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安徽宣郎广一带,黄棕色土-红土二元结构地貌十分常见。本文在郎溪选择了一个典型的黄棕色土-红土剖面,进行粒度组成和元素地球化学性状的研究,结果表明:(1)研究剖面上部黄棕色土的粒度组成和元素地球化学特征,与宣城、九江黄棕色土和镇江下蜀黄土十分一致,说明研究区域的黄棕色土确实与长江流域广泛分布的下蜀黄土同源。郎溪剖面粒度和元素地球化学特征的变化较均匀,尤其黄棕色土→埋藏红土(包括均质红土和网纹红土)间呈连续过渡,无沉积间断,表明埋藏红土的物源与黄棕色土和下蜀黄土相似,具典型的风积成因特性。(2)与黄棕色土相比,埋藏红土粒径偏细,风化成土作用显著增强。从埋藏红土逐渐过渡到黄棕色土,反映的可能是长江流域晚更新世初期,末次间冰期结束、末次冰期开始时的一次重大的古气候演变事件,但仍需确凿的年代学证据。  相似文献   

黄土-古土壤序列是记录第四纪气候环境变化的良好信息载体之一。以黄土高原南缘陕西省淳化黄土-古土壤序列为研究对象,通过X射线衍射法对黄土-古土壤剖面黏土矿物进行定性与半定量分析,调查不同土层黏土矿物相对含量及伊利石/绿泥石比值(I/C值)的变化规律,并结合伊利石结晶度的变化特征,探讨不同土层黏土矿物特征所对应的气候变化规律,揭示黄土高原南部地区在更新世时期的气候环境演变规律。结果表明:(1)淳化剖面黏土矿物的相对含量、I/C值以及伊利石结晶度IC值在反演古气候方面具有较好的指示性。(2)淳化剖面不同土层的黏土矿物类型基本相同,但其相对含量存在差异。在WL-3~S5阶段,即早更新世至中更新世中期,黏土矿物的组合类型为伊利石-蒙脱石-绿泥石-高岭石-蛭石,其中早更新世至中更新世早期(WL-3~L11阶段),伊利石相对含量相对偏低,气候以温凉为主,而中更新世中期(S10~S5阶段),伊利石相对含量上升,但蒙脱石、绿泥石含量均降低,气候相对温湿;在中更新世晚期(L5~S1阶段),黏土矿物的组合类型改变为伊利石-绿泥石-蛭石-高岭石-蒙脱石,以伊利石和绿泥石为主,气候较为干冷。黏土矿物类型及含量表明淳化地区从早更新世早期到中更新世晚期气候环境总体干冷化,并经历了温凉-温湿-干冷的变化过程。(3)I/C值以及伊利石结晶度IC值从剖面底部到顶部均经历了由小到大再到小的过程,它们与黏土矿物的含量所反映的气候变化规律一致。本研究有助于探索黄土高原南部地区在更新世时期的气候环境变化,为全面了解更新世黄土高原不同地区第四纪气候环境演变提供依据。  相似文献   

海拔与岩性变异对石灰岩发育土壤黏土矿物组成的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
用X射线衍射法研究了中亚热带区海拔、岩性变异对石灰岩发育土壤黏土矿物组成的影响。结果表明:在海拔约2 000 m的重庆金佛山山顶区,灰黑色钙质页岩石灰岩发育的黑色石灰土,矿物组成复杂,除伊利石为主外,还有少量蛭石、绿泥石、高岭石和蒙脱石,有一定量的母质残留矿物(滑石和滑间皂石);由砂页岩和灰岩互层母质发育的山地黄棕壤,以蛭石为主,伊利石和高岭石其次,有三水铝石和弱结晶针铁矿。在金佛山中下部(600~1 200 m),石灰岩发育的黄色石灰土以蛭石或伊利石为主,有一定量的高岭石,普遍出现针铁矿。湖南怀化盆地海拔200多米,纯灰岩发育的红色石灰土为伊利石、蛭石和高岭石(含埃洛石)组合型,有结晶好的针铁矿和少量赤铁矿。海拔显著影响高岭石含量、针铁矿结晶度,海拔降低时高岭石含量增加,针铁矿结晶度提高。在金佛山山顶区,石灰岩母质岩性和微地形变异对土壤成土过程和黏土矿物组成影响显著。  相似文献   

袁大刚  张甘霖 《土壤》2008,40(1):110-113
本文以江苏省南京市雨花台红土作为研究对象,进行野外形态观察及室内磁化率、游离氧化铁和颗粒组成的测定,结果表明,土壤剖面按形态可自上而下依次划分为黄棕色土层、红棕色土层和网纹红土层3大层段:低频磁化率呈黄棕色土层>红棕色土层>网纹红土层的特点,网纹红土层和红棕色土层的游离氧化铁和游离度均高于上部黄棕色土层,指示红色土层有更强的风化成土作用:网纹红土层<10μm细颗粒和>100μm颗粒的增加,进一步表明其经历了更强烈的风化成土作用.因此,雨花台红土剖面自下而上低频磁化率逐渐升高,反映的是气候由湿热向温凉转变的总体特征.  相似文献   

亚热带加积型红土很好地记录了中国南方第四纪以来风化特征及其变化趋势,但相应风化强度下古土壤成壤细节仍尚待进一步揭示。本文以庐山东麓海会剖面(L-HH)为研究对象,借助土壤微形态研究方法分析不同风化强度下古土壤成壤特征,并结合粒度、色度、磁化率、地球化学等指标,进一步探讨加积型红土成土环境及网纹机制。结果表明:(1)加积型红土土壤基质以黏土、胶体为主,并具有一定铁质侵染。沿剖面自下而上,胶体含量由70%减少至50%,黏土胶体与碎屑配比由8:2逐渐变化为6.5:3.5,成壤强度呈减弱趋势。(2)土壤孔隙和形成物类型沿剖面的变化差异较好地记录了土壤水分及其干湿变化。网纹红土层以线状大孔道为主,连通性好,铁质迁移活跃,铁锰质胶膜沿孔道分布且多层叠置,部分铁质胶膜有脱色现象,指示水分充足,干湿变化频繁。网纹黄棕色土层大孔道减少,孔洞、囊状孔隙增加,有一定连结性,铁锰胶膜多沿孔隙壁淀积,铁锰质结核也尤为丰富,指示水分减少,干湿变化仍然频繁。黄棕色土层,孔道极少,以面状裂隙、囊状及不规则状孔隙、孔洞为主,连结性差,淀积胶膜多为扩散-团聚型,水分少,铁游离程度降低。(3)土壤孔隙及其发育程度与网纹化程度有较好的对应关系,裂隙产生、加宽、连通是网纹化的物理学基础。(4)剖面土壤微形态特征与粒度、色度、磁化率等环境指标间有良好对应关系,是解读红土形成环境、季风演化和网纹化机制的重要土壤学指标。  相似文献   

泰山山前平原土地利用方式对潮棕壤黏土矿物组成的影响   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
对泰山山前平原潮棕壤区小麦/玉米轮作农田、杨树林地和荒草地三种土地利用方式黏土矿物组成进行研究,探究不同土地利用方式下黏土矿物组成的变异规律与影响因素。通过野外样地调查、室内土壤黏粒提取及其黏土矿物的X-射线衍射图谱分析等方法分析黏土矿物组成及相关土壤指标。结果表明:三种利用方式土壤以伊利石(包括结晶好伊利石和结晶差伊利石)为主要矿物,次要矿物为蛭石和高岭石,混层矿物为少量矿物组成。荒草地表层土壤伊利石含量最高(75.8%),分别较农田和林地土壤提高26.4%、23.6%。下层土壤伊利石含量较表层土壤有显著降低,荒草地土壤的降低幅度较大。结晶好伊利石含量表征土壤的风化程度,荒草地、林地、农田土壤矿物的风化作用依次增强。蛭石含量在下层土壤的差异显著且较表层土壤含量高,含量由高到低依次为荒草地、农田、林地。荒草地土壤有机碳含量和钠质分散有机无机复合体含量较林地和农田土壤有显著降低。不同利用方式土壤黏粒中伊利石含量与蛭石含量之间相互转化,受土壤速效钾含量的调控。荒地建议开垦为林地或草地,促进土壤有机碳保持和有机无机复合体形成,抑制黏土矿物在土壤剖面的迁移。  相似文献   

【目的】土壤是由大小和形态各异的颗粒构成,各级颗粒包含丰富的黏土矿物演化信息。明确西辽河平原黏土矿物组成及演化特征有助于了解该地区土壤发育程度及肥力状况,为当地土壤资源合理利用提供理论依据。【方法】以西辽河平原分布较多的栗钙土和盐碱土为研究对象,采集表层土壤并分离不同粒级的土壤颗粒(<2、0.45~2、0.1~0.45μm),利用X射线衍射(XRD)和化学分析等方法研究黏土矿物组成及相关土壤指标。【结果】XRD分析结果表明,西辽河平原栗钙土和盐碱土的黏土矿物均以伊利石-蛭石-绿泥石为主,栗钙土中伴有少量高岭石和伊/蒙混层矿物,而盐碱土中含有少量高岭石、蒙脱石和1.4 nm过渡矿物;随粒径减小,栗钙土和盐碱土颗粒中绿泥石、高岭石、蒙脱石(伊/蒙混层矿物)和1.4 nm过渡矿物含量均减少,伊利石和蛭石含量增加;伊利石结晶度在栗钙土、盐碱土以及不同粒级的土壤颗粒中也存在明显差异。盐碱土中伊利石结晶程度较栗钙土弱。随粒径减小,栗钙土和盐碱土中伊利石结晶程度均变弱。化学分析结果表明,西辽河平原盐碱土中Na2O的含量明显高于栗钙土,栗钙土和盐碱土颗粒的风化程度均随粒径减...  相似文献   

安徽宣州黄棕色土和第四纪红土的比较研究及其古气候意义   总被引:15,自引:1,他引:14  
通过地貌和型面的考察和研究,发现安徽宣州地黄棕色土的层序位于第四纪红土层之上。用ESR测年法测得黄棕色土年龄约为80kaB.P.,红土年龄 240kaB.P.,。对这两种成土母质的各项理化性状和磁化率指标进行比较研究,发现黄棕色土受风化作用的程度不如第四纪红土。  相似文献   

不同母质黑钙土黏粒矿物组成研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以黄土母质和红土母质发育的黑钙土为研究对象,采用化学分析及X射线分析,对同一气候和地理位置条件下的2种母质黑钙土的黏粒矿物组成及其差异进行研究,并探讨其演化机制.结果表明:2种母质黑钙土的黏粒矿物均以2:1型矿物为主,黏粒矿物组成一致性高,均含有蒙脱石、伊利石、蛭石、高岭石和石英.但各层次间衍射峰的强度以及部分衍射峰位置略有变化,红土母质黑钙土底层不存在蒙脱石,表层以绿泥石为主,而黄土母质黑钙土在底层存在绿泥石,在成土中后期可能转化为蛭石.红土母质黑钙土与黄土母质黑钙土相比,高岭石衍射峰强度更强,伊利石强度减弱,且随着土层深度的增加,减弱趋势更为显著,说明红土母质在成土早期,气候湿热,土壤风化较为强烈.  相似文献   

谢萍若 《土壤学报》1987,24(1):18-26
本文研究了温凉湿润地区不同地形条件下花岗岩母质上的山地暗棕色森林土土壤链的矿物风化.结果表明,由阳坡岗顶、中部到阴坡下部,酸性淋溶由强变弱.原生铝硅酸盐矿物蚀变为次生的粘土矿物:黑云母酸-弱酸性→二八面体Al(层间)蛭石弱酸-中性→Al绿泥石;微斜长石→蒙皂石;斜长石弱酸性→高岭石或蒙皂石一高岭石类矿物的混层物.在针阔混交林作用下,A层腐殖酸与铝、铁络合,铝蛭石化过程弱.AB和B层黑云母和长石蚀变强,矿物晶层间羟基铝积累,阳坡岗顶Al(层间)蛭石和蒙皂石化,形成了较高的土壤潜在酸度;阴坡下部除Al蛭石外,并有成土Al绿泥石形成,潜在酸度低.含有蒙皂石的C层,层间铝有积累.矿物蚀变和晶层Al转移,是山地暗棕色森林土酸度的主要来源.红松林类型和林木生长情况与土壤粘土矿物学特性及其化学环境条件密切有关.  相似文献   

In order to investigate the paleoclimatic changes in S China during the late Quaternary and their influence on pedogenesis and soil classification, a yellow‐brown earth (YBE)–red clay (RC) profile in Langxi County, Anhui Province was studied. The grain‐size distribution and the major‐ and trace‐element compositions of the profile indicate that the YBE of the profile shares the same origin with the YBE in Jiujiang and Xuancheng and the Xiashu loess in Zhenjiang, and the underlying RC also has aeolian characteristics and shares the same origin with the Xiashu loess. Grain‐size characteristics, molecular ratios of SiO2/Al2O3, SiO2/(Al2O3+Fe2O3), and BA ([CaO+MgO+K2O+Na2O]/Al2O3) and other weathering indices (CaO/TiO2, MgO/TiO2, K2O/TiO2, Na2O/TiO2, and Rb/Sr) of the profile indicate that the RC is more strongly weathered than the YBE. Magnetic susceptibility (χlf) of the uniform red clay (URC) of the profile is significantly enhanced. However, that of the underlying reticulate red clay (RRC) is significantly decreased because of the paleogroundwater movement and cannot indicate its strong weathering properties. The YBE‐RC profile in Langxi County recorded a great climatic change during late Quaternary: At that time, the pedogenic development of the RC was terminated and widespread dust deposition occurred. The parent material of the RC may be aeolian deposits which were accumulated before the last interglacial and were strongly weathered and rubified under the subsequent interglacial climate. It is observed that red soils, derived from the RC, and yellow‐brown soils, derived from the YBE, coexist in the study area, which is contradictive to the theory of the zonal distribution of soils. Therefore, it is necessary to take into account the history of Quaternary climatic changes when studying pedogenesis.  相似文献   

Yu  Zhan  Zhang  Yangzhu  Sheng  Hao  Zhang  Liang  Zhou  Qing  Yan  Xiong 《Journal of Soils and Sediments》2020,20(3):1558-1570

The aims of this study were to investigate the composition of clay minerals in soils derived from different parent materials and to elucidate how parent materials and pedogenic environment affect the distribution of clay minerals and reveal the implications for pedogenetics and taxonomy in Stagnic Anthrosols.

Materials and methods

Clay mineralogy and physicochemical properties of the Hydragric horizon of Stagnic Anthrosols derived from granite (GR), plate shale (PS), quaternary red clays (QRC), limestone (LS), purple sandy shale (PSS) and fluvial-lacustrine deposit (FLD) located in Hunan Province of China were analysed to explore the relationships between the conditions influencing the formation of the soil and the composition of clay minerals.

Results and discussion

Results indicated that the composition of clay minerals is closely related to both parent material and type of Stagnic Anthrosols: the soils derived from GR, PS and QRC, which are mostly classified as Fe-accumulic-Stagnic Anthrosols, are dominantly 1:1 type kaolinite and vermiculite and illite/vermiculite mixed layer minerals of widespread distribution. However, soils derived from LS, PSS and FLD were mainly classified as Hapli-Stagnic Anthrosols and are mainly composed of 2:1 type illite/smectite mixed layer minerals, where chlorite is commonly found. Illite is widely distributed and its content varies the least among different parent materials. An extremely significant relationship between pH and kaolinite, chlorite and mixed layer minerals was noted, and the two kinds of mixed layer minerals showed highly significant negative correlation.


This study revealed that the types and quantities of clay minerals in the soil are closely related to the types of parent material. This reflected better direction and degree of development in Stagnic Anthrosols, which is related to the physicochemical properties of parent material and can be used as one of the bases for the classification of soil groups and subgroups within the soil family for Stagnic Anthrosols in Chinese Soil Taxonomy.


Y. He  D.C. Li  B. Velde  C.M. Huang  G.L. Zhang 《Geoderma》2008,148(2):206-212
A soil chronosequence consisting of six profiles formed on quartz tholeiite basalt ranging in age from 10,000 years to 1. 8 Million years (My) was studied here. Soil clays were identified using XRD diffractogram decomposition methods for samples obtained from the A and C horizons of profiles. The results showed that kaolinite minerals dominated in all the clay fractions. Gibbsite was prominent in the C horizons in the soils from older rocks. Clays in the A horizon of relatively young soils showed an initial stage of illite formation, followed by smectite mixed layer minerals (illite-smectites and then vermiculite-illite) and finally by vermiculite. The initial presence of illite is interesting as there is no magmatic micaceous or phyllosilicate phase in these basalts and the formation of illite we attribute to a secondary process, probably created by alkali transport by plant materials. The change in 2:1 clay mineralogy reflects the overall change in Si/Al ratios in the soils over longer periods of weathering. In all cases gibbsite is more abundant in the C horizons than the A horizons. The difference in gibbsite content between the A and C horizons we attribute to plant transport of siliceous phytolite material to the surface. Continued high rainfall over long periods of time removed the alkali faster than the plants could bring it to the surface, which led to continuous lowering of 2:1 minerals from younger to older in the soil chronosequence. Nevertheless a 2:1, silica-rich mineral persists in the clay assemblages although in very minor amounts.  相似文献   

伊朗西部地区哈马丹市农业土壤钾地位的多元统计分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
M. JALALI 《土壤圈》2010,20(3):293-303
Multivariate statistical technique was used to determine the potassium (K+) status and to assess soil fertility and K leaching potential in some calcareous soils. Water-soluble K+ (H2O-K) and ammonium acetate-extractable K+ (NH4OAc-K) ranged from 0.019 to 0.590 (mean value 0.095) and 0.390 to 3.320 (mean value 0.954) cmolc kg-1, respectively. The nitric acid-extractable K+ (HNO3-K) varied from 1.03 to 13.63 (mean value 5.37) cmolc kg-1. The proportion of H2O-K ranged from 0.34% to 14.8% of HNO3-K, and 2.2% to 53.2% of NH4OAc-K. The proportion of NH4OAc-K ranged from 5.8% to 80% of HNO3-K (mean value 23% of HNO3-K). The tendency of the soil to lose K+ by leaching was examined by determining K+-Ca2+ exchange isotherms. The soils mostly had moderate to high values of K+ sorption capacity, ranging from 10% to 58% (mean value 28%) of added K+. The Gapon coefficient varied widely from 1.1 to 12.0 (L mol-1)-1/2. Clay minerals were dominated by illite, smectites and vermiculite with small amounts of kaolinite. Principal component analysis (PCA) showed that the first four components accounted for 27.7%, 21.4%, 13.8%, and 8.9% of total variation, respectively. The non-hierarchical cluster analysis (k-means clustering) grouped 75 sampling sites into six clusters, based on the similarity of soil quality characteristics. The results suggested that such classes could form a basis for variable-rate application to maintain an adequate K+ status for crop production and to reduce potential K+ loss from soil by leaching.  相似文献   

欧锦琼  黄伟濠  卢瑛  李博  阳洋  唐贤  贾重建  秦海龙 《土壤》2020,52(6):1290-1297
黏粒矿物影响着土壤理化性质,可指示成土因素特征和土壤发生发育过程/强度,也是中国土壤系统分类的基层单元土族矿物学类型划分的重要依据。本研究选择了广西不同纬度和成土母质的18个代表性水耕人为土的剖面,应用X射线衍射(XRD)方法分析了其典型水耕氧化还原层(Br层)的黏粒矿物组成及其空间分布特征,并确定了其中“黏质”剖面的土族控制层段矿物学类型。结果表明:(1)供试土壤的黏粒矿物主要包括高岭石、伊利石、三水铝石、1.42 nm过渡矿物、蒙脱石和蛭石等,依次分别出现在100%、88.9%、72.2%、61.1%、44.4%和38.9%的剖面中。(2)黏粒矿物组成在纬度空间分布上具有明显规律性特征。随着纬度降低,土壤黏粒中的高岭石增加,伊利石、蒙脱石、1.42nm过渡矿物逐渐减少;纬度>23°N区域内,成土母质对黏粒矿物组成影响明显。(3)纬度23°N是黏粒矿物组成和土族矿物学类型分界线,<23°N区域,黏粒矿物均以高岭石为主,是“黏质”剖面的土族控制层段的主要矿物学类型;>23°N区域,黏粒矿物组成以高岭石、蒙脱石、伊利石或1.42 nm过渡矿物为主,因成土母质不同而异,“黏质”剖面的土族控制层段矿物学类型包括高岭石混合型、混合型和伊利石型。  相似文献   

金衢盆地红土地球化学特征   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
用X射线荧光光谱法(XRF)对金衢盆地的5个剖面127块样品进行测试,分析结果表明:主量元素组成以SiO2、Fe2O3、Al2O3为主,K、Na、Ca、Mg等易溶组分的含量很低,TiO2含量的平均值高于UCC值;Fe2O3、MnO含量在沉积型红土网纹和均质红土的交界处明显聚集,推测与不同沉积层交界处理化性质突变有关,而基岩风化壳型红土则逐渐过渡;SiO2、Fe2O3、AL2O3等化学成分和硅铝系数等化学风化指标指示沉积型红土由网纹至均质红土风化强度减弱的趋势,而基岩风化壳型红土的K、Na、Ca、Mg及TiO2含量均呈现从基岩到红土层风化强度逐渐增大的趋势。  相似文献   

Clay minerals are important in evaluating the maturity of suspended sediments, weathering intensity and source area. However, there are processes that can change the mineral assemblage such as river transportation, deposition, remobilization and tributary inputs. In terms of water discharge and sediment yield, the Amazon is one of the largest rivers in the world. Most of the suspended sediments come from the Andes, crossing the lowlands before reaching the ocean. This study measures the spatial distribution of clay mineral assemblages over the entire Amazon basin. The results obtained show the main features of the Amazon River main stem and larger tributaries from their sources to their confluence. Clay mineral composition highlights the evolution of the Madeira and Marañón–Solimões River, which start in the Andes with high illite + chlorite content. Downstream, smectite contents increase. Moreover, all shield tributaries show high kaolinite content. The lower Amazon River is characterized by relative high smectite content, different from the Andean sources. The clay mineral results show that suspended sediments of the Amazon River have three main sources: 1) the Andes mountains; 2) the Amazon shields and 3) the Piedmont basins, especially the Pastaza alluvial megafan and the Fitzcarrald Arch basin. Lateral bank erosion plays also a significant role, by the introduction of more mature sediments into the river, enriched in smectite.  相似文献   

Continental chemical weathering is discussed with reference to a diagram, in which the ratio (CaO + Na2O + K2O)/(Al2O3+ CaO + Na2O + K2O) is plotted against the ratio (SiO2+ CaO + Na2O + K2O)/(Al2O3+ SiO2+ Na2O + K2O). The former ratio is a measure of the degree of feldspar breakdown, which is accompanied by the formation of secondary minerals (illite, smectite, etc.). The second ratio is a measure of the enrichment during weathering of Al, Si oxide phases such as kaolinite, quartz and gibbsite. The application of the diagram to a series of global examples leads to the statement: 1) Chemical weathering is the principal process by which continental surfaces are modified. 2) The extent of chemical weathering is correlated with the age of continental surfaces. 3) Global agricultural productivity is correlated with geologically recent additions of fresh rock debris by processes of volcanism, glaciation or alluviation.  相似文献   

雷州半岛玄武岩发育的时间序列土壤的发生演变   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
采集了广东省南部热带地区雷州半岛第四纪以来不同时代(0.58~6.12 Ma)喷发的玄武岩上发育时间序列土壤剖面样品,分析了一些理化性质的变化趋势。结果表明:(1)容重随深度增加而增大,与成土年龄有较好的相关性,说明容重在一定程度上可以指示土壤的发生层次和发育程度。(2)游离铁(Fed)、铁游离度(Fed/Fet)、活性氧化铝(Alo)和铝活化度(Alo/Ald)与成土年龄有着较好的相关性,可以指示土壤的发育程度和相对成土年龄;而无定形铁(Feo)、游离铝(Ald)和无定形硅(Sio)与成土年龄的关系不明显,尚难于指示土壤的发育程度。(3)常用的黏粒风化发育指标,如硅铝率Sa(SiO2/Al2O3)、硅铁铝率Saf(SiO2/(Al2O3+Fe2O3))、风化淋溶系数ba((Na2O+K2O+CaO)/Al2O3)、A指数((SiO2+CaO+K2O+Na2O)/(Al2O3+CaO+K2O+Na2O))、B指数((CaO+K2O+Na2O)/(Al2O3+SiO2+CaO+K2O+Na2O))、WI指数([(2Na2O/0.35)+(MgO/0.9)+(2K2O/0.25)+(CaO/0.7)]×100)、CIW指数([Al2O3/(Al2O3+CaO+Na2O)]×100)、CIA指数([Al2O3/(Al2O3+CaO+Na2O+K2O)]×100,与成土年龄之间相关性不显著,难以指示土壤的风化程度,但黏粒的Sa、Saf和元素Si迁移率的变化在一定程度上揭示了土壤中生物复硅的存在。  相似文献   

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