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普氏野马头骨和牙齿研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
研究了北京动物园保存的4例(♂2、♀2)普氏野马的头骨和牙齿,同时与9例(♂4、♀5)西藏野驴、4例(♂2、♀2)斑马的头骨和牙齿作了比较。结果:普氏野马在鼻骨、泪骨、腭正中缝、下颌骨腹缘面上,以及原尖、马刺、齿棱、齿槽等方面,都具有区别于西藏野驴、斑马的形态特征。  相似文献   

本文通过对普氏野马A系和B系的形态学比较以及mt DNA的测定结果,阐释普氏野马A系与B系在形态学上有明显的区别,在mt DNA上没有区别,为今后普氏野马种质资源的保存提供科学依据。  相似文献   

史书记载,被人早就驯养的马,一直与人类二千多年的文明史和战争史紧密关联着。由于习见不怪,所以北京动物园里被驯化得毫无野性的并不比家马长得美的普氏野马,总不如黑白分明、憨厚可爱的大熊猫招徕的游客多。然而,许多动物学家却象关心大熊猫一样关注着野马。据有关方面同志说,目前大熊猫在全国野外分布着千余只,而普氏野马除分散在世界各动物园里饲养、展览的三百多匹外,十多年来在荒原上没有再发现过,自十九世纪末期(1876年),欧洲野马从乌克兰原野上消失之后,世界上唯一生存的野生马——普氏野马在地球上有没有绝迹,成了世界动物学家瞩目的问题。我国新疆和蒙古人民共和国接壤的地  相似文献   

野马马鼻肺炎病实验诊断单文鲁杜建陈德胜白惠敏卢伟东(新疆农业大学畜牧分院,乌鲁木齐830052)刘福元(乌鲁木齐畜牧兽医草原检疫总站)普氏野马为甲级濒危物种,它原产于中国新疆、甘肃和蒙古人民共和国的干旱荒漠、半荒漠平原地带。1876年由俄国人Prze...  相似文献   

放归野外的普氏野马   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
普氏野马〈Equus Przewalskii〉俗称蒙古野马或准噶尔野马。普氏野马属于奇蹄目,马科。曾广布于欧亚大陆草原及荒漠草原地带。随牧业文明的兴起和扩展,野马栖息地逐渐丧失。人类过度捕杀和经济活动干扰,迫使野马的分布区和种群数量锐减.最终于20世纪中叶野外灭绝。现在普氏野马是1898年至1902年间捕于新疆准噶尔盆地并运到欧洲得以生活下来的13匹野马的后代。时至1999年在世界上有系谱记载的普氏野马数量有1500匹左右,大部分都生活在动物园,半散放地和散放地。普氏野马经过100多年的圈养和近亲繁殖,使得部分基因丧失,并出现了退化现象。为了保护地球上唯一一种野生马,重引入是最好的办法。国际上对野马的保种给予了高度的重视.成立了野马保护管理组织,并对全球野马的管理制定了两个目标,将野马进行重引入,且保存现存圈养野马90%以上的遗传多样性。野马的重引入放归分部分进行,一个是在历史分布区进行重引入;另一个是在历史分布区外进行放归重引入。在历史分布区的重引入项目中,我国和蒙古国是选地。国家林业局及相关单位自1985年由国外引回野马之初即着手制定了适应性饲养-栏养繁育-半自然的散放试验-自然散放试验-建立自然生活的野生种群的逐步实施方案。经过16年的努力,新疆野马繁殖研究中心从最初引回的18匹野马发展到现在的160余匹。圈养野马种群的繁殖获得了成功,为实现野马放归奠定了扎实的基础,并与2001年8月进行了27匹普氏野马的首次野化放归试验。首次放归已经过去了4个年头,野马在野外的生存状况倍受各界人士的关心,野马工作得到林业局各级领导的大力支持。为此,本文将详细介绍野马放归后对野外环境的适应状况,以感谢所有关心野马事业的同仁。  相似文献   

普氏野马为濒危一级保护动物,栖息于荒漠草原地带,具有较强的适应性,是地球上现存唯一的野马。成年普氏野马体长220~280 cm,肩高120 cm以上,体重常大于200 kg。四肢短粗,常有2~5条明显黑色横纹,小腿下部呈黑色,俗称"踏青"腿。全身体毛棕黄色,向腹部渐渐变为黄白色,腰背中央有一条黑褐色的脊中线。目前,全世界普氏野马的总数量已达到1 000多匹,分散在世界各地的动物园和半散放设施中。我国作为普氏野马的故乡之一,对野马重新引进和回归自然工作十分重视,数次以高昂的代价从欧美重新引进纯种野马的后  相似文献   

为了解普氏野马、哈萨克马与焉耆马的ELA-DRA*exon2的多态性以及等位基因频率分布。本研究采用PCR-SSCP技术对普氏野马、哈萨克马与焉耆马的ELA-DRA*exon2进行分型,并对不同等位基因进行核苷酸与氨基酸分析。结果显示:127匹马中共出现7种基因型,3种纯合子分别记为AA、BB、CC;4种杂合子分别记为AB、AC、BC、AD。AA基因型为哈萨克马与焉耆马的优势基因型,普氏野马以CC基因型为主。经χ2检验后,3种类型马的等位基因频率和基因型频率均处于Hardy-Weinberg平衡状态。PIC值与He值分析表明,3种类型马均属于中度多态,且普氏野马的PIC值与He值比哈萨克马与焉耆马低。  相似文献   

普氏野马,又称蒙古野马。原产新疆、蒙古人民共和国一带,是世界濒临绝种的唯一野马种群。1985年8月,国家从国外引进11匹普氏野马抵乌鲁木齐后,我们在支援其检疫工作中,对普氏野马的如下几项生理常数作了测定(表1~4)。普氏野马采用单绳保定,并肌注保定宁2~2.5毫升。  相似文献   

2001年8月下甸,中央电视台连续报道了我国将把27匹普氏野马放归大自然,使真重建野生种群的消息,在国内外引起人们的普遍关注。为什么普氏野马比时下堪称国宝的大熊猫更珍贵?准噶尔盆地的戈壁荒漠环境十分恶劣,再加上受天敌狼的威胁,野马能否生存?日前记者带着上述疑问,专程赶到新疆野马饲养中心进行了采访。 神秘的普氏野马 普氏野马原名蒙古野马。在人类有史之前,蒙古野马就栖息于现在的蒙古和中国新疆一带。我国早就有关于野马的记载,宋朝程大昌的《演繁露》中说,回给有用野马皮制靴者;并说穿这种靴“骑而越水,水不透…  相似文献   

经对普氏野马(Equusprzewalskii)和家养役马血清生化值、矿物质含量的测定,分析测试结果,普氏野马血清中葡萄糖、尿素氮、谷—丙转氨酶、乳酸脱氢酶及碱性磷酸酶等含量均高于家养役马,而血清总脂、胆固醇低于家养役马:胆碱脂酶和血钾含量差异极显著(P<0.01)。普氏野马的血清生化值、矿物质含量与蒙古野马的相近似,低于哈氏、葛氏及波氏三种斑马的含量。  相似文献   

Coccidioidomycosis is a rare, often subclinical infection in domestic animals caused by the fungus Coccidioides immitis. Because of an apparent high incidence of coccidioidomycosis in Przewalski's horses (Equus przewalskii) housed at a single facility, necropsy records and biomaterials from animals that died between 1984 and 2000 were reviewed (n = 30, 15 males, 15 females). Coccidioidomycosis was the leading cause of death (33%) in this population with lesions in the lungs and tracheobronchial lymph nodes of all animals and variable involvement of the skeletal muscle, heart, kidney, liver, skin, brain, spinal cord, spleen, as well as other regional lymph nodes. At the time of death, affected horses tended to be younger than unaffected animals, were from multiple lineages, and males were over represented. During the same time period, no other exotic equids (n = 76) housed at the same facility were diagnosed with coccidioidomycosis, suggesting that environmental factors are not the sole cause of the high incidence in E. przewalskii. Numbers of the lymphocyte subsets (CD3, CD4, CD5, CD8, CD21+ cells) quantified by flow cytometry were similar between Przewalski's horses and domestic horses (Equus caballus). Although responses of lymphocyte blastogenesis assays were similar between Przewalski's (n = 5) and domestic horses (n = 5) in response to the T cell mitogen concanavalin A, lymphocytes from two of the Przewalski's horses failed to proliferate in response to Coccidioides. One of these horses had systemic disease and the second developed coccidioidomycosis 2 yr later. These results suggest that the immune system of some Przewalski's horses fails to respond appropriately to Coccidioides.  相似文献   

The domestic horse (Equus caballus) have the large symmetrical guttural pouches (the auditory tube diverticulum) formed by saccate bulge of the auditory tube. In this study, CT examination was carried out in the head of Przewalski's horse (Equus przewalskii), the only true wild horse living at present. As results of the examination, Przewalski's horse possessed the large symmetrical guttural pouches divided into medial and lateral compartments by the stylohyoid bone. Moreover, the right and left guttural pouches meet each other at the median part to form a thin septum. As CT sections get close to the part of the occipital condyle, the lateral compartment disappeared, and the medial compartment gradually became small toward the base of the skull. These results indicate that the nuchal-basal part of the medial compartment is not well-developed as compared with the domestic horse.  相似文献   

本研究采用淀粉凝胶和聚丙烯酰胺凝胶电泳技术测定了安宁果下马(中国矮马)和建昌马的血红蛋白(Hb)、血清白蛋白(AIb),血清运铁蛋白(Tf)、碳酸酐酶(CA)和酯酶(ES)同工酶等3个多态位点的基因型和基因频率。为了分析安宁果下马在马种中的地位,本研究利用当地安宁果下马和建昌马与其它7种马的3种蛋白质多态位点的等位基因频率资料,计算出遗传距离和遗传相似系数,并进行聚类分析,证明了安宁果下马是我国自古以来遗留下来的一个独立的马匹系统,与其它马无较近的亲缘关系。  相似文献   

The amino acid permeability of red blood cells from Equus caballus (thoroughbred, Arab, shire and pony), E przewalskii (Przewalski's horse), E asinus (donkey and mule) and E burchelli (common or plains zebra) was measured. Individual animals exhibited stable but widely differing rates of L-[U-14C]alanine uptake in the range 5 to 1554 mumol (litre cells)-1 h-1 (0.2 mM extracellular L-alanine, 37 degrees C). Of the thoroughbreds tested, 30 per cent had red blood cells which were essentially impermeable to L-alanine (5 to 10 mumol (litre cells)-1 h-1, giving transport rates similar to those found previously in amino acid transport-deficient sheep erythrocytes. In contrast, only 3 per cent of the ponies tested had red blood cells impermeable to L-alanine. No cases of erythrocyte amino acid transport deficiency were found in the other horse breeds and species tested.  相似文献   

The ultrastructure and histochemistry of the duodenal glands of the pony (Equus caballus) was examined in four horses. Unlike that of most species except for the rabbit, the submucous glands of the horse contain two distinct cell types, serous and mucous. These cells are described.  相似文献   

贵州矮马血清蛋白的多态性研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
以西南马为对照,采用非变性聚丙烯酰胺凝胶电泳技术对31匹贵州矮马的转铁蛋白(TF)、白蛋白(Alb)、α1-B糖蛋白(AlB)3种血清蛋白进行了多态性研究。结果表明,AlB位点呈现单态,TF、Alb蛋白位点均表现出不同程度的多态性。Alb位点共发现6种蛋白型,对应3个等位基因,贵州矮马Alb位点的基因频率分别为A(0.2097)、B(0.5645)、C(0.2258);TF位点共发现8种蛋白型对应5个等位基因,贵州矮马TF位点的基因频率分别为A(0.0484)、B(0.5806)、C(0.1129)、D(0.1452)、E(0.1129)。Alb、TF位点的多态信息含量(PIC)和遗传杂合度均较大,说明贵州矮马的遗传多样性较高,具有较大的选育空间。但是贵州矮马在白蛋白及转铁蛋白位点的杂合度均低于西南马,说明在相对闭锁的环境中生存的贵州矮马,保持了较为纯净的原始基因库。贵州矮马的Alb和TF的个体识别率及累积非父排除率均较高,提示这两个蛋白的多态性可应用于贵州矮马的谱系鉴定和个体鉴别。  相似文献   

An aged miniature pony was referred for chronic recurrent oesophageal obstruction. Endoscopic examination demonstrated distal oesophageal constriction and radiography confirmed an irregular soft tissue mass in the region of the distal intrathoracic oesophagus. The pony was subjected to euthanasia and post mortem examination confirmed squamous cell carcinoma of the distal oesophagus and stomach. Oesophageal squamous cell carcinoma is a rare condition in horses, but should be considered as a differential diagnosis in cases of chronic recurrent obstruction, particularly in older horses.  相似文献   

Many wild equids are at present endangered in the wild. Concurrently, increased mechanization has pushed back the numbers of some old native horse breeds to levels that are no longer compatible with survival of the breed. Strong concerns arose in the last decade to preserve animal biodiversity, including that of rare horse breeds. Genome Resource Banking refers to the cryostorage of genetic material and is an approach for ex situ conservation, which should be applied in combination with in situ conservation programmes. In this review, we propose that, owing to the great reproductive similarity among the different members of the genus Equus, the domestic horse can be used to optimize cryopreservation and embryo production protocols for future application in wild equids. We will give this hypothesis a scientific underpinning by listing successful applications of epididymal sperm freezing, embryo freezing, intracytoplasmic sperm injection, oocyte vitrification and somatic cell nuclear transfer in domestic horses. Some ART fertilization methods may be performed with semen of very low quality or with oocytes obtained after the death of the mare.  相似文献   

The origin of domestic horses in China was a controversial issue and several hypotheses including autochthonous domestication, introduction from other areas, and multiple‐origins from both introduction and local wild horse introgression have been proposed, but none of them have been fully supported by DNA data. In the present study, mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) sequences of 714 Chinese indigenous horses were analyzed. The results showed that Chinese domestic horses harbor some novel mtDNA haplogroups and suggested that local domestication events may have occurred, but they are not the dominant haplogroups and the geographical distributions of the novel mtDNA haplogroups were rather restricted. Conclusively, our results support the hypothesis that the domestic horses in China originated from both the introduced horses from outside of China and the local wild horses' introgression into the domestic populations. Results of genetic diversity analysis suggested a possibility that the introduced horses entered China through northern regions from the Eurasian steppe.  相似文献   

Wild equids maintained in large enclosures may suffer from helminth diseases because common hygiene practices have only limited effects on parasite populations. Weekly monitoring of helminth prevalences and pasture infestation was performed for 1 yr in several extensive maintenance systems of two wildlife parks with similar climates to determine when veterinary intervention to control parasites would be useful. We also sought evidence of natural immunogenic reactions among herds of Chapman zebras (Equus quagga antiquorum), Przewalski's horses (Equus przewalskii) and dwarf donkeys (Equus asinus africanus). Fecal and vegetation samples and cultures for third-stage larvae revealed permanent egg shedding in the three species and pasture infestation during the warm, moist periods (July-September) in all enclosures. Stable social structure and low equid population density may be sufficient to make prophylaxis unnecessary in adults, whereas biotic and abiotic environmental factors such as crowding, animal transfers, social integration of subadults, and weaning stress may facilitate temporary severe infections of individuals. Biweekly helminth monitoring is a useful diagnostic tool for extensive management of exotic equids.  相似文献   

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