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《Journal of plant nutrition》2013,36(5):1117-1130

The portable chlorophyll meter [Soil Plant Analysis Development (SPAD)] has been used successfully for measuring leaf‐nitrogen (N) of several crops. Determination of the appropriate sample size, in terms of number of plants to be sampled within each plot, has recently become a matter of concern. An insufficient sample size does not allow for the detection of small, but real differences between treatment means, whereas an excessively large sample size constitutes a waste of time and resources. In this study, SPAD meter data were collected at two sites. Each of these two field experiments was organized following a split‐plot design with three blocks and two treatment factors: four nitrogen levels (main plot factor) and six maize (Zea mays L.) hybrids (subplot factor), selected to represent a broad range of canopy types. The approach followed in collecting SPAD meter readings for the determination of an appropriate sample size consisted of sampling one leaf per plant and taking a single reading per leaf. Confidence intervals for the mean of SPAD meter readings and the associated required sample sizes for the variability observed were generated using a standard procedure. Taking a single reading per leaf near the midpoint of the leaf blade, a sample size of 15 to 20 plants provided a level of precision of 5% (about ± 2.8 SPAD meter units). The variability among and within hybrids was highest at the zero N fertilization level (kg ha?1), for which the leafy and non‐leafy reduced stature and leafy normal stature hybrids showed the largest required sample sizes at both sites. At the Ottawa site, where an N fertilization effect was observed, required sample sizes at the 0 N level were larger than at any other level, including the recommended 170 N level. In summary, a relationship between sample size and precision level is presented for maize researchers using the SPAD technology.  相似文献   

The field study investigated the relationship of Minolta SPAD 502 (SPAD) readings to applied nitrogen (N) fertilizer rate, corn (Zea mays L.) yield, and leaf N concentration. The experiment was conducted on a total of six sites in Illinois during 1991 and 1992. Ten different open pedigree corn hybrids were grown at a final population of 65,000 plants ha‐1. Nitrogen was applied at four rates(0, 90, 180, and 270 kgN ha‐1) as 28% liquid N solution. Significant main effects of environment (E), and hybrid (H), and E x H interaction were detected for all measured parameters. SPAD readings and leaf N concentration at all sampling times (V7, R1, and R4) as well as grain N concentration were affected by N fertilizer rate. Maximum mean grain yield and maximum grain N concentration were obtained at 110 and 195 kg N ha‐1, respectively. At all sampling times the correlation of SPAD readings to N fertilizer rate were low but significant (R=0.22 at V7 and R1, R=0.11 at R4). SPAD correlation to corresponding leaf N concentration improved over time. The Pearson correlation was R=0.33 at V7 and increased to R=0.78 at R4. The SPAD meter did a good job at providing a measure of the relative greenness of living leaves at a specific point in time. Chlorophyll readings can therefore be useful in detecting N deficiencies in growing crops. But, the SPAD meter cannot be used to make accurate predictions of how much fertilizer N will be needed by a crop during the future growing season. We conclude then that the SPAD meter will be most useful as a diagnostic aid rather than a tool for N management in corn.  相似文献   

《Journal of plant nutrition》2013,36(10):2129-2142

Leaf chlorophyll content is closely related to leaf nitrogen (N) content, so it is reasonable to assume that NH4–N:NO3–N ratio in the nutrient solution used to grow tomatoes (Lycopersicon esculentum Mill.) hydroponically may affect leaf greenness, and consequently chlorophyll meter (SPAD) readings. It has also been shown that increasing nutrient solution strength (NSS) increases tomato productivity, but there are no reports regarding how NSS affects SPAD readings under greenhouse conditions. Genotype may also influence SPAD readings, and standardization for cultivar and sampling time may be needed. The objective of this study was to characterize SPAD readings for five tomato cultivars, and SPAD reading response to a combination of two nutrient solutions strength (NSS) (1X and 4X Steiner solution strength daily applied 18 days after transplanting at 7 p.m.) and two concentrations of NH4–N in solution (0 and 25%) in order to evaluate the potential of SPAD readings as a tomato yield predictor in greenhouse production systems. The SPAD readings were not uniform across tomato varieties tested, being consistently higher for “Max” and lower for the other varieties. Initially, SPAD readings for tomato varieties used in this study were low at the vegetative stage, and increased up to 40 days after transplant (DAT), but subsequently decreased at 49 DAT, or the fruit set of the first and second clusters. After this time, SPAD readings showed no variation. Chlorophyll meter readings for Max were higher in the top plant layers, but decreased in the top plant layer of the other tomato varieties. The SPAD readings were higher for plants supplied with 25% NH4–N than those without NH4–N in solution, but the use of a nighttime nutrient solution did not affect SPAD readings. None of the possible interactions among tomato variety, NH4–N:NO3–N ratio, and NSS were consistently significant. SAPD readings may be useful in monitoring low or high supply of N in greenhouse grown tomato plants.  相似文献   

Chlorophyll meter readings below a threshold value would indicate the necessity to supply nitrogen (N) to the crop. This study aimed to determine threshold values for chlorophyll meter (SPAD) and nitrogen (N) rate effects on SPAD leaf measurements of potato cultivars through the crop cycle. Five N rates (0, 50, 100, 200, and 300 kg ha?1) were evaluated in a randomized block design, with four repetitions. SPAD index was measured on the oldest (OL) and on the fourth leaf from the apex (FL) at 7, 14, 21, 28, 35, and 49 days after the emergence of 90% of the plants in the plots. SPAD values decreased with plant age and were influenced by N rates and leaf position. At 21 DAE, the SPAD threshold values on FL were 43.0, 44.6, 46.5, and 50.0 for ‘Agata’, ‘Monalisa’, ‘Atlantic’, and ‘Asterix’, respectively. The corresponding values were 41.9, 43.5, 49.9, and 49.9 on OL. Plant age and leaf position should be standardized for the assessment of SPAD threshold values to diagnose nitrogen status of potato cultivars.  相似文献   

【目的】 提高玉米氮效率是实现农业高产高效的重要措施,而花后叶片的衰老和玉米的氮效率密切相关。为此,在田间条件下研究了叶片衰老过程与氮转移效率的关系,尤其是不同玉米品种氮转移效率差异的分子机制。 【方法】 田间试验选择中度绿熟玉米品种先玉335 (XY335) 和持绿玉米品种NE9为供试作物,设施N 45,120和240 kg/hm2三个水平。测定了玉米吐丝期以及吐丝后7 d、14 d、21 d、28 d、35 d、42 d和成熟期茎、叶、籽粒氮含量和花后绿叶面积,吐丝期及吐丝后14 d、28 d、42 d和成熟期叶片氮浓度,以及吐丝期和灌浆期叶片中SPAD、可溶性蛋白浓度、游离氨基酸浓度和ZmSee2β (玉米叶片中协同衰老的蛋白酶–豆荚蛋白的基因) 基因表达的变化,计算了叶片氮转移效率。 【结果】 品种XY335具有比品种NE9更高的产量,随施氮量的增加品种XY335的籽粒产量较品种NE9增加更加显著。虽然两个品种的收获指数没有差异,但是品种XY335的氮素收获指数高于品种NE9,并且品种XY335营养器官的氮转移效率高于品种NE9,整体高8.28个百分点 (P < 0.05)。品种XY335叶片氮转移效率比品种NE9高出12.89个百分点,而二者茎的氮转移效率没有差异。品种XY335花后叶片中氮浓度开始降低的时间早于品种NE9,在低氮条件下尤为明显。成熟期时,三个氮水平处理下品种XY335叶片中的氮含量均低于品种NE9。从吐丝期到灌浆期,品种XY335叶片中可溶性蛋白的降解率高于品种NE9,其中N45处理下高16.5个百分点,N120处理下高6.2个百分点。从吐丝期到灌浆期叶片中游离氨基酸的浓度不断增加,而品种XY335叶片中的增加幅度大于品种NE9。从吐丝期到灌浆期叶片中 ZmSee2β基因表达量增加,而随施氮量减少品种XY335叶片中表达量高于品种NE9,表明品种XY335叶片中蛋白降解得更加迅速。 【结论】 相对于绿熟品种NE9,品种XY335具有籽粒产量高和籽粒氮素积累强的特点。这不仅由于吐丝后品种XY335具有较强的氮素吸收能力,而且因为品种XY335有更高的叶片氮转移效率。品种XY335叶片氮转移效率高可能是因为控制蛋白质降解的ZmSee2β基因表达能力强,提高了叶片中蛋白质的降解速度。   相似文献   

华北地区采用无机氮测试和植株速测进行夏玉米氮肥推荐   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
A field experiment with a split-plot design was carried out at Dongbeiwang Farm in Beijing Municipality to establish reliable N fertilizer recommendation indices for summer maize (Zea mays L.) in northern China using the soil Nmin(mineral N) test as well as the plant nitrate and SPAD (portable chlorophyll meter readings) tests. The results showed that Nrnin sollwert (NS) 60 kg N ha^-1 at the third leaf stage and N rate of 40 to 120 kg N ha^-1 at the tenth leaf stage could meet the N requirement of summer maize with a target yield of 5.5-6 t ha^-1. Sap nitrate concentrations and SPAD chlorophyll meter readings in the latest expanded maize leaves at the tenth leaf stage were positively correlated with NS levels, indicating that plant nitrate and SPAD tests reflected the N nutritional status of maize well. Considering that winter wheat subsequently utilized N after the summer maize harvest, the 0-90 cm soil Nmin (74 kg N ha^-1) and apparent N loss (12 kg N ha^-1) in the NS60+40 treatment were controlled at environmentally acceptable levels. Therefore NS60+40, giving a total N supply of 100 kg N ha^-1, was considered the optimal N fertilizer input for summer maize under these experimental conditions.  相似文献   

Leaf chlorophyll content is closely related to leaf nitrogen (N) content, so it is reasonable to assume that ammonium‐N (NH4‐N): nitrate‐N (NO3‐N) ratio in the nutrient solution used to grow tomatoes (Lycopersicon esculentum Mill.) hydroponically may affect leaf greenness, and consequently chlorophyll meter (SPAD) readings. It has also been shown that increasing nutrient solution strength (NSS) increases tomato productivity, but there are no reports regarding how NSS affects SPAD readings under greenhouse conditions. Genotype may also influence SPAD readings, and standardization for cultivar and sampling time may be needed. The objective of this study was to characterize SPAD readings for five tomato cultivars and SPAD reading response to a combination of two NSS (1X and 4X Steiner solution strength daily applied 18 days after transplanting at 7 p.m.) and two concentrations of NH4‐N in solution (0 and 25%) in order to evaluate the potential of SPAD readings as a tomato yield predictor in greenhouse production systems. The SPAD readings were not uniform across tomato varieties tested, being consistently higher for ‘Max’ and lower for the other varieties. Initially, SPAD readings for tomato varieties used in this study were low at the vegetative stage, and increased up to 40 DAT, but subsequently decreased at 49 DAT, or the fruit set of the first and second clusters. After this time, SPAD readings showed no variation. Chlorophyll meter readings for ‘Max’ were higher in the top plant layers, but decreased in the top plant layer of the other tomato varieties. The SPAD readings were higher for plants supplied with 25% NH4‐N than those without NH4‐N in solution, but the use of a nighttime nutrient solution did not affect SPAD readings. None of the possible interactions among tomato variety, NH4‐N: NO3‐N ratio, and NSS were consistently significant.  相似文献   

提高粮食作物中可食部分的锌生物有效性是解决人体缺锌的重要措施。为研究氮锌肥料施用对玉米籽粒锌营养的影响,本研究以郑单958和谷神玉66为试验材料,在大田条件下研究3个氮水平(90、180 和225 kg N·hm-2)和2个喷锌处理(0和4.5 kg·hm-2 ZnSO4·7H2O)下玉米籽粒产量和氮锌含量以及灌浆期叶片生理特性的变化。结果表明,吐丝后,与施氮量90 kg·hm-2处理相比,施氮量180和225 kg·hm-2处理提高了吐丝后穗位叶SPAD值及硝酸还原酶(NR)、谷氨酰胺合成酶(GS)、碳酸酐酶(CA)、超氧化物歧化酶(SOD)活性和灌浆后期PSⅡ综合性能指数(PI),降低了丙二醛(MDA)含量。施锌能提高吐丝后穗位叶CA、SOD、过氧化物酶(POD)、过氧化氢酶(CAT)活性和灌浆后期SPAD值和PI,降低MDA含量。2个品种相比,谷神玉66灌浆后期穗位叶SPAD值、叶片初始荧光(Fo)和最大荧光(Fm)较高,而灌浆前期穗位叶PI和吐丝后NR、CA、SOD以及POD活性则以郑单958较高。施氮量为90 kg·hm-2时,玉米籽粒产量平均为8.55 t·hm-2,随着施氮量增加,玉米籽粒产量显著提高。籽粒中氮含量以施氮量180 kg·hm-2时最高,为14.85 g·kg-1。施氮量90和180 kg·hm-2时,籽粒锌含量平均为27.2 mg·kg-1,显著高于施氮量225 kg·hm-2处理。与不施锌相比,喷锌后玉米籽粒产量未有显著变化,籽粒中氮、锌含量分别增加了11.7%和18.0%。郑单958籽粒产量较谷神玉66提高了3.8%,籽粒氮锌含量则分别减少了11.9%和5.3%。综合来看,施氮量为180 kg N·hm-2时,与喷施ZnSO4·7H2O 4.5 kg·hm-2 配合施用能够增强玉米灌浆期叶片SPAD和荧光特性,提高氮锌代谢关键酶活性,增强氧自由基清除系统酶活性,减弱膜脂过氧化作用的伤害,促进籽粒中氮、锌的吸收和累积。本研究结果可为玉米生产中优化锌生物强化措施提供理论依据。  相似文献   

Dualex and SPAD are devices developed for the purpose of testing crop nitrogen (N) status. These instruments were used in a wheat experiment in order to compare their respective performance in assessing leaf nitrogen (N) concentration, response to N topdressing application, soil nitrate (NO3)-N levels and in predicting grain yield. The experiment included different N rates in 2005 and 2006 in the Montérégie region of Quebec, Canada. Dualex readings correlated negatively with SPAD readings, leaf N concentration, soil NO3-N content and wheat grain yield. SPAD alone and the ratio of SPAD to Dualex measurements (Chl/Phen) were linearly related to N application rate but no effect of N application rate was found for individual Dualex parameters. However, both SPAD and Dualex readings were affected by year effects. The Dualex was also capable of indirect evaluation of in-season soil NO3-N accumulation and the prediction of wheat yield, but more so as Chl/Phen.  相似文献   


The relative chlorophyll content in leaves estimated by the SPAD‐502 chlorophyll meter can be an efficient way to evaluate plant nitrogen (N) status in many crops and some tree species. In this study, the SPAD meter was used to look for relationships between relative leaf chlorophyll content and leaf nutrient concentration in trembling aspen. The variations in leaf chlorophyll measurements were also evaluated by using three sampling times and three measurement techniques. Hypothetical experimental designs were created to achieve better design efficiency. The best representation of overall leaf chlorophyll was found when six SPAD readings were taken at different locations on each leaf. There was a positive correlation between overall leaf N and estimated chlorophyll content, especially in the top part of the trees. Overall, this study suggested that the SPAD meter can give an estimation of trembling aspen nutritional status, especially if the differential partitioning of N within trees is considered.  相似文献   


The chlorophyll meter (SPAD‐502) can be used to diagnose the nitrogen (N) status of rice (Oryza sativa L) plants to determine the need for fertilizer‐N topdressing. However, accurate estimation of leaf N concentration on a dry weight basis (Ndw) by SPAD requires the adjustment of SPAD values for specific leaf weight (SLW). The objective of this study was to determine if SPAD estimates of leaf N concentration on a leaf area basis (Na) without correcting for SLW. SPAD values were measured from different genotypes at various growth stages with the chlorophyll meter. Leaf N concentration was determined by micro‐Kjeldahl procedure and expressed based on dry weight and leaf area. Specific leaf weight was calculated as the ratio of leaf dry weight to leaf area. At each growth stage, SPAD estimated Na better than Ndw, especially at the middle and later growth stages. When data for all stages were pooled, SPAD values also correlated with Na better than with Ndw (r value of 0.81 versus 0.43). This finding was also true across 80 genotypes. For estimation of Na by SPAD, therefore, no adjustment of SPAD values for SLW is needed.  相似文献   

应用叶绿素计诊断烤烟氮素营养状况   总被引:13,自引:1,他引:13  
为探讨叶绿素计在估测烤烟叶绿素和氮浓度上的应用价值,进行了3个田间试验。即:郑州点2003年设施N.51.0.kg/hm2与4个品种NC89、RG17、85048、541;2004年设5个氮肥用量:N.30.04、0.5、51.0、61.5、75.0.kg/hm2与2个品种中烟101、云烟85;玉溪点于2005年设5个氮肥用量:N.02、7.0、54.5、81.8、109.0.kg/hm2与K326品种的试验。测定了不同试验条件下烤烟叶片的叶绿素计(SPAD-502和CCM-200)值和实际叶绿素浓度、全氮浓度,并进行了三者关系分析。结果表明,应用叶绿素计监测烤烟叶片最佳测定部位为完全展开叶的中部。叶绿素计测定值因年份、地点、氮肥水平、叶位、同一叶片不同的部位而异。叶绿素计值与叶绿素浓度、叶片全氮浓度之间有稳定的极显著相关性。叶绿素计SPAD-502的SPAD值和CCM-200的CCI值与叶绿素浓度之间的决定系数分别为0.8755(P0.001)和0.9499(P0.001)。SPAD计值(SPAD)与全氮浓度(N)之间回归方程为N=0.0265SPAD+0.9601(R2=0.7649,P0.001),经检验该模型具有较好的精确性和普适性,利用叶绿素计进行烤烟氮素营养监测是可行的。  相似文献   


The SPAD chlorophyll meter appears promising for rapid, on‐farm analysis of crop nitrogen (N) status. Leaf SPAD chlorophyll levels have been correlated with total leaf N concentrations, but it has not been determined how they relate to other widely applied N diagnoses such as petiole or stem nitrate (NO3) analysis. Our objective was to examine the relationship between leaf SPAD readings and stem NO3 levels in peppermint (Mentha piperita L.). Upper canopy SPAD chlorophyll and stem NO3 concentrations were determined weekly during two seasons for peppermint grown with variable N inputs. Leaf SPAD levels exhibited significant linear‐plateau responses with respect to stem NO3, indicating that SPAD readings do not respond to luxury N consumption. The meter is therefore promising for the detection of crop N deficiencies by comparison of production fields to well fertilized plots or strips. Break‐points in the linear‐plateau regressions describe saturation concentrations of stem NO3 with respect to leaf SPAD levels peaking at 12,000 mg NO3‐N/kg in mid to late July and declining later in the season. The SPAD meter may be applied directly to N management by use of reference plots or it may be used as a tool to aid in determination of criteria for other diagnoses such as tissue NO3.  相似文献   

叶绿素仪在氮肥推荐中的应用研究进展   总被引:26,自引:1,他引:26  
叶绿素仪(Chlorophyll.meter)是近年来欧美一些国家在推荐施氮中开始使用的一种新型便携式仪器。这种仪器以叶绿素对红光和近红外光的不同吸收特性为原理来测定植物叶片的相对叶绿素含量,通过叶绿素与叶片全氮的关系来反映作物的氮营养状况,进而确定作物是否缺氮。这种新型仪器的使用为简便、快速、准确地进行氮肥推荐提供了一种新的思路。因此,通过研究不同作物,不同种植条件下叶绿素仪测定值与作物叶片全氮、作物产量之间的相关性,确定叶绿素仪测定值的临界水平,以及不同作物的测定部位、样品采集数量及影响测定准确性的因素,使这种技术尽快地应用于田间生产,有助于推动我国推荐施氮技术的进步。  相似文献   

棉株氮营养状况评估方法的比较研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
在田间和温室条件下分别用传统的硝化测氮法与叶绿素仪(SPAD.meter)和Cardy.NO3-nitrate.meter两种便携式氮素测定仪对棉花花铃期氮素营养状况进行了评估和跟踪。结果表明,传统的硝化测氮法测得的叶片全N和叶柄NO3--N含量和叶绿素仪(SPAD.meter)及Cardy.NO3-nitrate.meter的读数都反应出大田生长的棉株叶片和叶柄的含氮量因施氮水平、棉桃载荷和后期施用叶面氮肥而不同。在较高施氮水平下,单株棉桃数较少(即低载荷)以及叶面施用氮肥的棉株叶片和叶柄的含氮量明显高于其它处理,且叶绿素仪(SPAD.meter)和Cardy.NO3-nitrate.meter的读数与叶片的全N百分数和叶柄NO3--N含量存在显著的正相关,其相关系数在大田条件下平均为0.70;温室条件下平均为0.90。  相似文献   

探明夏玉米氮素营养生化指标(叶绿素a、叶绿素b、类胡萝卜素、叶片氮含量和叶片氮积累量)与叶片SPAD值垂直分布特征及两者间定量回归关系,确立基于叶绿素仪的夏玉米氮营养无损诊断敏感叶位和叶片部位,以实现氮营养时空变化的快捷和精准监测。利用2018-2019年连续2季不同氮营养水平下夏玉米关键生育期主茎各叶位(顶1叶~顶12叶,TL1~TL12)和叶片部位(每张叶片从叶片基部开始根据叶片长度每20%分为1个测试区间) SPAD值及氮营养指标数据,研究基于偏最小二乘(partial least square, PLS)回归模型的夏玉米不同位点SPAD值与氮营养指标间关系,确定可稳定指示夏玉米氮营养空间异质性变化的敏感叶位及叶片部位。结果表明,不同叶位间夏玉米叶片SPAD值和氮营养指标于植株间分布均呈典型的"钟型"特征,至TL5或TL6时达至峰值。同一叶位不同部位间SPAD值由20%至100%位点时则逐步升高,且80%~100%位点间无显著差异(P>0.05)。PLS分析结果显示,夏玉米不同叶位SPAD值与氮营养指标间模型精度决定系数(coefficient of determination, R2)和相对分析误差(relative percent deviation,RPD)范围分别为0.693~0.821和1.425~2.744。不同测试位点R2和RPD值范围则分别为0.660~0.847和1.607~2.451,满足模型精确诊断需求。此后,基于PLS模型中各叶位和叶片部位无量纲评价指标变量重要性投影值(variable importance for projection,VIP),确定顶4叶(TL4)完展叶60%~80%区间为夏玉米氮营养诊断的敏感区域,VIP值均高于临界值1.40,预测效果较为理想。研究可为实现氮营养的高效、快捷诊断和精准施氮提供参考。  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to investigate the possibility of predicting the concentrations of total nitrogen (N), nitrate-nitrogen, and ascorbic acid in spinach (Spinacia oleracea) leaves using the pocket chlorophyll meter SPAD-502 (Minolta, Japan) in a pot experiment in a greenhouse. Spinach plants were grown in plastic pots filled with 0.5 kg of brown soil per pot with urea as N fertilizer at 0, 30, 60, 120, and 240 mg N/kg soil. SPAD readings of the two uppermost fully expanded leaves were recorded 18, 25, and 32 d after sowing and at harvesting (34 d). Dry-matter biomass and total N concentrations in leaves and roots, and NO3-N, and ascorbic acid concentrations in leaves, were measured after harvesting. SPAD readings showed continuous reduction with increasing growth period irrespective of N applications. SPAD readings at harvest were significantly correlated with total N, leaf dry weight (DW), and NO3-N concentration. However, this correlation did not exist between SPAD readings and ascorbic acid concentrations in leaves. The above results suggest that it is possible to apply SPAD readings to estimate NO3-N concentrations in spinach plants, and that they may be applied for field assessments in decision-making and operational nutrient-management programs for the plant. Furthermore, the SPAD method may also be useful for ascertaining the harvest time. The results suggest that treatment with 120 mg N/kg significantly improved both leaf yields and leaf quality (i.e., leaf nitrate-N concentration and ascorbic acid). Too little and too much N fertilizer was not good for yield or spinach quality.  相似文献   

The nitrogen (N) status of a crop can be used to predict yield and supplemental N fertilizer requirements, and rapid techniques for evaluating the N status of crops are needed. A study was conducted to determine the feasibility of using a hand held chlorophyll meter (SPAD 502, Minolta Co. Ltd., Japan) to monitor N status of tall fescue (Festuca arundinacea Schreb.). Four diverse tall fescue genotypes were grown at three locations in Alabama and fertilized at four N‐rates from 0 to 336 kg ha‐1. A similar experiment was conducted in the greenhouse using soil from the same field sites. Chlorophyll meter readings (SPAD) were taken, and extractable chlorophyll content, tissue N concentration and dry matter yield were determined at harvest. SPAD, extractable chlorophyll content, tissue N concentration, and dry matter yield increased quadratically (0.67 < R2 < 0.99) with increasing N fertilization in both experiments. All genotypes responded similarly to applied N, with some differences in magnitude. Relationships between SPAD meter readings and extractable chlorophyll and tissue N concentrations were linear with r2 > 0.95. An additional independent variable, the square root of the inverse of SPAD, lowered the residual mean square by 11 and 16%, respectively, for tissue‐N and chlorophyll concentrations, but did not increase the R2. This would be preferred for predictive purposes. Tissue N concentrations at higher N‐rates were sufficient for maximum yield which occurred at 290 and 248 kg N ha‐1 for greenhouse and field, respectively, but were lower than previously reported sufficiency values. The chlorophyll meter is an easy and efficient method of detecting tall fescue N status.  相似文献   

A field study was conducted to evaluate the nitrogen status and yield of spinach grown in soils amended with prunings of Leucaena leucocephala, (applied at a rate of 3, 5, 7 or 11 t ha?1). A ‘no fertilizer’ 0 nitrogen (N) and 150 kg N ha?1 (recommended) were the control treatments. SPAD readings were recorded for the top six leaves. Nitrogen sufficiency indices were used to indicate the N status of plants. Application of L. leucocephala prunings increased spinach yields (8.98–13.86 t DM ha?1) relative to the 0N treatment (1.35 t DM ha?1) and yields increased with increasing rate of pruning application. SPAD readings showed a linear increase with the increase in applied prunings. There was preferential distribution of N to upper leaves. The relationship between shoot N concentration and SPAD readings was linear and strongest for the top three leaves (r2 = 0.84–0.92). The results indicate the potential of chlorophyll meter readings in assessing N status of leafy vegetables grown on soils amended with different levels of legume tree prunings.  相似文献   

摘要:以杂交石斛类原球茎为材料,硝普钠(sodium nitroprusside, SNP)为NO的供体,研究了60Co γ辐照和SNP复合处理对石斛悬浮培养类原球茎的生长和生物碱合成的影响。结果表明,60Co γ和SNP单独或复合处理都能促进类原球茎生物碱的合成,且复合处理对石斛类原球茎生物碱的合成有一定的累加效应, 但类原球茎生长减缓。适宜的复合处理组合为01mmol/L SNP+10Gy60Co γ辐照,此时类原球茎生物碱含量高达00676%,与各因素单独处理差异显著,单位培养基生物碱产量为对照组的635倍。NO抑制剂L NAME和cPTIO均能抑制各处理组合对类原球茎生物碱合成的促进作用。复合处理影响类原球茎抗氧化酶POD、SOD、CAT活性,从而调控石斛类原球茎生长和生物碱合成。  相似文献   

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