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在高度社会性的蜜蜂中,蜂王通过释放信息素来表明自己的存在并影响蜂群的多种行为,如蜂王信息素可以作为性信息素吸引雄蜂、抑制新蜂王的培育及工蜂卵巢发育、吸引工蜂在蜂王周围形成侍从圈并饲喂蜂王等。东、西方蜜蜂是亲缘关系接近的姐妹种,两种蜜蜂的蜂王信息素类似,即蜂王信息素具有保守性,但两种蜜蜂的工蜂对蜂王信息素的感受性是否存在种间差异尚不清楚。触角电位技术是一项用来测量昆虫触角敏感性的常用技术,通过测试工蜂触角对相同的QMP混合物的电位反应,就能得出工蜂触角对QMP的敏感性大小。结果显示,西方蜜蜂工蜂对蜂王信息素的敏感性高于东方蜜蜂工蜂,说明东、西方蜜蜂对蜂王信息素的感受性确实存在种特异性,该研究有助于解释东方蜜蜂的工蜂卵巢发育水平较高的原因。  相似文献   

杨明显  谭垦 《中国蜂业》2008,59(1):14-16
蜜蜂是典型的二态型社会性昆虫,蜂王和工蜂有不同的分工,在正常情况下工蜂的卵巢几乎不发育,因此工蜂也几乎不会产卵,蜂王分泌的蜂王信息素是其最重要的抑制因素。本实验将西方蜜蜂幼蜂介绍到东方蜜蜂蜂群内,定期检查其卵巢发育的情况,结果显示:西方蜜蜂工蜂的卵巢发育与正常蜂群内的工蜂没有显著差异,与失王群内的工蜂的卵巢发育有显著差异,表明东方蜜蜂蜂王对西方蜜蜂工蜂的卵巢发育有抑制作用。  相似文献   

蜜蜂是真社会性昆虫,蜂群内部各成员之间分工明确,但又紧密合作,共同维系蜂群结构与功能,这离不开三型蜂之间高效的信息传递。蜂群内部的信息传递主要是通过化学通讯即蜜蜂信息素来相互传递,蜜蜂幼虫信息素是其中一个重要的蜜蜂信息。近年来,研究人员探索发现,E-β-罗勒烯是一种新发现的蜜蜂幼虫信息素组分,它不仅能够抑制蜜蜂工蜂的卵巢成熟,还参与调节工蜂的采粉行为,提高了采粉蜂的比例,增加了哺育蜂访问巢房的频率,具有一定的科研实践价值。  相似文献   

蜜蜂信息素   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
蜜蜂信息素中国农科院蜜蜂研究所黄文诚(续上期)(二)蜂王背板腺信息素背板腺位于蜂王腹部4-6节背板内(图1-6),年轻蜂王的背板腺发育很好,工蜂没有背板腺。背板腺信息素的主要机能是使工蜂能够识别它的信号,对幼龄工蜂具有根强的吸引力,同时它也具有抑制工...  相似文献   

<正>蜂群中蜂王的存在抑制了工蜂的生殖潜力,但工蜂还保留有功能性卵巢。一旦感觉不到蜂王的存在,其卵巢就开始发育,并通过产雄孤雌生殖繁殖后代。蜂王是否存在及控制工蜂卵巢发育一般都是通过信息素实现的。东、西方蜜蜂的蜂王有类似的上颚腺信息素(QMP),然而QMP单独成分对东方蜜蜂工蜂生殖生理的影响却从未见报道。中国科学院西双版纳热带植物园化学生态组研究员谭垦与其合作者首先测定了东方蜜蜂  相似文献   

为了观察蜜蜂幼虫相同空间条件下,饲喂蜂王浆3,5,10天幼虫总基因组DNA甲基化水平,试验采用孵化同一只蜂王产的卵,孵化后获同日龄24只幼虫。第1组12只蜜蜂幼虫向工蜂方向发育,共饲喂蜂王浆3 d,然后第3天、第5天、第10天随机取3只幼虫;第2组12只蜜蜂幼虫向蜂王方向发育,整个试验过程均饲喂新鲜蜂王浆,然后第3,5,10天随机取3只幼虫,此次共18只进入试验组。按上述时间点取材,提取各组幼虫头部DNA,高效液相色谱分析DNA甲基化水平。结果表明:向工蜂方向发育的蜜蜂幼虫第5天5-甲基脱氧胞苷(5-me C)的含量明显上升,但第10天明显下降;而向蜂王方向发育的蜜蜂幼虫第5天5-me C的含量虽有明显上升,但显著低于工蜂,而且甲基化程度继续增加至第10天,5-me C的含量略高于工蜂,但差异不显著。可见向工蜂方向发育的幼虫先出现高甲基化然后在第5天出现去甲基化的现象,向蜂王方向发育的幼虫则一直处于高甲基化过程。说明相同空间条件下,饲喂不同时间蜂王浆蜜蜂幼虫间总基因组DNA甲基化水平呈现有规律的变化。  相似文献   

蜂螨对蜜蜂及幼虫表面信息素的选择性研宄   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
以意大利蜜蜂(Apis,mellifera Ligustica)为实验材料,用正己烷分别提取雄蜂与工蜂的成年蜂、大幼虫和小幼虫的体表信息素,利用培养皿对蜂螨进行生物测定,以检测蜂螨对成年蜂和幼虫表面信息素是否具有选择性.结果表明:在培养皿实验中,蜂螨对雄蜂的选择极显著高于工蜂(P<0.01);对哺育蜂的选择极显著高于采集蜂(P<0.01);对雄蜂幼虫的选择显著高于工蜂幼虫(0.010.05).  相似文献   

在营造社会性生活的膜翅目昆虫群体中,未交配的工职也能产卵,这些卵通过孤雌生殖孵化成雄性。然而,在有蜂王的西方蜜蜂蜂群中,工蜂产的卵正常发育数量较少。一个重要的机制可能就是工蜂监督,工蜂将其它工蜂产的卵清理出去。这些行为常常发生在与多只雄蜂交配的蜂王群体中,因为其工蜂与蜂王的亲缘关系指数比与蜂王的女儿(工蜂姐妹)的关系指数更近;另一个原因可能是工蜂卵的孵化效果不如蜂王卵的孵化效果;也可能是因为蜂王及其幼虫中会发出一系列信息素来抑制工蜂卵巢发育;另外,卵巢发育的工蜂会被其他工蜂攻击。但是还是有4%的工蜂具有生殖功…  相似文献   

蜜蜂信息素中国农科院蜜蜂研究所黄文诚(续第2期)(四)工蜂跗节腺信息素工蜂将跗节腺信息素涂在巢门口,引导本群工蜂便于找到巢门。工蜂似乎也将它标记在采集地点,来加强对其他采集蜂的吸引力。、弗里等人还提出假设,尽管工蜂跗节腺信息素是由足垫放置的,由于工蜂...  相似文献   

正一、蜜蜂的报警信息素蜜蜂的报警信息素是指当蜜蜂受惊扰时,由工蜂上颚腺和科氏腺分泌的具有示警作用的化学物质的统称。凭借报警信息素,工蜂向同伴传递危险信息,诱导其产生相应的应激反应,使同伴快速响应突发逆境。二、蜜蜂报警信息素的主要成分1962年,Boch等最先通过试验证实科氏腺分泌的乙酸异戊酯(IPA)是报警信息素的主要活性成分。3年后,Shearer等在工蜂上颚腺发现一种较弱的报警信息素——2-庚酮。  相似文献   

利用长×约7头,长×杜7头杂交母猪分别与杜洛克和大约克公猪生产三元杂交猪,着重研究约×(长×杜),杜×(长×约)三元杂交体系中,长×杜和长×约杂交母猪的繁蕴性能。研究表明:长×约、长×杜杂交母猪繁殖性能各指标均达到较好水平,第二胎产仔数、泌乳力(21日龄窝重)、断奶窝重,二组合分别达到13.5和11.75头、61.83和60.28kg、130.53和130.51kg。综合繁殖性能各指标,长×约杂交母本优于长×杜母本,特别是在产仔性能上长×约母本表现突出。因此,杜×(长×约)应是三元杂交猪推广的首选组合。约×(长×杜)组合中长×杜母本繁殖性能表现不差,三元后代哺乳期长势较好,终端父本约克夏猪适应能力强,毛色易于农户接受并与以往的杂交生产具备兼容性,也不失一个良好的杂交组合。  相似文献   

蜂王幼虫胆固醇含量初探   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本试验以气相色谱法分析了蜂王幼虫中的胆固醇含量。分析结果表明:蜂王幼虫中胆固醇含量小于10mg/100g。蜂王幼虫是一种低胆固醇类食品资源。极具开发价值。  相似文献   

An adult, male, captive lined seahorse (Hippocampus erectus) was presented with weight loss, anorexia, and brood pouch distention. Initial treatments included manual expression of the brood pouch followed by saline flushes and enrofloxacin infusions. Radiographs and physical examination identified a nodular swelling in the brood pouch wall. The mass was excised, but the seahorse died. Necropsy and histopathology revealed a malignant mesenchymal tumor with a collagenous stroma, and a brood pouch fibrosarcoma was diagnosed.  相似文献   

选择 5群健康的云南东方蜜蜂蜂群 ,每群有 5脾蜂 ,分别引入受欧洲幼虫腐臭病感染的幼虫脾 ,以后每隔2 4h检查蜂群内的幼虫脾 ,统计被东方蜜蜂清理的受感染幼虫数 ,患欧洲幼虫腐臭病的幼虫数 ,以及这些幼虫受感染后被工蜂清除的情况。另外 ,选择 3群群势健康的西方蜜蜂蜂群 ,每群有 5脾蜂 ,分别引入受欧洲幼虫腐臭病感染的幼虫脾做对比实验。研究结果表明 :云南东方蜜蜂有很强的抗欧洲幼虫腐臭病的特性 ,4天后 ,基本上可以清除原引入的西方蜜蜂幼虫脾上被欧洲幼虫腐臭病感染的幼虫。 8天后 ,在东方蜜蜂幼虫脾上也发现有少量的幼虫被欧洲幼虫腐臭病感染 ,但在其后的 5天内 ,所有东方蜜蜂幼虫脾上染病幼虫均被清理 ,5群东方蜜蜂均保持健康状况。而做对比群的西方蜜蜂在 5天后发现其幼虫被欧洲幼虫腐臭病感染 ,此后疫情不断加重 ,并出现“爬蜂病” ,约 30天后实验对比群消亡。  相似文献   

Respiratory pathogens are difficult to control in large-scale turkey production. This report describes a clinical trial of antimicrobial ovoTF aerosol on a large Belgian turkey farm. ovoTF was administered to reduce Chlamydia psittaci (C. psittaci) infections and to study the impact of this action on the occurrence of Ornithobacterium rhinotracheale (O. rhinotracheale) and avian metapneumovirus (aMPV) infections. Two subsequent broods were included; (i) a control brood receiving no ovoTF and (ii) an ovoTF brood receiving ovoTF aerosol (5mg/animal) at the age of 2 weeks, continuing daily for 12 days. Twenty-four one-day-old toms of the control and ovoTF brood were tagged and monitored for 15 weeks. The control brood experienced two periods of respiratory disease, the first (2-3 weeks of age) due to C. psittaci and the second (8-17 weeks of age) in the presence of C. psittaci, O. rhinotracheale and maybe aMPV. Extensive antibiotic treatment was needed in 2, 8 and 9 week-old toms. In the ovoTF brood, toms stayed healthy until the age of 9 weeks, whereafter respiratory disease occurred in the presence of C. psittaci, O rhinotracheale and aMPV. OvoTF administration: (i) reduced the amount of C. psittaci in the air as demonstrated by bioaerosol monitoring, (ii) prevented respiratory disease during the first half of the brood period, (iii) was associated with 46% reduction of mortality, and (iv) reduced the antibiotic cost. Our results justify additional clinical trials to explore the use of this innovative antimicrobial strategy for poultry.  相似文献   

Chalkbrood disease in honeybees (Apis mellifera L.) is caused by an infection with Ascosphaera apis. Disease expression requires the consumption of fungal spores and a predisposing condition in the susceptible brood. A. apis spores within sheets of wax foundation could be a source of inoculum leading to chalkbrood, but it is also possible that these spores remain confined in the wax and do not contribute to disease. We have resolved this topic by chilling susceptible brood within wax combs built on contaminated foundation (using treatments of spores from 1 mummy and spores from 10 mummies) versus uncontaminated foundation. We found significantly higher levels of chalkbrood in brood exposed to the higher dosage. Our results demonstrate that foundation wax contaminated with spores of A. apis spores may be a source of chalkbrood in honeybee colonies.  相似文献   

作者研究了中华蜜蜂(以下简称中峰)活框饲养下的蜂群在受人为干扰下(如提出子脾,敲打箱壁等)引起的子脾间温度的变化,并与意大利蜂(以下简称意蜂)蜂群,传统土法饲养的中蜂蜂群作对比。结果显示活框养下的中蜂蜂群受干扰后引起的温度变化最大。此外,测定了夏。秋季子脾间的温度与外界温度的关系及越冬蜂团内部的温度状况。  相似文献   

The Black Queen Cell Virus (BQCV) can affect brood of the honey bee (Apis mellifera). In general queen cells are endangered showing dark coloured cell walls as typical symptoms. Worker- and dronebrood can be infected by BQCV but normally without clinical symptoms. This paper describes for the first time a symptomatic BQCV-infection of diseased drone brood found on two bee yards in Hessen/Germany in 2001. The drone larvae were seriously damaged and some of them were dead. Samples of the affected brood were tested for BQCV by the PCR detection method. A BQCV specific nucleic acid fragment was found. The PCR product were sequenced and aligned with the relevant GenBank entry. At the nucleic acid level as well as at the deduced protein level the isolate showed a high similarity with the south african isolate noted in GenBank.  相似文献   

正We are pleased to publish the second special issue on avian brood parasitism and to be responsible guest editors for the two special issues of Chinese Birds (Vol. 3, No. 4, 2012 and Vol. 4, No. 1, 2013), entitled "Avian Brood Parasitism - A Growing Research Area in Behavioral Ecology". The first issue was published in December 2012. The goal of the two special issues is to publish accumulated knowledge and some of the recent developments in  相似文献   

A conceptual approach to optimal nutrition of brood mares   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Cumulative nutritional demands on good brood mares are unrivalled among domestic livestock, but little attention has been given to the influence of nutrition on their reproductive performance and efficiency. We suggest that part of the decline in racing performance of progeny of mares over 10 years of age may be caused by suboptimal nutrition. This article contrasts the concepts of minimal and optimal nutrient requirements, revives Hammond's concept of nutrient partitioning to the conceptus and mammary gland, and discusses energy and nutrient requirements during gestation and lactation. Further consideration is given to the aged brood mare.  相似文献   

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