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木文从描述被调查夫妇之间职业流动的性别差异出发,分别勾画出他们的地位实现模型。首先验证了不论性别,教育地位都是决定职业地位实现的首要变景;但也止是在教育地位的实现和向上流动再求学)中,伴随婚姻生育等生命事件的发生,无形的结构性制度因素惹识形态层的性别制度、性别规范和性别文化)正如后现代主义试图解构的那样依然支配着性别角色的社会化和继续社会化,使扮演双重角色的妻子或无意识地或有意识地遭遇了丈夫不为之所累的两难困境,并最终阻碍了女性的教育地位、既而是职业地位的实现。木文最后提出了三点建议和几个尚待解决的问题。  相似文献   

In the mid-1990s, fairtrade-organic registration data showed that only 9 % of Oaxaca, Mexico’s organic coffee ‘farm operators’ were women; by 2013 the female farmer rate had increased to 42 %. Our research investigates the impact of this significant increase in women’s coffee association participation among 210 members of two coffee producer associations in Oaxaca, Mexico. We find that female coffee organization members report high levels of household decision-making power and they are more likely than their male counterparts to report control over their coffee income. These significant advances in women’s agency within the household are offset by the fact that the women experience significant time poverty as they engage in coffee production while bearing a disproportionate share of domestic labor obligations. The women coffee producers view organizational labor as a third burden on their time, after their reproductive and productive labor. The time poverty they experience limits their ability to fully participate in coffee organizational governance and consequently there are few women leaders at all levels of the coffee producer businesses. This is problematic because it limits women’s ability to fully benefit from organizational membership: when women fully participate in governance they gain valuable business and leadership skills and producer associations with active female members may also be more likely to develop and maintain programs and policies that enhance gender equity. Our findings indicate that targeted agricultural development programs to improve gender equity among agricultural smallholders should involve creative ways to ease women’s labor burdens and reduce their time poverty in order to facilitate full organizational participation. The research findings fill a gap in existing studies of agricultural global value chains (GVCs) by demonstrating how the certified coffee GVC depends on women’s under and un-paid labor not only within the household but also within producer organizations.  相似文献   

We analyzed longitudinal data on academic careers and conducted interviews with faculty members to determine the scope and causes of the gender gap in patenting among life scientists. Our regressions on a random sample of 4227 life scientists over a 30-year period show that women faculty members patent at about 40% of the rate of men. We found that the gender gap has improved over time but remains large.  相似文献   

为了探明父母本不同播差期对陆两优267制种产量的影响,2009年,在娄底市娄星区早园村进行了试验。母本播种期不变,父本采用5个不同的播种期。结果表明,母本5月27日播种,父本5月14日播种,父母本播差期13d的,花期相遇良好,制种产量最高,达到262.83kg/667m^2。父本5月11日播种,父母本播差期16d的,花期基本相遇,制种产量次之,为207.35kg/667m^2。其余3个处理,花期相遇状况较差,制种产量低。  相似文献   

对研究城乡收入差距的国内外文献进行了分析,提出运用内生性演进模型解释我国城乡收入差距的原因。并且运用内生性演进模型中的生产函数、人力资本积累模型和家庭效用函数来分析影响我国城乡收入差距的因素,得出了我国城乡收入差距调节的策略。  相似文献   

A variety of water-based livelihood activities undertaken by women and men in the villages of North Gujarat are under threat due to the unavailability of adequate water. Excessive groundwater withdrawal and limited recharge have led to shrinking water tables. With shrinking supply and growing sectoral demand, the competition for access to water is growing and women, who command less political and social power in the patriarchal communities of South Asia, often find themselves marginalized. Women are basically considered domestic water users while men are seen as productive water users, despite the fact that women make significant use of water for productive purposes as well. This paper, drawing mainly on fieldwork undertaken in six villages of North Gujarat, India, tries to show how women use water for multiple purposes and help sustain the household economy. The paper argues that recognizing women’s roles as multiple water users will help promote the productive use of water in enhancing rural livelihood and sustaining the household economy. With special reference to women respondents, the paper examines gender roles of both domestic and productive water users and explores how these roles help women to improve their socio-economic status. The paper also analyzes operational income and expenditures associated with water-based home enterprise. Individual interviews, focus group discussions, participant observation, daily routine diagrams, and key informant surveys were administered to collect primary data. Key findings show that access of women to water for productive use not only increases their income earning potential, but also helps strengthen their bargaining positions. Bhawana Upadhyay is currently with the International Water Management Institute, India Program Office. She is responsible for undertaking research on gender, water management, and poverty-related issues in South Asian countries.  相似文献   

为进一步完善社区自然资源管理和CBNRM方法的实施和推广,采用实地调查方法进行研究,结果表明:当地农业生产出现了女性化的趋势,这种趋势是由于农业低收入、农村女性劳动力受教育程度低等综合因素作用下产生的,它对当地农业和自然资源管理有一定的负面影响.针对农业女性化趋势及其产生的负面影响,提出了具体的应对策略.  相似文献   

Diverse agricultural technologies are promoted to increase yields and incomes, save time, improve food and nutritional security, and even empower women. Yet a gender gap in technology adoption remains for many agricultural technologies, even for those that are promoted for women. This paper complements the literature on gender and technology adoption, which largely focuses on reasons for low rates of female technology adoption, by shifting attention to what happens within a household after it adopts a technology. Understanding the expected benefits and costs of adoption, from the perspective of women users in households with adult males, can help explain observed technology adoption rates and why technology adoption is often not sustained in the longer term. Drawing on qualitative data from Ethiopia, Ghana, and Tanzania, this paper develops a framework for examining the intrahousehold distribution of benefits from technology adoption, focusing on small-scale irrigation technologies. The framework contributes to the conceptual and empirical exploration of joint control over technology by men and women in the same household. Efforts to promote technology adoption for agricultural development and women’s empowerment would benefit from an understanding of intrahousehold control over technology to avoid interpreting technology adoption as an end in and of itself.  相似文献   

目的:了解重庆市女性青少年门诊就诊疾病的现状及特点,为青少年健康宣教提供依据,促进青春期保健工作更加有效地实施.方法:选择2014年1月-2017年12月35 649例在重庆市妇幼保健院门诊就诊的女性青少年作为研究对象,分别针对不同年龄组就诊人次数、前5类就诊原因及不同年龄的疾病热点进行分析.结果:随着年龄增长,就诊人次数逐渐增加;前5类就诊原因分别为妇科内分泌疾病、妊娠及相关疾病、计划生育、妇科炎性疾病、健康体检;10岁组以妇科炎性疾病为主,11~17岁各组以妇科内分泌疾病为主,18~19岁2组妊娠及相关疾病、计划生育问题为主要原因.结论:妇科内分泌疾病为女性青少年就诊的主要原因,不同年龄组女性青少年就诊主要疾病谱存在差异,青春期保健应针对青少年就诊的疾病热点开发更适宜的健康教育课件,采取多种形式进行健康宣教,政府主导、医教联动,做好青春期保健工作.  相似文献   

威斯理安学院在经历了将近180年的发展中,始终以"领导力"教育为特色,基于信仰,追求卓越,致力于培养女性领导力,以女性的终身教育、个性独立和专业成长为宗旨,为有学习热情和希望有所作为的女性提供教育服务。该校也因培养了宋氏三姐妹那样优秀的女性而名声大震,其先进的教育理念和成功经验对我国女子院校的改革,特别是在大学日益同质化的今天对我国的女子院校与世界接轨、走向国际化具有重要的启示作用。  相似文献   

采用问卷调研方法,获取城市与农村儿童及家长的抽样数据,从儿童性别、年龄、阅读重要程度、数字阅读工具、数字阅读频率、数字阅读时长、数字阅读地点、数字阅读经验、数字阅读需求9个方面及从家长年龄、学历、对儿童进行数字阅读态度的原因3个方面进行统计性描述,揭示了城市与农村儿童数字阅读行为现状;同时通过独立样本t检验和单因素方差分析方法,证实性别、年龄、家长态度对儿童数字阅读的不同程度的影响。  相似文献   

基于“大学生村官政策”、“报考大学生村官意愿”及“大学生村官作用”三个层面对某农业高校女大学生的认知现状调查显示,只有极少数女大学生对大学生村官政策真正了解,虽然大多数女大学生认为大学生村官对农村发展作用很大,但因农村条件差、对公职不感兴趣或对农村不了解等原因而不愿报考村官一职。改变女大学生对大学生村官认知现状,即在校园内强化村官政策的宣传与实施、深入开展“三农”主题教育及性别平等价值观的培育,才能使更多的女大学生愿意报考大学生村官,投身于社会主义新农村建设的大潮。  相似文献   

In many science, technology, engineering, and mathematics disciplines, women are outperformed by men in test scores, jeopardizing their success in science-oriented courses and careers. The current study tested the effectiveness of a psychological intervention, called values affirmation, in reducing the gender achievement gap in a college-level introductory physics class. In this randomized double-blind study, 399 students either wrote about their most important values or not, twice at the beginning of the 15-week course. Values affirmation reduced the male-female performance and learning difference substantially and elevated women's modal grades from the C to B range. Benefits were strongest for women who tended to endorse the stereotype that men do better than women in physics. A brief psychological intervention may be a promising way to address the gender gap in science performance and learning.  相似文献   

打造功能、转变模式,培养学生有创新能力的信息素质   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
信息时代必须具备高水平的信息素质,信息素质是2l世纪的“劳动”不可缺少的本领。信息素质不单纯是一种信息技术,而是一种科技与人共生的综合技能和社会品格。高等学校在培养大学生这种信息素质时,决不可偏废,要通过教育的创新,培养学生具有创新品质的信息素质。  相似文献   

Richter LM 《Science (New York, N.Y.)》2006,312(5782):1902-1905
Young people in their teens constitute the largest age group in the world, in a special stage recognized across the globe as the link in the life cycle between childhood and adulthood. Longitudinal studies in both developed and developing countries and better measurements of adolescent behavior are producing new insights. The physical and psychosocial changes that occur during puberty make manifest generational and early-childhood risks to development, in the form of individual differences in aspects such as growth, educational attainment, self-esteem, peer influences, and closeness to family. They also anticipate threats to adult health and well-being. Multidisciplinary approaches, especially links between the biological and the social sciences, as well as studies of socioeconomic and cultural diversity and determinants of positive outcomes, are needed to advance knowledge about this stage of development.  相似文献   

李苗  齐顾波  戴健 《新疆农业科学》2020,57(12):2332-2339
【目的】 研究新疆南疆农村妇女的现状、观念动态、意愿情况、受教育程度及社会影响等,为提高南疆农村妇女综合素质提供科学依据。【方法】 选择新疆喀什地区疏勒县库木西力克乡4个村350名村民为研究对象(随机收取10%女性和4%男性),采用问卷调查、实地访谈、参与式研讨、专家座谈和文献资料检索等方法,调查数据应用SPSS软件进行分析比较。【结果】 96.8%的妇女承担全部家务,52.5%的妇女有外出打工的经历;39.7%的妇女与丈夫共同承担养家,25.8%的妇女为主要养家;家中有决策权的妇女占94.93%,独立决策的妇女占到27.65%,与丈夫共同决策的妇女占67.28%,妇女在南疆农村家庭中的社会和经济地位在不断增强。99.5%的妇女认为接受教育对于自身很重要,62%的妇女有过上大学的愿望,69.3%的妇女希望培养女儿进入大学学习,75.6%的妇女希望培养儿子进入大学学习,对于子女受高等教育的愿望很迫切;97.2%的妇女有学习一技之长的愿望,87.2%的妇女有学习技能外出打工的愿望。90%的女性对当前的生活状况和条件满意;98.6%的妇女认为妇女具有独立思想很重要,跟随丈夫思想重要的仅占1.4%。妇女对驻村工作队认可度极高。【结论】 农村妇女在新疆南疆家庭生活和社会经济发展中发挥着重要作用, 南疆农村妇女的国家观念和公民意识明确;妇女的生活质量明显好转,但受教育程度亟待提高。妇女参与公共活动有一定的积极性,参与村级治理意识有待提高。应充分发挥基层妇联组织的综合职能,丰富农村妇女生活,鼓励参与社会活动,发挥妇女的群体作用。  相似文献   

结合问卷调查方法,对地方高校图书馆女性馆员的职业生涯发展模式及特点进行分析,所得结论与相关女性职业生涯发展模式的研究结论有所不同,指出在地方高校现行管理模式下,个体的教育背景、社会性别文化以及激励机制对女性馆员职业生涯发展的决定性影响。  相似文献   

African women farmers have an urgent need for adequate agricultural extension information. Training extension agents in gender related issues should have high priority, considering that the majority of farmers are women and have different roles, resources, constraints, and responsibilities from men. This paper examines the extent to which these issues are incorporated into the curriculum of the two Malawian institutions of agricultural education that train extensionists. It also considers the degree to which they are recruiting women officers into fields other than home economics. Administrators and lecturers at both institutions express a desire to integrate gender matters into the curriculum and to recruit more females into agricultural extension; yet both fall far short in meeting these goals. The conclusion provides recommendations on how African institutions of higher learning that train extension personnel might better accomplish these goals and suggests that African MOAs need to employ more women in agricultural research, extension, training, and policy-making positions.  相似文献   

旨在验证并丰富家蚕茧层率性状的遗传规律,为培育高茧层率的家蚕纯种提供理论依据。以高丝量品种‘菁松’、‘皓月’和中丝量品种‘芙蓉’、‘湘晖’为亲本,构建5世代遗传群体,运用多世代联合分析方法分析茧层率的遗传规律。结果表明:家蚕茧质性状具有明显的性别效应,雄性茧层率大于雌性;亲本的茧层率性状与茧层量呈显著正相关;F1代的茧层率介于两亲本之间,反交组合茧层率高于正交组合;回交群体的频数呈双峰或偏态的单峰分布;茧层率的杂种优势率在-3.82%~5.63%之间,几乎没有杂种优势。研究得出结论为茧层率高值对低值为显性,呈偏母本遗传,遗传体系中存在主基因,可能存在于性染色体上。  相似文献   

通过混合不同遗传票房花粉授粉法,探讨玉米杂交当代籽粒优势和高油玉米油分直感效应。对普通自交系与高油自交系和普通杂交种与高油杂交种2套材料的试验结果表明,杂交当代籽粒均存在杂种优势,杂交籽粒重增加幅度因组合而异。自交系间杂交籽粒重比母本自交粒平均增加约10%,杂交种再杂交粒重平均增加2.97% ̄4.68%,自交系和单交种的同一母本分别与普通玉米杂交和高油玉米杂交,杂交籽粒百粒重平均相差0.5g,杂交籽粒含油量均增加。普通玉米间杂交籽粒含油量增加有超亲现象,普通玉米做母本和高油玉米杂交,籽料含油量增加,但无超亲现象,是高油玉米油分基因花粉感效应所致。估计出杂交当代玉米含油量的花粉直感效应值为0.35。  相似文献   

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