7 a的资料为依据, 论述了不同耕作法的水分利用、土壤水分平衡及单位面积产量和水土保持等综合效益. 作物生长主要依赖生育期内自然降雨;作物耗水量与每年生育期降雨量及土壤供水量呈显著正相关,不同耕作法之间变化不大,作物主要利用0-120 cm土层内的水分.同一年内不同耕作法的综合效益从优到劣、由高到低的排列顺序为宽梯田>窄梯田>水平沟>平播>水平阶>隔坡梯田.而水土保持效益排列顺序为:梯田>水平沟>隔坡梯田>水平阶>平播>裸地. 认为坡耕地确实应尽快退耕还林还草,以加速陕北生态环境建设,推进农业结构的战略性调整.  相似文献   

[目的]对不同类型房地产项目的水土保持措施配置进行适宜性评价,为今后房地产项目水土保持方案的编制和水土保持措施的实施提供参考。[方法]通过分析北京市平原区4种不同类型(住宅类、商业类、工业厂房类、教育医疗类)房地产项目的水土流失特点,选定不同类型房地产项目的水土保持措施并采用层次分析法对其进行适宜性评价。[结果]绿化美化、植草砖绿化和临时覆盖这3项水土保持措施均非常适宜房地产项目,渗井和透水混凝土铺装等措施在房地产项目非常不适用。[结论]从最大程度地治理水土流失的角度出发,并依据房地产项目水土保持措施适宜性评价结果,应在不同类型房地产项目的水土保持措施选择中,多选择非常适宜和比较适宜的水土保持措施。  相似文献   

关于水土保持措施适宜性的评价方法   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
在系统总结国内外水土保持措施适宜性研究成果的基础上,指出水土保持措施适宜性研究存在的明显不足之处,并提出水土保持措施适宜性的研究思路和方法,重点提出适宜性评价的“双套对偶评价指标体系”及“双套对偶评价指标差值最小法”的评价方法,为水土保持措施的适宜性评价提供新的思路和方法。  相似文献   

基于遗传算法的水土保持措施空间优化配置   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
如何在有限的水土保持投资下,将不同类型的水土保持措施合理地空间配置,以期充分发挥生态、经济和社会等综合效益,使水土保持措施的空间优化配置涉及多目标优化,选择合理可行的求解多目标优化问题的方法,已成为研究重点.本文以福建省红壤区土壤侵蚀严重的长汀县为研究区,以2012年水土流失区作为水土保持措施适宜性的评价对象,在封禁措施适宜性评价的基础上,将研究区划分为生态自然修复区和人工辅助治理区.以投入成本最小化、生态效益最大化以及适宜度最大化为目标函数,在人工辅助治理区内,构建水土保持措施空间优化配置模型,采用带精英策略的快速非支配排序遗传算法(NSGA-Ⅱ),进行模型的求解,最终得到水土保持措施空间优化配置方案,并结合2013-2015年水土流失实际治理情况,进行分析验证.从优化结果显示,在政府投入资金一定的情况下,水土保持措施空间布局会朝着产生的生态效益最大化和空间分布适宜度最大化的方向发展.优化配置结果与实际治理情况在大部分区域内,水土保持措施空间分布较一致,吻合度为73.62%.研究结果表明,随着进化代数的增加,基于NSGA-Ⅱ算法的水土保持措施优化配置的优化效果明显,优化配置方案可行有效,可为政府实施水土保持措施空间配置提供决策依据.  相似文献   

西南喀斯特地区水土保持措施因子值计算与评价   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
定量评价水土保持措施在防治土壤侵蚀中的作用(因子值)是土地利用和水土保持规划的重要依据。运用位于典型西南喀斯特地区3个野外径流场的实测土壤侵蚀数据,计算不同水土保持措施的B、E、T因子值及等高耕作条件下主要农作物——马铃薯、玉米在不同生长阶段的T因子值,结果表明:B因子值介于0.000 70.023 4之间,等高耕作条件下马铃薯作物小区T因子值(0.087 2)大于玉米作物小区(0.006 9),水平梯田措施E因子值为0.124 4;等高耕作条件下马铃薯、玉米在不同生长时期的T因子值大小关系为苗期>发育期>残茬期>成熟期,马铃薯在发育期、成熟期、残茬期的T因子值为玉米在相应时期的10倍左右。  相似文献   

丹江口库区坡耕地水土流失治理模式探讨   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
坡耕地的水土保持治理措施较多,为在有限的资金和劳力投入下获得较大的经济和生态效益,对丹江口市水土保持工程的经济效益和生态效益进行了调查和研究,结果表明:在丹江口库区,对小于5°的坡耕地不宜采取硬措施,只宜采取等高耕作、轮作、间作、套种等保土耕作措施;对5°~15°坡耕地应根据实际情况,在资金投入和劳力有保障的前提下优先建设梯田;对15°~25°坡耕地宜采取经济林+植物篱的措施;对25°以上坡耕地宜退耕还生态林。  相似文献   

Despite decades of soil and water conservation (SWC) efforts in Tanzania, the adoption of the recommended SWC measures by farmers is minimal. In the past, SWC plans did not incorporate farmers' knowledge, and the economics of SWC was not given much attention at the planning stage. This research evaluated the applicability of two tools for participatory soil erosion mapping using farmers' indicators of soil erosion and financial analysis of SWC measures at the planning stage. The two tools were evaluated in Kwalei catchment in the West Usambara highlands, Tanzania. The participatory soil erosion‐mapping tool uses farmers' indicators of soil erosion to identify, classify and map soil erosion at the catchment level. The financial analysis tool involves farmers in a stepwise analysis of the costs and benefits of SWC measures before the implementation. The erosion‐mapping tool increased farmers' awareness on the severity of soil erosion problems, and they realised the need for SWC plans at both field and catchment scales. With the financial analysis tool farmers participated in the cost and benefits analysis and were able to select SWC options that were feasible under their socio‐economic situation. The two tools were able to demonstrate that farmers' participation in SWC planning increases the acceptance of SWC measures because they solve problems that are perceived by themselves. The financial analysis tool demonstrated how farmers could make selection of SWC measures that are feasible under their biophysical and economic condition if they are informed about the costs and benefits. Copyright © 2006 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Accelerated soil erosion is one of the major constraints to agricultural production in many parts of the Tanzanian highlands. Although several soil and water conservation technologies have been developed and promoted, the adoption of many recommended measures is minimal and soil erosion continues to be a problem. This research was conducted in order to determine the social and economic factors that influence adoption of soil and water conservation (SWC) measures in the West Usambara highlands, Tanzania. For this research a household survey, group discussions and transect walks were undertaken. A total of 104 households were interviewed and several fields were visited during the transect walks. Data was analysed with the use of cross‐tabulation, cluster analysis, factor analysis and chi‐squared methods. The results obtained indicate that involvement in off‐farm activities, insecure land tenure, location of fields and a lack of short‐term benefits from SWC are among the major factors that negatively influence adoption of SWC measures. Membership in farmer groups, level of education, contacts with extension agents and SWC programmes were found to be positively influencing the adoption of SWC measures. Recommendations to facilitate adoption of different SWC measures include: integration of social and economic factors into SWC plans; the creation of more awareness among farmers of soil‐erosion effects and long‐term benefits of SWC; the development of flexible SWC measures to cater for different farm patterns and a participatory approach to SWC at catchment level rather than at individual farmers' fields. Copyright © 2004 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Despite several approaches that aimed at mobilising East African farmers to embrace soil and water conservation (SWC) activities, farmers hardly responded since they were seldom involved in the planning of SWC activities. Two tools that employ farmers' participation were developed and applied at Gikuuri catchment in Kenya. The first tool involved farmers to map soil erosion using their own indicators and determine the soil erosion status at catchment scale. This formed the basis upon which they undertook to plan for SWC measures at catchment scale. Farmers also predicted crop yield losses based on the soil erosion status. Farmers widely approved the soil erosion status map since their own indicators and perceptions were used. The second tool provided cash flow trends for a variety of SWC activities and farmer situations. Farmers can use land with a high, moderate or low erosion status and often have rather different socio‐economic settings. The net benefits over 5 yr for bench terraces, fanya juu terraces and grass strips were illustrated to assist farmers in making informed decisions on SWC adoption. The two tools increased awareness on the need for collective actions among farmers and showed fields that cause run‐on on downslope fields. The improved awareness of erosion problems and the related financial consequences increased farmers' willingness to share the investment costs for cut‐off drains. Copyright © 2007 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

冻融条件下土壤可蚀性对坡面氮磷流失的影响   总被引:5,自引:3,他引:2  
冻融作用与水力侵蚀的复合作用更容易使土壤发生侵蚀,进而加剧土壤养分的流失,为了揭示冻融作用下土壤可蚀性对坡面养分流失的影响,该文采用室内模拟降雨试验,研究了不同土壤含水率(SWC)下坡面的降雨产流产沙及养分流失特征,并分析了土壤可蚀性对坡面全氮(TN)和全磷(TP)流失的影响。结果表明:产流率与产沙率之间呈现正线性相关关系,相关方程斜率的绝对值可作为土壤可蚀性指标。径流中氮磷的流失主要受径流率控制,受土壤可蚀性影响较小(P0.05);而土壤可蚀性显著影响着泥沙中氮磷和总的氮磷流失(P0.01)。土壤可蚀性对黄土坡面氮素流失的影响与冻融作用有关,而土壤可蚀性对坡面磷素流失的影响与冻融作用无关,磷素的流失随着土壤可蚀性增加而增加。因此,在黄土地区,应当采取一系列的生态建设措施来控制水土流失,降低土壤可蚀性,从而减少坡面养分的流失。该研究结果为冻融条件下黄土坡面水-土和氮磷等养分流失机制提供了有效指导。  相似文献   

夏晨真  张月 《水土保持学报》2020,34(5):111-118,130
基于厘米级高分辨率无人机影像,应用面向对象方法(Object-Based Image Analysis, OBIA)对吉林省伊通县椽子沟流域的横坡改垄、地埂植物带、生态恢复乔木林、生态恢复草地等水土保持措施进行自动精准识别。应用超绿指数(Excess Green Index,ExG)、超红指数(Excess Red Index,ExR)、归一化差异指数(Normalized Difference Index,NDI)等光谱指数,形状的主方向、形状指数等形状特征,均值(Mean)、方差(Variance)、对比度(Contrast)等纹理特征进行措施的特征提取。结果表明:研究区水土保持措施识别的总体精度可达91.24%,Kappa系数为0.87;对垄台、垄沟等线性水土保持措施总体精度可达72.33%,Kappa系数为0.63。基于厘米级无人机影像,应用面向对象方法基本可实现对黑土区水土保持措施的精准识别,也可对垄台垄沟等线性措施进行自动识别,研究结果可为水土保持措施实施范围及完好程度的动态监测提供参考依据。  相似文献   

Soil water content (SWC) and soil temperature (ST) are important indicators of environmental change in permafrost regions. In this study, we conducted soil sampling at 89 locations in the Three Rivers Headwaters Region (TRHR) to investigate the individual and synergistic effects of environmental factors on SWC and ST. We used multivariable regression and random forest modelling to analyse the data. The results show that SWC and ST were higher in the southeast TRHR than in the northwest and higher in surface layers than deeper soil layers. The most important factors affecting SWC in the 0–20 cm and 20–40 cm soil layers were soil bulk density and precipitation, while bulk density was the most important factor in the 40–60 cm layer, and soil bulk density and steppe vegetation were the most important factors in the 60–80 cm layer. For ST, altitude, temperature and slope gradient were the drivers in the 0–20 cm surface layer, while altitude and temperature were the most critical drivers in the 20–40 cm, 40–60 cm and 60–80 cm layers. Overall, bulk density and altitude were the key environmental factors influencing SWC and ST values, respectively. The outcomes of this study provide valuable insights into the environmental factors that impact the SWC and ST in permafrost regions, which can guide decision-making processes for sustainable soil management in the context of climate change.  相似文献   

Information on the distribution patterns of soil water content (SWC), soil organic matter (SOM), and soil exchangeable cations (SEC) is important for managing forest ecosystems in a sustainable manner. This study investigated how SWC, SOM, and SEC were influenced in forests along a successional gradient, including a regional climax (monsoon evergreen broad-leaved forest, or MEBF), a transitional forest (coniferous and broad-leaved mixed forest, or MF), and a pioneer forest (coniferous Masson pine (Pinus rnassoniana) forest, or MPF) of the Dinghushan Biosphere Reserve in the subtropical region of southern China. SWC, SOM, and SEC excluding Ca^2+ were found to increase in the soil during forest succession, being highest in the top soil layer (0 to 15 cm depth) except for Na^+. The differences between soil layers were largest in MF. This finding also suggested that the nutrients were enriched in the topsoil when they became increasingly scarce in the soil. There were no significant differences (P = 0.05) among SWC, SOM, and SEC. A linear, positive correlation was found between SWC and SOM. The correlation between SOM and cation exchange capacity (CEC) was statistically significant, which agreed with the theory that the most important factor determining SEC is SOM. The ratio of K^+ to Na^+ in the topsoil was about a half of that in the plants of each forest. MF had the lowest exchangeable Ca^2+ concentration among the three forests and Ca^2+:K^+ in MPF was two times higher than that in MF. Understanding the changes of SWC, SOM, and CEC during forest succession would be of great help in protecting all three forests in southern China.  相似文献   

A lack of appreciation of Kenyan farmers' knowledge and their perceptions of soil erosion and soil conservation measures was the reason for low adoption of recommended technologies. This research was carried out to identify the criteria that farmers used to distinguish farm‐types and to use these types to evaluate different knowledge levels and perceptions of soil erosion and existing soil and water conservation (SWC) measures in the Central Highlands of Kenya. Community meetings and semi‐structured household surveys were carried out in a small catchment, with 120 households. Results partly support the idea of using farmer‐developed criteria to distinguish among land managers with reference to a farm‐type classification. Criteria distinguishing three classes of land managers (good, moderate and poor) were significant with regard to the following land husbandry practices: use of hybrid or recycled seed and use of organic and/or inorganic fertilizers. Farmers were aware of on‐going soil erosion and of several erosion control measures. Whereas a majority of farmers preferred grass‐strips as a SWC measures, they did not recognize agroforestry as a form of SWC measure. Farmers perceived that SWC measures could successfully increase crop yields and soil‐water retention, and increase land value. In general, farmers did not perceive that SWC measures successfully prevented erosion phenomena, given the evidence of on‐site erosion indicators. They attributed the continued erosion to high rainfall, steep slopes, lack of maintenance and poorly designed SWC measures. They did not consider poor soil‐cover, up‐down tillage and tall trees to be the causes of erosion. Farmers faced several constraints in adopting SWC measures: lack of labour, tools, capital and know‐how to construct the measures. Copyright © 2005 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

关于我国水土保持科学技术的重点研究领域   总被引:23,自引:7,他引:23       下载免费PDF全文
 在分析中国水土保持科技发展现状问题的基础上,针对土壤侵蚀机制、土壤侵蚀模型、水土保持措施防蚀功能、水土保持的环境效应,以及水土保持关键技术等方面,提出了2020年的中国水土保持科学和技术的重点研究领域和对策建议。  相似文献   

This study analyzes effects of soil and water conservation (SWC) on soil quality and implications to climate change adaptation and mitigation in the Upper Blue Nile River Basin of Ethiopia by using the Anjeni watershed as a case study site. Disturbed and undisturbed soil samples were collected from two sub‐watersheds of Anjeni: the Minchet sub‐watershed (with SWC measures) and the Zikrie sub‐watershed (without SWC measures). Soil samples were taken from 30‐cm depth from five representative landscape positions and analyzed following the standard soil lab analysis procedures. The results show that soils from the conserved sub‐watershed had improved quality indicators compared with those from the non‐conserved site. Significant improvement due to SWC measures was observed in the soil hydrological [total moisture content (+5·43%), field capacity (+5·35%), and available water capacity (+4·18%)] and chemical [cation exchange capacity (+4·40 cmol(+) kg−1), Mg2+ (+1·90 cmol(+) kg−1), Na+ (+0·10 cmol(+) kg−1)] properties. SWC interventions significantly reduced soil erosion by 57–81% and surface runoff by 19–50% in the conserved sub‐watershed. Reduction in soil erosion can maintain the soil organic carbon stock, reduce the land degradation risks, and enhance the C sequestration potential of soils. Therefore, adoption of SWC measures can increase farmers' ability to offset emissions and adapt to climate change. However, SWC measures that are both protective and sufficiently productive have not yet been implemented in the conserved sub‐watershed. Therefore, it is important that SWC structures be supplemented with other biological and agronomic measures in conjunction with soil fertility amendments appropriate to site‐specific conditions. Copyright © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

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