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宽皮柑橘剥皮机对辊式剥皮装置工艺参数优化   总被引:1,自引:3,他引:1  
为了提高宽皮柑橘在机械剥皮过程中的果皮去净率,降低果肉损伤率,该文以桔瓣罐头加工的主要原料温州蜜柑为试验对象,以预处理方式、对辊转速、拨板移动速度作为主要影响因素,利用自行开发设计的剥皮机研究各因素对对辊式剥皮装置剥皮效果的影响。在主要影响因素的单因素试验的基础上再进行正交试验,试验结果表明,预处理方式、对辊转速、拨板移动速度对柑橘果皮去净率影响显著(P0.05),对果肉损伤率的影响较小;运用综合平衡法获得的最佳参数为:热蒸汽加热3 min、对辊转速为60 r/min、拨板移动速度为12.98 mm/s,此参数条件下得到的柑橘机械剥皮果皮去净率为100%,果肉损伤率为1.96%,研究结果可为对辊式柑橘剥皮设备的运行及优化提供技术依据。  相似文献   

宽皮柑橘移动夹持剥皮力学特性与果皮分离特性试验研究   总被引:4,自引:2,他引:2  
为了解决目前柑橘剥皮设备,果皮一次剥净率较低,且损伤率较高。需要人工二次剥皮等问题,探索宽皮柑橘剥皮方法,该文以温州蜜柑为研究对象,利用自制的试验平台开展柑橘剥皮试验,对比了不同加载条件(不同剥皮方向、剥皮宽度及剥皮速度)对温州蜜柑的果皮分离过程中拉力值以及果皮分离位移的影响规律。试验结果表明:1)柑橘的剥皮特性具有各向异性,剥皮方向对剥皮特性具有显著性影响(P0.05),沿柑橘轴向方向剥皮,剥离的果皮长度与径向相比长约15%,且剥皮过程果皮能够均匀剥离;2)柑橘果皮分离过程中大致存在3种果皮断裂形态,其中剥离的果皮形态呈对称状,剥皮过程较为平稳;而剥离的果皮形态呈偏移或是果皮边缘带锯齿状,剥皮过程均存在波动过程,果皮呈斜向撕裂,剥离的果皮长度小于正向撕裂的对称状果皮长度;3)剥皮宽度、剥皮速度对柑橘果皮分离的最大拉力值有显著影响(P0.05),对果皮分离位移影响不显著(P0.05),其对剥皮长度影响较小,根据试验指标及自身剥皮设备参数,夹持较宽(采用环割划皮)的果皮,较高的剥皮速度(300 mm/min以上),利于提高剥皮效率。该研究可为宽皮柑橘的机械剥皮加工设备提供一定的理论依据。  相似文献   

宽皮柑橘去皮前常采用蒸烫处理以降低去皮难度,在实际加工中由于缺少相关理论支撑,关于柑橘蒸烫去皮的作用机制尚不明了,常存在因蒸烫不当而导致去皮效果差的问题。为了探究蒸烫处理对宽皮柑橘果皮力学特性、组织结构、去皮性能的影响从而明确有效的蒸烫去皮工艺,该研究利用柑橘果皮分离性能测试平台研究了不同蒸烫时间下柑橘的去皮性能,利用果皮拉伸力学特性测试平台分析了蒸烫柑橘果皮的力学特性,基于Ray-CT断层扫描技术研究了蒸烫处理对柑橘外果皮、白皮层、果肉结构尺寸的影响规律,利用超景深显微镜和电子显微镜观察了果皮显微结构的变化。在此基础上,探讨了蒸烫处理对柑橘去皮性能的影响机理。结果表明:蒸烫时间对柑橘果皮分离时的最大拉力、分离位移、果皮的断裂强度、果皮与果肉间孔隙率影响极显著(P<0.01),分离位移和断裂强度呈正相关,最大拉力和果皮与果肉间孔隙率呈负相关。随着蒸烫时间增加,果皮表面会起皱粗糙,果皮截面果胶化合物发生溶解,薄壁组织细胞和维管束组织坍塌消失,进而果皮与果肉间孔隙率逐渐增大、果皮断裂强度先增大后减小,导致去皮过程中最小拉力减小,分离位移先增大后减小。在蒸烫时间3 min时,最大拉力达到较小值1.59 N,相对于对照组减少了42.8%,果皮不易被拉断,分离位移达到最大值41.81 mm,相对于对照组增加了19.6%,整体去皮效果最好;蒸烫时间超过3 min后,果皮变得绵软易拉断,不利于果皮剥离。该研究为改善宽皮柑橘去皮困难和丰富蒸烫去皮机理提供了理论参考。  相似文献   

大麻鲜茎剥皮机的设计与试验   总被引:4,自引:4,他引:0  
为了减轻大麻收获劳动强度、提高大麻鲜皮剥制效率,该研究根据大麻茎杆分枝多、皮骨结合紧密等特点,采取揉搓分离与梳理分离相结合的皮骨分离方法,设计出大麻鲜茎剥皮机。该样机主要由揉搓机构、梳理分离机构、纤维收集装置、传动系统、机架、行走装置等组成,样机具体结构紧凑、移动方便、皮骨分离能力强等特点。试验结果表明:样机的揉搓分离机构能够使大麻鲜茎破裂,皮骨初步分离;梳理分离机构能将揉搓后粘连在韧皮表面的大部分麻骨去除,起到梳理鲜皮上屑骨的作用。样机的鲜茎出皮率为10.90%~21.36%,剥净率为61.50%~78.33%,生产率为108.67~174.22 kg/h,纤维强度为4.90~5.61 cN/dtex,可实现大麻鲜茎的皮骨分离。  相似文献   

针对乌鳢脂肪层薄、皮肉分离难度大、手工剥取效率低且存在安全隐患等问题,该研究设计了基于三维重构的乌鳢整皮自动剥离系统。针对其头部、鱼身、鱼尾截面变化剧烈,表皮黏滑难以固定、臀鳍坚硬严重干扰剥皮作业等特点,采集并分析其形态特征参数,设计了装夹机构、切割机构、皮肉分离机构及剥皮终端。开发了视觉系统,对待剥皮对象进行三维重建,根据重建结果,通过算法控制、规划各执行机构路径,实现了乌鳢整皮快速、准确剥取。以单台乌鳢整皮剥离机的单尾鱼皮剥离时长、鱼皮剥取率、皮肉分离指数及鱼皮破损率为指标,对样机性能进行分析。试验结果表明:单尾鱼平均剥离时长为183 s,鱼皮剥取率均值为94.6%,皮肉分离指数均值为9.93,鱼皮破损率均值为6.25%,符合整皮剥离工艺要求。该研究结果可为鱼类整皮剥取自动化系统的研发与设计提供参考。  相似文献   

鲜食玉米剥皮机的设计与试验   总被引:5,自引:3,他引:2  
为了解决中国在鲜食玉米加工中的剥皮难题,在借鉴国外先进鲜食玉米剥皮技术的基础上研制出一种鲜食玉米剥皮机。该机采用一对转辊相向转动,转辊与玉米穗苞叶接触产生摩擦将玉米苞叶先搓起一角,之后一对转辊夹住苞叶旋转将其剥掉。该设备可适应玉米籽粒含水率介于58%~73%间的原料,对脆嫩易剥的鲜食玉米籽粒品种的破损率≤5%、剥净率≥90%、剥皮质量好。解决了中国鲜食玉米剥皮技术存在的剥净率偏低、破损率等主要性能指标不能满足使用要求的难题。经过对该设备试制、试验结果表明,完全适合高水分鲜食玉米穗剥皮。  相似文献   

针对现有根茎类作物收获机用于藠头收获时存在的果土分离不彻底、埋果率高、地形适应性差等问题,该研究研制了基于"杆筛式振动碎土+拨辊推送式多级分离"技术的自走式藠头收获机。对挖掘和果土分离过程中的物料状态和作业机理进行了分析,建立模型计算得到了挖掘装置的位置和深度、杆筛式振动装置的振幅和曲柄转速、拨辊的尺寸和位置等关键参数,基于可调式挖掘装置、杆筛式振动装置、拨辊推送式多级分离装置组成加工了藠头收获机样机。针对研究内容设计了田间挖掘试验和整机性能试验,对以上装置及整机的作业性能进行验证。田间试验表明:该机实际挖掘深度稳定,漏挖率、埋果率、总伤果率分别为0.31%、3.20%、5.87%,有效收获率为93.23%。整机结构及布局合理,性能稳定,能够满足当前丘陵山区条件下藠头机械化收获的需求。  相似文献   

陈超  李彤  张拥军  周游  吴凡 《农业工程学报》2016,32(23):297-302
针对河蟹蟹脚人工壳肉分离劳动强度大、效率低下且蟹肉易污染等问题,设计了一种辊筒挤压式蟹脚壳肉分离装置。该装置通过倾斜的输送滑道将蟹脚输送到一对直径相同、转动方向相反,转速相同的圆柱辊筒之间,利用其挤压作用完成蟹脚的壳肉分离。为确定蟹脚壳肉分离装置的最佳工作参数,以分离效率、得肉率及蟹肉品质为性能指标,以送料角度、辊筒间隙和辊筒转速为影响因素对样机开展了正交试验。结果表明:影响壳肉分离效率的极显著因素为辊筒转速,送料角度和辊筒间隙影响不显著;影响得肉率的极显著因素为辊筒间隙,显著因素为送料角度,辊筒转速影响不显著;影响蟹肉品质的极显著因素为辊筒间隙,送料角度和辊筒转速影响不显著。试验结果表明:最佳工作参数为:送料角度40?,辊筒转速35 r/min、辊筒间隙1.2 mm,在此最优组合参数下,分离率23.1 kg/h,得肉率98.5%,蟹肉品质8.9分,该研究可为后续的设计优化与性能提高提供参考。  相似文献   

宽皮柑橘在入库贮藏前需要用薄膜袋包装以延长货架期,为了代替人工操作实现自动包装,该研究打破传统的套袋包装模式,采用上、下双层膜,结合热封切机构,设计了一种新型的四边封口制袋包装机。该机主要由双排进料装置、送膜装置、封切升降装置、组合封切装置组成。利用封合后的前膜带动后膜的方式送膜,避免了薄膜撕裂;采用半球形结构承载宽皮柑橘,可实现多排多列果实的连续制袋包装;通过ADAMS软件对以曲柄滑块机构为主体的升降装置进行运动学分析,配合内置弹簧刀架中弹簧的压缩与放松,在升降装置不停止的情况下,研究电机转速与热封时间的关系,确定电机转速为20 r/min。以温州蜜柑为对象进行试验,结果表明:宽皮柑橘薄膜包装机的包装率为98.6%,优质率为93.3%,包装效率为97.6个/min,实现了贮藏用果实的自动套袋包装。研究结果可为宽皮柑橘贮藏用薄膜包装机的研制与优化提供参考。  相似文献   

针对玉米剥皮田间试验和室内试验存在玉米品种多样、适收期短等问题,该文提出了采用理论分析、虚拟仿真技术与高速摄像技术相结合的方法,研究果穗在剥皮机构中的运动。首先,对玉米果穗在剥皮机构中的受力及运动进行了理论分析,得到影响果穗剥净率、剥皮效率以及剥皮损失的主要因素;其次,应用ANSYS/LS-DYNA建立了玉米果穗与剥皮机构相互作用有限元仿真模型,获取了剥皮辊不同转速下玉米果穗在剥皮机构中的运动速度、绕自身轴线的角速度和受力情况。仿真结果表明,随着剥皮辊转速的增大,果穗的运动速度由0.2增大到0.4 m/s;果穗绕自身轴线的旋转角速度增加,在0~15 rad/s之间变化;果穗的受力增大,且波动性更强,3种工况下最大受力分别为11.9、14.5和16.3 N。以玉米果穗沿剥皮辊的速度和加速度为验证参数,仿真数据与果穗剥皮高速摄像试验数据进行了对比。结果表明,仿真数据与高速摄像试验结果基本一致,证明了仿真模型可以较好地替代物理试验。该研究结果可为剥皮机构的设计与分析提供了参考。  相似文献   

精确地估测干旱区土壤水分含量,对该区域的农业发展与水土保持具有重要意义。该文以MODIS与Landsat TM数据为数据源,利用其反演获得的条件温度植被指数(temperature-vegetation drought Index,TVDI)作为观测算子,将集合卡尔曼滤波(ensemble Kalman filter,En-KF)同化方法应用于水文模型(HYDRUS-1D),进行干旱区表层土壤水分的模拟。结果表明:遥感数据反演土壤水分所构建的二维特征空间TVDI与表层土壤水分有较好的一致性;En-KF同化方法对模型变量与观测算子的更新,与单纯使用HYDRUS模型相比,获得的表层土壤水分含量精度有了明显提高,其均方根误差缩小了1个百分点,平均误差缩小了5个百分点。可见,基于多源遥感数据对表层土壤水分的En-KF同化模拟在干旱区具有较大的潜力,是提高干旱区土壤水分含水量监测精度的有效手段。  相似文献   

OUYANG TAO 《土壤圈》1993,3(4):341-347
By using nutritional diagnosis of citrus leaves and determining soil micronutrients,the relationship between soil micronutrients and citrus growth in southern China has been studied.Studies showed that there was a significant positive correlation between available micronutrients (such as Zn,Mo,Cu)in the soil and the corresponding nutrients in citrus leaves.Thus,one can roughly learn of the sufficiency or deficiency of certain nutrients in soils by analyzing citrus leaves.Rational spray of Zn B or Mo fertilizer not only improved citrus yields but also increased the total sugar of Satsuma mandarin and of Xinhui orange by 2.9 and 17.2% respectively compared with the control.Spraying Mo fertilizer increased the vitamin C content of Satsuma mandarin juice by 4.7%-8.4%,maturated fruits 7-10 days earlier and gave the peel a brighter color.The ultramicroscopic characteristics of Zn-deficient citrus leaves were investigated under an electron microscope.Results showed that the Zn-deficient leaf cell was characterized mainly by poor cytoplasm,endoplasmic reticula and ribosomes and by big starch grains in the chloroplast.As a result of spraying Zn fertilizer the structure of the cell returned to normal,the cytoplasm became rich and the amount of chloroplast increased.There also appeared a great deal of multiform endoplasmic reticula,thus promoting the photosynthesis of Zn-deficient plants.This provides a cytologico-theoretical basis for fertilization of high-yielding citrus trees.  相似文献   

Polymethoxyflavones (PMFs) from citrus genus have been of particular interest because of their broad spectrum of biological activities, including antiinflammatory, anticarcinogenic, and antiatherogenic properties. There have been increasing interests in the exploration of health beneficial properties of PMFs in citrus fruits. Therefore, the isolation and characterization of PMFs from sweet orange (Citrus sinensis) peel will lead to new applications of the byproducts from orange juice processes and other orange consumption in nutraceutical and pharmaceutical products. In our study, eight hydroxylated PMFs, six PMFs, one polymethoxyflavanone, one hydroxylated polymethoxyflavanone, and two hydroxylated polymethoxychalcones were isolated from sweet orange peel and their structures were elucidated by various MS, UV, and different NMR techniques. Some of the hydroxylated PMFs and chalcones are newly isolated from sweet orange peel.  相似文献   

High-performance liquid chromatography, coupled with photodiode array detection, was used to analyze the carotenoid composition of peel and juice vesicle tissues of ordinary and lycopene-accumulating mutants (referred to as red mutants in this article) of orange, pummelo, and grapefruit. Thirty-six major carotenoids, including some cis-trans isomers, were separated on a C30 reversed phase column, and 23 of them were identified on the basis of retention times and spectral characteristics with authentic standards. Carotenoid profiles varied with tissue types, citrus species, and mutations. beta-Citraurin occurred in the peel of oranges but not in juice vesicles, whereas the reverse was found for violaxanthin, 9-cis-violaxanthin, and luteoxanthin. The diversity of carotenoids in peel and juice vesicle tissues and the fact that there was over 250 times higher content of total carotenoids in peels of Yuhuan pummelo than juice vesicles suggested that the biosynthesis of carotenoids in these two tissues was independent and exchange of carotenoids between the tissues was not likely. Lutein was observed in peels of pummelos and grapefruits and juice vesicles of ordinary pummelo but not in orange tissues. Accumulation of lycopene and beta-carotene was observed in red mutant citrus, except for the peel of Cara Cara red orange. Additionally, phytoene accumulated in all tissues except for the peel of Chuzhou Early Red pummelo. No obvious change in the total content of xanthophylls was observed in the Cara Cara red orange. Ordinary grapefruit (Marsh) tissues and pummelo (Yuhuan) juice vesicles were almost devoid of carotenoids, and in red mutants, the content of total carotenoids increased dramatically up to 790-fold. The different changes in carotenoid content and profiles in mutant(s) of different citrus species suggest that the underlying mechanisms for the mutations might be different.  相似文献   

In traditional Chinese medicine, dried citrus fruit peels are widely used as remedies to alleviate coughs and reduce phlegm in the respiratory tract. Induction of inducible nitric oxide synthase (iNOS) in inflammatory cells and increased airway production of nitric oxide (NO) are well recognized as key events in inflammation-related respiratory tract diseases. Despite the fact that the enhancing effect of heat treatment on the antioxidant activity of citrus fruit peels has been well documented, the impact of heat treatment on citrus peel beneficial activities regarding anti-inflammation is unclear. To address this issue, we determined the anti-inflammatory activities of heat-treated citrus peel extracts by measuring their inhibitory effect upon NO production by lipopolysaccharide-activated RAW 264.7 macrophages. Results showed that the anti-inflammatory activity of citrus peel was significantly elevated after 100 degrees C heat treatment in a time-dependent fashion during a period from 0 to 120 min. Inhibition of iNOS gene expression was the major NO-suppressing mechanism of the citrus peel extract. Additionally, the anti-inflammatory activity of citrus peel extract highly correlated with the content of nobiletin and tangeretin. Conclusively, proper and reasonable heat treatment helped to release nobiletin and tangeretin, which were responsible for the increased anti-inflammatory activity of heat-treated citrus peels.  相似文献   

Twenty-one free amino acids present in several samples of quince fruit (pulp and peel) and quince jam (homemade and industrially manufactured) were analyzed by GC/FID. The analyses showed some differences between quince pulps and peels. Generally, the highest content in total free amino acids and in glycine was found in peels. As a general rule, the three major free amino acids detected in pulps were aspartic acid, asparagine, and hydroxyproline. For quince peels, usually, the three most abundant amino acids were glycine, aspartic acid, and asparagine. Similarly, for quince jams the most important free amino acids were aspartic acid, asparagine, and glycine or hydroxyproline. This study suggests that the free amino acid analysis can be useful for the evaluation of quince jam authenticity. It seems that glycine percentage can be used for the detection of quince peel addition while high alanine content can be related to pear addition.  相似文献   

The relationship between phenolic composition and radical scavenging activity of apple peel and pulp was investigated in fruit produced according to both organic and integrated agricultural methods. Apple tissue extracts were subjected to high-performance liquid chromatography separation, which showed that as compared with pulps, peels are richer in almost all of the quantified phenolics. Flavonols, flavanols, procyanidins, dihydrochalcones, and hydroxycinnamates were the identified phenolic classes in peel tissue, and the most abundant compounds were epicatechin, procyanidin B2, and phloridzin. Pulps were poorer in phytochemicals. Their major phenolics were procyanidins and hydroxycinnamates. Flavonols in amounts <20 mg kg(-1) fresh weight (fw) were also found. In both peels and pulps, integrated production samples were richer in polyphenols. Among the 14 compounds identified, only phloridzin had a tendency to appear higher in organic peels. The total antioxidant capacities (TAC) of extracts were evaluated using the 1,1-diphenyl-2-picrylhydrazyl radical assay and were expressed as Trolox equivalents. Integrated peels gave the highest TAC (18.56 mM kg(-1) fw), followed by organic peels (TAC = 14.96), integrated pulps (TAC = 7.12), and organic pulps (TAC = 6.28). In peels, the top contributors to the antioxidant activity were found to be flavonols, flavanols, and procyanidins, which accounted for about 90% of the total calculated activity whereas in pulps, the TAC was primarily derived from flavanols (monomers and polymers) together with hydroxycinnamates. A good correlation between the sum of polyphenols and the radical scavenging activities was found. Among the single classes of compounds, procyanidins (in peels and pulps) and flavonols (in peels) were statistically correlated to the TAC.  相似文献   

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