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土壤微生物体氮与可矿化氮关系的研究   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:2  
同时应用大田试验和室内培养试验研究土壤微生物体氮与可矿化氮之间的相关性。试验结果表明,田间条件下,土壤微生物体氮与可矿化氮之间的关系不密切,但在培养试验中,微生物体氮与淹水培养法、硝化培养法和Stanford短期淋洗通气法测定的可矿化氮间有显著的线性关系,相关系数在0.767(p<0.01,n=12)以上。田间试验结果和室内培养试验结果的不一致性,与试验条件的差异有关。新形成的微生物体氮易降解,而原有土壤微生物体氮却相对稳定。  相似文献   

干湿交替条件下稻田土壤氧气和水分变化规律研究   总被引:7,自引:1,他引:6  
在水稻高产栽培技术中,为合理利用水资源,改良土壤通气性,干湿交替灌溉技术已广泛应用。干湿交替灌溉技术的核心是协调土壤水分与氧气之间的平衡。本研究采用大田试验,在水稻生育后期进行干湿交替处理,同步监测稻田5 cm土层土壤氧气、水分及温度的变化,以探讨稻田土壤氧气和水分运移变化规律及其互作关系,为进一步揭示干湿交替灌溉技术的内在生理机制奠定基础。研究结果表明,干湿交替条件下,稻田土壤含水量处于饱和状态时,基本监测不到土壤含氧量;而稻田土壤在慢慢变干的过程中,5 cm土层土壤体积水分含量逐渐降低,土壤氧气含量逐渐升高。在花后19 d、24 d、29 d,当5 cm土层土壤体积含水量分别下降为25.4%、25.1%、24.7%时,土壤含氧量则分别上升到17.5%、17.4%、17.4%。在水稻生育后期不同阶段,土壤氧气含量的日变化呈现先降低再升高的趋势,谷值一般出现在14:00—15:00之间;土壤含水量随时间呈波动式逐渐降低的变化趋势;土壤温度呈现先升高后降低的趋势,峰值一般出现在15:00—16:00之间。从上午8:00到下午17:59,当土壤温度升至峰值时,土壤水分含量较低,而土壤含氧量开始升高。水稻开花期、灌浆期和成熟期的土壤氧气含量与土壤含水量均表现出极显著负相关关系,土壤温度与土壤水分间呈显著负相关关系,而土壤氧气与土壤温度之间无显著相关关系。说明干湿交替条件下,水稻生育后期稻田土壤中的水分和氧气含量存在一定的此消彼长的关系。因此,通过适度的干湿交替管理措施,可在一定程度上调节水稻根系周围的土壤水分和氧气的平衡。  相似文献   

土壤微生物体氮测定方法的研究   总被引:29,自引:4,他引:25  
用熏蒸-0.5mol/LK2SO4 直接浸取NH4+-N法 (简称薰蒸 铵态氮法 ) ,熏蒸 淹水培养法和熏蒸 通气培养法测定了有机质、全氮和C/N比差异较大的 15种土壤的铵态氮增量 (FN)。结果表明 ,它们之间有极显著的正相关 ,在反映土壤微生物体氮上有相同趋势。两种培养方法测定的FN 近乎一致 ,由此而计算的微生物体氮也几乎相同。对红油土铵态氮法测定值仅为两种培养法的 1/ 10。把铵态氮法中的FN 校正后 ,其结果与 2种培养法测定的微生物体氮同样近乎一致。用 3种方法测定的微生物体氮均与土壤有机碳存在显著正相关性。淹水培养和铵态氮法水分条件易控制 ,又无NH3的挥发损失 ,比通气培养法更加优越。对培养试验和长期肥料定位试验的土样测定结果表明 ,土壤中易矿化新鲜有机物料也会使熏蒸 淹水培养法测定的FN 显著下降 ,由此而计算的微生物体氮也显著减少 ,但熏蒸 铵态氮法测定的FN 不受新鲜有机物质的影响。与土壤微生物数目进行比较后发现 ,土壤中含易分解有机物质少或微生物体氮含量低时 ,选用熏蒸 淹水培养法测定误差小 ;当土壤中富含新鲜有机物质时 ,熏蒸 铵态氮法测定的结果更加可靠。用这两种方法在同类土壤上测定的FN 的比值相对稳定 ,微生物体氮 (BN)的平均比值为 0.98~1.01,不受施肥的影响  相似文献   

盆栽和大田试验表明,作物根系显著影响土壤微生物体氮的含量。在田间试验条件下,根际土壤微生物体氮比非根际土壤平均高出N54.7μg/g;盆栽试验中,根际土壤微生物体氮平均含量为N77.1±13.6μg/g,而非根际土壤为N65.2±17.0μg/g,差异达显著水平,根际微生物体氮含量为非际根际土壤的1.10~2.04倍。施肥能明显增加土壤微生物体氮含量,但影响程度因肥料种类而不同。秸秆和富含有机物质的厩肥对土壤微生物体氮的影响远大于化学肥料,而且土壤微生物体氮含量随秸秆施用量增加而增加。在红油土上进行的20年长期田间定位试验结果表明,对不施肥和施氮磷处理,0—20cm土层的微生物体氮分别是N102.2和110.4μg/g;在施氮磷的基础上,每公顷配施新鲜玉米秸秆9375kg、18750kg、37500kg和厩肥37500kg时,相应土层微生物体氮分别是N147.5、163.2、286.4和265.3μg/g。培养条件下,当有效能源物质缺乏时,微生物对NH4+-N的同化固定能力远大于NO3--N,但在加入有效能源物质葡萄糖后,微生物对2种形态氮的固定量大幅度增加,且对2种形态氮的固定量趋于一致。  相似文献   

土壤水分对包膜尿素养分释放特性的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
试验采用土壤培养的方法,以释放期分别为60 d(肥料A)和90 d(肥料B)的两种肥料作为供试肥料,研究了土壤绝对含水量、干湿交替、相对含水量和水势因素对3种土壤中包膜尿素养分释放特性的影响。结果表明:在3种土壤中,土壤绝对含水量从50 g/kg增到200 g/kg时,包膜尿素养分释放率均随土壤水分含量的增加而显著增加,此时水分因素是控制包膜尿素养分释放的主要因素。在干湿交替条件下,两种供试肥料间释放率的差异变大,其中肥料B在潮土中释放速率较其他两种土壤中下降更多。当相对含水量在0%~50%田间持水量范围内,或水势在60~100k Pa范围内时,供试肥料在红壤中的释放显著低于潮土和水稻土,这与红壤中黏粒含量高有关;当相对含水量大于100%田间持水量时,或水势低于60 k Pa时,土壤水分和土壤类型对包膜尿素养分释放的影响基本不再显著。常用的Sugihara方程可以较好地拟合包膜尿素在试验设定水分条件下的养分释放特性,相关系数r0.95。3种不同土壤水分参数均可以用来预测包膜尿素的释放率和释放期,其中水势(x)与包膜尿素释放期(y)的拟合效果最好,关系式为y=64.79e~(0.0066x),r=0.91。  相似文献   

不同生态系统土壤微生物体氮的差异   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
分别采以森林,草原,草甸和农田土壤,用熏蒸一淹水培养法测定土壤生物体氮,并由微生物体碳,氮之比计算微生物体碳,研究不同生态系统土壤微生物体氮,碳的差异及其与土壤的有机间的关系,结果一,不同生态系统土壤的微生物体氮在显著差异,森林土壤(403.2ug/g)>草甸土壤(340.8ug/g)>草原土壤(301.2ug/g)>农田土壤(62.4-137.6ug/g),自然植物土吉远高于农田土壤,在任何情况下,上层土壤微生物氮高于下层,土壤微生物体氮与土壤有机质和全氮的变化规律一致,平均土壤微生物体氮是全氮的9.24%-9.94%,微生物体碳是有机的6.04%-8.91%。  相似文献   

水氮调控对冬小麦根冠比和水分利用效率的影响研究   总被引:21,自引:2,他引:19  
通过田间和桶栽试验研究了水、氮调控对冬小麦根冠比和水分利用效率的影响。田间试验结果显示,土壤水分条件对冬小麦根冠生长影响显著。当冬小麦生育期60 cm土层土壤水分维持在田间持水量的60%以上时,根冠比维持稳定状态,不随灌溉次数的增加而变化;当冬小T麦生育期60 cm土层土壤水分低于田间持水量的60%时,土壤越干旱,根冠比越大。桶栽试验结果显示,氮素水平对冬小麦根冠比影响显著,而水氮互作效应对根冠比影响不显著。在所有水分处理条件下,随着施氮量增加,冬小麦根量减少。施氮对冬小麦地上部分和地下部分的影响不同。在水分亏缺条件下,随着氮用量增加,冬小麦经济产量呈增加趋势,水分利用效率与施氮量存在明显正相关关系;而在充分灌溉条件下,产量随着施氮量的增加表现出先增加后降低的趋势,存在一个氮肥用量阈值。因此,水氮通过调控地上地下干物质分配而影响作物产量和水分利用效率,在水分供应受限制条件下,增施氮肥会降低根冠比,更利于地上干物质的积累和经济产量形成。田间试验和桶栽试验均表明,冬小麦根冠比与水分利用效率呈负相关,根冠比大不利于地上部分干物质的积累和作物产量的形成,导致水分利用效率降低。  相似文献   

采用室内人工降雨的方法,对不同土壤初始含水量的草甸土坡面进行养分(N、P、K)流失的研究。结果表明:土壤初始含水量越高,水分入渗速率越低,产流量越大,土壤侵蚀程度也越大。当土壤初始含水量低于15%时,土壤中的硝态氮会被淋溶到土层6cm以下,土层6cm以上的硝态氮含量极低,且淋溶的硝态氮均累积入渗到7~10cm土层中;当初始含水量在20%时,土壤中硝态氮有少量淋溶;当初始含水量在25%时,淋溶极少,仅表层1cm的土壤硝态氮有少量淋溶外,其余全部随径流流失。土壤速效钾、速效磷淋失很少。径流水样中,速效磷和速效钾浓度随降雨时间增加而逐渐减少,流失量与土壤初始含水量呈近似抛物线的关系,在初始含水量为10%~15%之间存在拐点。通过土壤初始含水量与坡面物质流失量的二次多项式关系确定出草甸土的最佳含水量范围是11.28%~14.76%,当含水量在此范围内时坡面物质流失量最少。  相似文献   

灌溉对黄土层中全氮含量淋失的试验研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过室内土柱渗透试验及氮平衡分析,研究一定施氮水平、不同灌溉水平条件下黄土层中氮素的运移规律和淋失强度。试验结果表明:土壤水分是氮素淋失的运载介质和主控因素,当施氮水平为6mg/cm2时,渗透层土壤含氮量与灌水量呈负相关关系;土壤含水量及土壤层氮淋失率与灌水量呈正相关关系、与氮素浓度呈负相关关系;当灌水量大于229.3mm时,51cm深处土壤层氮淋失率将大于37.18%。因此,在黄土地区,为防止氮素流失和地下水污染,应严格控制灌水量。  相似文献   

[目的]了解果园土壤呼吸的季节和年际变化及其影响因素,为退耕还果条件下黄土高原地区土壤碳源汇功能变化研究提供依据。[方法]在长武农田生态系统国家野外站,以盛产期果园为对象,利用土壤碳通量监测系统(Li-COR,Lincoln,NE,USA)连续3 a原位监测了土壤呼吸、土壤水分和温度变化,分析了土壤呼吸的季节性和年际间的变化及其与水分、温度变化之间的关系。[结果]土壤呼吸具有明显的季节和年际变异特征:最高值出现在雨季(7—9月),3 a分别为3.14,3.98,4.71μmol/(m~2·s),最低值出现在11月后,3 a依次为0.99,0.88,0.69μmol/(m~2·s);年际间累积呼吸量变异约21%。土壤呼吸与温度呈显著指数关系,而不同水分状况下土壤呼吸及温度敏感性(Q_(10))不同,当土壤水分含量11.12%时,土壤呼吸为2.01μmol/(m~2·s),当土壤含水量变化于11.12%~23.63%之间时,土壤呼吸为2.24μmol/(m~2·s),当土壤含水量23.63%时,土壤呼吸则为1.38μmol/(m~2·s);相应地不同水分条件下Q_(10)值分别为1.57,1.63和1.38。[结论]土壤水分显著影响黄土区苹果园土壤呼吸和Q_(10),研究结果为黄土区果园生态系统碳汇功能的估算提供了依据。  相似文献   

有机无机肥配施对酸性菜地土壤硝化作用的影响   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
通过室内培养和田间试验, 研究了有机无机肥配施对酸性菜地土硝化作用的影响。培养试验条件为60%土壤最大持水量和25 ℃。 结果表明,土壤硝化作用模式为指数方程,延滞期10天。与纯化肥处理(NPK)相比,鲜猪粪配施无机肥(FPM+NPK)和猪粪堆肥配施无机肥(CPM+NPK)均能降低土壤硝化势和氨氧化潜势,猪粪堆肥配施无机肥还能增加土壤微生物量碳、 氮。鲜猪粪配施无机肥和猪粪堆肥配施无机肥处理在硝化培养和田间试验期间N2O释放量均没有差异,但硝化培养期间鲜猪粪配施无机肥的N2O释放量显著低于纯化肥处理,田间试验期间猪粪堆肥配施无机肥的N2O释放量显著低于纯化肥处理。培养试验结束后的土壤pH值与土壤硝化势间,以及硝化培养期间N2O累积释放量与土壤硝化势间均存在显著正相关关系。本研究表明, 有机无机肥配施显著影响土壤硝化作用以及硝化培养期间和田间N2O释放。  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to determine whether differences in canopy structure and litter composition affect soil characteristics and microbial activity in oak versus mixed fir-beech stands. Mean litter biomass was greater in mixed fir-beech stands (51.9t ha−1) compared to oak stands (15.7t ha−1). Canopy leaf area was also significantly larger in mixed stands (1.96m2 m−2) than in oak stands (1.73m2 m−2). Soil organic carbon (C org) and moisture were greater in mixed fir-beech stands, probably as a result of increased cover. Soil microbial biomass carbon (C mic), nitrogen (N mic), and total soil nitrogen (N tot) increased slightly in the mixed stand, although this difference was not significant. Overall, mixed stands showed a higher mean C org/N tot ratio (22.73) compared to oak stands (16.39), indicating relatively low rate of carbon mineralization. In addition, the percentage of organic C present as C mic in the surface soil decreased from 3.17% in the oak stand to 2.26% in the mixed stand, suggesting that fir-beech litter may be less suitable as a microbial substrate than oak litter.  相似文献   

The effects of repeated soil drying and rewetting on microbial biomass N (Nbio) and mineral N (Nmin) were measured in incubation experiments simulating typical moisture and temperature conditions for soils from temperate climates in the post‐harvest period. After application of in vitro 15N‐labeled fungal biomass to a silty loam, one set of soils was exposed to two drying‐rewetting cycles (treatment DR; 14 days to decrease soil moisture to 20 % water‐holding capacity (WHC) and subsequently 7 days at 60 % WHC). A control set (treatment CM) was kept at constant moisture conditions (60 % WHC) throughout the incubation. Nbio and Nmin as well as the 15N enrichment of these N pools were measured immediately after addition of 15N‐labeled biomass (day 0) and after each change in soil moisture (day 14, 21, 35, 42). Drying and rewetting (DR) resulted in higher Nmin levels compared to CM towards the end of the incubation. Considerable amounts of Nbio were susceptible to mineralization as a result of soil drying (i.e., drying enhanced the turnover of Nbio), and significantly lower Nbio values were found for DR at the end of each drying period. Immediately after biomass incorporation into the soil (day 0), 22 % of the applied 15N was found in the Nmin pool. Some of this 15Nmin must have been derived from dead cells of the applied microbial biomass as only about 80 % of the microbes in the biomass suspension were viable, and only 52 % of the 15Nbio was extractable (using the fumigation‐extraction method). The increase in 15Nmin was higher than for unlabeled Nmin, indicating that added labeled biomass was mineralized with a higher rate than native biomass during the first drying period. Overall, the effect of drying and rewetting on soil N turnover was more pronounced for treatment DR compared to CM during the second drying‐rewetting cycle, resulting in a higher flush of mineralization and lower microbial biomass N levels.  相似文献   


Soil microbial biomass (Cmic) is an important factor regulating a number of ecosystem processes. In this study, we investigated seasonal variations in soil microbial biomass in natural climax beech (Fagus crenata) forests in a typical cold-temperate mountain region of Japan. Four permanent tower sites along an altitudinal gradient were selected and soil samples were collected once every month during the growing season of 2007. Soil microbial biomass (by fumigation-extraction method) and soil properties were later measured in the laboratory, while environmental factors (soil temperature, soil moisture) were continuously recorded in the field. Our results indicated large seasonal variations (130.4 ~ 5558.0 µg g?1) in soil microbial biomass in beech forests – a range that is much larger than previously reported. Statistically significant correlations are noted between soil properties with Cmic, but largely due to spatial linkages. On the other hand, the environmental factors of soil temperature and especially soil moisture largely control seasonal variations in Cmic. Furthermore, pH could be an important factor influencing seasonal change in Cmic at the 20–30 cm deep soil layer. The study suggests no direct correlation between plant eco-physiology and soil microbial biomass in seasonal courses of the forests.  相似文献   

通过对湘北典型红壤丘岗254个稻田耕层样(01~8.cm)进行分析,比较了微地形对稻田土壤有机碳、氮、磷和微生物生物量的影响。结果表明,丘岗底部稻田土壤有机碳、全氮、微生物生物量碳、微生物生物量氮、可溶性氮含量分别比丘岗中下部稻田高14.6%1、3.6%、24.6%、20.4%和95.8%,丘岗中下部稻田土壤Olsen-P含量比丘岗底部稻田高33.3%,差异均达极显著水平(P0.01)。不同部位稻田土壤全磷、微生物生物量磷含量和有效磷库(微生物生物量磷与Olsen-P之和)含量差异不显著。此外,丘岗底部稻田土壤碳磷比、微生物生物量碳磷比和微生物商比丘岗中下部稻田高12.7%,28.5%,8.2%,其差异达显著(P0.05)或极显著(P0.01)水平。但微生物生物量氮/全氮、微生物生物量磷/全磷、土壤碳氮比和微生物生物量碳氮比差异不显著。  相似文献   

Microbial biomass, respiratory activity, and in‐situ substrate decomposition were studied in soils from humid temperate forest ecosystems in SW Germany. The sites cover a wide range of abiotic soil and climatic properties. Microbial biomass and respiration were related to both soil dry mass in individual horizons and to the soil volume in the top 25 cm. Soil microbial properties covered the following ranges: soil microbial biomass: 20 µg C g–1–8.3 mg C g–1 and 14–249 g C m–2, respectively; microbial C–to–total organic C ratio: 0.1%–3.6%; soil respiration: 109–963 mg CO2‐C m–2 h–1; metabolic quotient (qCO2): 1.4–14.7 mg C (g Cmic)–1 h–1; daily in‐situ substrate decomposition rate: 0.17%–2.3%. The main abiotic properties affecting concentrations of microbial biomass differed between forest‐floor/organic horizons and mineral horizons. Whereas microbial biomass decreased with increasing soil moisture and altitude in the forest‐floor/organic horizons, it increased with increasing Ntot content and pH value in the mineral horizons. Quantities of microbial biomass in forest soils appear to be mainly controlled by the quality of the soil organic matter (SOM), i.e., by its C : N ratio, the quantity of Ntot, the soil pH, and also showed an optimum relationship with increasing soil moisture conditions. The ratio of Cmic to Corg was a good indicator of SOM quality. The quality of the SOM (C : N ratio) and soil pH appear to be crucial for the incorporation of C into microbial tissue. The data and functional relations between microbial and abiotic variables from this study provide the basis for a valuation scheme for the function of soils to serve as a habitat for microorganisms.  相似文献   

土壤微生物量氮的动态及其生物有效性研究   总被引:38,自引:6,他引:38  
采用盆栽试验和15N示踪技术对玉米生长期间不同施肥处理黑土土壤微生物量氮的动态变化及其与土壤氮素组分、玉米吸氮量之间的关系进行研究。结果表明,在玉米生长期间,施肥并没有影响土壤微生物量氮的变化趋势,但不同施肥处理土壤微生物量氮的含量明显不同。玉米植株残体的加入,增加了土壤微生物量氮的数量,降低了土壤微生物对肥料15N的释放率。土壤微生物量氮与土壤全氮含量呈极显著的正相关(r=0.727**),与土壤碱解氮及玉米吸氮量之间均呈显著正相关(相关系数分别为0.528* 和0.536*)。土壤微生物量氮和土壤氮素组分对作物吸氮量的通径分析表明,土壤微生物量氮的有效性近于土壤矿质态氮、高于土壤酸解有机氮和非酸解氮。土壤微生物量氮是作物吸收氮素的有效来源。  相似文献   

 Microwave irradiation was evaluated as a non-toxic alternate to chloroform fumigation for routine measurement of soil microbial biomass C. Microwave energy was applied to moist soil to disrupt microbial cells. The flush of C released was then measured after extraction or incubation. Microwave irradiation at 800 J g–1 soil was optimal because this level resulted in an almost instantaneous rise in soil temperature (≥80  °C), an abrupt reduction in microbial activity, maximal release of biomass C, and minimal solubilization of humic substances. Both incubation-CO2 titration and extraction-colorimetry methods were used on separate 20-g subsamples to compare the labile C in the microwave-treated and untreated soil samples. The incubation-titration method was also used to measure C in chloroform-fumigated soil samples. Averaged across soils, the chloroform fumigation yielded 123.3±5.1 mg CO2-C kg–1. Microwave irradiation yielded 93.6±3.9 mg CO2-C kg–1 soil determined by incubation and 52.4±2.4 mg C kg–1 soil determined by extraction, accounting for 76% and 42% of the net flush of C measured by the chloroform fumigation. Microwave-stimulated net flushes of C were correlated closely (r 2=0.974 for incubation or 0.908 for extraction) with microbial biomass C measured by the chloroform fumigation. Little correlation was found with the total soil organic C (r 2=0.241 for incubation or for 0.166 extraction). Mean efficiency factors for incubation (K MI) or extraction (K ME) were used to calculate microbial biomass C from net flushes of C between microwaved and unmicrowaved soils. Values of K MI and K ME were not affected by soil pH, bulk density or clay contents. Extraction of microwaved soil by 0.5M K2SO4 proved to be a simple, fast, precise, reliable, and safe method to measure soil microbial biomass C. Received: 12 September 1997  相似文献   

两种测定土壤微生物量氮方法的比较初探   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
用氯仿熏蒸-0.5mol/L的K2SO4直接浸提,280nm紫外比色法和熏蒸-淹水培养法测定了20种有机质、全氮和速效氮差异较大的土样的土壤微生物量N。研究结果表明,两种方法测得20种土样的土壤微生物量N数值呈极显著正相关;280nm紫外比色法操作步骤简单、产生误差的环节少、测定所需时间短、且测定数据比熏蒸-淹水培养法有更好的重现性。初步认为,280nm紫外比色法来反映土壤微生物量的大小。结果还表明,两种方法的测定结果都与土壤的全氮含量呈极显著正相关关系,与有机碳含量有一定的正相关关系,与速效氮无明显的相关关系;但在不同的土壤类型上,与全氮、有机碳和速效氮的相关性有所不同。用280nm紫外比色法测定两种土壤的新鲜和风干样的微生物生物量的结果说明,可用风干土经预培养后测定土壤微生物生物量。风干土样的预培养时间初步确定为10天。  相似文献   

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